By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: Churches have tried to establish a clear stance (mindset) amid debates on homosexuality and the inroads made into society by the LGBTQ movement. One denomination's public statement reads: "We consider the practice of homosexuality to be incompatible with Christian teachings. However, we do recognise that homosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth. They need the ministry and guidance of the Church as well as the spiritual and emotional support of caring fellowship."
The statement maintains that homosexual practice is sinful, contrary to God's will, and forbidden in Scripture. It also expresses the belief that God's grace is available to homosexuals and must he offered to them. These two points reflect faith in a God who is both holy and compassionate (Ezekiel 39:25), righteous and merciful (Psalm 4:1).
Let us consider the statement's first point - that Scripture speaks against homosexual practice.
Those who argue that the gay lifestyle is an acceptable alternative lifestyle rely on two assumptions that are suspect when examined closely.
The first assumption is that gay people were born with their sexual orientation, so their behaviour should be seen by society as normal.
It has been argued that there could be a "gay gene", and that homosexuality is genetically determined and is therefore natural. Others have posited (suggested) a "gay brain", structured or wired in a way that produces homosexual tendencies. Yet others have suggested that "hormones" can explain why some people are gay. None of these explanations have been proven to be the case.
Even if a strong biological basis for homosexuality can be demonstrated, the problem will arises: does biology determine moral values? What if it can be shown that some people are biologically inclined to laziness, greed, selfishness, dishonesty, violence or lust? Would we accept the full and free expression of these impulses, even if they cause harm? We would not.
To put forward an unproven claim as an established fact (that gay people are born that way) is in itself questionable. To assume that morality can be biologically conditioned further weakens the argument.
The second assumption is that popular acceptance determines moral values. Can we distinguish right from wrong simply by looking at the latest polls?
Alfred Kinsey's famous study on human sexuality in 1948 claimed that 10% of the population was gay. [1a] The accuracy of this study has been challenged, and later studies have shown that the figure is significantly lower. But Kinsey's figure served to normalise and legitimise homosexual behaviour. Until 1973, homosexuality was considered to be a mental illness. Now, it is viewed as an alternative lifestyle. It is claimed that there is nothing biologically or psychologically wrong with homosexuals, and that the problem really is one of social and acceptability.
The logic this claim entails is that even though societies like Singapore are still "conservative", they will come to accept gay lifestyles in time. Gay activities hope that their lifestyles can then be integrated into the mainstream. The assumption made here is that such a shift in mainstream opinion constitutes progress, and that the opinion of the majority determines what is right or wrong. Both assumptions stand on shaky ground.
Despite their flaws, the arguments described above, which have a biological and sociological basis, are used both by proponents and opposers of the promotion of gay lifestyle and rights.
As Christians, our primary argument must lie elsewhere. It must be rooted in Scripture: what it teaches, and its authority in the doctrine and life of the church. Perhaps we can start by thinking about norms, and how we find and established them. It is not enough to allow what is normal to determine norms, especially moral norms. Rather we should base such norms on what is normative (deriving from a standard).
The normal is discovered by empirical scientific study (e.g. the normal height of men, the incidence of corruption and brides). As science merely describes what is , whatever is discovered to be normal cannot automatically be assumed to be right. Rather, we need God's revelation, through Scripture, to know what should be. While science (including the brain scans of biology or the surveys of sociology) can show us what is normal, it is Scripture that truly points us to what is normative. Hence, Scripture should take the central place in our reflections on the issue of homosexuality.
When the Israelites were on their way to the promised land, they stopped at Mount Sinai, and Moses climbed the mountain to bring down a copy of God's moral law, the Ten Commandments. On the plains, the people built a golden calf. When Moses later confronted Aaron, who had been with them. Aaron's lame reply was that the people had given gold to throw into the fire and "out came this calf", naturally (Exodus 32:24). The people had previously taken a sort of poll, so it seems, and determined that it was right to build the golden calf.
Their way of moral and religious reasoning based on "natural" process and popular views was strongly oppressed by God. Moses' anger made him fling the tablets he was carrying to the ground, and they broke into pieces (God's law was literally broken). Here, we see a conflict between the normal and the normative in determining the norms. The lesson here is that our search for moral norms must focus on Scripture and what it commands.
