By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: What do you think true zeal for the Lord looks like?
Passion is not mere physical energy; if that was the case, the older you grow, the less passion you will have. Passion, instead, refers to a spiritual fire that resides in the heart. The Bible uses various words to describe it, among which is "zeal". The Lord Jesus showed zeal throughout His life. It was zeal that kept twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple in deep discussion with the religious teachers, while His parents headed home (Luke 2:43-50). It was that same zeal for His Father's house that made Jesus clear out all those who had turned the temple into a marketplace, and this happened at the beginning of His public ministry (John 2:14-17), and also at the end (Matthew 21:12-13).
When He was tired and hungry, Jesus referred to an inner hunger that showed His zeal for His Father's will. "'My food,' said Jesus, 'is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work'" (John 4:34). He relentlessly headed to the cross of Calvary, ready to shed blood and sacrifice himself for the redemption of the world. We traditionally refer to His final sufferings, crucifixion, and death as the "passion of Christ". The week that commemorates these events every year is called Passion Week. Before His arrest, Jesus prayed to His Father, "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do" (John 17:4).
And on the cross, Jesus declared, amid painful gasps for air, "It is finished," and died so that we may live (John 19:30). This is what spiritual passion looks like, modelled for us by no less than the Son of God himself.
Those who follow Christ will display a similar passion. Take Paul, for instance. He was a man with great zeal; some say he was choleric (bad-tempered or irritable) by nature, a man who was driven by inner convictions. Before he met Christ, his zeal was misdirected against the young church. His passion for his Jewish faith blinded him from recognising who Jesus was, and he used his energy to persecute and arrest Christians (Acts 9:1-2; 26:9-11). The words "convinced" and "so obsessed" in Acts 26:9-11 help us understand Paul's misdirected passion.
After meeting the risen Christ, however, Paul's foundation and direction in life changed dramatically. His zeal remained undiminished - only now it was for the Lord and the mission He had entrusted to Paul. Immediately after his conversion Paul began to preach that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 9:20). Tirelessly, he embarked on several arduous (involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring) missionary journeys to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the ancient Mediterranean world. He declared with great zeal, "It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known" (Romans 15:20).
At the end of his life, Paul declared triumphantly, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). Here was a man whose zeal never waned, remaining strong to the end.
Recall the passion that you may have had in your early years as a Christian.
Crises and relationship with God
While continued on our life journey, there was no lack of difficulties and obstacles. Just like the Covid-19 pandemic which spread over our country and the world, we had a similar coronavirus 17 years ago, the Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). From November 2002 in China till 2004, SARS spread worldwide, carried by unsuspecting travellers. SARS was a serious illness that can lead to death. People at greatest risk of SARS are those who have had direct, close contact with someone who's infected, such as family members and health care workers. Just like the Covid-19, people older than 60 — especially those with underlying conditions such as diabetes or hepatitis — were at the highest risk of serious complications.
Back then I was 45 (year 2003), just retrenched by my company after the terrorist attack in USA in September 11, 2001. I remember after laborious attempts, then managed to find a temporary job working for a hospital in the IT department. Every day we had to wear our masks as we went to every wards and offices checking on their networks equipments. We were then involved in an upgrading project, changing the computer systems to connect to a new Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. With the masks and all the stringent checks everywhere in the hospital, even relatively simple tasks became difficult to carry out. There were no end to problems. Even with our best efforts in such an environment, being infected by the deadly virus was just a matter of time.
It was crisis after crisis that we realised our own human abilities were actually limited and seriously in need of 'outside' help. Like the Medical Social Worker we too, were eager to enter into relationship with God, praying for a better tomorrow. Whether our motives were right or wrong, God managed to gather us back to Him. Out of fear when disasters struck we became more passionate in our relationship with God. After going through various crises that lead to unstable and dangerous situation affecting everybody, we confirmed that we need our Creator. Financial crises come and go, coronavirus pandemic outbreak, rising tension between superpowers, trade wars, inflations, terrorist attack, digital warfare, and scams may be devastating but could be a blessing in disguise. It is difficult times that make us realised we need Him more than ever.
Seeking God during oversea attachment
It need not be virus pandemic that bring us closer to God. Our failures in managing work, friendship, marriage, finance, feelings, time and health, also require spiritual help.
