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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Source Website:
http://eikothatimone-rekho.blogspot.com/2010/05/why-sadness-comeswhy-pepole-afraid-from.html (Texts 1)
http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/hurt?page=1, 2, 3 (Quotation)
By Nabadwip Ghosh, Friday, May 7, 2010 at 1:40 AM

PHOTO: Loud rejection hurts and can be embarrassing.

Sadness is a feeling — it's one of the many normal human emotions, or moods, we all have. Sadness is the emotion people feel when they've lost something important, or when they have been disappointed about something, or when something sad has happened to them or to someone else. When they're lonely, people often feel sad.

"... a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond repair.
Haruki Murakami, South of the Border, West of the Sun

"... those who keep silence hurt more.
C.S. Lewis

... damage being beyond repair.
PHOTO: "... damage being beyond repair."

When you're sad, the world may seem dark and unfriendly. You might feel like you have nothing to look forward to.

The hurt deep inside may crush your usually good mood.

Sadness makes you feel like crying, and sometimes the tears are hard to stop. Crying often makes you feel better.

"... torture of waking up day after day, knowing I could never have him/her.
Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo

"... Who doesn't feel a part of their heart break at rejection. You ask yourself every question you can think of, what, why, how come, and then your sadness turns to anger...."
Jennifer Salaiz

... torture of waking up day after day, knowing I could never have him/her.
PHOTO: "... torture of waking up day after day, knowing I could never have him/her.

Sometimes when your mood is sad, you just feel like being alone for a little while. Or you might want someone to comfort you or just keep you company while you go through the sad feeling. Talking about what has made you sad usually helps the sad feeling melt away.

A void in my chest was beginning to fill with anger. Quiet, defeated anger that guaranteed me the right to my hurt, that believed no one could possibly understand that hurt.
Rachel Sontag, House Rules

When someone stabs you it's not your fault that you feel pain.
Louise Penny, A Fatal Grace

When someone stabs you it's not your fault that you feel pain.
PHOTO: “When someone stabs you it's not your fault that you feel pain.”

From: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/hurt?page=2
Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

For many years, quiet, defeated anger and believed no one could possibly understand that hurt.
PHOTO: For many years, quiet, defeated anger and believed no one could possibly understand that hurt.

From: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/hurt?page=3
"... But it was a cruel thing that they did, and when they had finished hurting me, a splinter of loneliness seemed to break off and stay inside me forever.
Marcel Theroux, Far North

PHOTO: "When they had finished hurting me, a splinter of loneliness seemed to break off and stay inside me forever.”

PHOTO: Raining inside the heart.

When sadness starts to go away, it can feel like a heavy blanket is being lifted from your shoulders.
By Nabadwip Ghosh, Friday, May 7, 2010 at 1:40 AM

... damage being beyond repair.
PHOTO: "... damage being beyond repair."


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Test-tube burger, anyone?

Today, Friday, February 24, 2012, Page T2, Wine & Dine
From http://imcmsimages.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/PDF/20120224/2402DWP076.pdf
Source Website: http://www.todayonline.com/WineandDine/EDC120224-0000016/Test-tube-burger,-anyone?
By Rose Prince, features@mediacorp.com.sg, 04:46 AM Feb 24, 2012

PHOTO: Test-tube burger, anyone?
By Stock Xchng, Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

Laboratory-grown meat is just the latest sci-fi food to fly in the face of public taste

It's a tale straight from the pages of the weirder realms of science fiction. A mysterious millionaire and a brilliant professor join forces with a single aim. To create Frankenburger: The world's first test-tube beefburger.

PHOTO: Would You Like a Bite of My Test Tube Burger?
£200,000 test-tube burger marks milestone in future meat-eating [Guardian]
Image via Andrjuss and Eugene Sim/Shutterstock.

Peculiar as it may sound, it's the future for our food, according to the academic in question, Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University in the Netherlands. He plans to serve up the first burger this October after growing beef muscle in his lab, which will eventually become a juicy quarter pounder.

PHOTO: A strip of beef measuring 3cm by 1.5cm by 0.5cm. The Petri dish-bred beef is created using stem cells from bovine muscle tissue sourced from leftover slaughterhouse materials, Post explained.

Post has grown small strips of beef muscle tissue using a cow's stem calls and serum taken from a horse foetus.

