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Monday, March 25, 2019

Reflection - Jonah Gets a Second Chance - Second Chance

Source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 6, Question 1, Page 89.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Reflect on how God gave Jonah a second chance.
PHOTO: Reflect on how God gave Jonah a second chance.
Most of us act foolishly from time to time, but because God is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), He often gives us a second chance.

God gave Jonah a second chance too: "Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time" (Jonah 3:1). Instead of rejecting the disobedient prophet and disposing of him, God again asked him to go to Nineveh. Having rescued Jonah miraculously, He was now giving the prophet another opportunity to obey Him. Jonah had run away from God, but now God was giving him another chance to run for Him.

By now, Jonah must have realised that disobeying God and running away was a waste of time and effort. Like being in a game of Snakes and Ladders, he found himself back at square one, having to start all over again. But he would also have realised something else: God's mercy and grace.

What can we learn about God?
God Forgives and Forgets
In sending His word to Jonah a second time, God showed that He had forgiven the errant prophet. Not only that, God issued him the same orders, as if He had forgotten all that had happened in between. He did not mention Jonah's shameful behaviour: how he had foolishly endangered the lives of others, how he had not lived up to what he believed about God, or how he had almost died because of his disobedience.

Unlike Satan, God does not torment us about our past sins and failures. When He forgives, He forgets - and He treats us with a fresh dose of love and grace. That is why His compassions are "new every morning" (Lamentations 3:22-23). The prophet Micah wrote, "Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea" (Micah 7:18-19). What a merciful God we worship!

There is something else wonderful about God giving Jonah a second chance. Not only did He forgive Jonah and forget his past mistakes, He also showed that He was willing to trust the prophet to carry out His instructions. And while Nineveh was a foreboding mission field, God had already shown Jonah that He could save and protect the prophet from any harm. It was as if God was telling Jonah, "With my help, you can do it."

This second set of instructions to Jonah also hints at God's mercy. While it was similar to the first, there appeared to be some softening of His tone. The first set of instructions had strong words: Jonah was to preach against the great city of Nineveh because of its wickedness (Jonah 1:2). This time, God simply told Jonah to proclaim His message to the city (Jonah 3:2). This suggested a shift in His intentions - God seemed to be signalling that He was ready to relent and forgive if the Ninevites repented.

When we showed that we are ready to run for God, he would show what this produced: true preaching, which would bring about true repentance and draw true forgiveness.

The period of 40 days can mean several things, but it is commonly seen as referring to a period of testing or trials. Thus, when Jonah declared that Nineveh had 40 days before God would destroy it, it came not only as a terrifying warning, but also signalled a period of testing for the city.

Make a list of second chances you have experienced, and a list of people you know who need to be given a second chance.
List of second chances I have experienced

Going to schools to learn in a different way, than learning from parents to become a farmer which was a dying trade in my country. With education we have another chance to earn a livelihood in an evolving environment.

Found a new job in a electronic toy production company with better air-conditioned environment, regular pay, and knowing more people. Subsequently job-hopped to different companies, meeting other people, and doing different things of interest, with changing income.

Resettled from kampung village to modern city, into neighbourhood with different environment, amenities, and neighbours. Our old kampung houses would be demolished, and the area redeveloped. Another chance to adapt to many unknowns in a developing country.

Survived from an accident while riding a motorcycle in my twenties. A lorry from my right hit my handle twice while overtaking me, causing me to fall onto the left. I landed under another moving lorry, and fortunately, it stopped. My helmet cracked when my head hit the road. The helmet subsequently flew off with its strap cutting into corner of my left eye, and scrapping off the skin of my left cheek. The whole weight of the motor landed on my left leg. For some time I couldn't breathe and was immobile. Fortunately, helps arrived, and I was carried to the side of the road. If the lorry which I was under had not stop, I would have been crushed to death. I had 3 weeks of painful time before I was able to walk on my own again, but a lifetime of fear to ride a motorcycle again. After the accident I decided not to ride motorcycle again. Instead, I used the public transports, or I walk to my destination. Another chance, to adopt a suitable and safer lifestyle.

Retrenched form work twice, go into retirement, and developing spiritual relationship with God again.

