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Monday, October 15, 2018

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)

Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul"
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
PHOTO: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29)
Jesus is not selling anything in Matthew 11:28-29. Neither is He luring us into a trap to spend money. His "Come to me" is an effective way to grab our attention. We have to take the invitation to "Come to Me" seriously, because it comes from our Creator, our Physician, and our Saviour. It is out of His love and grace that He is calling us with the offer of rest, light yoke, provide learning opportunities and even provide rest for the soul.
Despite the challenges in response to His offer of our salvation, Jesus is the only hope to begin our journey towards heaven and eternal life. This in itself is already a comfort, and provides the rest for our soul.
Picture saved by Brenda Clark to ~Quotes and Scripture~ from Photobucket
Hopefully some of the information, reflection and discussion obtained from the internet and the book by Robert M. Solomon, "Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, can be useful. Some of them are listed in the following.

PART I: Come to Me
Chapter One - Who is calling?

Question 1 - Reflection - Challenges and hopes in response to His call, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/11/reflection-challenges-and-hopes-in.html [1]

Question 2 - Reflection - Jesus our Creator, Physician, Saviour and Heir, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/11/reflection-jesus-our-creator-physician.html [2]

Question 3 - Reflection - Breaking free from our illusions, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/11/reflection-breaking-free-from-our.html [3]

Jesus is the Messiah (Matthew 16:16), the Son of the living God who came to earth to die in our place and win for us true forgiveness, freedom, and eternal life.

PHOTO: Jesus is the Messiah (Matthew 16:16), the Son of the living God who came to earth to die in our place and win for us true forgiveness, freedom, and eternal life. He is one of the three Persons in the divine Godhead. He is our Creator, our Physician, our Saviour and the Heir of all things.
He is our Creator: Jesus is God who is involved in creating the universe and each one of us (John 1:1-3). He knows how we have been put together and how we have fallen apart, and He alone is able to put us back together again in the way that He originally intended. He knows exactly how we tick, what we need, and how we can be healed. Jesus knows exactly how we function and malfunction.
He is our Physician: Jesus, who created us and knows all about us, can offer profound healing and healed us fully - physically, socially, and spiritually. Like the bleeding woman (Mark 5:25-34), we need to deliberately reach out and touch Jesus. We need to respond intentionally, no one comes to Jesus carelessly. Only then will we find the true Healer and be healed.
He is our Saviour: Our basic problems all stem from our sinfulness and all involve death. We had since the beginning of mankind, sadly and tragically, disobeyed God and sinned. Since all men are sinners, none of us can die in the place of another. So God had to come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth, for He alone is sinless and thus able to die for the sins of others. But Jesus also had to be fully human so that He could die as our substitute. As the unique God-Man, He is our Saviour (Hebrews 2:14-18).
He is the Heir of all things: One day in the future, Jesus will inherit everything. He is the "heir of all things" (Hebrews 1:2) and the sole inheritor of everything, because all things belong to Him. He is the rightful owner. "Life does not consists in an abundance of possessions" (Luke 12:15). The man who appeared to be rich in worldly terms was in fact a poor beggar, with a shrivelled soul and a bleak future. The essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. It was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind. When we look up at the skies and see the universe, we are reminded that God made and owns everything. This truth challenges our illusions of being creator and owners. Only God is the true Creator and Owner of everything. Jesus is the Heir of all things and owns everything.
We need to search our hearts and face our guilt. The call "Come to Me" has been issued from someone who knows exactly how we tick, what we need, and how we can be healed. We need to deliberately reach out and touch Jesus. We need to respond intentionally, no one comes to Jesus carelessly. Only then will we find the true Healer and be healed. We need to listen to Jesus' call, for it comes from the One who is the Heir of all things and who owns everything.
Picture saved by Alessandro Dell'Olio to jw from wol.jw.org

Dear Lord, Thank you for sending Jesus to come to earth to suffer terribly and die in our place, and win for us true forgiveness, freedom, and eternal life. We pray for your protection, guidance, correction and provision, so that we can rejoice that our names are written in heaven. Thank you for your unfailing love and concern for us, before, now, future and eternity. <br>Please help us to search our hearts and face our guilt. The call 'Come to Me' has been issued from Jesus who knows exactly how we tick, what we need, and how we can be healed. Please help us to deliberately reach out and touch Jesus. We need to respond intentionally because no one comes to Jesus carelessly. We need to find the true Healer and be healed. Help us to listen to Jesus' call, for it comes from the One who is the Heir of all things and who owns everything. Through Lord Jesus Christ, our Creator, Physician, Saviour and the Heir to everything, we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank you for sending Jesus to come to earth to suffer terribly and die in our place, and win for us true forgiveness, freedom, and eternal life. We pray for your protection, guidance, correction and provision, so that we can rejoice that our names are written in heaven. Thank you for your unfailing love and concern for us, before, now, future and eternity.
Please help us to search our hearts and face our guilt. The call 'Come to Me' has been issued from Jesus who knows exactly how we tick, what we need, and how we can be healed. Please help us to deliberately reach out and touch Jesus. We need to respond intentionally because no one comes to Jesus carelessly. We need to find the true Healer and be healed. Help us to listen to Jesus' call, for it comes from the One who is the Heir of all things and who owns everything. Through Lord Jesus Christ, our Creator, Physician, Saviour and the Heir to everything, we pray. Amen!
Picture saved by (Eve )Taylor Swift to quotes, saying true things from Monica Serrano

As in the story of Zacchaeus, Jesus also knows each one of us personally.
PHOTO: As in the story of Zacchaeus, Jesus also knows each one of us personally. He knows all about us - our hang-ups, sins, fears, and aspirations. Just as Jesus asked Zacchaeus to come down from the tree, He asks us to come down from our tenuous perches in life and to find rest in Him.
When Jesus calls us to come to Him, we are hearing from the One who will inherit all things. We are receiving an invitation from the Christ who is our true inheritance for all time and eternity. We need His healing touch, but we are holding on to something so tightly that it prevents us from holding on to Jesus, the true Treasure of life.
Like Zacchaeus, we should release our grip on impermanent accumulations in life. By receiving the wisdom to give up our grip on material things, we could hold on tightly to the only One who could give us all things in the eternal future.
Picture posted by informativa.ba on 08 October 2016 at 11:48

Dear Lord, You know each one of us personally. You know all about us - our hang-ups, sins, fears, and aspirations. Please help us to come down from our tenuous perches in life and to find rest in You. Help us to release our grip on impermanent accumulations in life. <br>We need Your healing touch, but we are holding on to something so tightly that it prevents us from holding on to You, the true Treasure of life. Only by receiving the wisdom to give up our grip on material things, could we hold on tightly to You, the only One who could give us all things in the eternal future. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, You know each one of us personally. You know all about us - our hang-ups, sins, fears, and aspirations. Please help us to come down from our tenuous perches in life and to find rest in You. Help us to release our grip on impermanent accumulations in life.
We need Your healing touch, but we are holding on to something so tightly that it prevents us from holding on to You, the true Treasure of life. Only by receiving the wisdom to give up our grip on material things, could we hold on tightly to You, the only One who could give us all things in the eternal future. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Alchetron on 16 March 2007 - Premonition (2007 film), face-in-trees-illusion

Chapter Two - Going to Jesus: Perils and Possibilities
Question 1 - Reflection - Going to Jesus - Hopes and Fears, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/12/reflection-going-to-jesus-hopes-and.html [4]

Question 2 - Reflection - Going to Jesus - Diversions encountered, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/12/reflection-going-to-jesus-diversions.html [5]

Question 3 - Reflection - Going to Jesus - Mooring lines, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/12/reflection-going-to-jesus-mooring-lines.html [6]

Why do people prefer to go everywhere else other than to Jesus?
PHOTO: Why do people prefer to go everywhere else other than to Jesus?
Since the time of Abraham we have shown that we still hesitate to go to Jesus despite the initial enthusiasm. Abraham's father, Terah, also faced the same situation of leaving his country but not reaching God's Promised Land. He was unable or unwilling to go all the way to the final destination due to certain fears which are similar to ours. The obstacles and fears to go to Jesus are:
  • Having to leave our comfort zone
  • Encounter difficulties along the way
  • Fear of what might happen

However there were others who with faith and trust in God, 'obeyed, set out, and arrived' at the Promised Land, just like Abraham. They did this even though they did not understand God's plan fully. They preferred to go to Jesus because they knew that it was better to travel with God in apparently dangerous circumstances than to sit comfortably at home, living an illusion that would bring them nowhere. With faith, their hopes in Jesus are:

  • Presence and promise of God (Genesis 12:1)
  • Looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God (Hebrews 11:10)
  • Longing for a better country - a heavenly one (Hebrews 11:16)

Good intention must be translated into actions, and these actions must persevere. If we are to go to Jesus, we must go all the way. As a result, we will be greatly blessed.

What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God?

  • To seek the things of God (especially salvation) as a priority over the things of the world
  • Spend energies in the services of God
  • God's idea of what we need is often different from ours
  • Focus not on things of this world but upon the things of God's kingdom
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania - God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their lawlessness. Lot and his daughters had faith enough to not look back. Imitate their faith! (Lot and his two daughters escape to Zoar but latter settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. At this place the two daughters drunk him and impregnated themselves by their father to preserve their family line.)


Dear Lord, Help us to go all the way to Jesus. Help us to 
translate our good intentions into actions, and persevere all the way. 
Please help us to overcome our obstacles and fears to accept the 
invitation of Jesus to go to the Promised Land. Fulfill our hopes base 
on Your presence and promise to reach 'the city with foundations, whose 
architect and builder is God' which is a better country - a heavenly 
one. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Help us to go all the way to Jesus. Help us to translate our good intentions into actions, and persevere all the way. Please help us to overcome our obstacles and fears to accept the invitation of Jesus to go to the Promised Land. Fulfill our hopes base on Your presence and promise to reach 'the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God' which is a better country - a heavenly one. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by AStacyMC


What diversions are we likely to encounter when we try to go to Jesus?
PHOTO: What diversions are we likely to encounter when we try to go to Jesus?
Abraham's nephew, Lot, accompanied his uncle and arrived in Canaan. He was tempted and befriend the wickedness of the world, and eventually become an enemy of God. It is easy to jump into these distracting activities instead of trying to go to Jesus. Without going to Jesus and seek the protection, guidance, and careful correction of God we will end up following the same path taken by Lot. We have similar human weaknesses and characteristics.

  • Enticed by exciting but wickedness of the world
  • Not wanting to leave our old lives (ways) behind
  • Worshiping the Lord, but were serving idols (money)
  • Contemplating ourselves instead of contemplating God (that means I first, God second)
  • Valid expressions of faith but do not actually go to Jesus

The world has its wickedness with its exciting attractions that will distract us from trying to go to Jesus. We will be continuously tempted and dragged into those unrighteous activities that escape through the loopholes of our worldly law and governance. There are things that can distract us from God. [2]

  • Love of Money
  • Filth from Media
  • Condemning others using Church or Religion
  • Relationship with God is not the utmost importance
  • Routine without spending time with God
  • Distractions from work (work become more important)
  • Hobbies without worshiping God in mind
  • Desiring a blessing from God, more than God Himself
  • Our Pastor is God
  • Ourselves first
  • Stock Market Dilemma (from my own experience)
"Dear Lord, we seek your protection, guidance, correction and not to end up following the same path taken by Lot. Please help us to overcome the temptation by the wickedness of the world which eventually lead us to become the enemy of God. Don't let us jump into these distracting activities which are preventing us from going to Jesus. Help us to leave our sinful lives behind, discarding away our idols, and worship God as the utmost importance. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture saved by Rebecca Weisser to Prophetic Pictures from Debbie Coleman



How might a person set out on a journey to Jesus without cutting the ties to his old life?
PHOTO: How might a person set out on a journey to Jesus without cutting the ties to his old life?
Cling to their possessions and wealth
Many people try to bring along their entire earthly luggage when they answer Jesus' invitation. We should learn from Bartimaeus, the beggar. When Bartimaeus was told that Jesus was calling for him, he acted immediately: "Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus" (Mark 10:50).

Holding on to old sins
Many people are like that: they come to Jesus still holding on to their old sins; they wrap their favourite things and habits into a bundle, and hide them away in their hearts and minds. But we cannot come to Jesus in this manner.

Holding on to 'rubbish' (sinful world's treasure)
To come to Jesus means letting go of everything that has taken the place of God in our lives; to continue holding on to them would be simply holding on to rubbish.

Striving after illusionary and transient happiness
Modern man's fallacy is to have made the pursuit of happiness the primary aim of life. It is an attitude that many Christians have incorporated into their lives; [8] yet it will never satisfy our deepest needs.

What form would such "mooring lines" take?
Mooring lines are those things that weighs us down or tempts us to turn back from answering to Jesus' call of "Come to Me".

Sins does not only mean doing the wrong things - lying, stealing, and committing adultery - but also includes anything that is thought, said, or done without faith in God. Romans 14:23 says that "everything that does not come from faith is sin". Anything that takes the place of God - our achievements, possessions, and even our ego - is an idol, and idolatry is sin.

Illusionary and transient happiness
French philosopher Jacques Ellul once pointed out, modern man's fallacy is to have made the pursuit of happiness the primary aim of life. It is an attitude that many Christians have incorporated into their lives; [8] yet it will never satisfy our deepest needs.

"Garbage", things that take the place of God in our lives
Anything that has taken the place of God in our lives. The sinful world considers them as treasure - which we have accumulated for ourselves. Examples are inappropriate traditions, heritages, qualifications, skills, and religious zeal that has taken the place of God in our lives.

Is there such a "line" (mooring line) in your life?
Income and Work: To have more money as a security against overwhelming livelihood expenditures
Picture posted by maoyan.com - Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children

When Jesus calls us to come to Him, we cannot go carrying all the garbage - which the sinful world considers as treasure - we have accumulated for ourselves.
PHOTO: When Jesus calls us to come to Him, we cannot go carrying all the garbage - which the sinful world considers as treasure - we have accumulated for ourselves.
The mooring lines must be released to let go of all that weighs us down or tempts us to turn back.
Picture posted by Victória Comune on 19 February 2016

 Dear Lord, We pray that when Jesus calls us to come to Him, we release our 'mooring lines' that weighs us down or tempts us to turn back. Please help us to ensure that we leave our old master behind in order to arrive at the feet of the real Master of our lives. Remove anything that has taken the place of God in our lives so that we can have our salvation. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, We pray that when Jesus calls us to come to Him, we release our 'mooring lines' that weighs us down or tempts us to turn back. Please help us to ensure that we leave our old master behind in order to arrive at the feet of the real Master of our lives. Remove anything that has taken the place of God in our lives so that we can have our salvation. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by 양파@ on 23 October 2016 - Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children

Chapter Three - Making Sure You Go to Jesus
Question 1 - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction,  http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/01/reflection-making-sure-you-go-to-jesus.html [7]

Question 2 - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Reading the Bible, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/01/reflection-making-sure-you-go-to-jesus_24.html [8]

Question 3 - Reflection - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Life direction, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/02/reflection-making-sure-you-go-to-jesus.html [9]

Reflect on what you have learnt about the need for spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction.
PHOTO: Reflect on what you have learnt about the need for spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction.
As we respond to Jesus' call to "Come to Me", we make sure that we actually go to Jesus by having spiritual  discernment, desire, discipline and direction.

Spiritual Discernment

  • Need to be able to discern His voice
  • Instruction from God: Listen to Jesus
  • Spiritual deafness are caused by distractions
  • God wants and persists to communicate with us
  • God's voice can come when we least expect it
  • God continue to speak to us through the Bible
  • God the Sender speaking directly to us: "Come to Me"

Spiritual Desire
Spiritual Desire depends on the desire and motivation of our hearts. The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15) describes the four types of hearers of God's Word, as represented by the four types of soils.

The Accidental Hearer (Luke 8:5, 12)

  • Hear God's Word but ignore or forget it soon after.

The Superficial Hearer (Luke 8:6, 13)

  • Abandon the journey to Jesus after seeing the problems ahead
  • Believing that God cannot help him
  • Lost focus on Jesus
  • Fear what might be lost in this life
  • Afraid about what might happen next, their livelihoods, and different lifestyles
  • Reluctant to part with transient riches on earth

The Distracted Hearer (Luke 8:7, 14)

  • Are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures
  • Lack faith and trust in Jesus

The Good Hearer (Luke 8:8, 15)

  • Hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop
  • Human has both good and fallen instinct

Spiritual Discipline

  • Misunderstanding about purpose of prayer
  • Prayer is a relationship with God
  • Learn to pray with correct attitude
  • Practise praying regularly and faithfully
  • Shove back at all our wishes and hopes for the day every morning
  • Go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else
  • Do not ignore the importance of prayer
  • For a little while give your time to God, and rest in him

Spiritual Direction

  • Go the correct way: towards Jesus
  • Direction is more important than speed or efficiency
  • Respond to the voice of Jesus
Picture posted by Leisa Jenkins

Allow Jesus to take control of our life

PHOTO: Allow Jesus to take control of our life
Sometime it is beyond our own effort to overcome all the undesirable conditions, habits and actions. We may have to accept the outcome that was planned by our Creator for our benefits. It could be due to better understanding of His plans for us, for example by staying single and avoid the uncomfortable difficulties of married life. Although a shameful status and reality in life but a happier one. Unable to form a family may not be a complete failure. It is still possible to assist our immediate family to raise their children and enjoy the family life which a normal family could. To experience closer relationship with Christ can be from government sponsered  HDB flat too. That is what most of us can do every day, from dawn to dusk, from young till old, and hopefully from now till eternity. Our plans may one day synchronise with His, for the better. Therefore let go and let God's plans work. The sooner the better.
Picture posted by The Tab - The flashpacker

Dear Lord, Please help us to detect, understand and respond to Jesus' call to go to Him and find rest for our souls. We need to understand that it is important to listen to Jesus and be the Good Hearer who hears the Word, retains it, and by persevering produce a crop. Help us to realise the important of prayer, to pray regularly and faithfully with the correct attitude. That is to develop a strong and close relationship with Jesus and not just to request for solutions to our problems. We need to go the correct spiritual direction, and that is to go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else. Only then can we develop the relationship with Jesus that we have being waiting for. Please help us to take the correct Spiritual direction together with Spiritual discernment, Spiritual desire, and Spiritual discipline. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to detect, understand and respond to Jesus' call to go to Him and find rest for our souls. We need to understand that it is important to listen to Jesus and be the Good Hearer who hears the Word, retains it, and by persevering produce a crop. Help us to realise the important of prayer, to pray regularly and faithfully with the correct attitude. That is to develop a strong and close relationship with Jesus and not just to request for solutions to our problems. We need to go the correct spiritual direction, and that is to go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else. Only then can we develop the relationship with Jesus that we have being waiting for. Please help us to take the correct Spiritual direction together with Spiritual discernment, Spiritual desire, and Spiritual discipline. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Painting by Jonathan Weber - Mary Magdalene
Picture posted by FineArtAmerica.com

How can you improve the way you read and meditate on the Bible? How can you learn to listen to the Lord's voice better?
PHOTO: How can you improve the way you read and meditate on the Bible?
Improve the way we read the Bible
With the right tools and practices, we can extract all the life and principles in the Bible that can help us grow and mature the way God would have us. There are six ways to grow in our Bible reading and how we can start making the most of God's Word.
1. Remove All Distractions
2. Memorise Scripture
3. Ask for the Holy Spirit's Leading
4. Look Through the Lens of the Cross
5. Journal Your Thoughts
6. Find Out How we Can Apply the Scripture to Our Life

When reading scripture, it helpful to answer two simple questions: What is the fallen condition of man in this word? How does the cross fix the brokenness?

