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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Seniors can queue since 4am for a S$54 handphone but then demand a seat on the MRT

PHOTO: "So chaotic outside Huawei at JP. There were old folks in wheelchairs to queue. Some came as early as 5.30am!!! To their dismay, there were told the HP are all sold out before the shop is open!!"
PHOTO: Facebook/Szehwa Lim
Picture posted by Ilyas Sholihyn, AsiaOne, on 26 July 2019


Senior citizens after queuing since 4am to get a phone then proceeding to demand a seat on the MRT.

Maybe I can share some insight into this mysterious event. I am also a 'Senior citizen' above 50 years old. I put an apostrophic punctuation mark because I do not have all the correct attributes of a senior citizen yet. Only my age. And No, I was not at the S$54 queue. I was at another queue - a S$216 queue to see my doctor at a clinic.

No, I was not at the S$54 queue.
PHOTO: No, I was not at the S$54 queue. I was at another queue - a S$216 queue to see my doctor at a clinic.
PHOTO: Facebook/Chris Wee - "Police called on at Toa Payoh."
Picture posted by Ilyas Sholihyn, AsiaOne, on 26 July 2019


And No, I did not start queuing at 04:00 am. I started queuing at 11:00am at the registration counter of the clinic. It was at this registration counter that I learned about how the queues turned ugly, and the polices were called to control the crowd, and bring back some order, and proper behaviour. Yes, those young policemen have to tell those senior citizens to calm down, to behave themselves just like a senior should.

No, I did not start queuing at 04:00 am.
PHOTO: No, I did not start queuing at 04:00 am. I started queuing at 11:00am at the registration counter of the clinic. It was at this registration counter that I learned about how the queues turned ugly, and the polices were called to control the crowd.
Picture posted by Kimberly Lim, Today on 29 July 2019


No, I am not trying to help the seniors, because I don't have the ability. I do lack the wisdom to understand why those seniors were innocent and abused. Not only one, but thousands of them. I am led to believe that all the younger generations were shaking their heads in disbelief. But that is not the point. The point is why the seniors were so energetic at the S$54 queue but unable to stand in the MRT train.

No, I am not trying to help the seniors, because I don't have the ability.
PHOTO: No, I am not trying to help the seniors, because I don't have the ability. I do lack the wisdom to understand  why those seniors were innocent and abused. Not only one, but thousands of them.
Picture posted by Nyi Nyi Thet, mothership on 26 July at 11:10 am


According to Dr Terence TANG [2], Department of Geriatric Medicine, for every 3 elderly Singaporeans, there is 1 with diabetes. On that eventful Friday, 26 July 2019, the handphone NATIONAL DAY COMMEMORATIONS challenged all the seniors to move their butts. Many let their guts down trusting the 'benevolent' source to reward them all the way. Since there were kind souls out there who were putting in efforts to revive the old, why let such a kind act go unnoticed? We, the elderly must unite, and show Singapore that we too, can do our part.

According to Dr Terence TANG, Department of Geriatric Medicine, for every 3 elderly Singaporeans, there is 1 with diabetes.
PHOTO: According to Dr Terence TANG, Department of Geriatric Medicine, for every 3 elderly Singaporeans, there is 1 with diabetes.
Picture posted by Vivienne Tay on Monday, 25 June 2018 at 10:30 - MCI’s prequel to anti-diabetes kungfu spot shows a hero rice-ing


So all the seniors aroused, put their thinking cap behind, took their diabetic medicine, and swung their old butts into action. The Singapore National Spirit gave them the boost. A warm-hearted beginning, to show what Singapore could be. No seniors, no talk. No seniors, no fun. No seniors, no juniors. One senior could buy 2 phones, with either gold metal or black leather.  Anyway, the offers would last for 3 days, so there must be a lot of stocks. Seniors have lot of pride about their intelligence, you know? But the pride got to their heads. And pride always come before a fall. But that still does not explain why the seniors need a seat on the MRT.

 All the seniors aroused, put their thinking cap behind, took their diabetic medicine, and swung their old butts into action.
PHOTO: All the seniors aroused, put their thinking cap behind, took their diabetic medicine, and swung their old butts into action. The Singapore National Spirit gave them the boost. A warm-hearted beginning, to show what Singapore could be.
Picture posted by Jenn on 05 Deacember 2012


Before the phone shops were opened, the long queues of seniors were already there. Some queues snaked along corridors, staircases, road, gardens, and . . . . clinics? If there were detectors to measure the level of expectation, the detectors would promptly burst into pieces. Just like PMD devices. Then something really caused all the seniors to burst. Even before the shops were opened for business, the "rubbish" [3] notice informed them that all the units have been SOLD OUT. And even thanked them for the “unprecedented surge of demand”. "Any interest please whatsapp or sms XXXXXXX (Do not call)". "We remain fully committed to existing customers. . . . . Stay tuned for more offers and promotions . . ". To the seniors, it was like an invitation to slap them, and then apologised.

