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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Minister to others

Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 16, "Having a Ministry Mindset", Question 2, Page 108.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Consider specific things you can do in church and in society that will help you minister to others.
PHOTO: Consider specific things you can do in church and in society that will help you minister to others.
Consider these examples:
  • You can pray every Sunday before going to church, asking the Lord to lead you to someone after the service who may need your help. It may just be a word of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear or comforting prayer that is needed.
  • There are younger people in the church who need mentoring, guidance, and encouragement. How about offering some of them your friendship? Talk to them, take them out for a meal, or invite them to your home. Share your spiritual experience with them.
  • There are fellow seniors in church who may be struggling with life's many uncertainties. Some may be widowed, others battling chronic or worsening illness, yet others may be homebound and lonely. How about offering your help to them?
  • You meet people in the course of daily routines: petrol pump attendants, hawkers, gardeners, and fellow passengers. How about relating with them as a servant of God, ready to attend to any who may need God's help or Word?
Even when an ageing person is homebound, he can still have a ministry mindset. For instance, I read about an elderly lady who realised that she could still play old hymns on her piano. She would call fellow homebound seniors on the phone and play songs for them. Her quiet ministry refreshed so many of her friends.

Whether we have a ministry mindset depends on how we see ourselves. We are children of God and His servants. The aim of life is not to consume or be entertained, but to love and serve. If we remember this, we will see that life is full of opportunities to show mercy and minister to others.

Identify specific persons or groups to whom you can offer a listening ear, an encouraging word, or a helping hand.
It has been many years. Every morning my sister and I set out from our home at about 3 am to the Park Connector Networks (PCN) for our daily walk and exercises. We would meet elderly uncles along the way, who were already out exercising themselves. They are in their seventies, eighties, physically fit and very discipline in their early morning routine activities. However, they have problems with their body, just like most of us, elderly.

Park Connector Networks (PCN) Uncle Sun
One uncle has 'colon bubbles' which need to be removed surgically. He also has painful knee joints which prevent him from doing some physical exercises, like squatting and jogging. He would seek help from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinics, which provide acupuncture, massaging, and herbal medicine. Acupuncture and vigorous massaging are painful treatments which he had to endure every time.

After every session with the TCM doctor, he would relate to us his painful experiences and agony. Those treatment produced results, and he could perform most of his early morning exercises and walking comfortably. During his difficult time, we used to offer him words of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear. At times we pray for his speedy recovery so that he could continue with his healthy lifestyle confidently and comfortably.

Park Connector Networks (PCN) Uncle Lin
Another uncle too has painful knee joints. He has problem climbing down the staircase. As time passed, his knee condition deteriorated and he needed to seek help from the public hospital. They offered to perform a knee cap transplant for him, which he accepted. It was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, but the hospital finally managed to do the operation on one knee successfully. It will take about 12 weeks before he can recover and join us again in our morning walk and exercise.

He need follow-ups at the hospital because he had serious bowed knee. He has to go for physiotherapy once every week. Fortunately, all these appointments are transferred to a hospital nearer to his home. After the operation we saw a photograph of his operated knee. It was seriously swollen and the whole lower leg was bruised black and blue. The initial weeks must have been difficult for him, especially all his movements are painful and restricted. We managed to communicate with him through 'Whatapps' and phone call. These may not reduce his suffering but he was happy to inform us how he battle his temporary inabilities while homebound.

Other uncles (like Yoga uncle) who knew him started to enquire his whereabouts as they seldom did not see him for such a long time. We told the uncles what they hope to know, and everybody were relieved because nothing life-threatening had occurred. The uncle who had his knee operated was touched by all our concerns. He hope to be able to join us in 8 weeks' time, instead of 12. All of us are encouraged while we continually communicate with each other. Our little efforts and concern can lessen his painful moments, while struggling with life's many uncertainties.

Charitable organisation
As the Covid-19 pandemic worsen, our government declared a 'Circuit-Breaker' to take effect, which is equivalent to a lockdown. All activities at the hawker center, food court, markets, and schools were suspended. Many workplaces operations were reduced or stopped. Activities at entertainment places and night hot spots were banned. Worship at church, temple, and mosque were not allowed. Many charity works were seriously affected, and many needy organisation were in need of funds. Some of these organisations were operated by single elderly uncle who can be found near the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) stations or hospitals. May we be like the Scripture's 'despised Samaritan' but who had a ministry mindset, offering his help while in difficult conditions.

