By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: What do you think Jesus is trying to teach you at the moment?
Many of the boys hail from the sleepy district of Mae Sai (in Chiang Rai, Thailand), near the border with Myanmar. Some were greeted with hugs, tears and smiles from waiting relatives and friends when they returned home on Wednesday, 18 July 2018. Others were blessed with water as they entered their homes for the first time in more than three weeks.
But why do the Lord allow them to be trapped in the cave? Nobody knows, but the outcome is the international united efforts of the thousands of people from the whole world. Sadly, the ex-Navy Seal diver lost his life in the effort to save them. But heaven awaits for Petty Officer Samarn Kunan, 38, a former Thai Navy SEAL who volunteered depositing oxygen tanks for rescue divers throughout the flooded tunnels of Tham Luang cave, a sprawling underground complex where the youth soccer team had been trapped by floodwaters.
The 13 saved speaks volume, and for a long time to come. It has been a long time since the world is so co-operative and united, and should stay that way. We all learn what is love for each other.
The characteristics of love is as quoted from Google:
Love is unconditional. The word “unconditional” means that there are no expectations or limitations set. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans aren't good at that. But true love really does love without trying to change the other person.
Many people have the opportunity to experience true love, and undoubtedly will be sharing this love with someone else, regardless of their race, language, religion, and nationality. With the help of the Lord we can stay united and committed to each other. One of the plan of God is the offer of salvation to mankind. We just need to accept this offer to have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with Him. This is regardless of who we are, God's people, Gentiles, or not. His love for us is pure and unconditional. That is the message from our Lord. Jesus Christ had done His part when he suffered and died on the cross. On our part, we need to accept this offer of salvation and be saved, as He had promised.
How do you rate yourself as His student?
A slow learner and very forgetful.
I have been walking along the PCN (Park Connector Network) for almost 4 years. Almost every morning at predawn, my sister would accompany me to the same stretch of the park connector to do our daily exercises and walk. Despite being out for almost 1,400 times, we are still unable to tell whether it will be raining or not.
A bit of stumbling goes a long way for us to appreciate the continual goodness bestowed on us. And for us to stop being "spiritually sleepy", not to be easily seized by "terror and panic", stop having "distracted minds", and stop "noticing interesting events but did not reflect deeply enough to realise their spiritual significance".
Is there anything you can do to be a better student?
Pray and ask the Lord for help to be a better student. He knows us very well, is patient, and will give us the necessary guidance and correction. Just as with His twelve disciples, He can accept and tolerate our delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Only the divine help can help and teach us the spiritual knowledge and skills, making us better student. The Holy Spirit is our source of help.
We should remember that we are often just as bad as Jesus' disciples were - slow to learn from Jesus because we miss the point of His lessons, ask the wrong questions, become distracted by our own prejudices and fears, and have a hardened heart that stops us from drawing deep insights from His teaching.
An attentive heart is central to learning from Jesus.
Picture posted by Deposit photos
What do you think Jesus is trying to teach you at the moment? How do you rate yourself as His student? Is there anything you can do to be a better student?
Instructed by Christ [1]
None has taught or will ever be able to teach like Jesus, the Master Teacher. Despite His eventful and demanding ministry, He set aside time to teach His disciples, a motley (mixed) crew of fishermen, a tax-collector, a couple of zealots (extremist), and others. Much depended on how well they learned from Him, because His ministry was to continue through them after His ascension. Matthew 11:1 stresses the important of Jesus' teaching ministry: "After Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach to the town of Galilee" (emphasis added). Mark 1:38 also records Jesus at saying, "Let us go somewhere else - to the nearby villages - so I can preach there also. That is why I have come."

PHOTO: None has taught or will ever be able to teach like Jesus, the Master Teacher. Despite His eventful and demanding ministry, He set aside time to teach His disciples, a motley (mixed) crew of fishermen, a tax-collector, a couple of zealots (extremist), and others. Much depended on how well they learned from Him, because His ministry was to continue through them after His ascension. Matthew 11:1 stresses the important of Jesus' teaching ministry.
Picture posted by PIXNET
Jesus is still teaching us today. While He has assigned pastors and teachers in the church to teach, He also teaches us directly - through the Holy Spirit. We need to remember this, especially those of us who are assigned to teach others.
What do you think Jesus is trying to teach you at the moment?
According to The New Paper, the 12 boys, aged 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old football coach were brought out of the cave on Tuesday, 10 July 2018, ending a gruelling 18-day ordeal that claimed the life of Saman Kunan, a volunteer diver and former Thai Navy Seal who was helping with the rescue mission. Saman died on July 6 after losing consciousness during a mission to place oxygen tanks deep inside the cave, two days before the first boys were brought out safely. [2]
PHOTO: 12 boys, aged 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old football coach were brought out of the cave on Tuesday, 10 July 2018, ending a gruelling 18-day ordeal that claimed the life of Saman Kunan, a volunteer diver and former Thai Navy Seal who was helping with the rescue mission.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
PHOTO: The gruelling 18-day ordeal claimed the life of Saman Kunan, a volunteer diver and former Thai Navy Seal who was helping with the rescue mission. Saman died on July 6 after losing consciousness during a mission to place oxygen tanks deep inside the cave, two days before the first boys were brought out safely.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
Many of the boys hail from the sleepy district of Mae Sai (in Chiang Rai, Thailand), near the border with Myanmar. Some were greeted with hugs, tears and smiles from waiting relatives and friends when they returned home on Wednesday, 18 July 2018. Others were blessed with water as they entered their homes for the first time in more than three weeks.

