PHOTO: http://www.thedctraveler.com/files/2007/01/chinese-new-year-4.jpg

PHOTO: http://s2.hubimg.com/u/173929_f520.jpg

PHOTO: http://media.lonelyplanet.com/lpimg/25268/25268-13/preview.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.timeoutsydney.com.au/aroundtown/large-festivals-chinese-new-year.jpg
People later learned that "nian" was afraid of loud noises and the color red, The villagers came together and agreed that when it was time for Nian's annual visit towards the end of winter they would start a fire in front of every door and not go to sleep but rather make noise.

PHOTO: http://www.allpics4u.com/www/slike/place/chinese%20new%20year/Chinese_new_year5.jpg
PHOTO: http://www.shenzhentour.com/VisitShenzhen/FileServer/23378/201318560.JPG

TODAY, Thursday January 21, 2010, PLUS PAGE 35

PHOTO: Chinese New Year Concerts By Nai-Ni Chen Co.

PHOTO: On the days before the New Year celebration, Chinese families give their home a complete and through cleaning. It’s believed that the cleaning sweeps away any bad luck and makes their home ready for good luck to arrive. The night before New Year’s Day, all brooms are stored away so that good luck cannot be swept away.

PHOTO: Sydney's Chinese New Year Festival is the largest celebration of the Lunar New Year outside Asia.

PICTURE: WEEKEND TODAY, Thursday January 23-24, 2010, WORLD PAGE 20 - By Social Development Network (SDN)

PHOTO: Celebrated in areas with large populations of ethnic Chinese, Chinese New Year is considered a major holiday for the Chinese and has had influence on the new year celebrations of its geographic neighbours, as well as cultures with whom the Chinese have had extensive interaction.

PICTURE: TODAY, Thursday January 21, 2010, PLUS PAGE 35
Celebrate Valentine and Chinese Lunar New Year together for Year 2010 - By City Square Mall
- http://hubpages.com/hub/the-story-of-the-nian-monster
- WEEKEND TODAY, Thursday January 23-24, 2010, WORLD PAGE 20 - By Social Development Network (SDN)
- TODAY, Thursday January 21, 2010, PLUS PAGE 35
- http://imcms2.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/pdf/20100121/2101FTL037.pdf
- http://www.timeoutsydney.com.au/aroundtown/large-festivals-chinese-new-year.jpg
- http://www.thedctraveler.com/files/2007/01/chinese-new-year-4.jpg
- http://www.allpics4u.com/www/slike/place/chinese%20new%20year/Chinese_new_year5.jpg
- http://s2.hubimg.com/u/173929_f520.jpg http://blogs.app.com/cultureklatch/files/2009/01/chen2.jpg
- http://media.lonelyplanet.com/lpimg/25268/25268-13/preview.jpg
- http://www.shenzhentour.com/VisitShenzhen/FileServer/23378/201318560.JPG