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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Anticipatory anxiety: Expert tips to deal with the fear of future fears

By Sasha Gonzales, Asiaone, 23 July 2022 at 07:00 pm

If you are anxious about leaving the house or returning to the office after the pandemic, you could have anticipatory anxiety.
PHOTO: If you are anxious about leaving the house or returning to the office after the pandemic, you could have anticipatory anxiety.
PHOTO: Pexels
Picture posted by Sasha Gonzales, Asiaone on 23 July 2022 at 07:00 pm


When Bao Anh Duong relocated from Hong Kong to her native Vietnam in June 2021 - during the Covid-19 pandemic - she had not anticipated having to spend life there in lockdown. She began to suffer emotionally as the isolation stretched on.

"The four-month lockdown was extreme," says the 42-year-old Duong, a sportswear industry executive who had lived in Hong Kong for 12 years.

"We couldn't leave the house [in Ho Chi Minh City], not even to buy food or groceries. I'd always been an anxious person, but during the lockdown, my anxiety worsened. I worried about not having enough food and didn't know if the restrictions would tighten further as the pandemic raged on.

"Worse, I was alone and couldn't see my family or friends. I felt trapped and didn't know when I'd be able to leave my house or travel again. I was lonely and suffered from panic attacks."

What is anxiety?
PHOTO: What is anxiety?
Most of us have felt the causes (and effects): a seemingly endless array of
"stuff" that weighs on our minds, hampering our daily responsibilities, activities, relationships, and/or sleep.
Picture posted by Alison Palkhivala, University Health News Daily on 15 February 2018


Although life is almost back to normal now in Vietnam, Duong says she still has "lingering anxiety".

"I don't know what will happen next. The past couple of years have taught me that life can change in a heartbeat, and it's that uncertainty that I find a little unsettling."

Such emotions are not uncommon as businesses get back into full swing, countries prepare to welcome international travellers again, and employers prepare to end work-from-home policies and recall their staff to the office.

We may be anxious about different issues - a Covid-19 recurrence, a future pandemic, having to return to work or be in crowded public spaces again - but there's little doubt that many of us aren't looking forward to adjusting to life in a post-pandemic world.

"Anticipatory anxiety is the fear that we feel before we do something that we're afraid of, and it's something that many people are experiencing right now," says Minal Mahtani, a psychologist and the CEO and founder of OCD & Anxiety Support Hong Kong.

Anticipatory anxiety is the fear that we feel before we do something that we're afraid of, and it's something that many people are experiencing right now
PHOTO: "Anticipatory anxiety is the fear that we feel before we do something that we're afraid of, and it's something that many people are experiencing right now," says Minal Mahtani, a psychologist and the CEO and founder of OCD & Anxiety Support Hong Kong.
PHOTO: Pexels
Picture posted by Sasha Gonzales, Asiaone on 23 July 2022 at 07:00 pm


"The past two years were traumatic for everyone. When the pandemic started, we were all afraid; we knew little about the virus except that it was highly transmissible and potentially fatal. We learned how to keep ourselves safe, and most of us had to drastically alter our lifestyles to avoid getting sick."

She adds that, although most of us have been vaccinated, we can't guarantee total protection since the virus keeps mutating and new variants continue to emerge. It's therefore natural that many of us are now anxious about letting our guard down and re-entering society.

We also don't know what this "new normal" entails.

"The pandemic forced us to quickly develop coping skills to help us deal with the lockdowns and restrictions. Some of us lost our job or loved ones, and we had to adjust to those changes, too.

"But now, we're afraid of relinquishing the mechanisms that helped us deal with our difficult emotions because we don't know what will happen if we do."

It is fear of the panic itself that leads to further attacks..
If we worry about the consequences of having further panic attacks this added fear produces a continuous feeling of underlying anxiety or stress.
This worry causes a constant low level of adrenaline which keeps the body on high alert which means the fight or flight response is triggered more easily.
Picture posted by Robin Hall, Cognitive Therapist; Caroline Stewart, Cognitive Therapist, trainer and supervisor


People with anticipatory anxiety imagine the worst, Mahtani says. They tend to make negative predictions and worry excessively about an event, situation or person that needs to be faced in the future.

Anyone can experience anticipatory anxiety, but people with anxiety disorders are more prone to it.

It's important to address anticipatory anxiety and keep it in check, otherwise, it may escalate further and create even bigger problems, says Hong Kong-based psychologist Dr Adrian Low.

"Some people may increase their use of alcohol or drugs, believing that it will help them deal with their emotions, but alcohol and drugs can actually worsen anxiety.