We now come to the second point mentioned in the statement above - that we should offer homosexuals the gospel of God's forgiveness, grace, and transformative power.
The Bible declares that all have sinned and are in need of God's grace. When we condemn sins, we must also work with God to redeem sinners. God loves all that He has made, whether or not they please Him, and Jesus taught that God gives sunshine and much-needed rain to both the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45). When providing for His creatures' needs, God demonstrates a loving non-discrimination. Homosexual people, as human beings with human dignity, have basic rights, such as the right to healthcare and employment. Like all human beings who contain a mixture of sin and grace, homosexual people will exhibit praiseworthy character traits despite their persistence in a particular sinful practice. We must also note that while we condemn homosexual practice, we must condemn with equal strength and conviction the other sins listed in, say, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 stealing, greed, drunkenness, slandering, and idolatry, or the more deadly sins, such as pride.
We must be careful not to outdo and contradict God by rejecting people, or denying them their needs as God-created individuals because of their unrighteous acts. What we must oppose is the active and vocal promotion of a gay lifestyles; we must strongly object to attempt, in the arts and media for instance, to endorse (declare one's public approval or support), normalise, or idealise homosexual practice. Since we believe that such practices are contrary to the values we hope society will live by, we must fulfil our role as salt and light by our public stance (attitude).
In church, we must also make it clear that homosexual practice is sinful and unacceptable. Yet, all sinners who are repentant and seek God's grace, healing and transformation are welcome in the Christian family (see 1 Corinthians 6:11, which suggests that some members of the Corinthian church were practicing homosexuals who repented, alongside those who had repented from other sins). The church, after all, is a fellowship of repentant and forgiven sinners who are being transformed into Christlike holiness and love. We must sympathise with our brothers and sisters who struggle with homosexuality and love them. They must find in Christian community the tender kindness of divine grace that Jesus always showed to those who had failed morally but turned to God in repentance. We must ensure that condemnation of sin does not lead to hatred of sinners. We must stand firm against the sin while being, at the same time, loving and gracious towards the repentant and struggling sinner.
Churches have tried to establish a clear stance (mindset) amid debates on homosexuality and the inroads made into society by the LGBTQ movement. One denomination's public statement reads: "We consider the practice of homosexuality to be incompatible with Christian teachings. However, we do recognise that homosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth. They need the ministry and guidance of the Church as well as the spiritual and emotional support of caring fellowship."
PHOTO: Churches have tried to establish a clear stance (mindset) amid debates on homosexuality and the inroads made into society by the LGBTQ movement. One denomination's public statement reads: "We consider the practice of homosexuality to be incompatible with Christian teachings. However, we do recognise that homosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth. They need the ministry and guidance of the Church as well as the spiritual and emotional support of caring fellowship."
Picture posted by The New York Times
The statement maintains that homosexual practice is sinful, contrary to God's will, and forbidden in Scripture. It also expresses the belief that God's grace is available to homosexuals and must he offered to them. These two points reflect faith in a God who is both holy and compassionate (Ezekiel 39:25), righteous and merciful (Psalm 4:1).
PHOTO: The statement maintains that homosexual practice is sinful, contrary to God's will, and forbidden in Scripture. It also expresses the belief that God's grace is available to homosexuals and must he offered to them. These two points reflect faith in a God who is both holy and compassionate (Ezekiel 39:25), righteous and merciful (Psalm 4:1).
Picture posted in Pinterest
Let us consider the statement's first point - that Scripture speaks against homosexual practice.
Those who argue that the gay lifestyle is an acceptable alternative lifestyle rely on two assumptions that are suspect when examined closely.
The first assumption is that gay people were born with their sexual orientation, so their behaviour should be seen by society as normal.
PHOTO: The first assumption is that gay people were born with their sexual orientation, so their behaviour should be seen by society as normal.
Picture posted by Jacques Balthazart on 19 December 2017 - Fraternal birth order effect on sexual orientation explained
It has been argued that there could be a "gay gene", and that homosexuality is genetically determined and is therefore natural. Others have posited (suggested) a "gay brain", structured or wired in a way that produces homosexual tendencies. Yet others have suggested that "hormones" can explain why some people are gay. None of these explanations have been proven to be the case.
