By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: Reflect on Jonah's prayer.
If you read Jonah's prayer carefully, you'll be amazed by the polished poetry describing the dire consequences of his rebellion. God had thrown him into the deep end of the seas, from which no one could rescue him (Jonah 2:3). The prophet had wrestled with the sweeping currents and waves that engulfed him (Jonah 2:5), and now he lay in the deepest pit, from which there was no escape (Jonah 2:6). It was a hopeless and helpless situation, with the prospect of the loneliest kind of death possible.
How can a man dying in a fish's stomach come up with such a beautiful worded prayer? After all, we know from experience that when we are in danger, our prayers become brief shouts to heaven, more like urgent telegraphs than well-composed letters. How was Jonah able to pray like a poet taking a morning walk in a garden?
Jonah's prayer sounds poetic because it is partly made up of verses from Israel's songbook, the Psalms. What better portion of Scripture to use in such situations than the Psalms?
What lessons can we learn about the role of Scripture and songs in shaping and preparing us for difficult times?
It is clear that, for all his faults, Jonah knew Scripture well, especially the book of Psalms. Perhaps when he was doing God's work and obeying God, he took care to read and mediate on God's Word, and to pray and sing the songs in Israel's psalter (the Book of Psalms). But when he ran away from God, this fellowship was severed, and he became prayer-less. That is, until God pushed him into a corner, whereupon he poured out the passages he had stored in his heart.
It is difficult to imagine that a man near death and stuck in a suffocating fish belly could be so lucid and poetic, as Jonah's prayer seems to suggest. Chances are that he would have been in a semi-conscious, drifting into a stupor. He was there for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17), and the longer he stayed, the more confused and drowsy - and closer to death - he would become. How could a man in such circumstances be able to pray the way Jonah did? Perhaps Jonah wrote the prayer later while recollecting his near-death experience. The poetry may have come after the pain. But the way the text is written seems to suggest that Jonah actually prayed the prayer found in chapter 2. How was that possible?
The Spirit of God, who is able to intercede for the children of God "through wordless groans" (Romans 8:26), can put together a prayer in our hearts. Is it thus not possible that the Spirit is able to take our favourite Scripture passages and songs from the treasury of our hearts, and knit together a wonderful prayer in our dying hearts?
If this is truly the case, then we need to develop the holy habit of reading the Bible, meditating on it, and memorising it. God told Joshua, "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it" (Joshua 1:8). We need to pay attention to the process by which God's Word comes to be stored in our hearts.
Joshua's mentor, Moses, had told the Israelites that the Word of God was not something that was inaccessible, "up in heaven" or "beyond the sea". Rather, "the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it" (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). To keep the Word on our lips and in our mouths is to keep reading it; Scriptures used to be read aloud, hence the expression "keeping the word in your mouth". But God's Word also has to come into our hearts. This happens when we meditate on what we read, and take the effort to memorise Scripture so that we can recollect what we have read and meditated on.
Familiarity with God's Word will be helpful when we are tempted; Jesus quoted Scripture when He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-10; cf. Deuteronomy 8:3). And it will also be helpful to us when we are dying; Jesus also quoted Scripture when he breathed His last breath (Luke 23:46; cf. Psalm 31:5).
Assess your own experience with God's Word.
My experiences with God's Word were in different circumstances from Jonah the prophet. While he was "hurled" into the stormy sea and end up in the belly of a large fish, mine was death while serving National Service. Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Operationally Ready National Serviceman, Corporal First Class (National Service) [CFC (NS)] Pang Wei Chong, Aloysius passed away at 2045hrs on 23 January 2019 (SG time) at Waikato Hospital, New Zealand, from injuries sustained four days ago on Saturday, 19 January 2019, while carrying out repair works inside a Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer. This official statement was issued on late Wednesday night (23 January 2019) by the Ministry of Defence (Mindef).
Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in an update on Facebook said that "our prayers go to CFC (NS) Pang to turn this difficult corner, as well as to his family members for strength". During this difficult period, I felt the need to offer condolences to the family of CFC (NS) Pang, and his loved ones. I searched the internet and found the following God's Word. We need them as a source of comfort, and encouragement.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14:1-3). Although not poetic like Jonah's prayer, it is comforting for a situation with little signs of hope.
Unknown for many of us, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4). God knows about the painful loss of our loved-ones, for He also had cried before. Jesus wept (John 11:35) when He gathered with the sisters and others mourning Lazarus's death.