Just like all growing muscles, they are currently flexing away in order to become bigger and healthier - only, in true sci-fi style, they are doing so in a Dutch lab, held in place by Velcro and stimulated by electricity.

When fully grown, 3,000 of these muscles will be needed for one burger - and will cost an estimated £200,000 (S$394,583).

PHOTO: Coming soon, the test-tube burger: Lab-grown meat ‘needed to feed the world’.
From Sophie Borland, Daily Mail, June 27, 2011

Professor Post has big plans for his version of fast food. "Eventually my vision is that you have a limited herd of donor animals in the world that you keep in stock and that you get your cells from," he says.

So who's the chef who will cook up this scientific experiment and launch a culinary revolution? You guessed it - Heston Blumenthal. And the lucky diner? To be confirmed, says Professor Post. "My financier will be the one to decide who will eat it ... (he is somebody) famous, everyone knows this guy."

But we will not learn his identity until his Frankenburger has proved a success.

PHOTO: Heston Blumenthal. (Absent dad: Busy with his food empire, he usually leaves his wife in charge of their children, Jack, 16, Jessica, 13, and Joy, 11).

While we shouldn't undermine credible efforts to solve the crisis in the world's food supply, rarely do the inventors of these technologies seem to understand why consumers are sceptical of their ideas and motives. There are dozens of examples of food technology "big talk" that has come to nought. Scientists and biotech companies grumble that their efforts fail because of bad press - yet it is often entirely their own fault that the public are so suspicious.


To begin with, they tend to make our stomachs churn. In-vitro meat production uses stem-cell technology and foetal material. How will we feel, eating the product of an animal that, never mind being kept in a factory farm, was never allowed life at all? Technologies such as this unnerve us because they interfere with the magnificently sedate process of evolution. We like to think what we eat is unaltered and as natural as possible.

PHOTO: The Dutch scientist Mark Post shows meat samples artificially developed at the University of Maastricht.

I've always thought it was astonishing that we subject our food to far fewer safety checks than we do our medicines. After all, we can eat the same foods every day for a lifetime, making them more risky. Medicines are only consumed for short periods of time. Genetically modified foods, for example, are not as thoroughly investigated as GM drugs.

Cancer therapies using genetically modified organisms are rigorously tested over many years, yet pesticide-resistant wheat or soya needs only to be tested for three months - and tested on rats,
not humans. The use of stem cells to cure human diseases is being debated all over the world by philosophers and politicians. Why is it being cleared for use on our plates with such ease?

The technology is expensive, but Post hopes that expanding his operation will make it affordable. The reality is, though, that efforts of scientists to feed the world sustainably rarely see the light of day. Twenty years ago, biotechnologists created super-nutritious GM "Golden Rice", transforming rice with genes from a daffodil to add nutritious beta carotene. It was hoped it would reduce vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. But the project has encountered many technological difficulties and attracted opposition from pressure groups.

Supporters of in-vitro meat say that it will solve many problems - not just hunger. But what? In-vitro meat won't prevent greenhouse-gas emissions from livestock farms because dairy farms are a major source of methane, and milk cannot be made in a laboratory. Yet.

Coming this October: Test-tube hamburgers.
PHOTO: Coming this October: Test-tube hamburgers.


Heston Blumenthal will surely employ all his powers to get the Frankenburger to taste decent. He is no shirker when it comes to using gadgets to enhance his cooking. It will probably need colour added to the flesh - Professor Post admits that the muscle strips are currently "pinkish towards yellowish" - and the flavour of well-hung beef needs replicating. But hey, a little hydrolysed vegetable protein, an unpleasant soya-based additive most often used in stock cubes to make them taste meaty, should do the trick.

PHOTO: How will we feel, eating the product of an animal that, never mind being kept in a factory farm, was never allowed life at all?

It's not that I'm against growing protein, per se. Let's not forget Quorn, a vegetarian mycoprotein developed in Buckinghamshire using a soil fungus. Grown in tanks in oxygenated water, it develops from a single spore to a mass that can then be processed, given texture and sold as a meat alternative. It is not a mushroom, and it certainly does not taste like fungi, or anything else much. But it has made a lot of vegetarians happy and is 1,000 times less controversial than using genetically modified organisms and stem cell science in food technology.