Even if a strong biological basis for homosexuality can be demonstrated, the problem will arises: does biology determine moral values? What if it can be shown that some people are biologically inclined to laziness, greed, selfishness, dishonesty, violence or lust? Would we accept the full and free expression of these impulses, even if they cause harm? We would not.
PHOTO: It has been argued that there could be a "gay gene", and that homosexuality is genetically determined and is therefore natural. Others have posited (suggested) a "gay brain", structured or wired in a way that produces homosexual tendencies. Yet others have suggested that "hormones" can explain why some people are gay. None of these explanations have been proven to be the case.
What if it can be shown that some people are biologically inclined to laziness, greed, selfishness, dishonesty, violence or lust?
Picture posted by meagan
To put forward an unproven claim as an established fact (that gay people are born that way) is in itself questionable. To assume that morality can be biologically conditioned further weakens the argument.
The second assumption is that popular acceptance determines moral values. Can we distinguish right from wrong simply by looking at the latest polls?
PHOTO: The second assumption is that popular acceptance determines moral values. Can we distinguish right from wrong simply by looking at the latest polls?
Picture posted by William Damon on Tuesday, 04 January 2011
Alfred Kinsey's famous study on human sexuality in 1948 claimed that 10% of the population was gay. [1a] The accuracy of this study has been challenged, and later studies have shown that the figure is significantly lower. But Kinsey's figure served to normalise and legitimise homosexual behaviour. Until 1973, homosexuality was considered to be a mental illness. Now, it is viewed as an alternative lifestyle. It is claimed that there is nothing biologically or psychologically wrong with homosexuals, and that the problem really is one of social and acceptability.
The logic this claim entails is that even though societies like Singapore are still "conservative", they will come to accept gay lifestyles in time. Gay activities hope that their lifestyles can then be integrated into the mainstream. The assumption made here is that such a shift in mainstream opinion constitutes progress, and that the opinion of the majority determines what is right or wrong. Both assumptions stand on shaky ground.
PHOTO: Alfred Kinsey's famous study on human sexuality in 1948 claimed that 10% of the population was gay. [1a] The accuracy of this study has been challenged, and later studies have shown that the figure is significantly lower. But Kinsey's figure served to normalise and legitimise homosexual behaviour. Until 1973, homosexuality was considered to be a mental illness. Now, it is viewed as an alternative lifestyle. It is claimed that there is nothing biologically or psychologically wrong with homosexuals, and that the problem really is one of social and acceptability.
Picture posted by Case on 21 September 2005
Despite their flaws, the arguments described above, which have a biological and sociological basis, are used both by proponents and opposers of the promotion of gay lifestyle and rights.
As Christians, our primary argument must lie elsewhere. It must be rooted in Scripture: what it teaches, and its authority in the doctrine and life of the church. Perhaps we can start by thinking about norms, and how we find and established them. It is not enough to allow what is normal to determine norms, especially moral norms. Rather we should base such norms on what is normative (deriving from a standard).
PHOTO: As Christians, our primary argument must lie elsewhere. It must be rooted in Scripture: what it teaches, and its authority in the doctrine and life of the church. Perhaps we can start by thinking about norms, and how we find and established them. It is not enough to allow what is normal to determine norms, especially moral norms. Rather we should base such norms on what is normative (deriving from a standard).
Picture posted by ΑGÁPE ♡
The normal is discovered by empirical scientific study (e.g. the normal height of men, the incidence of corruption and brides). As science merely describes what is , whatever is discovered to be normal cannot automatically be assumed to be right. Rather, we need God's revelation, through Scripture, to know what should be. While science (including the brain scans of biology or the surveys of sociology) can show us what is normal, it is Scripture that truly points us to what is normative. Hence, Scripture should take the central place in our reflections on the issue of homosexuality.
PHOTO: The normal is discovered by empirical scientific study (e.g. the normal height of men, the incidence of corruption and brides). As science merely describes what is , whatever is discovered to be normal cannot automatically be assumed to be right. Rather, we need God's revelation, through Scripture, to know what should be. While science (including the brain scans of biology or the surveys of sociology) can show us what is normal, it is Scripture that truly points us to what is normative. Hence, Scripture should take the central place in our reflections on the issue of homosexuality.