To many of us fellow soldiers, both past and present, our departed colleagues could be travelling alone in the unknown world. He may be braving the obstacles and untold dangers, empty handed. God knows our feeling of fear, and he provide the following assurance.
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)
To double confirm the safe journey of our dearly departed, we pray: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24). Abide, Ask, Believe, and Receive.
My experience with God's Word is not as spectacular as Jonah's but we have one thing in common. When pushed into a corner, we turn to Scripture for help. Jonah prayed with the book of Psalms stored in his heart, whereas I follow the keyboard warriors and retrieved the biblical canon (or canon of scripture) stored in the mass media.
What more can you do to place it on your heart?
Jonah poured out the passages he had stored in his heart, but I relied on computer and the Internet to access the Scriptures. In circumstances when there is no internet-linked computer, I will be helpless.
In our corporate world, when a department in a company pays another department in the same company for services provided, we used to hear the phrase, "Left pocket to right pocket". The next phrase will follow, "But it's better to be in my pocket". We can transfer out the Scripture from the Internet's storage for our uses, but it would have been better if the Scripture are right in our heart, and in "our mouth".
A standard Bible consists of a thousand of pages with words of equivalent Arial font size 10. 0.1% of the Bible means 1 pages of texts. Each page has 100 rows divided into 2 columns. Each row consists of about 6 words. A 0.1% of the Bible is 1 pages of 600 words, and it takes a lot of effort to commit then to memory, and to store in our heart. Base on just personal effort, many of us may not succeed. We therefore need to pay attention to the process by which God's Word comes to be stored in our hearts.
The Spirit of God is able to knit together a wonderful prayer from our favourite Scripture passages and songs stored in our hearts. We pray for the Holy Spirit to help us memorise God's Word in our heart, as we read and meditate the Scripture. God's Word has to come into our hearts. He will act to save us from what might appear to be a hopeless situation.
We may still have fears, but my God will supply all of my needs. (Philippians 4:19).
Wood Engraving by Sarah van Niekerk (Phillip Medhurst)
Reflect on Jonah's prayer. What lessons can we learn about the role of Scripture and songs in shaping and preparing us for difficult times? Assess your own experience with God's Word. What more can you do to place it on your heart?
Reflect on Jonah's prayer.
Jonah's Poetic Prayer [1]
If you read Jonah's prayer carefully, you'll be amazed by the polished poetry describing the dire consequences of his rebellion. God had thrown him into the deep end of the seas, from which no one could rescue him (Jonah 2:3). The prophet had wrestled with the sweeping currents and waves that engulfed him (Jonah 2:5), and now he lay in the deepest pit, from which there was no escape (Jonah 2:6). It was a hopeless and helpless situation, with the prospect of the loneliest kind of death possible.
PHOTO: Jonah's Poetic Prayer, a polished poetry describing the dire consequences of his rebellion.
Picture posted by Dr. Larry Dixon on 19 August 2017
How can a man dying in a fish's stomach come up with such a beautiful worded prayer? After all, we know from experience that when we are in danger, our prayers become brief shouts to heaven, more like urgent telegraphs than well-composed letters. How was Jonah able to pray like a poet taking a morning walk in a garden?
PHOTO: From experience when we are in danger, our prayers become brief shouts to heaven, more like urgent telegraphs than well-composed letters. Jonah was able to pray like a poet taking a morning walk in a garden.
Picture posted by
There are two observations we can make here.
Firstly, Jonah's prayer sounds poetic because it is partly made up of verses from Israel's songbook, the Psalms. What better portion of Scripture to use in such situations than the Psalms? Let us look at how the Psalms might have influenced the prophet's prayer:
"My distress", v. 2 - Psalm 18:6; 120:1
"deep in the realm of the death", v. 2 - Psalm 16:10; 30:3
"called for help", v. 2 - Psalm 18:6
"You hurled me", v. 3 - Psalm 88:6
"all your waves and breakers swept over me", v. 3 - Psalm 42:7
"I have banished from your sight", v. 4 - Psalm 31:22
"toward your holy temple", v. 4 - Psalm 5:7
"The engulfing waters", v. 5 - Psalm 69:1-2
"sank down", v. 6 - Psalm 69:2
"brought my life up from the pit", v. 6 - Psalm 30:3
"when my life was ebbing away", v. 7 - Psalm 142:3
"to your holy temple", v. 7 - Psalm 138:2
"Those who cling to worthless idols", v. 8 - Psalm 31:6
"I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you", v. 9 - Psalm 50:14, 23
"What I have vowed I will make good", v. 9 - Psalm 116:14
"Salvation comes from the Lord", v. 9 - Psalm 3:8
PHOTO: Jonah's prayer sounds poetic because it is partly made up of verses from Israel's songbook, the Psalms.
The book of Psalms is the songbook of ancient Israel. No other book of hymns has been used by so many for so long. The content of the psalms ranges from adoration and praise of God to desperate pleading in times of distress. Every human emotion can be found. Emotions are deeply felt, including the pain of sin and separation from God, relief in forgiven sin, distress in trial and humiliation, and confidence in Almighty Ever-Present God.
Picture posted by (2019)
What lessons can we learn about the role of Scripture and songs in shaping and preparing us for difficult times?
