By David Roper, Pastor, and regular and popular writer for Our Daily Bread.

PHOTO: In the rash lustihead (obsolete) of my young powers,
I shook the pillaring hours,
And pulled my life upon me. Grimed with smears,
I stand amidst the dust o' the mounded years -
My mangled youth lies dead beneath the heap.
- Francis Thompson, "The Hound Of Heaven"
Some folks try to romanticize youth, but I don't remember it that way. "Carefree youth" is an oxymoron (contradictory terms) to me.
My adolescence was a perfectly miserable time - years when I tore down family traditions and my inhibitions and prostituted the strength and vigor of youth on myself. I was an "angel-like spright with black sinne," John Donne would say, and lived with my fair share of guilt and self-reproach. Thus I pray with David, "Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways." (Psalm 25:7)
"If only I could live my life over again," we say, "I would do better." Not likely. A fresh start for any of us would amount to almost nothing without the experience necessary to make the right adjustments. "The light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern (rear of a boat), which shines only on the waves behind us," Samuel Coleridge said. Lacking the knowledge and understanding we've gained through the years, we'd make the same mistakes again.
I came across a poem by poet Hezekiah Butterworth one day that frightened me a good deal:
I walked through the woodland meadows,
Where sweet the thrushes sing;
And I found on a bed of mosses
A bird with a broken wing.
I healed its wound, and each morning
It sang its old sweet strain;
But the bird with a broken pinion
Never soared as high again.
I found a young life broken
By sin's seductive art
And touched with a Christlike pity,
I took him to my heart.
He lived with a noble purpose,
And struggled not in vain;
But the life that sin had stricken
Never soared as high again.
I said to myself, "Is it true? Have my sins irreparably stricken and crippled me? Can I never soar as high again?"
Indeed we can - all of us - for God does not remember the sins of our youth. Love has paid the price, and thus our most outrageous and oft-repeated sins have been forgiven according to God's mercy and grace. We cannot drift beyond His love and care. Beyond the bad news of our failure is the good news of grace - the stupendous (amazing) free gift of God.
Grace means that God forgives us, no matter what we have done, are doing, or will ever do again. It means that our sins are gone forever - replaced by Love.
Our Lord gives us this assurance: "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away." (John 6:37) He freely pardons; He abundantly forgives. (Isaiah 55:7; Psalm 130:3-4) We will be welcomed, no matter what we have done, if only we will come to Him.
Grace also means that God has given us the resources to make a new beginning. The question is not, "Can I make it? Am I able? Can I overcome my habitual sin?" The question is, "Is He able? Can He transform me?" He says He can, though it may take a while. Love perfects that which it begins. He will not forsake the work of His hands. (Psalm 138:8)
We must start with God's part, with the calm assurance that grace for the next act of obedience is already there. We don't have to worry about tomorrow, or this afternoon; we can move forward without fear or frustration knowing that the next step will take care of itself. That's the comfort we need to give to ourselves.
Furthermore, we must know that God's love will continue to cover our sins, no matter what we do. God is never disappointed - nor is He surprised - by human failure, for it is inevitable. "It is a consoling idea," wrote Danish Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, "that we are always in the wrong."
Long ago God made provision for our evil. Before we were born, before we did anything good or bad, Jesus paid for all our sins - those that were, those that are, and those that shall be. Now, despite false starts and failures, God is at work conforming some small part of us to His likeness, making us His portrait, His reproduction. His work of fine art. We can be confident of this: "He who began a good work in [us] will carry it on to completion." (Philippians 1:6)
God is never in a hurry, but He does mean business. He will finish the work as soon as He can.
"But" we say, "I have wasted so much of my life. Can I still be of use?" God wastes nothing, not even our sins. When acknowledged, they humble us and make us more merciful to others in their weakness. We can become more approachable, more useful to God and to others. Indeed, each loss has its own compensation.
And there is more: sin can make us more appreciative of God's forgiveness and can lead us to a deeper, more extravagant (excessive) love for Him than we could otherwise attain. Once we know how much we've been forgiven, we love Him all the more. (Luke 7:47) Thus "broken pinions" heal fully and we can fly.
Another poet has amended Butterworth's lines:
The soul that comes to Jesus
Is cleansed from every stain;
And by grace that is freely given,
We can soar higher again.
Picture saved by Bernadette Lemarchand to Animation
In the rash lustihead (obsolete) of my young powers,
I shook the pillaring hours,
And pulled my life upon me. Grimed with smears,
I stand amidst the dust o' the mounded years -
My mangled youth lies dead beneath the heap.
- Francis Thompson, "The Hound Of Heaven"