During retirement, discovered the Park Connector Networks (PCN), changed to another lifestyle by having predawn walk and exercises, to improve our health, and meeting other elderly uncles doing likewise. Another chance to live life to the fullest after being a flop in the working world.

Opportunity to help to look after (and interact) our niece and nephew, from birth till present studying in university / working. Understand better what is meant by giving, and receiving second chance, as a guardian, caregiver and building parent-child relationships.

Reading a new Christian book is a second chance to gain a renewed inspiration. Read, search for answer to provocative questions, and post it on internet to share with others the good news.

Every Day I live is a Second Chance to see, feel, and learn about God and His creations. Every day brings new happenings to our ever changing world. Another chance to appreciate God's creations and get closer to Him. When encounter with troubles, He lifted us out of the depths and heal us. He brought us up from the grave, and spare us from going down into the pit. (Psalm 30:1, 3)

Give others a second chance, to experience new kind of human renewal, gratitude, and appreciation. For example, when our lift was under maintenance, helping an auntie to carry her e-scooter down one floor to a common corridor, so that she could ride to another working lift. She was happy that she could proceed on her journey although our lift was repaired by that time.

List of people I know who need to be given a second chance
We all make mistakes, and we too wish that we could be given a second chance. People do repent upon realising their mistakes, and would give genuine apology. Sometimes, those mistakes deserve to be forgiven and relationship restored.

Recently an uncle from our neighbourhood requested for financial help to pay for his 4th stage prostate cancer's treatment. He promised to return the money at the end of the month. We obliged, but a few days later, he made similar request. We turned down the request because of suspicion that he was using the money for some other purpose. And he seem to need a lot more without wanting others to know the true reason.

True enough, he could not pay for what he borrowed at the end of the month. Months passed and he still could not pay us back. Although we did not ask him about the matter, he started to avoid us. This happened for some time until one day he approached my sister and informed her that he had found a job. He would tried his best to return us the money. I felt that he would genuinely tried to repay what he had borrowed and should be forgiven, and given a second chance.

Turn your thoughts into prayer and action.
Artwork by by LuigiYoshi2210 from DeviantArt.
Picture posted by Kenny (TWDG)@Kenny_TWD_RP on December 2018


Reflect on how God gave Jonah a second chance. What can we learn about God? Make a list of second chances you have experienced, and a list of people you know who need to be given a second chance. Turn your thoughts into prayer and action.

Reflect on how God gave Jonah a second chance.
Most of us act foolishly from time to time, but because God is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), He often gives us a second chance. The apostle Peter, for example, denied Jesus three times. He must have thought that he had blown his chances, because he went back to fishing afterwards. But the risen Christ met and reinstated him to ministry, appointing him to feed His flock (John 21). Then there was Mark (also known as John), who gave up halfway while accompanying Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, abandoning the team (Acts 13:13). We are not sure what made him lose heart, but when Paul and Barnabas decided to go on a second journey, Paul strongly opposed the inclusion of Mark (Acts 15:36-40). Barnabas, however, gave Mark a second chance and took him on another trip. The young man must have made good use of his second chance, because Paul later acknowledged that he was helpful to him (2 Timothy 4:11).

Most of us act foolishly from time to time, but because God is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), He often gives us a second chance.
PHOTO: Most of us act foolishly from time to time, but because God is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), He often gives us a second chance.
Picture posted by Rev Eldridge Bowen on 18 July 2018


God gave Jonah a second chance too: "Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time" (Jonah 3:1). Instead of rejecting the disobedient prophet and disposing of him, God again asked him to go to Nineveh. Having rescued Jonah miraculously, He was now giving the prophet another opportunity to obey Him. Jonah had run away from God, but now God was giving him another chance to run for Him.

God gave Jonah a second chance too
PHOTO: God gave Jonah a second chance too: "Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time" (Jonah 3:1). Jonah had run away from God, but now God was giving him another chance to run for Him.
Published in Bulletin Covers on 24 January 2015


By now, Jonah must have realised that disobeying God and running away was a waste of time and effort. Like being in a game of Snakes and Ladders, he found himself back at square one, having to start all over again. But he would also have realised something else: God's mercy and grace.