It is clear that, for all his faults, Jonah knew Scripture well, especially the book of Psalms. Perhaps when he was doing God's work and obeying God, he took care to read and mediate on God's Word, and to pray and sing the songs in Israel's psalter (the Book of Psalms). But when he ran away from God, this fellowship was severed, and he became prayer-less. That is, until God pushed him into a corner, whereupon he poured out the passages he had stored in his heart.
PHOTO: Jonah knew Scripture well, especially the book of Psalms. Perhaps when he was doing God's work and obeying God, he took care to read and mediate on God's Word, and to pray and sing the songs in Israel's psalter (the Book of Psalms).
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Secondly, it is difficult to imagine that a man near death and stuck in a suffocating fish belly could be so lucid and poetic, as Jonah's prayer seems to suggest. Chances are that he would have been in a semi-conscious, drifting into a stupor. He was there for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17), and the longer he stayed, the more confused and drowsy - and closer to death - he would become. How could a man in such circumstances be able to pray the way Jonah did? Perhaps Jonah wrote the prayer later while recollecting his near-death experience. The poetry may have come after the pain. But the way the text is written seems to suggest that Jonah actually prayed the prayer found in chapter 2. How was that possible?
PHOTO: The way the text is written seems to suggest that Jonah actually prayed the prayer found in chapter 2. It is difficult to imagine that a man near death and stuck in a suffocating fish belly could be so lucid and poetic, as Jonah's prayer seems to suggest.
Picture posted by marcelo182 on March 2018
Sometimes we see patients in a coma seemingly responding to what we say or sing. They may be oblivious to their surroundings and unable to talk, but when a familiar song is sung or a Scripture is read, they seem to respond - for example, we may see tears flowing out of their eyes. This has led people to wonder whether patients in a coma are still able to hear or are aware of what is going on around them. After all, the Spirit of God, who is able to intercede for the children of God "through wordless groans" (Romans 8:26), can put together a prayer in our hearts. Is it thus not possible that the Spirit is able to take our favourite Scripture passages and songs from the treasury of our hearts, and knit together a wonderful prayer in our dying hearts?
PHOTO: The Spirit of God, who is able to intercede for the children of God, can put together a prayer in our hearts. Is it thus not possible that the Spirit is able to take our favourite Scripture passages and songs from the treasury of our hearts, and knit together a wonderful prayer in our dying hearts?
Picture saved from Lizbe Van
If this is truly the case, then we need to develop the holy habit of reading the Bible, meditating on it, and memorising it. God told Joshua, "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it" (Joshua 1:8). We need to pay attention to the process by which God's Word comes to be stored in our hearts.
PHOTO: We need to develop the holy habit of reading the Bible, meditating on it, and memorising it. (Joshua 1:8). We need to pay attention to the process by which God's Word comes to be stored in our hearts.
Picture saved from JwCindy Mulyono
Joshua's mentor, Moses, had told the Israelites that the Word of God was not something that was inaccessible, "up in heaven" or "beyond the sea". Rather, "the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it" (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). To keep the Word on our lips and in our mouths is to keep reading it; Scriptures used to be read aloud, hence the expression "keeping the word in your mouth". But God's Word also has to come into our hearts. This happens when we meditate on what we read, and take the effort to memorise Scripture so that we can recollect what we have read and meditated on.
PHOTO: The Word of God is not something that was inaccessible, "up in heaven" or "beyond the sea". Rather, "the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it" (Deuteronomy 30:11-14).
Picture posted by Kate P on 20 July 2018
Familiarity with God's Word will be helpful when we are tempted; Jesus quoted Scripture when He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-10; cf. Deuteronomy 8:3). And it will also be helpful to us when we are dying; Jesus also quoted Scripture when he breathed His last breath (Luke 23:46; cf. Psalm 31:5).
PHOTO: Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" And having said this he breathed his last. (Luke 23:46)
Picture posted by Leon on 24 July 2018
We can see how suffering in the belly of the big fish brought Jonah to prayer. And in his beautiful prayer, we can see how Jonah began to understand the beauty of suffering.
Assess your own experience with God's Word.
My experiences with God's Word were in different circumstances from Jonah the prophet. While he was "hurled" into the stormy sea and end up in the belly of a large fish, mine was death while serving National Service. Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Operationally Ready National Serviceman, Corporal First Class (National Service) [CFC (NS)] Pang Wei Chong, Aloysius passed away at 2045hrs on 23 January 2019 (SG time) at Waikato Hospital, New Zealand, from injuries sustained four days ago on Saturday, 19 January 2019, while carrying out repair works inside a Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer. This official statement was issued on late Wednesday night (23 January 2019) by the Ministry of Defence (Mindef). [2]

