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Friday, May 24, 2019

Chinese woman slaps boyfriend in public for not buying her a mobile phone

PHOTO: Her boyfriend didn't buy her a mobile phone that day is the reason for the woman's outburst. He did not defend himself or retaliate as she struck his face 52 times. The number of slaps was confirmed by the police after they had carried out an investigation on the matter.
The scene attracted a crowd and several passers-by tried to stop the woman. She continued with the abuse even after the police arrived.
Women slapping men has been glamourised by popular culture.

Source: YouTube
Picture posted by Sheralyn Tan on 23 May 2019


May 20 may be a day couples in China express their love for each other, but the occasion left a man with stinging cheeks.

In a video clip making its rounds on the Internet, a woman was seen scolding and slapping her boyfriend on a street in Sichuan.

He did not defend himself or retaliate as she struck his face 52 times.

In a video clip making its rounds on the Internet, a woman was seen scolding and slapping her boyfriend on a street in Sichuan. The scene attracted a crowd and several passers-by tried to stop the woman. She continued with the abuse even after the police arrived.
PHOTO: In a video clip making its rounds on the Internet, a woman was seen scolding and slapping her boyfriend on a street in Sichuan. The scene attracted a crowd and several passers-by tried to stop the woman. She continued with the abuse even after the police arrived.
Women are not empowering themselves when they hit men intentionally, but simply reaffirming their lack of power in a situation they can no longer control. [3]
Picture posted by Asiaone, editor@asiaone.com on 23 May 2019


The reason for the woman's outburst?

Her boyfriend didn't buy her a mobile phone that day (520 is Chinese Internet slang for "I love you").

The scene attracted a crowd and several passers-by tried to stop the woman. She continued with the abuse even after the police arrived.

Officers then tried to take the couple to the police station for mediation, but the man -- fearing that his girlfriend would get into trouble -- stopped them from taking her away.

Officers then tried to take the couple to the police station for mediation, but the man -- fearing that his girlfriend would get into trouble -- stopped them from taking her away.
PHOTO: Officers then tried to take the couple to the police station for mediation, but the man -- fearing that his girlfriend would get into trouble -- stopped them from taking her away.
Women in violent relationships were most likely to hit back, and to say publicly they had done so, a worrying element of the survey that should not be overlooked. [3]
Source: YouTube
Picture posted by Sheralyn Tan on 23 May 2019


May 20 may be a day couples in China express their love for each other, but the occasion left a man with stinging cheeks. In a video clip making its rounds on the Internet, a woman was seen scolding and slapping her boyfriend on a street in Sichuan.
PHOTO: May 20 may be a day couples in China express their love for each other, but the occasion left a man with stinging cheeks. In a video clip making its rounds on the Internet, a woman was seen scolding and slapping her boyfriend on a street in Sichuan.
The casual female on male violence presumes that women cannot do men any real harm. The size of bruises and the amount of blood spilled is not the only way one measures the effect of violence, as any man or woman who has been belittled or controlled or intimidated by their partner will tell you. [3]
Picture posted by Jennifer O'Mahony on 15 March 2013 at 7:00AM GMT - Women: hitting your man is not cute; it's abuse

He also told the officers he did not want to get the police involved in the spat and that he would handle the issue.

To prevent the problem from escalating, the police dispersed the crowd and took the man away from the scene. The couple was later counselled separately.

According to the police, the couple had an argument over domestic issues.

On 20th May in Sichuan province, on-lookers and passers-by had quite a show to gawk at when a woman was seen slapping her boyfriend multiple times while he stood there and allowed her to hit him.
PHOTO: On 20th May in Sichuan province, on-lookers and passers-by had quite a show to gawk at when a woman was seen slapping her boyfriend multiple times while he stood there and allowed her to hit him. [2]
Young women are internalising messages that dominance is the only way to conduct a relationship successfully, in keeping with the individualistic streak that feminism has acquired in recent years, where to be empowered means getting what you want, not working together for what you can both accept from each other. [3]
Source: YouTube
Picture posted by Sheralyn Tan on 23 May 2019


The woman had been supporting her boyfriend financially and got angry when he couldn't afford to buy her a mobile phone to celebrate the occasion.

He then allowed his girlfriend to take her anger out on him because he felt that he was in the wrong.

