Friday, October 5, 2018

Reflection - Epilogue - Response to Jesus calling

Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Epilogue, Question 1, Page 169.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Can you hear Jesus calling out to you by name?
PHOTO: Can you hear Jesus calling out to you by name? Take time to respond to Him and meet Him in prayer, remembering to confess any doubt, hesitation, and fear that prevents you from fully responding to Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.

Our Lord has instructed "Our Daily Bread Ministry Asia Ltd" to send the book "Finding Rest For The Soul - Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29" by Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, to my name. I have received, read and discovered many times Jesus calling out “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29). Always there is the similar call, "Come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me." Just as in the Bible, He has always been calling out to us.

Yes, I heard Jesus calling out to me, both through the Bible and through the book sent to my name. It is Jesus' timely calling out to all of us who are weary and burdened. I am weary and burdened too; with livelihood and health problems. Although He is invisible to me, He is calling from the book by Bishop Robert M. Solomon whom we can see Christ likeness, His character and ministry. Our Daily Bread Ministry has been sending Jesus' messages to us by post or online to our name. It is God's way of working through the ministry which uses our name for Him to call out to us.

By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ. When we imitate Christ in word, attitude, and action, we will carry His life, character, and ministry to a watching world.

Of course there are doubt, hesitation, and fear. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Unhealthy and old people like me are easily tired, and our daily active hours decreased day by day. We are so used to rely on medication, and whatever exercises we can do. But God knows, and he provide us with appropriate opportunity to access healthcare services with subsidies. Our chronic medical problems are being taken care of through appointments with the polyclinics, family Clinics and hospitals. For exercises, our government has built many exercise stations and Park Connector Network (PCN) for our regular predawn walks and exercises. God is also gracious to provide uncles to accompany us during our daily walk along the PCN. Together in the predawn hours, we unite and face the wild animals; dogs, snakes, monitor lizards, and other dangers; falling trees, strong winds, lightning, thunders and heavy rains. Our health burdens are greatly reduced by Healthcare subsidies and physical exercises, and so are our doubts to go to Him, take up His yoke, and learn from Him.

Besides my chronic health problems, I also hesitate and have fear to response to Jesus' call because of our ever increasing livelihood expenditures. We have depleting savings, and diminishing dividends from our investment funds. There is the fear that our net income and saving cannot meet the fast rising cost of living, without sacrificing too much on the present standard of living. We have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by "many things" that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the "one thing" that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.

We do not want to end up paying scant attention to what Jesus is saying; become so irritated by our tasks that we end up complaining to Jesus constantly, not hearing His voice or sensing His presence. We need to learn to say "no" to whatever threatens to take us away from Jesus. However despite all the obstacles to respond to Jesus' offer, we take heart that Jesus is being manifested more and more in all corners of the world. Others with the same problems must have turned to God and are able to find the help, peace and comfort. The hesitation and fear which we experienced due to worldly inadequacy may not be totally on our shoulder alone, but shared by God. With God, the problems we feared may not be there anymore.

He knows how desperate we are for His help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into "Little Christ". Just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; "now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness."
Picture posted by Paroquia Santa Catarina

Can you hear Jesus calling out to you by name? Take time to respond to Him and meet Him in prayer, remembering to confess any doubt, hesitation, and fear that prevents you from fully responding to Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.

Jesus calls out to us, "Come to me . . . take my yoke . . . learn from Me." If we respond, we will receive unimaginable blessings that we can carry into eternity.

For a start, we will become a part of the wonderful relationship that God the Father and God the Son enjoy - an exclusive relationship found only within the triune God. We can know the Father because the Son has chosen to reveal Him to us. We receive this great privilege not because of our status or achievements, but because of His grace.