I shook the pillaring hours,
And pulled my life upon me. Grimed with smears,
I stand amidst the dust o' the mounded years -
My mangled youth lies dead beneath the heap.
Picture posted by Katarzyna Feliks@kaskaa1818 on 05 May 2020 at 08:55 pm - from Czarny Bór,
Some folks try to romanticize youth, but I don't remember it that way. "Carefree youth" is an oxymoron (contradictory terms) to me.
My adolescence was a perfectly miserable time - years when I tore down family traditions and my inhibitions and prostituted the strength and vigor of youth on myself. I was an "angel-like spright with black sinne," John Donne would say, and lived with my fair share of guilt and self-reproach. Thus I pray with David, "Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways." (Psalm 25:7) [33]

Picture posted by GuruOfImagesOrDJChipstar, imgur - Angel Between Fire And Ice
"If only I could live my life over again," we say, "I would do better." Not likely. A fresh start for any of us would amount to almost nothing without the experience necessary to make the right adjustments. "The light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern (rear of a boat), which shines only on the waves behind us," Samuel Coleridge said. Lacking the knowledge and understanding we've gained through the years, we'd make the same mistakes again.

Picture posted by Stella Karamanli on 13 December 2009 - Stella63's avatar
Angel on Earth
I came across a poem by poet Hezekiah Butterworth one day that frightened me a good deal:
I walked through the woodland meadows,
Where sweet the thrushes sing;
And I found on a bed of mosses
A bird with a broken wing.
I healed its wound, and each morning
It sang its old sweet strain;
But the bird with a broken pinion
Never soared as high again.
I found a young life broken
By sin's seductive art
And touched with a Christlike pity,
I took him to my heart.
He lived with a noble purpose,
And struggled not in vain;
But the life that sin had stricken
Never soared as high again.

Never soared as high again.
The life that sin had stricken
Never soared as high again.
Picture posted by Phoneky
I said to myself, "Is it true? Have my sins irreparably stricken and crippled me? Can I never soar as high again?"
Indeed we can - all of us - for God does not remember the sins of our youth. Love has paid the price, and thus our most outrageous and oft-repeated sins have been forgiven according to God's mercy and grace. We cannot drift beyond His love and care. Beyond the bad news of our failure is the good news of grace - the stupendous (amazing) free gift of God.

Indeed we can - all of us - for God does not remember the sins of our youth. Love has paid the price, and thus our most outrageous and oft-repeated sins have been forgiven according to God's mercy and grace. Beyond the bad news of our failure is the good news of grace - the stupendous (amazing) free gift of God.
Picture posted by Susana Galeano, marketing4ecommerce on 15 June 2018
Grace means that God forgives us, no matter what we have done, are doing, or will ever do again. It means that our sins are gone forever - replaced by Love.
Our Lord gives us this assurance: "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away." (John 6:37) [34] He freely pardons; He abundantly forgives. (Isaiah 55:7; Psalm 130:3-4) [35] We will be welcomed, no matter what we have done, if only we will come to Him.

Our Lord gives us this assurance: "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away." (John 6:37) He freely pardons; He abundantly forgives. (Isaiah 55:7; Psalm 130:3-4) We will be welcomed, no matter what we have done, if only we will come to Him.
Picture saved by ellian rock to Red Hairs
Grace also means that God has given us the resources to make a new beginning. The question is not, "Can I make it? Am I able? Can I overcome my habitual sin?" The question is, "Is He able? Can He transform me?" He says He can, though it may take a while. Love perfects that which it begins. He will not forsake the work of His hands. (Psalm 138:8) [36]
We must start with God's part, with the calm assurance that grace for the next act of obedience is already there. We don't have to worry about tomorrow, or this afternoon; we can move forward without fear or frustration knowing that the next step will take care of itself. That's the comfort we need to give to ourselves.
Furthermore, we must know that God's love will continue to cover our sins, no matter what we do. God is never disappointed - nor is He surprised - by human failure, for it is inevitable. "It is a consoling idea," wrote Danish Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, "that we are always in the wrong."
Furthermore, we must know that God's love will continue to cover our sins, no matter what we do. God is never disappointed - nor is He surprised - by human failure, for it is inevitable.
Long ago God made provision for our evil. Before we were born, before we did anything good or bad, Jesus paid for all our sins - those that were, those that are, and those that shall be. Now, despite false starts and failures, God is at work conforming some small part of us to His likeness, making us His portrait, His reproduction. His work of fine art. We can be confident of this: "He who began a good work in [us] will carry it on to completion." (Philippians 1:6) [37]
God is never in a hurry, but He does mean business. He will finish the work as soon as He can.
"But" we say, "I have wasted so much of my life. Can I still be of use?" God wastes nothing, not even our sins. When acknowledged, they humble us and make us more merciful to others in their weakness. We can become more approachable, more useful to God and to others. Indeed, each loss has its own compensation.
And there is more: sin can make us more appreciative of God's forgiveness and can lead us to a deeper, more extravagant (excessive) love for Him than we could otherwise attain. Once we know how much we've been forgiven, we love Him all the more. (Luke 7:47) [38] Thus "broken pinions" heal fully and we can fly.
And there is more: sin can make us more appreciative of God's forgiveness and can lead us to a deeper, more extravagant (excessive) love for Him than we could otherwise attain. Once we know how much we've been forgiven, we love Him all the more. (Luke 7:47)
Picture posted by Tumblr
Another poet has amended Butterworth's lines:
The soul that comes to Jesus
Is cleansed from every stain;
And by grace that is freely given,
We can soar higher again.

