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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Reflection - Jonah Gets a Second Chance - True Forgiveness

Source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 6, Question 3, Page 89.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

What have you discovered about the way God forgives sinners?
PHOTO: What have you discovered about the way God forgives sinners?
God is often depicted in the Bible as ever ready to forgive sinners. He seems to move readily and rapidly to forgive at even the slightest sign of repentance. Even the worst of sinners, who we might think would never receive God's forgiveness, tasted His kindness. When Ahab, the wicked king, "who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord", tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, fasted, and went around meekly, God told Elijah, "Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me?" (1 Kings 21:25-29). God then promised not to bring disaster in Ahab's day. And when Manasseh, another wicked king, prayed to God, God "was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea" (2 Chronicles 33:13), God was all too ready to forgive these two unlikely men the moment they turned - temporarily - back to Him.

The king of Nineveh was not sure how God would respond to his people's repentance. But he knew they had only one hope of being saved form destruction - if they repented and entrusted themselves to God. They could do nothing else but to turn to God and beg for forgiveness. The king noted, "Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish" (Jonah 3:9). It was a wise statement, because God is greater than any fear or expectation that man can have. Who knows? He may yet have mercy on a city as wicked as Nineveh and spare it from destruction if its people turned to Him.

Amazingly, that is exactly what happened. "When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened" (Jonah 3:10). God forgave the people of Nineveh, and in doing so, showed a wonderful characteristic - His compassion. God's heart melts when people turn or return to Him. If He is angry with us, it is because He is concerned for our own good. When we follow idols or pursue our own sinful ways, we end up destroying ourselves. But when we turn back to God, He responds with a merciful, gracious heart. He forgives us and spares us the destruction we bring upon ourselves.

Reflect on your own experience and talk to God about it in relation to the cross of Jesus.
God gave Jonah a second chance, and this resulted in second chance for the Ninevites when the prophet brought God's message to the city. Today, God continues to give us a second chance - through Jesus, who was perfectly obedient and died in our place. Having this second chance, we too need to embrace the nature of our ministry - taking God's second chance to others, bringing the message of the good news with conviction (firmly held belief) and compassion (concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others).

Prayer: "God, it's hard not to want those who hurt us to hurt just as much. Help us to live out Your mercy and grace. Help us to turn back to God, for He responds with a merciful, gracious heart. Forgives us and spares us the destruction we bring upon ourselves.

Although we will constantly face difficulties forgiving others the way You have forgiven us, help us to embrace the nature of our ministry - to take God's second chance to others, bringing the message of the good news with conviction and compassion.

Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and die for us, so that we can have the offer of Salvation. We pray that Your wrath will not come upon us, but Your Holy Spirit will come and help us accept Your offer of Salvation. So that we all can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven together with You.

Is there anything you need to do to forgive others who have offended you?
How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You: In 15 Steps
Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth.  Our experience of someone who has hurt us, while painful, is now nothing more than a thought or feeling that we carry around. These thoughts of resentment, anger, and hatred represent slow, debilitating energies that will dis-empower us if we continue to let these thoughts occupy space in our head. If we could release them, we would know more peace.

The following we share how to forgive someone who has hurt us in 15 steps:
1: Move On to the Next Act (Embrace them all, and move on to the next act)

2: Reconnect to Spirit (Turn our hurts over to God, and allow Spirit to flow through us)

3: Don’t Go to Sleep Angry (Be peaceful, content, loving)

4: Switch the Focus from Blaming Others to Understanding Yourself (tell ourself that no one has the power to make us uneasy without our consent)

5: Avoid Telling People What to Do (remember that we do not own anyone)

6: Learn to Let Go and Be Like Water (do not attempt to dominate with our forcefulness, be like water: flow everywhere there’s an opening)

7: Take Responsibility for our Part (never assign responsibility to anyone else for what we’re experiencing)

8: Let Go of Resentments (Resentments survive and thrive because we’re unwilling to end that altercation [noisy argument or disagreement] with an offering of kindness, love, and authentic forgiveness)

9: Be Kind Instead of Right (learn to depersonalize what we’ve just heard and respond with kindness)

10: Practice Giving (Giving involves leaving the ego behind, be at peace and live in harmony)

11: Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended (Become a person who refuses to be offended by anyone, anything, or any set of circumstances)

12: Don’t Live In the Past – Be Present (We assign a good portion of our energy and attention lamenting the good old days that are gone forever as the reason why we can’t be happy and fulfilled today. Practice living in the moment by appreciating the beauty around us now)

13: Embrace Our Dark Times (Embrace them from that perspective, and then understand them, accept them, honour them, and finally transform them)

14: Refrain from Judgement (substitute love for these judgments, and know inner peace)

15: Send Love (send love in place of those judgments and criticisms to others, and have immediate result of inner contentment)

Understandably, basing on our own effort to accomplish the 15 steps to forgive others who have hurt us, we may not be successful. We need the help of another who have proven record of success in true forgiveness. He is God, and we desperately need to ask for His divine help.

