Saturday, April 7, 2018

Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Challenges of Submission

Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Five, Question 1, Page 92.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Why do Christian fail to submit to Christ?
PHOTO: Why do Christian fail to submit to Christ?
The Enthronement of the Self
In practice, people confuse godly living with living the good life. Selfish ambition shares the same diabolical roots that led Satan to defy God. Satan was the first being that refused to submit to God. This has been reproduced countless times in the hearts of sinful human beings.
Submission to any form of authority is seen as immature and stupid; people are expected to declare their rights and independence, and to learn to break free of every yoke. Sure, many historical liberation movements have helped people break free of oppressive regimes and slavery. However, man, being sinful is also trying to break free of God's authority. But it is foolish of man to think that he can just walk away from God's authority and find his own future.
Jesus' yoke, however, is different. His should not be mistaken as a yoke of bondage. Rather, His yoke gives us true liberation. It is also a yoke of bonding - of entering a loving relationship with the God who created us, died for us, and loves us eternally. When we refuse to take up this yoke, it is to our own detriment: without it, our souls will remain restless.

The Seduction of Sin
Temporary pleasures are too strong for many to resist; like drug addicts, they want more and more of it, even though its “pleasant” effects are only transient. As a result, often without realising it, they end up trapped in sin.
All yokes except that of Christ are potentially oppressive and harmful. Many people suffer under the yoke of their own sinful desires, unable to break free. Sadly, when Christ offers them a yoke that brings true freedom and satisfaction, they reject it, seeing their oppression as freedom, and true freedom as oppression.

The Fear of Suffering
Many believe that taking up Jesus' yoke will cost them dearly; that it will mean giving up their favourite possessions, pastimes, habits, and relationships. They may also have seen how those who commit to following Christ suffer severe setbacks and persecution. So they keep a safe distance, like the way Peter followed Jesus from afar after He was arrested (Luke 22:54).
Jesus did indeed teach that persecution was inevitable for those who followed Him. But He urged them to rejoice, because they would be rewarded in heaven (Matthew 5:10-12). It is safer to remain with Christ, under His yoke, for there is no real safety without Him.

How can you overcome these obstacles? How can you apply these lessons in your life?
How to overcome the Enthronement of the Self in our life
The Bible describes our human nature as evil, and hopeless to be restored to order, apart from the divine intervention of God through Jesus Christ (Romans 3:10-18).
The good news is that if we find ourselves going in the wrong direction, all we have to do is repent, turn around, and go the opposite direction.
We have at least three tools that help us succeed:
1.  We have the mercy of God that grants us forgiveness.
2.  We have God walking along with us on our journey, helping us every step of the way.
3.  Last but not least, we have the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live for God.

How to obtain the tools? Pray for it. Pray for divine help. Pray for a life filled with the Spirit. It is the key to living a selfless, and Christ-centered life. We must choose each day to do so. The Bible says in Galatians 5:16-17.

How to overcome the Seduction of Sin in our life
"Sin" refers to anything that falls short of the holiness of God. The easiest to spot are usually actions, but sins can also include thoughts and attitudes.

As both Son of God and Son of Man, Jesus became the "perfect sacrifice," capable of freeing the human soul from the chains and punishment of original sin.

Being free from sin doesn't mean that we'll physically never sin again, but it does mean that our soul can be free of the captivity sin that would otherwise hold it in.

Our soul can be free from sin even though our body still sins. Being free from sin on a soul level should mean that we also seek freedom from sin on a physical level, though, even though it can never be permanently reached.

How to address Our Sinful Nature
Turn to Christ
Love God more than we love sin -  God wants our love
Recognize the seriousness of our own sin abd admitting to the sins we've committed
Vow to resist sin in our heart
Embed the Word of God in our mind
Pray with sincerity and devotion

How to deal with Everyday Sin
Watch for the movement of sin in our life
Flee from temptation
Walk alone and walk with others
Repent immediately
Refuse to give up

How to overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life
Seek divine help
Seek strength and wisdom this day and strive to live by the divine perspective in all things, especially suffering. Pray the prayer:
"Lord, I love You and pray that I may always love You in a sacrificial way.  May I never fear the crosses I have been given and may I never dissuade others from following in Your steps of selfless sacrifice. Jesus, I trust in  You."
Picture posted by VectorStock

Why do Christian fail to submit to Christ? Think about the reasons discussed - the enthroned self, the seduction of sin, the fear of suffering - and ask yourself: How can you overcome these obstacles? How can you apply these lessons in your life?

