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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How to Survive Valentine's Day after a Break up

PHOTO: Girl in lost love
Posted by Yan--Yan, Contests / 2010 / Picture Yourself in Wonderland, ©2010-2014 Yan--Yan

Maybe it's just coincidence or maybe it's the pressure of Valentine's Day, but the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day is a very common period for break ups. As sod's law would have it, the most common season for breaking up happens to also be the most difficult time to get over a failed relationship!

If you're one of those in this predicament this Valentine's season, take comfort in the knowledge that you're likely not the only one and that time will heal all wounds, be it Valentine's Day or not.

TaeNy...They are 'Lost In Love'.
PHOTO: TaeNy...They are 'Lost In Love'.
Posted by raretak, Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / People / Portraits, ©2013-2014 raretak

Here's what you can do to survive Valentine's Day after a break up.

[1] In order to accept that your relationship has ended, you need to understand that it was a long time coming. Relationships that end on February 14th did not suddenly unravel on February 13th. Valentine's Day

itself has no significance on how good or bad your relationship was and it was going to end sooner or later anyway. And no, the number 13 isn’t an unlucky number either.

[2] Even after you've accepted the fact that it's all over, moving on can be difficult. When Valentine's Day looms, you will find yourself missing your ex. The constant reminder of romance in the form of decorations in shopping malls, lovey dovey couples on the streets and shops selling beautiful bouquets will be everywhere.

Take comfort in the knowledge that you're likely not the only one and that time will heal all wounds, be it Valentine's Day or not.
PHOTO: Take comfort in the knowledge that you're likely not the only one and that time will heal all wounds, be it Valentine's Day or not.

[3] My advice is, no matter how much you miss him, do not contact your ex under any circumstances. If you can’t bring yourself to outright de-friend him on Facebook, then at the very least hide his Facebook updates.

Whatever he is doing on Valentine's Day, you don’t want to know.

[4] For good measure, I would also avoid going out with sickening couple friends who are obsessed with each other. These people are difficult to stomach even when you are in a good relationship! If you feel up to it, you may like to spend Valentine's Day with a group of single friends. However, if it was me, I would rather rent a movie, and stay home that evening munching on my comfort food. If you cry, then cry your heart out.

You're only human. This is part of the grieving process.

Avoid going out with sickening couple friends who are obsessed with each other. If you cry, then cry your heart out. You're only human. This is part of the grieving process.
Avoid going out with sickening couple friends who are obsessed with each other. If you cry, then cry your heart out. You're only human. This is part of the grieving process.
PHOTO: Avoid going out with sickening couple friends who are obsessed with each other. If you cry, then cry your heart out. You're only human. This is part of the grieving process.
Posted by Multigold99 (Need for Speed Most Wanted), Fan Art / Wallpaper / Games, ©2013-2014 Multigold99


[5] Do not go on a random date with “whoever” just because you're lonely – it will make you feel much worse.

I made that mistake once. I accepted the date because I had recently broken up and I didn't want to be alone on Valentine's Day. I spent the evening awkwardly dodging romantic gestures by a guy I was absolutely not attracted to. At the end of the evening, he even tried to kiss me! I felt like such a failure.

[6] Take your mind off the occasion by indulging in something you enjoy. You could buy yourself a new book or gadget or join an interesting fitness class. Just because you're single, there's no reason to be miserable.

[7] Don't punish yourself! The bottom line is, don't make Valentine's any bigger than it needs to be. Do something that makes you happy.

By Holly Jean, Monday, 04 February 2013

龙飘飘 (lóng piāo piāo) - 不如結束 (bù rú jié shù) -
Might as well let it end

 不如結束그정을 어이해요 - 龍飄飄 Loong Piau Piau
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UD1R_yJdao

Do something that makes you happy, for example, participating in cosplay. Take your mind off the occasion by indulging in something you enjoy.
PHOTO: Cosplay a painted Poison Ivy
If you're one of those in this predicament this Valentine's season, take comfort in the knowledge that you're likely not the only one and that time will heal all wounds, be it Valentine's Day or not.

Cosplay a painted Batwoman
PHOTO: Take up body building
Whatever your ex is doing on Valentine's Day, you don’t want to know. Spend life with who makes you happy, and not who you have to impress.
Posted by wordpress (Colombo Girl) on August 27, 2010

When you love fearlessly, you beam. You're a light in the storm. You're a smile in the crowd. You're a breath of fresh air.
PHOTO: 说什么只爱我一人 (Shuō shén me zhǐ ài wǒ yī rén) - Saying something about you love only me
这样的花言巧语 (Zhè yàng de huā yán qiǎo yǔ) - Such flowerly words
已经觉得无所谓 (Yǐ jīng jué dé wú suǒ wèi) - Already feel indifferent
Picture by Muse1979 from DeviantART, Sands of Time


PHOTO: Morning
Forget everything and have a good night of sleep. Then slowly wake up, fresh and ready to face the world again.
Sleep is in a battle for our time with work life, social life and family life.
Posted by taviss, Photography / People & Portraits / Glamour Portraits, ©2008-2014 taviss
Model: Joanie, Photo: Me


Avoid going out with sickening couple friends who are obsessed with each other. If you cry, then cry your heart out. You're only human. This is part of the grieving process.

If you must cry, then cry your heart out. You're only human. This is part of the grieving process.
PHOTO: If you must cry, then cry your heart out. You're only human. This is part of the grieving process.
Posted by Multigold99 (Need for Speed Most Wanted), Fan Art / Wallpaper / Games, ©2013-2014 Multigold99