By now, Jonah must have realised that disobeying God and running away was a waste of time and effort.
PHOTO: By now, Jonah must have realised that disobeying God and running away was a waste of time and effort. But he would also have realised something else: God's mercy and grace.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania



What can we learn about God?
God Forgives and Forgets [1]
In sending His word to Jonah a second time, God showed that He had forgiven the errant prophet. Not only that, God issued him the same orders, as if He had forgotten all that had happened in between. He did not mention Jonah's shameful behaviour: how he had foolishly endangered the lives of others, how he had not lived up to what he believed about God, or how he had almost died because of his disobedience.

God Forgives and Forgets
PHOTO: God Forgives and Forgets
In sending His word to Jonah a second time, God showed that He had forgiven the errant prophet. Not only that, God issued him the same orders, as if He had forgotten all that had happened in between.
Picture saved by Sandy Corbitt to animals huge


Church reformer Martin Luther once dream of being attacked by Satan. The devil unrolled a long scroll containing a list of Luther's sins, and held it before him. On reaching the end of the scroll, Luther asked the devil, "Is that all?" "No," came the reply, and a second scroll was thrust in front of him. Then came a third scroll and the devil had no more. "You've forgotten something," Luther exclaimed triumphantly. "Quickly write on each of them, 'The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sins'." [25]

Martin Luther once dream of being attacked by Satan
PHOTO: Martin Luther once dream of being attacked by Satan
"You've forgotten something," Luther exclaimed triumphantly. "The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sins".
Picture posted by pinteresst.eu


Unlike Satan, God does not torment us about our past sins and failures. When He forgives, He forgets - and He treats us with a fresh dose of love and grace. That is why His compassions are "new every morning" (Lamentations 3:22-23). The prophet Micah wrote, "Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea" (Micah 7:18-19). What a merciful God we worship!

Unlike Satan, God does not torment us about our past sins and failures.

PHOTO: Unlike Satan, God does not torment us about our past sins and failures. When He forgives, He forgets - and He treats us with a fresh dose of love and grace. That is why His compassions are "new every morning" (Lamentations 3:22-23).
Picture posted by Crossroad Fellowship on 24 October 2017

There is something else wonderful about God giving Jonah a second chance. Not only did He forgive Jonah and forget his past mistakes, He also showed that He was willing to trust the prophet to carry out His instructions. And while Nineveh was a foreboding mission field, God had already shown Jonah that He could save and protect the prophet from any harm. It was as if God was telling Jonah, "With my help, you can do it."

God often gives this kind of assurance to those sent on difficult missions. When He sent Moses to speak to the cruel Pharaoh, He told him, "I will be with you" (Exodus 3:12). And when He sent Joshua into Canaan to fight Israel's powerful enemies, He gave the same assurance - "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you" (Joshua 1:5). Likewise, when the Lord Jesus sends us to make disciples of all nations, He also assures us, "I am with you always" (Matthew 28:18-20).

There is something else wonderful about God giving Jonah a second chance.
PHOTO: There is something else wonderful about God giving Jonah a second chance. And while Nineveh was a foreboding mission field, God had already shown Jonah that He could save and protect the prophet from any harm. It was as if God was telling Jonah, "With my help, you can do it."
Picture posted by BIBLE Students DAILY

This second set of instructions to Jonah also hints at God's mercy. While it was similar to the first, there appeared to be some softening of His tone. The first set of instructions had strong words: Jonah was to preach against the great city of Nineveh because of its wickedness (Jonah 1:2). This time, God simply told Jonah to proclaim His message to the city (Jonah 3:2). This suggested a shift in His intentions - God seemed to be signalling that He was ready to relent and forgive if the Ninevites repented.

This second set of instructions to Jonah also hints at God's mercy.
PHOTO: This second set of instructions to Jonah also hints at God's mercy. While it was similar to the first, there appeared to be some softening of His tone. God seemed to be signalling that He was ready to relent and forgive if the Ninevites repented.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania - Nineveh broke God's commandments and inevitably led to a sordid history of blatant idolatry.