Christian ministries
Christians ministries like "Our Daily Bread" are still keeping up with their activities in mentoring, guidance, and encouragement - but done online. Some share their spiritual experience, while others supported financially. A little donation allows the ministries to continue stretching out to spread God's Words. As we began to tighten our belts, the more those ministries will require our support. It is now, more than ever that our funding are needed. As children and servant of God, we are taught that it is appropriate to offer some financial help.

What make us a good neighbour to others is our willingness to minister on any occasion, planned and unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness. May we carry with us, even as we travelled, a kind of first-aid kit, ready to be of service at any time.

Picture posted by Jackie Headapohl on 17 May 2018 at 06:00 am

The senior years cannot be just a matter of relaxing and reminiscing. It must be about continuing to serve by "conforming our lives to the self-giving pattern of Jesus". You may ask, "What can an ageing person like me do in terms of ministry?" You may no longer be in an official position in church, but one does not need to be in some formal leadership or ministry role in order to be a ministering neighbour to others. They are many ways a senior citizen can be involved in some kind of ministry.

The senior years cannot be just a matter of relaxing and reminiscing.
PHOTO: The senior years cannot be just a matter of relaxing and reminiscing. It must be about continuing to serve by "conforming our lives to the self-giving pattern of Jesus". One does not need to be in some formal leadership or ministry role in order to be a ministering neighbour to others. They are many ways a senior citizen can be involved in some kind of ministry.
Picture posted by Deacon Chuck on 15 October 2016 - Moses in prayer with Aaron and Hur on the Mountain Horeb
(Exodus 17:8-16)

Consider specific things you can do in church and in society that will help you minister to others. Identify specific persons or groups to whom you can offer a listening ear, an encouraging word, or a helping hand.

Consider specific things you can do in church and in society that will help you minister to others.
Consider these examples:
  • You can pray every Sunday before going to church, asking the Lord to lead you to someone after the service who may need your help. It may just be a word of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear or comforting prayer that is needed.

You can pray every Sunday before going to church, asking the Lord to lead you to someone after the service who may need your help.
PHOTO: You can pray every Sunday before going to church, asking the Lord to lead you to someone after the service who may need your help. It may just be a word of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear or comforting prayer that is needed.
Picture posted by Restless Pilgrim on 18 November 2019

  • There are younger people in the church who need mentoring, guidance, and encouragement. How about offering some of them your friendship? Talk to them, take them out for a meal, or invite them to your home. Share your spiritual experience with them.

There are younger people in the church who need mentoring, guidance, and encouragement.
PHOTO: There are younger people in the church who need mentoring, guidance, and encouragement. Share your spiritual experience with them.
Picture posted by Horst Petzold, Shutterstock


  • There are fellow seniors in church who may be struggling with life's many uncertainties. Some may be widowed, others battling chronic or worsening illness, yet others may be homebound and lonely. How about offering your help to them?

There are fellow seniors in church who may be struggling with life's many uncertainties.
PHOTO: There are fellow seniors in church who may be struggling with life's many uncertainties. Some may be widowed, others battling chronic or worsening illness, yet others may be homebound and lonely.
Picture posted by Vantage Asia


  • You meet people in the course of daily routines: petrol pump attendants, hawkers, gardeners, and fellow passengers. How about relating with them as a servant of God, ready to attend to any who may need God's help or Word?

You meet people in the course of daily routines: petrol pump attendants, hawkers, gardeners, and fellow passengers.
Even when an ageing person is homebound, he can still have a ministry mindset. For instance, I read about an elderly lady who realised that she could still play old hymns on her piano. She would call fellow homebound seniors on the phone and play songs for them. Her quiet ministry refreshed so many of her friends.

Even when an ageing person is homebound, he can still have a ministry mindset.
PHOTO: Even when an ageing person is homebound, he can still have a ministry mindset. An elderly lady who realised that she could still play old hymns on her piano. She would call fellow homebound seniors on the phone and play songs for them. Her quiet ministry refreshed so many of her friends.
Picture posted by Jocelyn Canfield, Daily Times on 27 February 2019 - Hannah Carlson,105, plays the piano


Whether we have a ministry mindset depends on how we see ourselves. We are children of God and His servants. The aim of life is not to consume or be entertained, but to love and serve. If we remember this, we will see that life is full of opportunities to show mercy and minister to others.

