Title: 早安老师 + 再见老师 - Good Morning Teacher + Goodbye Teacher
zǎo ān lǎo shī + zài jiàn lǎo shī
Music (曲 qǔ): 李伟菘 (lǐ wěi sōng)
Lyrics (词 cí): 姜宁 (jiāng níng)

Obtained from*Dhwwv968zlwIhrbX3ss9cCFZxLkstz6d/file.jpg
太阳公公起床了 - The sun has come out, its time to wake up
tài yáng gōng gong qǐ chuáng le
公鸡喔喔把我们叫 - The rooster morning crowing for us to wake up
gōng jī ō ō bǎ wǒ men jiào
你追我赶 - You chase while I rush, trying to overtake one another
nǐ zhuī wǒ gǎn
大家赛跑看谁最先到学校 - We race to find out who will be the first to reach the school
dà jiā sài pǎo kàn shuí zuì xiān dào Xué xiào
看到孩子可爱的笑 - With the children cute laughter
kàn dào hái zi kě ài de xiào
多少辛劳也忘了 - how much toil (hardwork) will also be forgotten
duō shǎo xīn láo yě wàng le
老师早 - Good morning teacher
lǎo shī zǎo
同学们好 - Good morning student
tóng xué men hǎo
我们开始上课了 - We shall start the lesson
wǒ men kāi shǐ shàng kè le
老师讲课 我睡着了 - When the teacher lectures I fell asleep
lǎo shī jiǎng kè wǒ shuì zháo le
老师发问 我把头摇 - When the teacher questions I shake my head
lǎo shī fā wèn wǒ bǎ tóu yáo
望着黑板 心在沙滩 - Although looking at the blackboard but the heart is at the beach
wàng zhe hēi bǎn xīn zài shā tān
你扮渔民 我扮海盗 - You play fisherman while I become the pirate
nǐ bàn yú mín wǒ bàn hǎi dào
现在读书不用功将来后悔太迟了 - If do not study hard now, regret later will be too late
xiàn zài dú shū bú yòng gōng jiāng lái hòu huǐ tài chí le
老师早 - Good morning teacher
lǎo shī zǎo
同学们好 - Good morning student
tóng xué men hǎo
我们上课了 - We started lesson
wǒ men shàng kè le
昨日送走成材的木 - Yesterday sent off those graduated
zuó rì sòng zǒu chéng cái de mù
今日灌溉新幼苗 - Today enrol new batch of students (irrigation of new seedlings)
jīn rì guàn gài xīn yòu miáo
老师早 - Good morning teacher
lǎo shī zǎo
同学们好 - Good morning student
tóng xué men hǎo
我们上课了 - We started lesson
wǒ men shàng kè le
老师早 ...

Obtained from*Dhwwv968zlwIhrbX3ss9cCFZxLkstz6d/file.jpg
红头巾(主题曲) - Samsui Women (Drama theme song)
hóng tóu jīn (zhǔ tí qǔ)
by 杨佳盈 (Yáng jiā yíng) - Carrie Yang Jia Ying
陈淑桦 (chén shū huà)
Music (曲 qǔ): 李偲菘 (lǐ sī sōng)
Lyrics (词 cí): 程洁茵 (chéng jié yīn)
轻轻的一声祝福 - Gently gave the blessing
qīng qīng de yì shēng zhù fú
秋风送我征途 - Sad autumn wind sent me on my journey
qiū fēng sòng wǒ hēng tú
回首前尘望断天涯 - Looking back, the settling dust separates the world; Separated from the old home with no hope of returning
huí shǒu qián chén wàng duàn tiān yá
故乡在那云深不知处 - The birthplace (home) is lost in the unimaginable thick cloud
Gù xiāng zài nà yún shēn bù zhī chù
朝朝暮暮风和雨 - Whole days spent in the wind and rain
zhāo zhāo mù mù fēng hé yǔ
岁岁年年云和雾 - Year after year of clouds and misty fog
suì suì nián nián yún hé wù
背负千斤担 - Carry extremely heavy load
bēi fù qiān jīn dān
艰难开脚步 - Difficult to take big steps
jiān nán kāi jiǎo bù
踏遍世间不平路 - Tramp all uneven road in this world
tà biàn shì jiān bù píng lù
把那漂泊的步代 - Get the generation that moves solely by foot
bǎ nà piāo bó de bù dài
停在荒凉的大路边 - Stop at a big desolated roadside
tíng zài huāng liáng de dà lù biān
抹去泪水建我家园 - Wipe away the tears and build my homeland
mǒ qù lèi shuǐ jiàn wǒ jiā yuán
你看茫茫沧海变桑田 - The vast sea becomes a fruitful (mulberry) field
nǐ kàn máng máng cāng hǎi biàn sāng tián
披荆斩棘齐向前 - Clear away the obstacle to go forward
pī jīng zhǎn jí qí xiàng qián
一起等待艳阳天 - Wait together for the gorgeous sunshine day
yì qǐ děng dài yàn yáng tiān
两鬓添风霜 - Hair on the temple show the hardships of the life's journey
liǎng bìn tiān fēng shuāng
回头已百年 - Suddenly it is already a lifetime
huí tóu yǐ bǎi nián
赢得广厦千万间 - Gain a building with million rooms
yíng dé guǎng shà qiān wàn jiān
两鬓添风霜 - Hair on the temple show the hardships of the life's journey
liǎng bìn tiān fēng shuāng
回头已百年 - Suddenly it is already a lifetime
huí tóu yǐ bǎi nián
赢得广厦千万间 - Gain a building with million rooms
yíng dé guǎng shà qiān wàn jiān
Translated by:
- Google Translate (Google online translator)
- Using nciku (, an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
早安老师 and 红头巾(主题曲) - Good Morning Teacher and Samsui Women (Drama theme song)
zǎo ān lǎo shī and hóng tóu jīn (zhǔ tí qǔ)
Featuring 早安老师 by Campus (校园) Superstar 曾詠霖(céng yǒng lín), 卓轩正(zhuó xuān zhèng), 范平庚(fàn píng gēng), 高美贵(gāo měi guì), 谢慧娴(xiè huì xián), 黄韵琴(huáng yùn qín): Shawn, Ben, Hui xian, Khim and Teresa
红头巾 (Samsui Women) by 杨佳盈(Yáng jiā yíng) - Carrie Yang Jia Ying
Obtained from Mediacrop Channel 8 recording by Philip's colleague

Obtained from*Dhwwv968zlwIhrbX3ss9cCFZxLkstz6d/file.jpg
- - With lyrics but no video
- - Mediacorp Drama Theme Song
- - Featuring Shawn, Ben, Hui xian, Khim and Teresa
- From: - Hong Tou Jin (Samsui Women) by Carrie Yang Jia Ying
- Mediacrop Channel 8 recording by Philip's colleague