We will become a part of the wonderful relationship that God the Father and God the Son enjoy - an exclusive relationship found only within the triune God.
PHOTO: We will become a part of the wonderful relationship that God the Father and God the Son enjoy - an exclusive relationship found only within the triune God. We can know the Father because the Son has chosen to reveal Him to us. We receive this great privilege not because of our status or achievements, but because of His grace.
Artwork by Del Parson
Picture posted by Room Decor - God the Father and Jesus Christ

When we respond to His call, Jesus will also deliver us from the pride that blinds our spiritual eyes and closes our spiritual ears. We will see and hear what God is saying to us, discover His knowledge and ways, and recognise His coming. Like children we will learn to trust Jesus simply and respond wholeheartedly.

When we respond to His call, Jesus will also deliver us from the pride that blinds our spiritual eyes and closes our spiritual ears.
PHOTO: When we respond to His call, Jesus will also deliver us from the pride that blinds our spiritual eyes and closes our spiritual ears. We will see and hear what God is saying to us, discover His knowledge and ways, and recognise His coming. Like children we will learn to trust Jesus simply and respond wholeheartedly.
Picture posted by - Sometimes It’s Hard To Do This

And finally, we will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry. And we will be able to praise God no matter what the results of our work are. Jesus himself was able to continue praising the Father even though the cities where He taught and ministered with great passion - Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum - remained unrepentant (Matthew 11:20-27). He was confident that those who had been chosen by the Father would eventually respond and repent. "All things have been committed to me by my Father," He said, "no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him"(Matthew 11:27).

Finally, we will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry.
PHOTO: Finally, we will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry. And we will be able to praise God no matter what the results of our work are. Jesus himself was able to continue praising the Father even though the cities where He taught and ministered with great passion - Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum - remained unrepentant (Matthew 11:20-27). He was confident that those who had been chosen by the Father would eventually respond and repent.
Picture posted by Naturally Natural

Likewise, when we take up the yoke of Christ and learn from Him, we will find rest in our work and ministry. We will find fulfilment from our deep relationship with Jesus, and not from keeping busy and pursuing achievements. This is the lesson Martha learnt when she invited Jesus to her home.

Living Like Mary in a Martha World [1]
When Jesus visited the house of the sisters Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus in the village of Bethany, He was welcomed warmly (Luke 10:38-42). The respond of the two sisters to the Lord's arrival was markedly different. While Martha, ever the efficient and house-proud hostess, "was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made" (Luke 10:40), Mary "sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said" (Luke 10:39).

When Jesus visited the house of the sisters Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus in the village of Bethany, He was welcomed warmly (Luke 10:38-42).
PHOTO: When Jesus visited the house of the sisters Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus in the village of Bethany, He was welcomed warmly (Luke 10:38-42). The respond of the two sisters to the Lord's arrival was markedly different. While Martha, ever the efficient and house-proud hostess, Mary sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.
Painting by Del Parson - Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38–42)
Picture posted by World Mission Magazine

On the surface, we would conclude that Martha was the more practical and realistic person. After all, a meal had to be prepared for Jesus and His disciples. Mary, on the other hand, might have appeared irresponsible - her irritated sister certainly thought so. She complained to Jesus, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"

But Jesus knew that Mary was not being irresponsible; she had chosen to sit at His feet because she was alive to His presence. Looking at Martha with compassion, He said, "Martha, Martha" (Luke 10:41), and proceeded to explain why He was pleased by Mary's response. "You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed - or indeed only one," He said. "Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:41-42).

Martha complained to Jesus, and Jesus proceeded to explain why He was pleased by Mary's response.
PHOTO: Martha complained to Jesus, and Jesus proceeded to explain why He was pleased by Mary's response. "You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed - or indeed only one," He said. "Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:41-42).
Painting by Harold Copping (1863-1932) from “The Women of the Bible” published by the Religious Tract Society 1927

When Martha had opened her home to Jesus (Luke 10:38), Mary had opened her heart to Him. Martha was preoccupied by "many things" that brought her worry and irritation, but Mary chose the "one thing" that brought her truth and life. Martha was not guilty of doing evil, but she had become so busy doing good works (as far as she was concerned) that she had no time for Jesus. Her mind was crowded and her heart cluttered by distractions, so she missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.