Jonah probably did not notice this hint at the time. Nevertheless, he "obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh" (Jonah 3:3). People often think that Jonah was vomited by the fish onto land near Nineveh, but the city was in fact quite a distance from the Mediterranean Sea. Jonah must have travelled overland to reach Nineveh, some 1,000 kilometres from Israel. And when he reached the city, he showed that he was now ready to run for God. In doing so, he would show what this produced: true preaching, which would bring about true repentance and draw true forgiveness.

Jonah must have travelled overland to reach Nineveh, some 1,000 kilometres from Israel.
PHOTO: Jonah must have travelled overland to reach Nineveh, some 1,000 kilometres from Israel. And when he reached the city, he showed that he was now ready to run for God. In doing so, he would show what this produced: true preaching, which would bring about true repentance and draw true forgiveness.
Picture pin by Eva Gomez on profeta Eliseo t


True Preaching [1]
Jonah wasted no time. As soon as he got to Nineveh, he immediately started preaching (Jonah 3:4), without stopping for orientation or rest. Perhaps Jonah did not want to risk any more delay, having personally experienced the consequences of disobeying God's command.

Jonah wasted no time. As soon as he got to Nineveh, he immediately started preaching (Jonah 3:4), without stopping for orientation or rest.
PHOTO: Jonah wasted no time. As soon as he got to Nineveh, he immediately started preaching (Jonah 3:4), without stopping for orientation or rest.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania


The mission was not an easy one, even in physical terms. Nineveh, the leading city of the mighty Assyrian empire located east of the Tigris River, was so large that it took three days to walk through it (Jonah 3:3).

Some have argued that this was an exaggeration, given the actual size of the ancient city. If we take into account that the text may have referred to greater Nineveh, which included the surrounding villages and small towns, however, the city would have stretched 50 to 90 kilometres across, which would explain the long journey. Or, the text might have been used to describe Jonah taking three days to go to various parts of the city to preach his message. [26] Some sources describe Nineveh as having 1,200 towers, each of which was 60 metres high, and a city wall that was 30 metres high and stretched some 100 kilometres, through some of these accounts may have been a bit of an overestimate. [27] Its population was said to have topped 600,000. The city reportedly hosted a massive grand palace, temples, libraries, and other public buildings.

The mission was not an easy one, even in physical terms.
PHOTO: The mission was not an easy one, even in physical terms. Nineveh, the leading city of the mighty Assyrian empire located east of the Tigris River, was so large that it took three days to walk through it (Jonah 3:3). The city reportedly hosted a massive grand palace, temples, libraries, and other public buildings.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania


As much as his journey into Nineveh was long, however, Jonah's message was exceedingly short: "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown" (Jonah 3:4). In Hebrew, this sentence involves just four words. Imagine being assigned to preach such a short sermon. It won't be too difficult to deliver it - or to remember it!

When Methodist preacher and scholar Roy DeLamotte was a chaplain at Paine College in Georgia, America, he once delivered a sermon that few would forget. The title of the sermon was a rather long one: "What does Christ Answer When We Ask, 'Lord, What's in Religion for Me?'" In view of the title, the congregation gathered at the chapel anticipated a substantial sermon. But they were in for a great surprise. When DeLamotte stood up to speak, his entire sermon contained just one word: "Nothing".

As much as his journey into Nineveh was long, however, Jonah's message was exceedingly short: 'Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown' (Jonah 3:4).
PHOTO: As much as his journey into Nineveh was long, however, Jonah's message was exceedingly short: "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown" (Jonah 3:4).
Picture posted by .touchoffire.com

It was the shortest sermon in the history of Paine College. DeLamotte later explained that the one-word sermon was meant for people brought up on the "gimme-gimme" gospel. Asked how long it took him to prepare the message, he replied, "Twenty years". [28]

When Methodist preacher and scholar Roy DeLamotte was a chaplain at Paine College in Georgia, America, he once delivered a sermon that few would forget.