Is cleansed from every stain;
And by grace that is freely given,
We can soar higher again.
Picture posted by raipun 25, Daily Inspiration

We may think that if only we could live my life over again, we would do better. We learn that this is not likely because a fresh start for any of us would amount to almost nothing without the experience necessary to make the right adjustments. Lacking the knowledge and understanding we've gained through the years, we'd make the same mistakes again.
All of us sinned, but because of Your grace we are not irreparably stricken and crippled, unable to soar as high again. Lord, thank You for not remembering the sins of our youth. Your love has paid the price, and thus our most outrageous and oft-repeated sins have been forgiven according to Your mercy and grace. We cannot drift beyond Your love and care. Beyond the bad news of our failure is the good news of grace - Your stupendous free gif.
Grace means that You forgives us, no matter what we have done, are doing, or will ever do again. It means that our sins are gone forever - replaced by Love. You give us this assurance that whoever comes to You, You will never drive away. You freely pardon and abundantly forgives. We will be welcomed, no matter what we have done, if only we will come to You.
Lord, we also learn that grace also means that You has given us the resources to make a new beginning. Love perfects that which it begins. You will not forsake the work of Your hands. We pray that we start with Your part, with the calm assurance that grace for the next act of obedience is already there. We don't have to worry about tomorrow, or this afternoon; we can move forward without fear or frustration knowing that the next step will take care of itself. That's the comfort we need to give to ourselves.
We learn that Your love will continue to cover our sins, no matter what we do. You are never disappointed - nor are You surprised - by human failure, for it is inevitable. Long ago You made provision for our evil. Before we were born, before we did anything good or bad, Jesus paid for all our sins - those that were, those that are, and those that shall be. Despite false starts and failures, You are at work conforming some small part of us to Your likeness, making us Your portrait, Your reproduction. Your work of fine art. We can be confident of this because You who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion.
Lord, we learn that You waste nothing, not even our sins. When acknowledged, they humble us and make us more merciful to others in their weakness. We can become more approachable, more useful to You and to others. Indeed, each loss has its own compensation.
And there is more: sin can make us more appreciative of Your forgiveness and can lead us to a deeper, more extravagant love for You than we could otherwise attain. Once we know how much we've been forgiven, we love You all the more.
May our ‘broken pinions’ heal fully and we can soar higher again.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Stella63 on 11 December 2009
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at
Reflection - Number Our Days - No Need For Regret
Source (book): "Teach Us to Number Our Days", Chapter 6, "No Need For Regret", Page 35.
By David Roper, Pastor, and regular and popular writer for Our Daily Bread.
Other Books

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
"Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part I - III (Links), posted on Wednesday, 09 December 2020

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021
[1] From "Teach Us to Number Our Days", Copyright © 2008 by David Roper, ISBN 978-981-11-7184-0, Chapter 6, "No Need For Regret", Page 35-39.
[33] Psalm 25:7
[34] John 6:37, emphasis added
[35] Isaiah 55:7; Psalm 130:3-4
[36] See Psalm 138:8.
[37] Philippians 1:6
[38] Luke 7:47
Other Books -
Isaiah 55:7; Psalm 130:3-4 -
John 6:37 -
Luke 7:47 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Philippians 1:6 -
Psalm 25:7 -
Psalm 138:8 -
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