Improve the way we meditate on the Bible [3]
To meditate is to think deeply about what God has said to us in the Bible and prepare our minds and hearts for prayer. Scripture is the foundation of our praying; meditation readies us for it by helping us focus, understand, remember, worship, and apply.
1. Meditate to Focus
2. Meditate to understand
3. Meditate to remember
4. Meditate to worship
5. Meditate to apply
6. Meditate by the Spirit

God is our great help and hope. We are never alone when we seek Him through meditation. He effectively prompts us to pray in response.

How can you learn to listen to the Lord's voice better?
Steps we can take to make ourselves ready to hear what He has to say. [4]
1. Read God’s Word
2. Seek Him in Prayer
3. Meditate on His Truth
4. Be still before the Lord in Prayer
5. Listen to Him

Quietness is essential to listening. Listening, however goes further, involving the mind. Genuine listening is active, meaning that it puts the mind in gear and pays attention to everything said, looking intently for the meaning. God wants us to listen to Him actively!
Picture posted by Mart Hart on 15 january 2015

 Listen to Him

PHOTO: Listen to Him
God wants us to listen to Him – actively!
Picture posted by Ahmet Koyutürk on 16th August 2012



Dear Lord, My assessment shows that I am reading the Bible poorly. I have not being able to meditate well and is always in the hurry to finish it. Please help me to improve the way I read and meditate on the Bible. My listening is also far from effective. I need the help to learn to listen to the Lord's voice better. My mind needs to be in gear, paying attention and looking intently for the meaning. Please help me to listen actively and not in the tired and sleeply mode. Through Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, My assessment shows that I am reading the Bible poorly. I have not being able to meditate well and is always in the hurry to finish it. Please help me to improve the way I read and meditate on the Bible. My listening is also far from effective. I need the help to learn to listen to the Lord's voice better. My mind needs to be in gear, paying attention and looking intently for the meaning. Please help me to listen actively and not in the tired and sleeply mode. Through Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Doreen Virtue on 07 December 2017


Walking with God is not a smooth and successful journey all the way.
PHOTO: Walking with God is not a smooth and successful journey all the way. We may start with not knowing Him from the time we are born to forming a relationship with Him. In between many events can happen which pull us away temporary away but His strong grasp refuses permanent breakaway. All the ups and downs, together with His disciplinary actions and love mould us into a more matured Christian.

Our strong involvement in this world can be the sources of distraction to contribute appropriately to the Christian community and witness for Jesus. Failures, problems with life and losses of loved ones are the main obstacles to our correct spiritual direction. However the crisis prompts us to think deeply about our relationships with our Creator. Ultimately His plan works, bringing us emotionally back to Him. Because that is how our soul can find true rest.

His merciful grace to forgive and accept us as His children allows all of us to enjoy the love, peace, happiness and inheriting the promised heavenly home forever. In God's dwelling there will be no tears, sadness, health problems, darkness, conflicts and enemies but fun laughter, happiness, good health, daylight, harmonies and friends all the way in eternity.

Although through His merciful grace and sacrifice our salvation is free, but addition rewards come from the efforts we have put in to perform His will (Revelation 22:12). We therefore need to make changes to our spiritual life direction, for the better. Together with the Holy Spirit cleansing, we can become 100% perfect to enter heaven. By accepting the redemption offer of Jesus and allowing God's plan to work for us, we can be 100% sure of entering the promised heavenly home and live with our loving God forever.
Picture posted by Jill Briscoe - Walking Closely with God


Being single can be a blessing in disguise.
PHOTO: Being single can be a blessing in disguise. The fear that we one day may be abandoned and removed may make singles feel depressed. We have been warned of many bad endings including losing the privilege of citizenship. But so far every day is a present from Him who creates us. Things are still getting on as fine and we have not yet faced any death threatening situation except that our health are going downhill. By going to Jesus first I am relieved that I need not bear all the burdens and misfortunes. He will plan something just right for me, and for everybody.
Picture posted by mage Finder, andrastudio from goodfreephotos.com on 17 November 2016, and is licensed under Public Domain - Girl Gathering Rice in Southeastern Asia

Dear Lord, Thank You for sending Jesus to suffer and die for us so that we can be saved and go to heaven. Thank You for accepting us as your children with the promised heavenly inheritance. Thank You for planning our life journey in this world and guiding us with the correct spiritual direction. We pray for your help to endure all the obstacles during our walk with you. We need your continuous guidance and correction to move along the correct direction and path to our final home with you. Through your merciful grace, forgive, lead and provide us with the tools to escape successfully from the clutches of the devil. Please help us to perform your will in spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus, so that everybody can be saved and enter into your palace of rest, love and peace. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank You for sending Jesus to suffer and die for us so that we can be saved and go to heaven. Thank You for accepting us as your children with the promised heavenly inheritance. Thank You for planning our life journey in this world and guiding us with the correct spiritual direction. We pray for your help to endure all the obstacles during our walk with you. We need your continuous guidance and correction to move along the correct direction and path to our final home with you. Through your merciful grace, forgive, lead and provide us with the tools to escape successfully from the clutches of the devil. Please help us to perform your will in spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus, so that everybody can be saved and enter into your palace of rest, love and peace. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Ordinary Life  on 24 April 2016 - Fear not

Chapter Four - Christ's Yoke: The Solution to Worn-Out Lives

Question 1 - Reflection - The Solution to Worn-Out Lives - Disappointment and Setbacks, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/03/reflection-solution-to-worn-out-lives.html [10]

Question 2 - Reflection - The Solution to Worn-Out Lives - Doubts about God, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/03/reflection-solution-to-worn-out-lives_12.html [11]

Question 3 - Reflection - The Solution to Worn-Out Lives - Weary and burdened, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/03/reflection-solution-to-worn-out-lives_26.html [12]

The history of civilisation is in large part a story of sinful exploitation; even today, millions of people are reportedly still forced to work like slaves.

PHOTO: The history of civilisation is in large part a story of sinful exploitation; even today, millions of people are reportedly still forced to work like slaves. In factories and on farms, workers are being paid very little to work long hours in very poor conditions. Why is work so exhausting and unfulfilling? Why is it such a burden?
To answer this question, we have to go back to the garden of Eden. Adam was given the task of tending to the garden (Genesis 2:15) and it was meant to be a joyful one. However, when Adam and Eve sinned against God and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this job degenerated into tedium. Sin, and our alienation from God, has turned work into a curse. Our sinfulness and alienation from one another has given rise to abuse, manipulation, slavery, and exploitation.
While we will continue to face challenges in any kind of work we do - whether office work, housework, volunteering, child-rearing, or Christian ministry - Jesus will help us. He will give us the strength to deal with disappointments, the discernment to avoid needless busyness, and the faith to cope with our doubts and disturbances.
Dealing with Disappointment
Jesus performed many miracles and spent considerable time teaching in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. Yet their people did not repent. If we were in His shoes, we would probably have experienced much frustration and disappointment after having spent 3½ years in tireless ministry, only to see people reject the presence and grace of God. We would probably have given up and become bitter, worn out, and depressed.
Jesus, however, did something we would least expect under such circumstances: He praised the Father. Energised more by His abiding relationship with the Father than the outward success of His ministry, He found strength and purpose in His Father's plans (Matthew 11:27).
Even when things don't work out the way we expect, we can rest in the knowledge that if we are working with Christ, we can trust the results of our labour to Him.
Dealing with Dissipation
We may also grow weary when we see our work or ministry dissipating in front of our eyes - when things we have established come crumbling down after what appeared to be initial success. It feels like all our efforts were wasted. Maybe people did not respond despite our efforts, or someone who came after us dismantled everything we built. Sometimes - often, perhaps - this results from our foolishness. We have done everything but what God actually wanted us to do, or tried to please everyone except God himself.
Jesus was also able to find deep restfulness amid apparent disappointment in His ministry because He knew He was not working alone. He could take comfort that He was doing His Father's will, doing just what His Father asked Him to do, and that He was working with the Heavenly Father.
Jesus now invites us to discover what it is like to work with Him and to do what He wants us to do. When we work with Christ, we can be sure of the outcome no matter how tough things get.
Discerning Needless Busyness
God never drives to exhaustion those doing His work. If we feel exceptionally weary or burdened by ministry work, it may be because we are driven by our own need to succeed, to achieve something, to feel significant, to be appreciated, or to prove ourselves.
We may also be doing the bidding of others without prayerfully reflecting on whether their agenda is truly from heaven. We often get stuck with unnecessary work because we dare not offend anyone and seek to please everyone. As a result, we become very busy, wearing our busyness as a batch of honour.
Thoughtless busyness can result in unfaithfulness. The busy person, instead of examining his schedules and responsibilities, takes the easy way out and tries to do as many things a possible, trying to satisfy himself and others. This amounts to unfaithfulness to God because the person ends up doing everything except the things God has given him to do.
Jesus focused on what the Father had sent Him to do, and had a profound sense of working alongside His Father. His pace was determined by faithfulness to the Father, and not by personal ambition or social pressure. When we follow Jesus, He will give us the wisdom and discernment to act like Him. When we accept His invitation, we will be able to take our bearings and draw strength from the one who gives us rest.
Picture posted by Zeltmacher - Banishment after the Fall

When Adam and Eve sinned against God and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this job degenerated into tedium.

PHOTO: When Adam and Eve sinned against God and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this job degenerated into tedium. God told him, "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground" (Genesis 3:17-19).
Painting by Scott Siedman - The Triumph of Eve
Picture posted by Nik on 06 August 2016 - Autobiography of Eve

Dear Lord, Help us to make the decision to accept Jesus' invitation to go to Him. His yoke offers rest and is easy because it replaces the rigid rules of the old covenant with the grace of the new: His yoke is based on the assurance of salvation by faith alone, and not by works. While we will have to count the cost of following Him, the yoke that Jesus gives us comes with His promise of divine strength, love, compassion, and grace. <br>Help us to focus on your sovereign will and change our attitude towards our work and Christian ministry. Please help us while we will continue to face challenges in any kind of work we do. Give us the strength to deal with disappointments, the discernment to avoid needless busyness, and the faith to cope with our doubts and disturbances. So that we too can become the children of God and experience the promises, comfort and rest. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Help us to make the decision to accept Jesus' invitation to go to Him. His yoke offers rest and is easy because it replaces the rigid rules of the old covenant with the grace of the new: His yoke is based on the assurance of salvation by faith alone, and not by works. While we will have to count the cost of following Him, the yoke that Jesus gives us comes with His promise of divine strength, love, compassion, and grace.
Help us to focus on your sovereign will and change our attitude towards our work and Christian ministry. Please help us while we will continue to face challenges in any kind of work we do. Give us the strength to deal with disappointments, the discernment to avoid needless busyness, and the faith to cope with our doubts and disturbances. So that we too can become the children of God and experience the promises, comfort and rest. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Rowan University, news release, HealthDay on 06 November 2017

Coping with Doubt

PHOTO: Coping with Doubt
John the Baptist was a fiery, courageous prophet who was also absolutely confident about who Jesus was. He said, "After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit" (Mark 1:7-8).

However, at the beginning of Matthew 11, we get a rather surprising view of the fiery prophet. Uncharacteristically, this once-bold man of God now has some doubts. Languishing in prison after telling Herod off, he faced the likelihood of execution. Knowing that his public ministry had ended, he wanted to confirm whether Jesus was really the Messiah. He sent some men to ask Jesus, "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?" (Matthew 11:3).

Jesus' response to John showed His kindness, understanding, and sympathy. He told John's disciples to bring back this message: "The blind receive sights, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor" (Matthew 11:5). In referring to what the Old Testament had said the Messiah would do when He came (Isaiah 61:1-2), Jesus was showing John that He was doing exactly as prophesied. This would have been proof enough of His identity, and a comforting assurance to a doubtful John.

Jesus knows how doubt can eat into our confidence and faith. He knows how we can lose hope and question our "success" in life, wondering whether our work was all for nothing. He can empathise with us. That is why He tells us to "Come to me", for in Him we will find assurance, just as John the Baptist did.

Am I prepared to stand before God? Or have I lived my life in vain?

Jesus Christ has already paid for eternal life. We need only to receive it as a gift by putting our faith in Him. The Bible says in Romans 6:23, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. God cannot lie, and He has promised to give us eternal life. The Bible says in Titus 1:2, In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.

I am 'lukewarm' so were my efforts of use to God?
Lukewarm is what you get when you mix hot and cold. To be lukewarm is to mix that which shouldn't be mixed.
The disease of lukewarmness results from the following unhealthy activities:

Mixing the new covenant of grace with the old covenant of works
Mixing the new law written on our hearts with the old law written on tablets
Mixing the rest of the new with the ceaseless demands of the old
Mixing the unbreakable promises of God with the brittle promises of man
Mixing the bondage of Sinai with the liberty of Zion (Galatians 4:31)
Mixing the ministry that condemns (2 Corinthians 3:9) with the ministry of no condemnation (Romans 8:1)

Stop mixing grace with law. Stop living in the netherworld between two covenants. Stop running back to your old husband Mr. Law. Stop doubting the promises of God. Stop sleeping with the maid of self-effort. Stop striving for balance. Stop trying to replicate what Christ has done.

In short, repent and believe the good news that Jesus Christ has done it all!

I retired from work too early. Have I used my life well? I have not successfully converted anybody to become a Christian. Have I achieved anything of note?
The true answer to all the above questions is a frustrating "no" with many failures.

All failure teaches us the important truth of just how desperately we need God, His mercy, and grace in our lives. Regardless, God has made more than adequate provision for us in Christ. Jesus' finished work on the cross is the sole basis of our relationship and forgiveness with God. This is our only means of a meaningful and productive life with Him.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

I retired from work too early. Have I used my life well?

PHOTO: I retired from work too early. Have I used my life well?
While my country continues to build the nest eggs for the next generations, I am unable to be in this glorious category to contribute. Most of the uncles I meet along the Park Connector Network (PCN) every morning are very busy. After their regular morning exercises and walk, they have to bring their grandchildren to school, whereas I am still shamefully single. I have heard of many have upgraded to live in condominium with the full range of facilities and amenities, but I am still staying in a government Housing Development Board's flat. Many at my age are in top management positions with influential power and status while I am already out of the manpower ministry. Neither have I successfully converted anybody to Christian. I am concern about both my live and others during eternity, but my appearance is enough to scare people away. It will be better if I post my message in the internet without anybody scrutinising me physically. I hope my heartfelt message about the good news of Jesus can reach out to as many as possible. We need to accept the free offer of salvation and go to Him to have true rest for our soul.
Picture posted by Hobgoblin

Dear Lord, You know how doubt can eat into our confidence and faith. You know how we can lose hope and question our 'success' in life, wondering whether our work was all for nothing. We know you can empathise with us when you invite us to 'Come to me', for in you we will find assurance, just as John the Baptist did. We still have our doubts about our salvation after accepting your offer of redemption from the result of our sins. We desperately need you, your mercy and grace in our lives. We need your forgiveness and your relationship with us in order to have a meaningful and productive life.<br>We accept your invitation to 'Come to me', and come to you now. Please save us and release us of all our doubts. We want to go to heaven, receive the promises, and have true rest for our souls which you have plan for us since the beginning. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, You know how doubt can eat into our confidence and faith. You know how we can lose hope and question our "success" in life, wondering whether our work was all for nothing. We know you can empathise with us when you invite us to "Come to me", for in you we will find assurance, just as John the Baptist did. We still have our doubts about our salvation after accepting your offer of redemption from the result of our sins. We desperately need you, your mercy and grace in our lives. We need your forgiveness and your relationship with us in order to have a meaningful and productive life.
We accept your invitation to "Come to me", and come to you now. Please save us and release us of all our doubts. We want to go to heaven, receive the promises, and have true rest for our souls which you have plan for us since the beginning. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Painting by Lovis Corinth - Salome, St John the Baptist
Picture posted by Jennifer Tucker


What makes you weary and burdened? PHOTO: What makes you weary and burdened?
Satan tempts us with promises of comfortable and indulgent living, instead of righteous living in the fear of God. Or he might throw setbacks at us, putting difficult obstacles in our path. That's why the Bible notes that "everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Timothy 3:12). And Jesus warned His disciples (and us), "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33).

Plotted against by opponents
The opponents grew increasingly vehement when being exposed of their hypocrisy and corruption. Anyone who wants to follow Christ will be tested and will suffer. Such sufferings, however, will only serve to strengthen the character and faith of the believer. Jesus reassures His disciples (and us) that they can take refuge in Him, "so that in me you may have peace" (
John 16:33).
We will face trouble in the world, but we will experience peace in Christ. It is thus possible to walk through suffering and trouble with a deep inner peace that comes from God. It is to this inner peace that Jesus invites us.

What makes me weary and burdened?
Our selfish nature
We have to live in this world, regardless how troublesome it may be. It could be one of the ways our Lord wants to educate us on what human cannot provide. Human, base on our limited understanding and resources will face trouble trying to create a comfortable and happy life. Our lifestyles become very self orientated, fighting for what we thought are best for ourselves. We may emphasise and empathise with the suffering of others, but primarily tempted to care for our own well-being. But unable to successfully fulfill our self-orientated goals make us weary and feeling burdened.

Lack of resources especially finance
Resources that we wanted are scare and we need to compete for it. We are unable to dislodge away from our primary instinctive nature and look after others before self. Relying solely on ourselves can make us weary and feel burdened. Sharing with others what we have sufficiently, create lesser stresses and discomforts for others. But learning to share what we thought is ours are making us weary and feeling burdened. Because we perceived that is not beneficial to us. And we can never have enough of the precious commodity.

Deteriorating health and increasing living costs
Deteriorating health is closely related to lack of finance. Once we do not have regular income and face with increasing expenditure on healthcare will deplete our saving quickly. Unless we have favourable health insurance we will find ourselves lacking in expenditure on other necessities. Our standard of living will be compromised and other undesirable factors can further add to our woes. For example the increasing transports and other necessities costs, and taxes. Sooner or later we will feel weary and burdened, wasting away.

What can you learn and receive from Jesus?
To Asaph it seemed as if the wicked and unrighteous people who had ignored God were getting away with their arrogance, while the righteous were suffering. All these feelings were resolved when Asaph entered into the sanctuary of the living God. He learnt to live in the peace-filled presence of God that the worship leader discovered how to live amid the pain, troubles, and injustice of the world. Jesus invites us to share Asaph's discovery.
Walking with Christ does not promise a carefree life, nor a life of comfort filled with worldly success and acclaim.  But we too can experience comfort and strength when we respond to Jesus' call.

Take some time today to listen to Him and to respond to His call.
Picture posted by Confident Girl Mentoring Program, Inc. on 14 December 2017


Doubts and frustrations are resolve when we enter the sanctuary of God
PHOTO: Doubts and frustrations are resolve when we enter the sanctuary of God
 It was only when Asaph learnt to live in the peace-filled presence of God, that the worship leader discovered how to live amid the pain, troubles, and injustice of the world. He concluded, "It is good to be near God" (Psalm 73:28
Picture posted by ccouch on 04 May 2016


Message is from God?
PHOTO: Message is from God?
 If it’s more freeing and kind, or more insightful than something you usually come up with, it could be God.
"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." - Psalm 145:18
Picture from depositphotos.com on 24 August 2015 at 10:01 - Bountifulness benefits


Dear Lord, anyone who wants to follow Christ willbe tested and will suffer. Help us to strengthen our character and faith through such sufferings. In this world we will have troubles. We pray for your refuge so that we can walk through suffering with a deep inner peace that comes from you. Please help us to enter your sanctuary so that our doubts and frustrations are resolved.<br>We accept your invitation to listen and go to you, and experience the comfort and strength amid the pain, troubles, and injustice of the world. We are weary and burdened, and we want to discover the secret of living close to Jesus so that we can find true rest for our souls. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, anyone who wants to follow Christ will be tested and will suffer. Help us to strengthen our character and faith through such sufferings. In this world we will have troubles. We pray for your refuge so that we can walk through suffering with a deep inner peace that comes from you. Please help us to enter your sanctuary so that our doubts and frustrations are resolved.