What does it mean to pray, "Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us?" (Matthew 6:12 NLT)?
Rather than seeking vengeance, the apostle Peter tells us we are to bless. (1 Peter 3:9). We extend forgiveness, the hope of well-being, for those who have unjustly wronged us. Without excusing their evil actions, we can meet them with God's scandalous mercy. On the cross, Jesus bore the burden of our wrongs, that we might receive grace and extend it to others - even those who have wronged us. This is what it mean in Matthew 6:12 NLT, to pray "Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us". Without excusing their actions, how can we extend mercy to others who have wronged us? Not to mention for us to "bless" them too.
Picture posted by boombob.ru - SlashTHREE Book: New Era by ~aiiven

What have you discovered about the way God forgives sinners? Reflect on your own experience and talk to God about it in relation to the cross of Jesus. Is there anything you need to do to forgive others who have offended you? What does it mean to pray, "Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us?" (
Matthew 6:12 NLT)?

What have you discovered about the way God forgives sinners?
True Forgiveness [1]
God is often depicted in the Bible as ever ready to forgive sinners. He seems to move readily and rapidly to forgive at even the slightest sign of repentance. Even the worst of sinners, who we might think would never receive God's forgiveness, tasted His kindness. When Ahab, the wicked king, "who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord", tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, fasted, and went around meekly, God told Elijah, "Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me?" (1 Kings 21:25-29). God then promised not to bring disaster in Ahab's day. And when Manasseh, another wicked king, prayed to God, God "was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea" (2 Chronicles 33:13), God was all too ready to forgive these two unlikely men the moment they turned - temporarily - back to Him.

When Manasseh, another wicked king, prayed to God, God 'was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea'

PHOTO: When Manasseh, another wicked king, prayed to God, God "was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea" (2 Chronicles 33:13), God was all too ready to forgive these two unlikely men the moment they turned - temporarily - back to Him.
Picture from the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Manasseh's Sin and Intercession, 1904.


The king of Nineveh was not sure how God would respond to his people's repentance. But he knew they had only one hope of being saved form destruction - if they repented and entrusted themselves to God. They could do nothing else but to turn to God and beg for forgiveness. The king noted, "Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish" (Jonah 3:9). It was a wise statement, because God is greater than any fear or expectation that man can have. Who knows? He may yet have mercy on a city as wicked as Nineveh and spare it from destruction if its people turned to Him.

The king of Nineveh was not sure how God would respond to his people's repentance..
PHOTO: The king of Nineveh was not sure how God would respond to his people's repentance. But he knew they had only one hope of being saved form destruction - if they repented and entrusted themselves to God. They could do nothing else but to turn to God and beg for forgiveness.
Picture posted by The Church of Almighty God, blogadmin, on 12 September 2018


Amazingly, that is exactly what happened. "When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened" (Jonah 3:10). God forgave the people of Nineveh, and in doing so, showed a wonderful characteristic - His compassion. God's heart melts when people turn or return to Him. If He is angry with us, it is because He is concerned for our own good. When we follow idols or pursue our own sinful ways, we end up destroying ourselves. But when we turn back to God, He responds with a merciful, gracious heart. He forgives us and spares us the destruction we bring upon ourselves.

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened

PHOTO: "When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened" (Jonah 3:10). God forgave the people of Nineveh, and in doing so, showed a wonderful characteristic - His compassion. God's heart melts when people turn or return to Him. He responds with a merciful, gracious heart. He forgives us and spares us the destruction we bring upon ourselves.
Picture posted by jasonchen, Flickr Hive Mind


Reflect on your own experience and talk to God about it in relation to the cross of Jesus.
God gave Jonah a second chance, and this resulted in second chance for the Ninevites when the prophet brought God's message to the city. Today, God continues to give us a second chance - through Jesus, who was perfectly obedient and died in our place. Having this second chance, we too need to embrace the nature of our ministry - taking God's second chance to others, bringing the message of the good news with conviction (firmly held belief) and compassion (concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others).

God gave Jonah a second chance, and this resulted in second chance for the Ninevites when the prophet brought God's message to the city.

PHOTO: God gave Jonah a second chance, and this resulted in second chance for the Ninevites when the prophet brought God's message to the city. Today, God continues to give us a second chance - through Jesus, who was perfectly obedient and died in our place. Having this second chance, we too need to embrace the nature of our ministry - taking God's second chance to others, bringing the message of the good news with conviction and compassion.
Picture posted by Testify God on 21 August 2018


Prayer: "God, it's hard not to want those who hurt us to hurt just as much. Help us to live out Your mercy and grace. Help us to turn back to God, for He responds with a merciful, gracious heart. Forgives us and spares us the destruction we bring upon ourselves.

