This book leads us on a journey of self-discovery, thinking through what may perhaps be the most challenging time in our life as we approach our twilight years. - Dr. Pang Wang Sun, Geriatrician, National Healthcare Group
Veteran pastor Robert Solomon offers a fresh perspective on ageing and how you can continue to grow with God into your autumn years. Discover how you can keep your eyes firmly on Jesus while nurturing habits and disciplines that will enable you to build redemptive (saving) relationship and cope with the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of ageing. Useful insights into ageing are presented as short chapters in an easy-to-read, large-print format.
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From "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, Copyright © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-981-14-1836-5, "Preface", Page VII-XII.
We grow old so quickly. When we are young, we maintain the illusion that we will stay young forever, with the same energy and health, and long life to look forward to. But how rapidly we travel through life, and find ourselves aged and approaching the end!
Moses observed how quickly our days on earth pass and fly away (Psalm 90:10). People are the new grass of the morning: "In the morning it springs up new, but by evening it is dry and withered" (Psalm 90:6). Before long one become a "senior", an old man or old lady, and much of life has simply passed by. We are like "a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14).
How then should we view old age? How should we spend the later years of our lives? This book is written for those who are seniors - anyone 60 and above in years. By this time, you probably know that you have already passed the halfway point of life. Should this change the way we live? What should we focus on? What are our challenges, and what should we look out for?
The Bible paints two opposing views of old age. Firstly, old age is seen as a great time for undiminished faith, energy, and courage, as 85-year-old Caleb famously demonstrated, saying, "I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out [45 years before]" (Joshua 14:11). We read of how the righteous "will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green" (Psalm 92:14). We also read how "Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone" (Deuteronomy 34:7) or what one of Job's friends told him, "You will come to the grave in full vigour, like sheaves gathered in season" (Job 5:26), though this was hardly comforting to the suffering Job.
Such a perspective resonates with popular phrases we hear today: "golden years", "healthy ageing", "positive ageing", "successful ageing" and the like (though some argue that these slogans have "a strong anti-ageing tendency"). [101]
But the Bible also gives another view that must be taken seriously. We read about how old age brings with it deteriorating bodily functions and disabilities of many kinds, leading to loss of mobility and opportunities for social interaction. We are warned to be prepared for it, "before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, 'I find no pleasure in them'" (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Paul realistically admits that "outwardly we are wasting away" (2 Corinthians 4:16), and the psalmist prays, "Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone" (Psalm 71:9).
In this book, we will examine both perspectives to gain a fuller and deeper perspective of old age. The book is divided into five sections covering key themes that people should think about as they age.
Section 1 explores life as a spiritual journey and how old age ("the gift of years") [102] is an important part of it. What are some of the tasks and processes we should be thinking about as we age? [103] It is not that we have arrived - the journey continues on from maturity to maturity and glory to glory. We will deal with issues such as being clear about our destination, direction, motive, passion, convictions, and purpose in life (knowing Jesus and becoming like Him in love, wisdom, and holiness).
Spiritual habits are the focus in Section 2. How should we maintain those disciplines (understood as habits of responsiveness to God's grace that "bring us into more effective cooperation with Christ and his Kingdom") [104] that are essential for developing Christian maturity? Old age should not be a season for apathy (lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern) and laziness. It need not be a period of "institutionalised sloth", [105] but a time of studying God's Word, cultivating regular prayer, and growing habits of worship, participation in community, and service. Old age can be a richly fulfilling sage of our lives.
Section 3 is about the relationships in our lives. We are made for relationships, and in old age this becomes even more obvious and necessary. We will examine what makes us human, how we should focus on family and friends, and how to engage in conversations that are redemptive and edifying (providing moral or intellectual instruction).
Section 4 brings us to the frailties, pain, and suffering of old age. We need to examine this part of our lives in a realistic way, not becoming pessimistic but learning how to manage our growing weaknesses in a biblical way. How can we come to terms with declining health and pain and suffering, with bereavement and loneliness, depression, and the fear of losing our memories?
The final section turns our attention to our eternal home - heaven. We will not live long on earth, but heaven will be our permanent address. It is important that we think more and more about where we are heading. How will we end our earthly lives? What will heaven be like? How can we prepare for it? While we wait, how can we harbour a living hope in our hearts amid advancing age, and how can we continue to be a blessing to others and leave a legacy that glorifies God?
Our churches are becoming filled with a growing population of seniors. People talk about a "silver tsunami" in many societies globally. This is also happening in church. Many churches are so focused on the young and young families (who are important concerns) that they neglect the concerns and needs of the seniors, who in many places feel left out and redundant. Many seniors can empathise with the characters in Gordon MacDonald's novel, Who Stole My Church? [106] MacDonald, writing in his old age, tries to express how many elderly Christians feel marginalised at church services; strangers in their own churches. This must change.
There are also older people who find it difficult to age well in a society that tends to deny the natural process of ageing. They may be tempted to maintain an illusion that they are immune to this most essential of human processes, "one that can be denied only with great harm". [107]
This book intends to raise issues connected with the spirituality of ageing and ministry to seniors. It is meant for seniors as well as church leaders and younger people who ought to be thinking about how to minister to the ageing. The chapters are kept short for easy reading, and the text is in large print to make it easier for older people to read! The chapters adopt a devotional format to encourage biblical study as well as practical application. There are questions intended for both personal reflection and group discussion.
The great Christian novelist George MacDonald wrote, "Age is not all decay; it is the ripening, the swelling, of the fresh life within, the withers and bursts the husk." [108] May that be our experience as we turn to Christ and stay with Him in old age as He strengthens and blesses us, filling our lives with His peace, joy, and love.
Robert M. Solomon
Hopefully some of the information, reflection and discussion obtained from the internet and the book by Robert M. Solomon, "Growing Old Gracefully" Following Jesus to the End, Part I - III, can be useful. Some of them are listed in the following.
Chapter 1 - Remembering Origins and Destination
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Our Origins and Destination, [1]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Ultimate Christian Destination, [2]

One of the ways to answer this question is to refer to the Bible. As we have to start from somewhere, it would be appropriate to start from the beginning. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1). So the Bible (Word) offers an answer to the question. And the Bible states that everything in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, . . . have been created through him and for him (Colossians 1:16). Mankind, both male and female is created by Him (Genesis 1:27). We can therefore conclude that we come from the creation of God.
We are sinners and where we will be going will be somewhere for punishment, call hell (“lake of fire”, Revelation 20:15). So, we need to be saved from God’s judgment and wrath. John 3:16 states that "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." The answer is clear: “believe in the Lord Jesus Christ” and we will be saved.
However, to “believe in the Lord Jesus Christ” is much more than intellectual assent to the fact that He existed; it means that we place our trust, our faith, our expectant hope for being saved in who Jesus is and what He did for us.
What must we do to be saved?
1. Agree with God that we have sinned against Him and that we deserve judgment for it
2. Repent of our sins
3. Receive God’s merciful and gracious offer to save us
4. Acknowledge that our own good works is completely ineffective to save ourself
5. Follow Jesus Christ as our Lord (master) by obeying Him and His Words
This is the evidence of one who is saved. After being saved, our work will be considered as good work. That is, we must now spend the rest of our life striving to become more like our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ in thought, word, and deed (Romans 8:28-30). God promises to give us the power and desire to do so (Philippians 2:12-13).
And we can say where we are going is the kingdom of heaven.
If you find it difficult to answer the question, why is this so?
Any proper narrative about our origins and destiny must be rooted in God. He is the one who created us, gives meaning and life to us, and is our highest goal. A life that is not rooted in God, as revealed in Christ, is bound to be blown around by the winds of circumstance and fickle fortune. It is like a kite that has lost it attachment to the kite-flyer. Paul knew where he came from and where he was going and knew that it is in God that "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). To forget or ignore God is to be like a fish that is removed from the sea. It wriggles, crying out for oxygen, and eventually dies.
Picture posted by Administrator on 10 May 2018别再晒沙滩照了!现在大家去巴厘岛都晒这些!/

PHOTO: Where do you come from?
The Bible states that everything in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, . . . have been created through him and for him (Colossians 1:16). Mankind, both male and female is created by Him (Genesis 1:27). We can therefore conclude that we come from the creation of God.
Picture posted by Administrator on 10 May 2018别再晒沙滩照了!现在大家去巴厘岛都晒这些!/
PHOTO: “Dear Lord, our origins and destiny are rooted in You. Our origins are from Your creation, as You have created everything in heaven and on earth. Mankind, both male and female is created by You.
We admit we are sinners, and would like to repent our sins. Thank You for sending Your only Son to suffer and died for us, so that we can have the offer of Salvation, and our sins can be forgiven through His blood shed on the cross. We want to receive Your merciful and gracious offer to save us, as our good works are completely ineffective to save ourselves. Please help us to follow Jesus Christ as our Lord by obeying Him and His Words.
When we have Your grace to receive the faith, help us, to spend the rest of our life striving to become more like our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ in thought, word, and deed.
We want to be able to say where we are going is the kingdom of heaven.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by Bahama Adventure Bali
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PHOTO: How can a person in their senior years keep the ultimate Christian destination in sight?
There are many who have never thought seriously about their final destination. They are quite happy to fill life with small goals, like what to buy, where to go for a holiday, what car to drive, and what clothes to wear. But these will amount to nothing if the big journey and goal in life are forgotten. The Lord Jesus once told His listeners, "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:31-33).
What would be the signs that this is happening (keep the ultimate Christian destination in sight)?
If you have the big purpose in life clear (seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness), all the little goals will fall into place.
What would be difficulties, distractions, and temptations that one may face?
Without the big picture, it is so easy to lose your way. It is possible that some start will, knowing where they are heading, but the pleasures of life, the entertainments along the way, and all the attendant worries and anxieties eventually draw them off their original path. They have lost their way and forgotten their ultimate destination.
Picture posted by Bahama Adventure Bali
PHOTO: It is easy to forget where we have come from and where we are going in a world that distracts and preoccupies us so easily. Although we have speed but we have lost our bearings and are not able to tell where we are heading.
Picture posted by Bahama Adventure Bali
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PHOTO: “Dear Lord, we learned that it is easy to forget where we have come from and where we are going in a world that distracts and preoccupies us so easily. The world is a spiritual wilderness where it is easy to get lost without a moral and spiritual compass to guide us and point us in the right direction. We need to seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, all the little goals will fall into place.
Please help us to keep the ultimate Christian destination in sight, especially for those in their senior years. Seniors’ runway gets shorter as we age, and we must make sure we know where we will land. Help us to remember that ageing is more important as a spiritual than a biological process.
Please help us to overcome our difficulties, distractions, and temptations that we may face. They cause us to lost our way and forgotten our ultimate destination. If we have lost our way or neglected our ultimate destination, help us to return to You. We want our ultimate destination to be the heavenly Father's house. This ultimate destiny is possible only if we place our faith in Christ and learn to live in Him while we are on earth. Please help us.
Help us learn to say with Paul, ‘I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus’. Because this is the only destination that is worth living and dying for, the only one that offers eternal life. All others are dead ends.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
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Chapter 2 - Staying on the Way
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Methods of Satan and the Sinful World, [3]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Staying on Course, [4]
PHOTO: Reflect on the two strategies that Satan and the sinful world use to lead Christians off course.
Satan is a master in using either seduction or threats to get people off the King's Highway to heaven. In Pilgrim's Progress, the pilgrims find themselves in a town called Vanity Fair, where all kinds of things are on sale: merchandise, pleasure, fame, amusements, and the like. The pilgrims are urged to buy what is on offer, but they decline, for which they are imprisoned, and one is even martyred. Eventually, Christian escapes the clutches of this wicked place to continue his journey.
It may be good to remember that Abraham was a tent-dweller for the rest of his life after God called him to leave his home in Ur. Even after arriving in the Promised Land, he still dwelt in his tents. As the Bible says: "By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God" (Hebrews 11:9-10). His ultimate goal was to reach God's heaven; thus although he arrived at an earthly address, he never lost sight of the fact he was in fact a foreigner and stranger on earth (Hebrews 11:13) until he reached the better country, "a heavenly one" (Hebrews 11:16).
Our permanent address is not on earth, but in heaven. We can never settle down anywhere in the world and consider it our ultimate destination. We may enjoy peace, comfort, and prosperity for a while, but these things should never lead us to ignore our real ongoing journey. We forget this at our peril. It is good to sing this song regularly: "This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through. If heaven's not my home, then Lord what will I do?"
If seduction does not work, then Satan will use threats to get us off the path that leads to true life. In Pilgrim's Progress, Apollyon (Satan) blocks the path, commanding Christian to turn back or face his fury. Christian battles with Apollyon and is helped by God's angels. For centuries, Satan has been getting Christians to abandon the way of the Lord through both deception and danger, seduction and suffering.
What is your own experience of facing these challenges and overcoming them?
My own experience is being attracted by entertainment from TV programmes. During this Covid-19 pandemic, our Telco has been very generous in providing serial dramas, movies, and entertainment shows with free channels. I became 'hooked' by some of the serial dramas, causing me to relax on my studies. I delayed my 'homework' to follow the serials because of the pleasures, excitements and its ability to provide thrilling outcomes. Subsequently I lost control of my time, and neglected many other areas of my life. Fortunately some of the serials ended and I did not actively start on new ones. But the time spent on these entertainment programmes is gone and can never be retrieved. I should have discipline myself, exercise control of my lifestyle, and not to let entertainment control me.
Before he was martyred, Paul wrote from prison about how Demas had deserted him "because he loved this world" (2 Timothy 4:10). Paul also referred to others who had deserted him (2 Timothy 1:15; 4:16) - and by inference the faith - possibly because they did not want to endanger their own lives by being associated with Paul. How easily Satan can dislodge Christians from their journey to God. He can appear as an "angel of light" to deceive (2 Corinthians 11:14) or a "roaring lion" to intimidate (1 Peter 5:8). In either case, we must take the faithful posture of "standing firm" (1 Peter 5:9; Ephesians 6:14).
We must stand firm and let nothing move us (1 Corinthians 15:58) - not the seductions of the devil and the world, nor the threats from them. Instead, we must keep to the path if we are to reach God's heaven.
Picture posted by kuschelirmel on 22 February 2009 - Eve's Temptation
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PHOTO: We must stand firm and let nothing move us (1 Corinthians 15:58) - not the seductions of the devil and the world, nor the threats from them. Instead, we must keep to the path if we are to reach God's heaven.
Picture posted by MBHenriksen on 26 November 2011 - My Heart's Lament,h_1089,q_75,strp/my_heart_s_lament_by_mbhenriksen_d4hc2lp-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYjFkNjBjZDEtYWVhYy00MmVhLTkxNDgtNWM5MWJhYWU0OGRiXC9kNGhjMmxwLTg0NmE4NDRiLTc5MWEtNDFhMC05YmI3LTc4ZDE3N2UzMDI2NS5qcGciLCJoZWlnaHQiOiI8PTEwODkiLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NjAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLndhdGVybWFyayJdLCJ3bWsiOnsicGF0aCI6Ilwvd21cL2IxZDYwY2QxLWFlYWMtNDJlYS05MTQ4LTVjOTFiYWFlNDhkYlwvbWJoZW5yaWtzZW4tNC5wbmciLCJvcGFjaXR5Ijo5NSwicHJvcG9ydGlvbnMiOjAuNDUsImdyYXZpdHkiOiJjZW50ZXIifX0.-sjmisiMmtctXT4I5hA_z9Ix89yM0wEO-p0VvIEWKSc

We learned that Satan is a master in using either seduction or threats to get people off the King's Highway to heaven. Please help us to escape the clutches of this wickedness while we continue our journey seeking and worshiping You.
We need Your help to remain faithful and make our home just like Abraham did, like a stranger in a foreign country. We should be looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. We should remember that our ultimate goal is to reach God's heaven. Even though we arrived at an earthly address, we should never lost sight of the fact we are in fact a foreigner and stranger on earth. Our final destination is the better country, a heavenly one. We may enjoy peace, comfort, and prosperity for a while, but these things should never lead us to ignore our real ongoing journey.
We learned also that if seduction does not work, then Satan will use threats to get us off the path that leads to true life. Please help us in our battle with Satan who has been getting us to abandon the way of the Lord through both deception and danger, seduction and suffering.
Please help us to stand firm and let nothing move us either by the seductions of the devil and the world, nor the threats from them. We wanted to keep the path that will reach God’s heaven surely and successfully.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
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PHOTO: What would you say to those who seem to have gone off course?
G. K. Chesterton, the great English writer, observes wisely in What's Wrong with the World (1910):
Man has always lost his way. He has been a tramp ever since Eden; but he always knew, or thought he knew, what he was looking for. Everyman has a house somewhere in the elaborate cosmos; his house waits for him waist deep in slow Norfolk rivers or sunning itself upon Sussex downs. Man has always been looking for that home which is the subject matter of this book. But in the bleak and blinding hail of scepticism to which he has been now so long subjected, he has begun for the first time to be chilled, not merely in his hopes, but in his desires. For the first time in history he begins really to doubt the object of his wanderings on the earth. He has always lost his way; but now he has lost his address.
It is easy to lose our way in this distracting and dangerous world. The greatest danger, perhaps, to the pilgrim's journey is what I would call "spiritual amusement parks." In amusement parks, people pay to get on rides; the faster the ride, the more exciting and entertaining it is. These rides give us a sense of travelling fast, but in the end we go nowhere; we merely return to where we started. With our sense of exhilaration rising and dying quickly, we move from one ride to the other, seeking endless entertainment. Could it be that Christians today face the temptation of entering spiritual amusement parks for exciting rides to nowhere? Instead these "amusement parks" become dangerous distractions, deceiving us into thinking we are going somewhere, confusing Disneyland rides for spiritual journeys.
We do well to bear in mind the wise warning of The Shepherd of Hermas (written between the end of the first and the mid-second century) of how not to grow old:
Because your spirit is now old and withered up, and has lost its power in consequence of your infirmities (physical or mental weakness) and doubts. For, like elderly men who have no hope of renewing their strength, and expect nothing but their last sleep, so you, weakened by worldly occupations, have given yourselves up to sloth (inactivity), and have not cast your cares upon the Lord. Your spirit therefore is broken, and you have grown old in your sorrows.
What does staying on course look like for a Christian in his or her senior years?
The words of the psalmist speak to us powerfully:
"You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You're blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. That's right - you don't go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set. You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it" (Psalm 119:1-4 The Message). Indeed, "older age can be the beginning of our closest encounter with God" - if we learn to stay with Christ.
Picture posted by The Church of Jesus Christ

PHOTO: The greatest danger to the pilgrim's journey is 'spiritual amusement parks'. In amusement parks, people pay to get on rides; the faster the ride, the more exciting and entertaining it is. These rides give us a sense of travelling fast, but in the end we go nowhere; we merely return to where we started. These "amusement parks" become dangerous distractions, deceiving us into thinking we are going somewhere, confusing Disneyland rides for spiritual journeys.
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PHOTO: “Dear Lord, Thank You for letting us know that it is not helpful for us to be able to stay on course to heaven when we are wandering about, losing our way and without the correct address. We have always been looking for that home by our own but ended up losing our desires and hope of finding it.
One of the reason why it is easy to lose our way in our pilgrim’s journey is because of the distracting and dangerous world. We are enticed to enter into ‘spiritual amusement parks’ for exciting and entertaining fast movements but getting us to nowhere. These "amusement parks" are dangerous distractions, deceiving us into thinking we are going somewhere. We are confusing Disneyland rides for spiritual journeys.
Lord, please help us to seek You so that our spirit will not grow old and withered up because of our infirmities and doubts. Please give us hope, especially us elderly, by renewing our spiritual strength, so that we will not give ourselves up to sloth, but to cast our cares upon the Lord. We do not want our spirit to be broken and grow old in our sorrows.
Help us to be like the psalmist, staying on course and be blessed. We want to walk steadily on the road revealed by You, follow Your directions, and doing our best to find You. We ask for Your blessing just like other Christians who are staying on course, especially while in their senior years. Please guide us and prevent us from going off on our own, but to walk straight along the road You set for us. You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it. We want to learn to stay with Christ and have our ‘older age to be the beginning of our closest encounter with You’.
May Your blessing descended upon us as we stay on course, especially in our senior years, walking straight along the path You have set for us.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
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Chapter 3 - Keeping the Motive Clear
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - God's Holiness and Glory, [5]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Good Deeds and Godly Motives, [6]
The holiness of God is his being in a class by himself in his perfection and greatness and worth. His perfection and his greatness and his worth are of such a distinct and separated category — we have been taught that the word holy means separate — that he is in a class by himself. He has infinite perfections, infinite greatness, and infinite worth.
His holiness is what he is, as God, that nobody else is. It is his quality of perfection that can’t be improved upon, that can’t be imitated, that is incomparable, that determines all that he is and is determined by nothing from outside him. It signifies his infinite worth — his intrinsic, infinite value.
Isaiah 6:3 says that one angel is crying to another, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts,” the next thing he says is this: “The whole earth is full of his . . . ” You might have expected him to say, “holiness,” but he doesn’t say that. He says, “glory.”
Intrinsically holy, and the whole earth is full of his glory. It is the going-public of his holiness. It is the way he puts his holiness on display for people to apprehend. So, the connection between God's holiness and His glory is this: the glory of God is the manifest beauty of his holiness.
How would you define God's glory?
The glory of God is the manifest beauty of his holiness. It is the going-public of his holiness - the manifestation of his character and his worth and his attributes. The glory of God is the infinite beauty and greatness of God’s manifold perfections.
All of his perfections and greatness are beautiful as they are seen, and there are many of them. That is why the word manifold is used. Here it is in another sentence: the glory of God is the infinite beauty and greatness of his manifold perfections.
What does it mean to glorify God?
Leviticus 10:3. God says he will be shown to be holy among those who are near him, and before all the people he will be glorified. “I will be shown to be holy,” he says. “And among all the people” — to say it another way — “I will be glorified.” So to see, to apprehend, and to reckon with his holiness (and, in some sense, to perceive it) is to see glory and, thus, to glorify him.
The heavens are telling the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). What does that mean? It means he is shouting at us. He shouts with clouds. He shouts with blue expanse. He shouts with gold on the horizons. He shouts with galaxies and stars. He is shouting, “I am glorious. Open your eyes. It is like this — only better, if you know me.”
And, the Bible says, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” (Isaiah 6:3). If you had eyes to see, you would see the glory of God everywhere. We need eyes. We need eyes more than we need anything: “The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4).
To see, is to see glory and, thus, to glorify him.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
PHOTO: The heavens are telling the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). What does that mean? It means he is shouting at us. He shouts with clouds, blue expanse, gold on the horizons, galaxies, and stars. He is shouting, “I am glorious. Open your eyes. It is like this — only better, if you know me.”
Picture posted by Nicole Guillaume and Guiding Echoes
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PHOTO: “Dear Lord, We learn that the holiness of God is His being in a class by Himself in His perfection, greatness and worth. We have been taught that the word holy means separate — that God is in a class by Himself. He has infinite perfections, greatness, and worth. His holiness is what He is, as God, that nobody else is. It is His quality of perfection that can’t be improved upon, imitated, and is incomparable. Nothing outside Him can determine all that He is. It signifies His infinite worth — His intrinsic, infinite value.
Intrinsically holy, and the whole earth is full of His glory. It is the going-public of His holiness. It is the way He puts His holiness on display for people to apprehend. So, the connection between God's holiness and His glory is this: the glory of God is the manifest beauty of His holiness.
We would define the glory of God as the infinite beauty and greatness of His manifold perfections. The manifest beauty of His holiness. The manifestation of His character, worth and attributes.
God says He will be shown to be holy among those who are near Him, and before all the people He will be glorified. So to see His holiness is to see His glory and, thus, to glorify Him.
Please help us to see God’s glory with our eyes, and thus to glorify Him.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
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PHOTO: How can our good deeds bring glory to God (Matthew 5:16)?
Why do we do the things we do every day? Different people may have different reasons for their actions. They may be doing the same things, but their motives may be very different. Even things done in the name of Christian piety may be performed with the wrong motives. Take, for instance, the Pharisees at the time of Jesus. They were criticised by Jesus for practising a theatrical religion that was intended to impress observers. They performed their religious duties to be seen by others (Matthew 6:1, 5, 16).
Jesus did not condemn their pious (devoted) acts per se, but their wicked and self-centred motivations. It is possible to do the right things but for the wrong reasons. This is how those who approach Jesus with their impressive religious acts (prophesying, driving out demons, and performing many miracles in the name of Jesus) will discover that their motives are wanting (Matthew 7:22-23). Jesus will call them "evildoers", not because they did evil things but because they tried to do good with evil motives. They did not do these things for the right reasons - for the glory of God and the good of others. Rather, they did it for their own glory and reputation.
God judges deeply and is not only focused on what we do but also our motives. "All a person's ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord" (Proverbs 16:2). God's judgement will be comprehensive and include the purposes behind our actions, even those that seem so reasonable and noble on the surface.
The Shorter Westminster Catechism begins by stating a central Christian motive in life: "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever." This echoes what we read in the Bible: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). One may ask (quite rightly), "What has eating and drinking got to do with the glory of God?" To understand what Paul wrote here, we must examine its context. Paul was giving pastoral advice on the sensitive matter of whether Christians in the early church could eat meat offered to idols in pagan temples and later sold in the meat markets. Earlier, in 1 Corinthians 8, Paul referred to those who knew that idols were nothing and therefore how they were free to eat such meat offered to nothing.
However, eating such meat with the wrong motive - to show off one's supreme knowledge or the exercise of one's freedom - is not acceptable. For Paul, these were wrong reasons for doing so. The motive of love towers over that of knowledge and freedom. One eats of refrains from eating out of consideration for those with a weaker conscience. To avoid becoming a stumbling block to the faith of others is to exercise love - and such motives glorify God, because God is love (1 John 4:8). "If we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete to us" (1 John 4:12).
How can we ensure that our actions are done with godly motives?
How will we stand one day in the presence of God? Will we hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21, 23)? Or, will we hear the terrifying words, "You wicked, lazy servant" (Matthew 25:26)? What God will say to us depends on what we have done but also why we did it - or why we failed to do something good. Our motives must be clean and godly, coming from "a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith" (1 Timothy 1:5). And this is possible only if we have a growing relationship with Jesus. We don't want Him to say "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23).
Therefore, let us pray the psalmist's prayer: "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24). Amid many distractions and motives, may God give us "an undivided heart" (Psalm 86:11) and a purity of heart that "wills one thing." (Good).
What lesser motives must we guard ourselves against?
We can do things - even good things - with less than noble motives. We can do things out of anger, pride, covetousness, to earn a false reputation, or the praise of men. Paul refused to judge his own actions on the basis of popularity, human praise, or even the comforting assurance of his own conscience. Instead he wrote a sobering thought: "Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God" (1 Corinthians 4:5, emphasis added).
Picture posted by Stkaallen on 01 April 2014 at 8:42 pm

