By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

PHOTO: When the government of Singapore announced plans to develop two casinos in the city-state, their decision, made after much private and public debate, disappointed many who were opposed, including churches. They had cautioned against casinos on the basis of possible detriments to society, both in the immediate and long-term future.
Sufficient evidence from academia and real life informs us that casino gambling presents severe threats to personal, familial, and societal well-being. Certain groups in society, such as the young and the retired, are particularly vulnerable to the lure of the casinos, and face higher risks of gambling addiction as a result. Casinos lead to damaged livelihoods, broken families, and increased levels of social pathology.
Much was said about these dangers. The government responded with various measures aimed at reducing the social fallout from the casinos. While these policies would have helped to a point, human behaviour and social outcomes rarely go according to plan. More work can be done to mitigate social fallout, but prevention is still better than cure.
Still, our concerns went beyond the casinos. For Christians, the casino pointed to the larger issues that concerned us - what sort of society were we becoming?
The world around us is rapidly changing. In a globalised age, these changes can deeply affect us. Many of these changes will be detrimental to our souls and society at large. Our first challenge, therefore, is to discern what is harmful. Our second challenge would be to resist the temptation to adopt these harmful changes, for whatever the reason.
Christians in Singapore may have felt relatively safe in a value ecosystem that was conducive to our holiness. Could the casino issue (and other social trends) be teaching us that this may no longer be the case? Indeed, our basic assumptions, attitudes, and habits in life, as followers of Christ in a secular world, may need to change.
In the first place, we must not expect the state and society to do our work for us. Christians may once have expected the state to discern evil and resist temptation on our behalf, thereby maintaining a stable and decent social environment. But the state is secular and pragmatic (practical), its concern being the nation's security and prosperity. Against the onslaught of globalised structures of sin, Christians must finally realise that the spiritual struggle is not between the world and an idealised nation-state, but between the world and our souls. In other words, the battle is at the very doorstep of our hearts.
If present trends are anything to go by, values and virtues will become increasingly ambiguous in society. While our social environment has retained some good and excellent elements, the godless ways of the world will poison it more and more. It is therefore of utmost importance that we strengthen our inner environment - the spiritual environment of our souls. Our social environment was always sunny and we never thought to bring an umbrella along. But the weather is changing. We'd better bring our spiritual umbrella along, and make sure that they are in good working order.
Maintaining our inner life and spiritual environment should be a top priority for us as Christians. We must dig deep into Scripture and develop a biblical mindset. We must follow Christ faithfully, obeying Him to the fullest. We must let the Spirit shape us into the image of Christ. These holy habits will help us to discern what is harmful and evil, giving us wisdom and strength to withstand the temptations that knock on our doors with increasing brashness (rudeness).
In a worldly environment that is increasingly injurious (harmful) to the practice of godliness, we must live like Daniel and his friends. Under great pressure, they refused to give in by eating food forbidden by their religion, bowing down to man-made idols, or compromising on their spiritual disciplines (Daniel 1:11-16; 3:1-18; 6:6-13). Our Lord Jesus exhibited that same resolve when He was tempted in the wilderness. He refused to give up His principles even when tempted with bread, fame, fortune, and power (Luke 4:1-12). He demonstrated that HIs relationship with His Father was more important than anything else in the world. There are things we should not give up at any price.
Beside strengthening our inner life and spiritual environment, we must also reconsider certain assumptions we may have made in the spiritual formation that goes on in our churches. Pastoral theologian David Augsburger notes that Asian cultures function more on the basis of shame, while Western cultures operate on the basis of guilt. [1a] If this is true, it may be the case in Asian churches that spiritual formation has been carried out more on the basis of shame - where we learned to avoid doing wrong because of humiliation if caught or because of the disapproval of society.
With society's values running increasingly contrary to our Christian faith, we must seriously reconsider our way of spiritual formation and become more intentional about the process. How can we fortify the way individual Christians internalise biblical beliefs and values, so that they would remain faithful to their calling and true to the Lord, regardless of their social environment?
I believe God must be "internalised" in spiritual formation: the God who is above us must also reign within us. Jesus must daily be our Lord as we lead our lives in this fallen world. We cannot escape living in the world. But as Jesus has said, though we are in the world, we are not "of the world" (John 17:15-16). Our identity in Christ, and our loyalty to our triune God, must transcend (go beyond) worldly things.
Returning to the casino issue, what should we do? We must continue to be a prophetic voice, reminding people that gambling is sinful and warning them of the ruinous consequences of gambling addiction. We must educate our Christian community on the dangers of casino gambling, taking measures to strengthen our inner life and spiritual environment, as previously discussed. We must likewise strengthen our family life and values, and reconsider our methods of spiritual formation in the church.
At the same time, we must reach out with pastoral compassion to those who have fallen into the temptation of gambling. As churches, we must find new ways to help and care for these unfortunate people. We must not shut ourselves in and huddle together anxiously. Instead, we must reach out to the world, living responsibly and responsively as disciples and servants of Christ, citizens of our country, and loving neighbours to those around us. We must follow the footsteps of the prophet Daniel, who, despite his difficult circumstances, served society and the state with distinction and dedication.
We must also live as an eschatological (Christian beliefs about the afterlife) people - knowing that the best is always yet to be, that this world is not heaven, and that the kingdom not of this world is coming (John 18:36), when Christ comes in glory to establish His perfect society. And we must also know that His kingdom has already begun in our hearts (Luke 17:21). Already have begun to breathe its pure and invigorating (stimulating) air, even in the murk (darkness) and haze of our present surroundings.
When the government of Singapore announced plans to develop two casinos in the city-state, their decision, made after much private and public debate, disappointed many who were opposed, including churches. They had cautioned against casinos on the basis of possible detriments to society, both in the immediate and long-term future.