Sometimes, we may feel like Martha did: we find ourselves doing all the necessary things in church, at home, or in society, while others seem to be relaxing.

Sometimes, we may feel like Martha did: we find ourselves doing all the necessary things while others seem to be relaxing.
PHOTO: Sometimes, we may feel like Martha did: we find ourselves doing all the necessary things while others seem to be relaxing. Our minds were crowded and our hearts cluttered by distractions, so we missed out on what really mattered.
Picture posted by Calvin Holbrook on 21 October 2016 - Rava Ray, 27, is a Tahitian model and designer who spends her days diving naked with dangerous marine creatures.

But Jesus is calling you; He has something important to say and He wants your attention. He can see your busyness and distractions, as well as Satan's subtle scheming to turn you from the Lord. You may be so occupied doing things for Jesus that you end up paying scant attention to what He is saying; you may become so irritated by your tasks that you end up complaining to Jesus constantly, not hearing His voice or sensing His presence. We need to learn to say "no" to whatever threatens to take us away from Jesus. As pastor and writer Charles R. Swindoll noted, "Your no to others will soon translate into a yes for God." [49]


When Martha had opened her home to Jesus (Luke 10:38), Mary had opened her heart to Him.
PHOTO: When Martha had opened her home to Jesus (Luke 10:38), Mary had opened her heart to Him. Martha was preoccupied by "many things" that brought her worry and irritation, but Mary chose the "one thing" that brought her truth and life. Sometimes, we may feel like Martha did: we find ourselves doing all the necessary things in church, at home, or in society, while others seem to be relaxing. We need to learn to say "no" to whatever threatens to take us away from Jesus.
Picture saved from Glory5fm

Have you ever wondered how the conversation continued after Jesus spoke to Martha? Perhaps Martha stopped what she was doing, took a proper look at Jesus, smiled, relaxed, and told her sister, "Move over, Mary, I want to sit down too."

Is that your response too?

Take a look at this Puritan prayer, which invites us to search our hearts and open them to Jesus. It is a few centuries old, but its wisdom remains fresh:

O Lord,
I am a shell full of dust,
animated with an invisible rational soul
and made anew by an unseen power of grace;

Yet I am no rare object of valuable price,
but one that has nothing and is nothing,
although chosen of thee from eternity,
given to Christ, and born again;

I am deeply convinced of the evil
and misery of a sinful state,
of vanity of creatures,
but also of the sufficiency of Christ.

When thou wouldst guide me I control myself,
When thou wouldst be sovereign I rule myself.

When thou wouldst take care of me I suffice myself.

When I should depend on thy providings I supply myself,
When I should submit to thy providence I follow my will,
When I should study, love, honour, trust, thee, I serve myself;
I fault and correct thy laws to suit myself,
Instead of thee I look to man's approbation,
and am by nature an idolater.

Lord, it is my chief design to bring my heart back to thee.
Convince me that I cannot be my own god, or make myself happy,
nor my own Christ to restore my joy,
nor my own Spirit to teach, guide, rule me . . .

Help me to see that grace does this by providential affliction,
for when my credit is god thou dost cast me lower,
when riches are my idol thou dost wing them away,
when pleasure is my all thou dost turn it into bitterness.

Take away my roving eye, curious ear, greedy appetite, lustful heart;
Show me that none of these things
can heal a wounded conscience,
or support a tottering frame,
or uphold a departing spirit.
Then take me to the cross and leave me there.

Jesus calls out to you with gentle compassion. He sees how stressed you feel, how distracted you are, how cluttered your life is, how exasperated you have grown, and how aimless and meaningless your life has become. He calls you by name and says, "Come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me."