We accept your invitation to listen and go to you, and experience the comfort and strength amid the pain, troubles, and injustice of the world. We are weary and burdened, and we want to discover the secret of living close to Jesus so that we can find true rest for our souls. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by C. J. on 10 June 2017


Chapter Five - Christ's Yoke: Submission and Obedience Needed
Question 1 - Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Challenges of Submission, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/04/reflection-submission-and-obedience.html [13]

Question 2 - Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Taking up Jesus' Yoke, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/04/reflection-submission-and-obedience_15.html [14]

Question 3 - Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Submission to the Lord, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/04/reflection-submission-and-obedience_26.html [15] 

Why do Christian fail to submit to Christ?
PHOTO: Why do Christian fail to submit to Christ?
The Enthronement of the Self
In practice, people confuse godly living with living the good life. Selfish ambition shares the same diabolical roots that led Satan to defy God. Satan was the first being that refused to submit to God. This has been reproduced countless times in the hearts of sinful human beings.
Submission to any form of authority is seen as immature and stupid; people are expected to declare their rights and independence, and to learn to break free of every yoke. Sure, many historical liberation movements have helped people break free of oppressive regimes and slavery. However, man, being sinful is also trying to break free of God's authority. But it is foolish of man to think that he can just walk away from God's authority and find his own future.
Jesus' yoke, however, is different. His should not be mistaken as a yoke of bondage. Rather, His yoke gives us true liberation. It is also a yoke of bonding - of entering a loving relationship with the God who created us, died for us, and loves us eternally. When we refuse to take up this yoke, it is to our own detriment: without it, our souls will remain restless.

The Seduction of Sin
Temporary pleasures are too strong for many to resist; like drug addicts, they want more and more of it, even though its “pleasant” effects are only transient. As a result, often without realising it, they end up trapped in sin.
All yokes except that of Christ are potentially oppressive and harmful. Many people suffer under the yoke of their own sinful desires, unable to break free. Sadly, when Christ offers them a yoke that brings true freedom and satisfaction, they reject it, seeing their oppression as freedom, and true freedom as oppression.

The Fear of Suffering
Many believe that taking up Jesus' yoke will cost them dearly; that it will mean giving up their favourite possessions, pastimes, habits, and relationships. They may also have seen how those who commit to following Christ suffer severe setbacks and persecution. So they keep a safe distance, like the way Peter followed Jesus from afar after He was arrested (Luke 22:54).
Jesus did indeed teach that persecution was inevitable for those who followed Him. But He urged them to rejoice, because they would be rewarded in heaven (Matthew 5:10-12). It is safer to remain with Christ, under His yoke, for there is no real safety without Him.

How can you overcome these obstacles? How can you apply these lessons in your life?
How to overcome the Enthronement of the Self in our life
The Bible describes our human nature as evil, and hopeless to be restored to order, apart from the divine intervention of God through Jesus Christ (Romans 3:10-18).
The good news is that if we find ourselves going in the wrong direction, all we have to do is repent, turn around, and go the opposite direction.
We have at least three tools that help us succeed:
1.  We have the mercy of God that grants us forgiveness.
2.  We have God walking along with us on our journey, helping us every step of the way.
3.  Last but not least, we have the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live for God.
How to obtain the tools? Pray for it. Pray for divine help. Pray for a life filled with the Spirit. It is the key to living a selfless, and Christ-centered life. We must choose each day to do so. The Bible says in Galatians 5:16-17.

How to overcome the Seduction of Sin in our life
"Sin" refers to anything that falls short of the holiness of God. The easiest to spot are usually actions, but sins can also include thoughts and attitudes.
As both Son of God and Son of Man, Jesus became the "perfect sacrifice," capable of freeing the human soul from the chains and punishment of original sin.
Being free from sin doesn't mean that we'll physically never sin again, but it does mean that our soul can be free of the captivity sin that would otherwise hold it in.
Our soul can be free from sin even though our body still sins. Being free from sin on a soul level should mean that we also seek freedom from sin on a physical level, though, even though it can never be permanently reached.

How to address Our Sinful Nature
Turn to Christ
Love God more than we love sin -  God wants our love
Recognize the seriousness of our own sin and admitting to the sins we've committed
Vow to resist sin in our heart
Embed the Word of God in our mind
Pray with sincerity and devotion

How to deal with Everyday Sin
Watch for the movement of sin in our life
Flee from temptation
Walk alone and walk with others
Repent immediately
Refuse to give up

How to overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life
Seek divine help
Seek strength and wisdom this day and strive to live by the divine perspective in all things, especially suffering. Pray the prayer:
"Lord, I love You and pray that I may always love You in a sacrificial way.  May I never fear the crosses I have been given and may I never dissuade others from following in Your steps of selfless sacrifice. Jesus, I trust in  You."
Picture posted by VectorStock

The Seduction of Sin
PHOTO: The Seduction of Sin
Temporary pleasures are too strong for many to resist; like drug addicts, they want more and more of it, even though its “pleasant” effects are only transient. As a result, often without realising it, they end up trapped in sin.
Photo by Michael Herb Photography - Eve and the forbidden fruit

Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome successfully the Enthronement of the Self in our life. Only your divine intervention can restore our evil human nature back to perfection. We need your divine tools to successfully repent and move along the correct direction to dethrone our enthroned self.<br>Through Jesus' death sacrifice on the cross our soul can be free from the captivity of sin. Although our soul can be free from sin, our physical body still sins. We need your help while we also seek freedom from sin for our physical body, and overcome the Seduction of Sin.<br>We also need to seek your divine help for strength and wisdom to overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life. Although persecution is inevitable help us to look beyond the sufferings, and rejoice because we will be rewarded in heaven.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome successfully the Enthronement of the Self in our life. Only your divine intervention can restore our evil human nature back to perfection. We need your divine tools to successfully repent and move along the correct direction to dethrone our enthroned self.
Through Jesus' death sacrifice on the cross our soul can be free from the captivity of sin. Although our soul can be free from sin, our physical body still sins. We need your help while we also seek freedom from sin for our physical body, and overcome the Seduction of Sin.
We also need to seek your divine help for strength and wisdom to overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life. Although persecution is inevitable help us to look beyond the sufferings, and rejoice because we will be rewarded in heaven.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by John Lockett on 31 March 2016

What does it mean for you personally to take up Jesus' yoke?
PHOTO: What does it mean for you personally to take up Jesus' yoke?
Accept: Taking up the yoke of Jesus means coming under His authority. It means abiding in Him, doing only what He wants us to do, and going only where He wants us to go.
Learn: Taking up the yoke of Jesus means learning to obey Him perfectly, following His example. For this to happen we must learn to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him (Luke 9:23).
Follow: To take up Jesus' yoke is to follow Him without reservation. It means giving up our selfish ambitions and submitting ourselves fully to Christ in all circumstances.

Why is submission and obedience necessary to remain under His yoke?
We cannot hope to grow in our Christian lives or make progress in our faith journey without submitting to Jesus. As Christ submitted himself to the Father, so too must we submit ourselves to Christ. Submission to Christ and obedience is the key to true fruitfulness and satisfaction.

How can you find true rest as you follow Him?
Obeying Jesus and doing His will produces a deep inner restfulness, peace, and a spiritual ease that cannot be found elsewhere, Just as the Father loves the Son, the Son loves us. When we respond to that love in obedience, we will find that His yoke is a redeeming one. It comes with true rest for our soul.
Picture posted by Pinky Promise BSU@pinkypromisebsu on 11 October 2017

Dear Lord, Please help us to accept Jesus' authority, learn to obey Him perfectly, and follow Him without reservation when we take up His yoke. We need all these because submission to Christ and obedience is the key to true fruitfulness and satisfaction. Only by obeying Jesus and doing His will produces a deep inner restfulness, peace, and a spiritual ease that cannot be found elsewhere. Help us to respond to His love in obedience so that we can find true rest for our soul. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to accept Jesus' authority, learn to obey Him perfectly, and follow Him without reservation when we take up His yoke. We need all these because submission to Christ and obedience is the key to true fruitfulness and satisfaction. Only by obeying Jesus and doing His will produces a deep inner restfulness, peace, and a spiritual ease that cannot be found elsewhere. Help us to respond to His love in obedience so that we can find true rest for our soul. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Dona Gelsinge - The path with Jesus

What lessons on obedience have you learned from the example of Jesus?

PHOTO: What lessons on obedience have you learned from the example of Jesus?
We allow pragmatic pursuits to displace the central mission of our lives. In our search for food, shelter, and security, we start seeing luxuries as necessities and are never satisfied. As a result, we forget God, His kingdom, and His righteousness.
Jesus never let hunger displace His central mission. His priority and passion came first: fulfilling His Father’s will. It filled Him with much joy to see sinners turn in repentance and faith to God.
He was careful and avoid temptation to disobey God unlike the man of God who fall to temptation and overrode his desire to please God with obedience.
Jesus sought to do only the Father’s will. He rejected human agendas imposed on Him and embraced only His Father’s plan, which led to the cross. Jesus displayed commitment to the Father that was wholehearted and consistent – right up to His death.

Is there any area in your life that you need to submit to the Lord?
The biblical concept of submission is to place oneself under the authority of another. When we submit to God, we give our lives to His authority and control.
One way to submit to God is through salvation. We begin submission to God by believing in Jesus as God's Son who rose from the dead to give us eternal life (Romans 10:9).
A second way to submit to God is through obedience. A first step of obedience to the teachings of Jesus is baptism (Matthew 28:19-20). When a person believes in Jesus, baptism is the expected next step of obedience. We are called to submit to God through loving obedience to His commands.
A third way to submit to God is to learn more about Him. Psalm 1 offers the example of a godly person whose life is submitted to God: Those who love God submit to Him through a life that seeks to better know Him each day.
A fourth way to submit to God is how we treat one another. For example, Ephesians 5:21 speaks of, "submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ." Whether a husband and wife or how we treat other people, our goal is to show Christ's love. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus even taught that how we treat the least of these is how we treat Him: "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
A fifth way to submit to God is how we share Him with others. For example, when the woman at the well was changed by Jesus, she immediately left her water jar, ran to the village, and told others.
All areas of our lives are to be submitted to God and placed under His authority. When we come to Jesus for salvation, obey Him, learn about Him, treat others with love, and share Christ with others, we are showing our submission to the Lord through our actions in ways that honor God and change the lives of others.

What can you do to ensure that you have submitted yourself to Him completely? Share this with someone who can hold you accountable.
Be careful at all times and avoid temptation to disobey God
We have to be careful at all time and avoid temptation to disobey God. The man of God started well with fearless and ready obedience, but ended badly with disobedience because of his carelessness to detect Satan's lie through an older prophet.

Obey and fulfill God's will as the biggest priority
The Son of God remained perfectly obedient to the end. Obeying and fulfilling His Father’s will was His biggest priority; this central passion ran through His veins more deeply and strongly than any physical need.

All areas of our lives are to be submitted to God and placed under His authority [2]
Come to Jesus for salvation
Obey Him
Learn about Him
Treat others with love
Share Christ with others
Show our submission to the Lord through our actions in ways that honor God and change the lives of others
Pray for all these to happen

I would like to share this with everybody as we will be held accountable for our salvation.
Picture posted by Garry H.N, Opening.download


Careful and avoiding temptation to disobey God

PHOTO: Careful and avoiding temptation to disobey God
The man of God became careless and fell to deception, listening to man and forgetting what God had commanded him to avoid. The deception of others and his own hunger caused him to fall to temptation and overrode his desire to please God with obedience.
In contrast, the Son of God remained perfectly obedient to the end. Obeying and fulfilling His Father’s will was His biggest priority.
Picture posted by wattpad.com

Dear Lord, We pray for your help to prevent our pragmatic pursuits to displace the central mission of our lives. In our search for food, shelter, and security, prevent us from seeing luxuries as necessities and are never satisfied, forget God, His kingdom, and His righteousness.<br>Help us to submit all areas of our lives to God and placed under His authority. Help us to be careful at all times and avoid temptation to disobey God. Help us to obey and fulfill God's will as the biggest priority.<br>We want to come to Jesus for salvation, obey Him, learn about Him, treat others with love, and share Christ with others. We pray for help to show our submission to the Lord through our actions in ways that honor God and change the lives of others.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, We pray for your help to prevent our pragmatic pursuits to displace the central mission of our lives. In our search for food, shelter, and security, prevent us from seeing luxuries as necessities and are never satisfied, forget God, His kingdom, and His righteousness.
Help us to submit all areas of our lives to God and placed under His authority. Help us to be careful at all times and avoid temptation to disobey God. Help us to obey and fulfill God's will as the biggest priority.
We want to come to Jesus for salvation, obey Him, learn about Him, treat others with love, and share Christ with others. We pray for help to show our submission to the Lord through our actions in ways that honor God and change the lives of others.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Depositphotos Inc on 14 March 2016


Chapter Six - Christ's Yoke: Doing His Will
Question 1 - Reflection - Doing His Will - Desire to do God's will, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/05/reflection-doing-his-will-desire-to-do.html [16]

Question 2 - Reflection - Doing His Will - Motives for obeying Christ, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/05/reflection-doing-his-will-motives-for.html [17]

Question 3 - Reflection - Doing His Will - Christian Service, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/05/reflection-doing-his-will-christian.html [18]

Reflect on your desire to do God's will.

PHOTO: Reflect on your desire to do God's will.
Doing God's will is simply this: believing in Jesus. That is why Jesus told those who didn't believe in Him, "I never knew you."
Jesus is the perfect example of how to carry out the Father's will.  It was His driving passion, and it outweighed all His other needs or wants. In the end, He even gave up His life to accomplish His Father's work. Nothing held Him back.
 As part of God's family, we must share in what Christ did: taking up His yoke and doing the will of the Father. But we need to do this with the right motive and desire, and we need to ensure that it is God's will we follow - not our own or that of others.

Is it possible to take up Jesus' yoke unwillingly?
It is not easy at first to lay aside every other yoke and accept the yoke of Christ. It Is possible to take up Jesus' yoke unwillingly.
The yoke is easy when we have put our neck beneath it; but to bring ourself to that point may involve a wrestle with self that almost tears the heart asunder. The burden is light when we have forced our reluctant shoulders to bear it; but to do that may be the most difficult thing in all the world.
There are some things that are easy enough to do, once we have made up our mind to do them; it is making up the mind that is the straining, torturing thing.
There remains for all of us the battle with stubbornness and pride, the coercion of the stiff and resisting will, before we pass into the Christian peace.
However, we need not distrust the genuineness of our Christward desires because we are conscious of so much difficulty in driving our rebellious natures to the point of Christly submissiveness.

How much do you desire to do God's will?
How much do we desire to do God's will is reflected in our attitude. If our attitude is full of grumbling, complaining, bitterness, anger or ingratitude then coveting is often at the heart of our struggle.
How much do we desire to do God's will is evident in our motive, which is related to how much we love God. We need the right motive. Our obedience to God should be motivated by love and a desire to glorify Him. We cannot do the will of God without divine love. The holy desire to do His will does not come to us naturally, for we have a sinful nature, which we struggle with even after coming to know Christ.
True obedience springs from love. We love God because He first loved us, and this fuels our obedience and desire to do God's will.
How much we desire to do God's will is reflected by how much we love God. Jesus wants us to love God with our whole heart, and from that love, to seek to do God's will.

What struggles do you face in doing so?
We face struggles when we do God's will for the right reasons, and to grow our desires to obey Him. Obedience to God does not come naturally to us nor is our human strength and ability up to the task, because of our sinful nature. It is only possible when we come under God's supernatural grace, which will give us not only the right desire to do His will, but the necessary power as well. This desire and power will be given to us when we come to Jesus and accept His yoke. Jesus's yoke equip us with divine love which enable us to do God's will, which is believing in JReflection -

Finding rest for the soul (Links)esus, successfully.

Beside being obedience we need to trust God's Word wholeheartedly. All this comes both from praying and listening to Jesus - that is, having an ongoing conversation with Him - and reading and meditating on His Word, so that we trust and obey it wholeheartedly.
Picture posted by Robin Afinowich on 16 July 2015 - The Peaceful Warrior

Obedience to God does not come naturally to us, nor is our human strength and ability up to the task.

PHOTO: Obedience to God does not come naturally to us, nor is our human strength and ability up to the task. It is only possible when we come under God's supernatural grace, which will give us not only the right desire to do His will, but the necessary power as well. This desire and power will be given to us when we come to Jesus and accept His yoke. We Need to Rely on God's Equipping for doing his will.
Picture posted in pinterest.com

Dear Lord, Please help us to believe in Jesus because by believing in Jesus we will be doing your will. Being obedience to you does not come naturally to us because of our sinful nature. We need your supernatural grace, which will give us not only the right desire to do your will, but the necessary power as well. We learn that this desire and power will be given to us when we come to Jesus and accept His yoke. <br>Please enable us to accept His yoke so that we can be equipped with divine love, to love you with our whole heart, and from that love, to seek to do your will successfully.<br>Beside being obedience we need to trust your Word wholeheartedly. Help us to pray, listen to Jesus, have onging conversatiion with Him, reading and meditating on your Word.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to believe in Jesus because by believing in Jesus we will be doing your will. Being obedience to you does not come naturally to us because of our sinful nature. We need your  supernatural grace, which will give us not only the right desire to do your will, but the necessary power as well. We learn that this desire and power will be given to us when we come to Jesus and accept His yoke. Please enable us to accept His yoke so that we can be equipped with divine love, to love you with our whole heart, and from that love, to seek to do your will successfully.
Beside being obedience we need to trust your Word wholeheartedly. Help us to pray, listen to Jesus, have onging conversatiion with Him, reading and meditating on your Word.

Reflect on the different motives for obeying Christ - fear, trust, joy, and love.
PHOTO: Reflect on the different motives for obeying Christ - fear, trust, joy, and love.
In addition to having the correct motives, we also need to grow the desire to do God's will.
Most of us begin obeying God out of fear (Deuteronomy 10:12). We fear what God would do to us if we disobey, just like we obey figures in authority because we fear punishment. In other words, we obey because we want to avoid pain.
As we learn to obey God, however, we start to realise that He can be trusted - that He will not punish us unnecessarily. We start to see that He always keeps His promises, and that He will reward us with a sense of peace when we obey Him - He shows us when we are on the right track. This growing trust in God, His character, and His ways - rather than fear - then becomes the primary motive for doing His will (Psalm 9:10; 22:4-5).
Next, we discover that when we obey God, we feel a deep joy and sense of satisfaction; we find ourselves obeying God because it is such a joyful thing to do (Psalm 5:11; 19:8).
This joy will grow into love for Him, which ultimately becomes our primary motive for doing God's will (1 John 5:3; 2 John 1:6). This goes to the heart of our relationship with God. By this point, we will do God's will even if it brings pain or fails to bring pleasure, simply because we love Him. Our love for Him keeps us on the straight and narrow road, in the valley of the shadow of death, and on the way of the cross as we follow the One who said to the Father, "Not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).
When we love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind (Luke 10:27), we will come to cherish Jesus like a hidden treasure or a pearl of great value - something that we are willing to give up everything for (Matthew 13:44-46). And as we learn to value Jesus, our obedience to God will grow ever more complete.

What is your motive at this point?
My desire to do God's will is partly due to fear what God would do to me if I disobey, especially when Jesus might say "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:21-23). I am worried of going to the burning hell. Instead I want to have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with God. I believe we all need His protection, correction, guidance, care, provision and love.

Despite the fear, I am in the opinion that God has protected and provided what we need, especially every morning when we went for our predawn walk along the Park Connector Networks (PCN). The weather are mostly fine and the trees are not falling. We are still safe from wild dogs, snakes, monitor lizards and security mishaps. We are still safe despite the blinding, blinking flash lights of racing e-scooters and bicycles. We have started to realise that He can be trusted; to keep us safe and providing our needs.

