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Friday, February 14, 2020

Diary of a coronavirus survivor: Wuhan nurse claims she recovered from virus at home

Source Website: https://www.asiaone.com/china/diary-coronavirus-survivor-wuhan-nurse-claims-she-recovered-virus-home
By Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne, 12 February 2020

Jia Na, 24, a nurse at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, reportedly beat the virus in 11 days — gaining over 1.7 million Weibo followers in the process.
PHOTO: Jia Na, 24, a nurse at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, reportedly beat the virus in 11 days — gaining over 1.7 million Weibo followers in the process.
PHOTO: Facebook/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork
Picture posted by Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne on 12 February 2020


One nurse in Wuhan says if she can conquer the coronavirus, anyone can.

And conquer it, she did. Jia Na, 24, a nurse at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, reportedly beat the virus in 11 days — gaining over 1.7 million Weibo followers in the process.

Jia, who chose to fight the virus at home, documented her journey in a series of Weibo posts, the most popular of which garnered over 300,000 likes.

It all started on Jan 23, when her arms and legs began to feel weak.

It all started on Jan 23, when Jia Na's arms and legs began to feel weak.
PHOTO: It all started on Jan 23, when Jia Na's arms and legs began to feel weak. Subsequent CT scan showed lesions (suffered damage) in her lungs that indicated she had contracted viral Pneumonia.
Picture posted by Nan-Hie In on 17 January 2020 at 6:00pm


"I thought that it was because I was wearing a protective suit. But my colleague said that we should do a computed tomography (CT) scan," she told China Global TV Network in Mandarin.

To her surprise, the CT scan showed lesions (suffered damage) in her lungs that indicated she had contracted viral pneumonia.

Jia Na's CT scan showed lesions in her lungs that indicated she had contracted viral pneumonia.
PHOTO: Jia Na's CT scan showed lesions in her lungs that indicated she had contracted viral pneumonia.
PHOTO: Facebook/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork
Picture posted by Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne on 12 February 2020


The official diagnosis came the next day (Jan 24) when a nucleic acid test confirmed that she was infected with the coronavirus.

The diagnosis sent Jia into a spiral of self-doubt and fear.

"That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how I could have gotten infected," she said. "I always believed in my immunity. I was really depressed and imagined myself dying. I was so scared."

But things began to look up after Jia consulted her doctor, who reassured her that her condition was not serious and, according to her, gave her the choice to recuperate at home instead of admission to the hospital.

For Jia, staying at home was a no-brainer.

"There was no one else at home and hospital beds were in shortage. I wanted to save the beds for those who needed it more," she explained.

Once she was safely isolated at home, it was time to battle the virus.

Her action plan consisted of the following steps:


PHOTO: Facebook/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork
Picture posted by Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne on 12 February 2020


She boosted her immunity by getting proper nutrition, eating her meals on time and getting enough rest.

"You have to eat nutritious and healthy food," Jia shared. "I would boil chicken soup, fish soup, pork rib soup, millet porridge and Eight Treasure porridge."


PHOTO: Facebook/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork
Picture posted by Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne on 12 February 2020


Jia would wipe her tables with disinfectant and sanitise her blankets and clothes with 75 per cent alcohol daily to ensure that her house was virus-free.

"I took hot baths every night to kill the germs and viruses on my body. Wash your hands with soap frequently — this is very important," she added.

Besides sanitation, proper ventilation is also important. She opened her windows to let fresh air in from time to time.


Jia claimed that she only took several common influenza drugs, as well as traditional Chinese remedies such as Lianhua Qingwen capsules and Bupleurum pills.
PHOTO: Facebook/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork
Picture posted by Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne on 12 February 2020


Jia claimed that she only took several common influenza drugs, as well as traditional Chinese remedies such as Lianhua Qingwen capsules and Bupleurum pills.

She added though that this was simply what worked for her and encouraged others to check with their doctor before consuming any medication.

Jia cautioned against "blind panic", focusing instead on "calming the heart and maintaining a rational and positive attitude".

She also stayed home to avoid infecting others, resorting to sending her Chinese New Year greetings to her family via phone calls and videos.

And her efforts apparently paid off — a CT scan on Jan 28 showed that her lungs were back to normal, although tests still showed the presence of the coronavirus in her body.

A CT scan on Jan 28 showed that her lungs were back to normal, although tests still showed the presence of the coronavirus in her body.
PHOTO: A CT scan on Jan 28 showed that her lungs were back to normal, although tests still showed the presence of the coronavirus in her body.
PHOTO: Facebook/ChinaGlobalTVNetwork
Picture posted by Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne on 12 February 2020


Finally, she was given a clean bill of health on Feb 3 when her nucleic acid test came back negative.

On Sunday (Feb 9), Jia supposedly returned to combat the virus on the frontline with a renewed sense of optimism.

"My immune system is basically the same as that of everyone else. If I can go through this and get better, I believe that everyone's immune system can defeat this virus," she said.

My immune system is basically the same as that of everyone else.
We should be getting a good night’s sleep, regular exercise, we should be eating healthy, refraining from things and activities that may harm our bodies.
We should be getting a good night’s sleep, regular exercise, we should be eating healthy, refraining from things and activities that may harm our bodies.
PHOTO:  We should be getting a good night’s sleep, regular exercise, we should be eating healthy, refraining from things and activities that may harm our bodies.

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest." (Proverbs 6:6-8).

"The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty." (Proverbs 27:12).

"The wise fear the Lord and shun evil, but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure." (Proverbs 14:16).
Photo: AFP/Peter Parks
Picture posted by ChannelNewsAsia on Asia on 23 January 2020 at 12:58 PM - Last flight from Wuhan: A China Eastern Airlines aircrew arrive at Sydney airport after landing on a plane from the Chinese city of Wuhan on Jan 23, 2020.
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

By Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne, 12 February 2020

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[1] Kimberly Anne Lim, kimberlylim@asiaone.com, AsiaOne, Diary of a coronavirus survivor: Wuhan nurse claims she recovered from virus at home, posted on 12 February 2020, https://www.asiaone.com/china/diary-coronavirus-survivor-wuhan-nurse-claims-she-recovered-virus-home

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