PHOTO: What lesser motives must we guard ourselves against?
We can do things - even good things - with less than noble motives. We can do things out of anger, pride, covetousness, to earn a false reputation, or the praise of men. Paul refused to judge his own actions on the basis of popularity, human praise, or even the comforting assurance of his own conscience.
Picture posted by Jon Moran Photography, uploaded on 13 May 2014 - 'Fallen Angel'
PHOTO: “Dear Lord, Please help us to do things, especially things done in the name of Christian piety, for the right reasons - for the glory of God and the good of others. And not for our own glory and reputation.
We need help not to practice theatrical religion intending to impress observers, or perform our religious duties to be seen by others. Such impressive religious act are wicked and with self-centred motivations. These are just trying to do good with evil motives and not for the right reasons.
Help us to stop doing things, even good things with less than noble motives. Prevent us from doing things out of anger, pride, covetousness, to earn a false reputation, or the praise of men.
But help us in whatever we do, do it with the motive of love, and to glorify God. Because if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete to us. The motive of love towers over other things.
We need a growing relationship with Jesus so that our motives can be clean and godly, coming from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Search us, God, and know our heart; test us and know our anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting.
Amid many distractions and motives, may God give us an undivided heart and a purity of heart that ‘wills one thing’.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by Al-Wafyh on 22 June 2008 - Regret
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Chapter 4 - Keeping the Passion Strong
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Christian's Passion in Early Years, [7]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Older Christian's Loss of Spiritual Passion, [8]
PHOTO: What do you think true zeal for the Lord looks like?
Passion is not mere physical energy; if that was the case, the older you grow, the less passion you will have. Passion, instead, refers to a spiritual fire that resides in the heart. The Bible uses various words to describe it, among which is "zeal". The Lord Jesus showed zeal throughout His life. It was zeal that kept twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple in deep discussion with the religious teachers, while His parents headed home (Luke 2:43-50). It was that same zeal for His Father's house that made Jesus clear out all those who had turned the temple into a marketplace, and this happened at the beginning of His public ministry (John 2:14-17), and also at the end (Matthew 21:12-13).
When He was tired and hungry, Jesus referred to an inner hunger that showed His zeal for His Father's will. "'My food,' said Jesus, 'is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work'" (John 4:34). He relentlessly headed to the cross of Calvary, ready to shed blood and sacrifice himself for the redemption of the world. We traditionally refer to His final sufferings, crucifixion, and death as the "passion of Christ". The week that commemorates these events every year is called Passion Week. Before His arrest, Jesus prayed to His Father, "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do" (John 17:4).
And on the cross, Jesus declared, amid painful gasps for air, "It is finished," and died so that we may live (John 19:30). This is what spiritual passion looks like, modelled for us by no less than the Son of God himself.
Those who follow Christ will display a similar passion. Take Paul, for instance. He was a man with great zeal; some say he was choleric (bad-tempered or irritable) by nature, a man who was driven by inner convictions. Before he met Christ, his zeal was misdirected against the young church. His passion for his Jewish faith blinded him from recognising who Jesus was, and he used his energy to persecute and arrest Christians (Acts 9:1-2; 26:9-11). The words "convinced" and "so obsessed" in Acts 26:9-11 help us understand Paul's misdirected passion.
After meeting the risen Christ, however, Paul's foundation and direction in life changed dramatically. His zeal remained undiminished - only now it was for the Lord and the mission He had entrusted to Paul. Immediately after his conversion Paul began to preach that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 9:20). Tirelessly, he embarked on several arduous (involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring) missionary journeys to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the ancient Mediterranean world. He declared with great zeal, "It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known" (Romans 15:20).
At the end of his life, Paul declared triumphantly, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). Here was a man whose zeal never waned, remaining strong to the end.
Recall the passion that you may have had in your early years as a Christian.
Crises and relationship with God
While continued on our life journey, there was no lack of difficulties and obstacles. Just like the Covid-19 pandemic which spread over our country and the world, we had a similar coronavirus 17 years ago, the Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). From November 2002 in China till 2004, SARS spread worldwide, carried by unsuspecting travellers. SARS was a serious illness that can lead to death. People at greatest risk of SARS are those who have had direct, close contact with someone who's infected, such as family members and health care workers. Just like the Covid-19, people older than 60 — especially those with underlying conditions such as diabetes or hepatitis — were at the highest risk of serious complications.
Back then I was 45 (year 2003), just retrenched by my company after the terrorist attack in USA in September 11, 2001. I remember after laborious attempts, then managed to find a temporary job working for a hospital in the IT department. Every day we had to wear our masks as we went to every wards and offices checking on their networks equipments. We were then involved in an upgrading project, changing the computer systems to connect to a new Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. With the masks and all the stringent checks everywhere in the hospital, even relatively simple tasks became difficult to carry out. There were no end to problems. Even with our best efforts in such an environment, being infected by the deadly virus was just a matter of time.
It was crisis after crisis that we realised our own human abilities were actually limited and seriously in need of 'outside' help. Like the Medical Social Worker we too, were eager to enter into relationship with God, praying for a better tomorrow. Whether our motives were right or wrong, God managed to gather us back to Him. Out of fear when disasters struck we became more passionate in our relationship with God. After going through various crises that lead to unstable and dangerous situation affecting everybody, we confirmed that we need our Creator. Financial crises come and go, coronavirus pandemic outbreak, rising tension between superpowers, trade wars, inflations, terrorist attack, digital warfare, scams may be devastating but could be a blessing in disguise. It is difficult times that make us realised we need Him more than ever.
Seeking God during oversea attachment
It need not be virus pandemic that bring us closer to God. Our failures in managing work, friendship, marriage, finance, feelings, time and health, also require spiritual help.
In 1989, at the age of 31, I went for my two-years oversea work attachment in Germany. Our company prepared us with learning how to speak Deutsch, the German language, and arranging for us to be under their care while in Germany. We had assistance in finding our accommodation, utilities, transports, flights and place of work. Everything was according to as planned, and we managed to have very good initial adaptation into the country different from ours. Different housing, cultures and lifestyles. Especially dinning lifestyle was different from ours at the hawker centre. During our time in Germany, there was no hawker centre but restaurants. Also we needed to learn how to do our own marketing and cooking, which we seldom did at home. The environment was drier compared to our high humidity, and our skin started to peel off. I later discovered that it was not caused by the dry condition but by the misused of moisturising cream. There were other challenges which brought me closer to God during the 2-years stay.
Fortunately all the problems were overcome successfully after staying the first few months and life became more comfortable and exciting. But we became lonely being away from our families, friends, and familiar environments. We turned to attending Church during the weekend. As time passed, I was baptised in an American Army Church, after attending weeks of baptism classes. Although still unable to overcome the loneliness completely, I began to seek spiritual fulfilment. With another reliable source of help, life became even more comfortable. God continual taking care of us, especially when out of our comfortable zone, brought tremendous relief, calmness, and inner peace. It is definitely a joyful experience being in the God's family, amidst the depressing conditions in the world.
Health deterioration and Reservist training
Back in my country after 2 years, I carried on working in the project which we have started in Germany. We had set up similar systems, and together with the Germans with us, our project started off successfully. Just like any project, there were challenges with management, team-work, schedule and budget. Meanwhile our army required us to report back to camp for our yearly 2 weeks In-Camp-Training (ICT). My health deteriorated until I almost fainted during one of the group training test. What was once a manageable routine became almost an impossible task. During our last day our vehicle broke down while on our way back to camp from the training area. We were delayed, but still managed to complete the necessary tasks before booking out for the last time. Thinking back, I am grateful for the help from God during the time of needs. I completed my 13-years of ICT with deteriorated physical health but with reasons to seek God more urgently.
A healthy lifestyle became a necessity. Now in my retirement journey, my 'runway' is severely shorten. All the more I need to ensure that I will land on the correct path that lead into the entrance of heaven's gate. Physically I am deteriorating, but spiritually I need to make significant progress. I constantly pray for all to continue receiving God's blessing, grace and mercy, as we will finally disembark from our temporary home, and enter into the permanent sanctuary of God.
Make a list (of passion in your early years as a Christian) and examine your life in the light of your prayerful reflections.
1. Enter into a relationship with God
2. Spread the good news of Salvation
3. Read and learn from the Bible
4. Follow the teaching of Jesus
Picture posted by Chiara Lily,
PHOTO: A healthy lifestyle became a necessity. Now in my retirement journey, my 'runway' is severely shorten. All the more I need to ensure that I will land on the correct path that lead into the entrance of heaven's gate. I constantly pray for all to continue receiving God's blessing, grace and mercy, as we will finally disembark from our temporary home, and enter into the permanent sanctuary of God.
Picture posted by Smaugie@chloehx21 on 18 September 2018 at 10:36 AM - God of war, Big J the world serpent
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PHOTO: “Dear Lord, we learn that passion is not mere physical energy but refers to a spiritual fire that resides in the heart. So the older we grow, our passion need not decrease.
Our Lord Jesus showed zeal throughout His life. From deep discussion with the religious teachers, clearing the temple which had turned into a marketplace, to do the will of His Father who sent Him, and to finish His work. And we traditionally refer to His final sufferings, crucifixion, and death as the ‘passion of Christ’. The week that commemorates these events every year is called Passion Week.
Amid painful gasps for air, Jesus declared ‘It is finished,’ and died so that we may live. This is what spiritual passion looks like modelled for us by the Son of God himself.
Those who follow Christ will display a similar passion. Paul, a man with great zeal was misdirected against the young church. After meeting the risen Christ, however, Paul's foundation and direction in life changed dramatically. His zeal remained undiminished - only now it was for the Lord and the mission He had entrusted to Paul.
Please touch us so that our misdirected passion can change to do the will of the Lord. We would like to declare triumphantly like Paul that we have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. Please help us maintain our strong passion for the Lord till the end.
There are many crises that we are unable to overcome, even with the best of our abilities. We pray for your help that our relationship with God remain strong even during our difficult times. Please grant us success in seeking and worshipping God so that we travelled along the correct path that lead us into the gate of heaven, and into your sanctuary.
Just like our Lord Jesus, we want to bring you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave us to do.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by Susanne Pulliam, zoozee on 25 December 2007 - Magical Tunes
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PHOTO: What are some reasons for the loss of spiritual passion among older Christians?
It is possible to start well, with lots of zeal and enthusiasm. But as we age, we can lose much of it for various reasons. It is interesting to note that the kingdom of Judah had a number of good kings who in their senior years faltered and lost their original passion, backsliding (2 Chronicles 16; 20:31-37; 24:17-25; 25:14-28; 26:16-21; 32:24-31). All of them - Asa, Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, Joash, Amaziah, and Hezekiah - were commended at the beginning of their reigns for doing "what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord" (2 Chronicles 14:2). But all of them were like this only in their earlier years, or when their spiritual mentors were still around. All of them declined spiritually in their senior years.
In most of them, pride replaced humility and faith when they grew powerful. The story of Uzziah is most telling: "But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall" (2 Chronicles 26:16). It is good to be aware of the "vices of ageing" and how old sins can reappear n new forms in our later years.
These kings lost their original passion as zealous reformers when they grew arrogant and started trusting in their own power, strategies, and alliances.
Make a list of reasons (for the loss of spiritual passion among older Christians) and reflect on how this loss has happened, be it gradually or quickly.
Reasons and reflection for the loss of spiritual passion among older Christians
Changes and losses
Some are too feeble to get to church or to participate in religious activities with other believers. As their friends die or move away, they may lose their connections to the community of faith. Others feel alienated in churches that focus most of their energy on attracting a younger crowd.
For older persons there is a sense of security in the traditional ways and a feeling of loss when these ways are abandoned. The switch from traditional hymns to contemporary songs, the incorporation of drums, and the use of drama and dance in some churches makes many older people uncomfortable. While some adapt to the changes or tolerate them because they do not want to leave their church, others slack off in attendance. Those who stop attending church might feel guilty for “forsaking the assembling” of believers together (Hebrews 10:25 NKJV), but they may not feel up to looking for a new church that is more traditional.
Chronic health conditions
Failing eyesight can make it hard to read the Bible, and hardness of hearing can make it difficult to hear sermons. Decreasing mental capacities also can make church an overwhelming or negative experience for a senior. Research shows that people with dementia (such as Alzheimer’s disease) experience too much stimulation from attending religious services. Many people in this situation find it less stressful to watch religious television or listen to radio programs.
Negative stereotypes and myths
Seniors may be affected by negative stereotypes and myths that project old people as unteachable, useless, unproductive or dependent on others. Like all Christians, seniors need the fellowship and encouragement of other believers. Faith that is not nourished stagnates.
Inheritance not understood
During the Great Depression, an elderly lady walked into a life insurance office. She wanted to know if she could stop paying the premiums on her husband’s life insurance policy. “He’s been dead sometime now,” she said, “and I don’t believe I can afford it anymore.” The incredulous clerk looked up her husband’s policy and discovered it was worth several hundred thousand dollars. This lady was wealthy, but she did not understand what she possessed.
How many elderly Christians live in defeat, spiritual poverty, and depression because they do not know the riches they have in Christ? What is our inheritance in Christ? Our inheritance involves many aspects. We will inherit our salvation, the Kingdom of God, and even the whole earth. The Bible also speaks of glory, honour, and crowns in heaven. Needless to say, it will be an inheritance that is far grander than we could possibly imagine.
How can you prevent this from happening in your own life?
We must be careful not to lose our spiritual passion as we age; it is so easy for that to happen. What Jesus told the church in Ephesus - "You have forsaken the love you had at first" - continues to challenge us (Revelation 2:4). We are reminded that true spiritual passion has to do with our love for the Lord. Old age should not see this love decreasing. Our physical energies may diminish, but we must never equate decreasing energy with decreasing zeal for the Lord.
Paul's pastoral advice is most important in old age: "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord" (Romans 12:11). We must do so right to the end. Perhaps spiritual writer James Houston was right in saying that retirement is "not in the language of the Christian". Though we may be retired from gainful employment, we never really retire from walking with Christ and serving in His name - which we must do with undiminished passion. We would do well to remember that we do not retire from life but "re-fire into new life."
Photo posted by👆🏼📸👉🏼 @huseyin.salis 👏🏼👏🏼 on 22 August 2018
Picture saved by Daniel Dani to nature

PHOTO: Chronic health conditions
Failing eyesight can make it hard to read the Bible, and hardness of hearing can make it difficult to hear sermons. Decreasing mental capacities also can make church an overwhelming or negative experience for a senior. Research shows that people with dementia (such as Alzheimer’s disease) experience too much stimulation from attending religious services.
Picture posted by franieblues on 02 March 2018 at 13:23 - (Chronic_health_conditions.png)
PHOTO: “Dear Lord, Power and pride in our older years can cause us to loss our spiritual passion. Please help us to maintain our zeal and enthusiasm, and not to grow arrogant and started trusting in our own power, strategies, and alliances.
Some of us may lose our connections to the community of faith as we are too feeble to get to church or to participate in religious activities with other believers. Some of us may have friends who have died or moved away.
We feel alienated in churches that focused most of their energy on attracting a younger crowd. For older persons there is a sense of security in the traditional ways and a feeling of loss when these ways are abandoned. Older people may then become uncomfortable. Those who cannot adapt to the changes or tolerate them may slack off in attendance. Others may stop attending church and may not look for a new church that is more traditional.
Chronic health conditions like failing eyesight can make it hard to read the Bible, and hardness of hearing can make it difficult to hear sermons. Decreasing mental capacities also can make church an overwhelming or negative experience for a senior.
Seniors may be affected by negative stereotypes and myths that project old people as unteachable, useless, unproductive or dependent on others.
We pray for your help to overcome those problems, and have the encouragement of other believers so that our faith will not stagnates. Help us to remember and understand your promise of our inheritance so that we will maintain our strong spiritual passion till the end of our life. We look forward to our joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with you.
Although we may be retired from gainful employment but we do not want to retire from walking with Christ and serving in His name with undiminished passion.
Help us not to retire from life but ‘re-fire into new life.’
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by Miguel Ángel Martín, kenzei23 on 24 July 2016 - She smiles
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Chapter 5 - Being with Jesus
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Life lived According to Various Philosophies, [9]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Being with Jesus, [10]

Several years ago, a Malaysian friend shared with me about a Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (CCCOWE) session for pastors in Kuala Lumpur. At the meeting, the general secretary, Dr Joshua Ting, shared "how the Chinese are good at knowing (pursuit of knowledge) and doing but lacking in the being (the personal relationship with Christ)." Dr Ting is spot on in his observation, and what he said is true for most Christians, regardless of ethnicity. In addition, more fundamental to being is our call to being with Christ.
Often, our identity is closely linked with our jobs, achievements, possessions, and roles. In our old age, these things will have to be reviewed. So many of the things that gave meaning to our lives when we were younger will have changed in our old age. The modern world has been infected by "affluenza", says psychologist Oliver James, who defines the "affluenza virus" as a set of values that involves "placing a high value on acquiring money and possessions, looking good in the eyes of others and wanting to be famous". By this definition, many have been infected, including Christians, who may only realise it in their old age.
Many Christians believe in the modern pragmatic (realistic) philosophy that our identity involves what we do. That is why when we meet strangers, we ask for their name and occupation. As a corrective to this deficient philosophy, we could turn to the classical and medieval philosophy that our identity has to do with who we are. The Bible, on the other hand, points to a different place to find our identity. It depends on whose we are (belonging to which person), or who we are with.
Why is it that Christians shy away from finding our identity in being God's children and Christ's disciples? We tend to ignore or forget that eternal life is defined as knowing God the Father and the Son (John 17:3). This knowledge of God is essentially relational - it has to do with how we come to know a person. But the sinful human heart tends to reduce God to an "it", a habit that began in the Garden of Eden when Satan promised the knowledge of good and evil if Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:5). Satan had deftly (cleverly) distorted true knowledge and reduced it to factual knowledge. He injected a big lie into the thinking process of the human race by saying that the purpose of life is to know something.
This directly contrasted with what God, the Creator had designed. The purpose of life is to know Someone. God brought Adam and Eve together for them to know each other, and He visited them daily for walks (Genesis 3:8). We were made to walk with God and to know Him relationally. But because of their sin, Adam and Eve hid from God (and from each other). Since then, human beings have tended to ignore relational knowledge in their pursuit of informational knowledge. This can be seen in many forms, even with piety. Jesus challenged the Pharisees that despite knowing all the details of the Law, they had ignored the Lawgiver and did not know Him. They had bought Satan's lie that knowing something is more important than knowing someone.
Those who are turned off by the idea of becoming religious eggheads (scholar) may instead be attracted to a form of false piety: endless activism. Theirs is a breathless (panting) form of Christianity; their frantic busyness hiding their lack of relational depth. W. H. Griffith Thomas was right when he said, "We cannot make up for failure in our devotional life by redoubling energy in service." And yet, many Christians seem to be on a spiritual treadmill, wondering why they are not making any progress in their knowledge of God and His ways. Silence (Habakkuk 2:20) and stillness (Psalm 46:10) are good antidotes to mindless busyness in the Christian world.
Jesus described how we will be judged at the end. There will be many who rely on their doctrinal knowledge and their list of religious achievements to get past God's judgment seat. But they will be sorely disappointed (Matthew 7:21-27). Some will take pride in their knowledge of Scripture. And Scripture does say that "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (Joel 2:32, emphasis added). But how easily we turn Scriptural truths into superficial mantras! (a statement or slogan repeated frequently) We become presumptuous and are easily misled. Thus, Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 7:21, emphasis added). He was not contradicting Scripture but challenging the kind of Scripture reading that is merely informative rather than deeply formative.
Jesus also said that many who claim to have been busy doing good things (e.g., prophesying, exorcising, and doing miracles) in His name will be turned away from His kingdom because they had missed the most important truth: they had failed to be with Jesus. "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23) is a divine statement that exposes the lack of a relationship between busy servants and their Master, and turns all their apparently good deeds to evil deeds!
Because the Lord has made it clear, we cannot claim ignorance or ask to be excused. Instead, we must learn to, first and foremost, spend unhurried time to know Jesus, listen to His voice, marvel at His character, discover His will, understand His ways, and enjoy His presence. Then our quest for knowledge and desire to do good will find fulfilment in the light of our being with Jesus. Then we can avoid ending up with heads crammed with information and schedules filled with activities, but hearts empty of God. We will discover that the most profound thing to say at the end of life is not "I thought" or "I did", but "I loved".
Assess how much of your life is lived according to the various philosophies mentioned in the chapter (doing, being, being with).
My life has been closely linked with my jobs, achievements, possessions, and roles. I need to work for salary to support our family’s daily expenditures. Part of my life was also to have income for the payment of our housing loan, as the house is to be our possession for the next 99 years. Without sufficient monetary inheritance, I need to have a job to earn the necessary income for other financial commitment, especially payment for Insurances and investments. In order to have better income, I put in many years of education to improve skills, and other achievements. Certain amount of time was also mandatory for National Service training for our Ministry of Defence. While doing all these, I put in very little effort on being with Jesus. I rarely attended church services or involved myself with Christian’s mission. I was infected by the "affluenza virus", placing a high value on acquiring money and possessions, and looking good in the eyes of others.
Many of the things that gave meaning to my live when I was younger have changed in my old age. I remain single, but no longer actively seeking a partner for marriage and form a family of my own. Neither did I actively improve my technological skills to enter into an occupation in the high-tech world. I realised in my old age that I couldn’t keep up with current technology and compete with our younger generations. However, in my retirement journey, I have the opportunity to focus on improving my physical and spiritual health. With all my organs deteriorating, I have no choice but to spend more time on healthy lifestyles, like daily walking and exercises.
The importance of spiritual achievements become more and more significant. We heard of morning walking colleague suddenly passed away due to old age and underlying health problems. I do not want to end my life journey failing to be with Jesus. Neither do I want to indulge in apparently good deeds but will turn into evil deeds.
I want to learn to “spend unhurried time to know Jesus, listen to His voice, marvel at His character, discover His will, understand His ways, and enjoy His presence. Then my quest for knowledge and desire to do good will find fulfilment in the light of our being with Jesus.”
May God’s grace and mercy lead us to enter into the kingdom of heaven, as we call for help in His name to have a successful relationship with Jesus.
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Picture posted by Leslie Balleweg
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PHOTO: “Dear Lord, we acknowledge that although being good at knowing and pursuing knowledge, we lack in our personal relationship with Jesus. Our identity is closely linked with our jobs, achievements, possessions, and roles. We place a high value on acquiring money and possessions, looking good in the eyes of others and wanting to be famous. So much so that we neglect the fundamental being with Christ.
Please help us to overcome being trap by Satan’s lie that the purpose of life is to know something, and not Someone who is our Lord, Jesus Christ. Subsequently, we tend to ignore or forget that eternal life is defined as knowing God the Father and the Son. Help us to realise Satan's lie that knowing something is more important than knowing someone.
We do not want to have false piety with endless activism. This breathless form of Christianity with frantic busyness is hiding the lack of relational depth with Jesus. Help us to know that silence and stillness are good antidotes to mindless busyness in the Christian world.
We learn that relying solely on doctrinal knowledge and religious achievements is unable to get us past God's judgment seat. We may wrongly take pride in our knowledge of Scripture causing us to be sorely disappointed. Help us to read the Scripture not to be merely informative but rather to be deeply formative.
Please help us not to miss the most important truth, to be with Jesus, or all our apparently good deeds will turn to evil deeds. Help us to learn to spend unhurried time to know Jesus, listen to His voice, marvel at His character, discover His will, understand His ways, and enjoy His presence.
We pray that our quest for knowledge and desire to do good will find fulfilment in the light of our being with Jesus. Help us to discover that the most profound thing to say at the end of life is not ‘I thought’ or ‘I did’, but ‘I loved’.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!“
Picture posted by Leslie Balleweg
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PHOTO: Read Mark 3:13-15. Jesus called His disciples "that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach." What are the implications for modern-day disciples?
Many Christians believe in the modern pragmatic (realistic) philosophy that our identity involves what we do. That is why when we meet strangers, we ask for their name and occupation. As a corrective to this deficient philosophy, we could turn to the classical and medieval philosophy that our identity has to do with who we are. The Bible, on the other hand, points to a different place to find our identity. It depends on whose we are (belonging to which person), or who we are with.
Modern-day disciples shouldn't ignore or forget that eternal life is defined as knowing God the Father and the Son (John 17:3). This knowledge of God is essentially relational - it has to do with how we come to know a person. We were made to walk with God and to know Him relationally. But because of our sin, modern-day disciples may shy away from finding our identity in being God's children and Christ's disciples. We tended to ignore relational knowledge in our pursuit of informational knowledge and becoming religious eggheads. Like the Pharisees in Jesus' day, despite knowing all the details of the Law, they had ignored the Lawgiver and did not know Him. They had bought Satan's lie that knowing something is more important than knowing someone. This can be seen in many forms, even with piety.
Modern-day disciples may be attracted to a form of false piety: endless activism - a breathless (panting) form of Christianity with frantic busyness, hiding the lack of relational depth. Our identity in being Christ's disciples is not based on the philosophy that it involves what we do, but to walk with God and to know Him relationally. God visited Adam and Eve for walks (Genesis 3:8). But because of their sin, Adam and Eve hid from God (and from each other). Similarly modern-day disciples hid the lack of relational depth with God by redoubling energy in service. W. H. Griffith Thomas was right when he said, "We cannot make up for failure in our devotional life by redoubling energy in service." [24] And yet, many Christians seem to be on a spiritual treadmill, wondering why they are not making any progress in their knowledge of God and His ways. Silence (Habakkuk 2:20) and stillness (Psalm 46:10) are good antidotes to mindless busyness in the Christian world.
There will be many who rely on their doctrinal knowledge and their list of religious achievements to get past God's judgment seat. But they will be sorely disappointed (Matthew 7:21-27). Some will take pride in their knowledge of Scripture. And Scripture does say that "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (Joel 2:32, emphasis added). Unfortunately modern-day disciples may turn Scriptural truths into superficial mantras by removing our real self from the equation of any relationship with God. Having Scripture reading that is merely informative rather than deeply formative.
We may pretend to be deeply interested in the Scriptural reading but with superficial love. Superficial Love is when we expect physically or materially benefits, without much sacrifices. We turn away when trouble strikes. Unlike God's real love, which Love us through our mistakes, choices and accept us for us. However in everything there is a limit, if we abuse this real love, Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 7:21, emphasis added). Jesus also said that many who claim to have been busy doing good things (e.g., prophesying, exorcising, and doing miracles) in His name will be turned away from His kingdom because they had missed the most important truth: they had failed to be with Jesus. "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23) is a divine statement that exposes the lack of a relationship between busy servants and their Master, and turns all their apparently good deeds to evil deeds!
How does an ageing senior practise being with Christ?
Because the Lord has made it clear, we cannot claim ignorance or ask to be excused. Instead, we must learn to, first and foremost, spend unhurried time to know Jesus, listen to His voice, marvel at His character, discover His will, understand His ways, and enjoy His presence. Then our quest for knowledge and desire to do good will find fulfilment in the light of our being with Jesus. Then we can avoid ending up with heads crammed with information and schedules filled with activities, but hearts empty of God. We will discover that the most profound thing to say at the end of life is not "I thought" or "I did", but "I loved".
Picture posted by Lighthouse Galleries - In The Eye Of The Storm

PHOTO: Many Christians believe in the modern pragmatic (realistic) philosophy that our identity involves what we do. Our identity has to do with who we are.
The Bible, on the other hand, points to a different place to find our identity. It depends on whose we are (belonging to which person), or who we are with.
Picture posted by Foundation Arts - Christ with Children
PHOTO: “Dear Lord, please help us not to believe that our identity involves what we do. Instead help us to find our identity based of whose we are or who we are with. We learn from the Bible that eternal life is defined as knowing God the Father and the Son. This knowledge of God is essentially relational - it has to do with how we come to know a person. We were made to walk with God and to know Him relationally. Stop us from ignoring relational knowledge in our pursuit of informational knowledge and becoming religious eggheads. Like the Pharisees in Jesus' day, despite knowing all the details of the Law, they had ignored the Lawgiver and did not know Him. They had bought Satan's lie that knowing something is more important than knowing someone.
Help us not to be attracted to endless activism as a form of piety because it is a breathless form of Christianity with frantic busyness, hiding the lack of relational depth. Bring us on the correct path and realise that our identity in being Christ's disciples is not based on the philosophy that it involves what we do, but to walk with God and to know Him relationally. We don’t want to hide the lack of our relational depth with God by redoubling energy in service. Please help us to cultivate silence and stillness because they are good antidotes to mindless busyness in the Christian world.
Please help us not to rely on our doctrinal knowledge and our list of religious achievements to get past God's judgment seat because we will be sorely disappointed. Help us not to turn Scriptural truths into superficial mantras by removing our real self from the equation of any relationship with God, and having Scripture reading that is merely informative rather than deeply formative.
We need help not to be in the position to be lacking in relationship due to being a busy servant and shy away from our Master. This will only turn all our apparently good deeds to evil deeds.
We want to avoid ending up with heads crammed with information and schedules filled with activities, but hearts empty of God.
Help us learn to spend unhurried time to know Jesus, listen to His voice, marvel at His character, discover His will, understand His ways, and enjoy His presence. Then our quest for knowledge and desire to do good will find fulfilment in the light of our being with Jesus.
Especially in our old age, we want to discover that the most profound thing to say at the end of life is not ‘I thought’ or ‘I did’, but ‘I loved’.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by Artist Leslie Balleweg - Woman releasing origami doves which transform into real doves
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Chapter 6 - Becoming Christlike
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Christlikeness is God's highest purpose, [11]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Keep Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus, [12]

PHOTO: Would you agree that Christlikeness is God's highest purpose for His people?
What is God's central purpose for His people? That was the question John Stott spent many years trying to answer. He explored various answers, but finally found one that brought him deep satisfaction. He wrote about it in his last book, The Radical Disciple: "God wants his people to become like Christ, for Christlikeness is the will of God for the people of God" (emphasis added).
Many other Christian writers and theologians agree. For example, Eugene Peterson asserts: "The goal for Christians is God's work of salvation and the means is Jesus." Likewise, the many writings of Dallas Willard (The Divine Conspiracy, The Great Omission, The Renovation of the Heart) underline this point. Willard defines sanctification as "the process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it takes on the character of the inner being of Jesus himself."
This point is emphasised in Scripture. We read in Romans 8:29: "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son" (emphasis added). The purpose of our salvation is for us to bear the likeness of Christ. We may have to question our salvation if we are not growing in Christlikeness.
Many years ago, I was invited to the birthday party of a wealthy man. The organisers of the party gave each guest a mask in the likeness of the man's face to be worn before he arrived. When the unsuspecting man stepped out of his car, he nearly died of shock as he saw a sea of masks resembling his face.
Later, I reflected on this incident and wondered if hell would be like that - would it be a place where one wakes up to see nothing but his own face? Would God condemn self-centred people to an eternity of being surrounded by themselves? I believe that would be a terrible torment.
Conversely, would heaven be a place where we wake up and are surrounded by the face of Christ? Of course, heaven is where the Lamb of God will take central place. But is it also not true that those who dwell in heaven will look like Christ? If God's purpose is fulfilled and God's promise that when Christ returns, "we shall be like him" (1 John 3:2) is accomplished, will not heaven's residents bear a family resemblance to the Son of God? Heaven would be heaven because we will see Christ everywhere - including on the faces of the redeemed.
Because this is true, we need to ensure that we are growing in Christlikeness, even as we continue to grow in age. The more time passes, the more we should resemble Christ in our character - in holiness, love, compassion, justice, wisdom, patience, gentleness, and so on.
Make a list of what would characterise Christlikeness.
In Scripture we read about the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), which is in fact, the very character of Christ. As the Holy Spirit dwells in us and helps us to bear fruit, we will grow in Christlikeness. It is a process that is enabled by God's grace and power.
The list of what would characterise Christlikeness, as in Galatians 5:22-23:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Assess your own progress in this area, and the possible reasons for your progress, or lack thereof.
In Psalm 115:8, we read that those who make idols and trust in them will be like them. The principle is that whatever you look at regularly will be what you end up looking like. This may explain why many couples tend to look alike over time, or why in pet-master lookalike competitions, a man may look like his bulldog or a woman like her cat. And perhaps, this is also why folk wisdom is reflected when we say so-and-so is money-faced. If you keep on looking at money, you will end up looking like it!
Ray Pritchard rightly reminds us that reasons for our progress in being Christlike is because of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. When the Holy Spirit has free reign in our hearts, these graces are the supernatural result of his work in us. That’s what the Holy Spirit produces in someone who walks by the Spirit. And we will see them all on display. We are filled with love, with joy, with peace. In every relationship we exhibit that patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that mark us as God’s own. We can see the character of Christ being demonstrated through those whom He redeems.
The reason for the lack of our progress in being Christlike is because of the "works of the flesh". The human heart is full of the manifold evils, which are: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality... (Galatians 5:19). The flesh produces “dead works” (Hebrews 9:14). The deeds of the flesh prevent us from cultivating our character, to produce Christlikeness by ourselves. We can attempt to cover the "garbage" of sin in our life, but garbage is still garbage. Only those who are in Christ will manifest the evidence of His character by the indwelling Spirit.
I confess that I make little or no progress in being Christlike. I am so indulged in work for income to fulfill our daily expenditures, and other financial commitment. Also, I did try to hide the tendency to become very money-faced. Although with deliberate efforts to earn more money, it seems that money is always not enough. Lust too, is also one of my weakness. I tend to look at beautiful ladies. But no, the more I look at them, I don't become a beautiful person. I become like an UFO (Ugly, Fat, and Old) instead. The list can go on, but whether it’s grumbling against God or having other gods before Him or failing to love others or pride or lust or greed or selfishness, I’ve sinned against God more times than I can count. Time passed quickly, and in my retirement journey, I realise that with just my own effort alone is not the healthy path to eternal life.
Unless regenerated by the Holy Spirit I will find myself living in frustration while trying to produce a character which is not of our nature. Jesus told Nicodemus that "Unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). Jesus explains that to be "born again" is to be born of the Holy Spirit (John 3:6). [2] As my 'work of the flesh' can produces only sin; it cannot manufacture a changed life. I want to apply to God for it. Left to myself, I will produce the “works of the flesh.” Only when God enters my life will I discover Christlikeness.
The cross of Christ is sufficient for the salvation of the worst of sinners. There’s nothing for us to do, except to look unto Him in faith and He will save us. “Whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.” (John 3:15). When we will believe in Jesus, the remedy is 100-percent effective. He says (John 6:37), “The one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” Hence our desperate need for Christ because only he alone can save us.
Being Christlike is only possible when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit who lives in us. We must seek it, ask for it, and yield ourselves to God that we might have it. Christlikeness is produced in us by the Holy Spirit as we cooperate day by day with him. I pray for His help to be Christlike. For any real progress in this area, I urgently need His protection from all the dangers, guidance, correction, care, provision, and love.
Picture saved by Mikaela Pozon to Way of Beauty