PHOTO: Approximate the taste of meat but are, in fact, developed from a mycoprotein that comes from Fusarium venenatum, “which was originally discovered growing in a field in Buckinghamshire, England.

NASA, contemplating putting astronauts in space for long periods, initiated the in-vitro meat project nearly 20 years ago. They hoped that one day, those sent to space could feed themselves from on-board "farms", which grew beef, pork, lamb and salmon. That, too, sounds like another great sci-fi story. But could it provide a clue to the provenance and funding for Frankenburgers?

Consider the three elements of this story: Space travel, mystery wealthy investor and great publicity stunt. It feels very Richard Branson (who's set to send tourists to space some time in 2013). If so, Sir Richard, let me whisper a little something in your ear: Please don't call it Virgin Beef.
By Rose Prince, features@mediacorp.com.sg, 04:46 AM Feb 24, 2012

Eventually my vision is that you have a limited herd of donor animals in the world that you keep in stock and that you get your cells from. Professor Mark Post.
PHOTO: Eventually my vision is that you have a limited herd of donor animals in the world that you keep in stock and that you get your cells from. Professor Mark Post.
Today, Friday, February 24, 2012, Page T2, Wine & Dine


Friday, February 24, 2012

Append URLs to copied text

Source Website: http://ask.metafilter.com/133804/How-does-HuffPo-append-URLs-to-copied-text
Posted by blue_beetle at 10:11 AM on September 25, 2009

How does HuffPo append URLs to copied text?
September 25, 2009 10:05 AM
I noticed today that text copied from articles on The Huffington Post appends the article URL when pasted and I'm wondering how it's done.

Here's an example of copying and pasting text from the current front page story of the G20 meeting:

The three leaders, in their dramatic joint statement that overshadowed the G-20 economic summit here, hoped the disclosure would increase pressure on the global community to impose new sanctions on Iran if it refuses to stop its nuclear program.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/25/obama-iran-has-secret-nuc_n_299556.html

The "Read more at:..." portion never appeared on the page.

Repro steps:
1) Copy any random paragraph from a HuffPo story.
2) Paste elsewhere.

I'm using FireFox 3.5.3 on Windows 7. I don't see this behavior when copying from other sites.
Posted by eyeballkid to computers & internet (10 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite


View from the Top (Switzerland)

Today Thursday, Feburary 23, 2012, Page 12, Natas
From http://imcmsimages.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/PDF/20120223/2302NTL012.pdf
Source Website: http://www.todayonline.com/Travel/EDC120223-0000012/View-from-the-Top
By Wu Shangyuan, 04:46 AM Feb 23, 2012

PHOTO: The tall majestic cliffs and Staubbach Falls (on the right) greet tourists at the Lauterbrunnen Valley.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd
Today Thursday, Feburary 23, 2012, Page 12, Natas

Leave the big tourist crowds behind, and map your own journey to Switzerland’s Interlaken region

It is not difficult to see why so many tourists flock to Interlaken yearly - it is home to some of the most spectacular landscapes Switzerland has to offer, and gives one the rare opportunity to come up close and personal with some of the most stunningly beautiful peaks in the Swiss Alps, from atop the Jungfraujoch mountain ridge.

PHOTO: The peak of Matterhorn, upclose and personal, from atop Jungfraujoch.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

For the more laidback tourist, this famous attraction makes for the perfect daytrip since it is accessible entirely by train - the journey ends at the highest railway station in Europe; this means that the only moment you need to walk anywhere is at the top. For more adventurous travellers however, I would certainly recommend hopping off the train at some of its most scenic points to do some quality exploring.

PHOTO: A view of the stunning Swiss Alps on the journey up to Jungfraujoch.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

The Land of 1,000 Waterfalls

To make our journey well worth it - the ticket up to Jungfraujoch from Interlaken West Station was a rather hefty 182 Swiss Francs (S$250) - my friend and I decided to make our first stop at Lauterbrunnen Valley, touted by locals and fellow travellers as the perfect place for cycling, hiking, or for the more adventurous, base-jumping.

Known as the Land of 1,000 Waterfalls, this valley was home to a whopping 72 waterfalls, each thundering down from the sheer cliff faces that bordered it. Here, we got off the train and with our travel guide in hand, began our hike to Staubbach Falls, the 300m tall waterfall that greeted travellers as they first entered the valley.

