By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: Reflect on your life as a journey in prayer. What have been the high and low points in this journey?
In the childhood phase of prayer, we discover that prayer is powerful. This is usually the case early in the Christian life. In the heady days of such discovery, we realise that prayer can be a powerful tool. When we pray, things happen.
The danger arises when prayer is seen as an efficient technique to make things happen. Prayer, then, is like a remote control in our human hands. We press some buttons to move God and mobilise heaven. We tend to focus our attention on the remote control, the gadget in our hands. We think of making prayer more efficient and believe that this can be done by improving the techniques. It is easy in these circumstances for prayer to be mixed with superstitions, as if changing the form of prayer can make it more powerful.
In the teenage phase of prayer, we begin to slowly realise that the remote control does not work as we think it should. It is not simply a matter of pressing some buttons to move heaven and change earth. We learn that God is powerful. We cannot dictate to Him what we want. He alone determines what to do and when to do it. Sometimes He answers our prayers, and at other times He seems to ignore our pleas. He seems to be in total control. Disgusted and disappointed with our relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer, we throw away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as we used to.
Then, we discover the wonderful truth that God is love (1 John 4:8). We enter the adult stage of prayer. Neither the maxim "prayer is powerful" nor the one that "God is powerful" are, on their own, sufficient to teach us about prayer. They tend to make us either obsessed with the techniques of praying in order to manipulate or appease God into working for us, or if He is too independent for our liking, give up praying altogether. Somewhere along the way, however, we realise that God is loving and He longs to speak to us and hear us speak the language of love. Prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.
Where are you presently?
I am at the teenage phase of prayer. I have begun to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as I think it should. Many times I armed myself with lists of requests to pray for the well-being of myself, my family, and those around me. God did answer some of my requests, especially those which I considered critical and important. However, there are also some important illness that He seems to ignore my pleas. He seems to be in total control and determines what to do and when to do it.
I am disappointed with my relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer. I consider throwing away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as I used to. But fortunately He encourage me to persist to enter into the adult stage of prayer. Maybe there will come a day when I will experience prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.
What can you do to grow in prayer?
We can pray because we are driven to God by our needs. But we can also pray because we are drawn by God's beauty and glory. To move from the former to the latter is to grow in prayer. Let us avoid treating prayer as a spiritual remote control. Let us instead turn our attention to God in true prayer. At His feet we will find true love. If only we realise that prayer is a loving relationship with God. As we pray, things may change - sometimes. But one thing is sure. As we pray, we will be changed. For God's love change us.
Why is it that many do not find prayer an intimate experience? [1]
It may be because they are stuck in simplistic forms of prayer. They need to grow up in their prayer life.

PHOTO: Why is it that many do not find prayer an intimate experience?
It may be because they are stuck in simplistic forms of prayer. They need to grow up in their prayer life.
Picture posted by Kelly O'Dell Stanley
Reflect on your life as a journey in prayer. What have been the high and low points in this journey? Where are you presently and what can you do to grow in prayer?
Reflect on your life as a journey in prayer. What have been the high and low points in this journey? [1]
In the childhood phase of prayer, we discover that prayer is powerful. This is usually the case early in the Christian life. In the heady days of such discovery, we realise that prayer can be a powerful tool. When we pray, things happen.

PHOTO: In the childhood phase of prayer, we discover that prayer is powerful. We realise that prayer can be a powerful tool. When we pray, things happen.
Picture posted by Alamy
The danger arises when prayer is seen as an efficient technique to make things happen. Prayer, then, is like a remote control in our human hands. We press some buttons to move God and mobilise heaven. We tend to focus our attention on the remote control, the gadget in our hands. We think of making prayer more efficient and believe that this can be done by improving the techniques. It is easy in these circumstances for prayer to be mixed with superstitions, as if changing the form of prayer can make it more powerful.

PHOTO: The danger arises when prayer is seen as an efficient technique to make things happen. We think of making prayer more efficient and believe that this can be done by improving the techniques. It is easy in these circumstances for prayer to be mixed with superstitions, as if changing the form of prayer can make it more powerful.
Picture posted by Jeff Tietz on 21 January 2014 at 2:00PM ET - Love and Death In the House of Prayer (Illustration by Sean McCabe ),1200&w=1200
In the teenage phase of prayer, we begin to slowly realise that the remote control does not work as we think it should. It is not simply a matter of pressing some buttons to move heaven and change earth. We learn that God is powerful. We cannot dictate to Him what we want. He alone determines what to do and when to do it. Sometimes He answers our prayers, and at other times He seems to ignore our pleas. He seems to be in total control. Disgusted and disappointed with our relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer, we throw away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as we used to.

PHOTO: In the teenage phase of prayer, we begin to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as we think it should. It is not simply a matter of pressing some buttons to move heaven and change earth. We learn that God is powerful. We cannot dictate to Him what we want. He alone determines what to do and when to do it.
Picture posted by Jennifer E. Jones - Praying Boldly for a Husband

PHOTO: Disgusted and disappointed with our relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer, we throw away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as we used to.
Picture posted by
Then, we discover the wonderful truth that God is love (1 John 4:8). We enter the adult stage of prayer. Neither the maxim "prayer is powerful" nor the one that "God is powerful" are, on their own, sufficient to teach us about prayer. They tend to make us either obsessed with the techniques of praying in order to manipulate or appease God into working for us, or if He is too independent for our liking, give up praying altogether. Somewhere along the way, however, we realise that God is loving and He longs to speak to us and hear us speak the language of love. Prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.