Picture posted by Sandra Combrink
When the Israelites were on their way to the promised land, they stopped at Mount Sinai, and Moses climbed the mountain to bring down a copy of God's moral law, the Ten Commandments. On the plains, the people built a golden calf. When Moses later confronted Aaron, who had been with them. Aaron's lame reply was that the people had given gold to throw into the fire and "out came this calf", naturally (Exodus 32:24). The people had previously taken a sort of poll, so it seems, and determined that it was right to build the golden calf.
PHOTO: When the Israelites were on their way to the promised land, they stopped at Mount Sinai, and Moses climbed the mountain to bring down a copy of God's moral law, the Ten Commandments. On the plains, the people built a golden calf. When Moses later confronted Aaron, who had been with them. Aaron's lame reply was that the people had given gold to throw into the fire and "out came this calf", naturally (Exodus 32:24). The people had previously taken a sort of poll, so it seems, and determined that it was right to build the golden calf.
Picture posted by Irina Irina
Their way of moral and religious reasoning based on "natural" process and popular views was strongly oppressed by God. Moses' anger made him fling the tablets he was carrying to the ground, and they broke into pieces (God's law was literally broken). Here, we see a conflict between the normal and the normative in determining the norms. The lesson here is that our search for moral norms must focus on Scripture and what it commands.
PHOTO: Their way of moral and religious reasoning based on "natural" process and popular views was strongly oppressed by God. Moses' anger made him fling the tablets he was carrying to the ground, and they broke into pieces (God's law was literally broken). Here, we see a conflict between the normal and the normative in determining the norms. The lesson here is that our search for moral norms must focus on Scripture and what it commands.
Picture posted by N-R- Gee
PHOTO: Bible scholar Robert Gagnon, in his excellent book The Bible and Homosexual Practice, provides a thorough study of the matter. [2] He examines key verse (such as Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10) and concludes that Scripture's clear teaching is that homosexuality is a sin. These who may try to reinterpret Scripture in support of homosexuality would find it difficult to refute Gagnon, who only reiterates the church's historical and scriptural position. On this matter, we must be clear in holding firmly to Scripture's teaching.
Picture posted by Robert A. J. Gagnon, Rakuten Kobo
We now come to the second point mentioned in the statement above - that we should offer homosexuals the gospel of God's forgiveness, grace, and transformative power.
The Bible declares that all have sinned and are in need of God's grace. When we condemn sins, we must also work with God to redeem sinners. God loves all that He has made, whether or not they please Him, and Jesus taught that God gives sunshine and much-needed rain to both the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45). When providing for His creatures' needs, God demonstrates a loving non-discrimination. Homosexual people, as human beings with human dignity, have basic rights, such as the right to healthcare and employment. Like all human beings who contain a mixture of sin and grace, homosexual people will exhibit praiseworthy character traits despite their persistence in a particular sinful practice. We must also note that while we condemn homosexual practice, we must condemn with equal strength and conviction the other sins listed in, say, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 stealing, greed, drunkenness, slandering, and idolatry, or the more deadly sins, such as pride.
PHOTO: The Bible declares that all have sinned and are in need of God's grace. When we condemn sins, we must also work with God to redeem sinners. God loves all that He has made, whether or not they please Him, and Jesus taught that God gives sunshine and much-needed rain to both the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45). When providing for His creatures' needs, God demonstrates a loving non-discrimination. Homosexual people, as human beings with human dignity, have basic rights, such as the right to healthcare and employment. Like all human beings who contain a mixture of sin and grace, homosexual people will exhibit praiseworthy character traits despite their persistence in a particular sinful practice. We must also note that while we condemn homosexual practice, we must condemn with equal strength and conviction the other sins listed in, say, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 stealing, greed, drunkenness, slandering, and idolatry, or the more deadly sins, such as pride.
Picture posted by evemax, Adobe Stock
We must be careful not to outdo and contradict God by rejecting people, or denying them their needs as God-created individuals because of their unrighteous acts. What we must oppose is the active and vocal promotion of a gay lifestyles; we must strongly object to attempt, in the arts and media for instance, to endorse (declare one's public approval or support), normalise, or idealise homosexual practice. Since we believe that such practices are contrary to the values we hope society will live by, we must fulfil our role as salt and light by our public stance (attitude).