In 1989, at the age of 31, I went for my two-years oversea work attachment in Germany. Our company prepared us with learning how to speak Deutsch, the German language, and arranging for us to be under their care while in Germany. We had assistance in finding our accommodation, utilities, transports, flights and place of work. Everything was according to as planned, and we managed to have very good initial adaptation into the country different from ours. Different housing, cultures and lifestyles. Especially dinning lifestyle was different from ours at the hawker centre. During our time in Germany, there was no hawker centre but restaurants. Also we needed to learn how to do our own marketing and cooking, which we seldom did at home. The environment was drier compared to our high humidity, and our skin started to peel off. I later discovered that it was not caused by the dry condition but by the misused of moisturising cream. There were other challenges which brought me closer to God during the 2-years stay.
Fortunately all the problems were overcome successfully after staying the first few months and life became more comfortable and exciting. But we became lonely being away from our families, friends, and familiar environments. We turned to attending Church during the weekend. As time passed, I was baptised in an American Army Church, after attending weeks of baptism classes. Although still unable to overcome the loneliness completely, I began to seek spiritual fulfilment. With another reliable source of help, life became even more comfortable. God continual taking care of us, especially when out of our comfortable zone, brought tremendous relief, calmness, and inner peace. It is definitely a joyful experience being in the God's family, amidst the depressing conditions in the world.
Health deterioration and Reservist training
Back in my country after 2 years, I carried on working in the project which we have started in Germany. We had set up similar systems, and together with the Germans with us, our project started off successfully. Just like any project, there were challenges with management, team-work, schedule and budget. Meanwhile our army required us to report back to camp for our yearly 2 weeks In-Camp-Training (ICT). My health deteriorated until I almost fainted during one of the group training test. What was once a manageable routine became almost an impossible task. During our last day our vehicle broke down while on our way back to camp from the training area. We were delayed, but still managed to complete the necessary tasks before booking out for the last time. Thinking back, I am grateful for the help from God during the time of needs. I completed my 13-years of ICT with deteriorated physical health but with reasons to seek God more urgently.
A healthy lifestyle became a necessity. Now in my retirement journey, my 'runway' is severely shorten. All the more I need to ensure that I will land on the correct path that lead into the entrance of heaven's gate. Physically I am deteriorating, but spiritually I need to make significant progress. I constantly pray for all to continue receiving God's blessing, grace and mercy, as we will finally disembark from our temporary home, and enter into the permanent sanctuary of God.
Make a list (of passion in your early years as a Christian) and examine your life in the light of your prayerful reflections.
1. Enter into a relationship with God
2. Spread the good news of Salvation
3. Read and learn from the Bible
4. Follow the teaching of Jesus
Picture posted by Chiara Lily,
PHOTO: American poet T. S. Eliot emphasised in his writings the importance of passion in our lives. Eliot mentions the difficulty of explaining the word to the uninitiated: "It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to a blind."
Picture from Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository - T. S. Eliot in 1923, by Lady Ottoline Morrell,_1923.JPG
American poet T. S. Eliot emphasised in his writings the importance of passion in our lives. But what is passion? Eliot mentions the difficulty of explaining the word to the uninitiated: "It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to a blind." [17] It is not so easy to get the unpassionate to understand.
What do you think true zeal for the Lord looks like? Recall the passion that you may have had in your early years as a Christian. Make a list and examine your life in the light of your prayerful reflections.
What do you think true zeal for the Lord looks like?
Passion is not mere physical energy; if that was the case, the older you grow, the less passion you will have. Passion, instead, refers to a spiritual fire that resides in the heart. The Bible uses various words to describe it, among which is "zeal". The Lord Jesus showed zeal throughout His life. It was zeal that kept twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple in deep discussion with the religious teachers, while His parents headed home (Luke 2:43-50). It was that same zeal for His Father's house that made Jesus clear out all those who had turned the temple into a marketplace, and this happened at the beginning of His public ministry (John 2:14-17), and also at the end (Matthew 21:12-13).
PHOTO: The Lord Jesus showed zeal throughout His life. It was zeal for His Father's house that made Jesus clear out all those who had turned the temple into a marketplace, and this happened at the beginning of His public ministry (John 2:14-17), and also at the end (Matthew 21:12-13).
