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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Distractions in Serving God Wholeheartedly

Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 14, "Worshipping Wholeheartedly", Question 2, Page 93.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

What are some of the distractions in senior years that prevent Christians from loving and serving God wholeheartedly? How can these be overcome?
PHOTO: What are some of the distractions in senior years that prevent Christians from loving and serving God wholeheartedly? How can these be overcome?
Self-centeredness: Surrender of will to His PURPOSE
We must note that worship focuses on God: His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. In worship, the spotlight falls on God as we behold His nature, character, actions, and will. By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God. The solution and our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions. No, our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us. This means that our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decrease (John 3:30).

Poor conscience: Quickening of conscience by His HOLINESS
Unless our focus in worship is God, we will end up, by default, worshipping ourselves and all that we have made with our hands and minds. But when we truly encounter the living God in worship, we are enabled by the Holy Spirit to submit ourselves to God in every way. Temple's definition shows how the very characteristics of God affect every aspect of our lives. God's holiness turns on and energises our conscience, which is vital for navigating the dubious and ambiguous circumstances in the world.

Deceived mind: Nourishment of mind with His TRUTH
God's truth feeds our mind. It exposes myths and falsehoods, faulty life goals and assumptions, and helps us to develop the mind of Christ so that we become the people of God's truth. This is necessary if we are to live faithfully in a world of lies and falsehoods. What Satan started at the Garden of Eden continues today - he hoodwinks people with deceitful lies.

Polluted imagination: Purifying of the imagination by His BEAUTY
It is God's beauty that helps us deal with our polluted imagination. The ancient Israelites were tempted by sinful imagination that sought after idols. They were going after cheap imitations and destroying their souls in the process. True beauty is in God, and it is the beauty of both character and perfection. When we behold God's perfection (His infinity, holiness, power, knowledge, and wisdom) and His incomparable character (His love, mercy, compassion, and faithfulness), we realise how infected our imagination has become. True worship is meeting with God and recognising His beauty, not just by singing "You are beautiful beyond description", but by pondering what that means and letting it cleanse our imagination and make it noble, as God intended for us.

Harden heart: Opening of the heart to His Love
God's love - and what more powerful expression than the cross where God stretched His holy hands to show how much He loves us - touches our heart when we truly glimpse something of its reality in our lives. For true impact, it is necessarily personal. This was the experience of Charles Wesley, who was converted when Scripture touched his heart and he met the Son of God "who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). It was a personal experience where God's love touched a human heart. This should happen in worship.

True worship seeks the living God as revealed in God's Word and in Christ. When we turn our full attention to Him, His character, and His ways, we will find ourselves changed deeply as God touches every part of who we are. Worship should involve our whole being as we learn to give ourselves wholly to God - that is true worship. Anything less is unacceptable to God and unhelpful to us. As we grow older, we should aspire to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). God is looking for such worshippers, and is pleased when we take time to think about Him, His character and His ways, His beauty and love, and base our worship on these thoughts and reflections. Then our worship will focus on God and arise from the depths of our hearts.

People tend to mellow and grow wiser as they age. They have gathered much from life and can then assess how God has been with them. As they realise that their days on earth are numbered, they have an opportunity to know the difference between what is important and what is not. There is a greater likelihood that the importance and centrality of God becomes increasingly and refreshingly clearer. This will make worship much more meaningful and real, and pleasing to the Lord.
Picture posted by Depositphotos - Running away

What are some of the distractions in senior years that prevent Christians from loving and serving God wholeheartedly? How can these be overcome?
Self-centeredness: Surrender of will to His PURPOSE
We must note that worship focuses on God: His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. In worship, the spotlight falls on God as we behold His nature, character, actions, and will. By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God. The solution and our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions. No, our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us. This means that our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decrease (John 3:30).

By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God.
PHOTO: By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God.
Picture posted by Miles Johnston, Freelance Illustrator - Monsters



Self-centeredness: Surrender of will to His PURPOSE
PHOTO: Self-centeredness: Surrender of will to His PURPOSE
Our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decreas
e (
John 3:30). We must note that worship focuses on God: His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. In worship, the spotlight falls on God as we behold His nature, character, actions, and will. The solution and our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions. No, our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us.
Picture posted by katalinks, shutterstock - Aphrodite in a spray of sea waves


Poor conscience: Quickening of conscience by His HOLINESS
Unless our focus in worship is God, we will end up, by default, worshipping ourselves and all that we have made with our hands and minds. But when we truly encounter the living God in worship, we are enabled by the Holy Spirit to submit ourselves to God in every way. Temple's definition shows how the very characteristics of God affect every aspect of our lives. God's holiness turns on and energises our conscience, which is vital for navigating the dubious and ambiguous circumstances in the world.