PHOTO: When the government of Singapore announced plans to develop two casinos in the city-state, their decision, made after much private and public debate, disappointed many who were opposed, including churches. They had cautioned against casinos on the basis of possible detriments to society, both in the immediate and long-term future.
Picture posted by Gerald Giam on 30 September 2016
Sufficient evidence from academia and real life informs us that casino gambling presents severe threats to personal, familial, and societal well-being. Certain groups in society, such as the young and the retired, are particularly vulnerable to the lure of the casinos, and face higher risks of gambling addiction as a result. Casinos lead to damaged livelihoods, broken families, and increased levels of social pathology.
Much was said about these dangers. The government responded with various measures aimed at reducing the social fallout from the casinos. While these policies would have helped to a point, human behaviour and social outcomes rarely go according to plan. More work can be done to mitigate social fallout, but prevention is still better than cure.

PHOTO: Sufficient evidence from academia and real life informs us that casino gambling presents severe threats to personal, familial, and societal well-being. Certain groups in society, such as the young and the retired, are particularly vulnerable to the lure of the casinos, and face higher risks of gambling addiction as a result. Casinos lead to damaged livelihoods, broken families, and increased levels of social pathology.
Picture posted by Europosters
Still, our concerns went beyond the casinos. For Christians, the casino pointed to the larger issues that concerned us - what sort of society were we becoming?
The world around us is rapidly changing. In a globalised age, these changes can deeply affect us. Many of these changes will be detrimental to our souls and society at large. Our first challenge, therefore, is to discern what is harmful. Our second challenge would be to resist the temptation to adopt these harmful changes, for whatever the reason.

PHOTO: The world around us is rapidly changing. In a globalised age, these changes can deeply affect us. Many of these changes will be detrimental to our souls and society at large. Our first challenge, therefore, is to discern what is harmful. Our second challenge would be to resist the temptation to adopt these harmful changes, for whatever the reason.
Picture posted by Team GRUBBRR on 19 July 2022 - Casino/Gaming
Christians in Singapore may have felt relatively safe in a value ecosystem that was conducive to our holiness. Could the casino issue (and other social trends) be teaching us that this may no longer be the case? Indeed, our basic assumptions, attitudes, and habits in life, as followers of Christ in a secular world, may need to change.

PHOTO: Christians in Singapore may have felt relatively safe in a value ecosystem that was conducive to our holiness. Could the casino issue (and other social trends) be teaching us that this may no longer be the case? Indeed, our basic assumptions, attitudes, and habits in life, as followers of Christ in a secular world, may need to change.
Picture posted by Team GRUBBRR on 19 July 2022 - Casino/Gaming
In the first place, we must not expect the state and society to do our work for us. Christians may once have expected the state to discern evil and resist temptation on our behalf, thereby maintaining a stable and decent social environment. But the state is secular and pragmatic (practical), its concern being the nation's security and prosperity. Against the onslaught of globalised structures of sin, Christians must finally realise that the spiritual struggle is not between the world and an idealised nation-state, but between the world and our souls. In other words, the battle is at the very doorstep of our hearts.