PHOTO: The reason for the lack of our progress in being Christlike is because of the "works of the flesh". The deeds of the flesh prevent us from cultivating our character, to produce Christlikeness by ourselves. Only those who are in Christ will manifest the evidence of His character by the indwelling Spirit.
Picture posted by Tan Qiuyi 陈秋仪@QiuyiTan on 29 June 2016 at 10:05 pm
PHOTO: “Dear Lord, we learn that God wants his people to become like Christ, for Christlikeness is the will of God for the people of God. The goal for Christians is God's work of salvation and the means is Jesus. Sanctification is define as the process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it takes on the character of the inner being of Jesus himself.
We also read in Scripture that for those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son. The purpose of our salvation is for us to bear the likeness of Christ. We may have to question our salvation if we are not growing in Christlikeness. We pray for help to ensure that we are growing in Christlikeness, even as we continue to grow in age. The more time passes, the more we should resemble Christ in our character - in holiness, love, compassion, justice, wisdom, patience, gentleness, and others.
The fruit of the Spirit is the very character of Christ. We pray for the Holy Spirit to dwells in us, and helps us to bear fruit so that we will grow in Christlikeness. We need Your grace and power to enable this process in us.
Because of the ‘works of the flesh’ we are unable to progress in this area by ourselves. The deeds of the flesh prevent us from cultivating our character, to produce Christlikeness by ourselves. Only those who are in Christ will manifest the evidence of His character by the indwelling Spirit. Hence our desperate need for Christ because only he alone can save us.
Being Christlike is only possible when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit who lives in us. We pray for His help to be Christlike. The cross of Christ is sufficient for the salvation of the worst of sinners. Help us to believe in Jesus so that we can be saved and have eternal life. For any real progress in this area, we urgently need His protection from all the dangers, guidance, correction, care, provision, and love.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by Live Wallpaper HQ
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PHOTO: What does it mean to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus?
In Psalm 115:8, we read that those who make idols and trust in them will be like them. The principle is that whatever you look at regularly will be what you end up looking like. This may explain why many couples tend to look alike over time, or why in pet-master lookalike competitions, a man may look like his bulldog or a woman like her cat. And perhaps, this is also why folk wisdom is reflected when we say so-and-so is money-faced. If you keep on looking at money, you will end up looking like it!
This principle is also true in our spiritual journey. The more we look at Jesus, the more we will grow to be like Him. It is no surprise that Scripture exhorts us to run the race "fixing our eyes on Jesus" (Hebrews 12:2). We need to say with the psalmist, "My eyes are ever on the Lord" (Psalm 25:15), "to gaze on the beauty of the Lord" (Psalm 27:4).
To keep our eyes fixed on Jesus mean we will end up looking like Him.
To stand at the gates of heaven with a resemblance to Christ will be a kind of passport, evidence that we have been saved by His grace and sanctified (cleansed), and that we belong to God's family in heaven.
How does worldliness and temptation take our eyes off Jesus?
Worldliness may refer to the physical world (John 1:10) or to the people of the world (John 3:16; 1 John 2:2). In those senses, there is nothing wrong with loving the world. We should enjoy God’s creation and we should love worldly people who need to know the Savior.
But John also uses the word to refer to the evil, organized system under Satan, which operates through unbelieving people who are opposed to God. He writes (1 John 5:19), “We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” Jesus spoke of the world hating both Him and those who follow Him (John 7:7; 15:18-19). The world operates on the basis of ungodly thoughts, attitudes, motives, values, and goals. It does not seek to promote God’s glory or to submit to His lordship. It’s in this sense that we must not love the world.
As Christians, we are called to imitate Christ by refusing to fall in love with this world. Jesus gave us the greatest commandment, which is to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength (Matthew 22:37–38). Christ accomplished what He commanded by living His entire life to please His Heavenly Father (John 4:34). For example, in the desert wilderness, Jesus was tempted by Satan for forty days and nights without food (Matthew 4:2–11). Unlike Adam and Eve in the paradisiacal garden of Eden, Christ responded to Satan's temptations with the truth of God's word and refused to obey Satan. His love for God triumphed over the temptations for worldly power and pleasures.
Jesus was tempted three times. The temptations were hedonism (hunger/satisfaction), egoism (spectacular throw/might) and materialism (kingdoms/wealth). John the Evangelist in his epistle calls these temptations "in world" as "lust of eyes" (materialism), "lust of body" (hedonism) and "pride of life" (egoism).
When men and women love the things of this world more than God they are engaged in the idolatrous sin of worldliness. Worldliness can take many forms, such as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Adam and Eve were guilty of the sin of worldliness when they chose to believe Satan's lie instead of God's truth and ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:6). Eve saw what was pleasing to the eye and good for food and chose the fruit over obedience to the Creator. Instead of obeying God's command to subdue and steward the earth, mankind began to love and worship created things (Romans 1:22–23). People do the same thing today whenever they love anything more than God Himself, whether it be wealth, family or even their own lives (Matthew 10:37–39; 19:22; John 12:25).
We are a people who are easily distracted especially by all the new, shiny and exciting things that world has to offer. Therefore Satan will use the beautiful things, even good things, to draw our attention and devotion from Jesus. We become blind to the power, goodness and sovereignty of God. It will cause us to take our eyes off Jesus and focus onto our circumstances. Worldliness and temptation do a lot of damage and cripple us in our quest for intimacy with God and personal holiness.
Worldliness and temptation caused us to take our eyes off Jesus when we fall in love with the things of this world more than God.
How does ageing influence the way we keep our eyes on Jesus?
Because most Christians can find no rest trying to live life their way instead of God's, they become weary of the daily grind as they age.
Rest for our souls is the great necessity of our spiritual lives! We need to be alone with God daily. We need to find times to get away alone. We need to get up early if necessary. Few of us are called to spend many hours in daily prayer, but all of us must spend some time. If it is impossible when the family is awake, pray before they get up. If we have no place we can do this at home, find a place to park our car on the way to work and pray in the anonymity of the passing traffic. How we do this is up to us, but we need to make time to find Christ who is the Refuge for the weary! "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29).
It is possible that some of us start will, knowing where we are heading, but the pleasures of life, the entertainments along the way, and all the attendant worries and anxieties eventually draw us off their original path. We then lost our way and forgotten our ultimate destination. Difficulties, distractions, and temptations along the way as we age influence the way we keep our eyes on Jesus.
How can we keep our eyes on Jesus?
We must learn to, first and foremost, spend unhurried time to know Jesus, listen to His voice, marvel at His character, discover His will, understand His ways, and enjoy His presence. Then our quest for knowledge and desire to do good will find fulfilment in the light of our being with Jesus.
Think about people who show more of Christ as they age. What do you think is their secret?
No Christian can lead a Spirit-filled life full of power without regularly reading the Bible. Our minds are such that we do not retain what we need to know. We need to be refreshed again and again - which includes memorizing and meditating upon God's Word regularly!
When we read the Bible, especially the Gospels, and contemplate (think about) who Christ is, what He said, and what He did, and seek to emulate Him, then we are keeping our eyes on Him. As we do so, we will be transformed into His likeness in increasing measure. "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18). This is the secret how people show more of Christ as they age.
Picture posted by Redbubble - Keep Your Eyes on Jesus,1000x1000,075,f.jpg
PHOTO: Worldliness can take many forms, such as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Adam and Eve were guilty of the sin of worldliness when they chose to believe Satan's lie instead of God's truth and ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:6). People do the same thing today whenever they love anything more than God Himself, whether it be wealth, family or even their own lives (Matthew 10:37–39; 19:22; John 12:25).
Artwork by Yuri Klapouh (1963, Ukrainian), posted by Catherine La Rose on 25 April 2013
Picture saved by Nikki York to YURI KLAPOUH
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PHOTO: "Dear Lord, We learn that whatever we look at regularly will be what we end up looking like. This principle is also true in our spiritual journey. Please help us to look at Jesus and grow to be like Him. We would like to say with the psalmist that our eyes are ever on the Lord, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord. Because by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus mean we will end up looking like Him.
We pray that one day we can stand at the gates of heaven with a resemblance to Christ. This will be a kind of passport, evidence that we have been saved by His grace and sanctified, and that we belong to God's family in heaven.
We learn from the Bible that the word ‘worldliness’ refers to the evil, organized system under Satan, which operates through unbelieving people who are opposed to God. Jesus also spoke of the world hating both Him and those who follow Him because the world operates on the basis of ungodly thoughts, attitudes, motives, values, and goals. It does not seek to promote God’s glory or to submit to His lordship. Because of this reason, help us to imitate Christ by refusing to fall in love with this world. We want to have our love for God to triumph over the temptations for worldly power and pleasures.
Worldliness and temptation do a lot of damage and cripple us in our quest for intimacy with God and personal holiness. Please stop worldliness and temptation from causing us to take our eyes off Jesus.
It is possible that some of us start will, knowing where we are to live life according to God’s way but the pleasures of life, the entertainments along the way, and all the attendant worries and anxieties eventually draw us off their original path. We then lost our way and forgotten our ultimate destination. Please prevent difficulties, distractions, and temptations along the way as we age from influencing us the way we keep our eyes on Jesus.
Help us learn to spend unhurried time to know Jesus, listen to His voice, marvel at His character, discover His will, understand His ways, and enjoy His presence. Then our quest for knowledge and desire to do good will find fulfilment in the light of our being with Jesus.
We need Your help to lead a Spirit-filled life full of power by regularly reading the Bible, so that we retain what we need to know. We need to be refreshed again and again - which includes memorizing and meditating upon God's Word regularly.
When we read the Bible, especially the Gospels, and contemplate who Christ is, what He said, and what He did, and seek to emulate Him, then we are keeping our eyes on Him. Help us to understand and follow this secret, so that we can show more of Christ as we age successfully.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by loswl1, Inspiks Market on 02 April 2010 - Calm in the Storm
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Chapter 7 - Strengthening Convictions
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Personal Convictions, [13]

I would like to make the list of my convictions upon which I live by using the Apostles' Creed during the Sacrament of Baptism:
Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth?
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended to the dead.; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He will come to judge the living and the dead?
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting?
Following each question, the candidate answers: "Yes, I believe". If the candidates (especially infants) are unable to answer for themselves, the sponsors (especially parents) are to answer the questions.
Compare that list with the Apostles' creed or the Nicene Creed.
How Creeds Came About in Church History
Creeds were written since the early church to encapsulate the Christian faith. They usually arose out of a need to correct false teaching, and to ground believers in what are the most important elements of faith. They are wholly biblical, and some details are added along the way to exclude erroneous beliefs that had cropped up. The Creeds written before the Reformation in the 16th century are shorter and more basic, such as the Apostles' Creed reproduced below (not written by the Apostles). The Creeds and Confessions written after the Reformation include doctrinal stands of the church.
The Apostles' Creed
"I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he decended into hell (Hades); the third day he rose again from the dead, he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Catholic Church; the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen."
The Nicene Creed
The Nicene Creed, which was a declaration of faith by the church in the fourth century AD. This creed has been embraced ever since by all major branches of the Christian church. The Creed arose as a result of false teachings about God and Christ. Arius, an Alexandrian heretic, was spreading a dangerous view that called into question the divinity of Christ. Christ, he claimed, was only the most perfect of God's creation, but was not equal to God. The 318 bishops who gathered at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 condemned Arius's view and, to make clear the faith of the church, produced the Nicene Creed (which was further expanded later in the century).
In the Creed, we find these words concerning Christ:
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from light,
true God from true God.
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
It is important to recognise that what we believe about Jesus affects our attitude towards Him and the way we relate to Him. Sound doctrine is connected with deep devotion.
Which of your convictions are non-negotiable and which are beliefs you are not sure of? Share your reflections with other Christians.
Non-negotiable convictions
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Convictions (beliefs) not sure of
Picture posted by Ruslan`Godgory`Kadiev on 24 February 2005

PHOTO: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Picture saved by Yvonne Calderon to ART

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, please help us to reaffirm regularly our following convictions.
'I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.'
Help us to recognise that what we believe about Jesus affects our attitude towards Him and the way we relate to Him. Protect us from false teachings. We pray for sound doctrine to be connected with our deep devotion. Help us to remain firm, grow stronger and stay true to our convictions faithfully till the end.
Please help us to be blessed with eternal life. Let our call to become Christlike through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, and our labour in the Lord not being in vain.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture saved by Ирина Криворучко to Случаи - Gif Paradise
PHOTO: Why and how do people lose their convictions when they grow old?
This brings us to an important point. True Christian convictions must be rooted in our knowledge of God and His Word. The more we know God, the more we will be convinced that God loves us and is sovereign over our lives. The more we know His Word, the more we will be convinced that God will keep all His promises and will bring us safely to heaven, no matter what difficulties we currently face.
But why is it that some Christians lose their Christian convictions? It could be that suffering and pain, while drawing some people closer to God, may tempt others to move away from Him. They could have wrongly believed that the Christian life promises nothing but comfort and prosperity, and when things become difficult, they grow disappointed and drift away from God.
Others may suffer from weak convictions because they never really studied God's Word and built their lives on biblical convictions in the first place. They just drifted along in worldliness, peppered with weekly doses of dutiful churchgoing. Worsening health and a sense of approaching death may also make some people question their long-held Christian convictions.
Growing maturity means that some of our beliefs will become stronger and others may be held more lightly. Godly wisdom will enable us to know the difference. Those convictions that are derived from knowing God and His Word must remain firm and grow stronger. These have to do with who God is, our salvation in Christ, His eternal kingdom where we will be blessed with eternal life, our call to become Christlike through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, and our labour in the Lord not being in vain.
But there are also some convictions that we may hold, drawn from our misreading of Scripture or from popular Christian beliefs (that we will be rewarded in heaven with mansions, for example), that can be laid aside as we grow in our knowledge of God and His Word. As we grow older, we must know the difference between non-negotiable beliefs (e.g., that Christ is fully God and fully human) and those that are really nothing more than opinion.
Stubbornly holding on to our opinions and giving up on those biblical beliefs which must be firmly held in our hearts and minds is dangerous. A former UN secretary general, Dag Hammarskjöld, recorded in his remarkable personal journal, "God does not die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason."
How would you help someone in this situation?
It is not easy, living in a postmodern world where everything is seen as relative, and any claim to absolute truth is laughed at. For the ageing Christian, the end of life on earth should make us even bolder in our biblical beliefs and faith. With increasing age, we need to discover our vocation. That vocation, says David Maitland, is to learn "to become part of a counterculture". In resisting the rush of contemporary society and practising countercultural biblical reflection on their lives and experience, seniors will increasingly sense that they are in the world but not of it.
As Scripture exhorts us, we must "hold firmly to the faith we profess" (Hebrews 4:14) because our hope in Christ is "an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19). We need not drift, but can stand firmly on the biblical foundations of our faith.
Picture posted by morethansparrows on 09 April 2017 - Be Still ("Relax. Surrender it all to Him. He has everything under control."),h_728,q_80,strp/be_still_by_morethansparrows_db56icr-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD03MjgiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9lZGE3M2VkMS00MWU0LTQxOTgtODAwZC1kNzE2YTZlNTQzYmVcL2RiNTZpY3ItNzRiODdkY2EtOGYxYi00MzYzLWJjYTYtNzE3MjE4ZjM1YzczLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.2hSHQrQcww-dMPyvNDv_jLljh_U8qveTLAr2FOKron0

PHOTO: Growing maturity means that some of our beliefs will become stronger and others may be held more lightly. Godly wisdom will enable us to know the difference. Those convictions that are derived from knowing God and His Word must remain firm and grow stronger.
Picture posted by Dreamstime
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank You for letting us learn that true Christian convictions must be rooted in our knowledge of God and His Word. The more we know God, the more we will be convinced that God loves us and is sovereign over our lives. The more we know His Word, the more we will be convinced that God will keep all His promises and will bring us safely to heaven, no matter what difficulties we currently face.
Some of us may lose our Christian convictions in the midst of suffering and pain. Please help us not to drift away but be drawn instead closer to God. We may have misunderstood that Christian life promises nothing but comfort and prosperity, and when things become difficult, we grow disappointed and drift away from Him.
Some of us may suffer from weak convictions because we never really studied God's Word and built our lives on biblical convictions in the first place. We just drifted along in worldliness, peppered with weekly doses of dutiful churchgoing. Worsening health and a sense of approaching death may also make some of us question our long-held Christian convictions.
Growing maturity means that some of our beliefs will become stronger and others may be held more lightly. Please help us to grow in our Godly wisdom which will enable us to know the difference. We want those convictions that are derived from knowing God and His Word must remain firm and grow stronger. These convictions have to do with who God is, our salvation in Christ, His eternal kingdom where we will be blessed with eternal life, our call to become Christlike through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, and our labour in the Lord not being in vain.
Please prevent us not to have convictions drawn from our misreading of Scripture or from popular Christian beliefs. Help us to lay them aside as we grow in our knowledge of God and His Word. As we grow older, help us to know the difference between non-negotiable beliefs and those that are really nothing more than opinion.
We ask for help not to stubbornly holding on to our opinions and giving up on those biblical beliefs which must be firmly held in our hearts and minds. Help us, especially us ageing Christian, the end of life on earth should make us even bolder in our biblical beliefs and faith. With our increasing age, help us to resist the rush of contemporary society and practising countercultural biblical reflection on our lives and experience. Help us seniors to increasingly sense that we are in the world but not of it.
Just like Scripture exhorts us, help us to hold firmly to the faith we profess because our hope in Christ is an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Enable us not to drift, but can stand firmly on the biblical foundations of our faith.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Cave, WallpaperCave on November 2019
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Chapter 8 - Growing Wise
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Growing Wise, [15]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Jesus definition of a Wise Man, [16]
PHOTO: How would you characterise a Christian who is wise?
The followers of Jesus are expected to show the wisdom of Christ; we are exhorted to have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). As such, those who minister in church and provide leadership are expected to be "full of the Spirit and Wisdom" (Acts 6:3).
This wisdom from above is made available to all believers. James assures us: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you" (James 1:5). Such heavenly wisdom must show itself in the way we live. "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere" (James 3:17). It will reflect mature godliness and Christlikeness, being rooted in humility, which is an important mark of wisdom. Such wisdom in old age is worthy of respect. "Stand up in the presence of the age, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:32). Wisdom should manifest itself among the old as reverence, temperance, dignity, sensibility, and soundness in faith, love, and perseverance (Titus 2:2-3).
How do you think he or she has grown wise?
The Old Testament contains a few books that are collectively called Wisdom Literature. One of these books, the book of Proverbs, teaches practical wisdom centred on godliness. We learn that the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). Wisdom is personified as a woman and the reader is urged, "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding" (Proverbs 4:6-7).
The suffering Job, defending against the false accusations of his friends, asked, "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" (Job 12:12). Old age should be marked by wisdom gained over the years. But where does this wisdom come from? In the next verse, Job declares, "To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his" (Job 12:13).
This becomes clearer in the New Testament when Jesus is described as the one "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3). Thus, Jesus "has become for us wisdom from God" (1 Corinthians 1:30). The people who listened to Jesus marvelled at His wisdom (Matthew 13:54; Mark 6:2) and His disciples treasured His wise teaching in their hearts, propagating them through their preaching and writing.
Picture saved by Letitia Broadstock Drabsch to Pictures Gospel

PHOTO: How do you think he or she has grown wise?
The "fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). Wisdom is personified as a woman and the reader is urged, "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding" (Proverbs 4:6-7).
Picture posted by Kristinasmi
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that as followers of Jesus we are expected to show the wisdom of Christ; we are exhorted to have the mind of Christ. Those who minister in church and provide leadership are expected to be ‘full of the Spirit and Wisdom’.
Heavenly wisdom is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. It will reflect mature godliness and Christlikeness, being rooted in humility, which is an important mark of wisdom. Such wisdom in old age is worthy of respect. Wisdom should manifest itself among the old as reverence, temperance, dignity, sensibility, and soundness in faith, love, and perseverance. This is how we characterise a Christian who is wise.
We learn that the ‘fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction’. Please help us not to forsake wisdom, as she will protect us. Help us to love her so that she will watch over us.
We learn that wisdom and power; counsel and understanding belong to God. We pray for this wisdom be made available to all of us. We need such heavenly wisdom to navigate in the world full of distractions, obstructions and temptations. Help us with the beginning of wisdom, by getting wisdom and understanding, even though it may cost all we have.
Jesus is described as the one ‘in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’. He ‘has become for us wisdom from God’. Help us to marvel at His wisdom, and treasure His wise teaching in our hearts, propagating them through our preaching and writing.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture saved by Lina Karra to Angels...
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PHOTO: How did Jesus define a wise man?
The Lord Jesus told a parable to show the difference between a wise man and a foolish one (Matthew 7:24-27). Jesus declared: "Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock" (Matthew 7:24). His foolish neighbour also hears the words of Jesus but does not obey Him; he is like a man who builds his house on the sand (Matthew 7:26). Both houses looked similar to the untrained eye, but their profound difference was seen when the storms and floods came. One day, the rain poured heavily on both houses, the wild winds blew ferociously on them, and the rivers swelled menacingly. The house on the sand could not withstand this assault and collapsed with a "great crash" (Matthew 7:27).
It is possible for us to start off well. Our house is built on the right foundation - strong and sturdy. But things can go wrong. A person may have started out well and sought to live faithfully as a disciple of Christ. But over time, he may lose his faith as doubt (about the truth that the house on the rock is the only safe place) creeps in, or distress and suffering suggest that it is all not worth it, or when sinful desires take over as he sees what others outside the house on the rock seem to be enjoying. All these may change his ultimate end.
One of the stories in John Duckworth's witty book Joan 'n' the Whale: And Other Stories You Never Heard in Sunday School. is "The Man Who Built His House Up on the Rock." A man built his house upon a rock and congratulated himself for being wise. He waited for the rain, knowing that his neighbour's house on the sand would collapse. He waited for the storm warnings but they never came. Puzzled, he nevertheless continued waiting for the storm. He could hardly wait to see his neighbour's house fall, and for his neighbour to come begging for shelter. With such smug thoughts, he waited for the storm. He heard sounds of yelling and pounding one day and told himself excitedly that the day had come, only to be disappointed when he looked out the window. His neighbour was upgrading; he was converting his house into a beachfront resort.
The rain did come one day, but it fell only on the house that was built on the rock! The man moaned with dismay an busied himself with patching the roof, cleaning the gutters, and bailing out the basement. This went on for quite a while. The neighbour who built his house on the sand got wealthier, more successful, and happier. But the man whose house was on the rock was kept busy coping with a record rainfall that fell only on his house!
Finally the man gave up, saying, "Any fool can see that there's not going to be any storm." He packed up his belongings, moved out of his house, and went next door to the luxury beachfront resort. He said, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
That night, of course, the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon both those houses. The one that was built upon the sand fell, and great was the fall of it. The other fell not; for it was founded upon a rock. Too bad nobody was home.
Is your house built on the rock? Are you still living in that house? If so, then you are wise.
Is your house built on the rock?
I realise that wisdom comes from God and knowing Him is essential for growing in wisdom. Also we need the right humble attitude to learn from God. I do read the Bible to have godly wisdom through perspectives (e.g., believe that Jesus is the Christ, whose coming as the messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament) and precepts (e.g., Ten Commandments) for living. I too love my family and those who I am constantly in contact with. Like the elderly uncles and aunty whom we met every day during our morning walk and exercises. Loving them as we engage in conversation on anything under the sun, and loving God due to specific circumstances, especially for his protection from the lightning, storm, rainfall, and other dangers. I do read good Christian literature, both from books and the Internet, written by mature Christians. So I guess my house is built on the rock.
However, I may not be living in that house all the time. I tend to be disobedient and stray away in pursuit of worldly pleasures. Temptations and distractions target my weakness and attracted me to love other worldly things. I want to connect and focus on Christians past and present to help cultivate some of that wisdom. But the going is tough, and there are challenging circumstances. We have many exciting movies and serial dramas that is impossible to let go. The Internet too, offers many captivating news and sensuous attractions. One day when this house of pleasures, built on the sand collapsed, I would suffer tremendously. I need Spiritual help to get back to my house built on the rock, learn to live in it, and maintain it faithfully.
How then can we grow in wisdom?
How then can we grow in wisdom? We must realise that wisdom comes from God. Knowing Him is essential for growing in wisdom. Humility is the right attitude to have as we learn from God. Reading the Bible provides us with godly wisdom through perspectives and precepts for living. Obedience is central to growing in wisdom. The disobedient cannot expect to grow wise. Love is the key ingredient in wisdom. We grow wise as we learn to love God and others in ways specific to our life circumstances. Connecting with the accumulated knowledge of Christians past and present will help us imbibe (absorb) some of that wisdom. This comes through reading good Christian literature and engaging in deep spiritual conversations with mature Christians.
Picture saved by Sam Green to Faith

PHOTO: How did Jesus define a wise man?
Jesus declared: "Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock" (Matthew 7:24). His foolish neighbour also hears the words of Jesus but does not obey Him; he is like a man who builds his house on the sand (Matthew 7:26). One day, the rain poured heavily on both houses, the wild winds blew ferociously on them, and the rivers swelled menacingly. The house on the sand could not withstand this assault and collapsed with a "great crash" (Matthew 7:27).
Picture posted by Goodsalt - Houses on the Rock and Sand
We need help not to lose our faith as doubt (about the truth that the house on the rock is the only safe place) creeps in, or distress and suffering suggest that it is all not worth it, or when sinful desires take over as we see what others outside the house on the rock seem to be enjoying. We don’t want to be caught not living in our house built on the rock, but crash with the house built upon the sand which fell when the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beats upon both houses.
We realise that wisdom comes from God and knowing Him is essential for growing in wisdom. Also we need the right humble attitude to learn from God. Help us to read the Bible to have godly wisdom through perspectives and precepts for living.
Help us to overcome our disobedience by not straying away in pursuit of worldly pleasures. Help us not to let worldly temptations and distractions to target our weakness, and attract us to love other worldly things. We want to connect and focus on Christians past and present to help cultivate some of that wisdom. Amidst the worldly captivating news and sensuous attractions, help us to get back to our house built on the rock, learn to live in it, and maintain it faithfully.
Please help us to learn to love God and others in ways specific to our life circumstances, as love is the key ingredient in wisdom.
Help us to successfully connect with the accumulated knowledge of Christians past and present to help us imbibe some of that wisdom. We need guidance to read good Christian literatures and engage in deep spiritual conversations with mature Christians, to become a wiser person.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Douglas Ramsey on 08 April 2014 - Pilgrim's Progress: Unburdened
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Chapter 9 - Becoming Loving
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Becoming Loving, [17]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Showing Love for God, [18]

PHOTO: Do you agree that love is often a verb?
Love is not just a sentimental feeling that we profess to God when we sing or worship. It is far deeper than that. Some have pointed out that love should be considered a verb - in that it is always expressed in action - and there is truth in that understanding. If we say we love God, it is best expressed in our submission and obedience to God.
Make a list of how love acts in daily life.
Listen. Put down what we’re doing for a moment and give others our full attention. It actually means taking notice of and acting on what someone says. It could be a more meaningful respond to advice or a request.
Make a love potion. Waking up earlier and making a cup of hot milk for others helps to refresh sleepy heads. It not only warm their bodies but also their hearts.
Waking people up for work or appointments. It is a kind of preventative medicine. Being able to wake up on time to prepare for work successfully can prevent unnecessary rushing, and being late.
Wish other good morning and good night. This make us feel more joyful and satisfied with our lives. It also helps us deal with the tougher times by promoting connection and communication.
Try and model a loving acceptance in our interactions with the wider world. We could feel really angry when people push in front of us, but we could calmed down and tell ourselves that they might have had things on their mind or been in a real hurry to get somewhere. Making small conversations build warmer relationships. ‘How was your last hospital’s appointment?’ gives a sense of intimate involvement especially to the elderly.
Praying for others in Jesus name. "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." (John 14:14). We can't solve all problems by ourself. We will need help from Him who will do it on our behalf. It will be an act of love to those we pray for God's help, through Jesus Christ. When we ask in His name, the Father is also glorified in the Son.
Look after ourself. Keep healthy during old age can be translated as not being a burden to others. Being considerate and not troubling others will not scare others from having a relationship with us. Also morning walking and exercises enable our bodies to generate endorphins. Since endorphins act on the opiate receptors in our brains, they reduce pain and boost pleasure, resulting in a feeling of well-being.
What personal implications are there for you?
Love is central in our understanding of God, for we read in Scripture that God is love (1 John 4:8). God has poured this divine love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5), even as we repent and place our trust in Christ for our salvation. Because God has first loved us, we are able to love Him and others (1 John 4:19). This God given love has both vertical (towards God) and horizontal (towards others) dimensions.
The horizontal implications of love is if we really love God, we will also love those around us. The apostle John noted the strong connection between love for God and others. He challenged his readers, "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar" (1 John 4:20). The apostle James calls this other-directed love the "royal law" (James 2:8), and the apostle Paul says it sums up the entire law (Romans 13:9; Galatians 5:14).
What does this love for others look like? We have many descriptions in the Bible, the most famous being Paul's great portrayal of love in 1 Corinthians 13. There, we read what love is not and what it is. Love is not self-centred. It is not boastful, proud, envious, revengeful, rude, or easily angered; it does not keep grudges or delight in evil. Instead, love aims for the good of others. It is kind, patient, and forgiving, always full of trust and hope; it therefore perseveres and will never fail.
Augustine in the fifth century described love this way: "What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like." I would add, "That is what Christ looks like."
The Christian who grows in love will look more and more like Christ. He will have the eyes of Christ, who says to us, "I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest" (John 4:35). We need to see others as Jesus saw them (Matthew 9:36): harassed (no rest), helpless (no power), and like sheep without a shepherd (no guidance).
We also need to have the ears of Jesus to hear the cries of the needy (Mark 10:47-49) and the heart of Jesus to see others with compassion (Matthew 9:36). We are, in the words of C.S. Lewis, "little Christ" who show Him to others in how we relate with them.
We do not need to wait till we feel love, for love is more than an emotion; it is a commitment rooted in Christ. In his book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis wrote, "Do not waste your time bothering whether you 'love' your neighbour; act as if you did. As soon as we do this, we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you love someone, you will presently come to love him. If you injure someone you dislike, you will find yourself disliking him more. If you do him a good turn, you will find yourself disliking him less." Such love is divine in origin and is marked by selfless sacrifice and self-giving love.
There are people who need our love as we grow in Christ. We need to realise that old age is "not a punishment but a privilege" and see beyond our own needs." When we do this, we may notice that there are people around us who will appreciate our caring concern for them.
Mamie Adams always went a branch post office in her town because the postal employees there were friendly. She went there to buy stamps just before Christmas one year and the lines were particularly long. Someone pointed out that there was no need to wait in line because there was a stamp machine in the lobby. "I know," said Mamie, "but the machine won't ask me about my arthritis."
Is there not a message for all of us here?
Artist Dona Gelsinger
Picture posted by Matrioshka on Wednesday, 03 September 2014 at 19:14

