By Cheow Sue-Ann and Goh Ruoxue, The New Paper, 25 July 2019 at 06:00 am

PHOTO: One expert said the stress can be so overwhelming that caregivers would even hurt their loved ones.
Most victims know their abusers - often caregivers such as family members.
Picture posted byy Cheow Sue-Ann and Goh Ruoxue, The New Paper on 25 July 2019 at 06:00 am
A woman refused to take her father, who has Parkinson's disease, for his medical appointments.
She ignored doctors' advice to feed her elderly parents soft and healthy food and instead denied them access to proper nutrition, forcing them to eat bread for most meals. She also deprived them of money and warned them not to seek help.
Ms Shannen Ang, centre manager and senior counsellor at Sage Counselling Centre, gave these details of an elderly abuse case, a problem that has seen rising numbers in recent years.
Latest figures from the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) show the number of such cases has more than doubled in two years.

PHOTO: Latest figures from the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) show the number of such elderly abuse cases has more than doubled in two years.
Picture posted byy Cheow Sue-Ann and Goh Ruoxue, The New Paper on 25 July 2019 at 06:00 am
In 2016, 55 cases of elderly abuse were reported to MSF. In 2017, they rose to 77 cases, then shot up to 126 cases last year.
Apart from physical abuse, victims could also face neglect as well as emotional, psychological and sexual abuse, said MSF.
Its spokesman told The New Paper: "The injuries arising from these types of abuse vary in nature and severity.
"Typically, injuries may involve bruises, cane marks, abrasions, hip fractures and bedsores due to neglect in care."
MSF noted that there has been no known fatality resulting from abuse of the elderly, which is defined as anyone aged at least 65.
The abusers are often caregivers. About 80 per cent of the victims know their abusers, who could be their children, step-children or spouse, said MSF.

PHOTO: MSF spokesman told The New Paper: "The injuries arising from these types of abuse vary in nature and severity. Typically, injuries may involve bruises, cane marks, abrasions, hip fractures and bedsores due to neglect in care." MSF noted that there has been no known fatality resulting from abuse of the elderly, which is defined as anyone aged at least 65.
The abusers are often caregivers. About 80 per cent of the victims know their abusers, who could be their children, step-children or spouse, said MSF.
Picture posted by Levin Papantonia - Elder Abuse Goes Online: Nursing Home Employees Post Photos of Their Handiwork On Social Media
Experts told TNP that abuse sometimes occur in the heat of the moment when caregivers are overwhelmed, frustrated or stressed-out.
On average, about 12 per cent of the cases investigated by MSF will also have a concurrent police investigation, said the spokesman.
"Typically, the police may be involved in cases where there are concerns over a criminal offence being committed against the victim, such as sexual or serious physical abuse," she added.
MSF figures show that sexual abuse of the elderly is rare, with no reported case in 2016 and one each in 2017 and 2018.
Ms Shailey Hingorani, head of advocacy and research at Aware, said: "Regardless of the age of the parties involved, sexual violence is more often perpetrated by someone known to the survivor than by a stranger."
Ms Ang told TNP that the elderly couple in her anecdote would be considered to have been emotionally abused and neglected. They were so terrified of their daughter that they had to discreetly contact her.

PHOTO: Ms Ang told TNP that the elderly couple in her anecdote would be considered to have been emotionally abused and neglected. They were so terrified of their daughter that they had to discreetly contact her.
Picture posted by alamy - Woman in a dark lit room - (KDP4R3_1.png)
"It is sad to see elderly people in such abuse cases being so helpless, yet they can rely only on their children."
MacPherson MP Tin Pei Ling told TNP: "It is sad to hear about the rise in such cases, especially when it comes to the elderly who are vulnerable, not just because of their age but also their physical condition.
"It is even sadder when it is their family members, whom they love and trust, who abuse them."
Many cases of elderly abuses remain unreported.
Dr Ng Wai Chong, chief of clinical affairs of Tsao Foundation, said: "Some elders may not be aware that they are being abused, such as in cases of financial abuse.
"In another instance, victims may not want to speak up and report abuse for fear of loss of face. Even when it is discovered, the victim may not want decisive intervention, such as segregation from the abuser."