PHOTO: Then, we discover the wonderful truth that God is love (1 John 4:8). We enter the adult stage of prayer. Neither the maxim "prayer is powerful" nor the one that "God is powerful" are, on their own, sufficient to teach us about prayer. They tend to make us either obsessed with the techniques of praying in order to manipulate or appease God into working for us, or if He is too independent for our liking, give up praying altogether.
Picture posted by Dreamstime

PHOTO: Somewhere along the way, however, we realise that God is loving and He longs to speak to us and hear us speak the language of love. Prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.
Picture posted by Dreamstime
Where are you presently?
I am at the teenage phase of prayer. I have begun to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as I think it should. Many times I armed myself with lists of requests to pray for the well-being of myself, my family, and those around me. God did answer some of my requests, especially those which I considered critical and important. However, there are also some important illness that He seems to ignore my pleas. He seems to be in total control and determines what to do and when to do it.

PHOTO: I am at the teenage phase of prayer. I have begun to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as I think it should. Many times I armed myself with lists of requests to pray for the well-being of myself, my family, and those around me. God did answer some of my requests, especially those which I considered critical and important. However, there are also some important illness that He seems to ignore my pleas. He seems to be in total control and determines what to do and when to do it.
Picture posted by Shane McDonald Studios
I am disappointed with my relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer. I consider throwing away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as I used to. But fortunately He encourage me to persist to enter into the adult stage of prayer. Maybe there will come a day when I will experience prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.

PHOTO: I am disappointed with my relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer. I consider throwing away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as I used to. But fortunately He encourage me to persist to enter into the adult stage of prayer.
Picture posted by Shane McDonald Studios
What can you do to grow in prayer? [1]
We can pray because we are driven to God by our needs. But we can also pray because we are drawn by God's beauty and glory. To move from the former to the latter is to grow in prayer. Let us avoid treating prayer as a spiritual remote control. Let us instead turn our attention to God in true prayer. At His feet we will find true love. If only we realise that prayer is a loving relationship with God. As we pray, things may change - sometimes. But one thing is sure. As we pray, we will be changed. For God's love change us.

PHOTO: We can pray because we are driven to God by our needs. But we can also pray because we are drawn by God's beauty and glory. To move from the former to the latter is to grow in prayer. If only we realise that prayer is a loving relationship with God. As we pray, things may change - sometimes. But one thing is sure. As we pray, we will be changed. For God's love change us.
Picture posted by Therese Borchard on 24 February 2019
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, many of us do not find prayer an intimate experience because we are stuck in simplistic forms of prayer. Please help us to grow up in their prayer life.
In our childhood phase of prayer, we discover that prayer is powerful. It can be a powerful tool because when we pray, things happen. Help us not to see prayer as a spiritual remote control to make things happen. Because we will tend to focus our attention on the remote control, the gadget in our hands. We will think of making prayer more efficient and believe that this can be done by improving the techniques. It is easy in these circumstances for prayer to be mixed with superstitions, as if changing the form of prayer can make it more powerful.
Help us in our teenage phase of prayer, not to be disgusted and disappointed with our relative powerlessness and the ineffectiveness of the tool of prayer, and throw away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as we used to. Because we learn that God is powerful. We cannot dictate to Him what we want. He alone determines what to do and when to do it. Sometimes He answers our prayers, and at other times He seems to ignore our pleas. He seems to be in total control. The remote control does not work as we think it should.
Lord, I am at the teenage phase of prayer. I have begun to slowly realise that the spiritual remote control does not work as I think it should. Many times I armed myself with lists of requests to pray for the well-being of myself, my family, and those around me. God did answer some of my requests, especially those which I considered critical and important. However, there are also some important illness that He seems to ignore my pleas. He seems to be in total control and determines what to do and when to do it.
I pray for Your forgiveness and help because I consider throwing away the remote control and stop praying as fervently as I used to. Please continue to encourage me to persist to enter into the adult stage of prayer.
We pray to discover the wonderful truth that God is love by entering the adult stage of prayer. Prevent us from being obsessed with the techniques of praying in order to manipulate or appease God into working for us, or if He is too independent for our liking, give up praying altogether. Help us to realise that God is loving and He longs to speak to us and hear us speak the language of love.
Help us to pray because we are drawn by God's beauty and glory, and not just because we are driven to God by our needs. To be able to move into the former instead of the latter is to grow in prayer.
Help us to avoid treating prayer as a spiritual remote control but instead turn our attention to God in true prayer. We want to be at His feet, to find true love, and to realise that prayer is a loving relationship with God.
Lord, although as we pray, things may change - sometimes. But with Your love, we will be changed as we pray. We pray that by Your love we will be changed from the childhood phase through the teenage phase into the adult phase of prayer. Maybe there will come a day when we will experience prayer is the language of love, a language of intimacy.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Saatchi Art Digest - Homage to Michelangelo Painting by Krassimir Kolev
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Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 11, "Discovering the Secrets of Prayer", Question 2, Page 71.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Matthew 11:28-29 -
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