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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Opinion: I have seen nurses abused and it must stop

Source Website: https://www.tnp.sg/news/views/ive-seen-nurses-abused-and-it-must-stop
By Andre Yeo, andrey@sph.com.sg, News Editor, The New Paper, 14 February 2020 at 06:00 am

It is disappointing to hear that people are shunning healthcare workers as the country deals with the coronavirus.
PHOTO: It is disappointing to hear that people are shunning healthcare workers as the country deals with the coronavirus.
Picture posted by Andre Yeo, andrey@sph.com.sg, News Editor, The New Paper on 14 February 2020 at 06:00 am


For the past 49 days, my father has been warded at Tan Tock Seng Hospital's ward 10A with Stage 4 cancer.

Each time I visit him, I marvel at the dedication and hard work put in by his nurses.

It makes it even more disappointing to hear that people are shunning healthcare workers as the country deals with the coronavirus.

Nurses have been asked not to use lifts and told to take the stairs and even chased out of trains.

Some have asked ambulance drivers not eat near them over fears they might pass the virus to them.

It is disappointing to hear that people are shunning healthcare workers as the country deals with the coronavirus.
PHOTO: It is disappointing to hear that people are shunning healthcare workers as the country deals with the coronavirus.
Nurses have been asked not to use lifts and told to take the stairs and even chased out of trains.
Some have asked ambulance drivers not eat near them over fears they might pass the virus to them.
Picture saved by Nurul Huda Farid to Arty Farty


Our politicians have come out to condemn such disgraceful behaviour and have called on Singaporeans to stand united in our fight against this invisible killer.

I couldn't agree more with them.

The nurses at ward 10A have been nothing but amazing to my father.

Every day, my family and I are taught lessons in humility and selflessness as we watch nurses change his adult diapers.

Who could and would want to do this daily, several times a day?

The nurses can. And do.

And they do this even after being verbally abused.

Once, when I was there, an elderly patient in my father's room scolded a nurse and called her names.

The elderly man, who was very sick, hurled abuse at her.

The nurse remained calm, addressing him as "mister" while tending to him, even asking how he was coping and if he needed to be changed.

His verbal abuse did not stop and yet, she continued asking about him, leaving him only when she was sure he was all right.

On another occasion, a patient in the next room was scolding the medical staff so loudly that my father, who is hard of hearing, could hear him.

The nurses took the verbal volleys in their stride and soldiered on.

My mother, who spends hours by my father's side, said it happens so often she does not know how the nurses can tolerate it.

"It's our job," they tell her smiling.

So, what do the stories of people shunning our healthcare workers say about us as a country? That we are a First World country only in name and have nothing to be proud of if we don't change our selfish behaviour.

So, what do the stories of people shunning our healthcare workers say about us as a country?
PHOTO: So, what do the stories of people shunning our healthcare workers say about us as a country? That we are a First World country only in name and have nothing to be proud of if we don't change our selfish behaviour.
Picture posted by Designzzz


Our healthcare workers risk their lives every day, exposing themselves to all kinds of germs and ungrateful patients and their family members.

The last thing they need is people telling them they might be spreading disease and should go somewhere else.

Before the virus appeared here last month, I could see the nurses' faces.

They would always smile and greet my father by name, and in their chirpy voices ask how he was doing.

They still do but I can't see their faces anymore because of the masks.

But I can tell they're still smiling and giving their best every day.

Our healthcare workers risk their lives every day, exposing themselves to all kinds of germs and ungrateful patients and their family members.
PHOTO: Our healthcare workers risk their lives every day, exposing themselves to all kinds of germs and ungrateful patients and their family members.
The last thing they need is people telling them they might be spreading disease and should go somewhere else.
Picture saved from Stephanie Ortlip


For that, my family, and the families of the other patients in the ward are grateful.

Instead of rejecting our healthcare workers, we should be encouraging them.

If you see them on the streets or on the MRT, give them a thumbs up, smile at them, or hold the door for them.

Say thank you. Cheer them on even.

Instead of rejecting our healthcare workers, we should be encouraging them.
PHOTO: Instead of rejecting our healthcare workers, we should be encouraging them.
If you see them on the streets or on the MRT, give them a thumbs up, smile at them, or hold the door for them.
Say thank you. Cheer them on even.
Picture saved by Asiya khan to Angels


Send them the message that we appreciate the sacrifices they are making in being away from their families as they work over-time to ensure we get the best medical care possible.

They do this even when they know they could be the next confirmed case.

So, to all nurses, doctors, ambulance personnel and healthcare workers, thank you.

They do this even when they know they could be the next confirmed case.
They do this even when they know they could be the next confirmed case.
PHOTO: They do this even when they know they could be the next confirmed case. So, to all nurses, doctors, ambulance personnel and healthcare workers, thank you.
Picture saved from Edward Duarte - When Dreams Come Alive
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at


A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
PHOTO: "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." (Proverbs 11:25).
In a world in which so many people focus on personal gain, this Bible verse about giving offers another perspective; gratitude is an opportunity for the giver to both prosper and be refreshed.

"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40).

"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." (3 John 2)

If you are a nurse or doctor and have come across this article I just want to say that what you do everyday is a beautiful picture of being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to those in need.  May we never take these people for granted and may we all (even if we are not nurses or doctors) show compassion for the needs of other people and in doing so, show the love of Christ to the world. [2]
Picture posted by Tânia Santana on 27 October 2015 at 19:38


By Andre Yeo, andrey@sph.com.sg, News Editor, The New Paper, 14 February 2020 at 06:00 am
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[1] Andre Yeo, andrey@sph.com.sg, News Editor, The New Paper, Opinion: I have seen nurses abused and it must stop, posted on 14 February 2020 at 06:00 am, https://www.tnp.sg/news/views/ive-seen-nurses-abused-and-it-must-stop

[2] Daryl Evans, Bible Verses For Nurses: 27 Scriptures on Caring for Othershttps://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/bible-verses-for-nurses-27-scriptures-on-caring-for-others/


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