The tall majestic cliffs and Staubbach Falls (on the right) greet tourists at the Lauterbrunnen Valley.
PHOTO: The tall majestic cliffs and Staubbach Falls (on the right) greet tourists at the Lauterbrunnen Valley.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd
Today Thursday, Feburary 23, 2012, Page 12, Natas

The main street leading up to the falls was a joy to walk through. Brown wooden buildings with sloping roofs and neat rows of windows, so characteristic of Swiss architecture, lined both sides of the street, with delightful souvenir stores and restaurants on the ground floor. Beyond these buildings loomed the cliffs, grey rock faces set against the blue and white of the sky, reminding us of just how close to nature we really were.

Staubbach Falls soon came into view, a stream of white plunging down a sheer cliff face. We took a path to a higher lookout point, only to realise that it led us straight to the back of the waterfall! Through a short tunnel cut out from rock, we stood peering behind the fall's curtain of water. Through it lay a view of the valley, a blur in the mist, as if it were a beautiful dreamscape.

PHOTO: The main street leading to Lauterbrunnen Valley, lined with traditional Swiss buildings.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

Top of Europe

Heading back onto the train, we left Lauterbrunnen Valley behind - I suggest sitting on the right side of the train to catch the most magnificent views of the valley as the train makes its climb up - and the next part of our journey presented a kaleidoscope of more breathtaking views as the train made its ascent. Peaks of snow streaked mountains, at parts obscured by cloud, stood majestic beyond the rolling hills of green.

PHOTO: The train station at Lauterbrunnen, the gateway to magnificent Lauterbrunnen Valley.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

At Kleine Scheidegg, we got off the train to catch the famous Jungfraubahn, the railway line that would bring us through two mountains Eiger and Monch, to the Top of Europe train station at a whopping 3,454m. The construction of the railway line, completed in 1912 after 16 years of cutting through rock and glacial ice, seemed a miracle in itself!

PHOTO: Eiger North Face and Kleine Scheidegg

The final station at Jungfraujoch turned out to be a dream for travellers, with many options for exploration. We headed first to the Ice Palace, which featured a series of tunnels carved entirely out of ice, with immaculate ice sculptures sitting in enclaves around every corner. The best views of Jungfraujoch, however, were from the plateau and the Sphinx Terrace.

PHOTO: The spectacular landscape from the Jungfraujoch plateau.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

PHOTO: A view of the plateau and the stunning landscape that greets tourists at Jungfraujoch.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

PHOTO: Walking out onto the snowy plateau at Jungfraujoch.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

The plateau was not for the faint-hearted - we had to literally step out of the building onto a slippery snowy slope bounded by a rope for a railing - but boy, was the view worth it. On one side stood an expanse of snow and ice, a never-ending glacier resting between mountain peaks that extended far into the distance, and on the other, the looming peak of Matterhorn, its top laced with strips of cloud.

PHOTO: The highest lookout point you can go at Jungfraujoch - the Sphinx Terrace, at 3571 metres above sea level.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

For a view from even higher up, an elevator led up to the Sphinx Terrace, with its viewing deck perched precariously on a cliff 3,571m above sea level. It was easy to forget how high up this was though; like I told my friend, the key was to focus on the spectacular landscape.

PHOTO: Grindelwald

To cap it all off, we made our last train stop on the way down at Grindelwald. This village, with its quaint (attractively unusual or old-fashioned) stores and cafes, rested right up against towering snow-capped cliffs, was certainly the best way to end our journey. So for the cost, I say: Step away from the option of going with a tour group, but craft your own adventure instead - sometimes, it is not just the top that matters but the journey you take to get there.
By Wu Shangyuan, 04:46 AM Feb 23, 2012

PHOTO: Cows in the Swiss Alps - Grindelwald

PHOTO: The tall majestic cliffs and Staubbach Falls (on the right) greet tourists at the Lauterbrunnen Valley.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

PHOTO: Flag Over Swiss Alps

PHOTO: Switzerland Countryside

PHOTO: Zürich

PHOTO: Autumn XL

Gimmelwald, Switzerland: Best of the Alps

From: http://www.savetubevideo.com/?v=95ru9JguLrY&feature=related

PHOTO: Grindelwald
