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Monday, April 26, 2021

Russian influencer who posed naked on elephant didn’t break any laws: Bali police

Source Website: https://toysmatrix.com/trunked-bed-russian-influencer-poses-naked-on-top-of-elephant-in-bali/
By Sehat Taslim, The Toys Matrix, 26 February 2021

Russian fashion model-influencer Alesya Kafelnikova was forced to apologise after posing naked on top of an endangered elephant in Bali.
PHOTO: Russian fashion model-influencer Alesya Kafelnikova was forced to apologise after posing naked on top of an endangered elephant in Bali. The Sumatran elephant, on which the model posed atop, was labelled “Critically Endangered” by the WWF since 2012 due to deforestation and its habitat degradation.
By Yahoo News! on 25 February 2021


Art may have prevailed in the case of a Russian influencer who posed naked while lying face down on top of an elephant in Bali, as she will not be facing legal consequences over the controversial post after police called her in for questioning earlier this week.

Related ⁠— Trunked Bed: Russian influencer poses naked on top of elephant in Bali

In a post uploaded earlier this month, Alesya Kafelnikova can be seen stark naked while lying on top of a Sumatran elephant, sufficiently covering her breasts. The shoot reportedly took place in Taro, Gianyar regency.

In a post uploaded earlier, Alesya Kafelnikova can be seen stark naked while lying on top of a Sumatran elephant, sufficiently covering her breasts. The shoot reportedly took place in Taro, Gianyar regency.
PHOTO: In a post uploaded earlier, Alesya Kafelnikova can be seen stark naked while lying on top of a Sumatran elephant, sufficiently covering her breasts. The shoot reportedly took place in Taro, Gianyar regency.
Picture posted by Panyapol Phuenpha on 25 February 2021


Perhaps unsurprisingly, the clip then made headlines in Indonesia, leading to a follow-up post from the 22-year-old, who defended her photoshoot.

It was a private photoshoot, I didn’t have a purpose to hurt the feelings of local people at all. We love balinese culture and respect Indonesian rules. Please sorry if you see something else in this,” she wrote in the caption, which also included a mention of her local charity work.

Posted by kafelnikova_a on 18 February 2021

Gusti Ayu Suinaci, who heads a special crimes unit at the Bali Police, told local media outlets that Kafelnikova was summoned for questioning on Tuesday, after police suspected that the post, which has since been deleted from her Instagram account, may have violated the law.

We just want to confirm with her why she made that post,” Ayu said. “As an artist she sees that as a form of art and her love for animals and nature.

Gusti Ayu Suinaci, who heads a special crimes unit at the Bali Police, told local media outlets that Kafelnikova was summoned for questioning on Tuesday, after police suspected that the post, which has since been deleted from her Instagram account, may have violated the law.
PHOTO: Gusti Ayu Suinaci, who heads a special crimes unit at the Bali Police, told local media outlets that Kafelnikova was summoned for questioning on Tuesday, after police suspected that the post, which has since been deleted from her Instagram account, may have violated the law.
Picture posted by the Beauty Boutique - Alesya Kafelnikova


Police have since concluded that the post did not violate any law.

She has apologized and she just inadvertently showed something seen as vulgar [but] it was art,” Ayu added.

In a separate incident earlier, showed model Jessica Rast in just bikini bottoms standing on tip toes to kiss an elephant between the eyes.
PHOTO: In a separate incident earlier, showed model Jessica Rast in just bikini bottoms standing on tip toes to kiss an elephant between the eyes. Another image showed her in an area of jungle, naked and lying along the back of a elephant that was sat on the ground.
Credit: CO Press Office
Picture posted by Christy Cooney, The U.S. Sun on 18 November 2020 at 10:12 ET - Model Jessica Rast poses naked, standing on tip toes kissing the elephant between the eyes


Another image showed her in an area of jungle, naked and lying along the back of a elephant that was sat on the ground.
PHOTO: Another image showed her in an area of jungle, naked and lying along the back of a elephant that was sat on the ground.
Credit: CO Press Office
Picture posted by Christy Cooney, The U.S. Sun on 18 November 2020 at 10:12 ET - Model Jessica Rast poses nude on top of an elephant in Bali
PHOTO: Model Jessica Rast said she was inspired to create the shot after watching a nature programme in Australia and going on a safari during her travels.
Picture posted by Christy Cooney, The U.S. Sun on 18 November 2020 at 10:12 ET - Model Jessica Rast  is a model and social media influencer
PHOTO: Francia James molested by an elephant at US safari park.
You touch me, I touch you - all the fondle mammaries.......fond memories. Just a mammal, rogue elephant. Elephant knows exactly what he was doing, bravo elephant.
Picture posted by prodaja2021
When Animals Attack.

Posted by K Rodgers on 21 June 2019

A naughty baby elephant

The influencer said she was sorry and didn’t have a purpose to hurt the feelings of local people
The influencer said she was sorry and didn’t have a purpose to hurt the feelings of local people
PHOTO: While the influencer said she was sorry and didn’t have a purpose to hurt the feelings of local people, she also claimed that it is a pity that people see this as vulgarity, and not as a beauty and love for nature”.
Justifying her photos as a private photoshoot, Kafelnikova wished her critics will awaken an aesthetic lovefrom my photos and see the wonderful beauty in it”.
Lady is photoshop from Betcee (Bare Maidens from Cherry Nudes)
Picture posted by Alamy
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

'Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle'
'Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle'
PHOTO: 'Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle'
Most people's perception of this story is based on the 1968 Disney animation. People aren't so aware that it was actually based on a book that was published in 1890 and centred around India. It is very culturally specific. It is also about a young boy who is in search of his true identity. There is a feeling of 'otherness' outside of his own world. It is a very emotional and visceral journey where there are consequences. It is not about spectacle with an automatic happy ending.

Lady is photoshop from Princess Crystal (Bare Maidens from babetales.com)
Picture posted by Miro Gradinšćak, Artmajeur - GIGANT (2020)
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

'Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle'
'Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle'
PHOTO: 'Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle'
Wthout looking at the historical and cultural roots one can be potentially viewed as a borderline racist and imperialist towards the later parts. There is a need to feel the energies from all of the characters, and that was the primary desire to do artistic capture. There is an intimacy in this artwork.
One of the very early Hathi Elephant concepts from the movie “Mowgli”, From 2014
Lady is photoshop from Betcee (Bare Maidens from Tumblr), who has to be completely naked to unleash her special power.
Picture posted by Sebastian Meyer, Instagram @sebmeyerart
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

Art may have prevailed in the case of a Russian influencer who posed naked with an elephant, as she will not be facing legal consequences over the controversial post after police called her in for questioning earlier this week.
Art may have prevailed in the case of a Russian influencer who posed naked with an elephant, as she will not be facing legal consequences over the controversial post after police called her in for questioning earlier this week.PHOTO: Art may have prevailed in the case of a Russian influencer who posed naked with an elephant, as she will not be facing legal consequences over the controversial post after police called her in for questioning earlier this week.
Lady is photoshop from Betcee (Bare Maidens from Cherry Nudes), who has to be completely naked to unleash her special power.
Picture posted by Delun on 02 August 2009

By Sehat Taslim, The Toys Matrix, 26 February 2021
[1] Sehat Taslim, The Toys Matrix, Russian influencer who posed naked on elephant didn’t break any laws: Bali police, posted on 26 February 2021, https://toysmatrix.com/russian-influencer-who-posed-naked-on-elephant-didnt-break-any-laws-bali-police/
