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Monday, June 7, 2010

韩宝仪 (hán bǎo yí) - 错误的爱 (cuò wù de ài) - Mistaken love

From: http://www.inkui.com/a3/9/B/9B3B4DDB9A78D3EF5ED6.html
Song 歌曲 (gē qǔ): 错误的爱 (cuò wù de ài) - Mistaken love
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 韩宝仪 (hán bǎo yí)
Lyrics (cí): 于慧仁 (yú huì rén)
Music (qū): 柯俊荣 (kē jùn róng)

PHOTO: http://blog.66wz.com/attachments/oblog/2007-3/314371400.jpg

错误错误 - Mistake, mistake
(cuò wù cuò wù)

只有你了解我的心态 - Only you know my mentality
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de xīn tài

只有你了解我的情爱 - Only you know my passion
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de qíng ài

偏偏你对我少一份关怀 - But it so happens that I am less of a concern for you
piān piān nǐ duì wǒ shǎo yí fèn guān huái

偏偏你对我少了一份爱 - But it so happens that you love me lesser
piān piān nǐ duì wǒ shǎo yí fèn ài

PHOTO: http://www.dabaoku.com/sucai/zhiwu/taohua/005e.jpg

啊~难道我不该 - Could it be, I should not have
ā ~ nán dào wǒ bù gāi

不该对你付出真爱 - Should not have truly love you
bù gāi duì nǐ fù chū zhēn ài

错误的爱错误的安排 - Untrue love, wrongly arranged
cuò wù de ài cuò wù de ān pái

你在人间我却在苦海 - You are in the world, while I am in the bitter sea
nǐ zài rén iān wǒ què zài kǔ hǎi

PHOTO: http://img8.zol.com.cn/blog/12/a11161_s.jpg

错误错误 - Mistake, mistake
(cuò wù cuò wù)

只有你了解我的脑海 - Only you know what is in my mind
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de nǎo hǎi

只有你了解我的期待 - Only you know my expectations
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de qī dài

偏偏你眼中没我的存在 - Happens in your eyes that I do not exist
piān piān nǐ Yǎn zhōng méi wǒ de cún zài

偏偏你心门不是为我开 - You open your heart not because of me
piān piān nǐ xīn mén bú shì wèi wǒ kāi

啊~这一段情爱 - This part of love
ā ~ zhè yí duàn qíng ài

是不是该重新再来 - should or shouldn't start all over again
shì bú shì gāi chóng xīn zài lái

爱神请你妥善的安排 - Cupid, please arrange appropriately
ài shén qǐng nǐ tuǒ shàn de ān pái

给我一个有心的男孩 - Give me one that truly love me
gěi wǒ yí gè yǒu xīn de nán hái

PHOTO: http://pic2.nipic.com/20090406/1056762_213450063_2.jpg





PHOTO: http://lisamichele.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/lemonthyme21.jpg

韩宝仪 (hán bǎo yí) - 错误的爱 (cuò wù de ài) - Mistaken love
韩宝仪 - 错误的爱

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NjvASysIIo

PHOTO: http://www.sooopu.com/sooopuupload/xinzou/%E9%94%99%E8%AF%AF%E7%9A%84%E7%88%B1.jpg

PHOTO: http://photo.iecool.com/photo/shengwushijie/huaduohuahui/taohua/taohua2_004.JPG

PHOTO: http://blog.huayuworld.org/gallery/9265/32331-%E6%A1%83%E8%8A%B1.jpg