Puritan prayer invites us to search our hearts and open them to Jesus.
PHOTO: Puritan prayer invites us to search our hearts and open them to Jesus. Jesus calls out to us with gentle compassion. He sees how stressed we feel, how distracted we are, how cluttered our life is, how exasperated we have grown, and how aimless and meaningless our life has become. He calls us by name and says, "Come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me."
Picture posted by Begoña Rojo on Thursday, 02 January 2014 at 04:19:00 pm

You may have heard these words before and even reflected on them a little. But now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness.

Can you hear Jesus calling out to you by name?
Our Lord has instructed "Our Daily Bread Ministry Asia Ltd" to send the book "Finding Rest For The Soul - Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29" by Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, to my name. I have received, read and discovered many times Jesus calling out “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29). Always there is the similar call, "Come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me." Just as in the Bible, He has always been calling out to us.

'Finding Rest For The Soul' by Robert M. Solomon
PHOTO: "Finding Rest For The Soul" by Robert M. Solomon
Many times Jesus calling out “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29).
Picture posted by Discovery House Distributors Sdn Bhd

Yes, I heard Jesus calling out to me, both through the Bible and through the book sent to my name. It is Jesus' timely calling out to all of us who are weary and burdened. I am weary and burdened too; with livelihood and health problems. Although He is invisible to me, He is calling from the book by Bishop Robert M. Solomon whom we can see Christ likeness, His character and ministry. Our Daily Bread Ministry has been sending Jesus' messages to us by post or online to our name. It is God's way of working through the ministry which uses our name for Him to call out to us.

By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ. When we imitate Christ in word, attitude, and action, we will carry His life, character, and ministry to a watching world.

By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ.
PHOTO: By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ. When we imitate Christ in word, attitude, and action, we will carry His life, character, and ministry to a watching world.
Picture saved from Tom Engel

Of course there are doubt, hesitation, and fear. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Unhealthy and old people like me are easily tired, and our daily active hours decreased day by day. We are so used to rely on medication, and whatever exercises we can do. But God knows, and he provide us with appropriate opportunity to access healthcare services with subsidies. Our chronic medical problems are being taken care of through appointments with the polyclinics, family Clinics and hospitals. For exercises, our government has built many exercise stations and Park Connector Network (PCN) for our regular predawn walks and exercises. God is also gracious to provide uncles to accompany us during our daily walk along the PCN. Together in the predawn hours, we unite and face the wild animals; dogs, snakes, monitor lizards, and other dangers; falling trees, strong winds, lightning, thunders and heavy rains. Our health burdens are greatly reduced by Healthcare subsidies and physical exercises, and so are our doubts to go to Him, take up His yoke, and learn from Him.

Becoming 'Little Christs'
PHOTO: There are doubt, hesitation, and fear. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Unhealthy and old people like me are easily tired, and our daily active hours decreased day by day. We are so used to rely on medication, and whatever exercises we can do. Our health burdens are greatly reduced by Healthcare subsidies and physical exercises, and so are our doubts to go to Him, take up His yoke, and learn from Him.
Picture posted by

Besides my chronic health problems, I also hesitate and have fear to response to Jesus' call because of our ever increasing livelihood expenditures. We have depleting savings, and diminishing dividends from our investment funds. There is the fear that our net income and saving cannot meet the fast rising cost of living, without sacrificing too much on the present standard of living. We have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by "many things" that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the "one thing" that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.

We have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take Jesus' yoke.
PHOTO: We have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by "many things" that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the "one thing" that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.
Picture posted by Garry H.N,

We do not want to end up paying scant attention to what Jesus is saying; become so irritated by our tasks that we end up complaining to Jesus constantly, not hearing His voice or sensing His presence. We need to learn to say "no" to whatever threatens to take us away from Jesus. However despite all the obstacles to respond to Jesus' offer, we take heart that Jesus is being manifested more and more in all corners of the world. Others with the same problems must have turned to God and are able to find the help, peace and comfort. The hesitation and fear which we experienced due to worldly inadequacy may not be totally on our shoulder alone, but shared by God. With God, the problems we feared may not be there anymore.