Whether we have a ministry mindset depends on how we see ourselves.
PHOTO: Whether we have a ministry mindset depends on how we see ourselves. We are children of God and His servants. The aim of life is not to consume or be entertained, but to love and serve.
Picture posted by Icomedstore


Identify specific persons or groups to whom you can offer a listening ear, an encouraging word, or a helping hand.
It has been many years. Every morning my sister and I set out from our home at about 3 am to the Park Connector Networks (PCN) for our daily walk and exercises. We would meet elderly uncles along the way, who were already out exercising themselves. They are in their seventies, eighties, physically fit and very discipline in their early morning routine activities. However, they have problems with their body, just like most of us, elderly.

It has been many years.
PHOTO: It has been many years. Every morning my sister and I set out from our home at about 3 am to the Park Connector Networks (PCN) for our daily walk and exercises. We would meet elderly uncles along the way, who were already out exercising themselves.
Picture posted by byu/tika1104


Park Connector Networks (PCN) Uncle Sun
One uncle has 'colon bubbles' which need to be removed surgically. He also has painful knee joints which prevent him from doing some physical exercises, like squatting and jogging. He would seek help from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinics, which provide acupuncture, massaging, and herbal medicine. Acupuncture and vigorous massaging are painful treatments which he had to endure every time.

One uncle has 'colon bubbles' which need to be removed surgically.
PHOTO: One uncle has 'colon bubbles' which need to be removed surgically. He also has painful knee joints which prevent him from doing some physical exercises, like squatting and jogging. Acupuncture and vigorous massaging are painful treatments which he had to endure every time.
Picture posted by Cancer News on 01 September 2014


After every session with the TCM doctor, he would relate to us his painful experiences and agony. Those treatment produced results, and he could perform most of his early morning exercises and walking comfortably. During his difficult time, we used to offer him words of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear. At times we pray for his speedy recovery so that he could continue with his healthy lifestyle confidently and comfortably.

After every session with the TCM doctor, he would relate to us his painful experiences and agony.
PHOTO: After every session with the TCM doctor, he would relate to us his painful experiences and agony. During his difficult time, we used to offer him words of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear. At times we pray for his speedy recovery so that he could continue with his healthy lifestyle confidently and comfortably.
Picture posted by pagesjaunes


Park Connector Networks (PCN) Uncle Lin
Another uncle too has painful knee joints. He has problem climbing down the staircase. As time passed, his knee condition deteriorated and he needed to seek help from the public hospital. They offered to perform a knee cap transplant for him, which he accepted. It was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, but the hospital finally managed to do the operation on one knee successfully. It will take about 12 weeks before he can recover and join us again in our morning walk and exercise.

Another uncle too has painful knee joints.
PHOTO: Another uncle too has painful knee joints. He has problem climbing down the staircase. As time passed, his knee condition deteriorated and he needed to seek help from the public hospital. They offered to perform a knee cap transplant for him, which he accepted.  It will take about 12 weeks before he can recover and join us again in our morning walk and exercise.
Picture posted by  Dr. William F. Hefley, MD on 02 February 2018


He need follow-ups at the hospital because he had serious bowed knee. He has to go for physiotherapy once every week. Fortunately, all these appointments are transferred to a hospital nearer to his home. After the operation we saw a photograph of his operated knee. It was seriously swollen and the whole lower leg was bruised black and blue. The initial weeks must have been difficult for him, especially all his movements are painful and restricted. We managed to communicate with him through 'Whatapps' and phone call. These may not reduce his suffering but he was happy to inform us how he battle his temporary inabilities while homebound.

He need follow-ups at the hospital because he had serious bowed knee.
PHOTO: He need follow-ups at the hospital because he had serious bowed knee. He has to go for physiotherapy once every week. Fortunately, all these appointments are transferred to a hospital nearer to his home.  The initial weeks must have been difficult for him, especially all his movements are painful and restricted. We managed to communicate with him through 'Whatapps' and phone call. These may not reduce his suffering but he was happy to inform us how he battle his temporary inabilities while homebound.
Picture posted by Jamie Webb on 22 August 2019


Other uncles (like Yoga uncle) who knew him started to enquire his whereabouts as they seldom did not see him for such a long time. We told the uncles what they hope to know, and everybody were relieved because nothing life-threatening had occurred. The uncle who had his knee operated was touched by all our concerns. He hope to be able to join us in 8 weeks' time, instead of 12. All of us are encouraged while we continually communicate with each other. Our little efforts and concern can lessen his painful moments, while struggling with life's many uncertainties.