Picture posted by Martin Young, Bible Cartoon - Jesus Clears the Temple
When He was tired and hungry, Jesus referred to an inner hunger that showed His zeal for His Father's will. "'My food,' said Jesus, 'is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work'" (John 4:34). He relentlessly headed to the cross of Calvary, ready to shed blood and sacrifice himself for the redemption of the world. We traditionally refer to His final sufferings, crucifixion, and death as the "passion of Christ". The week that commemorates these events every year is called Passion Week. Before His arrest, Jesus prayed to His Father, "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do" (John 17:4).
PHOTO: He relentlessly headed to the cross of Calvary, ready to shed blood and sacrifice himself for the redemption of the world. We traditionally refer to His final sufferings, crucifixion, and death as the "passion of Christ". The week that commemorates these events every year is called Passion Week.
Picture posted by on 31 March 2018 at 21:32
And on the cross, Jesus declared, amid painful gasps for air, "It is finished," and died so that we may live (John 19:30). This is what spiritual passion looks like, modelled for us by no less than the Son of God himself.

PHOTO: And on the cross, Jesus declared, amid painful gasps for air, "It is finished," and died so that we may live (John 19:30). This is what spiritual passion looks like, modelled for us by no less than the Son of God himself.
Posted by Steve Camp on Sunday, 30 September 2007
Those who follow Christ will display a similar passion. Take Paul, for instance. He was a man with great zeal; some say he was choleric (bad-tempered or irritable) by nature, a man who was driven by inner convictions. Before he met Christ, his zeal was misdirected against the young church. His passion for his Jewish faith blinded him from recognising who Jesus was, and he used his energy to persecute and arrest Christians (Acts 9:1-2; 26:9-11). The words "convinced" and "so obsessed" in Acts 26:9-11 help us understand Paul's misdirected passion.

Picture posted by Mark S. Haynes, Las Vegas, NV
After meeting the risen Christ, however, Paul's foundation and direction in life changed dramatically. His zeal remained undiminished - only now it was for the Lord and the mission He had entrusted to Paul. Immediately after his conversion Paul began to preach that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 9:20). Tirelessly, he embarked on several arduous (involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring) missionary journeys to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the ancient Mediterranean world. He declared with great zeal, "It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known" (Romans 15:20).

Picture posted by Catholic Online, St. Paul Fun Facts
At the end of his life, Paul declared triumphantly, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). Here was a man whose zeal never waned, remaining strong to the end.

PHOTO: At the end of his life, Paul declared triumphantly, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). Here was a man whose zeal never waned, remaining strong to the end.
Picture posted by Bible Study Resource Centre
Recall the passion that you may have had in your early years as a Christian.
Crises and relationship with God
While continued on our life journey, there was no lack of difficulties and obstacles. Just like the Covid-19 pandemic which spread over our country and the world, we had a similar coronavirus 17 years ago, the Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). From November 2002 in China till 2004, SARS spread worldwide, carried by unsuspecting travellers. SARS was a serious illness that can lead to death. People at greatest risk of SARS are those who have had direct, close contact with someone who's infected, such as family members and health care workers. Just like the Covid-19, people older than 60 — especially those with underlying conditions such as diabetes or hepatitis — were at the highest risk of serious complications. [2]

PHOTO: Just like the Covid-19 pandemic which spread over our country and the world, we had a similar coronavirus 17 years ago, the Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). From November 2002 in China till 2004, SARS spread worldwide, carried by unsuspecting travellers. SARS was a serious illness that can lead to death.
Picture posted by 123RF Limited - (18283484.jpg)
Back then I was 45 (year 2003), just retrenched by my company after the terrorist attack in USA in September 11, 2001. I remember after laborious attempts, then managed to find a temporary job working for a hospital in the IT department. Every day we had to wear our masks as we went to every wards and offices checking on their networks equipments. We were then involved in an upgrading project, changing the computer systems to connect to a new Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. With the masks and all the stringent checks everywhere in the hospital, even relatively simple tasks became difficult to carry out. There were no end to problems. Even with our best efforts in such an environment, being infected by the deadly virus was just a matter of time.

PHOTO: Every day we had to wear our masks as we went to every wards and offices checking on their networks equipments. With the masks and all the stringent checks everywhere in the hospital, even relatively simple tasks became difficult to carry out. Even with our best efforts in such an environment, being infected by the deadly virus was just a matter of time.
