wǒ bào, xīng qī yī, 2010 nián 6 yuè 28, xīn wén shēng huà yú lè, yǒu wǒ gèng jīng cǎi
From http://myepaper.mypaper.sg/ebook/web_php/fvbrowserjs.php?urljs=http://myepaper.mypaper.sg/ecreator/sphopf/myb280610cnd_opf_files/myb280610cnd.js&ver=Gen
By 李秈霓 (lǐ xiān ní)

PHOTO: 中国掀起电视相亲节目热,却因参加者的“拜金主义”,引起争议。
Zhōng guó xiān qǐ diàn shì xiāng qīn jié mù rè, què yīn cān jiā zhě de "bài jīn zhǔ yì", yǐn qǐ zhēng yì.
China's dating TV show is very popular during the start, but because the participants are obsessed with money, it arouse controversy.
With the "Super Girl" and "Super Boy" selection popularity dropping, China's major television stations immediately changes its "Television Talent Scout", to become a "TV matchmaker" programme.
suí zhe "chāo nǚ", "kuài nán" xuǎn xiù tuì liú xíng, Zhōng guó gè dà diàn shì tái fēn fēn cóng "diàn shì xīng tàn", yáo shēn chéng wéi "diàn shì méi ren".

PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
cóng qù nián dǐ shuài xiān kāi bō de hú nán wèi shì jiāo yǒu hūn liàn jié mù 《wǒ men yuē huì bā》, dào lián xù duō zhōu wěn zuò Quán guó shōu shì guàn jūn de Jiāng sū wèi shì 《fēi chéng wù rǎo》, zài dào běn yuè gāng jiā rù "Zhàn chǎng" de Yún nán wèi shì 《zhēn ài wú dí》, Zhōng guó diàn shì yú lè jīn nián xiān qǐ le yì gǔ "xiāng qīn rè", yǐn fā "quán mín kàn xiāng qīn" de shèng kuàng.

PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
Zhōng guó xīn yí dài xiāng qīn jié mù yǒu duō huǒ? jù bào dào, bào míng shàng 《fēi chéng wù rǎo》de shèng nán shèng nǚ zhì shǎo dá 160,000 rén; jié mù dān shì guàn míng shōu rù jiù gāo dá RMB100 million (S$20.4m).

PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
běn yuè rén mín wǎng diào chá xiǎn shì, chāo guò 90% de wǎng mín kàn guò jìn qī Zhōng guó xiāng qīn jié mù, qí zhōng 32.3% jīng cháng kàn, 12.2% měi qī bì kàn.

PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
zuì hóng de yí dàng xiāng qīn jié mù 《fēi chéng wù rǎo》zhǔ chí mèng fēi xié dài jié mù de gāo rén qì, zuì jìn dēng shàng Shàng hǎi diàn shì jié "zhǔ chí rén 30 nián nián dù fēng yún rén wù". tā shuō, Quán guó gè dì qiú fàn yě shì《fēi chéng wù rǎo》guān zhòng, xǔ duō qiú fàn lái xìn xiàng tā sù shuō zì jǐ de qíng gǎn hé shēng huó wèn tí; shòu "12 lián tiào" kùn rǎo de fù shì kāng Jí tuán yě jiāng《fēi chéng wù rǎo》liè wéi yuán gōng jiǎn yā zhī yī, ān pái yuán gōng dào xiàn chǎng kàn jié mù.

PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
dàn yǔ cǐ tóng shí, xīn yí dài xiāng qīn jié mù yě yīn jiā bīn yán yǔ tài chū wèi ér shòu dào yú lùn pēng jī, yóu qí shì yì xiē nǚ jiā bīn xuān chēng "wò yí cì shǒu yào 20 wàn", "nìng zuò bǎo mǎ kū, yě bú zài zì xíng chē hòu xiào" děng chì luǒ luǒ de bài jīn xuān yán, gèng ràng tā men bèi tiē shàng "bài jīn nǚ" de fù miàn biāo qiān.

PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
Some have questioned, whether the match-making programme is towards "love" or "money". 《If You Are the One》is actually 《If You Are the One》. Zhejiang Satellite TV's 《rush forward due to love》is also renamed as《rush forward due to money》.
yì xiē rén zhì yí, zhè xiē xiāng qīn jié mù xiāng de bú shì "qīn", ér shì "qián", 《fēi chéng wù rǎo》shí jì shàng shì《fēi chéng wù rǎo》, Zhè jiāng wèi shi de 《wèi ài xiàng qián chōng》yě gāi gǎi chēng《wèi ài xiàng qián chōng》.

PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
zài jù dà de zhēng yì shēng zhōng, Zhōng guó Guó jiā guǎng bō diàn yǐng diàn shì Zǒng jú rì qián xià lìng, yào xiāng qīn jié mù dù jué bài jīn zhǔ yì děng duì shè huì yǐng xiǎng bù liáng de jià zhí guān, yǐn fā xiāng qīn jié mù dà zhěng gǎi.
PHOTO: 《非诚勿扰》
在自由交友恋爱盛行的现代, “老土”的相亲为什么会卷土重来?新一代相亲节目有什么不同?这些节目引发了怎样的争议?请看今天《世界专题》。
By 李秈霓 (lǐ xiān ní)
In this age of free love dating, why is it that "old fashioned" dating is still stagging a comeback? What is the difference in the new generation's match-making show? These type of programme will initiate what disputes? Please see today's world special project report.
zài zì yóu jiāo yǒu liàn ài shèng xíng de xiàn dài, "lǎo tǔ" de xiāng qīn wèi shén me huì juǎn tǔ chóng lái?
xīn yí dài xiāng qīn jié mù yǒu shén me bù tóng? zhè xiē jié mù yǐn fā le zěn yàng de zhēng yì? qǐng kàn jīn tiān 《Shì jiè zhuān tí 》.

PHOTO: http://i1.sinaimg.cn/travel/2010/0408/201048192411.jpg
Translated by: Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin) and Google Translate.

PHOTO: http://img.lotour.com/test/chinatour/200901/img347122.jpg
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