PHOTO: Many cases of elderly abuses remain unreported.
"In another instance, victims may not want to speak up and report abuse for fear of loss of face. Even when it is discovered, the victim may not want decisive intervention, such as segregation from the abuser."
Picture posted byy Cheow Sue-Ann and Goh Ruoxue, The Straits Times on 25 July 2019 at 1:00 pm SGT×tamp=1564016558
MSF said the rise in the number of cases could also be attributed to increased awareness about the issue.
"While there has been an increase in elder abuse cases, the absolute number continues to be relatively low," its spokesman said. "The increase in elder abuse cases handled by MSF does not necessarily indicate a growing occurrence of abuse, and may in part reflect the community's growing ability to identify cases of abuse and refer them for help."
Still, the consequences of elder abuse are dire, experts said.
Ms Evonne Lek, a family therapist, told TNP: "At their end of life, having to face such abuse at the hands of their children can lead to a steep psychological decline, and they may feel that life is not worth living."
Associate Professor Tan Ern Ser said: "(A rise in elder abuse cases) would undermine the family as an institution for mutual support and for inculcating respect and honour for elders in the family."

PHOTO: MSF officers reveal horror stories
A Ministry of Social and Family Development officer at a Social Service Office (SSO) was assaulted while talking to a person about his financial situation. Her experience is not surprising, the staff at Bukit Merah SSO tell Foo Jie Ying.
National University of Singapore sociologist Tan Ern Ser said that those working in SSOs may face more aggression than other front-line service staff because of the difference in clientele.
He explained: "Viewed from a more gracious angle, one may argue that many among this clientele are desperate and angry, and harbouring high expectations of government agencies, and therefore have a low threshold for expressing their frustrations in socially acceptable ways.
"Viewed from a less sympathetic angle, one may argue that such people may be prone to violence when they do not get their way, regardless of the context. They may feel they have little to lose from violating a social norm, and perhaps much to gain if they succeed in intimidating others."
Ironically, the quieter and clear-headed clients are sometimes harder to handle.
PHOTO: AsiaOne Graphic
Picture posted by Foo Jie Ying, The New Paper on 02 December 2015
PHOTO: Ultimately everybody will be in some difficult situations that come with suffering, shame, and discomfort. It is the degree of pain felt, and our tolerance level, which determine how the outcome will be. The pain may come from the caregiver, and those who are supposed to help but severely restricted with availability of resources.
So, we may think that the more resources available, the better it will be. But this is not always the case. Ironically, comparing with those in better situations often lead to negative action and outcome - resulting in curbing others of their safety. There is no joy or rejoicing when we perceived that we are the only one suffering. We want fairness, but worldly fairness in itself has no standard. What is fair for me may not be acceptable to others, and vice versa. Somebody bigger and more powerful is in a better position to get what they think should be theirs. In conclusion, it is how willing we are to share and give to those who are in needs that determines the amount of their pains and sufferings.
There comes the reward of helping others in needs. "Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God." (Proverbs 14:31). And he will reward them for what they have done.
But we are also forewarned. "The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short." (Proverbs 10:27).
Picture posted by Anonymous on Monday, 02 July 2018 at 20:56:24
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PHOTO: "People will oppress each other — man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the nobody against the honored." (Isaiah 3:5). However, the Bible is clear. We are to give in to the elder whenever possible and follow their wisdom and leadership when it does not go against the clear teaching of God's word. [2]
Picture posted by johnmurray, The Waterbury Observer on Monday, 08 January 2018 at 15:13
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[1] Cheow Sue-Ann and Goh Ruoxue, The New Paper, Elderly abuse cases more than doubled in two years: MSF, posted on 25 July 2019 at 06:00 am,
[2] Learn the Bible , Elder Abuse - What Does The Bible Say about It?,
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