PHOTO: The rescue operation was a major event participated by thousands of people comprising of professional divers, medical and logistics personals coming from around the world. They were found by British diver, John Volanthen and his fellow diver, Stanton when they had reached the end of their rope and were about to turn back.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
The rescue operation was a major event participated by thousands of people comprising of professional divers, medical and logistics personals coming from around the world. They were found by British diver, John Volanthen and his fellow diver, Stanton when they had reached the end of their rope and were about to turn back. Pipes were laid into the 5 km route cave where the boys and their coach were trapped by the flood due to the raining monsoon. Unfortunately despite their best efforts, the water level remained high and they remain trapped in the dark cave. The Navy Seal then executed the difficult rescue operations and we have a happy ending. The whole world rejoiced and celebrated when all were finally rescued successfully.
PHOTO: Tham Luang cave, a sprawling underground complex where the youth soccer team and their coach had been trapped by floodwaters.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
Briton John Volanthen's voice was the first the boys and their coach heard after nine days trapped underground. He and his fellow diver, Stanton, and British caving expert, Robert Harper couldn't have stumbled upon them by coincidence. The Lord is at work.
PHOTO: Briton John Volanthen's voice was the first the boys and their coach heard after nine days trapped underground. He and his fellow diver, Stanton, and British caving expert, Robert Harper couldn't have stumbled upon them by coincidence. The Lord is at work.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
But why do the Lord allow them to be trapped in the cave? Nobody knows, but the outcome is the international united efforts of the thousands of people from the whole world. Sadly, the ex-Navy Seal diver lost his life in the effort to save them. But heaven awaits for Petty Officer Samarn Kunan, 38, a former Thai Navy SEAL who volunteered depositing oxygen tanks for rescue divers throughout the flooded tunnels of Tham Luang cave, a sprawling underground complex where the youth soccer team had been trapped by floodwaters. [3]

PHOTO: The saga of the trapped team gripped the nation and kept the world on tenterhooks as rescuers raced against depleting oxygen and approaching storms. Divers brought them out of the cave by giving them a mild sedative, fitting them with full-face masks and carrying them on stretchers and pulleys through an hours-long obstacle course of cold, dark water and jagged passageways.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
The saga of the trapped team gripped the nation and kept the world on tenterhooks as rescuers raced against depleting oxygen and approaching storms. Divers brought them out of the cave by giving them a mild sedative, fitting them with full-face masks and carrying them on stretchers and pulleys through an hours-long obstacle course of cold, dark water and jagged passageways. They were transported by helicopter and ambulance to a nearby hospital, where they were found to be in generally good health. [3]
PHOTO: The Navy Seal then executed the difficult rescue operations and we have a happy ending. The whole world rejoiced and celebrated when all were finally rescued successfully.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
The 13 saved speaks volume, and for a long time to come. It has been a long time since the world is so co-operative and united, and should stay that way. We all learn what is love for each other.
PHOTO: The 13 saved speaks volume, and for a long time to come. It has been a long time since the world is so co-operative and united, and should stay that way.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
PHOTO: A happy ending. 12 boys, aged 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old football coach were brought out of the cave on Tuesday, 10 July 2018, ending a gruelling 18-day ordeal.
We all learn about love for each other, from the teaching of our Lord..
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
The characteristics of love is as quoted from Google:
Love is unconditional. The word “unconditional” means that there are no expectations or limitations set. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans aren't good at that. But true love really does love without trying to change the other person.
PHOTO: Love is unconditional. The word “unconditional” means that there are no expectations or limitations set. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans aren't good at that. The Lord has created at least thousands of them.
Picture posted by AFP on 12 July 2018
Many people have the opportunity to experience true love, and undoubtedly will be sharing this love with someone else, regardless of their race, language, religion, and nationality. With the help of the Lord we can stay united and committed to each other. One of the plan of God is the offer of salvation to mankind. We just need to accept this offer to have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with Him. This is regardless of who we are, God's people, Gentiles, or not. His love for us is pure and unconditional. That is the message from our Lord. Jesus Christ had done His part when he suffered and died on the cross. On our part, we need to accept this offer of salvation and be saved, as He had promised.