He even provide many uncles to converse, share their experiences, and walk with us. This is something which we never realise can occur before, when we were in the employment workforce. We had thought that being isolated would be the foregone conclusion.

I have experienced joy and sense of satisfaction when my partially defective table clock suddenly started to function normally again. I have given up hope of it being able to display its original movements again. That clock was with me for the past 28 years and is still working accurately. It has better health than mine own.

However, my poor health is now in stable state although with room for improvements. I am given the opportunity to exercise and practice healthy living lifestyle. Although my eyesight is failing I can still see and my lifestyle is not seriously affected. My financial status is the same but I do have better peace of mind because God is providing all along. I still experience irregular heartbeats which make me feel tired easily. But after some morning walking it can go away temporary.
I have challenges in my health, finance and relationship, but I also experience joy, peace and satisfaction whenever I managed to complete a reflection blog, among other success.

I am growing in my trust in God, His character, and His ways - rather than fear - as the primary motive for doing His will.
I believe, with God's help, there will come a day when my accumulated joys and happiness grow into total love for Him, which ultimately becomes my primary motive for doing God's will.

Which areas in your life do you find it easier to obey God, and where is it hardest?
Areas in my life that I find easier to obey God
Study God's Word
Let go earthly achievements, especially stop pursuing a successful employment position
Stay single instead of being married and having babies
Going to God for help

Areas in my life that I find hardest to obey God

Attend church and contribute tithes.
Be merciful to others just as God is merciful to me [2]
Livelihood without regular salaried income
Accept harsh rejection in relationship although I have rejected others too
Flee from the harmful attractions of the world especially through the Internet

Picture posted by pinsdaddy.com

 I find easier to obey God to study His Word, let go earthly achievements, stay single and going to Him for help than attending church, contribute tithes, merciful to others, living without salaried income, accept harsh rejection and not indulge in harmful attractions of the world.

PHOTO: I find easier to obey God to study His Word, let go earthly achievements, stay single and going to Him for help than attending church, contribute tithes, merciful to others, living without salaried income, accept harsh rejection and not indulge in harmful attractions of the world.
Artworks by Tomasz Alen Kopera, Gif by George Redhawk
Picture posted by Science of Being on 06 June 2016


Dear Lord, Please help us to grow in the desire to do your will. We want our desire to do your will not because of out of fear as the primary motive. We would like to do your will because we realise that you can be trusted, because you keep your promise and will reward us with a sense of peace. We want to do your will so that we can experience the deep joy and sense of satisfaction. We pray that ultimately we can be like Jesus who does your will out of love for you, where even pain and without pleasure will not deter us.<br>Thank you for your mercy. Please help us to show mercy to others too. We realise that we are all sinners in the same boat and need to rely on you for mercy because of our own guilt. We need your loving kindness and tender mercies to blot out our transgressions. We ask for your help to be more like you by displaying mercy to others. Also Jesus our merciful Savior has stated that if we want to be shown mercy, then we too should show mercy to others.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to grow in the desire to do your will. We want our desire to do your will not because of out of fear as the primary motive. We would like to do your will because we realise that you can be trusted, because you keep your promise and will reward us with a sense of peace. We want to do your will so that we can experience the deep joy and sense of satisfaction. We pray that ultimately we can be like Jesus who does your will out of love for you, where even pain and without pleasure will not deter us.

Thank you for your mercy. Please help us to show mercy to others too. We realise that we are all sinners in the same boat and need to rely on you for mercy because of our own guilt. We need your loving kindness and tender mercies to blot out our transgressions. We ask for your help to be more like you by displaying mercy to others. Also Jesus our merciful Savior has stated that if we want to be shown mercy, then we too should show mercy to others.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by eli2017 (25) on 17 January 2018

We need to Avoid Taking Up the Wrong Yoke
PHOTO: We need to Avoid Taking Up the Wrong Yoke
The result of taking up Christ's yoke
Discover true freedom, restfulness, and peace
Jesus' yoke spells freedom

People with the Yoke of Self
Trust themselves more than anyone else, including God
Driven by whatever they want, by their ambition, and by their goal of self-glorification
Seek praise and admiration, covet material prosperity, and hunger for power
Some end up restless, joyless, and never find true peace
The yoke of self leads to pride and greed

People with the Yoke of Others
Desire to please others at all costs, because they want to be recognised, affirmed, and praised
Live out the agendas of others, never quite establishing their own identity or life
May feel frustrated inside, but their need to please others gets the better of them

The result of being yoked to our own desires or those of others
Find ourselves in "the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Timothy 2:26). It will never bring true freedom, inner peace and rest.
All others' yokes involve bondage
Can damage our souls by leading us away from doing God's will
Can lead to restlessness or oppression

Our obedience to the will of God is measured not only by our actions but also by our inner motives. Doing God's will means submitting to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude. This determine how we live and how we will be judged.

Assess your Christian Service. How much of it is the result of taking up Christ's yoke and how much comes from being yoked to your own desires or those of others?
Assessment of my Christian Service
I have been receiving from "Our Daily Bread" Ministry resources to develop ourselves spiritually and allowing our hearts to be changed by 'inviting the King of kings to His rightful place in our life'. This ministry serve Christ by reaching out to our hearts, home, community, locally and abroad. Their mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible, understandable and accessible to all.

I have been helped, and enjoy their Christian services continuously. I managed to assist with insignificant amount of contributions through small donations. They then sent me further Biblical supplements in return, upon my request sent together with the small donations. It is my desire that they will be able to make Christian literature according to the Bible more available to the whole world. This will assist in the spread of the Gospel of Christ through the long arms of our Lord.

I believe this is the result of taking up Christ's yoke although part of this Christian Service is the result of my own desires to receive further Christian resources.

What are the implications?

It would mean that this form of Christian Service arises from the motives of my heart to obtain something
(Bible related literature) in return. My obedience to do the will of God is measured not only by my actions but also by my inner motives.  I would argue that one of my inner motive is to do the will of God, which is to increase believing in Jesus, and to build a better relationship with Him through understanding His Words. The Bible related literature from "Our Daily Bread"
Ministry is meant for this purpose.

The small little contributions may be utilised more effectively by "Our Daily Bread" Ministry to further their Christian Services. I believe this a good motive and together with the obedience to do the will of God, I will continue to do this Christian Service.

Buying tissue papers from people who are in wheelchairs because of their disability, illness or injury could be doing the will of God. Although we got back something which we can use, it is a small way of assisting those who are in need, and have problems with their livelihood, to earn a living. I don't consider this action as the result of putting on the yoke of others even though the persons are being helped and their burden lessened.

Developing and posting Christian reflection on the Internet may arise from the joy and satisfaction when a blog is successfully completed. The inner motive of this action is to share the Word of God which overtime would led more people believing in Jesus, and wishing to have a better relationship with Him. I believe posting Christian reflection on the Internet is the result of taking up Christ's yoke to do Christian Services.

So long as we continue to submit to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude, we will be doing the will of God. With His help and blessing, finally all will be well.
Picture posted by Jeff Larson, The Back Pew - this christian cartoon shows the apostle paul too busy sharing te gospel to realize his years of hardship
Dear Lord, Please help us to realise that our obedience to your will is measured not only by our actions but also by our inner motives. Doing your will means submitting to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude. Help us to live correctly, and have actions that are according to your will. We want to have the correct motives and attitudes whenever we perform Services, especially Christian Services.<br>We need your help to prevent us from putting on the yoke of self and others because they can lead us away from doing your will, and damage our souls. We do not want to fall into the trap of the devil and being in bondage to do his will.<br>We have gift that differ, according to the grace given to us. Please help us use them with the correct attitude, that is, with the complete obedience to do your will.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to realise that our obedience to your will is measured not only by our actions but also by our inner motives. Doing your will means submitting to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude. Help us to live correctly, and have actions that are according to your will. We want to have the correct motives and attitudes whenever we perform Services, especially Christian Services.
We need your help to prevent us from putting on the yoke of self and others because they can lead us away from doing your will, and damage our souls. We do not want to fall into the trap of the devil and being in bondage to do his will.
We have gift that differ, according to the grace given to us. Please help us use them with the correct attitude, that is, with the complete obedience to do your will.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Jake Olson

Chapter Seven - Learning from Jesus: Intimacy with Christ

Question 1 - Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Listening to Him, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/06/reflection-intimacy-with-christ.html [19]

Question 2 - Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Listening to Jesus through the Bible, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/06/reflection-intimacy-with-christ_15.html [20]

Question 3 - Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Conversing with Jesus, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/06/reflection-intimacy-with-christ_22.html [21]

Question 4 - Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Divine 'Pen Pal', https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-intimacy-with-christ-divine.html [22]

Reflect on your own challenges in relating to Jesus.
PHOTO: Reflect on your own challenges in relating to Jesus.
One of the challenges - and mysteries - of knowing Jesus and having an intimate relationship with Him is the fact that we cannot see Him. We believe that He is alive and that He is present in our lives, but we know well that He remains invisible.

Because He is invisible, we tend to forget that Jesus is around. We confront our problems, meet other people, struggle through temptations, and perform our responsibilities with little thought given to His presence or reality. Only when we are in trouble, and praying as a last resort, do we try to conjure up His image in our minds, to reassure ourselves that we are not alone.

So how can we carry on a relationship with Jesus? How can we know Christ as a person, and grow our relationship with Him? How can we be sure that we are not just relating to a creation of our own mind to soothe our anxieties?

When Moses heard God, it was as if he saw the invisible. Even more importantly, he knew about God by listening to Him and learning from Him. Moses said to God: "If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you" (Exodus 33:13, emphasis added). Note the connection that Moses made - he wanted God to teach him so that he would know Him. This is the link between learning and relationship.

Why is God invisible to us?  "You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live," (Exodus 33:20). God passed by Moses without showing His face - "you will see my back; but my face must not be seen" (Exodus 33:23). When God passed in front of Moses later (Exodus 34:6-7). His compassion, graciousness, patience, love, faithfulness, forgiveness, and justice were proclaimed.

We may not see Jesus physically, but we can know Him through His goodness.

Why is listening to Him so important?
Our relationship with Christ is not nurtured by sight. He may be invisible, bur He is not inaudible. We worship a God who has revealed himself by speaking through His prophets and His Son (Hebrews 1:1-2). The religion of the Bible is the religion of the ear.

Christ wants us to pay attention and listen, so that we will respond and obey. How can we listen? We listen best when we remain silent and pay full attention to the person who is speaking.

What is your experience in learning to do this (listening to Him)? Share your experience with another Christian.
One of the problems we faced during our pre-dawn walk along the Park Connector Networks (PCN) is the unpredictable tropical rainfall. We are not in the habit of carrying umbrella or raincoat. So every time when there is a sudden heavy rainfall we will be caught and drenched, because shelter is not available for certain stretches of the road.

As time passed by, we learned to inquire and request from God the status of the weather. People may argue that all these are common sense. What we discovered is not the common sense part. It is the sudden swift change of weather while we are already out in the open, and yet the rainfall started slowly. Slow enough for us to have enough time to reach a sheltered place. We were blessed by not being caught in heavy rainfall for a long time.

When He indicated at the beginning that it was safe to walk in the open although the weather changed later, the rain would be delayed. Common sense alone does not lead us to understand His actual indication of the weather but quiet listening to Him does. We discovered that God also has been protecting, guiding, correcting, providing and loving us all the time, when we have faith, listened and put our trust in Him.

We may not see Jesus physically, but we can know Him through His goodness. He is invisible to us now, but through His creations, He provides sounds, signs and other ways to inform us of the eventual outcome. I believe this is one of His ways to help us develop our faith in Him through 'listening' attentively.

When doing reflection blogs I am not able to answer all the questions by myself. I would pray to God and seek His help. Thoughts accurately related to the questions soon come to my mind. I put them in words and become the answer to the complicated questions.

Over time, with prayer and reading the Bible, our faith and trust change from "hope-so" to a "know-so", without doubt. It is a confident, assurance in believing God.
Picture posted by liveinternet.ru on Thursday, 07 November 2013 at 8:49 pm


Moses, who is called a friend of God and is said to have 'persevered because he saw him who is invisible' (Hebrews 11:27).
PHOTO: Moses, who is called a friend of God and is said to have "persevered because he saw him who is invisible" (Hebrews 11:27). Moses was first approached by God as an 80-year-old shepherd, when he passed a bush that was burning.
Picture posted by J.S on 18 March 2011 at 9:00 PM


Dear Lord, Please help us not to forget that Jesus is around although He is invisible to us. We may not see Jesus physically, but help us to know Him through His goodness. Increase our faith in you and teach us how ro listen to you effectively. Help us to pray and read the Bible so that our faith and trust in you change from 'hope-so' to a 'know-so' with confident and assurance, without doubt.<br>You know how difficult it is for us to believe in you through faith without any physical evidence for us to see. We ask that you would provide these evidences in some forms that help us increases our faith and trust in You.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us not to forget that Jesus is around although He is invisible to us. We may not see Jesus physically, but help us to know Him through His goodness. Increase our faith in you and teach us how to listen to you effectively. Help us to pray and read the Bible so that our faith and trust in you change from 'hope-so' to a 'know-so' with confident and assurance, without doubt.
You know how difficult it is for us to believe in you through faith without any physical evidence for us to see. We ask that you would provide these evidences in some forms that help us increases our faith and trust in You.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Marie Roche Taux on Tuesday, 02 August 2016 at 20:52


In what way does Jesus speak to us when we read the Bible?
PHOTO: In what way does Jesus speak to us when we read the Bible?
Jesus may choose to speak for us to hear with our physical ears, but more often than not, He speaks to our spiritual ears. How is this possible? He speaks through His Word. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus experienced the presence of the risen Christ primarily through the Scriptures. After He taught from the Scriptures, they recognised Him as their divine Teacher.

What Jesus did on that road to Emmaus, He continues to do in our lives today. He joins us on our personal journeys and speaks to us through His Word - if we read the Bible regularly enough and listen to Him carefully. This is accomplished through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who guides us to understand His truths (John 16:13).

we have received these Scriptures and the rest of the New Testament from Jesus. As we read the Scriptures, the Lord Jesus continues to teach us through His Word.

What is your personal experience (Jesus speak to us when we read the Bible) of this?
I don't understand how Scripture works.and feel that it is a little out of touch with the basic struggles of my  daily lives. I know at some level that God spoke in his Word, but I don’t fully understand how it is relevant to my current life. I do not know how to apply it to my current situation. Certainly not because I don't revere or even worship God, and not because I don't think the Bible is valuable. It is just that I don't fully understand what God is instructing through his Word for me.

I know we shouldn't merely open the Bible and read it like we do any other book. We shouldn't set aside time to read the Bible because we want to be entertained in the same way a movie with entertain us, either. Instead, we should consider the basic function of Scripture. Maybe I am reading the wrong part of the Bible at the wrong time.

However, I manage to find a way to get instructions from the Bible when I am able t identify my problem. For example, if I have a problem related to "marriage", I will enter the key word "marriage" into the search box of the Bible Gateway application. Almost instantly it will come out with 20-30 of the relevant books, chapters and verses. This is one of the tools to search instructions for specific problems using the Internet.

What are some common reasons why people fail to listen to Jesus when reading the Bible?
We may have difficulty understanding some of what we read in the Bible because of our limited understanding and sinful mature.

What can they do to improve how they listen (listen to Jesus when reading the Bible)?
We have the help of the Holy Spirit, who will teach us and remind us of all that Jesus has taught (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13). As we read the Scriptures prayerfully and expectantly, the Holy Spirit will give us "the mind of Christ", allowing us to understand Scripture and grow in our relationship with Him (1 Corinthians 2:10-16).
Picture posted by Founder, prayprayer.com on 01 April 2017


Jesus continues to do in our lives today. He joins us on our personal journeys and speaks to us through His Word
PHOTO: Jesus continues to do in our lives today. He joins us on our personal journeys and speaks to us through His Word - if we read the Bible regularly enough and listen to Him carefully. This is accomplished through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who guides us to understand His truths (John 16:13).
Picture posted by Cornerstone Art, Jay Bryant Ward



Dear Lord, We pray for your Holy Spirit to guides us to understand the truths and be able to hear you speak to us both physically and spiritually.<br>Thank you for continuing to teach us through your Word. Because you speak through your Word, we need your help us to read the Bible regularly enough and listen to you carefully.<br>We are very blessed to have tools like the search functions from the Internet and Bible gateway application, to search for solutions to our problems and needs from the Bible. Please help us to use them correctly to listen to you both physically and spiritually.<br>We may have difficulty understanding some of what we read in the Bible because of our limited understanding and sinful mature. We pray for your forgiveness of our sins and increase our limited understanding so that we will not fail to listen to Jesus when reading the Bible.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, We pray for your Holy Spirit to guides us to understand the truths and be able to hear you speak to us both physically and spiritually.
Thank you for continuing to teach us through your Word. Because you speak through your Word, we need your help us to read the Bible regularly enough and listen to you carefully.
We are very blessed to have tools like the search functions from the Internet and Bible gateway application, to search for solutions to our problems and needs from the Bible. Please help us to use them correctly to listen to you both physically and spiritually.
We may have difficulty understanding some of what we read in the Bible because of our limited understanding and sinful mature. We pray for your forgiveness of our sins and increase our limited understanding so that we will not fail to listen to Jesus when reading the Bible.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Posted by Digger on 1 September 2014

How can you converse with Jesus regularly and in a deepening way?
PHOTO: How can you converse with Jesus regularly and in a deepening way?
Our knowledge of Jesus and our relationship with Him will deepen as we learn to have a personal conversation with Him. This conversation is two-way: when we pray, we talk to Jesus, and when we read the Scriptures, He speaks to us through His Word.

The Bible is like an instruction manual or constitution - a document that spells out what God has revealed about the principles and practices of His Kingdom. It also functions as God's personal letter to each of us. When we read the Bible, we should look out for a personal message from God. It might come by way of a phrase or word that catches our attention, or an insight that enters our conscious thought. Such things will give us a distinct sense that Jesus is communicating with us personally.

We might receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment.

Learning from the divine Teacher requires a growing intimacy with Him. This intimacy is sustained by listening to Him daily and speaking to Him through prayer. This deepening conversation will help us learn from Jesus.

Reflect on the practice of lectio divina, and give it a try.
lectio divina - a Latin term loosely translated as "sacred reading" - a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully as practised by monks in ages past. The steps are simple, but need to be followed slowly and deliberately:

First, you read a Bible passage slowly, paying attention to the words and rhythm of the text.

Second, you meditate on the text, opening your heart to Jesus and allowing Him to speak to you about your situation, where you are in your spiritual life, your anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. This needs to be done in an unhurried, uninterrupted way.

Third, you speak to God through prayer, opening your heart to Him and letting Him see and hear all that is there. Tell Him what you think and feel about Him, and your needs and concerns.

Finally, you rest in His presence, savouring the moment and letting Him love you even as you seek to love Him.

Jesus is not an idea, programme, or institution. When we relate to Jesus, we are relating to a Person. Many of us approach Him with a long list of needs and wants, treating Him like a heavenly butler or concierge. But the Lord wants something much deeper than that; He wants us to learn to treat Him as the Person who loves us with a sacrificial, undying love. And we can do this by learning to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day, so that we become increasingly aware of His presence, love, guidance, grace, and protection.
Artwork by Joseph Brickey - In Similitude
Picture posted by Weebly



We will be reminded that Jesus is not just some faraway Saviour who has left us to our own devices, but a Lord who constantly communicates with us.
PHOTO: We will be reminded that Jesus is not just some faraway Saviour who has left us to our own devices, but a Lord who constantly communicates with us. We might receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment.
Picture posted by Paroquia Santa Catarina


Dear Lord, Please help us to have personal conversation with Jesus, in order to increase our knowledge of Him and our relationship with Him. We want to look out for your personal message while we read the Bible, by way of a phrase or word that catches our attention, or an insight that enters our conscious thought. We learn that such things will give us a distinct sense that Jesus is communicating with us personally. We would like to receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment. We want a growing intimacy with Jesus so that we can learn from Him through our deepening conversation.<br><br>Help us to practice lectio divina, 'sacred reading', a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully, and to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day, allowing Him to speak to us about our situation, where we are in our spiritual life, our anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. We want to share with Jesus by opening our heart to Him and letting Him see and hear all that is there. We would like to tell Him what we think and feel about Him, and our needs and concerns. We want to rest in His presence, savouring the moment and letting Him love us even as we seek to love Him. We need these levels of communication so that we become increasingly aware of His presence, love, guidance, grace, and protection.<br><br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to have personal conversation with Jesus, in order to increase our knowledge of Him and our relationship with Him. We want to look out for your personal message while we read the Bible, by way of a phrase or word that catches our attention, or an insight that enters our conscious thought. We learn that such things will give us a distinct sense that Jesus is communicating with us personally. We would like to receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment. We want a growing intimacy with Jesus so that we can learn from Him through our deepening conversation.