Unless our focus in worship is God, we will end up, by default, worshipping ourselves and all that we have made with our hands and minds.
PHOTO: Unless our focus in worship is God, we will end up, by default, worshipping ourselves and all that we have made with our hands and minds.
Picture posted by Miles Johnston, Freelance Illustrator - Hands



Poor conscience: Quickening of conscience by His HOLINESS
PHOTO: Poor conscience: Quickening of conscience by His HOLINESS
When we truly encounter the living God in worship, we are enabled by the Holy Spirit to submit ourselves to God in every way. God's holiness turns on and energises our conscience, which is vital for navigating the dubious and ambiguous circumstances in the world.
Picture posted by kanbe - A way of life that is popular with God


Deceived mind: Nourishment of mind with His TRUTH
God's truth feeds our mind. It exposes myths and falsehoods, faulty life goals and assumptions, and helps us to develop the mind of Christ so that we become the people of God's truth. This is necessary if we are to live faithfully in a world of lies and falsehoods. What Satan started at the Garden of Eden continues today - he hoodwinks people with deceitful lies.

What Satan started at the Garden of Eden continues today - he hoodwinks people with deceitful lies.
PHOTO: What Satan started at the Garden of Eden continues today - he hoodwinks people with deceitful lies.
Picture posted by Miles Johnston, Freelance Illustrator - Kiss



The world is full of lies and falsehoods.
PHOTO: The world is full of lies and falsehoods. There are myths and falsehoods, faulty life goals and assumptions.
Artwork by Miles Johnston - Taste
Picture saved by Bianka Cochran to Art: Drawing



Deceived mind: Nourishment of mind with His TRUTH
PHOTO: Deceived mind: Nourishment of mind with His TRUTH
God's truth feeds our mind. It exposes myths and falsehoods, faulty life goals and assumptions, and helps us to develop the mind of Christ so that we become the people of God's truth. This is necessary if we are to live faithfully in a world of lies and falsehoods.
Picture posted by Stas Ponomarencko, shutterstock


Polluted imagination: Purifying of the imagination by His BEAUTY
It is God's beauty that helps us deal with our polluted imagination. The ancient Israelites were tempted by sinful imagination that sought after idols. They were going after cheap imitations and destroying their souls in the process. True beauty is in God, and it is the beauty of both character and perfection. When we behold God's perfection (His infinity, holiness, power, knowledge, and wisdom) and His incomparable character (His love, mercy, compassion, and faithfulness), we realise how infected our imagination has become. True worship is meeting with God and recognising His beauty, not just by singing "You are beautiful beyond description", but by pondering what that means and letting it cleanse our imagination and make it noble, as God intended for us.


We realise how infected our imagination has become, when we behold God's perfection (His infinity, holiness, power, knowledge, and wisdom) and His incomparable character (His love, mercy, compassion, and faithfulness).
PHOTO: We realise how infected our imagination has become, when we behold God's perfection (His infinity, holiness, power, knowledge, and wisdom) and His incomparable character (His love, mercy, compassion, and faithfulness).
Artwork by Miles Johnston, Freelance Illustrator - Transcendence imagination, The Seduction of Miles Johnston
Picture posted by tumblr.com

The ancient Israelites were tempted by sinful imagination that sought after idols.
PHOTO: The ancient Israelites were tempted by sinful imagination that sought after idols. They were going after cheap imitations and destroying their souls in the process. True beauty is in God, and it is the beauty of both character and perfection.
Artwork by Miles Johnston, Freelance Illustrator - Transcendence imagination, The Seduction of Miles Johnston
Picture posted by NagyRobert on 18 January 2015 at 18:33



Polluted imagination: Purifying of the imagination by His BEAUTY
PHOTO: Polluted imagination: Purifying of the imagination by His BEAUTY
It is God's beauty that helps us deal with our polluted imagination. True worship is meeting with God and recognising His beauty, by pondering what that means and letting it cleanse our imagination and make it noble, as God intended for us.
Picture posted by Stas Ponomarencko, shutterstock


Harden heart: Opening of the heart to His Love
God's love - and what more powerful expression than the cross where God stretched His holy hands to show how much He loves us - touches our heart when we truly glimpse something of its reality in our lives. For true impact, it is necessarily personal. This was the experience of Charles Wesley, who was converted when Scripture touched his heart and he met the Son of God "who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). [56] It was a personal experience where God's love touched a human heart. This should happen in worship.


Harden heart: Opening of the heart to His Love
PHOTO: Harden heart: Opening of the heart to His Love
For true impact, it is necessarily personal. This was the experience of Charles Wesley, who was converted when Scripture touched his heart and he met the Son of God "who loved me and gave himself for
me" (
Galatians 2:20). It was a personal experience where God's love touched a human heart.
Artwork by Miles Johnston, Freelance Illustrator
Picture posted by Design Crush on 01 October 2018


Harden heart: Opening of the heart to His Love
PHOTO: Harden heart: Opening of the heart to His Love
God's love - and what more powerful expression than the cross where God stretched His holy hands to show how much He loves us - touches our heart when we truly glimpse something of its reality in our lives. This should happen in worship.
Picture posted by ccouch on 04 May 2016


True worship seeks the living God as revealed in God's Word and in Christ. When we turn our full attention to Him, His character, and His ways, we will find ourselves changed deeply as God touches every part of who we are. Worship should involve our whole being as we learn to give ourselves wholly to God - that is true worship. Anything less is unacceptable to God and unhelpful to us. As we grow older, we should aspire to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). God is looking for such worshippers, and is pleased when we take time to think about Him, His character and His ways, His beauty and love, and base our worship on these thoughts and reflections. Then our worship will focus on God and arise from the depths of our hearts.


