By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Peter said way back there in chapter 13, “Lord, I’ll die, I’ll go anywhere, I’ll follow You, I’ll go to the cross. If they’re going to crucify You, they can crucify me too.” (John 13:36-38). And now Jesus is saying, “Well, Peter, that’s going to happen. You’re going to have an opportunity to be nailed to a cross. If you’re going to follow Me, pick up your cross right now; that’s where we’re going.” (John 21:18-19).
What would have happened if Peter had not followed Christ?
Jesus said people would run up to Him and say, “Master, we’ll follow you wherever we walk.” (John 13:37).
And Jesus would say, “You sure you want to follow me? You want to know where we’re going? We’re heading for a hill outside Jerusalem called Calvary and they’re going to nail Me to a cross."
But they couldn’t follow him. They all forsook Him and fled. (John 13:38). Before the rooster crows, Peter will disown Him three times! (John 13:38). They were thinking of themselves. Whereas Jesus was thinking of us, they were thinking of themselves.
Peter denied the Lord thrice, but he is given a second chance to die for the Lord in the Tribulation. Peter would be willing to die but not in a hurry to die!
Being told to follow the Lord, we’d think Peter would watch Him, but he turned his eyes to John (John 21:20). Instead he should have been “looking unto Jesus” for the Lord was faithful to death (Hebrews12:2), while John might not be.
In John 21:18-19, the Lord had predicted that Peter would be faithful to death. If Peter had not followed Christ, he probably would have run away from his mission. But, as in the book of Jonah, God will pursue His people relentlessly —— whether a renegade prophet, a boatful of desperate sailors, or a sinful city. God will not hesitate to use the forces of nature to challenge Peter.
But this was not the case, and John had wrote enough to get men to believe that Jesus was the Christ (John 20:31).
How do you think he would have died? (Hint: To follow Jesus is to have His company even to the end.)
If Peter had not follow the Lord, how he would have died is only known by God. The truth of the matter is that how we die is not in our hands. Scripture declares that our times are in God's hands (Psalm 31:15).
God is entirely sovereign in determining how we will end our journey on earth. It may come suddenly, or after a long struggle with illness. It may be painful or peaceful. It is not for us to say how it will be. We can have our preferences, but ultimately we die according to God's will.
Though the end may be unpleasant for some, it will not last long. And as we go through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not have to be afraid, for Jesus who once died for us will be there with us. His shepherd's rod and staff will comfort us (Psalm 23:4).
We may not know how we will die, but we know who will be with us when we die. And that's what really matters.
In spite of the gruesome details Peter heard about his death, he must have taken comfort and joy in hearing that his death would glorify God. Peter’s love for Jesus and his desire to obey and glorify Him were evident throughout the rest of his life and ministry. For Peter to die a martyr’s death clinging to the hope of heaven testifies to the courage, faith, patience, and perseverance of this great man of God who rejoiced to be counted worthy to die for the name of Jesus.
Picture posed by - Why do we die?
Read John 21:18-19. Jesus told Peter how he would die, which would be an unpleasant experience (and tradition holds that Peter was crucified for his faith in Christ). Why do you think Jesus then commanded Peter, "Follow me!" - what would have happened if Peter had not followed Christ? How do you think he would have died? (Hint: To follow Jesus is to have His company even to the end.)
Read John 21:18-19. Jesus told Peter how he would die, which would be an unpleasant experience (and tradition holds that Peter was crucified for his faith in Christ). Why do you think Jesus then commanded Peter, "Follow me!".
Peter said way back there in chapter 13, “Lord, I’ll die, I’ll go anywhere, I’ll follow You, I’ll go to the cross. If they’re going to crucify You, they can crucify me too.” (John 13:36-38). And now Jesus is saying, “Well, Peter, that’s going to happen. You’re going to have an opportunity to be nailed to a cross. If you’re going to follow Me, pick up your cross right now; that’s where we’re going.” (John 21:18-19). [2]

PHOTO: Peter said in chapter 13, “Lord, I’ll die, I’ll go anywhere, I’ll follow You, I’ll go to the cross. If they’re going to crucify You, they can crucify me too.” (John 13:36-38).
Picture posted by Claret WestNg on 17 May 2018
What would have happened if Peter had not followed Christ?
Jesus said people would run up to Him and say, “Master, we’ll follow you wherever we walk.” (John 13:37).
And Jesus would say, “You sure you want to follow me? You want to know where we’re going? We’re heading for a hill outside Jerusalem called Calvary and they’re going to nail Me to a cross."
But they couldn’t follow him. They all forsook Him and fled. (John 13:38). Before the rooster crows, Peter will disown Him three times! (John 13:38). They were thinking of themselves. Whereas Jesus was thinking of us, they were thinking of themselves.
Peter denied the Lord thrice, but he is given a second chance to die for the Lord in the Tribulation. Peter would be willing to die but not in a hurry to die!