Help us to practice lectio divina, "sacred reading", a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully, and to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day, allowing Him to speak to us about our situation, where we are in our spiritual life, our anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. We want to share with Jesus by opening our heart to Him and letting Him see and hear all that is there. We would like to tell Him what we think and feel about Him, and our needs and concerns. We want to rest in His presence, savouring the moment and letting Him love us even as we seek to love Him. We need these levels of communication so that we become increasingly aware of His presence, love, guidance, grace, and protection.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by surprisse.com

Is Jesus your divine 'pen pal'?
PHOTO: Is Jesus your divine "pen pal"?
As far as I can remember I do not have any pen pal. I have colleagues while working together for companies, who are also facebook's friends. After I am out of employment I also lost contact with them.

I have another source which I open my heart to. Especially matters regarding my situation, spiritual life, anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. That source is Jesus Christ, and is through prayers. I have not yet met Him face to face but I do see many of His pictures in the Internet. I read about Him from the Bible which is the equivalent of His letters in Scripture form. That is one of His way to speak to us, and I learn that He has promised to hear us. I cannot see Him but we can still communicate, although not in the interactive way which I am used to.. I would consider Him as my divine "Pen Pal".

How has your knowledge of Him grown over the years?
As I do my biblical related reflections, I learn more about Him. At the moment I am reading the book "Finding Rest For The Soul" by Robert M. Solomon, and attempting to do the questions after each chapter. My progress is embarrassingly slow but significant amount of knowledge can be gained, especially when the contents are supported by quotations from the Bible. Many references are made to Jesus Christ and His disciples, Paul and Timothy. Included are also 50 meaningful quotes from other Christian writers, to further reinforce the points discussed.

I want to know Jesus more deeply and develop an increasingly intimate relationship with Him, which will make it easier for us to learn even more from Him.

What have you discovered about Him, His character, His concerns, His thoughts, and His will?
His character

During His ministry on earth, Jesus taught as no one else had done before. Those who heard Him saw the distinct difference - He taught "as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law" (Matthew 7:28-29). He taught people wonderful lessons for life. Using parables and simple language, He introduced them to deep truths about God and His relationship with human beings.

To learn from the divine Teacher, however, we first have to go to Him and remain in His presence. The person who wanders away from Christ and refuses to come under His authority leaves Jesus' classroom: he ceased to be a student and disciple.

His concerns
When Jesus invites us to "Come to Me", He also invites us to learn from Him. He wants to teach us eternal truths for daily living, to show us who God is, and to explain what is going on in our life and how God works in and through us. He wants us to be His disciple -  a person who learns. The Greek word for disciple, mathētēs, means learner - one who comes under the tutelage (guardianship) of a master.

His thoughts
One of His will was to fulfill His Father's will, therefore one of His thoughts would also be on salvation for mankind. Since at young age, Jesus was very clear about His purpose in life: to deal with the things of His Father. God's plan refers to His plan for humanity which is the salvation for mankind.

His will
Fulfilling His Father's will was His biggest priority:and central passion. He embraced only His Father's plan, which led to the cross. "I seek not to please myself but him who sent me," He publicly testified (John 5:30), "I always do what pleases him" (John 8:29). Throughout His life, Jesus displayed commitment to the Father that was wholehearted and consistent - right up to His death.

Jesus had come to seek out and save those who were lost. It must have filled Him with much joy to see sinners turn in repentance and faith to God.
Picture posted by Pins Daddy


Even though our heavenly Friend is invisible, we can communicate with Him and have an ongoing conversation with Him, just like we do with a pen pal.

PHOTO: Even though our heavenly Friend is invisible, we can communicate with Him and have an ongoing conversation with Him, just like we do with a pen pal.
Picture posted by Christian Life on 11 March 2015

Dear Lord, please allow us to have Jesus as the source which we open our heart to. Especially matters regarding our situation, spiritual life, anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. Let Jesus be our divine 'Pen Pal'.so that we can still communicate with Him although He is invisible to us; by speaking to us through the Scriptures, and we response through prayers. Then we can get to know Him more deeply and develop an increasingly intimate relationship with Him, which will make it easier for us to learn from Him.<br>We need help to go to Him and remain in His presence without drifting away. Help us to accept His invitation to 'Come to Me', and becoming His disciple learning from Him. Please help us to fulfil His will which is to fulfil your plan for humanity, and which among others, is the salvation for mankind.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray, amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, please allow us to have Jesus as the source which we open our heart to. Especially matters regarding our situation, spiritual life, anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. Let Jesus be our divine 'Pen Pal', so that we can still communicate with Him although He is invisible to us; by speaking to us through the Scriptures, and we response through prayers. Then we can get to know Him more deeply and develop an increasingly intimate relationship with Him, which will make it easier for us to learn from Him.
We need help to go to Him and remain in His presence without drifting away. Help us to accept His invitation to 'Come to Me', and becoming His disciple learning from Him. Please help us to fulfil His will which is to fulfil your plan for humanity, and which among others, is the salvation for mankind.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray, amen!
Picture posted by Alamy, taken on 13 May 2015


Chapter Eight - Learning from Jesus: Instructed by Christ
Question 1 - Reflection - Instructed by Christ - Learning from Jesus, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-instructed-by-christ.html [23]

Question 2 - Instructed by Christ - Slow learner, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-instructed-by-christ-slow.html [24]

Question 3 - Reflection - Instructed by Christ - As His Student, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-instructed-by-christ-as-his.html [25]

What important lessons have you learned personally from Jesus?
PHOTO: What important lessons have you learned personally from Jesus?
Luke 19:48 describes how the crowds "hung on his words". To hang on His words is to value them more than any other words, to pay careful attention to His Word, to trust it, and to rest all that is dear and important to us on His lessons and promises. It is like hanging everything on a solid wall peg, knowing that it will never give way.
Jesus' words are a peg that will never give way. He said: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away" (Matthew 24:35, emphasis added). It is thus critical that we carry Jesus' lessons in our hearts, so that we can stand firm to the end.
But there is still nothing like hearing Jesus' voice directly - through taking time to read the Bible. We have seen how the best way to learn is to read the Bible regularly and prayerfully, so that Jesus will help us understand the text and discover new insights. When we read a familiar biblical text, we may not think much about it. We need to slow down and let Jesus teach us from that text, until the words almost glow with divinely inspired insight, and our hearts become "strangely warmed", as John Wesley put it.
How did you come to learn these lesson?
The Hebrew word for "disciples" is limmud, and it can also be found in Isaiah 50:4, where it has been translated as "like one being instructed".
For this to be effective, our ears have to be opened by God. Isaiah said about God, "He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away" (Isaiah 50:4-5, emphasis added). The disciples walking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus had their ears and hearts opened as He taught them: even though they did not yet recognise Him, their hearts were touched and set ablaze (Luke 24:32). Later, when Jesus appeared to the other disciples, He "opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45, emphasis added). A disciple of Jesus seeks to have open ears, an open heart, and an open mind.
Why is personal knowledge of the Teacher important for learning our lessons well?
One traditional model of learning is the apprenticeship system. Craftsmen throughout history usually learned their trade by becoming apprentices of older, skilled practitioners. There were few formal schools that taught professional skills - such expertise, whether in surgery, carpentry, metalworking, or farming, was acquired through observing a master and learning from him. Pastors were trained in the same way before the advent of modern universities and seminaries. Even later on, some pastors would augment their academic learning with apprenticeship to a wise and experienced pastor.
This is also applicable to the Christian life. We often neglect the importance of seeing the Christian life as an apprenticeship to Jesus. This means spending time with Him and watching Him work so that we can learn from Him. It also means growing a personal relationship with Him, for only when we know the Teacher can we really begin to learn from Him. And it also means sticking with Him.
Many of us forget this truth. We neglect to spend time with Christ, or we are distracted by our to-do lists. Jesus wants us to spend time with Him, so that we can observe and learn from Him, in the same way as He taught His twelve disciples.

The best way to learn is to read the Bible regularly and prayerfully, so that Jesus will help us understand the text and discover new insights.
PHOTO: The best way to learn is to read the Bible regularly and prayerfully, so that Jesus will help us understand the text and discover new insights. We need to slow down and let Jesus teach us from that text, until the words almost glow with divinely inspired insight, and our hearts become "strangely warmed".
Picture posted by tokkoro.com

Dear Lord, Please help us to 'hang on Jesus' words' to value them more than any other words, to pay careful attention to His Word, to trust it, and to rest all that is dear and important to us on His lessons and promises. This is because His words are a peg that will never give way. We need to carry His lessons in our hearts, so that we can stand firm to the end. Help us  to slow down and let Jesus teach us from the Bible's text, until the words almost glow with divinely inspired insight, and our hearts become 'strangely warmed'.<br><br>We need your help to become Jesus' disciples who have open ears, an open heart, and an open mind, so that we can become 'like one being instructed'. Help us not to neglect the importance of seeing the Christian life as an apprenticeship to Jesus. This means spending time with Him and watching Him work so that we can learn from Him. It also means growing a personal relationship with Him, for only when we know the Teacher can we really begin to learn from Him. And it also means sticking with Him.<br><br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to 'hang on Jesus' words' to value them more than any other words, to pay careful attention to His Word, to trust it, and to rest all that is dear and important to us on His lessons and promises. This is because His words are a peg that will never give way. We need to carry His lessons in our hearts, so that we can stand firm to the end. Help us  to slow down and let Jesus teach us from the Bible's text, until the words almost glow with divinely inspired insight, and our hearts become 'strangely warmed'.

We need your help to become Jesus' disciples who have open ears, an open heart, and an open mind, so that we can become 'like one being instructed'. Help us not to neglect the importance of seeing the Christian life as an apprenticeship to Jesus. This means spending time with Him and watching Him work so that we can learn from Him. It also means growing a personal relationship with Him, for only when we know the Teacher can we really begin to learn from Him. And it also means sticking with Him.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Dreamstime

Review and reflect on the reasons for slow learning: a hardened heart, panic and terror, a distracted mind, and spiritual sleepiness.
PHOTO: Review and reflect on the reasons for slow learning: a hardened heart, panic and terror, a distracted mind, and spiritual sleepiness.
We need to look at some of the causes of slow learning, so that we can avoid making the same mistakes made by Jesus' disciples.

Hardened Hearts
in Mark 8:17-18, Jesus gives one reason why the disciples did not understand the parable of the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. The disciples had sight without insight. They heard noises without detecting the Voice. They noticed interesting events but did not reflect deeply enough to realise their spiritual significance. This contributed to the hardening of their hearts.

The disciples seemed so obsessed with mundane (unexciting) matters of food and hunger that they could not see Jesus warning - that the Pharisees' philosophies and ways had greatly destructive effects and wide-ranging consequences, and had to be challenged within individual hearts and society at large.

It seems that the disciples' hardened hearts and lack of understanding were chronic conditions.

Panic and Terror
On an earlier boat ride, the disciples were caught in a sudden squall (Mark 4:35-41). Jesus was in the boat with them. As the boat looked about to sink in the darkness, the terrified disciples woke their sleeping Teacher up and asked Him, "Don't you care if we drown?" (Mark 4:38). Perhaps they were hoping that Jesus would help them bail water out of the boat; instead, He commanded the waves to be still, and miraculously, this is exactly what happened (Mark 4:39}. The whistling of the storm and crashing of giant breakers were suddenly replaced by a warm breeze and gentle lapping of waves against the side of the boat. It must have been a terrifying moment for the disciples as they witnessed the complete command and authority that Jesus had over nature.

In continuing to sleep during the storm, Jesus was trying to teach them a simple but important lesson: if He was present, then they had nothing to be afraid of. No matter how frightening the storm was, they could place their trust in Him. Whenever God calls people to follow Him or do His work, He always promises His presence. It was a great lesson on the presence of the Lord, but in their fear and panic, it would seem that the disciples missed Jesus' profound lesson. Instead, they woke Him and asked Him do His part to help keep the boat afloat.

At the height of great panic, it is difficult to learn life's deepest lessons. We have to be still in order to learn who God is (Psalm 46:10). Then, when trouble comes, we will know how to trust Him. But when Jesus' disciples saw Him sleeping in the boat amid the storm, they panicked even more; they forget that He had clearly announced His intention to reach the other side of the lake (Mark 4:35). If they had remembered His words and trusted Him, they would have responded appropriately and learned the lesson He was trying to teach them.

Distracted Minds
Jesus told His disciples repeatedly about His impending death and resurrection. Mark's gospel records three occasions when this happened. On each of these occasions, according to Mark, the disciples failed to understand because they were thinking in worldly terms and were distracted by their self-centredness.

The first time, Peter rebuked Him (Mark 8:32). Though the impulsive disciple had confessed Jesus to be the Messiah (Mark 8:29), he was too full of his own ideas of what the Messiah should be like and what He should be doing.

The second time, though the disciples again did not understand what He meant (Mark 9:30-32), they "were afraid to ask him about it". Jesus had just revealed how He would die soon, and their response was to have a childish argument about who was the best.

The third time, the disciples listened - and immediately after, James and John approached Jesus requesting the honour of sitting on His right and left in His kingdom (Mark 10:35-40). Once again, Jesus had to spend time teaching them about how true greatness was measured by humility, servanthood, and sacrificial service (Mark 10:42-45).

Are we not like them, with distracted minds some of the time?

Spiritual Sleepiness
The disciples also failed to grasp some of Jesus' most important lessons because they were spiritually sleepy, unable to perceive the truths that their Master was teaching them. They demonstrated this physically by giving in to their need to sleep. Several times in the Bible, we read of disciples falling asleep at critical points in Jesus' life and missing out on important lessons.

When we felt sleepy at a lesson, we eventually drift away and miss the lesson. Spiritual sleepiness does the same thing: you read the Bible sleepily and miss what the Lord is saying to you; sleepy students are the poorest of learners. It is possible to be active and busy externally but spiritually drowsy. When that happens, you will not notice what God is saying or doing in your life, and you will not be able to give Christ's instructions serious attention.

Which of these is most commonly seen among Christian?
Distracted Minds.

Pastor and writer A. W. Tozer observes how many Christians do not stay with the Lord enough to really learn from Him. They may be busy opening their mouths, but their hearts and ears remain closed.

What is your own experience? Where do you find yourself a slow learner in the things of God?
We must be wondering if Jesus' disciples had learnt anything. After all, their hearts were hardened, they were at times overcome by panic and terror, their minds were often distracted, and they were sleepy at the most critical times. But we must remember a few things.

We should remember that we are often just as bad as the disciples were - slow to learn from Jesus because we miss the point of His lessons, ask the wrong questions, become distracted by our own prejudices and fears, and have a hardened heart that stops us from drawing deep insights from His teaching. How many times has the Lord needed to repeat His lesson because we did not understand? Do we exasperate Him too when we fail to improve?

An attentive heart is central to learning from Jesus.

The great Teacher, who is the Truth and will bring us words of eternal life, is ready to teach us personally. He invites us to come to Him and to learn from Him.
Picture saved by Elena Chunina to The Wings


Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome the causes of slow learning, that is, a hardened heart, panic and terror, a distracted mind, and spiritual sleepiness. We need help to stop being obsessed with mundane matters of food and hunger that prevent us from noticing Jesus instructions. Help us to learn the  important lesson, that if Jesus is present, then we have nothing to be afraid of. No matter how frightening the situation maybe, we can place our trust in Him. We learn that we cannot always be thinking in worldly terms and become distracted by our self-centredness. We desperately need your help in this matter. We pray for your help in preventing us from being spiritually sleepy and eventually drift away, missing the instructions from Jesus. We do not want to be active and busy externally but spiritually drowsy because when that happens, we will not notice what you are saying or doing in our life, and we will not be able to give Christ's instructions serious attention. We accept your invitation to learn from you about the truth and eternal life. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome the causes of slow learning, that is, a hardened heart, panic and terror, a distracted mind, and spiritual sleepiness. We need help to stop being obsessed with mundane matters of food and hunger that prevent us from noticing Jesus instructions. Help us to learn the  important lesson, that if Jesus is present, then we have nothing to be afraid of. No matter how frightening the situation maybe, we can place our trust in Him. We learn that we cannot always be thinking in worldly terms and become distracted by our self-centredness. We desperately need your help in this matter. We pray for your help in preventing us from being spiritually sleepy and eventually drift away, missing the instructions from Jesus. We do not want to be active and busy externally but spiritually drowsy because when that happens, we will not notice what you are saying or doing in our life, and we will not be able to give Christ's instructions serious attention. We accept your invitation to learn from you about the truth and eternal life. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Artist Mario Duguay
Picture posted by blueangelonline.com


What do you think Jesus is trying to teach you at the moment?
PHOTO: What do you think Jesus is trying to teach you at the moment?
Many of the boys hail from the sleepy district of Mae Sai (in Chiang Rai, Thailand), near the border with Myanmar. Some were greeted with hugs, tears and smiles from waiting relatives and friends when they returned home on Wednesday, 18 July 2018. Others were blessed with water as they entered their homes for the first time in more than three weeks.

But why do the Lord allow them to be trapped in the cave? Nobody knows, but the outcome is the international united efforts of the thousands of people from the whole world. Sadly, the ex-Navy Seal diver lost his life in the effort to save them. But heaven awaits for Petty Officer Samarn Kunan, 38, a former Thai Navy SEAL who volunteered depositing oxygen tanks for rescue divers throughout the flooded tunnels of Tham Luang cave, a sprawling underground complex where the youth soccer team had been trapped by floodwaters.

The 13 saved speaks volume, and for a long time to come. It has been a long time since the world is so co-operative and united, and should stay that way. We all learn what is love for each other.

The characteristics of love is as quoted from Google:
Love is unconditional. The word “unconditional” means that there are no expectations or limitations set. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans aren't good at that. But true love really does love without trying to change the other person.

Many people have the opportunity to experience true love, and undoubtedly will be sharing this love with someone else, regardless of their race, language, religion, and nationality. With the help of the Lord we can stay united and committed to each other. One of the plan of God is the offer of salvation to mankind. We just need to accept this offer to have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with Him. This is regardless of who we are, God's people, Gentiles, or not. His love for us is pure and unconditional. That is the message from our Lord. Jesus Christ had done His part when he suffered and died on the cross. On our part, we need to accept this offer of salvation and be saved, as He had promised.

How do you rate yourself as His student?
A slow learner and very forgetful.

I have been walking along the PCN (Park Connector Network) for almost 4 years. Almost every morning at predawn, my sister would accompany me to the same stretch of the park connector to do our daily exercises and walk. Despite being out for almost 1,400 times, we are still unable to tell whether it will be raining or not.

 A bit of stumbling goes a long way for us to appreciate the continual goodness bestowed on us. And for us to stop being "spiritually sleepy", not to be easily seized by "terror and panic", stop having "distracted minds", and stop "noticing interesting events but did not reflect deeply enough to realise their spiritual significance".