PHOTO: The most famous descriptions being Paul's great portrayal of love in 1 Corinthians 13. There, we read what love is not and what it is. Love is not self-centred. It is not boastful, proud, envious, revengeful, rude, or easily angered; it does not keep grudges or delight in evil. Instead, love aims for the good of others. It is kind, patient, and forgiving, always full of trust and hope; it therefore perseveres and will never fail.
Picture saved by Clothed In Scarlet to The Ultimate Christian Marriage Board
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that Love is not just a sentimental feeling. Love should be considered a verb - in that it is always expressed in action - and there is truth in that understanding. When we say we love God, it is best expressed in our submission and obedience to God.
We learn that God is love and this divine love is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, even as we repent and place our trust in Christ for our salvation. It is because God has first loved us, we are able to love Him and others. This God given love has both vertical (towards God) and horizontal (towards others) dimensions.
The horizontal implications of love is if we really love God, we will also love those around us.
We learn that Love is not self-centred. It is not boastful, proud, envious, revengeful, rude, or easily angered; it does not keep grudges or delight in evil. Instead, love aims for the good of others. It is kind, patient, and forgiving, always full of trust and hope; it therefore perseveres and will never fail.
Love has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like. That is what Christ looks like.
The Christian who grows in love will look more and more like Christ. He will have the eyes of Christ to see others as Jesus saw them: harassed (no rest), helpless (no power), and like sheep without a shepherd (no guidance).
Please help us to have the ears of Jesus to hear the cries of the needy and the heart of Jesus to see others with compassion. Help us to be like ‘little Christ’ who show Him to others in how we relate with them.
We need to find one of the great secrets of having love that is divine in origin which is marked by selfless sacrifice and self-giving love.
Please help us to realise that we need to see beyond our own needs as there are people who need our love as we grow in Christ. Encourage us by helping us to notice that there are people around us who will appreciate our caring concern for them.
We need help to listen to others, make a love potion, waking others up for work or appointments, wish other good morning and good night, try and model a loving acceptance in our interactions with others, praying for others in Jesus name, and look after ourself not to burden others.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
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PHOTO: How can we show love for God?
When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus summarised the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) with these words: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind . . . Love your neighbour as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39). This should be the central mark of a disciple of Christ.
Our love for God will be evidenced by wholehearted devotion to God, with no place for any rivals of God in our hearts. This includes the sinful self which loves to sit on the heart's throne. The one clear sign that we love God is that we will obey Him without reservations. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commands" (John 14:15) and "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me" (John 14:21). A person who does not obey God cannot claim to love God. But a person whose love for God is growing will also demonstrate growing obedience.
Love is not just a sentimental feeling that we profess to God when we sing or worship. It is far deeper than that. Some have pointed out that love should be considered a verb - in that it is always expressed in action - and there is truth in that understanding. If we say we love God, it is best expressed in our submission and obedience to God.
Imagine Jesus asking you the question He asked the apostle Peter three times: "Do you love me?" (John 21:15-19). What is your answer? How do you think Jesus would respond?
My being loved does not depend on how loving I am. I am called to love, as Jesus loved - to the end. How does the change from youth to later stages in life sit with me? How am I coping with this letting go of control, of being in charge as I was, or thought I was in my earlier life?
‘Do you love me?’ Peter is asked this question; I am asked this question too. Do I see the goodness in me that Jesus sees?
As Peter stands before Jesus it is reasonable to presume that he is all too aware of his failure to stand by and with his beloved master during the Passion. And Jesus focuses on his capacity to love, not on his failure. He does not admonish him for his betrayals. Because he loves, Peter is reinstated, and given a great responsibility to care for the early Christian community.
Is this an issue for me, focusing on my failures and unwilling or unable to accept that the Lord loves me as I am?
Do you ever wonder do you really love the Lord? Did Peter? In the end he had no proof – he just knew the Lord knew. Jesus sees into the heart and knows love, and he also knows our efforts to love. We are called to feed his people in many ways, not because we are perfect, but because we do our best to share the best of our lives with others. When we wonder do we love God, we are better not answering, but just to offer the love of our hearts, imperfect as it is, and then we can say, ‘Lord you know I love you’. Leave the answer to him!
Jesus’ question, asked three times, echoes the three times Peter denied Christ. It may be hard to forgive, but it can be harder to accept forgiveness. The ability to believe we are forgiven is crucial to our spiritual growth. This was the defining difference between Peter and Judas. Vacillating Peter went from the shame of his threefold denial of Christ to become the rock on which Christ’s church was founded. Judas could not contemplate the possibility of forgiveness. He, who had heard Christ say that one must forgive seventy times seven, could not bring himself to ask Christ to forgive him. Instead, he died in despair.
Lord, grant that I may never cease asking for forgiveness. If we must be prepared to forgive limitlessly, then we must also be ready to ask for forgiveness – and believe we are forgiven – until the moment we die.
I put myself in Peter's shoes and listen to that question: Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? Did Jesus at that moment indicate the boat, the tackle, the shoal of caught fish, the way of life that Peter knew and loved? Was this an invitation to a change of career? Or was the question: Do you love me more than these (the other disciples) do? After all, Peter had boasted: Though all desert you, I will never. This time Peter is understating himself: You know that I love you. I feel close to Peter, diffident (lack of self-confidence) about my wish to be a disciple, but knowing the Lord's love for me.
Peter, despite his failings, is chosen to continue the ministry of Jesus by humble service to others. Jesus gives me a ministry of service also. Am I aware of it? Do I carry it out even if it means pain?
What answer do I give when, like Peter, I am questioned regarding the extent of my love for Jesus? Can I at least say ‘You know that I try to love you.’
Three times Peter answers Jesus that he loves him. He means it. Yet, gripped by fear and confusion during the Passion he was unable to admit even to knowing Jesus. Could this happen to him again? Jesus understands and forgives our human frailties but he never ceases to say to us ‘Follow me’.
As babies we are entirely dependent on others. As we grow, however, we claim more and more independence. Then we find it hard to let go of that independence in old age. Life is a circle that takes us back to the beginning. Letting go and accepting help is easier if I trust in God’s goodness and care. ‘Old age comes from God and leads on to God’ (Teilhard de Chardin).
Peter must have wondered ‘Where do I stand now?’ ‘Am I still his number one?’ But Jesus shows him amazing courtesy and kindness, and all doubts are dispelled. Peter becomes a new creation: a fisherman turns shepherd.
Lord, I see here your unbounded mercy and forgiving love for me. You remind me that everything in the world is redeemable because of your rising from the dead. From your acceptance of me may I learn how to accept others who fail me.
Three times Jesus gently asks Peter, ‘Do you love me?’ He does not admonish him for his betrayals! Because he loves, Peter is re-instated, and given a great responsibility to care for the Early Christian community.
If Jesus were to ask me, ‘Do you love me?’ how would I respond? Many women and men, down the ages, have given their lives for Christ. How would I feel if I were asked to do the same? Can I at least be a good follower of Jesus?
This is a scene to savour slowly. John's gospel summarises what was probably a long morning's conversation between Jesus and Peter. When I have made a fool of myself, I hate to be reminded of it. Jesus with his triple questioning is reminding Peter of his triple betrayal - the most painful memory imaginable - but he does it with delicacy. Peter loved Jesus before his cowardly betrayal of him; he loved him more deeply afterwards. It led not merely to Peter's emotional declaration of love, but to his confirmation as leader of the church. He can safely command because he is a sinner with no illusions about himself.
Many people repeat often in prayer, ‘Lord you know I love you’. It’s a humble prayer because often we feel we don’t live up to our call from God or to the goodness of love we receive in life. We may feel the shame Peter felt on looking at his history of denying his friend, Jesus. God looks into the heart and sees what we would like to be, as well as seeing what we have done in life. Prayer is giving our time to be aware that God is looking into our hearts and loving us for who we are.
To be a disciple of Jesus is to be asked the question often, 'Do you love me?' it is not that Jesus doubts us, but he wants us to recognise how we express that love. Guided by St Ignatius, I might ask, 'What have I done for Christ? What am I doing for Christ? What will I do?'
Peter realises that he is being given increasing responsibility for the flock. How graciously do I accept growing responsibility?
I hear Jesus ask me the same question he asks Peter: “Do you love me?” How do I answer? Am I afraid to say yes because of things I have done (or failed to do) during my life? I look at Peter. He had denied even knowing Jesus only a few days earlier, but he does not hesitate: “Lord”, he says, “you know that I love you”. Can I have the same confidence that Peter had?
Jesus knows that I love him, even if my actions - like Peter’s - often seem to say otherwise.
I spend a few moments with Jesus - how do I respond to him. What do I want to say? Say it now as Jesus is listening to you.
I want to say: "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus may said to me, "Feed my lambs.", "Feed my sheep.", and "Follow me."
Painting by Robert Zund in 1877 - Emmaus
Picture posted by Marybeth Stafford on 26 August 2016

PHOTO: Love is not just a sentimental feeling that we profess to God when we sing or worship. It is far deeper than that. Some have pointed out that love should be considered a verb - in that it is always expressed in action - and there is truth in that understanding.
Picture posted by Painting Valley
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that the central mark of a disciple of Christ is to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind . . . Love your neighbour as yourself’. Please help us to have wholehearted devotion to God, with no place for any rivals of God, especially our sinful self which loves to sit on the heart’s throne, in our hearts.
Help us to hear and keep the commands of God because one clear sign that we love God is that we will obey Him without reservations. We want our love for God to be growing which is demonstrate growing obedience.
Some have pointed out that love should be considered a verb - in that it is always expressed in action - and there is truth in that understanding. Help us to express our love by our submission and obedience to God.
Please give us the ability to believe we are forgiven as it is crucial to our spiritual growth. This was the defining difference between Peter and Judas. Vacillating Peter went from the shame of his threefold denial of Christ to become the rock on which Christ’s church was founded. Judas could not contemplate the possibility of forgiveness. Lord, grant that I may never cease asking for forgiveness. If we must be prepared to forgive limitlessly, then we must also be ready to ask for forgiveness – and believe we are forgiven – until the moment we die.
We put ourself in Peter's shoes and listen to that question: Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? We may boast like Peter did, and like Peter we also understand our lack of self-confidence about our wish to be a disciple, but knowing the Lord's love for us. Despite our failings, please help us to continue the ministry of Jesus by humble service to others. When questioned regarding the extent of our love for Jesus, please help us to be able to answer ‘You know that I try to love you.’
We learn that Jesus understands and forgives our human frailties but he never ceases to say to us ‘Follow me’. Help us to be a good follower of Christ.
As babies we are entirely dependent on others. As we grow, however, we claim more and more independence. Then we find it hard to let go of that independence in old age. Life is a circle that takes us back to the beginning. Help us to let go and accept help because it is easier if I trust in God’s goodness and care. ‘Old age comes from God and leads on to God’ (Teilhard de Chardin).
We learn that Jesus shows Peter amazing courtesy and kindness, and all doubts are dispelled. Peter becomes a new creation: a fisherman turns shepherd. Lord, I see here your unbounded mercy and forgiving love for us. You remind us that everything in the world is redeemable because of your rising from the dead. From your acceptance of us may we learn how to accept others who fail us.
Lord, like Peter, we loved Jesus before our cowardly betrayal of him; but we loved him more deeply afterwards. Led us to follow Peter’s emotional declaration of love by the prayer, ‘Lord you know I love you’. We know that Jesus does not doubts us, but he wants us to recognise how we express that love.
Often we feel we don’t live up to our call from God or to the goodness of love we receive in life. We may feel the shame Peter felt on looking at his history of denying his friend, Jesus. We know that God looks into our heart and sees what we would like to be, as well as seeing what we have done in life. We are aware that God is looking into our hearts and loving us for who we are.
We hear Jesus ask us the same question he asks Peter: ‘Do you love me?’ We are afraid to say yes because of things we have done (or failed to do) during our life. We look at Peter. He had denied even knowing Jesus only a few days earlier, but he does not hesitate: ‘Lord’, he says, ‘you know that I love you’. Help us to have the same confidence that Peter had.
Jesus knows that I love him, even if my actions - like Peter’s - often seem to say otherwise. When Jesus ask me ‘Do you love me?’ I want to respond with: ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ Jesus may said to me, ‘Feed my lambs.’, ‘Feed my sheep.’, and ‘Follow me.’ Like Peter, help us to graciously accept the growing responsibility without hesitation.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Mary saved to Beautiful Paintings - EMILE MUNIER............
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Chapter 10 - Reading the Bible Deeply
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Reading the Bible Deeply, [19]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Factors Affecting Reading the Bible Deeply, [20]

PHOTO: Read the following passages about the Word of God: Psalm 119:103; Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 4:20-22; Jeremiah 23:29; John 8:23; John 17:17; Romans 10:17; Romans 15:4; Hebrews 4:12-13; Hebrews 5:12.
Psalm 119:103
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Proverbs 4:20-22
My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.
Jeremiah 23:29
“Is not my word like fire,” declares the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?
John 8:23
But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.
John 17:17
Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.
Romans 15:4
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
Hebrews 4:12-13
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Hebrews 5:12
In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!
What do they tell you about the importance of reading and meditating regularly on God's Word? [1]
The necessity of reading and meditating regularly on God's enduring Word was spelled out in God's instructions to Joshua in the Old Testament. "Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do" (Joshua 1:8 NLT).
The Bible describes itself as spiritual food that nourishes our souls, a light for our paths, a double-edged sword that exposes our sinfulness, a hammer that breaks our stubbornness, medicine that heals our wounds, and sweeter than honey to delight our spirits. To not read the Bible regularly is to miss all these blessings.
Yet, there are so many who neglect personal Bible-reading. The Bible is God's instruction book on how to be saved and live holy lives. It provides us with God's truth and principles for living. The more we read it, the more we understand God and His ways. But the Bible is also like a personal love letter to us. Through it, God speaks to our hearts in amazing ways, bringing His voice close to our ears. To not read the Bible regularly is like storing up letters sent by a loved one far away, unopened and unread. What a tragedy that would be!
Age should bring with it a growing familiarity with God's Word and a growing intimacy with God. We should be able to see the big picture narrative of the Bible, but also its specific parts and particular gems we have found in it - the unchanging truths that anchor our souls to God, the steady promises of God, and those places in the Bible where God has specifically spoken to us or ministered to us - creating faith, steadying our steps, giving us guidance, healing our wounds, encouraging and comforting us, or explaining mysteries.
We should have precious memories of our interaction with God's Word. Tom Meyer, a member of Wordsower International Ministries, is reputed to have memorised at least 20 books in the Bible and is able to recite them. He has been recruited by a Bible college to teach a course on Scripture memorisation. [42] Very few Christians can match Meyer's amazing feat, though in bygone days it was not unknown for Christians to have memorised big chunks of Bible passages. With today's technological gadgets, people don't commit to memory many things, including Bible passages - and that is a great loss.
The psalmist told God, "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11 ESV). How can we store God's Word in our hearts unless we read it regularly, meditate on it deeply, and diligently memorise what we have read and discovered? Such remembering will help us in times of temptation and spiritual battle, as Jesus himself demonstrate when He quoted the Bible in response to Satan's temptation (Matthew 4:1-11) and overcame the evil one.
Storing God's Word in our hearts will also help us in times of crisis and trouble. When Jonah was swallowed by a big fish, his prospects for survival were pretty slim. Then he prayed to God. An examination of the prayer (Jonah 2) reveals that it is actually a collection of quotations from various psalms. Is it not possible that in his semi-conscious state, as he lay in the asphyxiating prison of a fish's stomach, the Spirit of God brought out what Jonah had read in God's Word from the depths of his memory and arranged them into a wonderful prayer? Is this not possible also for Christians facing their final moments on earth?
If you have not been reading God's Word deeply, it is never too late to start doing so. Most seniors have more time on their hands, time that must be seriously invested in knowing God and His Word. Make it a daily habit to read God's Word. Read the whole Bible, a chapter or a few chapters at a time, or follow a Bible reading plan. Read prayerfully, with the intention of hearing God speak to you, and with the purpose of obeying God. Read the Bible with other Christians in a small group. Talk about what you have read. Learn to memorise key passages.
What is your relationship with God's Word? Does it abide in you? "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly" (Colossians 3:16 ESV). Do you abide (accept or act in accordance with) in it? Jesus said, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples" (John 8:31 ESV). Does your personal Bible show any evidence that this is true?

PHOTO: The necessity of reading and meditating regularly on God's enduring Word was spelled out in God's instructions to Joshua in the Old Testament. "Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do" (Joshua 1:8 NLT).
Picture posted by 小贺1982 on 13 August 2019 at 14:25
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, thank You for having us know that the necessity of reading and meditating regularly on God's enduring Word was spelled out in God's instructions to Joshua in the Old Testament. We are to study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night and be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will we prosper and succeed in all we do.
Help us to read the Bible regularly so as not to miss all the blessings. The Bible describes itself as spiritual food that nourishes our souls, a light for our paths, a double-edged sword that exposes our sinfulness, a hammer that breaks our stubbornness, medicine that heals our wounds, and sweeter than honey to delight our spirits. The Word is truth from above, about Christ, to teach us, brings us faith and hope.
Please help us not to neglect personal Bible-reading. The Bible is God's instruction book on how to be saved and live holy lives. It provides us with God's truth and principles for living. The more we read it, the more we understand God and His ways. Through it, God speaks to our hearts in amazing ways, bringing His voice close to our ears.
Lord, as we become older, help us to grow familiarity with God's Word and a growing intimacy with God. We should be able to see the big picture narrative of the Bible, but also its specific parts and particular gems we have found in it - the unchanging truths that anchor our souls to God, the steady promises of God, and those places in the Bible where God has specifically spoken to us or ministered to us - creating faith, steadying our steps, giving us guidance, healing our wounds, encouraging and comforting us, or explaining mysteries.
We should be able to see the big picture narrative of the Bible, but also its specific parts and particular gems we have found in it - the unchanging truths that anchor our souls to God, the steady promises of God, and those places in the Bible where God has specifically spoken to us or ministered to us - creating faith, steadying our steps, giving us guidance, healing our wounds, encouraging and comforting us, or explaining mysteries.
We should have precious memories of our interaction with God's Word. Help us to memorise Bible passages with the intention of knowing God and His Word. We want to store God's Word in our hearts by reading it regularly, meditate on it deeply, and diligently memorise what we have read and discovered. Because such remembering will help us in times of temptation and spiritual battle, just like Jesus himself demonstrate when He quoted the Bible in response to Satan's temptation and overcame the evil one.
Storing God's Word in our hearts will also help us in times of crisis and trouble. Like Jonah, we pray for the Spirit of God to bring out what we had read in God’s Word from the depths of our memory and arrange them into wonderful prayer when we face our final moments on earth.
Help us to read God's Word deeply and memorise key passages. Help us to make it a daily habit to read God's Word with the intention of hearing God speak to us, and with the purpose of obeying God.
We ask for help to improve our relationship with God’s Word. Help us to abide in Christ’s word, to become truly His disciples. Let our personal Bible show evidence that this is true as the word of Christ dwell in us richly.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by on 11 February 2019 - A Special Moment (1874) by Émile Munier (1840-1895)
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PHOTO: Why is obedience a vital part of getting deeper into God's Word?
A disciple of Christ is one who treasures the Word of God and reads it daily. He or she has a hunger for God's Word similar to our physical hunger for food. "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). "But those who obey God's word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him" (1 John 2:5 NLT).
The necessity of reading and meditating regularly on God's enduring Word was spelled out in God's instructions to Joshua in the Old Testament. "Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do" (Joshua 1:8 NLT).
What are some factors that hinder Bible reading and meditation?
1. Chronology
The Bible was written between about two and three thousand years ago. Times have changed since Moses parted the Red Sea and David ruled as king over Israel. Understanding the historical setting of the Bible and specific book you are reading can greatly help you bridge the gap between then and now. If we don’t first understand what the Bible meant to its original audience, we will not faithfully interpret it in our 21st-century context.
2. Culture
The biblical authors wrote to distinctive groups of people in distinctive places throughout the ancient world. The Bible often assumes readers know specific cultural details and use the details to teach a lesson. For example, the woman at the well in John 4 might not jump off the page to a 21st-century American reader. A Jew around the time of Christ would have seen how Jesus crossed cultural taboos by talking to a Samaritan woman who was rejected even by her own people, and revealed Himself as the Messiah promised to her forefathers.
3. Language
The 66 books of the Bible were originally written in Hebrew (most of the Old Testament with a little Aramaic) and ancient Greek (the New Testament). The nature of languages makes direct translation sometimes difficult. The original language might have words to express something crucial to the story that a receiving language may not have. Today we have many dedicated scholars who faithfully translate God’s Word into modern languages. Your Bible might even have small footnotes describing different ways a passage could be worded in Hebrew or Greek. While language is not normally a major obstacle for reading a modern translation, it can be an issue when studying the original language at a deeper level.
4. Scripture communicates spiritual truths
1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” Our natural minds often struggle with what we cannot see and what is not easy to understand. This is one reason why God illustrates many spiritual truths with everyday things we do understand like God as our Father and our need to be “born again.” We can take heart that even the apostle Peter had a tough time understanding some of what Paul wrote (see 2 Peter 3:16)!
5. Sin
Our sin separates us from God and blinds us to spiritual reality–making reading and understanding the Bible more difficult. When we come to Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit who helps us in our fight against sin and also reveals the truth of Scripture to us (John 14:26). As we grow in holiness and are taught God’s Word through faithful study and the Spirit’s help, we will grow in our comprehension and delight in His Word.
6. Not knowing how the Bible storyline fits together
If a new Christian reads the book of Genesis, they may ask themselves, “Why should I care about a promise God made to Abraham thousands of years ago?” The reason is because God’s promise applies to us today in Jesus Christ. Understanding the Bible’s storyline and its great themes (often called the discipline of biblical theology) allow you to trace the development of themes across the timeline of Bible history and understand how each part of the Bible ultimately has its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
7. Weak reading comprehension skills
Much of today’s communication is done through sound bites, tweets, and other forms of multimedia communication. People don’t read carefully anymore because they don’t have to, which makes reading the Bible (and other forms of literature) difficult. Learning simple techniques like looking for repeated words, asking good questions of the text, and keeping a close eye on context will empower readers to make helpful observations that will bring the meaning of Scripture to life.
8. Not knowing how to read the genres of the Bible
You don’t read the editorial section of the newspaper the same way you read the comics or advertisements. You adapt your thinking to the type of content you are reading. The same is true with the Bible: historical narratives should be treated differently than poetry and the apocalyptic literature of the Bible should be treated differently than New Testament letters.
9. Not working hard at understanding the Bible
God knows that understanding the Bible takes work and prayer, but so often we want quick benefits from the Bible without putting in the necessary labour. A famous preacher once said that any true devotional reading of Scripture has to care about understanding what the text is actually saying to truly be devotional. It would be like a husband trying to show love to his wife but not trying to understand what she was saying.
In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul writes to Timothy to tell him that he is to work hard in his study, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” Paul knows that a failure to work diligently at studying the Word can make people mishandle the Word and miss out on God’s approval.
How can we break down these barriers?
There is much in the Bible we can understand today if we would just pick it up and read!
God didn’t make His Word too difficult for us to understand or write it solely for the original recipients. God’s Word is for our instruction and our encouragement as well. Romans 15:4 says,
“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” (emphasis added).
If reading the Bible is difficult for you, approach study prayerfully with a willing and humble heart. God will help you and reward your effort.
In your Bible reading, seek to encounter the Living Christ and find life in Him (John 5:39-40). God promises that His Word won’t return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). Dedicate yourself to become a person of the Word by studying it, obeying it, and treasuring it more than you treasure gold and silver (Psalm 119:72). God will reveal Himself to you in a powerful way.
May God richly bless your study of the Scriptures!
Picture posted by Alamy

PHOTO: How can we break down these barriers?
There is much in the Bible we can understand today if we would just pick it up and read!
Photo by Nina Leen, 1946 - French Actress Barbara Laage, Alone in Her Apartment Reading.
Picture posted by Redazione on 18 May 2018
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that obedience a vital part of getting deeper into God's Word. A disciple of Christ is one who treasures the Word of God and reads it daily. He or she has a hunger for God's Word similar to our physical hunger for food. We shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. And those who obey God's word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him.
Please help us to read and meditate regularly on God’s enduring Word just as spelled out in God's instructions to Joshua in the Old Testament. Help us to study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night, and obey everything written in it. Then will we prosper and succeed in all we do.
Lord, we need help to overcome the factors that hinder Bible reading and meditation.
Chronology: The Bible was written between about two and three thousand years ago. Times have changed since Moses parted the Red Sea and David ruled as king over Israel. Help us to understand the historical setting of the Bible and specific book we are reading to bridge the gap between then and now. Help us to faithfully interpret it in our 21st-century context.
Culture: The biblical authors wrote to distinctive groups of people in distinctive places throughout the ancient world. Help us to know specific the cultural details and use the details to teach the lesson. For example, the woman at the well in John 4, a Jew around the time of Christ would have seen how Jesus crossed cultural taboos by talking to a Samaritan woman who was rejected even by her own people, and revealed Himself as the Messiah promised to her forefathers.
Language: The 66 books of the Bible were originally written in Hebrew (most of the Old Testament with a little Aramaic) and ancient Greek (the New Testament). The nature of languages makes direct translation sometimes difficult. The original language might have words to express something crucial to the story that a receiving language may not have. While language is not normally a major obstacle for reading a modern translation, it can be an issue when studying the original language at a deeper level. We pray for your help to overcome these translation problems.
Scripture communicates spiritual truths: Please help us to overcome our natural minds which often struggle with what we cannot see and what is not easy to understand. Thank you for helping us by illustrating many spiritual truths with everyday things we do understand like God as our Father and our need to be ‘born again.’
Sin: Our sin separates us from God and blinds us to spiritual reality–making reading and understanding the Bible more difficult. Please let us receive the Holy Spirit who helps us in our fight against sin and also reveals the truth of Scripture to us. Provide us with the Spirit’s help, so that we will grow in our comprehension and delight in His Word.
Not knowing how the Bible storyline fits together: Please help us to understand the Bible’s storyline and its great themes (often called the discipline of biblical theology) which allow us to trace the development of themes across the timeline of Bible history and understand how each part of the Bible ultimately has its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
Weak reading comprehension skills: We need help because today’s communication is done through sound bites, tweets, and other forms of multimedia communication. We don’t read carefully anymore because we don’t have to, which makes reading the Bible (and other forms of literature) difficult. Help us to learn simple techniques like looking for repeated words, asking good questions of the text, and keeping a close eye on context to empower us to make helpful observations that will bring the meaning of Scripture to life.
Not knowing how to read the genres of the Bible: Help us to adapt our thinking to the type of content we are reading. Like, the apocalyptic literature of the Bible should be treated differently than New Testament letters.
Not working hard at understanding the Bible: understanding the Bible takes work and prayer, but so often we want quick benefits from the Bible without putting in the necessary labour. Help us to care about understanding what the text is actually saying to truly be devotional. Help us to work hard in our study, present ourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Help us to read the Bible prayerfully with a willing and humble heart. In our Bible reading, help us to seek encounter with the Living Christ and find life in Him. Help us to dedicate ourself to become a person of the Word by studying it, obeying it, and treasuring it more than we treasure gold and silver.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
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Chapter 11 - Discovering the Secrets of Prayer
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - The Lord's Prayer, [21]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Discovering the Secrets of Prayer, [22]

PHOTO: Meditate on the Lord's Prayer. Pray it slowly, phrase by phrase, pausing in between phrases, and adding your own words.
Before Jesus Christ died He taught His disciples how to pray...He told them that they should pray;
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our transpasses
as we forgive those who transpass against us
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For thy is the kingdom, the power, and the Glory, now and forever.
In teaching His disciples the Lord's Prayer (or the Disciple's Prayer, as some prefer to call it), Jesus highlighted the multiple facets of our relationship with God. We begin with our relationship to God as His children (Our Father). Then, the prayer reminds us of the King and His subjects (Your kingdom come), the Master and His servants (Your will be done). Then, in turn, it deals with the relationship between the Benefactor and the beggar (Give us today our daily bread), the Saviour and the sinner (Forgive us), the Guide and the pilgrim (Lead us not into temptation), and the Defender and the helpless (Deliver us from evil).
Why is the Lord's Prayer a deep lesson on our manifold relationship with God?
The Lord's Prayer reveals to us that prayer is an expression of our relationship with God, and by praying, our relationship with Him grows. We learn to walk with God as we talk with Him. The language we use in prayer should be the language of love, as we thank God for His abiding love, entrust ourselves to Him, tell Him how much we love Him, and experience His presence daily.
Which part of the Prayer have you neglected the most?
The part of the Lord's Prayer (traditional version) that I have neglected the most: "forgive us our transpasses as we forgive those who transpass against us" (Matthew 6:12).
It is difficult to forgive others just as God forgives us. There is a lingering unforgiving streak in us. Forgiving others is not as easy as begging forgiveness for ourselves. But our forgiveness from God is intimately tied to how we extend forgiveness to others. If we are not forgiving of others, we should not expect to receive forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15). God has forgiven each of us so much, and if we cannot learn from that experience and feel merciful and forgiving to others, then the mercies we have received will fade away.
How can you rectify that?
Turn our attention to God for help. Although prayer is meant to be a loving relationship with God, we are also encourage to ask. In John 14:13, "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." As we pray, sometimes things may change timely, as according to our requests. Sometime things don't change the way we would like it to be because God knows of other better ways. But one thing is sure. As we pray, we will be changed. For God's love change us. Change us to become Christlike, to become more forgiving and loving - to successfully overcome our unforgiving streak.
God wants us to be just as forgiving as He is. May God help us to forgive, that we, too, may be forgiven!