Other uncles (like Yoga uncle) who knew him started to enquire his whereabouts as they seldom did not see him for such a long time.
PHOTO: Other uncles (like Yoga uncle) who knew him started to enquire his whereabouts as they seldom did not see him for such a long time. We told the uncles what they hope to know, and everybody were relieved because nothing life-threatening had occurred. All of us are encouraged while we continually communicate with each other. Our little efforts and concern can lessen his painful moments, while struggling with life's many uncertainties.
Picture posted by by Jal Team on 02 May 2018


Charitable organisation
As the Covid-19 pandemic worsen, our government declared a 'Circuit-Breaker' to take effect, which is equivalent to a lockdown. All activities at the hawker center, food court, markets, and schools were suspended. Many workplaces operations were reduced or stopped. Activities at entertainment places and night hot spots were banned. Worship at church, temple, and mosque were not allowed. Many charity works were seriously affected, and many needy organisation were in need of funds. Some of these organisations were operated by single elderly uncle who can be found near the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) stations or hospitals. May we be like the Scripture's 'despised Samaritan' but who had a ministry mindset, offering his help while in difficult conditions.

As the Covid-19 pandemic worsen, our government declared a 'Circuit-Breaker' to take effect, which is equivalent to a lockdown.
PHOTO: As the Covid-19 pandemic worsen, our government declared a 'Circuit-Breaker' to take effect, which is equivalent to a lockdown. Many charity works were seriously affected, and many needy organisation were in need of funds. Some of these organisations were operated by single elderly uncle who can be found near the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) stations or hospitals. May we be like the Scripture's 'despised Samaritan' but who had a ministry mindset, offering his help while in difficult conditions.
Picture posted by Public Transport Council


Christian ministries
Christians ministries like "Our Daily Bread" are still keeping up with their activities in mentoring, guidance, and encouragement - but done online. Some share their spiritual experience, while others supported financially. A little donation allows the ministries to continue stretching out to spread God's Words. As we began to tighten our belts, the more those ministries will require our support. It is now, more than ever that our funding are needed. As children and servant of God, we are taught that it is appropriate to offer some financial help.

Christians ministries like 'Our Daily Bread' are still keeping up with their activities in mentoring, guidance, and encouragement - but done online.
PHOTO: Christians ministries like "Our Daily Bread" are still keeping up with their activities in mentoring, guidance, and encouragement - but done online.  It is now, more than ever that our funding are needed. As children and servant of God, we are taught that it is appropriate to offer some financial help.
Picture posted by Our Daily Bread


What make us a good neighbour to others is our willingness to minister on any occasion, planned and unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness. May we carry with us, even as we travelled, a kind of first-aid kit, ready to be of service at any time.

What make us a good neighbour to others is our willingness to minister on any occasion, planned and unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness.
PHOTO: What make us a good neighbour to others is our willingness to minister on any occasion, planned and unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness. May we carry with us, even as we travelled, a kind of first-aid kit, ready to be of service at any time.
Picture posted by destinationlesstravel on 02 June 2019 - The Secret Garden in Perth


Dear Lord
Dear Lord
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, help us with the specific things we can do in church and in society that will help us minister to others. We would like to offer word of encouragement, some practical advice, or just a listening ear or comforting prayer that is needed, to those we know in the course of our daily routines. They are still struggling with life's many uncertainties. We pray for their painful moments to be taken away, and be replaced by the speedy recovery of their acute and chronic health problems.

We pray for those battling their painful and restricted movements after surgery, which has make them homebound and uncomfortable. We pray that they can recover completely and get back to their normal lifestyle successfully. Meanwhile help us to reach out to one another through the phone.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, most of our activities are either restricted or stopped. This has make working for charitable organisations difficult. We pray that they can still managed to raise enough fund to meet their expenditures. Help all of us to have mercy and kindness for those who need help.

As God’s children and servant we pray that we also support Christian ministries to spread Your Words. We pray that together we can still keep continuing with the activities in mentoring, guidance, and encouragement. Help us to share our spiritual experience and offer financial support.

Help us to be busy; and not busybodies.

Lord we need Your help to make us a good neighbour to others by being willing to minister on any occasion, planned or unplanned, and the ability to show mercy and kindness, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in us, and we in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage our hearts and strengthen us in every good deed and word.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Adorable Wallpapers
Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Minister to others
Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 16, "Having a Ministry Mindset", Question 2, Page 108.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon

"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon<br>
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)

"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)

"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, ©
2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020


[1] From "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, Copyright © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-981-14-1836-5, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 16, "Having a Ministry Mindset", Page 105-107.

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.