Worship should involve our whole being as we learn to give ourselves wholly to God - that is true worship.
PHOTO: Worship should involve our whole being as we learn to give ourselves wholly to God - that is true worship. Anything less is unacceptable to God and unhelpful to us. True worship seeks the living God as revealed in God's Word and in Christ. When we turn our full attention to Him, His character, and His ways, we will find ourselves changed deeply as God touches every part of who we are. Then our worship will focus on God and arise from the depths of our hearts.
Picture posted by Stas Ponomarencko, shutterstock


People tend to mellow and grow wiser as they age. They have gathered much from life and can then assess how God has been with them. As they realise that their days on earth are numbered, they have an opportunity to know the difference between what is important and what is not. There is a greater likelihood that the importance and centrality of God becomes increasingly and refreshingly clearer. This will make worship much more meaningful and real, and pleasing to the Lord.


People tend to mellow and grow wiser as they age.
PHOTO: People tend to mellow and grow wiser as they age. They have gathered much from life and can then assess how God has been with them. As they realise that their days on earth are numbered, they have an opportunity to know the difference between what is important and what is not. There is a greater likelihood that the importance and centrality of God becomes increasingly and refreshingly clearer. This will make worship much more meaningful and real, and pleasing to the Lord.
Picture posted by Stas Ponomarencko, shutterstock


Dear Lord
Dear Lord
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, help us to overcome our self-centredness and surrender our will to God’s purpose. We need our worship to focuses on God: His holiness, truth, beauty, love, and purpose. By nature, we are self-centred people, infected with a stubborn and deadly sinfulness, and addicted to everything else except God. Our only hope is not more of ourselves - our strengths, strategies, achievements, and ambitions. Our true hope is to turn to God, who alone can save us. Our worship services must focus on God, and not on ourselves. He must increase and we must decrease.

We need Your holiness turns on and energises our conscience, which is vital for navigating the dubious and ambiguous circumstances in the world. Unless our focus in worship is God, we will end up, by default, worshipping ourselves and all that we have made with our hands and minds. Let us truly encounter the living God in worship, and be enabled by the Holy Spirit to submit ourselves to God in every way. Help our poor conscience: be stimulated by His holiness to focus on God in worship.

Help us to nourish our mind with His truth to protect us against the deceitful lies of Satan. Expose myths and falsehoods, faulty life goals and assumptions, and helps us to develop the mind of Christ so that we become the people of God's truth. This is necessary if we are to live faithfully in a world of lies and falsehoods.

We need God's beauty to helps us deal with our polluted imagination. Help us not to be tempted by sinful imagination that sought after idols. Stop us from going after cheap imitations and destroying our souls in the process. Let us realise how infected our imagination has become. True beauty is in God, and it is the beauty of both character and perfection. Let us behold God's perfection (His infinity, holiness, power, knowledge, and wisdom) and His incomparable character (His love, mercy, compassion, and faithfulness), letting it cleanse our imagination and make it noble, as God intended for us.

Touch our harden heart with Your love. Let us have this personal experience in our lives. Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and die for us so that we can be saved, and also our sins can be forgiven by His blood shed on the cross.

Help us to turn our full attention to Him, His character, and His ways, so that we can changed deeply as God touches every part of who we are. As we grow older, we should aspire to worship God in spirit and truth. Help us to take time to think about Him, His character and His ways, His beauty and love, and base our worship on these thoughts and reflections. We want our worship to focus on God and arise from the depths of our hearts.

As we age, help us to grow wiser, gathered much from life and able to assess how God has been with us. As we realise that our days on earth are numbered, let us have an opportunity to know the difference between what is important and what is not. Let the importance and centrality of God becomes increasingly and refreshingly clearer. This will make our worship much more meaningful and real, and pleasing to You.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Stas Ponomarencko, shutterstock
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Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Distractions in Serving God Wholeheartedly
Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 14, "Worshipping Wholeheartedly", Question 2, Page 93.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon

"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon<br>
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)

"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)

"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, ©
2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020


[1] From "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, Copyright © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-981-14-1836-5, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 14, "Worshipping Wholeheartedly", Page 90-93.

[56] William L. Kynes, "Charles Wesley", Knowing and Doing, Spring 2010, 2, https://www.cslewisinstitute.org/webfm_send/632

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.