We do not want to end up paying scant attention to what Jesus is saying; become so irritated by our tasks that we end up complaining to Jesus constantly, not hearing His voice or sensing His presence.
PHOTO: We do not want to end up paying scant attention to what Jesus is saying; become so irritated by our tasks that we end up complaining to Jesus constantly, not hearing His voice or sensing His presence. We need to learn to say "no" to whatever threatens to take us away from Jesus.
Picture saved by Rebecca Weisser to Prophetic Pictures from Debbie Coleman

Others with problems must have respond to Jesus' call and are able to find the help, peace and comfort.
PHOTO: Others with problems must have respond to Jesus' call and are able to find the help, peace and comfort. The hesitation and fear which we experienced due to worldly inadequacy may not be totally on our shoulder alone, but shared by Him. With Jesus, the problems we feared may not be there anymore.
Drawing by Arantza Sestayo
Picture posted by Fantastik World Art on 11 January 2013

He knows how desperate we are for His help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into "Little Christ". Just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; "now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness."

He knows how desperate we are for His help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements.
PHOTO: He knows how desperate we are for His help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into "Little Christ". Just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; "now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness."
Picture posted by Ceuzita on Monday, 17 October 2016 at 11:59 - PEACE LOVE AROUND THE WORLD

Dear Lord, Thank you for calling out to me, both through the Bible and through the book, 'Finding Rest For The Soul - Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29' by Robert M. Solomon, sent to my name.<br>I am weary and burdened with livelihood and health problems. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Thank you for providing opportunities to access healthcare services with subsidies, and ample places for physical exercises. My burdens are greatly reduced by those, and so are my doubts to go to Jesus, take up His yoke, and learn from Him. But I am still feel stressed and not in control of my problems.<br>I also hesitate and have fear as I response to Jesus' call because we have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take up Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by 'many things' that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the 'one thing' that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.<br>We realise how desperate we are for Jesus' help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.<br>Please help us to fully respond to Jesus' call, just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; 'now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness.'<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank you for calling out to me, both through the Bible and through the book, 'Finding Rest For The Soul - Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29' by Robert M. Solomon, sent to my name.

I am weary and burdened with livelihood and health problems. I have doubt that I can have joy and real rest from my weariness and burdens. Thank you for providing opportunities to access healthcare services with subsidies, and ample places for physical exercises. My burdens are greatly reduced by those, and so are my doubts to go to Jesus, take up His yoke, and learn from Him. But I am still feel stressed and not in control of my problems.

I also hesitate and have fear as I response to Jesus' call because we have been kept busy thinking on how to make ends meet as we take up Jesus' yoke. At times we became like Martha, preoccupied by 'many things' that brought worry and irritation, and forget to choose the 'one thing' that brought truth and life. We do not wish to have our mind being so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.

We realise how desperate we are for Jesus' help as we are distracted by our cluttered life, exasperations, aimless and meaningless life pursuing worldly achievements. May our Lord sent His Holy Spirit to help us respond to His call and form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.

Please help us to fully respond to Jesus' call, just as Robert M. Solomon has suggested; 'now it is time to respond - to really hear what Jesus is saying, to focus on Him, and to move towards Him. It is time to speak to Him, to love Him, and to be transformed into His likeness.'

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Ceuzita on Monday, 17 October 2016 at 11:59 - PEACE LOVE AROUND THE WORLD

Reflection - Epilogue - Response to Jesus calling
Question from source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Epilogue, Question 1, Page 169.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

[1] From "Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Epilogue, Page 163-169.

[49] Charles R. Swindoll, So You Want To Be Like Christ? Eight Essentials to Get You There (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2005), 42.

[50] Arthur Benette, ed., The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions (Carliste, PA: The Banner of True Trust, 1975), 91.

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.