PHOTO: When Methodist preacher and scholar Roy DeLamotte was a chaplain at Paine College in Georgia, America, he once delivered a sermon that few would forget. The title of the sermon was a rather long one: "What does Christ Answer When We Ask, 'Lord, What's in Religion for Me?'" When DeLamotte stood up to speak, his entire sermon contained just one word: "Nothing".
Picture posted by THE IMAGINARIUM™, Unlimited Photography

https://theimaginariumup.tumblr.com/image/115141809924 - (tumblr_nm3cp8dc1S1upi9nuo1_1280.jpg)

English preacher John Stott contrasts such sound preaching with preachers who miss the points. "Some preachers are like the Chinese Jugglers," he writes in Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today. "One stood against a wall and the others threw knives at him. They'd hit above his head, close by his ear, under his armpit, and between his fingers. They could throw within a hair's breadth and never strike." [29]

Preachers who strike the right points within a hair's breadth.

PHOTO: Preachers who strike the right points within a hair's breadth.
Picture posted by Pressbooks (Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy) on Wednesday, 04 October 2017 - Circus of Fear (1966) Pressbook


Indeed, one word that hits the mark and drives home the point is better than many words that miss the target. Jonah did not attempt to make his message longer or package it to fit popular trends or ideas of his day, nor did he try to soften it. Sound preaching focuses purely on God's message as it is given, and it is in this way that His Word is experienced. It was a hard message to preach - as with all message pronouncing judgement - but the prophet did not attempt to sugar coat the fact that God is holy and righteous. In doing so, he preached the Word of God in totality, or, as Acts 20:27 puts it, "the whole will of God".

The prophet did not attempt to sugar coat the fact that God is holy and righteous.

PHOTO: The prophet did not attempt to sugar coat the fact that God is holy and righteous. In doing so, he preached the Word of God in totality, or, as Acts 20:27 puts it, "the whole will of God".
Picture saved by Gasper Barla to gasper

According to Jonah, Nineveh would be "overthrown" - the same word is used to describe God's judgement on the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:21, 25, 29) - after 40 days. This span of time is significant in the Bible. The great flood rose for 40 days (Genesis 7:17); Moses spent 40 days and nights with God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:18); the Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the desert before entering the Promised Land (Numbers 32:13); the spies sent out by Moses to survey Canaan took 40 days to complete the job (Numbers 13:25); Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the wilderness where He was tested before beginning His public ministry (Matthew 4:2); and after His resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with His disciples, speaking to them about the kingdom of God, before His ascension (Acts 1:3).

According to Jonah, Nineveh would be 'overthrown' - the same word is used to describe God's judgement on the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:21, 25, 29) - after 40 days.

PHOTO: According to Jonah, Nineveh would be "overthrown" - the same word is used to describe God's judgement on the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:21, 25, 29) - after 40 days. This span of time is significant in the Bible.
Picture saved by Paula Wasserman to bucket list


The period of 40 days can mean several things, but it is commonly seen as referring to a period of testing or trials. Thus, when Jonah declared that Nineveh had 40 days before God would destroy it, it came not only as a terrifying warning, but also signalled a period of testing for the city. How would its people respond? Would they sneer at Jonah and laugh his warning off as the ravings of a madman? Would they turn on Jonah and kill him or drive him out? Or would they go to war with Israel for daring to send a prophet with such an audacious (disrespectful) message?

The period of 40 days can mean several things, but it is commonly seen as referring to a period of testing or trials.

PHOTO: The period of 40 days can mean several things, but it is commonly seen as referring to a period of testing or trials. Thus, when Jonah declared that Nineveh had 40 days before God would destroy it, it came not only as a terrifying warning, but also signalled a period of testing for the city.
Picture saved by Sophia Fragou to RSMG,online school Education


Make a list of second chances you have experienced, and a list of people you know who need to be given a second chance.

List of second chances I have experienced [2]
Going to schools to learn in a different way, than learning from parents to become a farmer which was a dying trade in my country. With education we have another chance to earn a livelihood in an evolving environment.

Going to schools to learn in a different way, than learning from parents to become a farmer which was a dying trade in my country.

PHOTO: Going to schools to learn in a different way, than learning from parents to become a farmer which was a dying trade in my country. With education we have another chance to earn a livelihood in an evolving environment.
Picture posted by Blog To Express on 01 July 2012


Found a new job in a electronic toy production company with better air-conditioned environment, regular pay, and knowing more people. Subsequently job-hopped to different companies, meeting other people, and doing different things of interest, with changing income.

