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Saturday, June 12, 2010

江淑娜 (jiāng shū nà) - 都是在骗我 (dōu shì zài piàn wǒ) - Totally deceiving me

Song 歌曲 (gē qǔ): 都是在骗我 (dōu shì zài piàn wǒ) - Totally deceiving me
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 江淑娜 (jiāng shū nà)
Lyrics (cí):
郑忠倌 (zhèng zhōng guān)
Music (qū):
张平福 (zhāng píng fú)
Director (dǎo): 郸铬彧 (dān gè yù)

PHOTO: http://bbsrrs1.joy.cn/BBS/up_file/2009-01-05/8bdfbfc7-d40c-4c4f-b2f4-5d8781a8b1f7.jpg

想不到你真会这样 一去不回头 - Do not realise that you really can leave without returning
xiǎng bú dào nǐ zhēn huì zhè yàng yí qù bù huí tóu

过去的还是山盟 - Our past is rock solid
guò qù de hái shì shān méng

难道你忘记 - Possible that you have forgotten
nán dào nǐ wàng jì

寸寸想思寂寞在心头 - every memory is with loneliness in the heart
cùn cùn xiǎng sī jì mò zài xīn tóu

我要轻轻告诉你 - I want to gently tell you that
wǒ yào qīng qīng gào su nǐ

我爱你 - I love you
Wǒ ài nǐ

不要把我忘记 - Do not forget me
bú yào bǎ wǒ wàng jì

我无想失去忘记在胸怀里 - In my heart, I do not wish to be forgotten
wǒ wú xiǎng shī qù wàng jì zài xiōng huái lǐ

PHOTO: http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/iTP-efAfmPEaUng14ddFQg==/2856408063660617140.jpg
(Direct upload to Picasa Web Album)

想不到你真会这样无心丢下我 - Do not realise that you really can abandon me heartlessly
xiǎng bú dào nǐ zhēn huì zhè yàng wú xīn diū xià wǒ

不是你通通埋在我的心窝里 - isn't it you who is completely in my heart
bú shì nǐ tōng tōng mái zài wǒ de xīn wō lǐ

寸寸想思被记在心头 - I remember every moment
cùn cùn xiǎng sī bèi jì zài xīn tóu

让我慢慢告诉你 - Let me slowly tell you
ràng wǒ màn màn gào su nǐ

我恨你 - I hate you
wǒ hèn nǐ

我恨你抛弃我 - I hate you because you abandon me
wǒ hèn nǐ pāo qì wǒ

我满怀的委屈在胸怀里 - My heart is full of grievances
wǒ mǎn huái de wěi qu zài xiōng huái lǐ

PHOTO: http://download.radionetplus.ru/cooper/radionetplus_ru_krasota1.jpg

想不到你真会这样狠心抛弃我 - Do not realise that you can be so cruel as to abandon me
xiǎng bú dào nǐ zhēn huì zhè yàng hěn xīn pāo qì wǒ

不是你通通埋在我的心窝里 - isn't it you who is completely in my heart
bú shì nǐ tōng tōng mái zài wǒ de xīn wō lǐ

寸寸想思被记在心头 - I remember every moment
cùn cùn xiǎng sī bèi jì zài xīn tóu

让我听天无相愁 - Let me listen to heaven and be free of worry
ràng wǒ tīng tiān wú xiāng chóu

我恨你 - I hate you
wǒ hèn nǐ

我恨你抛弃我 - I hate you because you abandon me
wǒ hèn nǐ pāo qì wǒ

我满怀的横画在胸怀里 - My heart is full of pain from this incidence
wǒ mǎn huái de héng huà zài xiōng huái lǐ

PHOTO: http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/585/585706q53cm0zj7x.gif

江淑娜 (jiāng shū nà) - 都是在骗我 (dōu shì zài piàn wǒ) - Totally deceiving me
都是在骗我 by 江淑娜

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX9H7Pt35wg

PHOTO: http://www.bestqualitywallpapers.com/Nature/Azalea.jpg

PHOTO: http://cache.aries.sina.com.cn/nd/forumbook/attachments/year_10/month_03/0/6/29471439.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.fotoeweb.it/moena/fotoDolomiti/Soraga%20lago.jpg


PHOTO: http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/iTP-efAfmPEaUng14ddFQg==/2856408063660617140.jpg
(Direct upload to Picasa Web Album)
