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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ez-link Giro top-up - Part 5 (Aim: Faster Giro application)

Mr Gregory Gerald Danker, Vice-President, Marketing & Communications, EZ-Link Pte Ltd

Must obtaining the convenience of GIRO be this tough?
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Aim: Faster Giro application
Letter from Gregory Gerald Danker, VP, Marketing & Communications, EZ-Link Pte Ltd

WE REFER to Ms Yip Lo Min’s letter, “Tough to get ez-link Giro top-up” (my paper, Sept 1). We would like to address some concerns regarding the EZ-Reload by Giro scheme.

Launched on Aug 27, EZ-Reload offers ez-link adult-card customers – who had signed up for TransitLink’s Bank Giro top-up scheme, which will cease to be in effect from Oct 1 – the continued convenience of auto Giro top-up for their new Contactless e-Purse Application-compliant (Cepas) card.

TransitLink had sent a letter earlier this year informing customers on the Bank Giro scheme of the need to re-apply for the auto top-up facility for the new card. With the new service, customers can link their Cepas ez-link adult card to any DBS bank or POSB account.

This allows a pre-selected top-up value of 20, 30, 40 or 50 to be automatically added to the value of the card, when its balance is insufficient for transit or non-transit applications. This is an enhanced offering compared to the TransitLink’s Giro top-up scheme, which is applicable only to transit applications.

Balance is insufficient
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As EZ-Reload is a new scheme, a new system had to be developed to support Giro top-up transactions. Time is required to develop, test and commission the new EZ-Reload service, prior to its public launch.

The roll-out of the new top-up facility took into consideration the implementation of reduced bus and train fares brought forward from October to April 1. To accommodate system testing and fare verification to ensure a smooth implementation of the reduced fares, the introduction of the top-up facility was thus rescheduled to Aug 27.

Application forms can be downloaded from or picked up from any TransitLink ticket office.

For transit or non-transit applications
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Customers can mail or drop off completed forms at TransitLink ticket offices. The manual application takes 21 days to process and includes verification of the card holder’s details internally and with the bank. However, we are committed to streamlining the process to reduce the current processing time.

To encourage card holders to sign up for the EZ-Reload by Giro top-up facility, the one-time subsidised application fee of $1.50 is waived for six months till Feb 26 next year.

The convenience fee of $0.25 is incurred only when the auto top-up facility is used. This convenience fee is similar to the fee for EZ-Link’s top-up service using credit or debit cards (that is, the EZ-Reload by Card scheme) to cover the processing cost incurred by EZ-Link for the provision of the service.

Application takes 21 days to process
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For more information, please
  • call the EZ-Link hotline on 6496-8300 (8am–6pm from Mondays to Sundays, except public holidays)
  • or visit

Mail or drop off
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Helpdesk: 我的字典
Wǒ de zì diǎn

Cease: 终止
zhōng zhǐ

Roll-out: 推出
tuī chū

Verification: 查证
chá zhèng

Waived: 免除
miǎn chú

$1.50 is waived (免除 - miǎn chú)
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