Found a new job in a electronic toy production company with better air-conditioned environment, regular pay, and knowing more people.

PHOTO: Found a new job in a electronic toy production company with better air-conditioned environment, regular pay, and knowing more people. Subsequently job-hopped to different companies, meeting other people, and doing different things of interest, with changing income.
Picture posted by Henedick Chng, Mothership on 22 September 2017 @ 11:34 am


Resettled from kampung village to modern city, into neighbourhood with different environment, amenities, and neighbours. Our old kampung houses would be demolished, and the area redeveloped. Another chance to adapt to many unknowns in a developing country.

Resettled from kampung village to modern city, into neighbourhood with different environment, amenities, and neighbours.

PHOTO: Resettled from kampung village to modern city, into neighbourhood with different environment, amenities, and neighbours.
Picture posted by The Straits Times on 08 October 2017 at 5:00 am SGT


Survived from an accident while riding a motorcycle in my twenties. A lorry from my right hit my handle twice while overtaking me, causing me to fall onto the left. I landed under another moving lorry, and fortunately, it stopped. My helmet cracked when my head hit the road. The helmet subsequently flew off with its strap cutting into corner of my left eye, and scrapping off the skin of my left cheek. The whole weight of the motor landed on my left leg. For some time I couldn't breathe and was immobile. Fortunately, helps arrived, and I was carried to the side of the road. If the lorry which I was under had not stop, I would have been crushed to death. I had 3 weeks of painful time before I was able to walk on my own again, but a lifetime of fear to ride a motorcycle again. After the accident I decided not to ride motorcycle again. Instead, I used the public transports, or I walk to my destination. Another chance, to adopt a suitable and safer lifestyle.

Survived from an accident while riding a motorcycle in my twenties.

PHOTO: Survived from an accident while riding a motorcycle in my twenties. A lorry from my right hit my handle twice while overtaking me, causing me to fall onto the left. I landed under another moving lorry, and fortunately, it stopped.
Picture posted by Legendary Videos


Retrenched form work twice, go into retirement, and developing spiritual relationship with God again.

Retrenched form work twice, go into retirement, and developing spiritual relationship with God again.

PHOTO: Retrenched form work twice, go into retirement, and developing spiritual relationship with God again.
Picture posted by ahmed naji on 06 November 2013


During retirement, discovered the Park Connector Networks (PCN), changed to another lifestyle by having predawn walk and exercises, to improve our health, and meeting other elderly uncles doing likewise. Another chance to live life to the fullest after being a flop in the working world.

During retirement, discovered the Park Connector Networks (PCN), changed to another lifestyle by having predawn walk and exercises, to improve our health, and meeting other elderly uncles doing likewise.

PHOTO: During retirement, discovered the Park Connector Networks (PCN), changed to another lifestyle by having predawn walk and exercises, to improve our health, and meeting other elderly uncles doing likewise. Another chance to live life to the fullest after being a flop in the working world.
Picture posted by Васмак on Tuesday, 18 December 2018 at 18:03


Opportunity to help to look after (and interact) our niece and nephew, from birth till present studying in university / working. Understand better what is meant by giving, and receiving second chance, as a guardian, caregiver and building parent-child relationships.

Opportunity to help to look after (and interact) our niece and nephew, from birth till present studying in university / working.

PHOTO: Opportunity to help to look after (and interact) our niece and nephew, from birth till present studying in university / working. Understand better what is meant by giving, and receiving second chance, as a guardian, caregiver and building parent-child relationships.
Picture posted by Pretty Neat Creative


Reading a new Christian book is a second chance to gain a renewed inspiration. Read, search for answer to provocative questions, and post it on internet to share with others the good news.

Reading a new Christian book is a second chance to gain a renewed inspiration

PHOTO: Reading a new Christian book is a second chance to gain a renewed inspiration. Read, search for answer to provocative questions, and post it on internet to share with others the good news.
Painting by William Blake  (1757–1827) - William Blake - John Bunyan - Christian Reading in His Book - Frick Collection New York
Picture from Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository


Every Day I live is a Second Chance to see, feel, and learn about God and His creations. Every day brings new happenings to our ever changing world. Another chance to appreciate God's creations and get closer to Him. When encounter with troubles, He lifted us out of the depths and heal us. He brought us up from the grave, and spare us from going down into the pit. (Psalm 30:1, 3)

Every Day I live is a Second Chance to see, feel, and learn about God and His creations.