PHOTO: It is difficult to forgive others just as God forgives us. There is a lingering unforgiving streak in us. Forgiving others is not as easy as begging forgiveness for ourselves.
Picture posted by Shutterstock
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn from Jesus that prayer is neither spiritual theatre nor spiritual technique. Rather, it is a living and growing relationship.
In teaching His disciples the Lord's Prayer, Jesus highlighted the multiple facets of our relationship with God. We begin with our relationship to God as His children (Our Father). Then, the prayer reminds us of the King and His subjects (Your kingdom come), the Master and His servants (Your will be done). Then, in turn, it deals with the relationship between the Benefactor and the beggar (Give us today our daily bread), the Saviour and the sinner (Forgive us), the Guide and the pilgrim (Lead us not into temptation), and the Defender and the helpless (Deliver us from evil).
Please help us to remember that the Lord's Prayer reveals to us that prayer is an expression of our relationship with God, and by praying, our relationship with Him grows. We learn to walk with God as we talk with Him. The language we use in prayer should be the language of love, as we thank God for His abiding love, entrust ourselves to Him, tell Him how much we love Him, and experience His presence daily.
The part of the Lord's Prayer that I have neglected the most is the ‘forgive us our transpasses as we forgive those who transpass against us’ It is difficult to forgive others just as God forgives us. Forgiving others is not as easy as begging forgiveness for ourselves. But our forgiveness from God is intimately tied to how we extend forgiveness to others.
Lord, You have forgiven each of us so much, and if we cannot learn from that experience and feel merciful and forgiving to others, then the mercies we have received will fade away. Please help us to overcome this problem.
We learn that sometimes things may not change timely, as according to our requests, because You know of other better ways. But one thing is sure. As we pray, we will be changed. For Your love change us. Help to change us to become Christlike, to become more forgiving and loving, and to successfully overcome our unforgiving streak.
May God help us to forgive, that we, too, may be forgiven!
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Snapwire Community
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PHOTO: Reflect on your life as a journey in prayer. What have been the high and low points in this journey?
In the childhood phase of prayer, we discover that prayer is powerful. This is usually the case early in the Christian life. In the heady days of such discovery, we realise that prayer can be a powerful tool. When we pray, things happen.
The danger arises when prayer is seen as an efficient technique to make things happen. Prayer, then, is like a remote control in our human hands. We press some buttons to move God and mobilise heaven. We tend to focus our attention on the remote control, the gadget in our hands. We think of making prayer more efficient and believe that this can be done by improving the techniques. It is easy in these circumstances for prayer to be mixed with superstitions, as if changing the form of prayer can make it more powerful.
In the teenage phase of prayer, we begin to slowly realise that the remote control does not work as we think it should. It is not simply a matter of pressing some buttons to move heaven and change earth. We learn that God is powerful. We cannot dictate to Him what we want. He alone determines what to do and when to do it. Sometimes He answers our prayers, and at other times He seems to ignore our pleas. He seems to be in total control. Disgusted and disappointed with our relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer, we throw away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as we used to.
Then, we discover the wonderful truth that God is love (1 John 4:8). We enter the adult stage of prayer. Neither the maxim "prayer is powerful" nor the one that "God is powerful" are, on their own, sufficient to teach us about prayer. They tend to make us either obsessed with the techniques of praying in order to manipulate or appease God into working for us, or if He is too independent for our liking, give up praying altogether. Somewhere along the way, however, we realise that God is loving and He longs to speak to us and hear us speak the language of love. Prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.
Where are you presently?
I am at the teenage phase of prayer. I have begun to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as I think it should. Many times I armed myself with lists of requests to pray for the well-being of myself, my family, and those around me. God did answer some of my requests, especially those which I considered critical and important. However, there are also some important illness that He seems to ignore my pleas. He seems to be in total control and determines what to do and when to do it.
I am disappointed with my relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer. I consider throwing away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as I used to. But fortunately He encourage me to persist to enter into the adult stage of prayer. Maybe there will come a day when I will experience prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.
What can you do to grow in prayer?
We can pray because we are driven to God by our needs. But we can also pray because we are drawn by God's beauty and glory. To move from the former to the latter is to grow in prayer. Let us avoid treating prayer as a spiritual remote control. Let us instead turn our attention to God in true prayer. At His feet we will find true love. If only we realise that prayer is a loving relationship with God. As we pray, things may change - sometimes. But one thing is sure. As we pray, we will be changed. For God's love change us.
Picture posted by EnPareja

PHOTO: In the teenage phase of prayer, we begin to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as we think it should. It is not simply a matter of pressing some buttons to move heaven and change earth. We learn that God is powerful. We cannot dictate to Him what we want. He alone determines what to do and when to do it.
Picture posted by Jennifer E. Jones - Praying Boldly for a Husband
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, many of us do not find prayer an intimate experience because we are stuck in simplistic forms of prayer. Please help us to grow up in their prayer life.
In our childhood phase of prayer, we discover that prayer is powerful. It can be a powerful tool because when we pray, things happen. Help us not to see prayer as a spiritual remote control to make things happen. Because we will tend to focus our attention on the remote control, the gadget in our hands. We will think of making prayer more efficient and believe that this can be done by improving the techniques. It is easy in these circumstances for prayer to be mixed with superstitions, as if changing the form of prayer can make it more powerful.
Help us in our teenage phase of prayer, not to be disgusted and disappointed with our relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer, and throw away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as we used to. Because we learn that God is powerful. We cannot dictate to Him what we want. He alone determines what to do and when to do it. Sometimes He answers our prayers, and at other times He seems to ignore our pleas. He seems to be in total control. The remote control does not work as we think it should.
Lord, I am at the teenage phase of prayer. I have begun to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as I think it should. Many times I armed myself with lists of requests to pray for the well-being of myself, my family, and those around me. God did answer some of my requests, especially those which I considered critical and important. However, there are also some important illness that He seems to ignore my pleas. He seems to be in total control and determines what to do and when to do it.
I pray for Your forgiveness and help because I consider throwing away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as I used to. Please continue to encourage me to persist to enter into the adult stage of prayer.
We pray to discover the wonderful truth that God is love by entering the adult stage of prayer. Prevent us from being obsessed with the techniques of praying in order to manipulate or appease God into working for us, or if He is too independent for our liking, give up praying altogether. Help us to realise that God is loving and He longs to speak to us and hear us speak the language of love.
Help us to pray because we are drawn by God's beauty and glory, and not just because we are driven to God by our needs. To be able to move into the former instead of the latter is to grow in prayer.
Help us to avoid treating prayer as a spiritual remote control but instead turn our attention to God in true prayer. We want to be at His feet, to find true love, and to realise that prayer is a loving relationship with God.
Lord, although as we pray, things may change - sometimes. But with Your love, we will be changed as we pray. We pray that by Your love we will be changed from the childhood phase through the teenage phase into the adult phase of prayer. Maybe there will come a day when we will experience prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Saatchi Art Digest - Homage to Michelangelo Painting by Krassimir Kolev
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Chapter 12 - Hearing God Afresh
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Hearing God Afresh, [23]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - How God Speaks to Us, [24]
PHOTO: Read John 10. What do you think Jesus meant when He said that His sheep know His voice (John 10:4) and listen to His voice (John 10:3)?
"'His sheep know His voice' (John 10:4) means 'Those who belong to God recognize the voice of God. But, like sheep from a foreign flock, those who belong to the Devil don't respond when called by Christ.'"
"'His sheep listen to His voice' (John 10:3) means, 'the elect are enabled by God to hear the truth, the true shepherd (Jesus), when the gospel is preached.'"
What is the connection between the two ideas?
There is a deeper challenge when it comes to hearing God. It has to do with our spiritual ears. A man was sharing with a friend how he was deaf in one ear, and asked him to sit next to his good ear so that he could hear him. He quipped that he turned his deaf ear towards his wife whenever he did not want to hear her nagging.
Could the problem (not hearing God) be that we turn a deaf ear to God? But in Jonah and the fish, disobedience is no match to God's persistence in hearing and doing His messages.
We need God's grace to have spiritual ears that can hear Him speaking. We read in Psalm 40:6, "You have dug our two ears for me" (GOD'S WORD). The idea here is that God fashions and creates spiritual ears that can listen to Him. Without this, we will be deaf to God.
Our ears also need regular awakening by God. "He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears" (Isaiah 50:4-5). This is a wonderful experience as we are greeted by the Lord every morning. Just as our eyes open to the world when we wake up, our ears are also opened to hear the word from God. When we open the Bible to read, our opened ears are ready to hear what God wants to teach or show us.
The connection between the two ideas is this: We need God to provide us with the spiritual ears to listen to Him through the reading of the Bible.
What are the personal implications for you?
The sheep among all those goats will hear the voice of the Master in the preaching of the gospel. That means we will hear the voice.
The voice of Jesus is the word of the gospel or the word of God more generally in Scripture, accompanied by the work of the Spirit of God that enables us to recognize in the Scripture, or in the gospel, the very call of Jesus on our lives.
The Hebrew word that is translated "like one being instructed" is limmud, which can be translated "disciple" as in Isaiah 8:16 ("seal up God's instruction among my disciples"). In other words, discipleship is possible only when our ears are opened by God and remain open to hear Him. Thus Jesus exhorts us, "consider carefully how you listen" (Luke 8:18). This means at least two things. Firstly, take care that we listen to God - through careful and prayerful reading of His Word. Secondly, make sure we obey God when He speaks to us.
Disobedience dulls our spiritual ears but obedience sharpens them. Age dulls our physical ears, but our spiritual hearing should remain keen. So then, how is our hearing?
Picture posted by Christina Miller, CBMC Nederland

PHOTO: "'His sheep listen to His voice' (John 10:3) means, 'the elect are enabled by God to hear the truth, the true shepherd (Jesus), when the gospel is preached.'"
Picture posted by Design Pics - Mature Christian woman studying her Bible in a city park setting beside a lake; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that Jesus’ sheep know His voice means 'Those who belong to God recognize the voice of God. But, like sheep from a foreign flock, those who belong to the Devil don't respond when called by Christ.' 'His sheep listen to His voice' means 'the elect are enabled by God to hear the truth, the true shepherd (Jesus), when the gospel is preached.'
Lord, we need Your grace to have spiritual ears that can hear You speaking. You fashions and creates spiritual ears that can listen to You. Without this, we will be deaf to You. Please open our ears regularly to hear the word from You. Help us when we open the Bible to read, our opened ears are ready to hear what You want to teach or show us. We need You to provide us with the spiritual ears to listen to You through the reading of the Bible.
Discipleship is possible only when our ears are opened by God and remain open to hear Him. Help us to take care that we listen to God - through careful and prayerful reading of His Word. Help us to obey God when He speaks to us.
Prevent us from being disobedient because it dulls our spiritual ears. Help us to be obedient to Your word as it will sharpens our spiritual ears even though our physical ears are dull by our old age. We pray that our spiritual hearing continue to remain keen to Your voice.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by - Digital Painting by Ana Fagarazzi
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PHOTO: Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 14:26; 17:17. Why is the Bible the primary means by which God speaks to us?
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The apostle Paul describes all Scripture as ‘God-breathed’ (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible is not just inspired in the way that artists, poets, composers and musical performers can be said to be inspired. It actually has God’s breath, his Spirit, in it. The Bible is one of the main ways in which God speaks to us.
Paul coined the term God-breathed, Greek theopneustos, to remind us that the Bible has God's breath in it, that if we care to observe carefully, God speaks through its words. As we read the Bible regularly and seriously, we are taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). As John Wesley observed, the same Holy Spirit who inspired the writing of the Bible also "continually inspires, supernaturally assists" us as we prayerfully read it; hence the invaluable effects of Bible reading in our lives.
"But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (John 14:26). "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." (John 17:17).
The Bible has important functions in our lives - both corrective and formative, for both creed and conduct. Without it, we will be no different from the wicked world. Because of the multi-faceted ministry of the Bible in our lives, John Stott is right in stating that "Scripture is the chief means which God employs to bring the 'man of God' to maturity". The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to do His Work of sanctification in the believer, as the Reformers clearly understood. They insisted that the Holy Spirit speaks primarily through the Word and that the Word cannot be understood without the assistance of the Holy Spirit. There is a deep connection between Scripture and the intentions and methods of the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God helps us to maintain Christian character in an ungodly world. Paul reminded Timothy of "how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15). Here again, we see the key role of the Bible in shaping and stabilising us. In an unwise and coarse world, the Bible gives us wisdom from above to be godly and to experience salvation through faith in Christ in an ever-depending way.
If He speaks in other ways, how can we ascertain that it is God we are hearing?
There are a few principles that can help us. First, God speaks mainly through His Word. The intimate connections between the Holy Spirit and the Word of God is something that was strongly emphasised by the Reformers and must not be treated lightly. It is when we read our Bibles that we hear God speaking to us. There is connection between the Bible study and our extraordinary experience.
Second, God will never contradict His Word when He speaks to us. If you hear a voice telling you to do something that goes against God's Word, you must be careful indeed.
Third, what God says to us must often be tested against what God is saying to other mature Christians.
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PHOTO: God does still speak through impressions and gut feelings, as testified to by many Christians who are walking with the Lord. How then do we know if an impression we have is from God or from our own imaginations or even from Satan?
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PHOTO: "Dear Lord, thank you that reading the Bible can be such a delight. Thank you that this is the main way in which we hear you speaking to us. Help us each day to find delight in the Bible.
Lord, thank you that through reading the Bible we can hear your voice. Thank you that not only have you spoken in the past, but you continue to speak today. Thank you that you equip us for each day as we study your words, ponder them, meditate on them, and listen to your Spirit. May we grow closer to Jesus and be transformed into his likeness as we spend time in his presence.
Lord, help us not to put our ultimate security and trust in anything other than you. Help us to find satisfaction in your presence and your love. Thank you that you forgive our sins through the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us each day to listen to your words and put them into practice.
Please help us to heed the call of the Bible to protect against false prophets who 'speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord'. Help us to know if an impression we have is from God or from our own imaginations or even from Satan. Help us not to treat lightly the intimate connections between the Holy Spirit and the Word of God which is also something that was strongly emphasised by the Reformers.
Help us to read our Bibles so that we hear you speaking to us.
If we hear a voice telling us to do something that goes against God's Word, help us to be very careful indeed. Help us to test out whether what God says to us against what God is saying to other mature Christians.
Give us extraordinary experience that illustrate to us the connection with Bible study.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Artwork by Yongsung Kim
Picture posted by by Susana Saldivar
Chapter 13 - Consecrating Life
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Consecrating Life, [25]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Un-consecrated Lives, [26]
In medieval times, as the gospel was brought to numerous European tribes, many turned to Christ and were baptised. There are stories of some tribes, like the Irish, who were willing to be baptised - but on one condition. When they entered the baptismal waters, they requested to have their right hands raised above the water. They were willing to have all parts of their body baptised, except their right hands that were needed for battle.
Many Christians live like that. They are willing to give certain parts of their lives, but hold back other parts from God. But we must remember the principle spelt out in the 19th century by Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, "Christ is either Lord of all, or is not Lord at all." God wants every part of our life given over to Him, because otherwise we will live in misery. His blood must be applied to every parts, and the spiritual medicine must penetrate all aspects of our lives.
To consecrate is to set apart or make holy.
How do we do it?
What we have been keeping for ourselves must be handed over to Jesus, to be brought under His rule and authority.
What does it involve?
It involves a surrendering of the heart's throne and the key to the control room of our lives. Dr Thomas Chalmers, the 19th century Scottish preacher, rightly said, "In conversion God gives to me but in consecration I give to God." We each have to ask ourselves, "Have I returned to God what rightfully belongs to Him?"
The haunting question God asked the ancient Jews, "Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me" (Malachi 3:8), is a question that extends beyond monetary giving, tithes, and offerings. It is also true when it comes to consecration (how we dedicate ourselves to God's glory). The statement of Paul to the Corinthian Christians - "what I want is not your possessions but you" (2 Corinthians 12:14) - is similar to what God says to us. He does not want parts of our lives but the whole.
What would be the signs of a consecrated life?
In Romans 6, Paul describes the process by which people become slaves to sin. "Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God" (Romans 6:13, emphasis added). Note that the contrast between the parts and the whole. Satan is masterful at fragmenting our lives into various parts, and then asking just a few of them for himself, the flesh, or the world. But if we give in to this deception, we will soon be like hapless Gulliver who woke up on a beach in Lilliput. The tiny people of Lilliput had worked on the unconscious man, tying down strands of his hair and parts of his clothes to the ground. They worked part by part and succeeded in immobilising him. He had a rude shock when he woke up. He had become their prisoner even though he was stronger and bigger than any one of them.
Is this not how bondage to sin occurs? It is done part by part. However, when God relates with us, it is not bondage but bonding. He asks for us to relate to Him wholeheartedly. It is like a marriage where both bride and groom give themselves wholly to each other for the rest of their lives. When we offer the whole, the parts are brought into the bonding as a result (Romans 6:13). If we give the heart to Jesus, then every part of our lives is also given to Him. Like the wise father who tells his son, "My son, give me your heart" (Proverbs 23:26), God speaks to us in the same terms of endearment. He knows that when we give our heart to Jesus, we give everything, as the heart is the centre of our being where intellect, emotions, and will reside. And when we give our hearts to God, He changes our hearts of stone into new hearts that are able to love God (Ezekiel 36:26).
Picture posted by Elder Dale G. Renlund on 8 December 2016 at 2:17 pm MDT

PHOTO: When we offer the whole, the parts are brought into the bonding as a result (Romans 6:13). If we give the heart to Jesus, then every part of our lives is also given to Him. He knows that when we give our heart to Jesus, we give everything, as the heart is the centre of our being where intellect, emotions, and will reside. And when we give our hearts to God, He changes our hearts of stone into new hearts that are able to love God (Ezekiel 36:26).
Picture posted by ccouch on 04 May 2016
Please help us with what we have been keeping for ourselves to be handed over to Jesus, to be brought under His rule and authority.
Help us to surrender our heart's throne and the key to the control room of our lives. In conversion God gives to us but in consecration we give to God.
Please forgive us for robbing You of the monetary giving, tithes, and offerings. And forgive us for not consecrating our whole but only parts of our lives.
Prevent us from becoming slave to sin. Help us not to not offer any part of ourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer ourselves to You. Please protect us from Satan who is masterful at fragmenting our lives into various parts, and then asking just a few of them for himself, the flesh, or the world. Help us not to be in bondage to sin but in bonding with You. We want to have lasting relationship with You wholeheartedly and successfully.
We want to give our heart to Jesus, which means everything, as the heart is the centre of our being where intellect, emotions, and will reside. Then changes our hearts of stone into new hearts that are able to love God.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
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PHOTO: Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?
It is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Simon the magician who professed to have believed and was baptised in Samaria, nevertheless heard Peter tell him, "your heart is not right before God" (Acts 8:21). He was urged to repent and pray.
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. It may be time to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
A key part of giving to God what is owned is letting go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging Him as Lord of all. The senior years bring with them "a new school of surrender", and we may face new challenges in letting go of things we have been holding on all this time. Paul Tournier notes that "it is only through a series of definitive renunciations that a man becomes aware that he has grown old." What does Tournier mean? Simply this: We progress as we learn to surrender. In his book A Place for You, Tournier uses the metaphor of a trapeze artist who can make progress only if he lets go of his current pole to swing and take hold of the next one. We cannot proceed into the future if we hold on to the past. We have to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits.
When we let go, we discover what faith truly is. Imagine life as a series of trapeze poles. When we are able to make good progress by learning how to let go and take hold in turn, when we come to the last pole (which is greased with the finitude [the state of having limits or bounds] of time and human mortality) and finally have to let go, we know we can entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up, encourages Christians to imagine entering the waters of baptism, and committing each body part, from the feet up to the head, to a life of godly righteousness. Dallas Willard suggests applying this idea in a spiritual exercise:
I recommend that you then lie on the floor, face down or face up, and explicitly and formally surrender our body to God. Take time to go over the main parts of our body and do the same for each one. What we want to do is to ask God to take charge of our body and each part, to fill it with his life and use it for his purpose.
It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers "to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. These are to be used in obedience to God and for His glory. In this way, we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, and live in a focused and meaningful way.
These truth are well expressed in Frances Ridley Havergal's hymn "Take My Life and Let it be", where aspects of one's life (time, hands, feet, voice, finances, intellect, will, heart) are all consecrated to God. The concluding phrase "ever only, all for thee" is a fitting description of such consecration. All this is possible if we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
To live a consecrated life is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life. "Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today" (1 Chronicles 29:5)?
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PHOTO: Let go, entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
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PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that it is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Help us to repent and pray.
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. Help us to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
Help us to let go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging God as Lord of all. We learn that we need to give to God what is owned. As we age, help us not to hold on to the past but to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits, so that we can proceed into the future.
We need to discover what faith truly is. This is possible only when we can let go all that belongs to God. Help us to make good progress by learning how to let go and entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us. For this to happen, we need to learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Help us to surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ so that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. We want to do what Paul had mentioned, to have true and proper worship by offering our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. Help us to devote these in obedience to God and for His glory. Also in this way we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, but live in a focused and meaningful way.
Help us to fulfil all this which is only possible when we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
We want to live a consecrated life which is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life. Help us to be willing, and to start consecrating ourselves to the Lord from today onward.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by vector art illustration - Baptism of Jesus
Chapter 14 - Worshipping Wholeheartedly
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Worshipping Wholeheartedly, [27]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Distractions in Serving God Wholeheartedly, [28]

PHOTO: Study the passages mentioned about the importance of relating to God wholeheartedly.
God's Word repeatedly urges wholehearted love and obedience in our relationship with God.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (Deuteronomy 6:5; see also Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27).
"Serve the Lord with all your heart" (1 Samuel 12:20; see also Deuteronomy 10:12; 11:13; Joshua 22:5).
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13; see also Deuteronomy 4:29).
"I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart" (Psalm 138:1).
"Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart" (Psalm 119:34).
"Return to me with all your heart" (Joel 2:12).
"I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly" (Joshua 14:8).
"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people" (Ephesians 6:7).
These are just a few passages in Scripture that emphasise the importance of relating to God with our whole hearts. It is not possible to follow Christ half-heartedly. After all, Christ said that we must deny ourselves and take up our cross daily if we are to follow Him (Luke 9:23).
Reflect on your own journey in the light of your study.
Whether we turn to the Lord, and love, obey, and serve Him wholeheartedly will be shown by how we worship God.
God could see through the half-hearted worship of the inhabitants of Israel after its fall to the Assyrians. "Even while these people were worshiping the Lord, they were serving their idols" (2 Kings 17:41). These people were experts in multi-tasking! Even as they worshipped God, they were busy with their idols. Could this be happening today in our churches? How then would we worship God wholeheartedly?
Is there something that needs to be done to ensure that you are following Christ wholeheartedly?
Archbishop William Temple defined worship in a most helpful way. "For worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His HOLINESS; the nourishment of mind with His TRUTH; the; purifying of imagination by His BEAUTY; the opening of the heart to His Love: the surrender of will to His PURPOSE - and all of this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable and therefore the chief remedy for that self-centeredness which is our original sin and the source of all actual sin."
We must note that worship focuses on God: His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. In worship, the spotlight falls on God as we behold His nature, character, actions, and will. By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God. The solution and our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions. No, our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us. This means that our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decrease (John 3:30).,h_1283,q_75,strp/nymph_ii_by_eirian_stock_d1ydqnz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMjgzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTU3YzY5NWMtMDM1Zi00NzdhLTgyYzYtNTc5ODkxNzcyMzA1XC9kMXlkcW56LWU5MGUzNGJjLTc4NDEtNDIyYi04YThhLWNmNzUxOTgyY2VlZi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.YWPneOptjxlgZ3CQaVSOQlnBBW1T0Uj4FIPn3RctSgg

PHOTO: "A young woman in England many years ago always wore a golden locket that she would not allow anyone to open or look into, and everyone thought there must be some romance connected with that locket and that in that locket must be the picture of the one she loved. . . . . Her Lord Jesus was the only lover she knew and the only lover she longed for."
Picture posted by NikNikonov, Nikas - NIK_3619,h_1544,q_80,strp/nik_3619_by_niknikonov_d4j23k4-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNTQ0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZWMwZGFlMDMtZGQ5MS00YTcxLThjNjctZDRiZjY2OGZmMjg3XC9kNGoyM2s0LThmOWQ3NjhiLWVjMmQtNDlmZi1iMjQwLTc4ODkzYWQ2ZWM4Yy5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.PBsk7f_SNKkSir2Ngi-hExla4nfnULunpT-Mw4KhOGM

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, please help us to have wholehearted dedication to Christ and love for God because that is required of all Christians. The Scripture also emphasise the importance of relating to God with our whole hearts. It is not possible to follow Christ half-heartedly. Christ has said that we must deny ourselves and take up our cross daily if we are to follow Him.
You could see through the half-hearted worship of the inhabitants of Israel after its fall to the Assyrians. Even while were worshiping the Lord, they were serving their idols. We learn that even though we are expert in multi-tasking in many things, when we worshipped God, we are not excused to be busy with idols. Whether we turn to the Lord, and love, obey, and serve Him wholeheartedly will be shown by how we worship God.
Help us to follow Christ wholeheartedly by submitting all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His HOLINESS; the nourishment of mind with His TRUTH; the; purifying of imagination by His BEAUTY; the opening of the heart to His Love: the surrender of will to His PURPOSE - and all of this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable and therefore the chief remedy for that self-centeredness which is our original sin and the source of all actual sin.
Because of the many distractions in our world we need Your help to focus on God in our worship. Help us to focus especially on His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. In worship, the spotlight falls on God as we behold His nature, character, actions, and will. By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God. That is not the solution. Our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions.
Our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us. This means that our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decrease.
Our only hope is through Your help, just as we seek Your protection to overcome the pandemic Covid-19 virus, natural disasters, and the evils of the world.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by namaste on Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 18:15 - (namaste.jpg)
PHOTO: What are some of the distractions in senior years that prevent Christians from loving and serving God wholeheartedly? How can these be overcome?
Self-centeredness: Surrender of will to His PURPOSE
We must note that worship focuses on God: His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. In worship, the spotlight falls on God as we behold His nature, character, actions, and will. By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God. The solution and our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions. No, our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us. This means that our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decrease (John 3:30).
Poor conscience: Quickening of conscience by His HOLINESS
Unless our focus in worship is God, we will end up, by default, worshipping ourselves and all that we have made with our hands and minds. But when we truly encounter the living God in worship, we are enabled by the Holy Spirit to submit ourselves to God in every way. Temple's definition shows how the very characteristics of God affect every aspect of our lives. God's holiness turns on and energises our conscience, which is vital for navigating the dubious and ambiguous circumstances in the world.
Deceived mind: Nourishment of mind with His TRUTH
God's truth feeds our mind. It exposes myths and falsehoods, faulty life goals and assumptions, and helps us to develop the mind of Christ so that we become the people of God's truth. This is necessary if we are to live faithfully in a world of lies and falsehoods. What Satan started at the Garden of Eden continues today - he hoodwinks people with deceitful lies.
Polluted imagination: Purifying of the imagination by His BEAUTY
It is God's beauty that helps us deal with our polluted imagination. The ancient Israelites were tempted by sinful imagination that sought after idols. They were going after cheap imitations and destroying their souls in the process. True beauty is in God, and it is the beauty of both character and perfection. When we behold God's perfection (His infinity, holiness, power, knowledge, and wisdom) and His incomparable character (His love, mercy, compassion, and faithfulness), we realise how infected our imagination has become. True worship is meeting with God and recognising His beauty, not just by singing "You are beautiful beyond description", but by pondering what that means and letting it cleanse our imagination and make it noble, as God intended for us.
Harden heart: Opening of the heart to His Love
God's love - and what more powerful expression than the cross where God stretched His holy hands to show how much He loves us - touches our heart when we truly glimpse something of its reality in our lives. For true impact, it is necessarily personal. This was the experience of Charles Wesley, who was converted when Scripture touched his heart and he met the Son of God "who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). It was a personal experience where God's love touched a human heart. This should happen in worship.
True worship seeks the living God as revealed in God's Word and in Christ. When we turn our full attention to Him, His character, and His ways, we will find ourselves changed deeply as God touches every part of who we are. Worship should involve our whole being as we learn to give ourselves wholly to God - that is true worship. Anything less is unacceptable to God and unhelpful to us. As we grow older, we should aspire to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). God is looking for such worshippers, and is pleased when we take time to think about Him, His character and His ways, His beauty and love, and base our worship on these thoughts and reflections. Then our worship will focus on God and arise from the depths of our hearts.
People tend to mellow and grow wiser as they age. They have gathered much from life and can then assess how God has been with them. As they realise that their days on earth are numbered, they have an opportunity to know the difference between what is important and what is not. There is a greater likelihood that the importance and centrality of God becomes increasingly and refreshingly clearer. This will make worship much more meaningful and real, and pleasing to the Lord. Picture posted by Depositphotos - Running away