Picture posted by Korin Miller on 27 January 2020;0.207xw,0.0407xh&resize=980:*
It was crisis after crisis that we realised our own human abilities were actually limited and seriously in need of 'outside' help. Like the Medical Social Worker we too, were eager to enter into relationship with God, praying for a better tomorrow. Whether our motives were right or wrong, God managed to gather us back to Him. Out of fear when disasters struck we became more passionate in our relationship with God. After going through various crises that lead to unstable and dangerous situation affecting everybody, we confirmed that we need our Creator. Financial crises come and go, coronavirus pandemic outbreak, rising tension between superpowers, trade wars, inflations, terrorist attack, digital warfare, and scams may be devastating but could be a blessing in disguise. It is difficult times that make us realised we need Him more than ever.

PHOTO: It was crisis after crisis that we realised our own human abilities were actually limited and seriously in need of 'outside' help. Out of fear when disasters struck we became more passionate in our relationship with God. After going through various crises that lead to unstable and dangerous situation affecting everybody, we confirmed that we need our Creator.
Financial crises come and go, coronavirus pandemic outbreak, rising tension between superpowers, trade wars, inflations, terrorist attack, digital warfare, and scams may be devastating but could be a blessing in disguise. It is difficult times that make us realised we need Him more than ever.
Picture posted by Ashutosh Pandey on 17 March 2020 - Coronavirus shock vs. global financial crisis — the worse economic disaster?
Seeking God during oversea attachment
It need not be virus pandemic that bring us closer to God. Our failures in managing work, friendship, marriage, finance, feelings, time and health, also require spiritual help.
In 1989, at the age of 31, I went for my two-years oversea work attachment in Germany. Our company prepared us with learning how to speak Deutsch, the German language, and arranging for us to be under their care while in Germany. We had assistance in finding our accommodation, utilities, transports, flights and place of work. Everything was according to as planned, and we managed to have very good initial adaptation into the country different from ours. Different housing, cultures and lifestyles. Especially dinning lifestyle was different from ours at the hawker centre. During our time in Germany, there was no hawker centre but restaurants. Also we needed to learn how to do our own marketing and cooking, which we seldom did at home. The environment was drier compared to our high humidity, and our skin started to peel off. I later discovered that it was not caused by the dry condition but by the misused of moisturising cream. There were other challenges which brought me closer to God during the 2-years stay.
PHOTO: During our time in Germany, there was no hawker centre but restaurants. Also we needed to learn how to do our own marketing and cooking, which we seldom did at home. The environment was drier compared to our high humidity, and our skin started to peel off. I later discovered that it was not caused by the dry condition but by the misused of moisturising cream. There were other challenges which brought me closer to God during the 2-years stay.
Picture posted by by Meeroona on 28 October 2019- The Mosel Valley
Fortunately all the problems were overcome successfully after staying the first few months and life became more comfortable and exciting. But we became lonely being away from our families, friends, and familiar environments. We turned to attending Church during the weekend. As time passed, I was baptised in an American Army Church, after attending weeks of baptism classes. Although still unable to overcome the loneliness completely, I began to seek spiritual fulfilment. With another reliable source of help, life became even more comfortable. God continual taking care of us, especially when out of our comfortable zone, brought tremendous relief, calmness, and inner peace. It is definitely a joyful experience being in the God's family, amidst the depressing conditions in the world.
PHOTO: As time passed, I was baptised in an American Army Church, after attending weeks of baptism classes. Although still unable to overcome the loneliness completely, I began to seek spiritual fulfilment. God continual taking care of us, especially when out of our comfortable zone, brought tremendous relief, calmness, and inner peace. It is definitely a joyful experience being in the God's family, amidst the depressing conditions in the world.
Picture posted by Jen Kiaba, taken on 19 October 2013 - Ever Upward
Health deterioration and Reservist training
Back in my country after 2 years, I carried on working in the project which we have started in Germany. We had set up similar systems, and together with the Germans with us, our project started off successfully. Just like any project, there were challenges with management, team-work, schedule and budget. Meanwhile our army required us to report back to camp for our yearly 2 weeks In-Camp-Training (ICT). My health deteriorated until I almost fainted during one of the group training test. What was once a manageable routine became almost an impossible task. During our last day our vehicle broke down while on our way back to camp from the training area. We were delayed, but still managed to complete the necessary tasks before booking out for the last time. Thinking back, I am grateful for the help from God during the time of needs. I completed my 13-years of ICT with deteriorated physical health but with reasons to seek God more urgently.
