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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bright, shiny and new

Weekend Today, January 15 - 16, 2011, Page T2, (The Fairer Text)
Source Website:
Georgina Chang, georginac@mediacorp.com.sg, 05:55 AM Jan 15, 2011

PHOTO: New year, new man, new perspective - leave the past in 2010
I enjoy new relationships — they are always full of buoyancy, anticipation and prospective lessons.

Weekend Today, January 15 - 16, 2011, Page T2, (The Fairer Text)

PHOTO: Georgina Chang
The writer is the senior creative director of 987FM and Lush 99.5.
Weekend Today, January 15 - 16, 2011, Page T2, (The Fairer Text)

New year, new man, new perspective - leave the past in 2010
I LIKE brand new things - like haircuts, dresses, shoes, cars, houses, and sometimes even a new boyfriend.

There's something about brand new things that inspires me to treat it with more meticulousness and prudence. Like when I get a new camera or phone. I don't want anyone else touching it with their grubby fingers, and I'd handle it carefully all the time - pristine in its original wrapping.

Same with a new car. I'd take really good care of it at first, with every little scratch, dent and bird poop counting as a major calamity. Nobody is allowed to drink, eat or sneeze in my car.

And I admit that I am very tolerant and deferential with a new boyfriend. His silly habits and traits are simply a source of bemusement, which make him more endearing to me.

PHOTO: Goodbye 2010, and hello 2011!

We like new stuff because it's something we never had before. It's the stimulation of a new toy, gadget or look. Having new things makes us feel smug and superior. Didn't you have a swagger in your step when you showed off your new car/house/iPad? Maybe that's why some men decide to suddenly trade in their old wives for a newer, younger, shinier model.

Of course new situations involve change - and people don't usually like change. It is important to note, however, that this change was brought about by a choice that you made. It's not like when you got a new boss and had no say in the matter. Or the time your wife decided she wanted boob implants and you didn't get to suggest what the upsized cup should be.

PHOTO: A New Perspective - Main path through Chipaota

That's why I enjoy new relationships - they are always full of buoyancy, anticipation and prospective lessons. I like meeting new people and getting a diversity of ideas and perspectives. But not everyone shares my enthusiasm for a new partner. Or even new friends.

My friend John says, "I'm happy with the friends I have. Why do I need some more?" Jane says, "As we get older, we are more wary of people. Anyway, my time is so precious, I'd rather spend it with my family. Or spend it sleeping."

I think most of the hesitation comes from having been hurt or betrayed. The trusting nature we had as children has slowly eroded with nasty experiences.

PHOTO: An essential survival skill in this Info Age...

Instead of being cautious of people, I've decided to hone the skill of reading strangers quicker. I believe I can assess their personalities and their traits faster than I was able to in my naive youth. Of course, I still get unpleasantly surprised sometimes, but it's well worth it if in the process I develop some wonderful relationship and receive more enlightenment about human nature.

There is always a reason why you meet the people you do, as no meeting is accidental. So if you close yourself off and put up walls fend off potential new friendships, you're limiting your own human experience.

And by not expanding your circle of friends, you're effectively reducing the expansion of your own mind.

PHOTO: The Dawn of a New Age

Newness also suggests a fresh slate. You can forget the mistakes of the past and focus on the intentions of the future. It lets me forgive myself and makes me feel renewed.

With this brand new year, I am filled with excitement about possibilities and the opportunities.

PHOTO: Happy New Year

Yes, there are already a thousand challenges and obstacles, but I'm looking forward to beating them - my energy level is high, my eyes and mind are fresh, and I'm not weary with the accumulated burdens and frustrations of the last 12 months. There's something about crossing from last year to this one (marked with fireworks and champagne, of course) that has given me the mental resolution to leave previous problems and frustrations back in 2010.

PHOTO: Leave present sanctuary and enter a new sanctuary

Of course, many of those frustrations have not been resolved, but with an invigorated approach and perspective, they don't feel as agonising or oppressing as they once did. After all, unhappiness and worries are only as aggravating or consequential as you allow them be.

So how this year pans out will mostly be within my control, based on my actions and decisions - made with the benefit of the lessons I've learnt from my mistakes last year.

A friend kindly pointed out that my new year verve will probably last only a few months. But the freshness of new possibilities is driving me for now, and I'm going to ride the surf and enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

Until some other new thing comes along to revive me.
By Georgina Chang, georginac@mediacorp.com.sg, 05:55 AM Jan 15, 2011

The writer is the senior creative director of 987FM and Lush 99.5.


PHOTO: Eventually, all New Years go this way!
Arrive, endure and depart

We add life to years
Not simply years to life.

PHOTO: Wishing You A Happy New Year

PHOTO: How To Find True Happiness in 2011
In daylights, in sunsets

In midnights, in cups of coffee

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure, a year in the life?

Seasons of Love, RENT
