Monday, January 31, 2022

Between You and Me (你我之间 Nǐ wǒ zhī jiān)

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By Esplanade Commission, Nine Years Theatre (Singapore), 11 – 13, 18 & 19 February 2022

Performed in Mandarin with some English and Chinese dialect, with English surtitles.
PHOTO: Performed in Mandarin with some English and Chinese dialect, with English surtitles. Admission for ages 6 and above.  11 – 13, 18 & 19 February 2022 ( Fri – Sun); Fri & Sat: 8pm, Sun: 3pm.
Picture posted by Esplanade Commission, Nine Years Theatre (Singapore)

A long hidden secret rises to the fore— and with it, cracks begin to appear in the familial ties between a mother and her three daughters. Are the bonds between them strong enough to weather this impending crisis?  

Forced into retirement due to her ailing health, a veteran film and TV actress finds herself missing the glitz and the attention. These days, actress Lin Li Qing occupies her time thinking up ways to battle boredom, and nagging at her three daughters for not spending enough time with her. The eldest, Shi Qi, is embroiled in a secret divorce; the second daughter, Shi Lin, is a respected stage actress fighting self-doubt and a stagnating career; and the youngest, Shi Jie, tires of her mother’s constant nagging to find a life partner.

Forced into retirement due to her ailing health, a veteran film and TV actress finds herself missing the glitz and the attention.
PHOTO: Forced into retirement due to her ailing health, a veteran film and TV actress finds herself missing the glitz and the attention. These days, actress Lin Li Qing occupies her time thinking up ways to battle boredom, and nagging at her three daughters for not spending enough time with her. The eldest, Shi Qi, is embroiled in a secret divorce; the second daughter, Shi Lin, is a respected stage actress fighting self-doubt and a stagnating career; and the youngest, Shi Jie, tires of her mother’s constant nagging to find a life partner.
Featuring a stellar cast of actors such as Goh Guat Kian
(吴悦娟 Wú yuè juān), Sharon Au (欧菁仙 Ōu jīng xiān), Mia Chee (徐山淇 Xú shān qí), Jean Ng (黄丽心 Huáng lì xīn).
Picture posted by Esplanade Commission, Nine Years Theatre (Singapore)

In a bolt from the blue, Li Qing wins a prestigious acting award, thrusting her back into the spotlight and also onto the theatre stage with Shi Lin. Staged conflicts become reality as mother and second daughter clash time and again, dredging up decades of hurt and dragging Shi Qi and Shi Jie into a whirlpool of suppressed emotions.

Not long after, the family gathers to celebrate Li Qing’s 70th birthday. Outside, the rain clouds converge ominously…

Celebrating 10 illustrious years, Nine Years Theatre joins hands with Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts once again, to commemorate the festival’s 20th anniversary with the company’s debut production in the Esplanade Theatre. An original play written and directed by award winning local theatre stalwart, Nelson Chia, and featuring a stellar cast of actors such as
Goh Guat Kian (吴悦娟 Wú yuè juān), Sharon Au (欧菁仙 Ōu jīng xiān), Mia Chee (徐山淇 Xú shān qí), Jean Ng (黄丽心 Huáng lì xīn), Johnny Ng (黄家强 Huáng jiā qiáng), Liow Shi Suen (刘诗璇 Liú shī xuán), Between You and Me tells the secrets inherent in every family.
About Nine Years Theatre

Celebrating 10 illustrious years, Nine Years Theatre joins hands with Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts once again
PHOTO: Celebrating 10 illustrious years, Nine Years Theatre joins hands with Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts once again, to commemorate the festival’s 20th anniversary with the company’s debut production in the Esplanade Theatre. An original play written and directed by award winning local theatre stalwart, Nelson Chia, and featuring a stellar cast of actors such as Johnny Ng (黄家强 Huáng jiā qiáng), Liow Shi Suen (刘诗璇 Liú shī xuán), David Wong Yik Looi (黄奕磊 Huáng yì lěi), Ric Liu (刘晋旭 Liú jìn xù)
Picture posted by Esplanade Commission, Nine Years Theatre (Singapore)

Between You and Me tells the secrets inherent in every family
PHOTO: Between You and Me tells the secrets inherent in every family, featuring actors Mitchell Fang (方智全 Fāng zhì quán), Wendy Wee Hian (林伟贤 Lín wěi xián), and Jayden Lim Jun De (林俊德 Lín jùn dé).
Picture posted by Esplanade Commission, Nine Years Theatre (Singapore)

Nine Years Theatre (NYT) is a Mandarin theatre company embedded in multicultural Singapore, and it regards Chinese culture as the foundation of its work rather than the centre of its practice. NYT presents mainly Mandarin productions, as well as multilingual and inter-disciplinary works occasionally, all with English
supertitles (a brief summary of the plot projected onto a screen above the stage during a performance). NYT’s work is recognised for being artistically grounded, culturally challenging, for touching on universal themes and care for humanity. Therefore, it has always connected with audiences from diverse backgrounds through its work.

Nine Years Theatre (NYT) is a Mandarin theatre company embedded in multicultural Singapore, and it regards Chinese culture as the foundation of its work rather than the centre of its practice.
PHOTO: Nine Years Theatre (NYT) is a Mandarin theatre company embedded in multicultural Singapore, and it regards Chinese culture as the foundation of its work rather than the centre of its practice. NYT presents mainly Mandarin productions, as well as multilingual and inter-disciplinary works occasionally, all with English supertitles (a brief summary of the plot projected onto a screen above the stage during a performance). NYT’s work is recognised for being artistically grounded, culturally challenging, for touching on universal themes and care for humanity. Therefore, it has always connected with audiences from diverse backgrounds through its work.
Picture posted by Huayi - Chinese Festival of Arts
华艺节 on Sunday, 30 January 2022 at 06:00 pm

NYT believes in entertaining its audience, but in ways that are honest and meaningful. It hopes to engage audiences beyond performance, and to share knowledge with the larger community. It is invested in engaging in challenging and dialogic partnerships with local and international collaborators in meaningful ways.

A charity with IPC status, Nine Years Theatre is supported by the National Arts Council under the Major Company Scheme for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2022.

Written and directed by Nelson Chia
PHOTO: Written and directed by Nelson Chia, and featuring a stellar cast of actors such as Goh Guat Kian, Sharon Au 欧菁仙, Mia Chee, Jean Ng, Johnny Ng, and Liow Shi Suen, Between You and Me by 九年剧场 Nine Years Theatre tells the secrets inherent in every family.
Picture posted by Huayi - Chinese Festival of Arts 华艺节 on Monday, 20 December 2021 at 06:00 pm
PHOTO: NYT believes in entertaining its audience, but in ways that are honest and meaningful. It hopes to engage audiences beyond performance, and to share knowledge with the larger community. It is invested in engaging in challenging and dialogic partnerships with local and international collaborators in meaningful ways.
Picture posted by Denierman on 16 October 2016 - Digital Tomb raider,h_1536,q_80,strp/digital_by_denierman_dal86al-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTUzNiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2E4NTdiNThkLTFhNzktNGEyMi1iN2U5LTBjZDZiZWViZjcyZFwvZGFsODZhbC03YWQ4MjgzMy02MzYzLTQwMWItYTFjNi1hNTQzZWJmMzAyYzgucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.7tRR-BjNBYCy4rftnLCbJtLsrLkSdTcRfwYR_cPZDLQ

By Esplanade Commission, Nine Years Theatre (Singapore), 11 – 13, 18 & 19 February 2022
[1] Esplanade Commission, Nine Years Theatre (Singapore), Between You and Me,


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