Picture posted by in Paiting, Dribbble - Singapore Army Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer (SSPH) Primus
Aloysius Pang, 28, a Singaporean actor was with 500 other Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) personnel recently converged on the Waiouru Military Training Area in January for the annual Thunder Warrior exercise (Singapore-New Zealand Exercise). He was an Armament Technician from the 268th Battalion Singapore Artillery. Unfortunately, CFC (NS) Pang sustained injuries when the gun barrel was lowered. He was evacuated to Waikato Hospital, a regional trauma centre where he underwent a number of surgeries to treat his injuries. Despite surgical attempts to repair damaged organs and putting him on artificial life support, CFC (NS) Pang succumbed to the injuries and passed away. He died while on reservist duty. [2]

PHOTO: Aloysius Pang, 28, a Singaporean actor was with 500 other Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) personnel recently converged on the Waiouru Military Training Area in January for the annual Thunder Warrior exercise (Singapore-New Zealand Exercise). He was an Armament Technician from the 268th Battalion Singapore Artillery. Unfortunately, CFC (NS) Pang sustained injuries when the gun barrel was lowered. Despite surgical attempts to repair damaged organs and putting him on artificial life support, CFC (NS) Pang succumbed to the injuries and passed away. He died while on reservist duty.
Picture posted on aloypang's Instagram
A post went up on late Wednesday night on the actor's Instagram account that appeared to have been written by one of his two elder brothers on behalf of the family.
"On behalf of our family
Throughout the past few days in the hospital, it has been a difficult time for us. Every news that were brought upon us since his last op was devastating with little signs of hope on his recovery. We all broke down when the medical team spoke to us that his condition is worsening and we should be prepared for the worst.
We're going to lose a brother. And my parents are going to lose their precious son whom is only 28.
Thus I seek everybody's kind understanding that we are unable to comment further during these precarious time."
PHOTO: A post went up on late Wednesday night on the actor's Instagram account that appeared to have been written by one of his two elder brothers on behalf of the family.
"We all broke down when the medical team spoke to us that his condition is worsening and we should be prepared for the worst.
We're going to lose a brother. And my parents are going to lose their precious son whom is only 28."
Photo: Instagram/Aloysius Pang
Picture posted byCeline Tan, Today on 25 January 2019
Aloysius Pang, who started acting at age nine, had been due to start shooting Channel 8 romantic drama My One In A Million next month after Chinese New Year. Singapore has lost a son, brother, boyfriend, and colleague. Understandably, everybody were sadden with grief. He was one of our "Ah Boys" whom we have seen growing up, and working till gaining the hearts of all of us. This was a lost, and with others who died in our National Defence, cannot be simply brushed aside and forgotten. I had heard of people mentioning the loss of our founding father, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (1923–2015), and others (from the media and their eulogies). All have served an important part in the development of our nation. These were the people whom we have trusted and relied upon. Especially in our painful moments, fond memories of them will remain in our hearts, and for a long time to come.
PHOTO: Aloysius Pang, who started acting at age nine, was one of our "Ah Boys" whom we have seen growing up, and working till gaining the hearts of all of us. This was a lost, and with others who died in our National Defence, cannot be simply brushed aside and forgotten. Singapore has lost a son, brother, boyfriend, and colleague. Understandably, everybody were sadden with grief.
Aloysius once mentioned in an interview that his goal is to protect his mum after she has protected him for so long.
In his final Instagram post, he announced that he would be dutifully serving our country and asked his fans to wait for his return (等我回来 Děng wǒ huí lái).
Picture posted by Aloysius 冯伟衷 (Féng wěi zhōng) on 14 May 2017 - "Every day is Mother's day. Every day. Thank you Ma"
Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in an update on Facebook said that "our prayers go to CFC (NS) Pang to turn this difficult corner, as well as to his family members for strength". During this difficult period, I felt the need to offer condolences to the family of CFC (NS) Pang, and his loved ones. I searched the internet and found the following God's Word. We need them as a source of comfort, and encouragement.
PHOTO: Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in an update on Facebook said that "our prayers go to CFC (NS) Pang to turn this difficult corner, as well as to his family members for strength".
Picture posted by by Alfred Chua. Today on 25 January 2019
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14:1-3). Although not poetic like Jonah's prayer, it is comforting for a situation with little signs of hope.