Is there anything you can do to be a better student?
Pray and ask the Lord for help to be a better student. He knows us very well, is patient, and will give us the necessary guidance and correction. Just as with His twelve disciples, He can accept and tolerate our delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Only the divine help can help and teach us the spiritual knowledge and skills, making us better student. The Holy Spirit is our source of help.

We should remember that we are often just as bad as Jesus' disciples were - slow to learn from Jesus because we miss the point of His lessons, ask the wrong questions, become distracted by our own prejudices and fears, and have a hardened heart that stops us from drawing deep insights from His teaching.

An attentive heart is central to learning from Jesus.
Picture posted by Deposit photos


However, whatever the situations, we are still protected and safe.
PHOTO: However, whatever the situations, we are still protected and safe. Not only from the sudden rains but also from other dangers, like attacking from wild dogs, snakes and the flashing PMDs (Personal Mobility Devices). We are blessed by our Lord, but at times we forget and take things for granted. It could be a way to remind us of our constant blessing from our Creator.
Picture posted by AlexandraAOG, Wattpad (Fairy Trail)



Dear Lord, Please help us to learn, experience and share your true love for us, regardless of our race, language, religion, and nationality. Help us to stay united and committed to each other. We pray for your Holy Spirit to help us accept your offer of salvation so that we can be saved, have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with You.<br>We need help to stop being 'spiritually sleepy', not to be easily seized by 'terror and panic', stop having 'distracted minds', and stop 'noticing interesting events but did not reflect deeply enough to realise their spiritual significance'.<br>We ask for help to be a better student. You know us very well, are patient, and will give us the necessary guidance and correction. Thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit who accepts and tolerates our delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.<br>We pray also for attentive heart to learn form Jesus. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to learn, experience and share your true love for us, regardless of our race, language, religion, and nationality. Help us to stay united and committed to each other. We pray for your Holy Spirit to help us accept your offer of salvation so that we can be saved, have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with You.
We need help to stop being 'spiritually sleepy', not to be easily seized by 'terror and panic', stop having 'distracted minds', and stop 'noticing interesting events but did not reflect deeply enough to realise their spiritual significance'.
We ask for help to be a better student. You know us very well, are patient, and will give us the necessary guidance and correction. Thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit who accepts and tolerates our delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
We pray also for attentive heart to learn form Jesus. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by rashed abdallah on 26 April 2015


Chapter Nine - Learning from Jesus: Imitating Christ
Question 1 - Reflection - Imitating Christ - Imitating people, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/08/reflection-imitating-christ-imitating.html [26]

Question 2 - Reflection - Imitating Christ - in our attitudes and daily interactions,
https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/08/reflection-imitating-christ-in-our.html [27]

Question 3 - Reflection - Imitating Christ - Difference between imitation (模仿, Mó fǎng) and mimicry (拟态, nǐ tài), https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-imitating-christ-difference.html [28]

Make a list of people you have imitated or are imitating at the moment.
PHOTO: Make a list of people you have imitated or are imitating at the moment. What in their lifes do you find worth imitating?
It may be challenging to observe and imitate an invisible God, but we have no excuse when it comes to godly people, for we can hear, see, touch, and relate to them.
We can follow godly people as they imitate Christ - in their way of life, faith in Christ, faithfulness, love, graciousness, righteousness, response to trials, and prayerfulness. Though they are not perfect, we can emulate them in loving God and others, and in living as the blessed, beloved children of God.
 It could be a family member, such as a father who lives righteously and generously, a prayerful and faithful mother, or a sibling who loves and serves the Lord with deep commitment and passion. It could be a Sunday school teacher whose patience and gentleness inspire, or a Bible study leader whose hospitality and peaceful countenance (facial expression) are exemplary. It could even be a child who grasps the implications of spiritual truth better and more readily than most adults.
Other human models may live further away in terms of space and time, such as Christian thinkers, workers, missionaries, pastors, and ordinary people around the world who have led inspiring lives. Or we may have read of those from the past, such as Polycarp, Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, Hudson Taylor, Charles Spurgeon, C. S. Lewis, and John Stott.
The "Hall of Faith" in Hebrews II contains portraits of those who shone in their faith and trust in God - Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and countless others. Today, this hall is much larger; many more portraits hang on its walls.
We can therefore seek our good Christian biographies and learn from their examples of godliness. By observing saints past and present, near and far, we can seek to follow them in the way they imitated Christ.
Simply imitating human models, however, has its limitations. No human model is perfect. If we look closely, we will find imperfections - a quick temper, envy, or pride. While it is good and helpful to imitate godly Christians, it cannot compare to imitating Christ himself.

List of people I have imitated or are imitating at the moment, and what in their lifes are worth imitating
Park Connector Network uncles:
Good at looking at the positive sides of life and world happenings
Hardworking in keeping themselves fit, healthy and happy
Maintain good and caring relationships with family and friends, colleagues and walking partners
Update themselves on world current affairs using tech-devices like handphone and TV
Share latest information, ideas, knowledge, experiences and umbrella
Friendly, truthful and with warm personalities

Previous last company's colleagues:
Approach difficult problems coolly and practically
Accumulated and able to apply vast amount of technical and managing skills
Share latest information, ideas, knowledge and experiences
Not aggressive in pursing status and power
Willing to share and help in problems of others
Approachable, considerate, reliable, punctual, responsible, and trustworthy

Do you think there are others who are imitating you?
No evidence detected in this area.
Ever heard of dissatisfaction and rejections
Ever being complained as irresponsible, slow, and no longer a suitable worker

What does that mean to you?
Still a long way to go to develop into a sought person
Desperately need the help of God
Need to seek God's protection, guidance, correction, provision and love
Picture posted by Nektaria Gerovassiliou, eimaimama.gr on 07 July 2018

Learn from Christ-like people who loves and serves the Lord with deep commitment and passion.
PHOTO: Learn from Christ-like people who loves and serves the Lord with deep commitment and passion.  It could be a family member, such as a father who lives righteously and generously, a prayerful and faithful mother, or a sibling. It could be a Sunday school teacher whose patience and gentleness inspire, or a Bible study leader whose hospitality and peaceful countenance (facial expression) are exemplary. It could even be a child who grasps the implications of spiritual truth better and more readily than most adults.
Picture saved by Liberty Cygnus, pinterest

Dear Lord, Please help us to follow godly people as they imitate Christ - in their way of life, faith in Christ, faithfulness, love, graciousness, righteousness, response to trials, and prayerfulness. Though they are not perfect, we can emulate them in loving God and others, and in living as the blessed, beloved children of God.<br>Help us to seek our good Christian biographies and learn from their examples of godliness. Help us to observe saints past and present, near and far, and seek to follow them in the way they imitated Christ. Make us realise that while it is good and helpful to imitate godly Christians, it cannot compare to imitating Christ himself. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to follow godly people as they imitate Christ - in their way of life, faith in Christ, faithfulness, love, graciousness, righteousness, response to trials, and prayerfulness. Though they are not perfect, we can emulate them in loving God and others, and in living as the blessed, beloved children of God.
Help us to seek our good Christian biographies and learn from their examples of godliness. Help us to observe saints past and present, near and far, and seek to follow them in the way they imitated Christ.
Make us realise that  while it is good and helpful to imitate godly Christians, it cannot compare to imitating Christ himself.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Isabel Huerta on 30 May 2018
PHOTO: How have you been imitating Christ in your attitudes and daily interactions?
We should be holy as God is holy (Leviticus 11:44-45, 1 Peter 1:15), merciful as He is merciful (Luke 6:36), and perfect as He is perfect (Matthew 5:48). We imitate God by imitating Christ, who is not only God, but is also "the exact representation of his being" (Hebrews 1:3) and "the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15).

After Jesus ascended to heaven, however, we were back to relating to an invisible God. Once again, we cannot see, touch, or hear Him in the same way the disciples and the crowds could. So what should we do now?

The apostle Paul provides the answer: "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1, NKLV). Godly people provide us with a model for imitating Christ. We can observe them and learn from the way they seek to be like Jesus - in their discipline, priorities, and focus.

God appeared in human form when Jesus was born; for a while, Jesus provided us with a tangible, living, flesh-and-blood example to follow. Can we still learn from Him?

The answer lies in the Gospels, which record the life of Jesus. Through them, we can hear what He said and see what He did. The four gospels in the New Testament provide authentic, reliable portraits of Jesus. The portraits of Christ give us room to concentrate on His character and relationships, which lie at the heart of Christ-likeness.

Read the questions listed on page 144 about the example of Christ in the Gospels. Take time to find answers from the Bible and share your insights with others.

How did Jesus pray?

Jesus loved His Father and communicated with Him often. He prayed for wisdom and guidance in His earthly ministry. He prayed for others to come to know Him as Savior and Lord. He prayed for the twelve disciples, that God would protect them from "the evil one". Jesus prayed for God to strengthen their ministry once He departed from them. He prayed with honesty and reverence. He prayed with joy and praise. But most of all, Jesus prayed with expectation. He knew the Father heard His prayers and would respond.

How did He handle people's unfaithfulness, ignorance, and treachery?
Though Jesus' internal struggle with Judas' betrayal is not recorded, we can assume that it was difficult for him emotionally. We know that he instructed Judas to do what he'd set his mind to. He didn't stop him or throw a fit. We also know that Jesus responded to Judas graciously. Jesus could never be accused of being a pushover, but he framed his response to Judas' betrayal with kindness and graciousness.

How did He respond to the crowds?
Jesus respond is to do the will of God and not to gain popularity with people for himself.

What did He focus His energies on?

Jesus focus His energies on carrying out the Father's will.  It was His driving passion, and it outweighed all His other needs or wants. In the end, He even gave up His life to accomplish His Father's work. Nothing held Him back.

How did He teach and preach?
During His ministry on earth, Jesus taught as no one else had done before. Those who heard Him saw the distinct difference - He taught "as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law" (Matthew 7:28-29). He taught people wonderful lessons for life. Using parables and simple language, He introduced them to deep truths about God and His relationship with human beings.

How did He handle suffering?
Jesus models for us how to handle suffering and injustice. The key principle is not to retaliate in spite or revenge. Jesus knew what His mission was and He stayed focused in the midst of reprobates (unprincipled persons) thinking they determined His destiny and death (Isaiah 53:7; Ecclesiastes 3:7).

How did He respond to sinners? What was His attitude to sin?
Jesus showed mercy to the one caught in sin. Jesus doesn't condone the sin, but He also doesn't condemn the sinner. He is the only One who can rightly condemn, and yet he offers overwhelming, astonishing grace to all of us. While many Christians are out condemning sinners, Jesus did the opposite - He gave His very life to bear sinners' sin and condemnation on the cross - for all who would trust in Him.

How did He respond to hypocrites?
Jesus’ condemnation of the Pharisees illustrates
their unacceptable hypocrisy. But, going beyond simply calling Pharisees hypocrites, Jesus paints a disturbing picture:
"You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." (Matthew 23:27-28)

How did He respond to His disciples?
We must be wondering if Jesus' disciples had learnt anything. After all, their hearts were hardened, they were at times overcome by panic and terror, their minds were often distracted, and they were sleepy at the most critical times.
At times, it must really have been exasperating for the Lord to have such slow students. Jesus would  proceeded to give more explanation, and possibly with some degree of exasperation.

How did He respond to His mother and siblings?
"Who are my mother and my brothers?" He asked (Mark 3:33). The crowd must have whispered among themselves, wondering why Jesus was treating his own family like strangers. Knowing that the Lord often said unexpected things, they waited to see what He would say next. They were not disappointed; looking around at them all, Jesus remarked, "Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother" (Mark 3:35).

How did He handle oppositions? What did He do when unjustly criticised and accused?
Jesus countered oppositions' hypocrisy with Scripture (Luke 6:3-5)

How did He respond to the poor? The sick?
Jesus called us to treat each poor person with dignity. In Jesus' time, and probably ours, people who were poor were considered second class citizens. Others avoided them. They stayed away from them. That was not true with Jesus. He addresses his disciples: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. (Luke 6:20)" "Blessed," he calls the poor "blessed"; in other words, favoured by God. He was announcing that in his kingdom the poor are not despised, not considered sinful, and not looked down upon, just because they have little or no money.  In his kingdom, the poor are people of value.

Jesus healed the sick and cast out demons from people. Quite frankly, that was why many were in great need. They couldn't work; thus, they couldn't make money or grow food. So, by Jesus healing people, they could "return to work" to produce enough wealth to subsist on. Thus, Jesus went to the root of their poverty.

How did He handle temptation?
What had Jesus, the meek and mild carpenter, been doing all those silent years growing up in Nazareth? We just saw it. His first words revealed it to us. "It is written". Jesus grew up with a hammer in one hand and a scroll in the other. He prepared for three-and-a-half years of ministry by spending about three-and-a-half decades memorizing portions of the Word of God.

Jesus’ attention to the Word of God gave Him a spiritual reservoir to draw from in time of temptation. The Scriptures can do the same for us.

How did He handle God's Word? What was His attitude to the Law?
Jesus quoted Old Testament scripture as if it was authoritative. He quoted it to reveal and combat the lies of Satan. He referred to scriptural passages and stories as support for his teaching. He quoted scripture to resolve theological disputes. He said that the words in the Jewish scripture, commonly referred to as “the Law and the Prophets,” were lasting and authoritative. His words:

"Don’t assume that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For I assure you: Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or one stroke of a letter will pass from the law until all things are accomplished." (Matthew 5:17-18)

What was His attitude to the downtrodden?
Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath and broke the laws against working by making clay and by healing. The rest of John 9 after the first 5 verses is the stormy story of conflict over legalistic religion. The issues in this story are amazingly contemporary: incurable illness, family rejection, conflicts over religion, fear of authority, ignorant and heartless religious leaders, misplaced judgment, and the determination of Jesus to cut through all of the confusion to accept and encourage the man when he was cast out as a sinner! Jesus accepts us when religion doesn't.

Throughout the ministry of Jesus, his actions were consistently aimed at including the people that hippocratic religion had left out. Jesus included women, children, foreigners, sinners, the "unclean", outcasts, the sick and even outlaws and murderers (thief on the cross) at a time when the basic thrust of religion was to divide people into "insiders" and "outsiders", the clean and the unclean.

What was His attitude to the world? To wealth?
Jesus advocates to enter God’s kingdom, build eternal treasure in heaven, rather than having surplus wealth in this world. Jesus' words about earthly riches seem to have a mostly negative bent. He identified the rich as afflicted "Woe to you who are rich" (Luke 6:24). Jesus described wealth in several negative ways.

Jesus’ attitude toward earthly riches was both negative and positive. He viewed the possession of earthly riches as a serious disadvantage. Yet Jesus also recognized the necessity of material possessions for life in this world. He received material blessings with gratitude and joy. He also taught that earthly riches, when given to the poor, can be a means of eternal investment and spiritual transformation.

How did He relate to the Father?
The relationship between Jesus and his Father is plainly stated by Jesus himself in John 5:17-37
Jesus is a reflection of his Father
Jesus is dependent on his Father
Jesus has faith in His Father’s love for him
The Father allows Jesus to see himself at work
Jesus trusts and has confidence in his Father
Jesus and his Father work together in the same business, the business of giving life, of bringing the dead to life
The Father gives great responsibility to Jesus
There’s no competitive spirit between Jesus and his Father
Jesus lives for his Father's will
Jesus' validation comes from his Father

How did He train His disciples?
Christ devoted a major part of his ministry to training the disciples to do the Father’s works and reflect his righteous nature. He prepared them to lead the church born in Pentecost.

Christ’s method of training was more action- oriented
Christ’s method of discipleship utilised signs and wonders
Jesus’ method of instruction was the 'rabbinic' method
Tennessee Walkers
A Willingness to Follow

As people who earnestly desire to be Jesus’ disciples, we learn by example and from actual experience to speak the words of Jesus and work the mighty confirming works of Jesus.

How did He died?
Severe stress, even before the abuse began
Torture by beating with Roman scourges

Hung completely naked before the crowd, the pain and damage caused by crucifixion were designed to be so devilishly intense that one would continually long for death, but could linger for days with no relief.

Biblically, it is clear that Jesus chose and willed His moment of death. That moment was induced not by pain, emotional stress, heart attack, or any other, but by His will. Though fully human, He is also fully divine. As God, He could not die from external sources, but only of His own volition and will.

Jesus remained in this agony and shame, not because he was powerless, but because of his incredible love for humanity. He suffered to provide the needed way of salvation for you and me.
Picture posted by The Church of the Firstborn - Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden


Despite Jesus' warnings about the disadvantages of wealth, Jesus also taught that earthly riches can be used to facilitate the process of salvation.
PHOTO: Despite Jesus' warnings about the disadvantages of wealth, Jesus also taught that earthly riches can be used to facilitate the process of salvation. Jesus did not oppose riches or investments.  He merely opposed the wrong kind of investment. "Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted" (Luke 12:33).
Picture posted by mobilmusic.ru


Dear Lord, Please help us to imitate Jesus by being holy as you are holy, merciful as you are merciful, and perfect as you are perfect. We want to imitate Jesus because Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in his steps. He bore our sins on the cross and took away our punishment and guilt, and is also our divine Example. As His disciples, we should follow Him and emulate Him. Jesus imitate you the Father, and we follow His example by imitate Him as He is the image of the invisible God.<br>We need help to imitate Jesus through the Gospels, which record the life of Jesus. From the Gospels we can hear what He said and see what He did. The four gospels in the New Testament provide authentic, reliable portraits of Jesus. Please help us to concentrate on His character and relationships, which lie at the heart of Christ-likeness.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to imitate Jesus by being holy as you are holy, merciful as you are merciful, and perfect as you are perfect. We want to imitate Jesus because Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in his steps. He bore our sins on the cross and took away our punishment and guilt, and is also our divine Example. As His disciples, we should follow Him and emulate Him. Jesus imitate you the Father, and we follow His example by imitate Him as He is the image of the invisible God.
We need help to imitate Jesus through the Gospels, which record the life of Jesus. From the Gospels we can hear what He said and see what He did. The four gospels in the New Testament provide authentic, reliable portraits of Jesus. Please help us to concentrate on His character and relationships, which lie at the heart of Christ-likeness.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Christmas Cards 2012

What is the difference between imitation (模仿, Mó fǎng) and mimicry (拟态, nǐ tài)?
PHOTO: What is the difference between imitation (模仿, Mó fǎng) and mimicry (拟态, nǐ tài)?
Imitating Christ does not mean simply mimicking Him. Mimicry (拟态, nǐ tài) only involves copying someone's actions, like a parrot repeating what its owner says, or circus animals entertaining us with human-like actions like standing and dancing. Animals can be trained to mimic humans, but they cannot imitate us. Similarly, we can mimic others without imitating them.

Imitation (模仿, Mó fǎng) involves not only copying external behaviour but also replicating internal motivation. When we imitate Christ, we not only do what He did, such as praying, but also do it for the same reason. Jesus prayed because He loved His Father and those He prayed for (see John 17). We can make the mistake of trying to mimic Christ in actions, but without His motives and character.

In what ways might you be mimicking Jesus rather than imitating Him?
Jesus warned that pious (religious) actions alone would not save us when we stand before Him one day (Matthew 7:22-23). These people did not have a relationship with the Lord; they did not love Him, obey Him, or do His will.

We are to have a deep relationship with Christ - a living relationship marked clearly by our obedience, submission, and love for the Lord. Without love, all our actions - no matter how impressive or persuasive - will amount to nothing; they would simply be mimicry. The motivation behind our actions will determine whether we are truly imitating or simply mimicking Jesus. Mimicry arises when there is no living relationship with the Lord - when people try to do things for Him without coming to Him, taking up His yoke, and learning from Him.

Only when our actions are motivated by love for Jesus, and we have a deep, living relationship with Him, will we truly be able to imitate Christ.

