(Produced by the special projects unit, marketing division, SPH)
Source Website: http://www.relax.com.sg/relax/titaniumtravel/517994/The_lure_of_Yellow_Dragon_Cave.html
By Chan Tik Seah, Mon, Dec 20 2010

PHOTO: Among Zhangjiajie's major attractions is Tianzi Mountain, whose peak of myraid rocks includes one that resembles an old man carrying a basket on his back
TheSundayTimes December 19, 2010, Page 5, Special

PHOTO: http://static.relax.com.sg/site/servlet/linkableblob/relax/518000/topImage.jpg - topImage - 2.jpg

PHOTO: http://static.relax.com.sg/site/servlet/linkableblob/relax/517996/topImage.jpg

PHOTO: China Tour Map - Zhangjiajie Travel Guide

PHOTO: http://static.relax.com.sg/site/servlet/linkableblob/relax/517998/topImage.jpg - topImage - 1.jpg
Must Explore

PHOTO: View beautiful scenery and natural heritage at Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Appreciate natural sights of trees, almost straight up and down mountains, streams and wild lives Enjoy uncanny workmanship by nature in Yellow Dragon Cave

PHOTO: There are four layers, about 1600 meters high, having one reservoir, two brooks, three waterfalls, four ponds, thirteen halls and ninety-six passages. The Yellow Dragon Cave is 13 km in length. The biggest hall in it is 12,000 square meters and can hold 10,000 people. Entering the cave, you feel you are in a fairyland, beautiful and tranquil.

Must Enjoy

PHOTO: Hallelujah Concert Hall in Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) Cave scenic area, Zhangjiajie City, a famous world heritage site.

PHOTO: At one end of the complex was a stage where a Chinese opera was being conducted.
http://www.chinadiscover.org/05_Hangzhou/Hangzhou_en.htm http://timandlaracompton.blogspot.com/2009/12/hangzhou-china.html

PHOTO: The Tianzi Mountain
Must Savour
A local favourite is a chicken and duck mix, cooked with a black fungus-like plant found on the cliffs of Zhangjiajie. The three key ingredients cooked together create such a tantalising and delicate aroma that earns this dish a place on the Ming and Qing emperors' banquet menu.
Must Have
Take note
HOTLINE For international medical assistance, call OCBC Concierge at 65 6322-2588.
For insurance claim assistance, call 6248-2638 or visit www.ocbc.com for more details.
Best Time to Visit All year round.
Currency 1 SGD = 5 Chinese Yuan (approx)

PHOTO: Dragons are legendary and imaginary creatures, commonly portrayed in various myths as serpentine or reptilian. We have seen dragons in various movies, cartoons, comic books and even video games, dragons always displayed as fierce and powerful flying creatures that are able to emit fire from their mouths. Many artists and designers have tried to draw their own version of powerful, fierce, old and mythical creatures. A fantastic digital art of dragons from deviantART.
- TheSundayTimes December 19, 2010, Page 5, Special (Produced by the special projects unit, marketing division, SPH)
- http://www.relax.com.sg/relax/titaniumtravel/517994/The_lure_of_Yellow_Dragon_Cave.html
- http://static.relax.com.sg/site/servlet/linkableblob/relax/517994/topImage/The_lure_of_Yellow_Dragon_Cave-topImage.jpg
- http://static.relax.com.sg/site/servlet/linkableblob/relax/517998/topImage.jpg - topImage - 1.jpg
- http://static.relax.com.sg/site/servlet/linkableblob/relax/518000/topImage.jpg - topImage - 2.jpg
- http://www.chinatourmap.com/zhangjiajie/images/wulingyuan.gif
- http://www.chinatourmap.com/zhangjiajie.html
- http://www.chinatourmap.com/zhangjiajie/images/forefinger_peak.gif
- http://www.chinatourmap.com/zhangjiajie.html
- http://images1.chinatraveldepot.com/Bossimages//packageimages/PicDisplay/2010-02-08/780e3518f13c49f7b2658573f8fb217d.jpg
- http://www.chinatraveldepot.com/Travel-to-Zhangjiajie
- http://www.chinatourselect.com/Uploadfile/201001/20100116090126478.jpg
- http://www.chinatourselect.com/China-Package/China-Package-Tours/hunan-tour.html
- http://www.enghunan.gov.cn/Tourism/PlacesToGo/6highlyrecommendeddestinations/PTG_Zhangjiajie/200809/W020080923632905789906.jpg
- http://www.enghunan.gov.cn/Tourism/PlacesToGo/6highlyrecommendeddestinations/PTG_Zhangjiajie/200809/t20080917_116345.htm
- http://www.chinadiscover.org/05_Hangzhou/Yellow_Dragon_Cave_Park_4_1200x900.jpg
- http://www.chinadiscover.org/05_Hangzhou/Hangzhou_en.htm
- http://timandlaracompton.blogspot.com/2009/12/hangzhou-china.html
- http://go.zjj.gov.cn/pic/20101102123803.jpg
- http://go.zjj.gov.cn/English/lyxw/20101102/123555.shtml
- http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/288/1/2/Golden_Chinese_Dragon_by_eic.jpg
- http://www.ahmadhania.com/2010/04/70-fierce-dragon-designs-from.html