PHOTO: Our army required us to report back to camp for our yearly 2 weeks In-Camp-Training (ICT). My health deteriorated until I almost fainted during one of the group training test. What was once a manageable routine became almost an impossible task. Thinking back, I am grateful for the help from God during the time of needs. I completed my 13-years of ICT with deteriorated physical health but with reasons to seek God more urgently.
Picture posted by Remember Singapore on 01 May 2013
A healthy lifestyle became a necessity. Now in my retirement journey, my 'runway' is severely shorten. All the more I need to ensure that I will land on the correct path that lead into the entrance of heaven's gate. Physically I am deteriorating, but spiritually I need to make significant progress. I constantly pray for all to continue receiving God's blessing, grace and mercy, as we will finally disembark from our temporary home, and enter into the permanent sanctuary of God.
PHOTO: A healthy lifestyle became a necessity. Now in my retirement journey, my 'runway' is severely shorten. All the more I need to ensure that I will land on the correct path that lead into the entrance of heaven's gate. I constantly pray for all to continue receiving God's blessing, grace and mercy, as we will finally disembark from our temporary home, and enter into the permanent sanctuary of God.
Picture posted by Smaugie@chloehx21 on 18 September 2018 at 10:36 AM - God of war, Big J the world serpent
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at
Make a list (of passion in your early years as a Christian) and examine your life in the light of your prayerful reflections.
1. Enter into a relationship with God
2. Spread the good news of Salvation
3. Read and learn from the Bible
4. Follow the teaching of Jesus
PHOTO: Out of fear when disasters struck we became more passionate in our relationship with God. We are urged to remember others who are also in the same boat as us. Our mission need to include spreading the good news of Salvation. In order to do that we need to learn too, especially from the Bible and others. Ultimately, one day, we all can follow the teaching of Jesus and bring glory to our Lord successfully.
Picture posted by
PHOTO: “Dear Lord, we learn that passion is not mere physical energy but refers to a spiritual fire that resides in the heart. So the older we grow, our passion need not decrease.
Our Lord Jesus showed zeal throughout His life. From deep discussion with the religious teachers, clearing the temple which had turned into a marketplace, to do the will of His Father who sent Him, and to finish His work. And we traditionally refer to His final sufferings, crucifixion, and death as the ‘passion of Christ’. The week that commemorates these events every year is called Passion Week.
Amid painful gasps for air, Jesus declared ‘It is finished,’ and died so that we may live. This is what spiritual passion looks like modelled for us by the Son of God himself.
Those who follow Christ will display a similar passion. Paul, a man with great zeal was misdirected against the young church. After meeting the risen Christ, however, Paul's foundation and direction in life changed dramatically. His zeal remained undiminished - only now it was for the Lord and the mission He had entrusted to Paul.
Please touch us so that our misdirected passion can change to do the will of the Lord. We would like to declare triumphantly like Paul that we have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. Please help us maintain our strong passion for the Lord till the end.
There are many crises that we are unable to overcome, even with the best of our abilities. We pray for your help that our relationship with God remain strong even during our difficult times. Please grant us success in seeking and worshipping God so that we travelled along the correct path that lead us into the gate of heaven, and into your sanctuary.
Just like our Lord Jesus, we want to bring you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave us to do.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by Susanne Pulliam, zoozee on 25 December 2007 - Magical Tunes
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at
Reflection - Spiritual Journey - Christian's Passion in Early Years
Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART I: SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, Chapter 4, "Keeping the Passion Strong", Question 1, Page 26.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
[1] From "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, Copyright © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-981-14-1836-5, PART I: SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, Chapter 4, "Keeping the Passion Strong", Page 21-26.
[2] Mayo Clinic, Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),
[17] T. S. Eliot, Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley (New York: Columbia University Press, 1964), 23.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Acts 9:1-2; 26:9-11 -
Acts 9:20 -
Acts 26:9-11 -
John 2:14-17 -
John 4:34 -
John 17:4 -
John 19:30 -
Luke 2:43-50 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Matthew 21:12-13 -
Romans 15:20 -
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