PHOTO: What Satan started at the Garden of Eden continues today - he hoodwinks people with deceitful lies.
Picture posted by Miles Johnston, Freelance Illustrator - Kiss
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, help us to overcome our self-centredness and surrender our will to God’s purpose. We need our worship to focuses on God: His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God. Our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions. Our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us. Our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decrease.
We need Your holiness turns on and energises our conscience, which is vital for navigating the dubious and ambiguous circumstances in the world. Unless our focus in worship is God, we will end up, by default, worshipping ourselves and all that we have made with our hands and minds. Let us truly encounter the living God in worship, and be enabled by the Holy Spirit to submit ourselves to God in every way. Help our poor conscience: be stimulated by His holiness to focus on God in worship.
Help us to nourish our mind with His truth to protect us against the deceitful lies of Satan. Expose myths and falsehoods, faulty life goals and assumptions, and helps us to develop the mind of Christ so that we become the people of God's truth. This is necessary if we are to live faithfully in a world of lies and falsehoods.
We need God's beauty to helps us deal with our polluted imagination. Help us not to be tempted by sinful imagination that sought after idols. Stop us from going after cheap imitations and destroying our souls in the process. Let us realise how infected our imagination has become. True beauty is in God, and it is the beauty of both character and perfection. Let us behold God's perfection (His infinity, holiness, power, knowledge, and wisdom) and His incomparable character (His love, mercy, compassion, and faithfulness), letting it cleanse our imagination and make it noble, as God intended for us.
Touch our harden heart with Your love. Let us have this personal experience in our lives. Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and die for us so that we can be saved, and also our sins can be forgiven by His blood shed on the cross.
Help us to turn our full attention to Him, His character, and His ways, so that we can changed deeply as God touches every part of who we are. As we grow older, we should aspire to worship God in spirit and truth. Help us to take time to think about Him, His character and His ways, His beauty and love, and base our worship on these thoughts and reflections. We want our worship to focus on God and arise from the depths of our hearts.
As we age, help us to grow wiser, gathered much from life and able to assess how God has been with us. As we realise that our days on earth are numbered, let us have an opportunity to know the difference between what is important and what is not. Let the importance and centrality of God becomes increasingly and refreshingly clearer. This will make our worship much more meaningful and real, and pleasing to You.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Stas Ponomarencko, shutterstock
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Chapter 15 - Finding Community
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Finding Community, [29]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Strengthening Bonds with Communities, [30]

Park Connector Network (PCN) walking and running group
Which of these communities provide you with a strong sense of identity and satisfaction?
Family identity is a central expression of our values. ... Family identity can create not only a sense of belonging, it can also give families a mode for affirming values, providing kids a buffer against peer pressure, and clarifying goals for children. The children's improvement in their learning skills and abilities is the adult's most satisfactory moments. 孩子们的成长是家长们最大的满足感。(Hái zi men de chéng zhǎng shì jiā zhǎng men zuì dà de mǎn zú gǎn) - The growth of children is the greatest satisfaction of parents.
Strong, happy families create a sense of wellbeing within the family and in each family member. Wellbeing includes a person's physical, mental, emotional and social health. Strong, happy families encourage and support each other to be optimistic, hopeful and to strive together to achieve individually and as a family. Even the constant nagging from my sister can be a form of security from the Covid-19 pandemic. Because there is that somebody who is concern about our wellbeing, as we battled the invisible virus.
The culture, language, and religion a person is surrounded by are three very important parts of their identity. These elements change the outlook people have on the world and the lives they lead every day. Their opinions, views, practices, and self-image are all affected by these ingredients. Having God in our lives makes the difference, especially when crisis arrive at our door steps. The loving Father-figure instil unconditional confidence to overcome the problems successfully.
Identity may be acquired indirectly from parents, peers, and other role models. Children come to define themselves in terms of how they think their parents see them. ... Psychologists assume that identity formation is a matter of “finding oneself” by matching one's talents and potential with available social roles. We are constantly on the learning path. As we age, being an elderly can also learn what the younger generation like best - like how to use the handphone. Armed with some of their skills, elderly too can communicate and have fun with them through the use of technology, like 'WhatApps'. These efforts can change the way they see us.
So how to strengthen the bonds within your family? Be kind to one another. Kids learn through experiences and modelling. Show acts of kindness in everyday life like opening the door for someone, putting away dishes without being asked or by hugging mom or dad when he or she gets home from work. Simple act like accompanying our siblings to their hospital appointment can build bonds quietly. Their tests and doctor consultations often require long agonising wait together. But that make us understand how much we cherish each other. Our bonding and identity is form through how we protect and care for each other lovingly.
Family satisfaction therefore refers to perceptions and buliding of family quality such as solidarity, happiness, and overall relational well-being. We need them more than ever as the Covid-19 Coronavirus threaten to break us apart. In the face of life-terminating attack, let's combine forces with whatever we have beside us, and defend the little which we have with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ. More than one million people have lost their life, and 33.3 million cases were reported, and counting.
Park Connector Network (PCN) walking and running group
Birds of the same feather flock together. We elderly too, can meet together to do some activities. Early morning walks and exercises along designated route not only improve and maintain our physical health but also our social health. After some morning exercise activities with the elderly uncles and aunties, we discover the wonders of having relationship with them, who once were just strangers along the Park Connector Network (PCN).
We share daily News and tips on living as a better person. They carry umbrella-walking sticks which become useful during a sudden rain. They too carry Smart-phones which allows sharing of more illustrative information. Real-time information is available to elderly, even in remote areas at the wee hours of the morning. The benefits are by no means, tiny.
Such daily relationship among elderly can led to more life satisfaction. National Association of Social Workers says "Friendship identity do emerged as the strongest predictor—stronger than income or marital status—when predicting well-being."
Why do you think this is the case?
We are made for relationships and community, and that is why we all need to belong to a group somewhere. As individuals, we shrivel up when we do not experience an adequate sense of belonging. From the beginning of our lives, we are made to belong to a family, though people have varying experiences of this. Then we belong to a neighbourhood, a school, a workplace, a church, and so on. We need the often "disturbing, upsetting intrusions of others" that "enable them to become agents of God's troubling grace in our pilgrimage." They also become "God's agents of comfort, encouragement and support as we wrestle with the call to come out of the [false] security of our incompleteness into the wholeness God has for us in Christ." We need community to grow into maturity and fullness.
We belong to different groups of people and different communities. As we age, some of them may become less important, and the bonds between us and them may loosen. For instance, while in school, friendships with classmates are strong, but most will fade into memories later in life, though a few may endure into old age. Some colleagues may also remain part of our lives, even after retirement. There will also be family members, friends, and church members who remain an integral part of our community, even as we grow old. These are important to us, and we must keep connected with them, for their good and ours.
Picture posted by Eustáquio Tolentino on Thursday, 20 July 2017 - friendship day

Picture saved by josevaldo pereira to Casa

We pray for strong and happy families so as to create a sense of wellbeing within the family and in each family member. Wellbeing includes a person's physical, mental, emotional and social health. Strong, happy families encourage and support each other to be optimistic, hopeful and to strive together to achieve individually and as a family. Thank You for providing me with caring and loving siblings with their grown up children, who may often nag at me but are those who are really concern about my safety and wellbeing, as we battled the invisible Covid-19 virus.
Having God in our lives makes the difference, especially when crisis arrive at our door steps. The loving Father-figure instill unconditional confidence to overcome the problems successfully. We are surrounded by our culture, language, and religion which are the very important parts of their identity. They change our outlook on the world and the lives we lead every day. Our opinions, views, practices, and self-image are all affected by them. We pray for Your protection from all dangers, guidance, correction, care, provision, and love. Not only for us but also for everybody in the whole world.
Our identity may be acquired indirectly from our parents, peers, and other role models. Children come to define themselves in terms of how they think their parents see them. Psychologists assume that identity formation is a matter of ‘finding oneself’ by matching one's talents and potential with available social roles. Please help us to be constantly on the learning path. As we age, being an elderly to learn not only from our older generations but also from our younger generations, so that we may not become irrelevant. Also these efforts can change the way they see us.
Help us to strengthen the bonds within our family by being kind to one another. Help us to show acts of kindness in our everyday life. Simple act like accompanying our siblings for their hospital appointment make us understand how much we cherish each other. May our bonding and identity be formed through how we protect and care for each other lovingly. Help us to acquire family satisfaction through building family quality such as solidarity, happiness, and overall relational well-being.
We pray that we keep on discovering the wonders of having relationship with the elderly uncles and aunties along the Park Connector Network (PCN), as we join together to do our early morning walking and exercises. Help us with our early morning walks and exercises along designated route not only to improve and maintain our physical health but also our social health. We pray for those wee hours activities in the remote area to continue maintaining our relationships and well-beings leading to more life satisfaction.
Lord, we are made for relationships and community, and that is why we all need to belong to a group somewhere. Help us not to become lonely individuals, because we may shrivel up when we do not experience an adequate sense of belonging. Since the beginning of time You have created us to belong to a family, then we belong to a neighbourhood, a school, a workplace, a church, and so on.
We need the often ‘disturbing, upsetting intrusions of others’ that ‘enable us to become agents of God's troubling grace in our pilgrimage.’ We also become ‘God's agents of comfort, encouragement and support as we wrestle with the call to come out of the [false] security of our incompleteness into the wholeness God has for us in Christ.’ We need the community You created for us to grow into maturity and fullness.
Just as Paul required his relatives, friends, fellow-workers, and others who had special relationship with him, we too need those people who have warm, loving relationship with us. We may belong to different groups of people and different communities. And as we age, some of them may become less important, and the bonds between us and them may loosen. While in school, friendships with classmates are strong, but unfortunately most will fade into memories later in life. Thank You that, a few may remain in contact until into old age. We pray that some of our colleagues may also remain as part of our lives, even after retirement.
Help us to have family members, friends, church members, and others who remain an integral part of our community, even as we grow old. These are important to us, and we must keep connected with them, for their good and ours.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Mark Sengele - God Keeps His Promises, Lydia Is Baptized
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

We must also remember that we belong to "the communion of saints" that stretches across time and space. In Christian tradition, we remember those who have gone to be with Jesus, who are part of the "great cloud of witnesses" that cheer us on the way (Hebrews 12:1). As Frederick Buechner points out, we try to understand them, but "through them we come to understand ourselves" too. [58] Advanced in years, we know that we shall soon join them and become part of that wonderful community.
What specific actions can you take to strengthen your bonds with your various communities?
Meanwhile, we should aim to grow old while warm and lovingly connected, not cold and lonely. For this to happen, we must look out for the good of others in our community and give of ourselves to them. We are called to be hospitable and loving in this life. We can touch many groups of people: relatives, friends, colleagues, and others who come into contact with us. This can be done in many ways, depending on our circumstances and health. An active ageing person can meet up regularly with significant others in his life (including family, friends, church members, visitors to church, those they are mentoring). Meeting for a meal, inviting them home, and visiting those who need help and company are some ways this can be done. There are also elder activity centres run by churches where one can enjoy social and spiritual interaction with fellow seniors and volunteers. Seniors can also minister to others through letters, text messages, phone calls, and so on.
Those named or referred to in Paul's list encompass a very broad spectrum. There are men and women, Jews and Gentiles, leaders (see Romans 16:7) and servants, slaves and nobility, and (very likely) rich and poor. Paul died as a man whose life was richly interwoven with his community. It did not happen overnight, but was a sign of a life spent loving, serving, and connecting - and belonging.
Let's be inspired to do the same.
Picture posted by

Picture posted by Vitality Magazine - Senior Women Showing Farm Vegetables in a Basket.

We too need Your help to take specific actions to strengthen our bonds with our various communities. We want to grow old while warm and lovingly connected, not cold and lonely. For this to happen, help us to look out for the good of others in our community and give of ourselves to them.
May we be hospitable and loving in this life, and touch many groups of people: relatives, friends, colleagues, and others who come into contact with us. Depending on our circumstances and health, show and guide us with Your ways.
We learn that an active ageing person can meet up regularly with significant others in his life (including family, friends, church members, visitors to church, those they are mentoring). Meeting for a meal, inviting them home, and visiting those who need help and company are some ways this can be done. Also there are also elder activity centres run by churches where one can enjoy social and spiritual interaction with fellow seniors and volunteers. Seniors can also minister to others through letters, text messages, and phone calls.
Paul's list of communities encompass a very broad spectrum. There are men and women, Jews and Gentiles, leaders and servants, slaves and nobility, and (very likely) rich and poor. Like Paul, and advanced in years, we know that we shall soon join the ‘great cloud of witnesses, and become part of that wonderful community. Let us died as persons whose life are richly interwoven with our community.
Although this cannot happen overnight, but is a sign of a life spent loving, serving, and connecting - and belonging.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Guido Masé on 06 May 2019 - The Benefits of Gardening
Chapter 16 - Having a Ministry Mindset
Question 1 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Having a Ministry Mindset, [31]
Question 2 - Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Minister to others, [32]

God's Word tells us to love our neighbours (Matthew 22:39; Leviticus 19:18). The right question to ask is not, "Who is my neighbour?" but "What kind of neighbour am I to those around me?"
What make us a good neighbour to others is our willingness to minister on any occasion, planned and unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness.
How will it affect your life at home and every time you step outside?
We carry with us, even as we travelled, a kind of first-aid kit, ready to be of service at any time. Be a person who had a ministry mindset.
What are some factors that make people forget about being good neighbours to others?
The senior years cannot be just a matter of relaxing and reminiscing. It must be about continuing to serve by "conforming our lives to the self-giving pattern of Jesus". You may ask, "What can an ageing person like me do in terms of ministry?" You may no longer be in an official position in church, but one does not need to be in some formal leadership or ministry role in order to be a ministering neighbour to others. They are many ways a senior citizen can be involved in some kind of ministry.
Whether we have a ministry mindset depends on how we see ourselves. We are children of God and His servants. The aim of life is not to consume or be entertained, but to love and serve. If we remember this, we will see that life is full of opportunities to show mercy and minister to others.
Picture posted by 水居@idiyla, The world is beautiful@beautiful_imgs on 26 July 2013 at 6:31 pm - ドルドーニュ(Dordogne) - フランス (France)

Painting by Aimé-Nicolas Morot - The Good Samaritan
Picture posted by Nancy, 1850 - Dinard, 1913

Help us to be willing to minister on any occasion, planned and unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness. May we remember to carry with us, even as we travelled, a kind of first-aid kit, ready to be of service at any time, enabling us to be a person who had a ministry mindset.
Let our senior years not be just a matter of relaxing and reminiscing. Help us to continue to serve by ‘conforming our lives to the self-giving pattern of Jesus’. Make us realise that although we may no longer be in an official position in church, one does not need to be in some formal leadership or ministry role in order to be a ministering neighbour to others. They are many ways a senior citizen can be involved in some kind of ministry.
May we know that whether we have a ministry mindset depends on how we see ourselves. Help us to realise that we are children of God and His servants, and our aim of life is not to consume or be entertained, but to love and serve. Then we will see that life is full of opportunities to show mercy and minister to others.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by tarakini on 01 October 2013 at 21:01
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

Consider these examples:
- You can pray every Sunday before going to church, asking the Lord to lead you to someone after the service who may need your help. It may just be a word of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear or comforting prayer that is needed.
- There are younger people in the church who need mentoring, guidance, and encouragement. How about offering some of them your friendship? Talk to them, take them out for a meal, or invite them to your home. Share your spiritual experience with them.
- There are fellow seniors in church who may be struggling with life's many uncertainties. Some may be widowed, others battling chronic or worsening illness, yet others may be homebound and lonely. How about offering your help to them?
- You meet people in the course of daily routines: petrol pump attendants, hawkers, gardeners, and fellow passengers. How about relating with them as a servant of God, ready to attend to any who may need God's help or Word?
Whether we have a ministry mindset depends on how we see ourselves. We are children of God and His servants. The aim of life is not to consume or be entertained, but to love and serve. If we remember this, we will see that life is full of opportunities to show mercy and minister to others.
Identify specific persons or groups to whom you can offer a listening ear, an encouraging word, or a helping hand.
It has been many years. Every morning my sister and I set out from our home at about 3 am to the Park Connector Networks (PCN) for our daily walk and exercises. We would meet elderly uncles along the way, who were already out exercising themselves. They are in their seventies, eighties, physically fit and very discipline in their early morning routine activities. However, they have problems with their body, just like most of us, elderly.
Park Connector Networks (PCN) Uncle Sun
After every session with the TCM doctor, he would relate to us his painful experiences and agony. Those treatment produced results, and he could perform most of his early morning exercises and walking comfortably. During his difficult time, we used to offer him words of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear. At times we pray for his speedy recovery so that he could continue with his healthy lifestyle confidently and comfortably.
Park Connector Networks (PCN) Uncle Lin
Another uncle too has painful knee joints. He has problem climbing down the staircase. As time passed, his knee condition deteriorated and he needed to seek help from the public hospital. They offered to perform a knee cap transplant for him, which he accepted. It was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, but the hospital finally managed to do the operation on one knee successfully. It will take about 12 weeks before he can recover and join us again in our morning walk and exercise.
He need follow-ups at the hospital because he had serious bowed knee. He has to go for physiotherapy once every week. Fortunately, all these appointments are transferred to a hospital nearer to his home. After the operation we saw a photograph of his operated knee. It was seriously swollen and the whole lower leg was bruised black and blue. The initial weeks must have been difficult for him, especially all his movements are painful and restricted. We managed to communicate with him through 'Whatapps' and phone call. These may not reduce his suffering but he was happy to inform us how he battle his temporary inabilities while homebound.
Other uncles (like Yoga uncle) who knew him started to enquire his whereabouts as they seldom did not see him for such a long time. We told the uncles what they hope to know, and everybody were relieved because nothing life-threatening had occurred. The uncle who had his knee operated was touched by all our concerns. He hope to be able to join us in 8 weeks' time, instead of 12. All of us are encouraged while we continually communicate with each other. Our little efforts and concern can lessen his painful moments, while struggling with life's many uncertainties.
Charitable organisation
As the Covid-19 pandemic worsen, our government declared a 'Circuit-Breaker' to take effect, which is equivalent to a lockdown. All activities at the hawker center, food court, markets, and schools were suspended. Many workplaces operations were reduced or stopped. Activities at entertainment places and night hot spots were banned. Worship at church, temple, and mosque were not allowed. Many charity works were seriously affected, and many needy organisation were in need of funds. Some of these organisations were operated by single elderly uncle who can be found near the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) stations or hospitals. May we be like the Scripture's 'despised Samaritan' but who had a ministry mindset, offering his help while in difficult conditions.
Christian ministries
Christians ministries like "Our Daily Bread" are still keeping up with their activities in mentoring, guidance, and encouragement - but done online. Some share their spiritual experience, while others supported financially. A little donation allows the ministries to continue stretching out to spread God's Words. As we began to tighten our belts, the more those ministries will require our support. It is now, more than ever that our funding are needed. As children and servant of God, we are taught that it is appropriate to offer some financial help.
What make us a good neighbour to others is our willingness to minister on any occasion, planned and unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness. May we carry with us, even as we travelled, a kind of first-aid kit, ready to be of service at any time.
Picture posted by Jackie Headapohl on 17 May 2018 at 06:00 am

Picture posted by Getty Images -- Austria, gardening

We pray for those battling their painful and restricted movements after surgery, which has make them homebound and uncomfortable. We pray that they can recover completely and get back to their normal lifestyle successfully. Meanwhile help us to reach out to one another through the phone.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, most of our activities are either restricted or stopped. This has make working for charitable organisations difficult. We pray that they can still managed to raise enough fund to meet their expenditures. Help all of us to have mercy and kindness for those who need help.
As God’s children and servant we pray that we also support Christian ministries to spread Your Words. We pray that together we can still keep continuing with the activities in mentoring, guidance, and encouragement. Help us to share our spiritual experience and offer financial support.
Help us to be busy; and not busybodies.
Lord we need Your help to make us a good neighbour to others by being willing to minister on any occasion, planned or unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in us, and we in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage our hearts and strengthen us in every good deed and word.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Adorable Wallpapers
Chapter 17 - Discovering the Heart of Being Human
Question 1 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Losing Humanness, [33]
Question 2 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Becoming Truly Human, [34]

Some people have a mistaken idea of Christian maturity; they think it is something that makes us super-spiritual angelic beings. But that is not what the Bible says. Being saved in Christ and being made holy actually makes us true human beings. I am defining "true human being" as the state God first created us to be in - perfect and in perfect union with Him. That was God's intention for humans, how He wanted us to be. But we lost this humanness in the Garden of Eden, when God's image in us became marred.
We were all created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), but that image has been lost because of our sins. The heart of the human race has become deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9).
What evidence can you think of to support or refute this idea?
We are born into a sinful, noisy, crowded, and competitive world. In this Darwinian jungle, we learn quickly, in the words of Darwinian atheist Richard Dawkins, to be "survival machines", and in so doing, we become less than human - sub-human. We become members of the rat race, competing for advantageous positions (whether it is wealth, power, position, or influence) as we fight for territory, space, and worldly success.
If this is our view of life, then we might agree with the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes who described the natural state of life as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short". He therefore argued for society to be organised such that life could become more civilised. But even in our most organised societies, we find selfishness, meanness, violence, and crime. Can we become more human - more of what God intended us to be - simply by organising ourselves, or through education and better healthcare?
Further reflection will lead us to the conclusion that no amount of civilising actions can alter the sub-human reality in us. We may dress up nicely and relate to each other with courtesy, but in our private and unguarded moments, ugliness will still rear its head. Even the most civilised of groups can transform into a violent mob when exposed to stressful situations or deceptive slogans. The sight of hundreds of thousands mesmerised by a madman such as Hitler, or scores of American young men fighting in Vietnam and degenerating into cruel killing machines, as seen in the infamous My Lai massacre of 1968, are examples of this.
Picture posted by Dark Beauty on 05 May 2014

Picture posted by Sara (Angel)🎤✝️@Jane61758176

We were all created in the image of God, but that image has been lost because of our sins. The heart of the human race has become deceitful.
We need Your help to become more human. We are born into a sinful, noisy, crowded, and competitive world. In this Darwinian jungle, we learn quickly to be survival machines. We become less than human - sub-human. We become members of the rat race, competing for advantageous positions as we fight for territory, space, and worldly success.
Lord, help us not to have a natural state of life that is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Our society tried to be organised such that life could become more civilised. But even in our most organised societies, we find selfishness, meanness, violence, and crime. We are unable to become more human - more of what God intended us to be - simply by organising ourselves, or through education and better healthcare.
Even the most civilised of groups can transform into a violent mob when exposed to stressful situations or deceptive slogans. Some war time young men have degenerated into cruel killing machines. We have no other way than to conclude that no amount of civilising actions can alter the sub-human reality in us.
Please help us to return to the state God first created us to be in - perfect and in perfect union with Him.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Illustrated by Grégory Delaunay - Censure
Picture posted by Dark Beauty on 08 September 2017
We were all created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), but that image has been lost because of our sins. The heart of the human race has become deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). Then Jesus, the Son of God, became a man. He was the only truly human being who lived on earth, as God intended human beings to live. He shared in our humanity (and remained sinless), "fully human in every way", so that by His death we may be saved (Hebrews 2:14-18). When we believe in Jesus and walk as He did (1 John 2:6), then we shall become like Him, "being transformed into his image" (2 Corinthians 3:18). In this way, the image of God is restored in us and we become truly human, as God originally intended us to be. This is God's purpose for saving us (Romans 8:29). Those who follow Jesus learn to become truly human.
What would constitute this process of being and becoming human?
God is the real solution to the sub-human reality deep within us - also known as our inherent sinfulness. Only He has the power to recreate, reform, and renew us into real human beings.
There are many ways we can look at this. The spiritual writer Henri Nouwen, in his book Reaching Out, spells out three movements that must take place in our lives if we are to find our true selves.
We must first move from illusion to God. We carry in our hearts illusions of God - we can call them idols. Many man-made deities, both ancient and modern, are reflections of our fallen selves. But when we come to Christ, we see a God who defies our fallen ideas. How can a God who created the universe die on the cross for us? When we see the cross, we see a God who loves us perfectly and deeply, and will go to any length to save us from our sins, delusions, and illusions. The more we see of this true God, the more human we can become. This is also seen in two other significant movements.
First, the movement from loneliness to solitude. Human life, in its most painful form, is a lonely experience. But when we find God, we find our God-given space. We realise that under God's sovereign and loving rule, we each have a space generously given by the God who loves us. As Augustine famously said so long ago, we will be restless until we find our rest in God. When we find God and our true human space, we can rest and be restored. There is no more need to impress others and ourselves, to compete for a space that is already ours.
Spiritual director Kathleen Fischer notes, "At its deepest level all loneliness reflects our common experience that no created goods fully answer our yearnings; loneliness is rooted in a longing for God. It becomes solitude when the voice of God is heard in its stillness."
Second, because we have our God-given space, we can then give others their space. We move from hostility to hospitality, and thus become more human, because we are created for nurturing relationships, to be friends rather than enemies. When we discover Christ and His love, we can give up our pretensions and masks, our survival tactics and self-centredness. We can then develop the true face of a human being, and learn to be more loving, joyful, peaceful, humble, gentle, forgiving, patient, self-controlled, good, and kind.
What would be at its heart?
Our fallen selves carry in our hearts illusions of God - call idols. Man-made deities, both ancient and modern, are reflections of our fallen selves. When we come to Christ, God who loves us perfectly and deeply, will save us from our sins, delusions, and illusions. Our heart can no longer carry our past illusions, but replaced with the love for God. Scripture told us that the most important commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. (Matthew 22:37). Our heart too must has the love for our neighbour as ourselves. This is stated in the second most important commandment (Matthew 22:39). The love for God, our neighbour, and solitude would be at our heart, for us to become truly human.
Assess your own life in the light of your reflections.

