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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Netizens up in arms over cyclists blocking, chasing down, confronting driver who honked (Warning: Nudity!)

Source Website: https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/netizens-arms-over-cyclists-blocking-chasing-down-confronting-driver-who-honked

By The New Paper, 15 January 2022 at 02:14 pm

Hundreds of people have reacted to an online video of a group of cyclists apparently breaking the law in Chinatown.
PHOTO: Hundreds of people have reacted to an online video of a group of cyclists apparently breaking the law in Chinatown.
Picture posted by The New Paper on 15 January 2022 at 02:14 pm


And there is a chorus of calls once again for further regulating cycles on the road.

The cyclists seem to be in a larger than permitted group and some of them chase down and confront a motorist who is said to have honked  at them.

The video, put on Facebook by Beh Chia Lor - Singapore Road, shows the cyclists riding along New Bridge Road, with the motorist behind them in the left lane. Timestamps indicate that it happened in the early hours of Jan 9.

As they approach a corner coffee shop, the cyclists slow to a stop, briefly blocking the motorist who waits to turn left.

The cyclists seem to be in a larger than permitted group and some of them chase down and confront a motorist who is said to have honked at them.
PHOTO: The cyclists seem to be in a larger than permitted group and some of them chase down and confront a motorist who is said to have honked at them.
Picture  posted by The Must Share News Team on 14 January 2022 at 5:46 pm


There is no audio but according to the post, the driver honked and slowly passed them.

The video continues through Keong Saik Road where one of the cyclists passes the car, stops in front, and appears to speak aggressively to the driver. Others are seen joining him.

Most of those commenting, including some who said they were cyclists, condemned the way the group behaved.

The video continues through Keong Saik Road where one of the cyclists passes the car, stops in front, and appears to speak aggressively to the driver.
PHOTO: The video continues through Keong Saik Road where one of the cyclists passes the car, stops in front, and appears to speak aggressively to the driver. Others are seen joining him.
Picture posted by Nigel Chua, mothership on 14 January 2022 at 03:19 pm


Many argued that if cycling remains legal on the roads, cyclists, like other road users, should be registered and be made to pay road tax.

Some did point out though that without any audio, it is hard to judge the driver’s behaviour, especially the sound of the horn, and there were calls for more patience and tolerance. But others would have none of that.

Some did point out though that without any audio, it is hard to judge the driver’s behaviour, especially the sound of the horn.
PHOTO: Some did point out though that without any audio, it is hard to judge the driver’s behaviour, especially the sound of the horn.
Picture  posted by The Must Share News Team on 14 January 2022 at 5:46 pm


One said: “There will always be sympathy for cyclists because they seem to be vulnerable . The trouble now with this new found power / freedom, it is allowing car drivers and pedestrians alike to be bullied in many situations…

Drastic measures were proposed. “Just ban cycling on the road la. Issues solved.

One went so far as to suggest that cyclists wanting to use the roads should be made to pass tests and pay ERP charges as well.

There were measured responses as well. One said “... sg don’t have designated bicycle lanes on the road, so don’t make a fuss when cars honk, cos bicycles just don’t match up to speed of cars, and it will be deemed road hogging.

There were measured responses as well.
PHOTO: There were measured responses as well. One said ... sg don’t have designated bicycle lanes on the road, so don’t make a fuss when cars honk, cos bicycles just don’t match up to speed of cars, and it will be deemed road hogging.
Picture posted by Nigel Chua, mothership on 14 January 2022 at 03:19 pm

Many pointed out that honking is not only legal, but a useful means of alerting other road users to your presence.

If you can't take the blaring of horn, which cause no actual harm except to your ego, then it's better that you get off the road. Don't cycle at all.

The car stopped to pick up a passenger, so there was speculation that it was a private hire vehicle, and the driver was working hard to make a living late at night, whereas the cyclists looked like they were indulging in a leisure activity.

Many pointed out that honking is not only legal, but a useful means of alerting other road users to your presence.
PHOTO: Many pointed out that honking is not only legal, but a useful means of alerting other road users to your presence.
If you can't take the blaring of horn, which cause no actual harm except to your ego, then it's better that you get off the road. Don't cycle at all.
Picture posted by Nigel Chua, mothership on 14 January 2022 at 03:19 pm - the footage of the 11 cyclists

Road users can afford to be more gracious
PHOTO: The relationship between motorists and cyclists in Singapore hasn’t been the best. Over the past few months alone, we’ve seen numerous instances when members from both groups got into heated disputes. [2]
There were calls for more patience and tolerance. A smile can bring sunshine days.
Picture posted by Cherry Nudes - Hayley Marie Bicycle

https://cdn.cherrynudes.com/hayley-marie-bicycle/11.jpg - (hayley-marie-coppin-bicycle-hayleys-secrets-5767894-1370615096_11.jpg)
PHOTO: Wise Saying:
(Rěn yī shí, fēng píng làng jìng. Tuì yī bù, hǎi kuò tiān kōng.)
Compromise will make a conflict much easier to resolve.
Picture posted by Bobs and Vagene on 07 May 2018 - World Naked Bike Ride Brighton

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.
PHOTO: "The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. . . . . Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— he is the King of glory." (Psalm 24) Who are we?!
Picture posted by namecheap

By The New Paper, 15 January 2022 at 02:14 pm
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[1] The New Paper, Netizens up in arms over cyclists blocking, chasing down, confronting driver who honked, posted on 15 January 2022 at 02:14 pm, https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/netizens-arms-over-cyclists-blocking-chasing-down-confronting-driver-who-honked

[2] The Must Share News Team, Cyclists Surround Car At Outram & Confront Driver For Honking, Netizens Criticise Bullying Behaviour, posted on 14 January 2022 ar 5:46 pm, https://mustsharenews.com/cyclists-driver-outram/

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put on Facebook by Beh Chia Lor - Singapore Road - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=889168321765523

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