Review your words, actions, and thoughts, and see if there are changes you can make in order to truly imitate Jesus in your daily life.
Circumstances causing distractions
I am a retiree now focusing attention to improve the failing physical health which includes chronic diabetes which causes "abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood". The consequence of prolong diabetic patient is weak kidney functions and irregular heart beats. The eyesight is also drastically affected which even the best eye-care and spectacle specialists are unable to provide the healthy vision.

Even being very careful with all these strict procedures, we still barely make it to the normal healthy person. These led us to realise how desperately we need the help of God. Getting closer to Jesus and forming the necessary relationship provides the way to reduce stress and problems. It is comforting to know that there is someone out there who understands our problems and will be walking with us all the way, whatever and however tough it maybe. Being obedient, doing His will, and developing a loving relationship with Him should be the correct direction for our remaining days under the sun.

Hopes and Desires is another powerful distraction
Since my younger days, I have to hope and desire to fall in love with my dream girl, form a happy family with a few children, have a Godly happy home, and live up to the ripe old age. Now near the age of sixty, and very shamefully still haven't achieve the first step. I know I have put in efforts to find that girl who can love me, and form a happy family with me. As the years past my 'qualifications' diminished resulting in rejections after rejections. I felt the despair and desperation when in my forties and early fifties, but I did not give up.

Until today, I still 'hear' the loud and angry rejections with mixed feelings. In order to imitate our Lord, we need to learn to forgive and forget quickly just as "Stephen, Paul and James were all imitating their Lord and Teacher, who prayed for the forgiveness of His tormentors and murderers even as He hung on the cross (Luke 23:34)". Similarly other injustices suffered along the way should also be forgiven and remember no more. We will not be distracted and "our deepest focus and joy can come from our relationship with Jesus".

Temptation is the strongest distraction
Despite being harshly rejected by the opposite sex continually, I still like to surf the internet and look at erotic ladies. Some may classify it as lust while others may call it as healthy experiences. However it is definitely a form of temptation which we will stumble and succumb no matter how strong we are. We are advised to flee from it.

Again, these led us to realise how desperately we need the help of God to prevent external circumstances or internal thoughts and desires to distract us from forming a loving relationship with Him. Our deepest focus and joy should come from our relationship with Him and not from other distractions. "That is how He loved His Father. When we learn to love Jesus in this way, we will be able to let His love flow out and touch all our relationships with others, in our daily life."
Picture posted by Vintage Photo Weird Animal - Dorothy Lamour Jungle Princess, Jiggs Tarzan Chimpanzee (1937)


Hopes and Desires is another powerful distraction
PHOTO: Hopes and Desires is another powerful distraction
Since my younger days, I have to hope and desire to fall in love with my dream girl, form a happy family with a few children, have a Godly happy home, and live up to the ripe old age. Now near the age of sixty, and very shamefully still haven't achieve the first step.
Picture by mary-petroff, Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Dark, ©2011-2018 mary-petroff - Dracula's Bride Modern Edition


Temptation is the strongest distraction
PHOTO: Temptation is the strongest distraction
Despite being harshly rejected by the opposite sex continually, I still like to surf the internet and look at erotic ladies. Some may classify it as lust while others may call it as healthy experiences. However it is definitely a form of temptation which we will stumble and succumb no matter how strong we are. We are advised to flee from it.
Picture posted by 1Zoom.me


Dear Lord, Please help us to realise that imitating Christ does not mean simply mimicking Him. <br>Mimicry only involves copying someone's actions. Imitation involves not only copying external behaviour but also replicating internal motivation. Help us not to make the mistake of trying to mimic Christ in actions, but without His motives and character. Help us to have a deep relationship with Christ - a living relationship marked clearly by our obedience, submission, and love for the Lord. Please have our actions that are motivated by love for Jesus, so that we have a deep, living relationship with Him, and truly be able to imitate Him.<br>We do not want external circumstances or internal thoughts and desires to distract us from having our deepest focus and joy that come from our relationship with Him. Help us to be obedient, doing His will, and developing a loving relationship with Him for our remaining days under the sun. We want to learn to love Jesus in this way so that we will be able to let His love flow out and touch all our relationships with others, in our daily life.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to realise that imitating Christ does not mean simply mimicking Him. Mimicry only involves copying someone's actions. Imitation involves not only copying external behaviour but also replicating internal motivation. Help us not to make the mistake of trying to mimic Christ in actions, but without His motives and character. Help us to have a deep relationship with Christ - a living relationship marked clearly by our obedience, submission, and love for the Lord. Please have our actions that are motivated by love for Jesus, so that we have a deep, living relationship with Him, and truly be able to imitate Him.

We do not want external circumstances or internal thoughts and desires to distract us from having our deepest focus and joy that come from our relationship with Him. Help us to be obedient, doing His will, and developing a loving relationship with Him for our remaining days under the sun. We want to learn to love Jesus in this way so that we will be able to let His love flow out and touch all our relationships with others, in our daily life.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Lisa Whatley

Chapter Ten - Learning from Jesus: Letting Christ Live in Us
Question 1 - Reflection - Letting Christ Live in Us - Jesus revealed in us, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-letting-christ-live-in-us.html [29]

Question 2 - Reflection - Letting Christ Live in Us - Carry the character of Christ, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-letting-christ-live-in-us_22.html [30]

Question 3 - Reflection - Letting Christ Live in Us - Consecrate ourselves to God, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-letting-christ-live-in-us_27.html [31]

What do you think Paul meant when he wrote that God had set him apart 'to reveal his Son in me' (Galatians 1:15-16)?
PHOTO: What do you think Paul meant when he wrote that God had set him apart "to reveal his Son in me" (Galatians 1:15-16)?
Though Jesus is no longer physically present in the world, our churches, and our lives, He remains spiritually present through the Holy Spirit. And He continues His ministry through us today: the church, the body of Christ, makes Jesus visible (although not always in an exemplary or commendable way), while individuals faithful to Christ will demonstrate His presence and character in their lives. This is how others can see Christ today.

Paul understood that this was God's purpose for his life - to reveal God's Son in him.

How is Jesus revealed in us?
We make Jesus visible in our lives through the way we lived and serve; people see Him when they interact with us.

When Jesus dwells in us, He is incarnated in our lives - in our thoughts, attitudes, actions, words, and relationships. As we continue to approach Him regularly, obey Him, learn from Him, and imitate Him in action and attitude, our relationship with Him will grow, and we will begin to resemble Him.

When we are transformed into Christ's likeness, it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us (Galatians 2:20). So our will becomes His will, our hearts beat in rhythm with His, our minds think His thoughts, our mouth speak His words, our hands perform His actions, and our feet go where He directs. He become visible in our lives.
Picture posted by All About Love Quote

 After Jesus' resurrection, He met His disciples again and entrusted His continuing ministry and mission to them.
PHOTO: After Jesus' resurrection, He met His disciples again and entrusted His continuing ministry and mission to them. "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you," He told them before breathing on and telling them about the Holy Spirit they would receive (John 20:21).
Poster by Danny Hahlbohm
Picture saved from Danny Hahlbohm


How is Jesus revealed in us?
PHOTO: How is Jesus revealed in us?
We make Jesus visible in our lives through the way we lived and serve; people see Him when they interact with us. God works both in us and through us - it is because He works in us that He is also able to work through us.
Picture posted by Amazon.com, Inc. - The Path to Christlikeness @Christlkeness

Dear Lord, Please help us to understand what Paul meant when he wrote that God had set him apart 'to reveal his Son in me' means that although Jesus is no longer physically present in the world, our churches, and our lives, He remains spiritually present through the Holy Spirit. And He continues His ministry through us today: the church, the body of Christ, makes Jesus visible, while individuals faithful to Christ will demonstrate His presence and character in their lives. <br>We need your help to have Jesus visible in our lives through the way we lived and serve; so that people see Him when they interact with us. We want to have Jesus dwells in us and incarnated in our lives - in our thoughts, attitudes, actions, words, and relationships. Help us to approach Him regularly, obey Him, learn from Him, and imitate Him in action and attitude, so that our relationship with Him will grow, and we will begin to resemble Him. Transformed us into Christ's likeness, so that it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us. Then our will becomes His will, our hearts beat in rhythm with His, our minds think His thoughts, our mouth speak His words, our hands perform His actions, and our feet go where He directs. Let Jesus be revealed in us.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO:  "Dear Lord, Please help us to understand what Paul meant when he wrote that God had set him apart 'to reveal his Son in me' means that although Jesus is no longer physically present in the world, our churches, and our lives, He remains spiritually present through the Holy Spirit. And He continues His ministry through us today: the church, the body of Christ, makes Jesus visible, while individuals faithful to Christ will demonstrate His presence and character in their lives.

We need your help to have Jesus visible in our lives through the way we lived and serve; so that people see Him when they interact with us. We want to have Jesus dwells in us and incarnated in our lives - in our thoughts, attitudes, actions, words, and relationships. Help us to approach Him regularly, obey Him, learn from Him, and imitate Him in action and attitude, so that our relationship with Him will grow, and we will begin to resemble Him. Transformed us into Christ's likeness, so that it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us. Then our will becomes His will, our hearts beat in rhythm with His, our minds think His thoughts, our mouth speak His words, our hands perform His actions, and our feet go where He directs. Let Jesus be revealed in us.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture saved by olivia arizaga to Angeles

What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?
PHOTO: What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?
Jesus told His disciples, "very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing" (John 14:12). When Jesus is incarnated in us, we become His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.

The church is now the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), which we all are members of. As we manifest Christ, we function as parts of His body:

Being His Ears
Some of us can act as Christ's ears, listening as people pour out their griefs and woes. Whether it is a lonely child, a dying woman, or an imprisoned criminal, we can help being the healing process in them. In a world that revolves around self-centredness, we can demonstrate how Jesus still ministers to those who are suffering.

Being His Mouth
Others can function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. It could be a colleague in the office, a neighbour, a distant relative, a stranger in the airport, a postman or cleaner, a construction worker, a refugee, or a widow. As apprentices of Jesus, we are to learn how to speak the words of Jesus - not with shallow clichés and unhelpful generalities, but with a "well-instructed tongue" that speaks "the word that sustains the weary" (Isaiah 50:4).

Being His Hands

Through our hands, Christ can reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. While He was on earth, Jesus touched lepers (Matthew 8:3) - something that others would never do for fear of becoming infected, and also because it would make them ritually impure - and gave them dignity and healing. He was always ready to act radically (in a thorough or fundamental way; completely) and compassionately - and to touch the untouchable.

Being His Feet
Christ walks today with our feet. In Romans 15:20, Paul spoke of his desire to "preach the gospel where Christ was not known". The apostle was ready to go where Jesus wanted to be. He was ever-willing to be an instrument of his Lord, who had said, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be" (John 12:26).

When we respond to God in faithful obedience and consecrate ourselves to Him, Christ will use our hands, our feet, our mouths, our eyes, and our ears as His own. We will see as He sees, hear as He hears, speak as He speaks, and do as He does. He is thus incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world.

How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this?
Christ's character is the fruit of the Spirit. When we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance
(patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23). This is one of His key ministries. Each of the virtues of the Spirit's fruit was demonstrated by Christ in His relationships. When we exhibit these virtues, we reveal Christ's character, which become our character. The world will then see Jesus in us and through us.

Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.

Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
I did not attend church and is a retiree. My experience and assessment is base on the uncles whom we met during our morning walk along the different parts of a Park Connector Network (PCN), and our communication throughout the journey.

My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises. We would meet the first elderly uncle who is used to waking up at around 3:50 am, and reaching the exercise point along the PCN to do his sets of vigorous work-out for about 30 minutes. When we reached him, he would have completed his morning exercises and ready for his morning walk. We would greet each other and for next 5 to 10 minutes talking about the weather, our sleeping and waking up hours. Sometimes he would explained that he is unable to perform all the exercises as swiftly and comfortably because of his aching body muscles and joints. We would listen and offer some encouragements to lessen his fear for not feeling as fit as when he was younger.

We would continue our morning walk, meeting other uncles and stop for a short chatting session. We would then continue on our way back, talking with another uncle as we walked along. We are used to look out and warn each other of snakes, fast on-coming e-scooters, bicycles, and other dangers. We would update one another on the current affairs which comprises of government policies, stock market performance, relationships, and sometime, our creator - on the need to adhere to the will and instructions of God.

We met other uncles at the start of the PCN on our return journey, and do the usual morning chatting. At times we may be too engrossed with the topics of discussion and needed to calm each other down. We could be discussing about the "injustices" in our everyday life, and needed to remind ourselves not to succumb to our uncontrollable unhappiness.

My sister and I would then walk the remaining 2 km back home. We would have accomplish our daily  10,000 steps as recommended by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for a healthy lifestyle. Although we are retirees, we still need to be responsible and do our part to stay healthy. Everyday, early in the morning we would "struggle" to get on our feet to meet the elderly uncles who would be waiting expectantly for us to arrive. God provides the PCN and the elderly uncles for us to be His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.

During our other available time we would try to create biblical reflections and share the good news on social media like this one. Slowly by using our hands, the Internet, and computer applications, we create blogs to share what we have read from books and newspapers, information gathered from listening to others, and experience from events happening while walking with the uncles along the PCN.

We believe we have put in efforts in our life to be the vehicle for the incarnation of Christ, although less than mediocre. After accepting Christ and being baptised, contributions to the work of God are considered good works, which bring great satisfactions, internal happiness, and the blessed feelings. We may still have our worries, pains, and sufferings in our everyday's life, we also have quiet inner rest, joy, and peace, knowing that God is walking together with us.
Artwork by Ron DiCianni - The Sower
Picture posted by 7adventist.com



My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises.
PHOTO: My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises. We would meet the first elderly uncle who is used to waking up at around 3:50 am, and reaching the exercise point along the PCN to do his sets of vigorous work-out for about 30 minutes. When we reached him, he would have completed his morning exercises and ready for his morning walk. Sometimes he would explained that he is unable to perform all the exercises as swiftly and comfortably because of his aching body muscles and joints. We would listen and offer some encouragements to lessen his fear for not feeling  as fit as when he was younger.
Picture posted by A Little Perspective’s Scripture Pictures - Isaiah 50:4


Dear Lord, we pray for your help to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives by being His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet. Help us to listen as people pour out their griefs and woes and function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. We need help to be able to reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. Please help us to allow Christ to walk today with our feet, ready to go where Jesus wanted to be, and incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world.<br>We ask for the Holy Spirit to enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We pray to be able to exhibit these virtues, reveal Christ's character, which become our character, so that the world will then see Jesus in us and through us.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we pray for your help to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives by being His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet. Help us to listen as people pour out their griefs and woes and function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. We need help to be able to reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. Please help us to allow Christ to walk today with our feet, ready to go where Jesus wanted to be, and incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world.

We ask for the Holy Spirit to enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We pray to be able to exhibit these virtues, reveal Christ's character, which become our character, so that the world will then see Jesus in us and through us.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Dr. Ece Hattat

Why is important to consecrate our body and all areas of our lives to God?
PHOTO: Why is important to consecrate our body and all areas of our lives to God?
It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers "to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). In the same vein, the apostle also tells us, "Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness" (Romans 6:12-13).

How can we do this on a regular basis?
Bernard of Clairvaux, a 12th-century monk, wrote about how we can consecrate all our bodily parts to Jesus in a practical manner, committing ourselves to use them as instruments for the Lord:

If the appetite alone hath sinned, let it alone fast, and it sufficeth. But if the other members also have sinned, why should they not fast, too . . . Let the eye fast from strange sights and from every wantonness, so that that which roamed in freedom in fault-doing may, abundantly humbled, be checked by penitence (regret). Let the ear, blameably eager to listen, fast from tales and rumors, and from whatsoever is of idle import, and tendeth least to salvation. Let the tongue fast from slanders and murmurings, and from useless, vain, and scurrilous words, and sometimes also, in the seriousness of silence, even from things which may seem of essential import. Let the hand abstain from . . .all toils which are not imperatively necessary. But also let the soul herself abstain from all evils and from acting out her own will. For without such abstinence the other things find no favor with the Lord.

How does Jesus use our lives to manifest himself and to touch lost and hurting people?
When every part of our body and life becomes an instrument of righteousness, it also becomes a consecrated instrument of Christ, through which He manifests His character and ministry. We will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ.

The example of the Good Samaritan, however, shows what Jesus wants of us. He wants us to see the needs of people through the eyes of God, to let our hands became the hands of God as we help them, and to speak from our mouths the words of God as we bring comfort and hope to others. When we consecrate ourselves to Christ fully and offer ourselves to Him, He will live through us, and people will recognise Him in our lives.

That is the challenge facing us as a community of believers today - to stop serving ourselves within the cloistered walls of our church buildings and to become involved with our communities, so that we can become the instruments of our Lord and touch the lives of those who struggle and suffer around us.

Reflect prayerfully on what this means for you personally.
When we imitate Christ in word, attitude, and action, we will carry His life, character, and ministry to a watching world. In this way, Jesus will be manifested in all corners of the world, wherever His faithful disciples of Jesus live and serve. We will become little lights in the world (Matthew 5:14) as we display the Light of the world to others (John 9:5).

If we remember that we have been chosen by God to "be conformed to the image of the Son" (Romans 8:29), then we will understand why Jesus calls us to come to Him, to take up His yoke, and to learn from Him. And it is when we respond and become His apprentice that we become, in the words of C. S. Lewis, "little Christ".
Picture posted by ccouch on 04 May 2016

We are to abstain from all evils and from acting out of our own will.
PHOTO: We are to abstain from all evils and from acting out of our own will.
Bernard of Clairvaux, a 12th-century monk, wrote about how we can consecrate all our bodily parts to Jesus in a practical manner, committing ourselves to use them as instruments for the Lord.
Picture saved from Tom Engel

We have been chosen by God to 'be conformed to the image of the Son' (Romans 8:29).
PHOTO: We have been chosen by God to "be conformed to the image of the Son" (Romans 8:29). Jesus calls us to come to Him, to take up His yoke, and to learn from Him. And it is when we respond and become His apprentice that we become "little Christ".
Artwork by Paul François Quinsac (1858 – 1932, French) - Allégorie de la Musique
Picture from Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository


Dear Lord, Please help us to consecrate and surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ so that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. Help us to have true and proper worship by offering every part of ourselves to Him as an instrument of righteousness.<br>We need help us to repent and abstain on a regular basis from all evils, Help us to prevent our soul or even a single body part from acting out with evil will and sin. Help us not to be rootless and disengaged but consecrated ourselves to Christ fully, and offer ourselves to Him so that He live through us, and people will recognise Him in our lives.<br>Help us to be consecrated instrument of Christ, through which He manifests His character and ministry. We want to become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ. We pray for help to respond and become His apprentice so that we become 'little Christ' and stop serving ourselves within the cloistered walls of our church buildings, but to become involved with our communities. We can then become the instruments of our Lord and touch the lives of those who struggle and suffer around us.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to consecrate and surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ so that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. Help us to have true and proper worship by offering every part of ourselves to Him as an instrument of righteousness.

We need help us to repent and abstain on a regular basis from all evils, Help us to prevent our soul or even a single body part from acting out with evil will and sin. Help us not to be rootless and disengaged but consecrated ourselves to Christ fully, and offer ourselves to Him so that He live through us, and people will recognise Him in our lives.

Help us to be consecrated instrument of Christ, through which He manifests His character and ministry. We want to become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ. We pray for help to respond and become His apprentice so that we become 'little Christ' and stop serving ourselves within the cloistered walls of our church buildings, but to become involved with our communities. We can then become the instruments of our Lord and touch the lives of those who struggle and suffer around us.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture saved by Diana Fencl to Hey, it moves "1" - Nature & Wildlife Glitter Graphics (Fantaglitter.com)

Question 1 - Reflection - Epilogue - Response to Jesus calling, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/10/reflection-epilogue-response-to-jesus.html [32]

Question 2 - Reflection - Epilogue - Lessons and insights gained, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/10/reflection-epilogue-lessons-and.html [33]

Question 3 - Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links), https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/10/reflection-finding-rest-for-soul-links.html [34]

Can you hear Jesus calling out to you by name?
PHOTO: Can you hear Jesus calling out to you by name? Take time to respond to Him and meet Him in prayer, remembering to confess any doubt, hesitation, and fear that prevents you from fully responding to Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.