PHOTO: We must be careful not to outdo and contradict God by rejecting people, or denying them their needs as God-created individuals because of their unrighteous acts. What we must oppose is the active and vocal promotion of a gay lifestyles; we must strongly object to attempt, in the arts and media for instance, to endorse (declare one's public approval or support), normalise, or idealise homosexual practice. Since we believe that such practices are contrary to the values we hope society will live by, we must fulfil our role as salt and light by our public stance (attitude).
Picture posted by FaithonView
In church, we must also make it clear that homosexual practice is sinful and unacceptable. Yet, all sinners who are repentant and seek God's grace, healing and transformation are welcome in the Christian family (see 1 Corinthians 6:11, which suggests that some members of the Corinthian church were practicing homosexuals who repented, alongside those who had repented from other sins). The church, after all, is a fellowship of repentant and forgiven sinners who are being transformed into Christlike holiness and love. We must sympathise with our brothers and sisters who struggle with homosexuality and love them. They must find in Christian community the tender kindness of divine grace that Jesus always showed to those who had failed morally but turned to God in repentance. We must ensure that condemnation of sin does not lead to hatred of sinners. We must stand firm against the sin while being, at the same time, loving and gracious towards the repentant and struggling sinner.
PHOTO: In church, we must also make it clear that homosexual practice is sinful and unacceptable. Yet, all sinners who are repentant and seek God's grace, healing and transformation are welcome in the Christian family (see 1 Corinthians 6:11, which suggests that some members of the Corinthian church were practicing homosexuals who repented, alongside those who had repented from other sins). The church, after all, is a fellowship of repentant and forgiven sinners who are being transformed into Christlike holiness and love. We must sympathise with our brothers and sisters who struggle with homosexuality and love them. They must find in Christian community the tender kindness of divine grace that Jesus always showed to those who had failed morally but turned to God in repentance. We must ensure that condemnation of sin does not lead to hatred of sinners. We must stand firm against the sin while being, at the same time, loving and gracious towards the repentant and struggling sinner.
Picture posted by k a t y 𓇼
PHOTO: Jesus Is Our Best Example
When asked to judge and throw stones at a woman caught in adultery, Jesus told her: "Neither do I condemn you . . . Go now and leave your life of sin" (John 8:11). A clear judgement is pronounced on the sin, but grace is offered to the one caught in sin. Like our Lord, we must clearly condemn the sin but also, by God's grace, set aside the stones. For it is in Christ and by the Holy Spirit that all sinners, regardless of their sin, are washed, justified, and sanctified (1 Corinthians 6:11). There are no exceptions, and no other way.
Picture posted by Peace of Heaven on Thursday, 14 December 2023 at 12:00 pm
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we pray that like our Lord, we must clearly condemn the sin but also, by God's grace, set aside the stones. For it is in Christ and by the Holy Spirit that all sinners, regardless of their sin, are washed, justified, and sanctified.
May we ensure that condemnation of sin does not lead to hatred of sinners. May we stand firm against the sin while being, at the same time, loving and gracious towards the repentant and struggling sinner.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen."
Picture posted by Danielle Melo
Source (book): "Making All Things New", 52 Reflections to Challenge the Way You Live, Chapter 43, "The Golden Calf And The Broken Tablets", Page 222.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon
Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
"Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon
Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part I - III (Links), posted on Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021
"Teach Us to Number Our Days", © 2008 by David Roper
Reflection - Number Our Days, Chapter 1 - 40 (Links), posted on Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Reflection - Number Our Days, Chapter 41 - 64 (Links), posted on Wednesday, 16 March 2022
Reflection - He Walks with Me (Links), posted on Tuesday, 16 August 2022
"Classic Gem: Timeless Devotions from Our Daily Bread Authors", Copyright © 2021 by Our Daily Bread Ministries
Reflection - Classic Gem, Chapter 1 - 45 (Links), posted on 03 April 2023
"Classic Gem: Timeless Devotions from Our Daily Bread Authors", Copyright © 2021 by Our Daily Bread Ministries
Reflection - Classic Gem, Chapter 46 - 90 (Links), posted on Tuesday, 24 October 2023
[1a] Alfred C. Kinsey, Wandell B. Pomeroy, and Clyde E. Martin, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders, 1948).
[2] Robert A. J. Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics (Nashville Abingdon, 2001).
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Corinthians 6:11 -
Exodus 32:24 -
Ezekiel 39:25 -
John 8:11 -
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10 -
Matthew 5:45 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Psalm 4:1 -