Picture posted by Alamy

The real solution to this process of being and becoming human is God. Only He has the power to recreate, reform, and renew us from the sub-human reality deep within us into real human beings.
We learn that there are three movements that must take place in our lives if we are to find our true selves.
We carry in our hearts illusions of God - call idols. Many man-made deities, both ancient and modern, are reflections of our fallen selves. Help us to come to Christ, to defy our fallen ideas. When we see the cross, we see a God who loves us perfectly and deeply, and will go to any length to save us from our sins, delusions, and illusions. The more we see of this true God, the more human we can become.
We need help in the movement from loneliness to solitude. As our human life, in its most painful form, is a lonely experience. We need to find God, to find our God-given space. Then only can we realise that under God's sovereign and loving rule, we each have a space generously given by the God who loves us. Otherwise we will be restless until we find our rest in God. Help us to find God and our true human space, so that we can rest and be restored. Because then there is no more need to impress others and ourselves, to compete for a space that is already ours.
We learn that at the deepest level all loneliness reflects our common experience that no created goods fully answer our yearnings. Our loneliness is rooted in a longing for God. It becomes solitude when the voice of God is heard in its stillness.
Give us our God-given space, so that we can then give others their space. We want to move from hostility to hospitality, and thus become more human, because we are created for nurturing relationships, to be friends rather than enemies. Only when we discover Christ and His love, can we give up our pretensions and masks, our survival tactics and self-centredness. We can then develop the true face of a human being, and learn to be more loving, joyful, peaceful, humble, gentle, forgiving, patient, self-controlled, good, and kind.
Our fallen selves carry in our hearts illusions of God, which are idols. Help us to overcome these. Our heart can no longer carry our past illusions, but replaced with the love for God. Scripture told us that the most important commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. Our heart too must has the love for our neighbour as ourselves. This is stated in the second most important commandment. The love for God, our neighbour, and solitude would be at our heart, for us to become truly human.
Lord, in our old age, we may carry scars from frequent skirmishes in the Darwinian world of self-centred one-upmanships and extreme consumption and greed. Give us this priceless opportunity to give up our old habits and worldviews and be truly converted. We must turn to Christ and become truly human. We must discover that ‘our lives are gifts, not achievements’.
Thank You for providing an opportunity during our old age to realise that there is much to thank God for, that He loves us, and that our life is His gracious gift. To realise these things helps us become more human - as God intended us to be.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Artwork by J. Scott Campbell, Colour by Edgar Delgado - Snake and Eve
Picture saved by Modern Man to Disney - WB etc in Cool art
Chapter 18 - Friendship
Question 1 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Friendship, [35]

An old man once prayed, "Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference."
In old age, we may or may not remember meeting so many people; some were passing acquaintances, others lingered in our lives longer. Among the latter there would be some we never really got to know and even some we decidedly did not want to know. But there would be a few who have become our true friends.
How do such friendships develop? Friendship has been written about in classical Christian literature, by authors such as Augustine, Thomas Aquianas, Aelred of Rievaulx, and Francis de Sales. They all agree that for healthy and deep friendships to develop, there need to be:
Equality: Human friends need to be on equal terms, and treat each other with dignity and mutual respect. (2 Samuel 1:25-26)
Goodwill: The Greek philosopher Aristotle and others have described false friendships as those sought for personal advantage. True friendships are motivated by goodwill. (1 Samuel 19:1-7; 2 Samuel 9:1-12)
Mutual disclosure: For this to happen, there needs to be mutual trust. Twelfth century English monk Aelred of Rievaulx writes about the trust and goodwill between true friends: "One confides everything to a true friend as if he were his other self". (1 Samuel 18:1; 1 Samuel 20)
Are there implications for any of your friendships?
In everyday conversations, people are generally superficial and task-oriented. Even among friends, conversations can focus more on information than on what weighs on the heart, on facts rather than feelings.
One of the greatest gifts we can give in friendship is that of active listening. Active listening is attentive listening that focuses on feelings. Pity has to do with feeling about the other person; the focus is still on ourselves. Sympathy is better and has to do with feeling with the other person, but we may get entangled with the person's problems and drown in their sorrow. Empathy is the best response, for it has to do with feeling into a person, and we are then able to respond compassionately. When communication involves feelings and when pronouns such as "I", "you", and "we" are used, it means we are communicating with one another deeply.
We must be careful to guard against obstacles that short-circuit the process of active listening and the development of friendship. They are: prejudice, preoccupation, defensiveness, fear, lack of compassion, and so on. The more we overcome these barriers, the more we can become friends.
Picture saved by Kari Shimp to Crafts

Picture posted by Star, Simplified on 14 December 2008

We need the following. ‘Equality’ for us to be on equal terms, and treat each other with dignity and mutual respect. ‘Goodwill’ as it motivates true friendship, and not false friendships which sought for personal advantage. ‘Mutual disclosure’ which need mutual trust and goodwill between true friends, so that we can confide everything to each other as if he is our other self.
We learn that there are implications for friendships. In everyday conversations, we are generally superficial and task-oriented. Even among friends, conversations can focus more on information than on what weighs on the heart, on facts rather than feelings.
Lord, help us to give one of the greatest gifts we can give in friendship which is active listening. Help us to listen actively with the focus on feelings. Feelings like pity has to do with feeling about the other person; but the focus is still on ourselves. Sympathy is better and has to do with feeling with the other person, but we may get entangled with the person's problems and drown in their sorrow. We need empathy because it is the best response, for it has to do with feeling into a person, and we are then able to respond compassionately.
May our communication involves feelings and using pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘you’, and ‘we’, so that we can communicate with each other deeply.
Help us to be careful to guard against obstacles that destroy the process of active listening and the development of friendship. Especially help us to overcome prejudice, preoccupation, defensiveness, fear, and lack of compassion. The more we overcome these barriers, the more we can become friends.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by

Spring friendship
- Housing Development Board (HDB) exercise station's elderly uncle and aunties (starting to know them briefly for a while. They are already out exercising during the predawn hours)
Summer friendship
- Park Connector Network (PCN) elderly uncles (have been meeting them regularly during predawn since the past 5 years)
Fall friendship
- School classmate (had been with them 55 years ago, for about 3 to 5 years per level)
- National Service and Reservist colleagues (had been with them 45 years ago, for about 16 years)
- Previous company's fellow colleagues (had been with them 43 years ago, for about 1 year)
- Tertiary classmate (had been with them 41 years ago, for about 2 years)
- Previous company's fellow colleagues (had been with them 38 years ago, for about 1 year)
- Previous company's fellow colleagues (had been with them 37 years ago, for about 6 years)
- Previous company's fellow colleagues (had been with them 31 years ago, for about 13 years)
- Previous company's fellow colleagues (had been with them 17 years ago, for about 8 years)
- Facebook's group from E2I courses (studied together 8 years ago, for a few months)
- Previous company's fellow colleagues (had been with them 8 years ago, for about 7 months)
- Previous company's fellow colleagues (had been with them 7 years ago, for about 3 months)
Winter friendship
- A middle-aged Permanent Resident, PR (colleague from previous company 31 years ago. Had not been contacting each other for quite some time)
- No memory of any other with long and faithful friendship
How do you keep in touch with old close friends?
One of the greatest gifts we can give in friendship is that of active listening. Active listening is attentive listening that focuses on feelings. Empathy is the best response, for it has to do with feeling into a person, and we are then able to respond compassionately. When communication involves feelings and when pronouns such as "I", "you", and "we" are used, it means we are communicating with one another deeply.
As we age, we need to reflect on our friendships with significant others. We have to ask questions and reflect on our active listening: Who are the people I like to listen to? Who are the people who are difficult for me to listen to? Who listens to me when it is important? When did my listening help someone? When did I fail to listen to someone who needed me? When did someone fail to listen to me? How do I listen?
We can learn much from Jesus, who told His disciples, "I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you" (John 15:15). He also said, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13). The marks of true friendship are sacrificial love and trusting transparency.
Our friendship with Jesus helps us to be true friends to others. Can you think of some old and new friends who need your friendship?
Are you developing new friendships?
There are elderly uncle and aunties whom we met while on our journey during our pre-dawn walk and exercises. After a few times we started conversations and discovered that they started their morning routine from about 2 am. We did not met some of them before. However they responded to our greetings and conversations. One of the uncle even expressed intention to join us in our walk to the Park Connector Network, but was unable to because of his poor health. He need regular rest urgently or his body would become very weak and fall down. One other aunty in her eighties is very disciplined and took her exercise routine seriously. We even met her at the supermarket nearby, shopping for her family. Their determination in live inspired us to proceed with our morning walk and exercises. New friendship with them are easy to sustain and comes with opportunity for excitement and discovery.
Ask yourself what sort of friend you are to others.
Learning active listening and being empathic. Wanted to have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Dislike crowds but love nature. Care about the dynamic changing situations, and that those around us would not get into problems. Would like to warn others about the coming bad weather, as it can be dangerous for elderly to walk around the park, or use the outdoor exercising equipments, during or after a downpour. Others reciprocated by informing us to be careful at the stretch of paths that were uneven.
Most of the friendships in our working lives died after leaving the company which were characterised by profound loneliness for the period immediately after the separation. The 'old friends' became part of history. We ever met those who after our separation, refused to acknowledge our past relationships. Total rejection appeared to be the better option. But each time, after a certain period of personal solitude and making new friendships, we recovered and live goes on.
In old age, we may or may not remember meeting so many people; some were passing acquaintances, others lingered in our lives longer. Among the latter there would be some we never really got to know and even some we decidedly did not want to know. However, we still have friendships that are growing, allowing inner security, and surer communication. Friendship is indeed a journey and can mature over time; it has its various seasons and challenges.

Picture posted by iStockphoto

Lord, thank You for giving us the greatest gifts which we can offer in a friendship, which is active listening. Active listening is attentive listening that focuses on feelings. Thank You too for having us being empathetic, which is the best response to a friendship. It has to do with feeling into a person, and we are then able to respond compassionately. Help us to use pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘you’, and ‘we’, and having communication involving feelings. So that we are communicating with one another deeply.
Help us to keep in touch with old close friends by having active listening. Help us to reflect and discover who are the people we like to listen to, and who are the people who are difficult for us to listen to. Grant us the knowledge to discover who listens to us when it is important, and when did our listening help someone. Help us to find out when we fail to listen to someone who needed us, and when someone fail to listen to us. Help us to know how to listen successfully.
Jesus once told His disciples that He called them friends, for everything that He learned from His Father, He had made known to them. He also said that ‘Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends’. Help us to learn that the marks of true friendship are sacrificial love and trusting transparency.
As our friendship with Jesus helps us to be true friends to others, help us to think of some old and new friends who need our friendship.
Thank You for having us still have new friendship with elderly uncles and aunties at the HDB exercise station. These new friendships are easy to sustain and comes with opportunity for excitement and discovery.
Help us to learn active listening and being empathic to others. May we have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. We may dislike crowds but still have concern about our nature and surrounding. We want to care about the dynamic changing situations around us, and warn others of dangerous encounter with bad weather, uneven walking or jogging paths, and dangerous exercising equipments after a heavy downpour.
Most of our old friendships in our working lives had died after we left the company. Help us to overcome the profound loneliness for the period immediately after the separation, and subsequently became part of history. Grant us personal solitude and the opportunity to have new friendships, and continue with our live journey.
Although in our old age, we may or may not remember meeting so many people; some were passing acquaintances, others lingered in our lives longer. Among the latter there would be some we never really got to know and even some we decidedly did not want to know. However, we still have friendships that are growing, allowing inner security, and surer communication.
Lord, thank You for letting us realise that friendship is indeed a journey and can mature over time; it has its various seasons and challenges.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Painting by Antonietta Varallo - The stroll - Italy, A Walk with Grandpa
Picture posted by Ariananadia
Chapter 19 - Engaging and Enjoying the Family
Question 2 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Family Relationship, [38]

Family life is one of life's highest blessing, especially if one is blessed with a loving and caring family. Some of the best memories a person can have are related to his family: growing up, falling in love, getting married, having children, and experiencing significant family moments of pain and suffering, crisis and challenge, as well as joy and laughter.
But for some, family life can also be the place where the greatest hurts are experienced. Some may recall little more than unfaithfulness, neglect, abuse, and strained relationships when they think of their families. As family relationships are often the closest social relationships we have, they make us most vulnerable. Family members have the greatest potential to inflict pain.
Why do the closest relationships have the potential to do the most damage?
How a family functions or malfunctions can become a pattern that is repeated down the generations. The biblical stories of the ancient patriarchs demonstrate this. Take, for instance, Abraham's response to personal danger. God had called him to leave Ur to go to Canaan. When there was a famine in Canaan, Abraham decided to go to Egypt to survive. Before entering Egypt, he told his wife, Sarai, "I know what a beautiful woman you are. When the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife.' Then they will kill me but will let you live. Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you" (Genesis 12:11-13).
Notice immediately Abraham's strategy of self-preservation. He lied to save his own skin. Worse, he was willing to sacrifice his wife's safety and honour for his own survival. In that panicky moment of fear for his life, he ignored all that God had promised him - that he and his wife would produce a great nation (Genesis 12:2).
Years later, Abraham's son Isaac went to the land of the Philistines to escape another famine. There, he repeated his father's mistake (Genesis 26:1-11). Fearing for his life, he lied that his wife Rebekah was his sister.
The two stories bear a striking resemblance. It was as if the very same script had been handed down from one generation to the next. Other scripts are also played out in this ancient family. For example, the story of favouritism. Isaac favoured his son Esau (Genesis 25:28). Esau's twin brother Jacob plotted with his mother (who favoured him) to deceive his father, who was blind because of old age. He managed to divert Isaac's intended blessing for Esau to himself. Years later, Jacob, similarly favoured his son Joseph above all other siblings (Genesis 37:3).
How do such family "scripts" get passed on? The usual answers are nature (genes), nurture (upbringing), and spirit (spiritual heritage or baggage). Though this is not the place to discuss them in detail, probably all three are true.
How can this be avoided?
The more important thing is determining what to do with our family scripts. If they are good, we must pass on the blessings. If they are bad, we must write new scripts to replace them. Whatever the case, we must discover the story of Jesus, whose script is found in Scripture. When we place our faith in Christ and walk with Him, we can live out His script, which involves love, forgiveness, righteousness, and faithfulness.
We are never too old to do something positive about our family lives. Perhaps some elderly people feel a sense of regret at having messed up. But as long as we are alive, we can bless our families. Here are some thoughts:
- Confess the things you have done against your family members and ask them for forgiveness. Likewise, be willing to forgive those who have hurt you in the past. It is good to end earthly lives with a sense of closure as we follow Jesus who, before He died, prayed for His enemies and tormentors to be forgiven (Luke 23:34).
- You may have more time in your senior years to devote to family members, offering a listening ear and a sympathetic helping hand.
- If you have grandchildren, you can pass on your family's good heritage by investing in their lives.
Some grandparents act as foster parents to their grandchildren because
the parents are too busy and stressed out with their daily routines. But
some become resentful at having to carry such a burden in old age,
especially if they are not appreciated. Some heart-to-heart sharing and
negotiation may help.
- Pray for your family members daily, bringing them into God's light where they can receive His promises and loving attention. Remember that family relationships are not meant to hurt, but to heal. We are not meant to hate but to love, not to hide but to know and be known, not to blame but to forgive. If you have not done this before, take a family picture, and by faith, see Jesus in that picture. What a difference that makes?
- As a grandparent or an ageing parent, you can leave your family what is ultimately valuable and important to you. Don't leave behind merely superficial trinkets of life (material things and passing fancies), but the very spiritual treasures that you have found.
Christian writer and poet John Leax put it well when writing about his grandfather:
Spilled from a mildewed box
you are
the pieces of a faded puzzle
working alone I have spread your dull colors
face up on the table
but have done no more
you are
I have tried all the combinations
but fail to build even your border
for you have given me extra pieces
and withheld the one I need.
How important it is to remember that "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged" (Proverbs 17:6 ESV). What does the above poem mean? Simply this: The one thing we often withhold from our family members, for various reasons, is our heart. We need to turn our hearts towards our loved ones. Consider the intergenerational biblical portrait of old people in the scene as children playing. "Once again old men and women will walk Jerusalem's streets with their canes and will sit together in the city squares. And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls at play" (Zechariah 8:4-5 NLT). What a wonderful picture!,h_900,q_80,strp/love___mom_and_dad_by_yuumei_d2rt719-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05MDAiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC80NTRjMmVkOS01Y2MyLTQ4NGYtODQ0OS0xNjcyMDNiZDc2MjNcL2QycnQ3MTktNDk5YmMyZjAtMmIzZS00MTVhLTk2YWEtYzAxNzc2ZTRjZTViLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD02MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.0BB2XV3m4-9VfK3yrhxVHOaw4FWa9loOWHu--959Xg0
The one thing we often withhold from our family members, for various reasons, is our heart. We need to turn our hearts towards our loved ones.

Help us when our family life is experiencing the greatest hurts. As our family relationships are often the closest social relationships we have, they make us most vulnerable. Our family members have the greatest potential to inflict pain. Some may recall little more than unfaithfulness, neglect, abuse, and strained relationships when we think of our families.
Our closest relationships can have the potential to do the most damage that are passed down the generations, as in biblical stories. Our response to personal danger could be like Abraham's strategy of self-preservation. He lied that his wife, Sarai was his sister, to save his own skin. Worse, he was willing to sacrifice her safety and honour, for his own survival. In that panicky moment of fear for his life, he ignored all that God had promised him - that he and his wife would produce a great nation.
Similarly years later, Abraham's son Isaac went to the land of the Philistines to escape another famine. There, he repeated his father's mistake. Fearing for his life, he lied that his wife Rebekah was his sister.
The two stories bear a striking resemblance. It was as if the very same script had been handed down from one generation to the next. Other scripts are also played out in this ancient family. Help us not to be tempted into favouritism. Just like Isaac favoured his son Esau, and his mother favoured his twin brother Jacob. Jacob plotted with his mother to deceive his father, who was blind because of old age. He managed to divert Isaac's intended blessing for Esau to himself. Years later, Jacob, similarly favoured his son Joseph above all other siblings.
Such family ‘scripts’ are passed on probably due to our nature (genes), nurture (upbringing), and spirit (spiritual heritage or baggage).
Lord help us to determine what to do with our family scripts. If they are good, we must pass on the blessings. If they are bad, we must write new scripts to replace them.
Help us to discover the story of Jesus from the Scripture. Help us to place our faith in Christ and walk with Him, so that we can live out His script, which involves love, forgiveness, righteousness, and faithfulness.
Although we aged, but we learn that it is never too old to do something positive about our family lives. Some of us, elderly people feel a sense of regret at having messed up. But as long as we are alive, help us to bless our families.
We need Your guidance to confess the things we have done against our family members, and to ask them for forgiveness.
Help us to have more time in our senior years to devote to family members, offering a listening ear and a sympathetic helping hand.
When we have grandchildren, help us to pass on our family's good heritage by investing in their lives. Guide us, grandparents, to be able to act as foster parents to our grandchildren when their parents are too busy and stressed out with their daily routines. Help us not to be resentful at having to carry such a burden in old age, especially if we are not appreciated. Help us to have heart-to-heart sharing and negotiation in such cases.
We pray for our family members get into God's light where they can receive His promises and loving attention. We pray that our family relationships are not meant to hurt, but to heal, not meant to hate but to love, not to hide but to know and be known, not to blame but to forgive. May we have the faith to see Jesus in our family picture.
Lord, help us to leave for our family what is ultimately valuable and important to us, the very spiritual treasures that we have found.
Help us to remember that ‘Grandchildren are the crown of the aged’. But the one thing we often withhold from our family members, for various reasons, is our heart. We need to turn our hearts towards our loved ones. Help us ‘once again old men and women will walk Jerusalem's streets with their canes and will sit together in the city squares. And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls at play’.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by siyamak5 on 07 December 2014

There are four functions of family. These four functions include regulation of sexual activity, socialization, reproduction, and economic and emotional security.
Our family members include my sister, brother, nephew, niece, and sister-in-law. Other extended family members are not mentioned because for a long time we experienced very little of the functions of family members.
My sister and I
My sister and I are retiree staying together with my nephew. We are singles and not married. However, we maintain and look after each other including my nephew who had been staying with us since he was born. He was under the care of my mother since then, and returning to his parents only during weekends and holidays.
My sister's aspiration is to take care of my nephew and niece until they are grown up and able to take care of themselves adequately. She had done well, as my niece and nephew are now grown up with gainful employment. Her main concerns are still my niece and nephew's upbringing and well-beings. Her needs are simple; to stay healthy and maintain the needs of our immediate family. She likes to spend some time on social media interacting with whatapp's group, and her other blogging hobbies.
We have our daily predawn walking and exercising activities in order to keep ourselves healthy, and able to meet elderly uncles and aunties along the way. My sister is also seeking and worshipping the Lord. I have the opportunity to have Bible and Christian's books from 'Our Daily Bread', which I gratefully shared with her. She would find time to read them amidst her busy activities.
I pray that her faith grow together with her deeds as our faith can be made complete by what we do (James 2:22). The Bible also says that we are justified by what we do and not by faith alone (James 2:24). We are further warned that as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. (James 2:26).
My brother
My brother recently retired from work due to his deteriorating health. He is concerned about how to overcome his chronic health problem which is related to his immune system. No amount of exercises can help to free him of the symptoms. But it is crucial that he need to prevent his health from deteriorating further.
Besides his health problem, he is also anxious that there will be financial problem in the coming future. He is planning to sell his current apartment, and to get one that is cheaper to maintain. He wants to rein in his depleting financial situation by reducing expenditure on his accommodation.
Currently he is helping his wife, my sister-in-law, to source for products from the internet. It is my brother's aspiration to help his wife to setup her home sales business successfully. Currently he is learning online shopping for his wife who buy for her colleagues and customers. However, my brother still needs my sister to help him in buying the health products from online. Fortunately my sister who is competent in shopping online agreed.
Despite facing all the problems, he has the aspiration to maintain the current lifestyle for his family.
At times we accompanied him to see his dentist, and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor. We are blessed to have more time in our senior years to devote to other family members, offering a listening ear and a sympathetic helping hand.
My sister-in-law
Probably due to the Covid-19 pandemic, my sister-in-law's income from her company has been reduced. This drives her with the urgent need to be successful in her private business. As a form of compensation for the reduced income she has the strong aspiration for her own business to flourish. While the harder she tries to maintain her commitment in her investment, the more she needs her husband supports and help to run errands.
One of her main anxieties is to fall sick. When she was young she witnessed her mother's suffering and death from chronic disease. That fear drives her to invest in health insurances with enhanced features, allowing her to stay in both public and private hospital's class "A" ward. However, this leads to higher premiums. As she ages, the premiums get even higher. It reach a stage when it became evident that her income cannot sustain such policies and lifestyle. Reluctantly, she conceded to the suggestion from my brother to lower her expectation to stay in class "A" ward in public hospital only. Partly she conceded because of the huge projected cost from her insurance premiums.
Any payment that affected her wealth would generate enormous repulsive reactions. Subsequently she developed offensive attitude towards some of the family's members. She also imposed the requirement that younger family member who are earning must give her regular monthly allowance, although she may not qualify for such privilege as her contribution to the family had been negligible. Hence, her unjustified demands strained our family relationship.
The bible inform us that every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). Giving regular monthly allowance to the senior members could be an intended gift from God. The money is not really ours. We are just stewards not owners.
We are advised to remember that family relationships are not meant to hurt, but to heal. We are not meant to hate but to love, not to hide but to know and be known, not to blame but to forgive. We pray for our family members daily, bringing them into God's light where they can receive His promises and loving attention.
My nephew
My nephew had been staying with us since he was born, under the care of my mother. After my mother passed away, my sister took over the duty to look after him. After his early childhood education, he progressed from kindergarten to primary, to secondary, and then to tertiary education. He graduated from the university recently, and started work in the healthcare industry. He has aspiration to become a successful healthcare professional working in hospital environment.
His anxieties include acquiring the necessary skills to perform well in his work. Being new and inexperience, and facing all the problems in this fast pace industry, he needs the guidance and help of his fellow seniors and superiors. His anxieties transmitted to us deeply, causing us to find ways to lighten his tasks. His father even arranged to fetch him to work, whether it is morning or afternoon shift. We are also relieved when he comes back reporting that he has progress in his skills and work.
Active listening from us helps to smoothen his stressful situations. Reminding him to submit his temperature reading during this Covid-19 pandemic become a norm. Preparing and washing his uniforms, masks, and food container with utensils also become our daily activities. Most important is the daily prayer to bring to God's attention for help in his struggle at work.
We understand that perseverance should finish its work so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:4). But as seniors witnessing the suffering of our young family member is still a heart wrenching experience.
My niece
My niece graduated from the university a few years ago and was in stable employment until Covid-19 struck, causing her to be out of work. Earlier she had the aspiration to work in the financial institution, which she successfully entered and work until now.
She is currently resting from her stressful life of her previous job. She still her anxieties, and it is to do with her health. She had chronic health problem which needs regular medical consultation. As she is still young, she still have much hope in overcoming her health problem successfully.
Her other anxiety would be about her next job and career. Still relatively young, she may lack the wisdom and foresight to know which career is suitable for her. In this ever changing world with virus outbreak looming on the horizon, we need God's guidance and help to lead us. In James 1:5, we still have hope. It promise that If any of us lacks wisdom, we should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to us. And also James 3:17 stated that the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Again we pray for her daily to bring her into God's attention where we can receive His promises and loving attention. By faith we ask for Jesus to be in our family picture to make a difference in this Covid-19 pandemic situation. We pray that everybody who are affected by this pandemic, can have the happy lifestyle, eagerly seeking and worship Him.
As a senior member of the family, we can leave our family what is ultimately valuable and important to us. We are advised not to leave behind merely superficial trinkets of life (material things and passing fancies), but the very spiritual treasures that we have found.

Picture posted by Denina Martin on 12 June 2015 - Traditional Attire

Thank You for having us realise our aspiration to take care of our nephew and niece. They are now grown up, finish their initial educations, and are embarking on their career successfully. With the disruptions from the Covid-19 pandemic, we pray for them to successfully overcome their problems and fulfil their calling.
We pray that our family members stay healthy, happy, and remain lovingly united. Please grant us the opportunity to spend time following Your instructions, commands, laws, and decrees to lead the righteous life which You want us to have. Allow us also to interact online with our fellow netizens, and do our blogging activities.
We pray for our continual daily predawn walking and exercising activities in order to keep ourselves healthy, and able to meet elderly uncles and aunties along the way. Grant us success in seeking and worshipping You through reading the Bible and other related books.
Besides reading the Scriptures and relevant books, help us to grow both in faith and deeds successfully. Because the Bible says that we are justified by what we do and not by faith alone. We are further warned that as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.
We pray that our health will not deteriorate and for Your help to overcome our chronic health problem, especially those related to our immune system. Help us to trust Your ways in able to rein in our depleting financial situation by reducing expenditure on others.
We pray that my brother can successfully help his wife to source and buy products from the internet. Please fulfil my brother's aspiration to help his wife to setup her home sales business successfully. We pray that her business will flourish and not get into trouble, especially with legal problems. We pray that our sister continue to help out in the online purchasing successfully.
Please grant us our aspiration to maintain the current lifestyle for our family. Bless us with more time in our senior years to devote to other family members, offering a listening ear and a sympathetic helping hand.
Also due to the Covid-19 pandemic, my sister-in-law's income from her company has been reduced. We pray that her income can be adjusted so that she have her needs sufficiently met. Please grant her the aspiration for her own business to flourish with the help from her husband.
We pray that my sister-in-law can overcome her fear of having serious problem with her health. When she was young she witnessed her mother's suffering and death from chronic disease. We pray that it will not drive her to invest in health insurances with enhanced features, allowing her to stay in both public and private hospital's class "A" ward. We pray that she will not overcommit herself until she can no longer sustain her lifestyle.
We pray that any offensive attitude towards one another can be dissolved, allowing peace and harmony to prevail.
Help us not to strain our family relationship when there are conflicts regarding demanding and giving monthly allowance from one to another. Help us to remember that every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. Help to be aware that everything is created by God and therefore belong to Him. So money is not really ours. We are just stewards not owners.
Lord, help to remember that family relationships are not meant to hurt, but to heal. We are not meant to hate but to love, not to hide but to know and be known, not to blame but to forgive. Help us to pray for our family members daily, bringing them into God's light where they can receive His promises and loving attention.
We pray for our niece and nephew to do their duties well, in work and maintaining family relationships. Help us to find ways, especially this Covid-19 pandemic period, to lighten their tasks. We pray that they acquired the necessary skills and tools to do they work very well. May they share their tools, and teach others their skills, so that together they can work better, faster and become less expensive in providing their services.
Please bless us in our senior years to be able to engage with our family members with active listening. Allow us to be successfully in smoothen the stressful situations which some of our family members are facing. Help us to bring to God’s attention for help in their struggles with their daily activities.
Lord, we understand that perseverance should finish its work so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. But as seniors witnessing the suffering of our younger family member is still a heart wrenching experience. We need Your help to overcome our problems.
We pray that we can have sufficient rest from our previous stressful activities. Give us wisdom to know which career is suitable for us. In this ever changing world with virus outbreak looming on the horizon, we need more than ever Your guidance and help to lead us along the correct path. It promise that If any of us lacks wisdom, we should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to us. We pray for wisdom from You because wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Again we pray to bring into God's attention where we can receive His promises and loving attention. We ask for Jesus to be in our family picture to make a difference, especially in this Covid-19 pandemic situation. We pray that everybody who are affected by this pandemic, can have the happy lifestyle, eagerly seeking and worshipping Him.
Lord, as a senior member of the family, help us to be able to leave our family what is ultimately valuable and important to us. Help us to leave behind the very spiritual treasures that we have found.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
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Chapter 20 - Mentoring the Next Generation
Question 1 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Mentoring the Next Generation, [39]
Question 2 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Mentoring Core Teaching, [40]

The concept of mentoring is something that is being explored in many circles. Basically, mentoring means getting alongside someone to bring out the best in him by giving advice based on our own experience.
The concept of mentoring can be found in Scripture. In the Old Testament, parents are expected to be spiritual mentors to their children. "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates" (Deuteronomy 6:7-9).
What is true for biological parents is also true for spiritual ones. The apostle Paul refers to himself and his team of God's servants as spiritual parents. "Just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well . . . For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you into his kingdom and glory" (1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, 11-12).
Life is not just to be lived for ourselves, but for others, and living for others involves not just Christian service, but also mentoring the next generation. Older Christians have an important responsibility to mentor younger ones, especially in their local churches. Are we doing it? I suspect that very little of this is going on. There may be occasional conversations about spiritual matters, but even this is often missing in interaction between the old and young.
Think also of those who are your "Timothys" or who could be such. What concrete steps can you take to initiate or continue these mentoring relationships?
Perhaps seniors may say that they were never mentored themselves; thus they find it difficult to mentor others due to a lack of experience. They may have attended classes or seminars on spiritual growth, but that is not quite the same as mentoring, which is often a one-to-one, intentional process, and very personal in nature.
But even though a senior may not have been mentored before, he or she can still learn to do it for two reasons.
Firstly, we are all called to be apprenticed to Jesus, who invites us to learn from Him. He opens Scriptures to us (see Luke 24:13-35) and walk with us. Through His Spirit, He guides and disciples us. So, in one sense, we cannot say that we have not been mentored before, if we are followers of Christ.
Second, we can study Scripture and learn from good examples of mentoring, like how Jesus trained His disciples, and how people like Paul mentored younger men like Timothy and Titus. We can also read the many books that have been written on mentoring.

Picture posted by The NIV Bible

What is true for biological parents is also true for spiritual ones. The apostle Paul refers to himself and his team of God's servants as spiritual parents. ‘Just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well . . . For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you into his kingdom and glory’.
Lord, we learn that life is not just to be lived for ourselves, but for others, and living for others involves not just Christian service, but also mentoring the next generation. We learn that older Christians have an important responsibility to mentor younger ones, especially in their local churches. There may be occasional conversations about spiritual matters, but even this is often missing in interaction between the old and young.
Perhaps we seniors may say that we were never mentored ourselves; thus we find it difficult to mentor others due to a lack of experience. We may have attended classes or seminars on spiritual growth, but that is not quite the same as mentoring, which is often a one-to-one, intentional process, and very personal in nature.
We learn that although seniors may not have been mentored before, we can still learn to do it for two reasons.
Firstly, we are all called to be apprenticed to Jesus, who invites us to learn from Him. He opens Scriptures to us and walk with us. Through His Spirit, He guides and disciples us. So, in one sense, we cannot say that we have not been mentored before, if we are followers of Christ.
Second, we can study Scripture and learn from good examples of mentoring, like how Jesus trained His disciples, and how people like Paul mentored younger men like Timothy and Titus. We can also read the many books that have been written on mentoring. We pray for Your help to overcome the problems and succeed in our mentoring journey.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by London's Art History
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Referring to the special mentoring relationship he had with the younger Timothy, Paul wrote, "You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings" (2 Timothy 3:10-11). Paul's life was like an open book to Timothy, who learned from Paul's instruction and example in various key aspects of life. Notice the broad range of Paul's list. These things are best learned in the school of life, as an apprenticeship.
We should remember Swiss physician Paul Tournier's advice: "Success in retirement depends in great measure on the way we lived beforehand." Indeed, how we live in retirement draws a lot on how we have lived before. This is true not only for our personal growth but also for how we nurture and influence others.
Discuss what should be the core teachings we should leave behind among our family, friends, colleagues, and mentees.
There are five key actions that can bring a mentoring relationship forward.
- See the potential of a mentee. Paul noted Timothy's heritage, calling, and giftedness (2 Timothy 1:3-7), and invested his time and effort in Timothy's life.
- Encourage the mentee to guard his gifts. Paul indicates that Timothy must "guard the good deposit that was entrusted" to him (2 Timothy 1:14). In 2 Timothy 2:1-7,
we find Paul giving clear instructions to his protégé on how he can
invest his special giftedness. Specifically, Paul uses three analogies
to convey this message on guarding. Paul knows that if Timothy was to
fulfil his life's passion, he must learn to think from the perspectives of a soldier, athlete, and farmer.
- Warn the mentee of potential weaknesses. In 2 Timothy 2:20-23, Paul broadly mentions areas that will strengthen Timothy's life and ministry and others that will weaken and undermine him.
- Emphasise perseverance. Paul realistically indicates the scope of difficulties that Timothy would have to face in 2 Timothy 3:1-9.
- Be an example. Paul boldly declares that Timothy should follow his example when investing his life, so that he would not be disappointed (2 TImothy 3:14). We are called to the "ministry of example".
Older Christians have an important responsibility to nurture younger Christians through mentoring relationships. We need to ask, "Do I have my 'Timothys'? If not, can I spot any?" If we can pass on our blessings to those we leave behind, we may end our life like Abraham, who "died at a ripe old age, old and contented" (Genesis 25:8 HCSB). That is a good way to live, and a good way to die.