PHOTO: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14:1-3).
Picture posted by Candice Cai,, AsiaOne on 26 January 2019
Unknown for many of us, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4). God knows about the painful loss of our loved-ones, for He also had cried before. Jesus wept (John 11:35) when He gathered with the sisters and others mourning Lazarus's death.
PHOTO: (From left) Actress Hayley Woo, her twin sister Jayley and actor Chen Shucheng walking behind the hearse of late actor Aloysius Pang, on Jan 27, 2019.
Unknown for many of us, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4). God knows about the painful loss of our loved-ones, for He also had cried before. Jesus wept (John 11:35) when He gathered with the sisters and others mourning Lazarus's death.
ST PHOTO: Jasmine Choong
Picture posted by Tan Tam Mei and Tee Zhuo, The Straits Times on 28 January 2019 at 11:22 am
To many of us fellow soldiers, both past and present, our departed colleagues could be travelling alone in the unknown world. He may be braving the obstacles and untold dangers, empty handed. God knows our feeling of fear, and he provide the following assurance.
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)

PHOTO: To many of us fellow soldiers, both past and present, our departed colleagues could be travelling alone in the unknown world. He may be braving the obstacles and untold dangers, empty handed. God knows our feeling of fear, and he provide the following assurance.
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)
Although saddened at the time acknowledging that when that day would come, when our loved ones would pass from here to being with Jesus, that this was when they would finally be happy again.
As could be expected, striving for wealth and riches did not bring the happiness it promised. The price that had to be paid for all this was far too high. The emptiness was staring at us in the face. Heartbreak and sickness had taken away all the illusions.
Even in the valley of the shadow of death He is there. For there to be a shadow, there has to be a light. And for that I am eternally grateful.
Picture posted by Psalms About Death Quotes
To double confirm the safe journey of our dearly departed, we pray: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).
PHOTO: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).
Many fans who turned up to pay their respects on Jan 27 spoke about a connection to the late actor.
ST PHOTO: Timothy David
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24). Abide, Ask, Believe, and Receive. [4]

PHOTO: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24). Abide, Ask, Believe, and Receive.
Picture saved from Mireya Moreno Aguilar
My experience with God's Word is not as spectacular as Jonah's but we have one thing in common. When pushed into a corner, we turn to Scripture for help. Jonah prayed with the book of Psalms stored in his heart, whereas I follow the keyboard warriors and retrieved the biblical canon (or canon of scripture) stored in the mass media.

PHOTO: My experience with God's Word is not as spectacular as Jonah's but we have one thing in common. When pushed into a corner, we turn to Scripture for help. Jonah prayed with the book of Psalms stored in his heart, whereas I follow the keyboard warriors and retrieved the biblical canon (or canon of scripture) stored in the mass media.
Picture posted by Intelligencer on 08 December 2016
What more can you do to place it on your heart?
Jonah poured out the passages he had stored in his heart, but I relied on computer and the Internet to access the Scriptures. In circumstances when there is no internet-linked computer, I will be helpless.

PHOTO: Jonah poured out the passages he had stored in his heart, but I relied on computer and the Internet to access the Scriptures. In circumstances when there is no internet-linked computer, I will be helpless.
Picture posted by V John on 27 March 2015
In our corporate world, when a department in a company pays another department in the same company for services provided, we used to hear the phrase, "Left pocket to right pocket". The next phrase will follow, "But it's better to be in my pocket". We can transfer out the Scripture from the Internet's storage for our uses, but it would have been better if the Scripture are right in our heart, and in "our mouth".