Our Lord has instructed "Our Daily Bread Ministry Asia Ltd" to send the book "Finding Rest For The Soul - Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29" by Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, to my name. I have received, read and discovered many times Jesus calling out “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29). Always there is the similar call, "Come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me." Just as in the Bible, He has always been calling out to us.

Yes, I heard Jesus calling out to me, both through the Bible and through the book sent to my name. It is Jesus' timely calling out to all of us who are weary and burdened. I am weary and burdened too; with livelihood and health problems. Although He is invisible to me, He is calling from the book by Bishop Robert M. Solomon whom we can see Christ likeness, His character and ministry. Our Daily Bread Ministry has been sending Jesus' messages to us by post or online to our name. It is God's way of working through the ministry which uses our name for Him to call out to us.

By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ. When we imitate Christ in word, attitude, and action, we will carry His life, character, and ministry to a watching world.

Of course there are doubt, hesitation, and fear. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Unhealthy and old people like me are easily tired, and our daily active hours decreased day by day. We are so used to rely on medication, and whatever exercises we can do. But God knows, and he provide us with appropriate opportunity to access healthcare services with subsidies. Our chronic medical problems are being taken care of through appointments with the polyclinics, family Clinics and hospitals. For exercises, our government has built many exercise stations and Park Connector Network (PCN) for our regular predawn walks and exercises. God is also gracious to provide uncles to accompany us during our daily walk along the PCN. Together in the predawn hours, we unite and face the wild animals; dogs, snakes, monitor lizards, and other dangers; falling trees, strong winds, lightning, thunders and heavy rains. Our health burdens are greatly reduced by Healthcare subsidies and physical exercises, and so are our doubts to go to Him, take up His yoke, and learn from Him.

Besides my chronic health problems, I also hesitate and have fear to response to Jesus' call because of our ever increasing livelihood expenditures. We have depleting savings, and diminishing dividends from our investment funds. There is the fear that our net income and saving cannot meet the fast rising cost of living, without sacrificing too much on the present standard of living. We have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by "many things" that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the "one thing" that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.

We do not want to end up paying scant attention to what Jesus is saying; become so irritated by our tasks that we end up complaining to Jesus constantly, not hearing His voice or sensing His presence. We need to learn to say "no" to whatever threatens to take us away from Jesus. However despite all the obstacles to respond to Jesus' offer, we take heart that Jesus is being manifested more and more in all corners of the world. Others with the same problems must have turned to God and are able to find the help, peace and comfort. The hesitation and fear which we experienced due to worldly inadequacy may not be totally on our shoulder alone, but shared by God. With God, the problems we feared may not be there anymore.

He knows how desperate we are for His help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into "Little Christ". Just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; "now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness."
Picture posted by Paroquia Santa Catarina

'Finding Rest For The Soul' by Robert M. Solomon
PHOTO: "Finding Rest For The Soul" by Robert M. Solomon
Many times Jesus calling out “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29).
Picture posted by Discovery House Distributors Sdn Bhd

Others with problems must have respond to Jesus' call and are able to find the help, peace and comfort.
PHOTO: Others with problems must have respond to Jesus' call and are able to find the help, peace and comfort. The hesitation and fear which we experienced due to worldly inadequacy may not be totally on our shoulder alone, but shared by Him. With Jesus, the problems we feared may not be there anymore.
Drawing by Arantza Sestayo
Picture posted by Fantastik World Art on 11 January 2013


Dear Lord, Thank you for calling out to me, both through the Bible and through the book, 'Finding Rest For The Soul - Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29' by Robert M. Solomon, sent to my name.<br>I am weary and burdened with livelihood and health problems. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Thank you for providing opportunities to access healthcare services with subsidies, and ample places for physical exercises. My burdens are greatly reduced by those, and so are my doubts to go to Jesus, take up His yoke, and learn from Him. But I am still feel stressed and not in control of my problems.<br>I also hesitate and have fear as I response to Jesus' call because we have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take up Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by 'many things' that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the 'one thing' that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.<br>We realise how desperate we are for Jesus' help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.<br>Please help us to fully respond to Jesus' call, just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; 'now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness.'<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank you for calling out to me, both through the Bible and through the book, 'Finding Rest For The Soul - Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29' by Robert M. Solomon, sent to my name.

I am weary and burdened with livelihood and health problems. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Thank you for providing opportunities to access healthcare services with subsidies, and ample places for physical exercises. My burdens are greatly reduced by those, and so are my doubts to go to Jesus, take up His yoke, and learn from Him. But I am still feel stressed and not in control of my problems.

I also hesitate and have fear as I response to Jesus' call because we have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take up Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by 'many things' that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the 'one thing' that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.

We realise how desperate we are for Jesus' help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.

Please help us to fully respond to Jesus' call, just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; 'now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness.'

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Ceuzita on Monday, 17 October 2016 at 11:59 - PEACE LOVE AROUND THE WORLD


Review the lessons and insights you have gained from reading this book.
PHOTO: Review the lessons and insights you have gained from reading this book.
I started reading this book and responded to the questions from 09 November 2017, about a year ago. Since then I continuously tried to finish the whole book, understand, and practice the lessons learnt. I believe the insights gained from Bishop Solomon to be accurate and with depth because his writing is with reference to the Bible, other Christianity writers, and his rich experience in presenting the teaching of Jesus.

I am unable to comment like those who are eloquent, master of theology and the Bible. I am nowhere near those with such level of expertise. I am shamefully lightyears away from such solid proficiency and competence. So I could just express like a layman, a person without professional or specialized knowledge in this subject.

To me this book is like tasting hot spicy Asam Pedas, which is usually seafood or fish cooked in tamarind juice gravy with chilli and spices. Vegetables such as brinjals (Indian eggplants), okra (ladies' fingers) and tomatoes are added. It tastes spicy hot, sour and sweet. This dish served just with rice or noodles will give the complete amazing savouring experience. We expressed it as "shiok!" in everyday Singapore English. It is an exclamation expressing admiration or approval, just like 'cool!' and 'great!' (Explanation from Google)

"Spicy hot" giving wonderful surprises, like the describing the difference between imitation and mimicry. It is really an eye opener to discover something new in this manner. We will see and hear what God is saying to us, discover His knowledge and ways, and recognise His coming. Like children we will learn to trust Jesus simply and respond wholeheartedly. We will then form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.

"Sour" is when the teaching is hard to accept and our protesting spirit is evoked. For example when we are being told that attending church alone is not enough, and is meaningless without community involvement. They are many other similar instances when Christian prefer to stay on the sideline instead of participating in discipleship work. Also our mind are so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.

"Sweet" when being informed that Christian can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with our Lord. We will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry. By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ.

However, knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him can be expressed in my simple way as: "shiok!". We experienced the much needed joy and comfort to soften the hardships and sufferings in our ever difficult world. Because of Him we have a glimpse of hope from His shinning grace and blessing. While the world continuously push us to the edge of existence, He assure us that He will be preparing for us a place in His Father's house which will be our perfect home.

How can you apply them to your life? What are some specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling you? Speak to Him about these matters and seek to obey Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.
James Joyce's novel, Ulysses, echoes the work of the Greek poet Homer, the classic poem Odyssey. Composed around the eighth century BC, it focuses on the legendary Greek king Odysseus as he journeys home after the Trojan War. Odysseus takes a long time - 10 years - to get home to his family in Ithaca. Along the way, he suffers shipwreck and imprisonment, and faces all sorts of dangers and temptations, but also receives hospitality and aid. The poem, which is really about a man's wandering and homecoming, is something that many of us can relate to; in fact, it echoes the central theme of our lives.

Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We instinctively sense that we belong to a perfect home somewhere, but we know that we are not there, no matter how rich we are, or how many friends we have.

Jesus observes us as we go about our daily business - and He watches us with compassion. He notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.

So He speaks to us. He calls to us by name (John 10:3). And He gives us the most important invitation we will ever receive: come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me (Matthew 11:28-29).

This book is a discussion of what this invitation means and what is expected of us if we want to take it seriously and respond to it wholeheartedly. As we reflect on Jesus' invitation, may God give us the grace to respond to His Son (and all of us need to do so repeatedly, throughout our lives), for in Him we will find abundant life. Jesus is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment.
Picture posted by Jacqi Kambish, The Presumptuous Ladybug on 08 April 2018

In a restless world with blaring promises of fulfilment through self-help, fame and fortune which quickly fade, Bishop Robert Solomon, with humility and confidence, points us to Jesus and the true way to be fully human.
PHOTO: "In a restless world with blaring promises of fulfilment through self-help, fame and fortune which quickly fade, Bishop Robert Solomon, with humility and confidence, points us to Jesus and the true way to be fully human." - Rev. Prof. David Wilkinson, Principal of St. John's College, Professor of Theology and Religion, Durham University, UK
Picture posted by Wallpaper Flare

The famous 1922 novel Ulysses, by celebrated writer James Joyce.
PHOTO: The famous 1922 novel Ulysses, by celebrated writer James Joyce.
The protagonist (leading character) of the novel is an Irishman, Leopold Bloom, and the novel records his experiences and encounters over a single day in early 20th-century Dublin, Ireland.
Picture posted by Trediakovski on 06 August 2018 at 15:14 - Eve Arnold: Marilyn Monroe reading’ (1954)

Dear Lord, Thank you for the lessons and the insights gained from reading this book 'Finding rest for the soul' Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29 by Bishop Robert M. Solomon. Thank you for providing a profound and accessible book for weary pilgrims like us in today's world, guiding us to rest in Jesus with its penetrating insights, drawn from Scripture and a great cloud of witness from the history of the church. We, the weary will hear the voice of Jesus through these pages, bidding us to be yoked to Him and to follow in His steps. Thank you for a good book for all of us to respond to Jesus' invitation to come to Him and find rest for our souls.<br>Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We are harassed and helpless, like sheep without shepherd. Jesus notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.<br>May God give us the grace to respond to His Son, for in Him we will find abundant life. He is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment. Help us to fully respond to His invitation to 'come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me'.<br>Please help us to discover what Jesus may be telling us, and matters which we can speak to Him about, as we seek to obey Him. We also want to share our testimony and insights with everybody so that we all, too, can be blessed. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank you for the lessons and the insights gained from reading this book 'Finding rest for the soul' Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29 by Bishop Robert M. Solomon. Thank you for providing a profound and accessible book for weary pilgrims like us in today's world, guiding us to rest in Jesus with its penetrating insights, drawn from Scripture and a great cloud of witness from the history of the church. We, the weary will hear the voice of Jesus through these pages, bidding us to be yoked to Him and to follow in His steps. Thank you for a good book for all of us to respond to Jesus' invitation to come to Him and find rest for our souls.

Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We are harassed and helpless, like sheep without shepherd. Jesus notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.

May God give us the grace to respond to His Son, for in Him we will find abundant life. He is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment. Help us to fully respond to His invitation to 'come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me'.

Please help us to discover what Jesus may be telling us, and matters which we can speak to Him about, as we seek to obey Him. We also want to share our testimony and insights with everybody so that we all, too, can be blessed. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by David Hendrawan - A Lonely Heart Prayer

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)

[1] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Challenges and hopes in response to His call, posted on Thursday, 09 November 2017, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/11/reflection-challenges-and-hopes-in.html

[2] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Jesus our Creator, Physician, Saviour and Heir, posted on Monday, 20 November 2017, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/11/reflection-jesus-our-creator-physician.html

[3] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Breaking free from our illusions, posted on Thursday, 23 November 2017, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/11/reflection-breaking-free-from-our.html

[4] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Going to Jesus - Hopes and Fears, posted on Monday, 11 December  2017, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/12/reflection-going-to-jesus-hopes-and.html

[5] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Going to Jesus - Diversions encountered, posted on Tuesday, 19 December 2017, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/12/reflection-going-to-jesus-diversions.html

[6] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Going to Jesus - Mooring lines, posted on Sunday, 31 December 2017, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/12/reflection-going-to-jesus-mooring-lines.html

[7] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction, posted on Wednesday, 17 January 2018, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/01/reflection-making-sure-you-go-to-jesus.html

[8] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Reading the Bible, posted on posted on Wednesday, 24 January 2018, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/01/reflection-making-sure-you-go-to-jesus_24.html

[9] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Life direction, posted on Friday, 09 February 2018, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/02/reflection-making-sure-you-go-to-jesus.html

[10] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - The Solution to Worn-Out Lives - Disappointment and Setbacks, posted on Saturday, March 3, 2018, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/03/reflection-solution-to-worn-out-lives.html

[11] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - The Solution to Worn-Out Lives - Doubts about God, posted on Monday, 12 March 2018, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/03/reflection-solution-to-worn-out-lives_12.html

[12] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - The Solution to Worn-Out Lives - Weary and burdened, posted on Monday, 26 March, 2018, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/03/reflection-solution-to-worn-out-lives_26.html

[13] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Challenges of Submission, posted on Saturday, 07 April 2018, http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/04/reflection-submission-and-obedience.html

[14] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Taking up Jesus' Yoke, posted on
Sunday, April 15, 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/04/reflection-submission-and-obedience_15.html

[15] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Submission to the Lord, posted on Thursday, 26 April 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/04/reflection-submission-and-obedience_26.html

[16] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Doing His Will - Desire to do God's will, posted on Monday, 14 May 2018,

[17] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Doing His Will - Desire to do God's will, posted on Monday, 14 May 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2018/05/reflection-doing-his-will-desire-to-do.html

[18] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Doing His Will - Christian Service, posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/05/reflection-doing-his-will-christian.html

[19] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Listening to Him, posted on Tuesday, 05 June 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/06/reflection-intimacy-with-christ.html

[20] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Listening to Jesus through the Bible, posted on Friday, 15 June 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/06/reflection-intimacy-with-christ_15.html

[21] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Conversing with Jesus, posted on Friday, 22 June 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/06/reflection-intimacy-with-christ_22.html

[22] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Divine 'Pen Pal', posted on Wednesday, 04 July 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-intimacy-with-christ-divine.html

[23] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Instructed by Christ - Learning from Jesus, posted on Sunday, 08 July 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-instructed-by-christ.html

[24] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Instructed by Christ - Slow learner, posted on Sunday, 22 July 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-instructed-by-christ-slow.html

[25] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Instructed by Christ - As His Student, posted on Wednesday, 25 July 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/07/reflection-instructed-by-christ-as-his.html

[26] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection -
Imitating Christ - Imitating people, posted on Sunday, 05 August 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/08/reflection-imitating-christ-imitating.html

[27] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Imitating Christ - in our attitudes and daily interactions, posted on Tuesday, 28 August 2018,


[28] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Imitating Christ - Difference between imitation (模仿, Mó fǎng) and mimicry (拟态, nǐ tài), posted on Wednesday, 05 September 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-imitating-christ-difference.html

[29] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Letting Christ Live in Us - Jesus revealed in us, posted on Monday, 17 September 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-letting-christ-live-in-us.html

[30] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Letting Christ Live in Us - Carry the character of Christ, posted on Saturday, 22 September 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-letting-christ-live-in-us_22.html

[31] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Letting Christ Live in Us - Consecrate ourselves to God, posted on Thursday, 27 September 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/09/reflection-letting-christ-live-in-us_27.html

[32] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Epilogue - Response to Jesus calling, posted on Friday, 05 October 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/10/reflection-epilogue-response-to-jesus.html

[33] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Epilogue - Lessons and insights gained, posted on Monday, 15 October 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/10/reflection-epilogue-lessons-and.html

[34] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links), posted on Monday, 15 October 2018, https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2018/10/reflection-finding-rest-for-soul-links.html

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John 8:29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A29&version=NIV

John 9:5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+9%3A5&version=NIV

John 10:3 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+10%3A3&version=NIV

John 12:26 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+12%3A26&version=NIV

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John 16:33 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+16%3A33&version=NIV

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John 20:21 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+20%3A21&version=NIV

Leviticus 11:44-45 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+11%3A44-45&version=NIV

Luke 6:3-5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A3-5&version=NIV

Luke 6:20 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A20&version=NIV

Luke 6:24 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A24&version=NIV

Luke 6:36 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+6%3A36&version=NIV

Luke 8:5-15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A5-15&version=NIV

Luke 8:5, 12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A5%2C+12&version=NIV

Luke 8:6, 13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A6%2C+13&version=NIV

Luke 8:7, 14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A7%2C+14&version=NIV

Luke 8:8, 15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A8%2C+15&version=NIV

Luke 9:23 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+9%3A23&version=NIV

Luke 10:27 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+10%3A27&version=NIV

Luke 12:15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+12%3A15&version=NIV

Luke 19:48 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+19%3A48&version=NIV

Luke 22:42 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+22%3A42&version=NIV

Luke 22:54 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+22%3A54&version=NIV

Luke 23:34 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+23%3A34&version=NIV

Luke 24:32 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+24%3A32&version=NIV

Mark 1:7-8 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+1%3A7-8&version=NIV

Mark 3:33 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+3%3A33&version=NIV

Mark 3:35 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+3%3A35&version=NIV

Mark 4:35 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+4%3A35&version=NIV

Mark 4:35-41 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+4%3A35-41&version=NIV

Mark 4:38 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+4%3A38&version=NIV

Mark 4:39 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+4%3A39&version=NIV

Mark 5:25-34 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+5%3A25-34&version=NIV

Mark 8:17-18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+8%3A17-18&version=NIV

Mark 8:29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+8%3A29&version=NIV

Mark 8:32 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+8%3A32&version=NIV

Mark 9:30-32 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+9%3A30-32&version=NIV

Mark 10:35-40 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+10%3A35-40&version=NIV

Mark 10:42-45 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+10%3A42-45&version=NIV

Mark 10:50 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+10%3A50&version=NIV

Matthew 5:10-12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A10-12&version=NIV

Matthew 5:14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A14&version=NIV

Matthew 5:17-18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A17-18&version=NIV

Matthew 5:48 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A48&version=NIV

Matthew 7:21-23 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A21-23&version=NIV

Matthew 7:22-23 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A22-23&version=NIV

Matthew 7:28-29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A28-29&version=NIV

Matthew 8:3 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+8%3A3&version=NIV

Matthew 11 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11&version=NIV

Matthew 11:3 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11%3A3&version=NIV

Matthew 11:5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11%3A5&version=NIV

Matthew 11:27 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=+Matthew+11%3A27&version=NIV

Matthew 11:28-29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11%3A28-29&version=NIV

Matthew 13:44-46 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+13%3A44-46&version=NIV

Matthew 16:16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+16%3A16&version=NIV

Matthew 23:27-28  - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt.+23%3A27%E2%80%9328&version=NIV

Matthew 24:35 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+24%3A35&version=NIV

Matthew 25:40 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A40&version=NIV

Matthew 28:19-20 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+28%3A19-20&version=NIV

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Psalm 9:10; 22:4-5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+9%3A10%3B+22%3A4-5&version=NIV

Psalm 46:10 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+46%3A10&version=NIV

Psalm 73:28 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+73%3A28&version=NIV

Psalm 145:18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+145%3A18&version=NIV

Revelation 22:12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+22%3A12&version=NIV

Romans 3:10-18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+3%3A10-18&version=NIV

Romans 6:12-13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+6%3A12-13&version=NIV

Romans 6:23 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+6%3A23&version=NIV

Romans 8:1 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+8%3A1&version=NIV

Romans 8:29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+8%3A29&version=NIV

Romans 10:9 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+10%3A9&version=NIV

Romans 12:1 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+12%3A1&version=NIV

Romans 14:23 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+14%3A23&version=NIV

Romans 15:20 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+15%3A20&version=NIV

Titus 1:2 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Titus+1%3A2&version=NIV