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Lord, we learn that success in retirement depends in great measure on the way we lived beforehand. How we live in retirement draws a lot on how we have lived before. Thank You for having us realise that this is true not only for our personal growth but also for how we nurture and influence others.
Help us to leave behind the core teachings among our family, friends, colleagues, and mentees.
Allow us to see the potential of a mentee. Just like Paul noted Timothy's heritage, calling, and giftedness, and invested his time and effort in Timothy's life.
Lord, give us the ability to encourage the mentee to guard our gifts. Paul indicates that Timothy must ‘guard the good deposit that was entrusted’ to him. We find Paul giving clear instructions to his protégé on how he can invest his special giftedness. We learn that Paul uses three analogies to convey this message on guarding. Help us to be like Paul, and know that if our mentees were to fulfil their life's passion, they must learn to think from the perspectives of a soldier, athlete, and farmer.
Provide us with the skill to warn our mentee of their potential weaknesses. Paul broadly mentions areas that will strengthen Timothy's life and ministry and others that will weaken and undermine him.
We learn that we are to emphasise perseverance. Like Paul, help us realistically to indicate the scope of difficulties that our mentees would have to face.
Help us to be good examples. Then we can be like Paul, who boldly declares that Timothy should follow his example when investing his life, so that he would not be disappointed. We are called to the ‘ministry of example’.
Help us when we become older Christians, to be able to take up the important responsibility to nurture younger Christians through mentoring relationships. Help us to spot our mentees so that we can pass on our blessings to those we leave behind. We would like to end our life like Abraham, who ‘died at a ripe old age, old and contented’. That is a good way to live, and a good way to die.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
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Chapter 21 - Redemptive Conversions
Question 1 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Redemptive Conversations, [41]
Question 2 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Redemptive Conversations, [42]

The apostle James points out that the tongue is resistant to our attempts to tame it and is probably the last part of the body to be brought under control (James 3:3-12). It boasts, tells lies, curses others, and is "a restless evil, full of deadly poison" (James 3:8). We need to practise the proper custody of the tongue if we are to honour God and bless others. An Egyptian desert father (in the early centuries of the church) said, "It is impossible to advance in virtue without custody of the tongue."
Jesus warned, "I tell you, on the day of judgement people will give accounts for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned" (Matthew 12:36-37 ESV). It seems that all the words we have spoken will come back to haunt us.
How would you assess the words you speak?
Some researchers claim that, on average, men speak about 7,000 words daily while women speak 20,000 words; others say that both genders speak about 16,000 words. That is a lot of words, and considering what Jesus said about being careful with our words, we should reflect deeply. We assess the words we speak by reflecting deeply our words.
How much of them are positive and how much are negative?
Positive: 10%, Negative: 45%, and Neutral: 45%.
Is there any adjustment needed in how you speak to others, both in what you say and how you say it?
Every words that comes forth from God's mouth gives us life and sustains us (Matthew 4:4). As we continue to walk with Christ, and as we age in years, should not our speech reflect the gracious and life-sustaining speech of God? The book of Proverbs gives much wisdom on doing this:
"Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity" (Proverbs 21:23).
"The mouth of the righteous is fountain of life" (Proverbs 10:11).
"The tongue of the righteous is choice silver . . . The lips of the righteous nourish many" (Proverbs 10:20-21).
"Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances" (Proverbs 25:11 NASB). Meaning; a timely or appropriate word (fitly spoken) is like words of wisdom from God (apples of gold in a silver basket).
"A person finds joy in giving an apt reply - and how good is a timely word!" (Proverbs 15:23).
As part of being made holy, our speech will change. Paul urges us, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone" (Colossians 4:6).
Picture posted by Marcel Theroux on 02 February 2017 at 10:07 - The redemptive power of listening

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Jesus had also warned us that on the day of judgement we will give accounts for every careless word we speak, for by our words we will be justified, and by our words we will be condemned. We need your help every day that all the words we have spoken will not come back to haunt us.
We learn that some researchers claim that, on average, men speak about 7,000 words daily while women speak 20,000 words; others say that both genders speak about 16,000 words. Lord, that is a lot of words, and considering what Jesus said about being careful with our words, help us to reflect deeply so that we can assess the words we speak.
My spoken words are largely negative, and very little of them are positive. There are adjustment needed in how we speak to others, both in what we say and how we say it. Lord, be with us in protection, guidance, wisdom, and direction.
We learn that every words that comes forth from God's mouth gives us life and sustains us. As we continue to walk with Christ, and as we age in years, help us in our speech to reflect the gracious and life-sustaining speech of God.
Help us to learn from the book of Proverbs which gives much wisdom on doing this:
"Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity" (Proverbs 21:23).
"The mouth of the righteous is fountain of life" (Proverbs 10:11).
"The tongue of the righteous is choice silver . . . The lips of the righteous nourish many" (Proverbs 10:20-21).
"Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances" (Proverbs 25:11 NASB). Meaning; a timely or appropriate word (fitly spoken) is like words of wisdom from God (apples of gold in a silver basket).
"A person finds joy in giving an apt reply - and how good is a timely word!" (Proverbs 15:23).
As part of being made holy, our speech will change. Paul had urged us to let our conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that we may know how to answer everyone.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by YouVersion,

We will have many conversations with family members, neighbours, friends, church members, and strangers. How can we carry on a conversation that is good, life-giving, and redemptive? The Lord Jesus set the example. We read in John 4 about an extended conversation between Him and a Samaritan woman (John 4:7-26). We can learn many lessons from it.
First, the conversation was deep. Jesus began by expressing a need - He was thirsty and requested water. That led to a discussion on thirst and water, and the Lord used the opportunity to introduce the water that quenches spiritual thirst. The woman then asked a theological question about the location of true worship. Jesus made some quick comments and then moved on to talk about the kind of worshippers that the Father is seeking.
Second, the conversation was personal. Jesus encouraged the woman to reveal her true self - she was living in sin and shame. Realising that Jesus somehow knew all about her, she disclosed her true self to Him. He then showed that her theological question hid a personal problem: she was unable to worship God in her heart because of her sin and shame. If God cannot be worshipped in her heart, it does not matter where she goes to worship God; she will not be able to do so. Jesus also revealed His true identity to her.
Third, the conversation was redemptive. The woman came as a sinner, wrapped up in shame; she had avoided the people of her town by going to the well alone at noon. But after Jesus gently led her to the truth about himself, she finally realised and accepted who He was. In quick succession, as the truth gradually dawned on her, she addressed Jesus as "Jew", "Sir", "Prophet", and finally "Messiah". What a splendid discovery! Healed and transformed, she hurried into the town and told the people whom she was earlier too ashamed to meet that the Messiah was nearby, and brought them to Him.
How can you make your conversations deeper, more personal, and more redemptive?
We have many opportunities today to hold redemptive conversations, Jesus-style. Seniors possess the life experience and maturity to make a difference in many conversations. We need to make our conversations deep, personal, and redemptive, by treating others as individuals with needs. Beyond discussing current issues and events (important in their own right), we can dive deeper into spiritual matters by addressing personal concerns and needs. Behind what others say intellectually or pragmatically lie spiritual needs and questions, struggles and aspirations. If we listen closely, we can make our conversations redemptive.
Ageing people can speak with wisdom, like Christian sages, and offer encouraging and healing words. In the ancient Benedictine monastic tradition, each day begins with a prayer: "Dear Lord, please help me today to use my tongue in your service by uttering words of love, kindness, praise, and encouragement. Help me to take custody of my tongue so I do not utter words of hate, disrespect, criticism, gossip, or slander."
We can pray likewise.
Picture posted by Seeds of Faith - Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

We need to make our conversations deep, personal, and redemptive, by treating others as individuals with needs. Beyond discussing current issues and events, we can dive deeper into spiritual matters by addressing personal concerns and needs. Behind what others say intellectually or pragmatically lie spiritual needs and questions, struggles and aspirations. If we listen closely, we can make our conversations redemptive.
Picture posted by Shutterstock

Give us opportunities today to hold redemptive conversations, Jesus-style. Seniors possess the life experience and maturity to make a difference in many conversations. But we still need Your guidance to make our conversations deep, personal, and redemptive, by treating others as individuals with needs.
Beyond discussing current issues and events, we want to dive deeper into spiritual matters by addressing personal concerns and needs. Behind what others say intellectually or pragmatically lie spiritual needs and questions, struggles and aspirations. Help us to listen closely, so that we can make our conversations redemptive.
Help us to be ageing people who can speak with wisdom, like Christian sages, and offer encouraging and healing words. Like the ancient Benedictine monastic tradition, each day begins with a prayer: ‘Dear Lord, please help me today to use my tongue in your service by uttering words of love, kindness, praise, and encouragement. Help me to take custody of my tongue so I do not utter words of hate, disrespect, criticism, gossip, or slander.’
Help us to pray likewise.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Mother Moon / Yasuko *
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at
Chapter 22 - Praying for Others
Question 1 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Intercessory Prayer, [43]
Question 2 - Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Praying for Others, [44]

Intercessory prayer has power, when we learn to pray for others.
We naturally pray for others, especially when they are facing crisis or have some needs. And God does answer such prayers. But not many pray regularly for others, apart from possibly family members.
Older folks may have more time available to pray unhurriedly, bringing people before God. It is a great ministry that not only glorifies God and helps others, but also builds our spiritual lives. We may lose physical strength and stamina, and even our mobility, but we can always pray, even on hospital beds and wheelchairs. It is the spiritual discipline we can hold on to, right to the end.
In praying for others, we learn to be like Jesus who, even now, is at the right hand of the Father interceding for us (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). Jesus, along with the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:27), is the Divine Intercessor.
When we pray for others, we join the Lord and His Spirit in praying to the Father. Isn't that amazing? We are caught up with the internal intercession that is going on within the Trinity. What great mystery and privilege!
See chapter for a list of people we ought to pray for. See also Luke 11:9; Colossians 4:2; Romans 12:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Make a list of people you ought to be praying for.
The Bible encourages us to pray for:
- Fellow Christians (Ephesians 6:18)
- Pastors, missionaries, and other servants of God (1 Thessalonians 5:25)
- The sick (James 5:14-16)
- Those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
- Enemies and persecutors (Matthew 5:44)
What do you think you should be asking God for on their behalf?
We can use several intercessory prayers as models. For instance, the apostle Paul prayed for fellow Christians in Philippians 1:9-11; Ephesians 1:17-19; 3:14-19; Colossians 1:9-12. We can substitute the names of others and pray for them using the same words.
We can also think about where in their journey with God different people are, what their needs may be, and pray accordingly. When people ask us to pray for them, we should not only say that we will, but actually do it!
We can pray for those we will be meeting on a particular day, or those we meet accidentally. We need to pray for those struggling with sickness and hospitalisation - and pray with a regularity that will not only enable us to bring them daily before God's throne, but also remind us of their needs and perhaps reveal how we can be of service to them and their loved ones.
There are so many people we know who have needs - in our families, among our friends, in church, in our workplace, and in our neighbourhood. How wonderful it would be if we brought them all to God in prayer!
We can even pray for those we read about in the media - victims of tragedy, people who are serving others and doing good, individuals trapped in crime, and many more.
Turn your thoughts to actual prayer, and do it regularly. Learn to use the intercessory prayers in the Bible to pray for others.,h_1024,q_75,strp/those_who_pray_by_iskander1989_dawxa6m-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMDI0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvN2ExNGMwMDgtOTlmZS00MGIwLWFhMTItYzQzMDI5NGFhN2U1XC9kYXd4YTZtLTY3MTg1MTA3LWJkYWUtNDgyMC1hNGViLTU3ZWFmNzkyYjliNy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.eQZus_MkWBhKrqc_zkh3CjeHP3NIKxM_Oklsmu0GdJ8

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Philippians 1:9-11
'We pray that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that we may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.'
Ephesians 1:17-19
'We ask that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know him better. We pray that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which he has called us, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength'
Ephesians 3:14-19
'For this reason we kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. We pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen us with power through his Spirit in our inner being, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith. And we pray that we, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide, long, high, and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.'
Colossians 1:9-12
'Help us not to stop praying for all of us. We continually ask God to fill us with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.'
Lord, help us to think about where different people in their journey with God are, what their needs may be, and pray accordingly. When people ask us to pray for them, we should not only say that we will, but actually do it!
Help us to pray for those we will be meeting on a particular day, or those we meet accidentally.
Help us to pray for those struggling with sickness and hospitalisation - and pray with a regularity that will not only enable us to bring them daily before God's throne, but also remind us of their needs and perhaps reveal how we can be of service to them and their loved ones.
Lord, we learn that it will be wonderful to bring all who have needs to God in prayer, especially in our families, among our friends, in church, in our workplace, and in our neighbourhood.
Help us to pray for the so many people we read about in the media - victims of tragedy, people who are serving others and doing good, individuals trapped in crime, and those who are facing crisis or have some needs.
We pray that our Intercessory prayer has power, and that God will answer such prayers.
Help us, older folks who may have more time available to pray unhurriedly, bringing people before God. It is a great ministry that not only glorifies God and helps others, but also builds our spiritual lives.
We learn that although we may lose our physical strength and stamina, and even our mobility, but we can always pray, even on hospital beds and wheelchairs. It is the spiritual discipline we can hold on to, right to the end.
In praying for others, help us to be like Jesus who, even now, is at the right hand of the Father interceding for us.
Jesus, along with the Holy Spirit, is the Divine Intercessor. It will be amazing when we pray for others, we join the Lord and His Spirit in praying to the Father. It is a great mystery and privilege to get caught up with the internal intercession that is going on within the Trinity.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Artwork by Joseph Brickey - In Similitude
Picture posted by Weebly

PHOTO: What do you think Jesus is interceding for you about before the Father? How about for those you know?
The First Epistle of John 2:1-2 (NASB) states: And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the whole world.
Intercession of Christ is the Christian belief in the continued intercession of Jesus and his advocacy on behalf of humanity, even after he left the earth.
In the intercession, Christ takes petitions to the Father in Heaven.
The intercession of Christ in Heaven is seen as a continuation of the prayers and petitions he performed for humanity while on earth, e.g. as in Luke 23:34: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
Ask God to show you how to pray for others, and pray accordingly.
"Dear Lord, we pray the modelled intercessory prayers that the apostle Paul prayed for fellow Christians.
Philippians 1:9-11
'We pray that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that we may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.'
Ephesians 1:17-19
'We ask that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know him better. We pray that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which he has called us, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength'
Ephesians 3:14-19
'For this reason we kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. We pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen us with power through his Spirit in our inner being, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith. And we pray that we, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide, long, high, and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.'
Colossians 1:9-12
'Help us not to stop praying for all of us. We continually ask God to fill us with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.'"
Why do you think such prayer leads to loving actions?
In praying for others, we learn to be like Jesus who, even now, is at the right hand of the Father interceding for us (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). Jesus, along with the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:27), is the Divine Intercessor.
When we pray for others, we join the Lord and His Spirit in praying to the Father. Isn't that amazing? We are caught up with the internal intercession that is going on within the Trinity. What great loving actions, mystery, and privilege!
Picture posted by Genesis Framework, Copyright © 2015

The First Epistle of John 2:1-2 (NASB) states: And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the whole world.
Picture saved by Specklesdi to Life - Jesus our advocate paid our sin debt in full!

Lord, help us to pray the modelled intercessory prayers that the apostle Paul prayed for fellow Christians.
Philippians 1:9-11
'We pray that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that we may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.'
Ephesians 1:17-19
'We ask that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know him better. We pray that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which he has called us, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength'
Ephesians 3:14-19
'For this reason we kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. We pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen us with power through his Spirit in our inner being, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith. And we pray that we, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide, long, high, and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.'
Colossians 1:9-12
'Help us not to stop praying for all of us. We continually ask God to fill us with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.'
In praying for others, help us to be like Jesus who, even now, is at the right hand of the Father interceding for us.
Jesus, along with the Holy Spirit, is the Divine Intercessor. It will be amazing when we pray for others, we join the Lord and His Spirit in praying to the Father. These are great loving actions, mystery and privilege, to get caught up with the internal intercession that is going on within the Trinity.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture saved by Janice Matuch to Parenting - Jesus being a loving friend
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Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links) (2020), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
[2] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Ultimate Christian Destination, posted on Wednesday, 06 May 2020,
[3] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Methods of Satan and the Sinful World, posted on Thursday, 14 May 2020,
[4] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Staying on Course, posted on Monday, 18 May 2020,
[5] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - God's Holiness and Glory, posted on Sunday, 24 May, 2020,
[6] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Good Deeds and Godly Motives, posted on Saturday, 30 May 2020,
[7] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Christian's Passion in Early Years, posted on Saturday, 06 June 2020,
[8] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Older Christian's Loss of Spiritual Passion, posted on Tuesday, 09 June 2020,
[9] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Life lived According to Various Philosophies, posted on Tuesday, 16 June 2020,
[10] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Being with Jesus, posted on Friday, 19 June 2020,
[11] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Christlikeness is God's highest purpose, posted on Wednesday, 24 June 2020,
[12] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Keep Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus, posted on Sunday, 05 July 2020,
[13] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Personal Convictions, posted on Friday, 17 July 2020,
[14] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Strengthening Convictions, posted on Sunday, 12 July 2020,
[15] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Growing Wise, posted on Monday, 20 July 2020,
[16] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Jesus definition of a Wise Man, posted on Wednesday, 22 July 2020,
[17] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Becoming Loving, posted on Monday, 27 July 2020,
[18] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Showing Love for God, posted on Sunday, 02 August 2020,
[19] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Reading the Bible Deeply, posted on Friday, 07 August 2020,
[20] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Factors Affecting Reading the Bible Deeply, posted on Tuesday, 11 August 2020,
[21] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - The Lord's Prayer, posted on Tuesday, 18 August 2020,
[22] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Discovering the Secrets of Prayer, posted on Thursday, 20 August 2020,
[23] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Hearing God Afresh, posted on Saturday, 22 August 2020,
[24] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - How God Speaks to Us, posted on Thursday, 27 August 2020,
[25] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Consecrating Life, posted on Tuesday, 01 September 2020,
[26] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Un-consecrated Lives, posted on Friday, 04 September 2020,
[27] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Worshipping Wholeheartedly, posted on Friday, 11 September 2020,
[28] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Distractions in Serving God Wholeheartedly, posted on Wednesday, 16 September 2020,
[29] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Finding Community, posted on Monday, 28 September 2020,
[30] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Strengthening Bonds with Communities, posted on Thursday, 01 October 2020,
[31] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Having a Ministry Mindset, posted on Monday, 05 October 2020,
[32] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Minister to others, posted on Thursday, 08 October 2020,
[33] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Losing Humanness, posted on Wednesday, 14 October 2020,
[34] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Becoming Truly Human, posted on Tuesday, 20 October 2020,
[35] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Friendship, posted on Sunday, 25 October 2020,
[36] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Four Seasons of Friendship, posted on Thursday, 29 October 2020,
[37] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Engaging and Enjoying the Family, posted on Wednesday, 04 November 2020,
[38] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Family Relationship, posted on Tuesday, 10 November, 2020,
[39] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Mentoring the Next Generation, posted on Saturday, 14 November 2020,
[40] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Mentoring Core Teaching, posted on Tuesday, 17 November 2020,
[41] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Redemptive Conversations, posted on Wednesday, 25 November 2020,
[42] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Redemptive Conversations, posted on Wednesday, 25 November 2020,
[43] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Intercessory Prayer, posted on Sunday, 06 December,
[44] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Redemptive Relationships - Praying for Others, posted on Tuesday, 08 December 2020,
[101] Frits de Lange, Loving Later Life; An Ethics of Aging (Grand Rapids: William B.Eerdmans, 2015), 4. See also Heather E. Dillaway and Mary Byrnes, "Reconsidering Successful Aging: A Call for Renewed and Expanded Academic Critiques and Conceptualizations", Journal of Applied Gerontology 28, no. 6 (December 2009), 702-722.
[102] Carole Bailey Stoneking, "Modernity: The Social Construction of Aging", in Growing Old in Christ, eds. (editors) Stanley Hauerwas, Carole Bailey Stoneking, Keith G. Meador, and David Cloutier (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 2003), 63.
[103] See Robert Raines, A Time to Live: Seven Tasks of Creative Aging (New York: Dutton, 1997), where he lists the seven tasks: waking up (to our mortality and spiritual needs), embracing sorrow (acknowledging losses and pain and growing in compassion). savouring blessedness (remembering how we have been blessed and can be a blessing), re-imagining work (fulfilling vocation), nurturing intimacy (with family and friends), seeking forgiveness entering old age with minimum baggage), and taking on the mystery (accepting life and death and exploring the ultimate meaning of life with thanksgiving and hope). See also Kenneth Stokes, "A Growing Faith After 60", Alert 12, no. 4 (1983), 11-13, where he mentions four faith tasks of older adulthood: adjusting to retirement and loss of power, keeping mentally and spiritually alert, adjusting to changing cultural values and patterns, and personal preparation for death.
[104] R. Paul Stevens, Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life (Grand Rapids: William B Eerdmans, 2006), 67; Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988), 156.
[105] Ibid. (in the same source), 15.
[106] Gordon MacDonald, Who Stole My Church? What to Do When the Church You Love Tries to Enter the 21st Century (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007).
[107] Henri J. M. Nouwen and Walter J. Gaffney, Aging: The Fulfillment of Life (Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1976), 154.
[108] George MacDonald, "The Marquis of Lossie", in Dephi Complete Works of George MacDonald, (Hastings, England: Delphi, 2015), 5832.
[122] Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, ed. Harold C Gardiner (New York: Doubleday, 2009), 1:23, 1:33.
[123] See William J. Carl Jr., ed., Graying Gracefully: Preachig to Older Adults (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knot Press, 1997). The book is a collection of essays on the topic and model sermons.
[124] J. I. Packer, Finishing Our Course with Joy: Guidance from God for Engaging with Our Aging (Wheaton: Crossway, 2014), 22.
[125] Hammarskjöld, Markings, 89.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Chronicles 29:28 -
1 Corinthians 2:14 -
1 Corinthians 4:5 -
1 Corinthians 8 -
1 Corinthians 10:31 -
1 Corinthians 13 -
1 Corinthians 15:58 -
1 Corinthians 1:30 -
1 John 2:1-2 (NASB) -
1 John 2:2 -
1 John 2:5 NLT -
1 John 2:16 -
1 John 3:2 -
1 John 4:8 -
1 John 4:12 -
1 John 4:19 -
1 John 4:20 -
1 John 5:19 -
1 Peter 5:8 -
1 Samuel 12:20; Deuteronomy 10:12; 11:13; Joshua 22:5 -
1 Samuel 18:1 -
1 Samuel 19:1-7 -
1 Samuel 20 -
1 Peter 5:9; Ephesians 6:14 -
1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, 11-12 -
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 -
1 Thessalonians 5:25 -
1 Timothy 1:5 -
1 Timothy 2:1-2 -
2 Chronicles 14:2 -
2 Chronicles 16; 20:31-37; 24:17-25; 25:14-28; 26:16-21; 32:24-31 -
2 Chronicles 26:16 -
2 Corinthians 3:18 -
2 Corinthians 4:16 -
2 Corinthians 11:14 -
2 Corinthians 12:14 -
2 Kings 17:41 -
2 Peter 3:16 -
2 Samuel 1:25-26; 9:1-12 -
2 Samuel 1:25-26 -
2 Samuel 9:1-12 -
2 Timothy 1:3-7 -
2 Timothy 1-4 -
2 Timothy 1:14 -
2 Timothy 1:15; 4:16 -
2 Timothy 2:1-7 -
2 Timothy 2:15 -
2 Timothy 2:20-23 -
2 Timothy 3:1-9 -
2 Timothy 3:7 -
2 Timothy 3:10-11 -
2 Timothy 3:10-17 -
2 TImothy 3:14 -
2 Timothy 3:15 -
2 Timothy 3:16 -
2 Timothy 3:16-17 -
2 Timothy 3:17 -
2 Timothy 4:10 -
2 Timothy 4:18 -
Acts 6:3 -
Acts 8:21 -
Acts 9:1-2; 26:9-11 -
Acts 9:20 -
Acts 17:28 -
Acts 26:9-11 -
Colossians 1:9-12 -
Colossians 1:16 -
Colossians 2:3 -
Colossians 4:2 -
Colossians 4:6 -
Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27 -
Deuteronomy 6:7-9 -
Deuteronomy 33:27 -
Deuteronomy 34:7 -
Ecclesiastes 12:1 -
Ephesians 1:17-19 -
Ephesians 3:14-19 -
Ephesians 6:7 -
Ephesians 6:18 -
Ezekiel 36:26 -
Galatians 2:20 -
Galatians 5:19 -
Galatians 5:22-23 -
Genesis 1:27 -
Genesis 3:5 -
Genesis 3:6 -
Genesis 3:8 -
Genesis 12:2 -
Genesis 12:11-13 -
Genesis 26:1-11 -
Genesis 25:8 HCSB -
Genesis 25:28 -
Genesis 37:3 -
Habakkuk 2:20 -
Haggai 1:5, 7 -
Hebrews 1:1-3 -
Hebrews 2:14-18 -
Hebrews 4:12-13 -
Hebrews 4:14 -
Hebrews 5:12 -
Hebrews 6:19 -
Hebrews 9:14 -
Hebrews 10:25 NKJV -
Hebrews 11:9-10 -
Hebrews 11:13 -
Hebrews 11:16 -
Hebrews 12:1 -
Hebrews 12:2 -
Isaiah 6:3 -
Isaiah 8:16 -
Isaiah 46:4 -
Isaiah 50:4-5 -
Isaiah 55:11 -
James 1:4 -
James 1:5 -
James 1:17 -
James 2:8 -
James 2:22 -
James 2:24 -
James 2:26 -
James 3:3-12 -
James 3:8 -
James 3:17 -
James 4:14 -
James 5:14-16 -
Jeremiah 17:9 -
Jeremiah 23:16 -
Jeremiah 23:29 -
Jeremiah 29:13; Deuteronomy 4:29 -
Job 5:26 -
Job 12:12 -
Job 12:13 -
Joel 2:12 -
Joel 2:32 -
John 1:1 -
John 1:10 -
John 2:14-17 -
John 3:3 -
John 3:6 -
John 3:15 -
John 3:16 -
John 3:30 -
John 4 -
John 4:7-26 -
John 4:24 -
John 4:34 -
John 4:35 -
John 5:39-40 -
John 6:37 -
John 7:7; 15:18-19 -
John 8:23 -
John 8:31 ESV -
John 10 -
John 10:3 -
John 10:4 -
John 14:1-2, 4 -
John 14:1-3 -
John 14:13 -
John 14:14 -
John 14:15 -
John 14:21 -
John 14:26 -
John 14:26; 17:17 -
John 15:13 -
John 15:15 -
John 17:3 -
John 17:4 -
John 17:13-19 -
John 17:17 -
John 19:30 -
John 21:15-19 -
Jonah 2 -
Joshua 1:8 NLT -
Joshua 14:8 -
Joshua 14:11 -
Leviticus 10:3 -
Leviticus 19:32 -
Luke 2:43-50 -
Luke 4:1-13 -
Luke 8:18 -
Luke 9:23 -
Luke 10:34 -
Luke 11:1 -
Luke 11:9 -
Luke 23:34 -
Luke 24:13-35 -
Malachi 3:8 -
Mark 3:13-15 -
Mark 10:47-49 -
Matthew 4:1-11 -
Matthew 4:2–11-
Matthew 4:4 -
Matthew 5-7 -
Matthew 5:16 -
Matthew 5:44 -
Matthew 6:1, 5, 16 -
Matthew 6:7 -
Matthew 6:12 -
Matthew 6:14-15 -
Matthew 6:31-33 -
Matthew 7:21 -
Matthew 7:21-27 -
Matthew 7:22-23 -
Matthew 7:23 -
Matthew 7:24 -
Matthew 7:24, 26 -
Matthew 7:24-27 -
Matthew 7:26 -
Matthew 7:27 -
Matthew 9:36 -
Matthew 10:37–39; 19:22; John 12:25 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Matthew 12:36-37 ESV -
Matthew 13:54; Mark 6:2 -
Matthew 21:12-13 -
Matthew 22:37 -
Matthew 22:37–38 -
Matthew 22:37-39 -
Matthew 22:39 -
Matthew 22:39; Leviticus 19:18 -
Matthew 25:21, 23 -
Matthew 25:26 -
Philippians 1:3, 6-7 -
Philippians 1:9-11 -
Philippians 2:5 -
Philippians 2:12-13 -
Philippians 3:14 -
Philippians 4:9 NLT -
Proverbs 1:7 -
Proverbs 4:6-7 -
Proverbs 4:20-22 -
Proverbs 10:11 -
Proverbs 10:20-21 -
Proverbs 15:23 -
Proverbs 16:2 -
Proverbs 17:6 ESV -
Proverbs 17:17 -
Proverbs 21:23 -
Proverbs 23:26 -
Proverbs 25:11 NASB -
Psalm 19:1 -
Psalm 25:15 -
Psalm 27:4 -
Psalm 40:6 -
Psalm 46:10 -
Psalm 71:9 -
Psalm 86:11 -
Psalm 90:6 -
Psalm 90:10 -
Psalm 92:14 -
Psalm 115:8 -
Psalm 119:1-4 -
Psalm 119:11 ESV -
Psalm 119:34 -
Psalm 119:72 -
Psalm 119:103 -
Psalm 119:105 -
Psalm 138:1 -
Psalm 139:23-24 -
Revelation 2:4 -
Romans 1:22–23 -
Romans 4:21 -
Romans 5:5 -
Romans 6 -
Romans 6:13 -
Romans 8:27 -
Romans 8:28-30 -
Romans 8:29 -
Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25 -
Romans 8:38-39 -
Romans 10:17 -
Romans 12:1 -
Romans 12:11 -
Romans 12:12 -
Romans 13:9; Galatians 5:14 -
Romans 15:4 -
Romans 15:20 -
Romans 16:7 -
Song of Songs 2:10-12 -
Titus 2:2-3 -
Zechariah 8:4-5 NLT -
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