PHOTO: Peter denied the Lord thrice, but he is given a second chance to die for the Lord in the Tribulation. Peter would be willing to die but not in a hurry to die!
Posted by worshipwonderandtheword on 1 April 2015 - Peter denied the Lord thrice
Being told to follow the Lord, we’d think Peter would watch Him, but he turned his eyes to John (John 21:20). Instead he should have been “looking unto Jesus” for the Lord was faithful to death (Hebrews12:2), while John might not be.
In John 21:18-19, the Lord had predicted that Peter would be faithful to death. If Peter had not followed Christ, he probably would have run away from his mission. But, as in the book of Jonah, God will pursue His people relentlessly —— whether a renegade prophet, a boatful of desperate sailors, or a sinful city. God will not hesitate to use the forces of nature to challenge Peter.
PHOTO: If Peter had not followed Christ, he probably would have run away from his mission. But, as in the book of Jonah, God will pursue His people relentlessly —— whether a renegade prophet, a boatful of desperate sailors, or a sinful city. God will not hesitate to use the forces of nature to challenge Peter.
Picture posted by Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
But this was not the case, and John had wrote enough to get men to believe that Jesus was the Christ (John 20:31).

PHOTO: Peter weeping bitterly (his repentance) after denying Jesus thrice.
Picture posted by Mark Sengele, Seeds of Faith - Peter Denies Jesus
How do you think he would have died? (Hint: To follow Jesus is to have His company even to the end.)
If Peter had not follow the Lord, how he would have died is only known by God. The truth of the matter is that how we die is not in our hands. Scripture declares that our times are in God's hands (Psalm 31:15).

Picture posted by World Virtual Museum
God is entirely sovereign in determining how we will end our journey on earth. It may come suddenly, or after a long struggle with illness. It may be painful or peaceful. It is not for us to say how it will be. We can have our preferences, but ultimately we die according to God's will.
Drawing by Heinrich Hofmann
Picture posted by Paul Martin - Thank God for Peter
(Thanks to Peter I am forever reassured, I am not the only one who makes mistakes. Christ will reach his hand out to me as well, as long as I am following in his footsteps.)
Though the end may be unpleasant for some, it will not last long. And as we go through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not have to be afraid, for Jesus who once died for us will be there with us. His shepherd's rod and staff will comfort us (Psalm 23:4). [1]
We may not know how we will die, but we know who will be with us when we die. And that's what really matters.
In spite of the gruesome details Peter heard about his death, he must have taken comfort and joy in hearing that his death would glorify God. Peter’s love for Jesus and his desire to obey and glorify Him were evident throughout the rest of his life and ministry. For Peter to die a martyr’s death clinging to the hope of heaven testifies to the courage, faith, patience, and perseverance of this great man of God who rejoiced to be counted worthy to die for the name of Jesus. [3]

Picture saved by Roma Alvarez to My Smelly Cottage - The kiss of death

In John 21:18-19, the Lord had predicted that Peter would be faithful to death. If Peter had not followed Christ, he probably would have run away from his mission. But, as in the book of Jonah, God will pursue His people relentlessly —— whether a renegade prophet, a boatful of desperate sailors, or a sinful city. God will not hesitate to use the forces of nature to challenge Peter. Thank You Lord, for always guiding us onto the correct path, just as You have done for Peter.
We learn that if Peter had not follow the Lord, how he would have died is only known by God. The truth of the matter is that how we die is not in our hands. Scripture declares that our times are in God's hands.
Lord, You are entirely sovereign in determining how we will end our journey on earth. It may come suddenly, or after a long struggle with illness. It may be painful or peaceful. It is not for us to say how it will be. We can have our preferences, but ultimately we die according to Your will.
Lord, You decides how long we will live and how we will die. You do it with all sovereign wisdom, love, and power. We therefore can trust You to work all things together for our good. Though the end may be unpleasant for some, we pray that it will not last long. And as we go through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not have to be afraid, for Jesus who once died for us will be there with us. His shepherd's rod and staff will comfort us.
Lord, we may not know how we will die, but we know who will be with us when we die. And that's what really matters.
We pray for Your help if like Peter, in spite of the gruesome details we heard about our death, we can take comfort and joy that our death would glorify God. Have our love for Jesus and our desire to obey and glorify Him be evident throughout the rest of our life and ministry. Help us to cling to the hope of heaven and be testified to the courage, faith, patience, and perseverance, and that we can rejoice to be counted worthy to die for the name of Jesus.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by
Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, Part V: THINKING OF HEAVEN, Chapter 30, "What is Our Exit Plan?", Question 2, Page 199.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Other Books
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
[2] The Berean Call, What Is the Meaning of John 21:18?,
[3] Got Questions Ministries, How did the apostle Peter die?,
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Hebrews12:2 -
John 13:37 -
John 13:38 -
John 20:31 -
John 21:18-19 -
John 21:20 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Psalm 23:4 -
Psalm 31:15 -
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