Although we will constantly face difficulties forgiving others the way You have forgiven us, help us to embrace the nature of our ministry - to take God's second chance to others, bringing the message of the good news with conviction and compassion.

Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and die for us, so that we can have the offer of Salvation. We pray that Your wrath will not come upon us, but Your Holy Spirit will come and help us accept Your offer of Salvation. So that we all can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven together with You.

God, it's hard not to want those who hurt us to hurt just as much.

PHOTO: "God, it's hard not to want those who hurt us to hurt just as much. Help us to live out Your mercy and grace. Help us to turn back to God, for He responds with a merciful, gracious heart. Forgives us and spares us the destruction we bring upon ourselves."
Picture posted by religiondocbox.com


Is there anything you need to do to forgive others who have offended you?
How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You: In 15 Steps [3]
Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth.  Our experience of someone who has hurt us, while painful, is now nothing more than a thought or feeling that we carry around. These thoughts of resentment, anger, and hatred represent slow, debilitating energies that will dis-empower us if we continue to let these thoughts occupy space in our head. If we could release them, we would know more peace.

Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth.
Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth.

PHOTO: Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth.  Our experience of someone who has hurt us, while painful, is now nothing more than a thought or feeling that we carry around. If we could release them, we would know more peace.
Picture posted by nevsepic.com on 05 June 2013

gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at http://www.webestools.com/animated-images-effect-generator-effects-gif-images-picture-blog-gif-fx-images-animated-effect.html

The following we share how to forgive someone who has hurt us in 15 steps:

1: Move On to the Next Act (Embrace them all, and move on to the next act)

2: Reconnect to Spirit (Turn our hurts over to God, and allow Spirit to flow through us)

3: Don’t Go to Sleep Angry (Be peaceful, content, loving)

4: Switch the Focus from Blaming Others to Understanding Yourself (tell ourself that no one has the power to make us uneasy without our consent)

5: Avoid Telling People What to Do (remember that we do not own anyone)

6: Learn to Let Go and Be Like Water (do not attempt to dominate with our forcefulness, be like water: flow everywhere there’s an opening)

7: Take Responsibility for our Part (never assign responsibility to anyone else for what we’re experiencing)

8: Let Go of Resentments (Resentments survive and thrive because we’re unwilling to end that altercation [noisy argument or disagreement] with an offering of kindness, love, and authentic forgiveness)

9: Be Kind Instead of Right (learn to depersonalize what we’ve just heard and respond with kindness)

10: Practice Giving (Giving involves leaving the ego behind, be at peace and live in harmony)

11: Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended (Become a person who refuses to be offended by anyone, anything, or any set of circumstances)

12: Don’t Live In the Past – Be Present (We assign a good portion of our energy and attention lamenting the good old days that are gone forever as the reason why we can’t be happy and fulfilled today. Practice living in the moment by appreciating the beauty around us now)

13: Embrace Our Dark Times (Embrace them from that perspective, and then understand them, accept them, honour them, and finally transform them)

14: Refrain from Judgement (substitute love for these judgments, and know inner peace)

15: Send Love (send love in place of those judgments and criticisms to others, and have immediate result of inner contentment)

Send Love (send love in place of those judgments and criticisms to others, and have immediate result of inner contentment)

PHOTO: Send Love (send love in place of those judgments and criticisms to others, and have immediate result of inner contentment)
Picture posted by Teachings of the Ascended Masters of Wisdom


Understandably, basing on our own effort to accomplish the 15 steps to forgive others who have hurt us, we may not be successful. We need the help of another who have proven record of success in true forgiveness. He is God, and we desperately need to ask for His divine help. Then like David we say: "You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes." (Psalm 54:7). In this case, our common foe is Satan, and our troubles are to forgive others.

Understandably, basing on our own effort to accomplish the 15 steps to forgive others who have hurt us, we may not be successful.

PHOTO: Understandably, basing on our own effort to accomplish the 15 steps to forgive others who have hurt us, we may not be successful. We need the help of another who have proven record of success in true forgiveness. He is God, and we desperately need to ask for His divine help.
Picture posted by sisterhood.live


What does it mean to pray, "Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us" (Matthew 6:12 NLT)?
Bearing the Burden of Wrongs [2]
On January 30, 2018, almost thirty-eight years after his conviction, Malcolm Alexander walked out of prison a free man. DNA evidence cleared Alexander, who had steadfastly maintained his innocence amid a myriad of court proceedings that were tragically unjust. An incompetent defence attorney (later disbarred); shoddy evidence, and dubious investigative tactics all put an innocent man in prison for nearly four decades. When he was finally released, however, Alexander showed immense grace. "You cannot be angry," he said, "There's not enough time to be angry."

