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黄佳佳 (huáng jiā jiā) 出版黄佳佳金选曲6 (马)

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乌溜溜的黑眼珠 和你的笑脸 - Your black shinning eye and your similing face
wū liū liū de hēi yǎn zhū hé nǐ de xiào liǎn
怎么也难忘记你 容颜的转变 - No matter how you transform yourself, it still difficult to forget you
zěn me yě nán wàng jì nǐ róng yán de zhuǎn biàn
轻飘飘的旧时光 就这么溜走 - Old time just slipped away
qīng piāo piāo de jiù shí guāng jiù zhè me liū zǒu
转头回去看看时 已匆匆数年 - On looking back, years already gone
zhuǎn tóu huí qù kàn kàn shí yǐ cōng cōng shù nián
苍茫茫的天涯路 是你的飘泊 - You roam the long road (journey)
cāng máng máng de tiān yá lù shì nǐ de piāo bó
寻寻觅觅长相守 是我的脚步 - Mine footprints are the evident of the endless search
xún xún mì mì cháng xiāng shǒu shì wǒ de jiǎo bù
黑漆漆的孤枕边 是你的温柔 - The gentleness of the black pillow
hēi qī qī de gū zhěn biān shì nǐ de wēn róu
醒来时的清晨里 是我的哀愁 - Wake in the morning is my sorrow
xǐng lái shí de qīng chén lǐ shì wǒ de āi chóu
或许明日太阳西下倦鸟已归时 - Perhaps tommorrow at sunset when the birds settle in their nest
huò xǔ míng rì tài yáng xī xià juàn niǎo yǐ guī shí
你将已经踏上旧时归途 - You have already started on the old homeward journey
nǐ jiāng yǐ jīng tà shàng jiù shí guī tú
人生难得再次寻觅相知的伴侣 - In life rarely able to find well acquainted companion
rén shēng nán dé zài cì xún mì xiāng zhī de bàn lǚ
生命终究难舍蓝蓝的白云天 - Throughout life is not always trouble-free (blue sky and white cloud)
shēng mìng zhōng jiū nán shě lán lán de bái yún tiān
轰隆隆的雷雨声 在我的窗前 - Loud rain strom is at my windows
hōng lóng lóng de léi yǔ shēng zài wǒ de chuāng qián
怎么也难忘记你 离去的转变 - No matter how, it is difficult to forget your departure
zěn me yě nán wàng jì nǐ lí qù de zhuǎn biàn
孤单单的身影后 寂寥的心情 - Your loneliness and heartfelt painfulness
gū dān dān de shēn yǐng hòu jì liáo de xīn qíng
永远无怨的是我的双眼 - My eye is unable to hide (blame) the true feeling
yǒng yuǎn wú yuàn de shì wǒ de shuāng yǎn
Translated using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
黄佳佳 (huáng jiā jiā) 出版黄佳佳金选曲6 (马)
恋曲 一九九零 - liàn qǔ yī jiǔ jiǔ líng
Huang Jia Jia (黃佳佳)-戀曲1990 - Lian Qu 1990 (liàn qǔ yī jiǔ jiǔ líng)
From: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Huang-Jia-Jia-huang-jia-jia/85140156478