Picture is obtained from http://booksdofurnisharoom.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/10/10/yew_hedges_chiswick_2.jpg
Letter to MGD
We still remember clearly the many activities we participated together. It is just like yesterday that all this had happened. We had worked hard together and also played very hard too! The fun which we have together, removes the pain of our difficult times.

Our relationship is indeed very eventful and very interesting. Together we have gone through many rough obstacles but all is not wasted. We have learned many important lessons that are very crucial for the next stage of our lives.
Although we may not have everlasting employment relationship but we do have many long and lasting fond memories. These memories will continue to exist in our heart for a long time to come.

We would like to say this:
It is inevitable that we have to close this chapter of our lives. Let it become history. We must look forward and hope for new opportunities around every corners.

Closing one door will lead to another exit. We will have many adventures in the future trying to discover the new openings.
Life is full of up and downs, just like the share market. Nothing is permanent. Everything good or bad will end sooner or later. Let us remember the goods and forget the bad.
But most important is to treasure the present moment. Now is the moment, now is the time, to appreciate whatever we have.

We realize that New Teams will have New Beginnings but could also have New endings. Everything in this world is very dynamic."
Some sayings .....
The long, harsh and rough road, with the loneliness of the early years, comes about the bellow music from the bamboo flute and drum.
The wild desolate smoke is fully filled with suffering and distress.
Let hope the tired old wing is able to witstand the heartless beatings."
Wèn shì jiān qíng wèi hé wù, zhǐ jiāo shēng sǐ xiāng xǔ

Let us join the whole world which is Always Waiting for omething good to happen. We will continuously Always Waiting for uccess!
From the following lost Sheeps (迷失的羔羊 - mí shī de gāo yáng),
Alice Ee Geok Lian
Goh Kee Wat
Mak Mun Hon
Wendy Or Choon Tee
Vincent Tang Boon Kiat
Low Teck Liang
Edwin Sim Ee Yong
Koh Siew Lian
Alice Ong Keng Heok
Badruzzaman Bin Kassim
Sandy Leow Sor Khim
Cray Tan Chai Loong
Freddie Tan Thye Hock
Keith Alden Escoto Espinosa
Neo Ah Moi
Susan Ng Guek Noi
Lee Huay Ling
Anu Sathyan
Wong Yoke Ying
Kevin Wan Choen Sang
Therissa Mercado Agutaya Ma
Lan Vu Thanh Ngoc
Do Diep Anh
Myra Dime Suan
Wong Chee Wei
Qian Liyi
Goh Shi Hua
Sheila Lim Khim Siew
- http://booksdofurnisharoom.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/10/10/yew_hedges_chiswick_2.jpg
- http://booksdofurnisharoom.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/10/11/chiswick_house_view_obscured.jpg
- http://booksdofurnisharoom.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/10/11/patte_doie_chiswick.jpg
- http://fh2o.kuchingkayak.com/uploaded_images/aemP7161469_cr-750138.jpg - Blue Sky
- http://meditationenergy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/lightning.jpg
- http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/vePDh5f2xX2zk6SDaWcHvQ==/319755573544240945.jpg