The whole episode was captured on CCTV and on spectators’ phone cameras, and shows the irate woman acting out furiously, scolding her partner and hitting him quite violently because she did not get a new smartphone as she had requested on the holiday.
PHOTO: The whole episode was captured on CCTV and on spectators’ phone cameras, and shows the irate woman acting out furiously, scolding her partner and hitting him quite violently because she did not get a new smartphone as she had requested on the holiday.
Things got even more interesting when the police attempted to separate the pair as the man still insisted on defending the woman even after the painful ordeal she had put him through. He said that he had made a mistake by not buying her the phone and claimed that receiving the physical abuse from his partner was the only way to calm her anger. [2]
Violence does not make relationship problems go away, but increases the chance of a similar incident reoccurring, whether a man is hitting a woman or a woman is smacking him. [3]
Source: YouTube
Picture posted by Sheralyn Tan on 23 May 2019


God hates violence and abuse within families. Loving justice and acting justly means refusing to tolerate abuse, exposing it (Ephesians 5:11-13) and stopping it.
PHOTO: God hates violence and abuse within families. Loving justice and acting justly means refusing to tolerate abuse, exposing it (Ephesians 5:11-13) and stopping it. [4]
The downtrodden are still valuable to God. Jesus included women, children, foreigners, sinners, the "unclean", outcasts, the sick and even outlaws and murderers (thief on the cross) at a time when the world doesn't. [5]
PHOTO: It is also vital that local authorities punish those who commit offences. Many acts of domestic and family violence are against the law. We can and should embrace the God-given authorities of human government and law enforcement to stop abuse and bring perpetrators to justice (Romans 13, 1 Peter 2, Acts 23:12-22). [4]
Picture posted by Lydia Hawken, The Sun on 12 September 2018 at 9:24am - Woman's shocking outfits that leave little to the imagination


God promises to administer justice to all who have been mistreated or abused (Exodus 22:22-24) and ultimately offers them everlasting comfort and complete emotional healing that no human court can provide (Revelation 21:4).
God promises to administer justice to all who have been mistreated or abused (Exodus 22:22-24) and ultimately offers them everlasting comfort and complete emotional healing that no human court can provide (Revelation 21:4).
PHOTO:God promises to administer justice to all who have been mistreated or abused (Exodus 22:22-24) and ultimately offers them everlasting comfort and complete emotional healing that no human court can provide (Revelation 21:4). God promises a future free from sexual assault, rape and harassment, when “no one shall make them afraid” (Micah 4:4).
Picture posted by silviomessina.pw - My Fantasy Realm To Love And Be Loved
By Asiaone, editor@asiaone.com, 23 May 2019

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[1] Asiaone, editor@asiaone.com, Chinese woman slaps boyfriend in public for not buying her a mobile phone, posted on 23 May 2019, https://www.asiaone.com/china/chinese-woman-slaps-boyfriend-public-not-buying-her-mobile-phone

[2] Sheralyn Tan, Man Gets Slapped by GF 52 Times for Not Buying Her New Phone, Accepts Abuse to Calm Her Anger, posted on 23 May 2019, https://www.worldofbuzz.com/man-gets-slapped-by-gf-52-times-for-not-buying-her-new-phone-accepts-abuse-to-calm-her-anger/

[3] Jennifer O'Mahony, Women: hitting your man is not cute; it's abuse, posted on 15 March 2013 at 7:00AM GMT, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9930142/Women-hitting-your-man-is-not-cute-its-abuse.html

[4]  SAFER, Understanding what the Bible says about faith issues that relate to domestic violence is a key step for any churches engaging in this area., https://www.saferresource.org.au/the_bible_on_domestic_family_violence

[5] Rembert Truluck, Jesus broke religious laws to help outcasts, posted on 26 April  2003, http://www.otkenyer.hu/truluck/jesus_and_outcasts.html

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Ephesians 5:11-13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+5%3A11-13&version=NIV

Exodus 22:22-24 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+22%3A22-24&version=NIV

Micah 4:4 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Micah+4%3A4&version=NIV

Revelation 21:4 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+21%3A4&version=NIV

Romans 13, 1 Peter 2, Acts 23:12-22 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+13%2C+1+Peter+2%2C+Acts+23%3A12-22&version=NIV