PHOTO: "Left pocket to right pocket". "But it's better to be in my pocket".
We can transfer out the Scripture from the Internet's storage for our uses, but it would have been better if the Scripture are right in our heart, and in "our mouth".
Picture saved by DK_Dream to Skinny Jeans
A standard Bible consists of a thousand of pages with words of equivalent Arial font size 10. 0.1% of the Bible means 1 pages of texts. Each page has 100 rows divided into 2 columns. Each row consists of about 6 words. A 0.1% of the Bible is 1 pages of 600 words, and it takes a lot of effort to commit them to memory, and to store in our heart. Base on just personal effort, many of us may not succeed. We therefore need to pay attention to the process by which God's Word comes to be stored in our hearts.

PHOTO: It takes a lot of effort to commit the Bible to memory, and to store in our heart. Base on just personal effort, many of us may not succeed. We therefore need to pay attention to the process by which God's Word comes to be stored in our hearts.
Picture posted by Mel Johnson on 08 August 2016
The Spirit of God is able to knit together a wonderful prayer from our favourite Scripture passages and songs stored in our hearts. We pray for the Holy Spirit to help us memorise God's Word in our heart, as we read and meditate the Scripture. God's Word has to come into our hearts. He will act to save us from what might appear to be a hopeless situation.

PHOTO: We pray for the Holy Spirit to help us memorise God's Word in our heart, as we read and meditate the Scripture. God's Word has to come into our hearts. He will act to save us from what might appear to be a hopeless situation.
Picture posted by Bible Hunter on 16 June 2015
We may still have fears, but my God will supply all of my needs. (Philippians 4:19).

PHOTO: We may still have fears, but my God will supply all of my needs. (Philippians 4:19).
Picture posted by Daily Bible Verse on 11 June 2018
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Just like Jonah, most of us pray to you only in hopeless and helpless situation, which there was no escape, and with the prospect of death. From experience when we are in danger, our prayers become brief shouts to heaven, more like urgent telegraphs than well-composed letters. We need the Spirit of God, who is able to intercede for the children of God, to put together a prayer in our hearts, so that we can pray in a polish way.
However for that to be possible, our hearts must be stored with our favourite Scripture and songs so that the Spirit is able to take, and knit together the wonderful prayer in our hearts. We therefore need your help to develop the holy habit of reading the Bible, meditating on it, and memorising it.
Please help us to pay attention to the process by which your Word comes to be stored in our hearts, and to keep the Word on our lips and in our mouths. Familiarity with your Word will be helpful when we are tempted, dying, or facing difficult times.
We pray for the Holy Spirit to help us memorise God's Word in our heart, as we read and meditate the Scripture. Your Word has to come into our hearts. We know that you will act to save us from what might appear to be a hopeless situation.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Kibblywibbly, Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy, ©2015-2019 Kibblywibbly - A walk in the rose garden with friends....,h_753,q_70,strp/a_walk_in_the_rose_garden_with_friends_____by_kibblywibbly_d8xq1c6-fullview.jpg
Reflection - Jonah Prays, God Delivers - Life of Prayer
Question from source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 4, Question 2, Page 61.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
[2] Lim Min Zhang, The Straits Times, Actor Aloysius Pang dies after SAF accident in NZ: Injuries sustained when Howitzer gun barrel was lowered, posted on 24 January 2019,
[4] Campus Crusade for Christ, Abide, Ask, Believe and Receive, Follow 4 imperatives as you expect God to answer your prayers,
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 -
Deuteronomy 30:11-14 -
John 11:35 -
John 14:1-3 -
Jonah 1:17 -
Jonah 2:1-10 -
Jonah 2:3 -
Jonah 2:4 -
Jonah 2:5 -
Jonah 2:6 -
Jonah 2:7 -
Jonah 2:8 -
Jonah 2:9 -
Joshua 1:8 -
Luke 23:46 -
Luke 23:46; Psalm 31:5 -
Mark 11:24 -
Matthew 4:1-10; Deuteronomy 8:3 -
Matthew 5:4 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Philippians 4:19 -
Psalm 3:8 -
Psalm 5:7 -
Psalm 16:10; 30:3 -
Psalm 18:6 -
Psalm 18:6; 120:1 -
Psalm 23:4 -
Psalm 30:3 -
Psalm 31:6 -
Psalm 31:22 -
Psalm 42:7 -
Psalm 50:14, 23 -
Psalm 69:1-2 -
Psalm 69:2 -
Psalm 88:6 -
Psalm 116:14 -
Psalm 138:2 -
Psalm 142:3 -
Romans 8:26 -
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