Huawei shop at Bugis never open and all sold out! What rubbish!!!
PHOTO: "We are sorry. Our outlets are oversubscribed. Please refrain from joining the queues further as stores are likely to sell-out fast." Something really caused all the seniors to burst.
Picture posted by Ilyas Sholihyn, AsiaOne, on 26 July 2019


I think I know what all the seniors were thinking at that precarious moments. They suddenly realised how foolish they had been. All the decades of experiences and skills were useless. The high pride which they harboured a moment ago came dashing down. They were literally reduced to nothing. Evil had no boundaries, and mocked at their accumulated "knowledge and wisdom". But the seniors hated evil, and they seek to purify themselves. Now is time, now is the moment, for their wrath to befall on the devil. Their righteous instincts demand punishment for the infidel, to the maximum extend, and on their own terms. "Hell hath no fury like Singaporean uncles and aunties who feel cheated out of a sweet deal." [3] And they felt the urgent need to redeem themselves through their own efforts. So why do they need a seat in the MRT?

All the seniors were thinking at that precarious moments how foolish they had been.
PHOTO: All the seniors were thinking at that precarious moments how foolish they had been. All the decades of experiences and skills were useless. The high pride which they harboured a moment ago came dashing down. They were literally reduced to nothing.
Picture posted in Suspense Magazine


The seniors raised their vocal volume to unacceptable levels, and they performed like there was no tomorrow. Aunties won the day, but Uncles struggled to keep up with the standard. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone had to retire. Meanwhile with all their best efforts, the diabetic medicine reacted vehemently, and their blood sugar (HbA1c) level dropped to below the 4.0 mmol/L. They would have exhibited the following symptoms.

  • Feeling shaky. (Cannot stand)
  • Being nervous or anxious.
  • Sweating, chills and clamminess. (Cannot stand)
  • Irritability or impatience.
  • Confusion.
  • Fast/irregular heartbeat. (Cannot stand)
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy. (Cannot stand)
  • Hunger.

Meanwhile with all their best efforts, the diabetic medicine reacted vehemently, and their blood sugar (HbA1c) level dropped to below the 4.0 mmol/L.
PHOTO: Meanwhile with all their best efforts, the diabetic medicine reacted vehemently, and their blood sugar (HbA1c) level dropped to below the 4.0 mmol/L.
Picture posted by Willow Green on 27 September 2010


That is why the poor seniors need to sit in the MRT. This is how we can learn even from the improper behaviour of the seniors. So it is still prudent to heed the call to learn from our seniors. The good news is "When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the Lord, and the Lord will pay you back." (Proverbs 19:17 (GNT)).

The poor seniors need to sit in the MRT.
The poor seniors need to sit in the MRT.
PHOTO:  The poor seniors need to sit in the MRT.
The good news is "When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the Lord, and the Lord will pay you back." (Proverbs 19:17 (GNT)).
Picture posted by Aaron Kirby
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at http://www.webestools.com/animated-images-effect-generator-effects-gif-images-picture-blog-gif-fx-images-animated-effect.html

By cock loving maniac‏ @matthiyass, 25 July 2019 at 23:09

[1] cock loving maniac‏ @matthiyass, Senior citizens after queuing since 4am to get a phone then proceeding to demand a seat on the MRT, https://twitter.com/matthiyass/status/1154634729284493312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1154634729284493312&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.asiaone.com%2Fdigital%2Fbacklash-and-anguish-over-huawei-backfired-promotion-told-online

[2] Dr Terence TANG, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Diabetes and the Elderly, https://www.ktph.com.sg/uploads/14603592411 Plenary Lecture_Ageing Well with Diabetes_compressed.pdf

[3] Ilyas Sholihyn, AsiaOne, The backlash and anguish over Huawei’s backfired promotion, as told by the internet, posted on 26 July 2019, https://www.asiaone.com/digital/backlash-and-anguish-over-huawei-backfired-promotion-told-online

Good News Translation (GNT), Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society