PHOTO: One of the plan of God is the offer of salvation to mankind. We just need to accept this offer to have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with Him. This is regardless of who we are, God's people, Gentiles, or not. His love for us is pure and unconditional. That is the message from our Lord. Jesus Christ had done His part when he suffered and died on the cross. On our part, we need to accept this offer of salvation and be saved, as He had promised.
Picture posted in Pinterest
How do you rate yourself as His student?
A slow learner and very forgetful.
I have been walking along the PCN (Park Connector Network) for almost 4 years. Almost every morning at predawn, my sister would accompany me to the same stretch of the park connector to do our daily exercises and walk. Despite being out for almost 1,400 times, we are still unable to tell whether it will be raining or not. Although most of the time we managed to find temporary shelter, there were times when we were totally drenched. By looking at the density of the clouds, feeling the breeze, watching out for lighting, and listening for thunder, we are still incapable of evading some of the heavy rainfalls. Many a times when the sky were very "red" we encountered only slight rainfall. Other times without warning, and without expectation there were sudden heavy rainfalls. Such was and will be our tropical weather.

PHOTO: Despite being out for almost 1,400 times, we are still unable to tell whether it will be raining or not. Although most of the time we managed to find temporary shelter, there were times when we were totally drenched. By looking at the density of the clouds, feeling the breeze, watching out for lighting, and listening for thunder, we are still incapable of evading some of the heavy rainfalls.
Picture posted, Amazing Wallpapers
However, whatever the situations, we are still protected and safe. Not only from the sudden rains but also from other dangers, like attacking from wild dogs, snakes and the flashing PMDs (Personal Mobility Devices). We are blessed by our Lord, but at times we forget and take things for granted. It could be a way to remind us of our constant blessing from our Creator. A bit of stumbling goes a long way for us to appreciate the continual goodness bestowed on us. And for us to stop being "spiritually sleepy", not to be easily seized by "terror and panic", stop having "distracted minds", and stop "noticing interesting events but did not reflect deeply enough to realise their spiritual significance".
These are some of the causes of our slow learning.

PHOTO: However, whatever the situations, we are still protected and safe. Not only from the sudden rains but also from other dangers, like attacking from wild dogs, snakes and the flashing PMDs (Personal Mobility Devices). We are blessed by our Lord, but at times we forget and take things for granted. It could be a way to remind us of our constant blessing from our Creator.
Picture posted by AlexandraAOG, Wattpad (Fairy Trail)
Is there anything you can do to be a better student?
Pray and ask the Lord for help to be a better student. He knows us very well, is patient, and will give us the necessary guidance and correction. Just as with His twelve disciples, He can accept and tolerate our delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Such patience is not always possible to be found in human mankind. Only the divine help can help and teach us the spiritual knowledge and skills, making us better student. The Holy Spirit is our source of help.

PHOTO: Pray and ask the Lord for help to be a better student. He knows us very well, is patient, and will give us the necessary guidance and correction. Just as with His twelve disciples, He can accept and tolerate our delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Such patience is not always possible to be found in human mankind. Only the divine help can help and teach us the spiritual knowledge and skills, making us better student. The Holy Spirit is our source of help.
Picture posted in Pinterest
We should remember that we are often just as bad as Jesus' disciples were - slow to learn from Jesus because we miss the point of His lessons, ask the wrong questions, become distracted by our own prejudices and fears, and have a hardened heart that stops us from drawing deep insights from His teaching. [1]

PHOTO: We should remember that we are often just as bad as Jesus' disciples were - slow to learn from Jesus because we miss the point of His lessons, ask the wrong questions, become distracted by our own prejudices and fears, and have a hardened heart that stops us from drawing deep insights from His teaching.
Book by Ruth Paley - Kiddiwalks in Berkshire
Picture posted by NEW.MOBI - Free Mobile Site
An attentive heart is central to learning from Jesus. [33]

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to learn, experience and share your true love for us, regardless of our race, language, religion, and nationality. Help us to stay united and committed to each other. We pray for your Holy Spirit to help us accept your offer of salvation so that we can be saved, have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with You.
We need help to stop being 'spiritually sleepy', not to be easily seized by 'terror and panic', stop having 'distracted minds', and stop 'noticing interesting events but did not reflect deeply enough to realise their spiritual significance'.
We ask for help to be a better student. You know us very well, are patient, and will give us the necessary guidance and correction. Thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit who accepts and tolerates our delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
We pray also for attentive heart to learn form Jesus. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by rashed abdallah on 26 April 2015
Reflection - Instructed by Christ - As His Student
Question from source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Eight, Question 3, Page 136.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[2] The New Paper, Thailand’s cave boys wake up at home for first time in weeks, posted on 20 July 2018 06:00 am,
[3] Feliz Solomon / Chiang Mai, Thailand, Boys Rescued From a Cave in Thailand Mourn Diver Who Died During Mission to Save Them, posted on 16 July 2018,
[33] Cited in Esther de Waal, Seeking God, 155.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.