Bearing the Burden of Wrongs

PHOTO: Bearing the Burden of Wrongs
On January 30, 2018, almost thirty-eight years after his conviction, Malcolm Alexander walked out of prison a free man. DNA evidence cleared Alexander, who had steadfastly maintained his innocence amid a myriad of court proceedings that were tragically unjust. An incompetent defence attorney (later disbarred); shoddy evidence, and dubious investigative tactics all put an innocent man in prison for nearly four decades. "You cannot be angry," he said, "There's not enough time to be angry."
Picture posted by Innocence Project


Alexander's words evidence a deep grace. If injustice robbed us of thirty-eight years of our lives and destroyed our reputations, we would likely be angry, furious. Through Alexander spent many long, heart-breaking years bearing the burden of wrongs inflicted upon him, he wasn't undone by the evil. Rather than exerting his energy trying to get revenge, he exhibited the posture Peter instructs: "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult" (1 Peter 3:9).

Rather than exerting his energy trying to get revenge, he exhibited the posture Peter instructs: 'Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing.' (1 Peter 3:9).

PHOTO: Rather than exerting his energy trying to get revenge, he exhibited the posture Peter instructs: "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing." (1 Peter 3:9).
Picture posted by  Unknown  on Tuesday, 05 August 2014


The Scriptures go a step further: rather than seeking vengeance, the apostle Peter tells us we are to bless. (1 Peter 3:9). We extend forgiveness, the hope of well-being, for those who have unjustly wronged us. Without excusing their evil actions, we can meet them with God's scandalous mercy. On the cross, Jesus bore the burden of our wrongs, that we might receive grace and extend it to others - even those who have wronged us. This is what it mean in Matthew 6:12 NLT, to pray "Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us". Without excusing their actions, how can we extend mercy to others who have wronged us? Not to mention for us to "bless" them too.

On the cross, Jesus bore the burden of our wrongs, that we might receive grace and extend it to others - even those who have wronged us. PHOTO: On the cross, Jesus bore the burden of our wrongs, that we might receive grace and extend it to others - even those who have wronged us. This is what it mean in Matthew 6:12 NLT, to pray "Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us". Without excusing their actions, how can we extend mercy to others who have wronged us? Not to mention for us to "bless" them too.
Picture saved by Jahaziel to JW


Dear Lord, You are often depicted in the Bible as ever ready to forgive sinners.
Dear Lord, You are often depicted in the Bible as ever ready to forgive sinners.

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, You are often depicted in the Bible as ever ready to forgive sinners. You move readily and rapidly to forgive at even the slightest sign of repentance. Even the worst of sinners, who we might think would never receive God's forgiveness, tasted Your kindness.

Your forgiveness of the people of Nineveh showed a wonderful characteristic - Your compassion. Your heart melts when people turn or return to You. If You are angry with us, it is because You are concerned for our own good.

God, it's hard not to want those who hurt us to hurt just as much. Help us to live out Your mercy and grace. Help us to turn back to You, for You responds with a merciful, gracious heart. Forgives us and spares us the destruction we bring upon ourselves.

Although we will constantly face difficulties forgiving others the way You have forgiven us, help us to embrace the nature of our ministry - to take Your second chance to others, bringing the message of the good news with conviction and compassion.

Thank You for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and die for us, so that we can have the offer of Salvation. We pray that Your wrath will not come upon us, but Your Holy Spirit will come and help us accept Your offer of Salvation. So that we all can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven together with You. For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens, Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

Be exalted above the heaven, let Your glory be over all the earth. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by nevsepic.com on 05 June 2013
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Reflection - Jonah Gets a Second Chance - True Forgiveness
Question from source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 6, Question 3, Page 89.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon

"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon<br>
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)

"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)

[1] From "God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, Copyright © 2017 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-801-6, Part III: Jonah 3:1-10, Chapter 6 "Jonah Gets a Second Chance", Page 88-89.

[2] Our Daily Bread (March, April, May 2019), Bearing the Burden of Wrongs, posted on Friday, 22 March 2019.

[3] Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Hay House, Inc, How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You: In 15 Steps. Even When Forgiveness Feels Impossible., https://www.drwaynedyer.com/blog/how-to-forgive-someone-in-15-steps/

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

1 Kings 21:25-29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Kings+21%3A25-29&version=NIV

1 Peter 3:9 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Peter+3%3A9&version=NIV

2 Chronicles 33:13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Chronicles+33%3A13&version=NIV

Jonah 3:1-10 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A1-10&version=NIV

Jonah 3:9 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A9&version=NIV

Jonah 3:10 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A10&version=NIV

Matthew 6:12 NLT - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A12&version=NLT

Matthew 11:28-29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11%3A28-29&version=NIV

Psalm 54:7 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+54%3A7&version=NIV