PHOTO: Every Day I live is a Second Chance to see, feel, and learn about God and His creations. Every day brings new happenings to our ever changing world. Another chance to appreciate God's creations and get closer to Him.
Picture posted by A Rusty Rev's Ramblings


Give others a second chance, to experience new kind of human renewal, gratitude, and appreciation. For example, when our lift was under maintenance, helping an auntie to carry her e-scooter down one floor to a common corridor, so that she could ride to another working lift. She was happy that she could proceed on her journey although our lift was repaired by that time.

Give others a second chance, to experience new kind of human renewal, gratitude, and appreciation.

PHOTO: Give others a second chance, to experience new kind of human renewal, gratitude, and appreciation.
Picture posted by Steeven Shaw


List of people I know who need to be given a second chance
We all make mistakes, and we too wish that we could be given a second chance. People do repent upon realising their mistakes, and would give genuine apology. Sometimes, those mistakes deserve to be forgiven and relationship restored.

We all make mistakes, and we too wish that we could be given a second chance.

PHOTO: We all make mistakes, and we too wish that we could be given a second chance. People do repent upon realising their mistakes, and would give genuine apology. Sometimes, those mistakes deserve to be forgiven and relationship restored.
Artwork by David Yarrow (British, born 1966) - Black Panther, 2018
Picture posted by Artnet Worldwide Corporation


Recently an uncle from our neighbourhood requested for financial help to pay for his 4th stage prostate cancer's treatment. He promised to return the money at the end of the month. We obliged, but a few days later, he made similar request. We turned down the request because of suspicion that he was using the money for some other purpose. And he seem to need a lot more without wanting others to know the true reason.

True enough, he could not pay for what he borrowed at the end of the month. Months passed and he still could not pay us back. Although we did not ask him about the matter, he started to avoid us. This happened for some time until one day he approached my sister and informed her that he had found a job. He would tried his best to return us the money. I felt that he would genuinely tried to repay what he had borrowed and should be forgiven, and given a second chance.

One day he approached my sister and informed her that he had found a job.

PHOTO: One day he approached my sister and informed her that he had found a job. He would tried his best to return us the money. I felt that he would genuinely tried to repay what he had borrowed and should be forgiven, and given a second chance.
History of Art: Pin-up Art - Mabel Rollins Harris
Picture saved by Heather Curry to living room


Turn your thoughts into prayer and action.
Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us many second chances although we have wilful sins and hidden faults. We may run away but you would give us another chance to run for you. At times we may have realise that disobeying you and running away is a waste of time and effort, and we would find ourselves back to square one, However, we also would have realised your mercy and grace.

You not only forgive us but also forget all that had happened in between. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and died for us so that His blood cleanses us from all sins. We know you will always be taking care and protecting us, especially on difficult missions. We are grateful of Jesus’ assurance that He will always be with us, when He sent us to make disciples of all nations.

We learn that when we run for you, there will be true preaching, which would bring about true repentance and draw true forgiveness. We are not to attempt to make your message longer or package it to fit popular trends of ideas of our days, nor try to soften it. We learn that sound preaching focuses purely on your message as it is given, and it is in this way that your Word is experienced.

We also learn that the period of 40 days can mean several things, but it is commonly seen as referring to a period of testing or trials. Please help us to respond correctly, when such a warning is issued to us because something terrifying would happen if we ignore it.

Thank you for giving us many second chances since our youth, and will be receiving them in our present days, and in our future. Help us to give others a second chance, to experience a new kind of human renewal, gratitude, and appreciation. Please give us the wisdom to perform such actions as much as possible because it pleases you. We would also like the world to see Jesus in us, and lead them to Him.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us many second chances although we have wilful sins and hidden faults.
Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us many second chances although we have wilful sins and hidden faults.

PHOTO: “Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us many second chances although we have wilful sins and hidden faults. We may run away but you would give us another chance to run for you. At times we may have realise that disobeying you and running away is a waste of time and effort, and we would find ourselves back to square one, However, we also would have realised your mercy and grace.