PHOTO: In the first place, we must not expect the state and society to do our work for us. Christians may once have expected the state to discern evil and resist temptation on our behalf, thereby maintaining a stable and decent social environment. But the state is secular and pragmatic (practical), its concern being the nation's security and prosperity. Against the onslaught of globalised structures of sin, Christians must finally realise that the spiritual struggle is not between the world and an idealised nation-state, but between the world and our souls. In other words, the battle is at the very doorstep of our hearts.
Picture posted by Silvia Villa
If present trends are anything to go by, values and virtues will become increasingly ambiguous in society. While our social environment has retained some good and excellent elements, the godless ways of the world will poison it more and more. It is therefore of utmost importance that we strengthen our inner environment - the spiritual environment of our souls. Our social environment was always sunny and we never thought to bring an umbrella along. But the weather is changing. We'd better bring our spiritual umbrella along, and make sure that they are in good working order.

PHOTO: If present trends are anything to go by, values and virtues will become increasingly ambiguous in society. While our social environment has retained some good and excellent elements, the godless ways of the world will poison it more and more. It is therefore of utmost importance that we strengthen our inner environment - the spiritual environment of our souls. Our social environment was always sunny and we never thought to bring an umbrella along. But the weather is changing. We'd better bring our spiritual umbrella along, and make sure that they are in good working order.
Picture posted by Stable Diffusion
Maintaining our inner life and spiritual environment should be a top priority for us as Christians. We must dig deep into Scripture and develop a biblical mindset. We must follow Christ faithfully, obeying Him to the fullest. We must let the Spirit shape us into the image of Christ. These holy habits will help us to discern what is harmful and evil, giving us wisdom and strength to withstand the temptations that knock on our doors with increasing brashness (rudeness).

PHOTO: Maintaining our inner life and spiritual environment should be a top priority for us as Christians. We must dig deep into Scripture and develop a biblical mindset. We must follow Christ faithfully, obeying Him to the fullest. We must let the Spirit shape us into the image of Christ. These holy habits will help us to discern what is harmful and evil, giving us wisdom and strength to withstand the temptations that knock on our doors with increasing brashness (rudeness).
Picture posted by Stable Diffusion
In a worldly environment that is increasingly injurious (harmful) to the practice of godliness, we must live like Daniel and his friends. Under great pressure, they refused to give in by eating food forbidden by their religion, bowing down to man-made idols, or compromising on their spiritual disciplines (Daniel 1:11-16; 3:1-18; 6:6-13). Our Lord Jesus exhibited that same resolve when He was tempted in the wilderness. He refused to give up His principles even when tempted with bread, fame, fortune, and power (Luke 4:1-12). He demonstrated that HIs relationship with His Father was more important than anything else in the world. There are things we should not give up at any price.

PHOTO: In a worldly environment that is increasingly injurious (harmful) to the practice of godliness, we must live like Daniel and his friends. Under great pressure, they refused to give in by eating food forbidden by their religion, bowing down to man-made idols, or compromising on their spiritual disciplines (Daniel 1:11-16; 3:1-18; 6:6-13). Our Lord Jesus exhibited that same resolve when He was tempted in the wilderness. He refused to give up His principles even when tempted with bread, fame, fortune, and power (Luke 4:1-12). He demonstrated that HIs relationship with His Father was more important than anything else in the world. There are things we should not give up at any price.
Artwork by Heinrich Hofmann - The temptation of jesus
Picture posted by phillipmedhurst on Thursday, 15 June 2017 - Art, Bible, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Life of Christ
Beside strengthening our inner life and spiritual environment, we must also reconsider certain assumptions we may have made in the spiritual formation that goes on in our churches. Pastoral theologian David Augsburger notes that Asian cultures function more on the basis of shame, while Western cultures operate on the basis of guilt. [1a] If this is true, it may be the case in Asian churches that spiritual formation has been carried out more on the basis of shame - where we learned to avoid doing wrong because of humiliation if caught or because of the disapproval of society.

PHOTO: Beside strengthening our inner life and spiritual environment, we must also reconsider certain assumptions we may have made in the spiritual formation that goes on in our churches. Pastoral theologian David Augsburger notes that Asian cultures function more on the basis of shame, while Western cultures operate on the basis of guilt. [1a] If this is true, it may be the case in Asian churches that spiritual formation has been carried out more on the basis of shame - where we learned to avoid doing wrong because of humiliation if caught or because of the disapproval of society.
Picture posted by k a t y 𓇼
With society's values running increasingly contrary to our Christian faith, we must seriously reconsider our way of spiritual formation and become more intentional about the process. How can we fortify the way individual Christians internalise biblical beliefs and values, so that they would remain faithful to their calling and true to the Lord, regardless of their social environment?
I believe God must be "internalised" in spiritual formation: the God who is above us must also reign within us. Jesus must daily be our Lord as we lead our lives in this fallen world. We cannot escape living in the world. But as Jesus has said, though we are in the world, we are not "of the world" (John 17:15-16). Our identity in Christ, and our loyalty to our triune God, must transcend (go beyond) worldly things.