It's important to address anticipatory anxiety and keep it in check, otherwise, it may escalate further and create even bigger problems, says Hong Kong-based psychologist Dr Adrian Low.
PHOTO: It's important to address anticipatory anxiety and keep it in check, otherwise, it may escalate further and create even bigger problems, says Hong Kong-based psychologist Dr Adrian Low.
"Some people may increase their use of alcohol or drugs, believing that it will help them deal with their emotions, but alcohol and drugs can actually worsen anxiety."
PHOTO: Pexels
Picture posted by Sasha Gonzales, Asiaone on 23 July 2022 at 07:00 pm

"Being overly anxious may also hold you back from re-entering society and interacting with others again. This can lead to loneliness and cause feelings of isolation and even depression," Low says.

"In addition, long-term, chronic anxiety has been associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke. And if you suffer from some form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, like a cleaning compulsion, for instance, your anticipatory anxiety may worsen your condition."

In addition, long-term, chronic anxiety has been associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke.
PHOTO: "In addition, long-term, chronic anxiety has been associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke. And if you suffer from some form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, like a cleaning compulsion, for instance, your anticipatory anxiety may worsen your condition."
Picture posted by Dr. Drrajesh Gupta


So how can we adapt to life in the new, post-pandemic world?

Low recommends looking at the scientific data and facts to better understand the risks involved before you adjust your behaviour. No one can predict what will happen several months from now, but knowing the facts can help you make sense of any irrational fears.

Then, take small steps to overcome those fears. If you're anxious about attending social events, try meeting a couple of friends outdoors, but take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself from Covid-19.

"The worst thing you can do is avoid safe or relatively safe situations because that reinforces the conditioned belief that something bad will happen to you. The more you avoid, the harder it'll be to overcome them," he explains.

Take small steps to overcome those fears.
PHOTO: Take small steps to overcome those fears. If you're anxious about attending social events, try meeting a couple of friends outdoors, but take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself from Covid-19.
PHOTO: Pexels
Picture posted by Sasha Gonzales, Asiaone on 23 July 2022 at 07:00 pm


When researching the facts, stick to credible and trustworthy news sources. Avoid reading sensational reports on social media, as these often contain false information which can heighten your anxiety.

Changing your perspective of this current reality can help dampen anticipatory anxiety.

"Look at it as the end of one era and the beginning of another," says Sonia Samtani, a clinical hypnotherapist and the founder of All About You in Hong Kong.

"Who knew we'd have to give up 'normal life' and adjust to something new? But change is the only constant and we have to accept that life may never be the same again.

Changing your perspective of this current reality can help dampen anticipatory anxiety.
PHOTO: Changing your perspective of this current reality can help dampen anticipatory anxiety.
"Who knew we'd have to give up 'normal life' and adjust to something new? But change is the only constant and we have to accept that life may never be the same again."
Picture posted by Jewel This Years Model

"To let go of something, in this case, your pre-Covid-19 life, you have to know what you're replacing it with. It helps to ground yourself in the present by accepting the changes that are taking place and then setting goals and intentions for the future.

"When planning your goals, think about those aspects of life that are within your control, such as your health, work or relationship. This will give you a sense of optimism and make it easier to move forward."

Not everyone will be able to move forward at the same time or pace, so be patient with yourself and others, and don't be afraid to set boundaries, Low adds.

If it helps you feel less anxious, ask your friends how they plan to adjust.

If it helps you feel less anxious, ask your friends how they plan to adjust.
PHOTO: If it helps you feel less anxious, ask your friends how they plan to adjust.
Picture posted by pixy.org


Duong has grown stronger over the past 12 months - and has adopted a dog. If she has to endure another lockdown, she'll be better equipped to handle it.

"Daily breathwork, meditation and journaling help keep my anxiety under control. I know that the future is uncertain but I've spent the last year working through some difficult emotions and I'm hopeful that I'm resilient enough to deal with whatever challenges lie ahead," she says.

Daily breathwork, meditation and journaling help keep my anxiety under control.
PHOTO: "Daily breathwork, meditation and journaling help keep my anxiety under control. I know that the future is uncertain but I've spent the last year working through some difficult emotions and I'm hopeful that I'm resilient enough to deal with whatever challenges lie ahead," Duong says.
Picture posted by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada


God hasn’t given us today the strength we need for the rest of our life.
PHOTO: God hasn’t given us today the strength we need for the rest of our life. He doesn’t promise that.
God does promise to give us today the grace we need for today, and he promises to give us tomorrow the grace we need for tomorrow.
Our mission is clear: Live for God today, trust God for tomorrow. The only thing that’s certain about tomorrow is that God will give us fresh mercy for it
(Lamentations 3:23).
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34).
Picture posted by inf.news on 24 July 2022 at 18:07 pm

By Sasha Gonzales, Asiaone, 23 July 2022 at 07:00 pm
This article was first published in South China Morning Post.

[1] Sasha Gonzales, Asiaone, Anticipatory anxiety: Expert tips to deal with the fear of future fears, posted on 23 July 2022 at 07:00 pm, https://www.asiaone.com/lifestyle/anticipatory-anxiety-expert-tips-deal-fear-future-fears


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Movie (Links) - https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2020/11/movie-links.html

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