You not only forgive us but also forget all that had happened in between. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to suffer and died for us so that His blood cleanses us from all sins. We know you will always be taking care and protecting us, especially on difficult missions. We are grateful of Jesus’ assurance that He will always be with us, when He sent us to make disciples of all nations.

We learn that when we run for you, there will be true preaching, which would bring about true repentance and draw true forgiveness. We are not to attempt to make your message longer or package it to fit popular trends of ideas of our days, nor try to soften it. We learn that sound preaching focuses purely on your message as it is given, and it is in this way that your Word is experienced.

We also learn that the period of 40 days can mean several things, but it is commonly seen as referring to a period of testing or trials. Please help us to respond correctly, when such a warning is issued to us because something terrifying would happen if we ignore it.

Thank you for giving us many second chances since our youth, and will be receiving them in our present days, and in our future. Help us to give others a second chance, to experience a new kind of human renewal, gratitude, and appreciation. Please give us the wisdom to perform such actions as much as possible because it pleases you. We would also like the world to see Jesus in us, and lead them to Him.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

Artwork by G. Bjorn Thorkelson
Picture posted by  Pic for you - Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you
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Reflection - Jonah Gets a Second Chance - Second Chance
Question from source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 6, Question 1, Page 89.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon

"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)

"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)

[1] From "God in Pursuit" Lessons from the Book of Jonah, Copyright © 2017 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-801-6, Part III: Jonah 3:1-10, Chapter 6 "Jonah Gets a Second Chance", Page 77-80.

[2] Jon Mertz, Be Grateful for Second Chances, posted on 15 November 2014, https://www.thindifference.com/2014/11/grateful-second-chances/

[25] Kurt E. Koch, Occult Bondage and Deliverance: Counseling the Occultly Oppressed (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1970), 110.

[26] What Jonah 3:3 says about the size if Nineveh has been interpreted in various ways. See Charles Halton, "How Big Was Nineveh? Literal versus Figurative Interpretation of City Size", Bulletin for Biblical Research 18, no. 2 (2008): 193-207.

[27] "Nineveh", Fausset's Bible Dictionary, http://www.bible-history.com/faussets/N/Nineveh/.

[28] Paul L. Montgomery, "Churches Study Foreign Affairs", New York Times, 30 May 1964, http://www.nytimes.com/1964/05/30/churches-study-foreign-affairs-yearlong-project-seeks-to-spur-protestant-interest.html?_r=0.

[29] John R. W. Stott, Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1982), 135-136.

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

2 Timothy 4:11 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+4%3A11&version=NIV

Acts 1:3 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+1%3A3&version=NIV

Acts 13:13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+13%3A13&version=NIV

Acts 15:36-40 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+15%3A36-40&version=NIV

 Acts 20:27 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=+Acts+20%3A27&version=NIV

Ephesians 2:4 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+2%3A4&version=NIV

Exodus 3:12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+3%3A12&version=NIV

Exodus 24:18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+24%3A18&version=NIV

Genesis 7:17 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+7%3A17&version=NIV

Genesis 19:21, 25, 29https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+19%3A21%2C+25%2C+29&version=NIV

John 21 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+21&version=NIV

Jonah 1:2 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+1%3A2&version=NIV

Jonah 3:1-10 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A1-10&version=NIV

Jonah 3:1 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A1&version=NIV

Jonah 3:2 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A2&version=NIV

Jonah 3:3 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A3&version=NIV

Jonah 3:4 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+3%3A4&version=NIV

Joshua 1:5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Joshua+1%3A5&version=NIV

Lamentations 3:22-23 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Lamentations+3%3A22-23&version=NIV

Matthew 4:2 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+4%3A2&version=NIV

Matthew 11:28-29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11%3A28-29&version=NIV

Matthew 28:18-20 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+28%3A18-20&version=NIV

Micah 7:18-19 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Micah+7%3A18-19&version=NIV

Numbers 13:25 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+13%3A25&version=NIV

Numbers 32:13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+32%3A13&version=NIV

Psalm 30:1, 3 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+30%3A1%2C+3%29&version=NIV