PHOTO: I believe God must be "internalised" in spiritual formation: the God who is above us must also reign within us. Jesus must daily be our Lord as we lead our lives in this fallen world. We cannot escape living in the world. But as Jesus has said, though we are in the world, we are not "of the world" (John 17:15-16). Our identity in Christ, and our loyalty to our triune God, must transcend (go beyond) worldly things.
Picture posted by Shiny Mary Esther
Returning to the casino issue, what should we do? We must continue to be a prophetic voice, reminding people that gambling is sinful and warning them of the ruinous consequences of gambling addiction. We must educate our Christian community on the dangers of casino gambling, taking measures to strengthen our inner life and spiritual environment, as previously discussed. We must likewise strengthen our family life and values, and reconsider our methods of spiritual formation in the church.

PHOTO: Returning to the casino issue, what should we do? We must continue to be a prophetic voice, reminding people that gambling is sinful and warning them of the ruinous consequences of gambling addiction. We must educate our Christian community on the dangers of casino gambling, taking measures to strengthen our inner life and spiritual environment, as previously discussed. We must likewise strengthen our family life and values, and reconsider our methods of spiritual formation in the church.
Picture posted by 🤍Natalia
At the same time, we must reach out with pastoral compassion to those who have fallen into the temptation of gambling. As churches, we must find new ways to help and care for these unfortunate people. We must not shut ourselves in and huddle together anxiously. Instead, we must reach out to the world, living responsibly and responsively as disciples and servants of Christ, citizens of our country, and loving neighbours to those around us. We must follow the footsteps of the prophet Daniel, who, despite his difficult circumstances, served society and the state with distinction and dedication.

PHOTO: At the same time, we must reach out with pastoral compassion to those who have fallen into the temptation of gambling. As churches, we must find new ways to help and care for these unfortunate people. We must not shut ourselves in and huddle together anxiously. Instead, we must reach out to the world, living responsibly and responsively as disciples and servants of Christ, citizens of our country, and loving neighbours to those around us. We must follow the footsteps of the prophet Daniel, who, despite his difficult circumstances, served society and the state with distinction and dedication.
Picture posted by Jeanice Leach

PHOTO:We must also live as an eschatological (Christian beliefs about the afterlife) people - knowing that the best is always yet to be, that this world is not heaven, and that the kingdom not of this world is coming (John 18:36), when Christ comes in glory to establish His perfect society. And we must also know that His kingdom has already begun in our hearts (Luke 17:21). Already have begun to breathe its pure and invigorating (stimulating) air, even in the murk (darkness) and haze of our present surroundings.

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we pray that we live as an eschatological people - knowing that the best is always yet to be, that this world is not heaven, and that the kingdom not of this world is coming, when Christ comes in glory to establish His perfect society.
May we also know that His kingdom has already begun in our hearts. We already have begun to breathe its pure and invigorating air, even in the murk and haze of our present surroundings.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen."
Picture posted by Veena Furtado - Little ones with Jesus 🙏💕🙌💖
Source (book): "Making All Things New", 52 Reflections to Challenge the Way You Live, Chapter 45, "Strengthening Our Inner Environment", Page 233.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
"Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part I - III (Links), posted on Wednesday, 09 December 2020

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021
"Teach Us to Number Our Days", © 2008 by David Roper

Reflection - Number Our Days, Chapter 1 - 40 (Links), posted on Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Reflection - Number Our Days, Chapter 41 - 64 (Links), posted on Wednesday, 16 March 2022
"Classic Gem: Timeless Devotions from Our Daily Bread Authors", Copyright © 2021 by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Reflection - Classic Gem, Chapter 1 - 45 (Links), posted on 03 April 2023
"Classic Gem: Timeless Devotions from Our Daily Bread Authors", Copyright © 2021 by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Reflection - Classic Gem, Chapter 46 - 90 (Links), posted on Tuesday, 24 October 2023

[1a] David W. Augsburger, Personal Counseling Across Cultures (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986).
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
John 17:15-16 -
John 18:36 -
Luke 4:1-12 -
Luke 17:21 -
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