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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nut eaters lived longer and stayed slimmer

My Paper, Monday, November 22, 2013, Page A36, Active
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2013-11-22
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/active/nut-eaters-lived-longer-and-stayed-slimmer-20131122
By AP, mypaper, Published on Nov 22, 2013

BENEFICIAL: Researchers don't know why nuts may boost health. It could be that their unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and other nutrients lower cholesterol and reduce other problems, as earlier studies seemed to show.
PHOTO: BENEFICIAL: Researchers don't know why nuts may boost health. It could be that their unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and other nutrients lower cholesterol and reduce other problems, as earlier studies seemed to show.

DALLAS - REGULAR nut eaters were less likely to die of cancer or heart disease - in fact, they were less likely to die of any cause - during a 30-year Harvard study.

Nuts have long been called heart-healthy, and the study is the largest on whether eating them affects mortality.

Researchers tracked 119,000 men and women and found that those who ate nuts roughly every day were 20 per cent less likely to die during the study period than those who never ate nuts.

The risk of dying of heart disease dropped 29 per cent and the risk of dying of cancer fell 11 per cent among those who had nuts seven or more times a week, compared with people who never ate them.

Even among those who did not eat nuts every day, eating nuts lowered the death risk in direct proportion to consumption.

The benefits were derived from eating peanuts as well as from pistachios, almonds, walnuts and other tree nuts. The researchers did not look at how the nuts were prepared.

A bonus: Nut eaters stayed slimmer.

Nut eaters stayed slimmer
PHOTO: Nut eaters stayed slimmer
Picture from mypaper

"There's a general perception that if you eat more nuts, you're going to get fat. Our results showed the opposite," said Dr Ying Bao of Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

She led the study, published in yesterday's New England Journal Of Medicine.

Researchers don't know why nuts may boost health. It could be that their unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and other nutrients lower cholesterol and inflammation, and reduce other problems, as earlier studies seemed to show.

Observational studies like this one can't prove cause and effect, they only suggest a connection.

There's a general perception that if you eat more nuts, you're going to get fat. Our results showed the opposite.
PHOTO: "There's a general perception that if you eat more nuts, you're going to get fat. Our results showed the opposite," said Dr Ying Bao of Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.
Defination: Excess body weight (defined as a Body Mass Index of 25 or above) and Obesity (BMI of 30 or above).

Research on diets is especially tough, because it can be difficult to single out the effects of any one food.

Dr Robert Eckel, a University of Colorado cardiologist and former president of the American Heart Association, said that people who eat more nuts may eat them on salads, for example, and some of the benefit may come from the leafy greens.

Dr Ralph Sacco, a University of Miami neurologist who is also a former heart-association president, agreed.

"Sometimes when you eat nuts, you eat less of something else, like potato chips", so the benefit may come from avoiding an unhealthy food, he said.

Fatty acids found in nuts, seeds and leafy greens have been shown to be helpful in the long-term for some with rheumatoid arthritis
PHOTO: Fatty acids found in nuts, seeds and leafy greens have been shown to be helpful in the long-term for some with rheumatoid arthritis
The “good” polyunsaturated fatty acids in them helps reduce inflammation.

Many previous studies tie nut consumption to lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer and other maladies.

Dr Penny Kris-Etherton, a Pennsylvania State University nutrition scientist, said: "We're seeing benefits of nut consumption on cardiovascular disease as well as body weight and diabetes.

"We don't know exactly what it is about nuts that boosts health or which ones are best. I tell people to eat mixed nuts."
By AP, mypaper, Published on Nov 22, 2013

Sometimes when you eat nuts, you eat less of something else, like potato chips, so the benefit may come from avoiding an unhealthy food.
PHOTO: Sometimes when you eat nuts, you eat less of something else, like potato chips, so the benefit may come from avoiding an unhealthy food.
Picture by Maureen Williams, ND

我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn

Mortality: 死亡率 sǐ wáng lǜ
Walmuts: 核桃 hé tao
Inflammation: 炎症 yán zhèng
Potato chips: 薯片 shǔ piàn