Why do Christian fail to submit to Christ? Think about the reasons discussed - the enthroned self, the seduction of sin, the fear of suffering.

The Challenges of Submission [1]
In practice, many people refuse to submit themselves to Christ; instead, they go about fulfilling their own desire, living out their self-centred agendas, and seeking the pleasures of the world as they wish. In Consuming Jesus, Bible professor Paul Metzger observes, "Selfish ambition is demonic; it is now, as it was then. It arises from the pit, not from above, and it confuses godly living with living the good life." [18] Selfish ambition shares the same diabolical roots that led Satan to defy God.

Those who flee from sin and pursue holiness are those who seek to do God's will. All others, by default, end up doing Satan's will.
PHOTO: Those who flee from sin and pursue holiness are those who seek to do God's will. All others, by default, end up doing Satan's will. Whether we are pursuing sinful desires of the flesh or worldly desires of popularity, power, materialism and self-indulgence, we are doing the devil's will. Those who think they are free to do whatever they desire are in fact prisoners of Satan.
Posted by Walmir Almeida on Saturday, 23 February 2013

There are many reasons why people fail to submit themselves to Christ.

The Enthronement of the Self [1]
The first big reason: self. Many people love themselves more than they love God. In other works, they put the sinful self on the thrones of their hearts; the self is the god of their own universe. Either in church, this self is not dethroned, for they try to recruit God for their own plans and agendas - they want God to serve their selves.

The Enthronement of the Self

PHOTO: The Enthronement of the Self
Many people love themselves more than they love God. The self is the god of their own universe. They want God to serve their selves while  they put the sinful self on the thrones of their hearts.
Picture posted by Funky Llama Productions, LLC. - A New Unit To Accurately Measure Narcissism - the selfie per hour

Satan was the first being that refused to submit to God. A once glorious angel, he became proud and rebelled against God, waging war in heaven (Revelation 12:7-9). He was expelled to earth, when he has been making mischief since, leading the whole world astray. His arrogance - "I will ascend to the heavens, I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:13-14) - has been reproduced countless times in the hearts of sinful human beings.

Satan was the first being that refused to submit to God.

PHOTO: Satan was the first being that refused to submit to God.
A once glorious angel, he became proud and rebelled against God, waging war in heaven (Revelation 12:7-9). He was expelled to earth, when he has been making mischief since, leading the whole world astray. His "I will . . . ." has been reproduced countless times in the hearts of sinful human beings.
Painting by Mihály Zichy - Lucifer (1887) - Lucifer being banned by God
Picture saved by gravure religieux

God described Israel as a nation of "stiff-necked people" (Exodus 32:9) who refused to submit to His will and authority. There was spiritual and social anarchy because "everyone did as they saw fit" (Judges 21:25). As we can tell from events today, nothing has changed. Submission to any form of authority is seen as immature and stupid; people are expected to declare their rights and independence, and to learn to break free of every yoke - as seen in the frequent reports of urban riots and continuing popularity of anarchy groups.

Submission to any form of authority is seen as immature and stupid; people are expected to declare their rights and independence, and to learn to break free of every yoke.

PHOTO: Submission to any form of authority is seen as immature and stupid; people are expected to declare their rights and independence, and to learn to break free of every yoke. God described Israel as a nation of "stiff-necked people" (Exodus 32:9) who refused to submit to His will and authority. "Everyone did as they saw fit" (Judges 21:25).
Picture posted by

Theologian and writer Henri Nouwen once made the astute observation that we today are a "fatherless generation" - we have thrown away all forms of authority. [19] To be sure, many historical liberation movements have helped people break free of oppressive regimes and slavery. The problem, however, is that man, being sinful is also trying to break free of God's authority. This have resulted in disobedience even in the church. How foolish of man to think that he can just walk away from God's authority and find his own future!

We have thrown away all forms of authority.

PHOTO: We have thrown away all forms of authority. Many historical liberation movements have helped people break free of oppressive regimes and slavery. The problem, however, is that man, being sinful is also trying to break free of God's authority. It is foolish of man to think that he can just walk away from God's authority and find his own future.
Picture posted by Soulful Explosions on 31 January 2015

Jesus' yoke, however, is different. His should not be mistaken as a yoke of bondage. Rather, His yoke gives us true liberation. It is also a yoke of bonding - of entering a loving relationship with the God who created us, died for us, and loves us eternally. When we refuse to take up this yoke, it is to our own detriment: without it, our souls will remain restless. At some point, all of us have to make a critical decision - whether to put the self at the centre of our universe, or Christ.

Jesus' yoke is not  a yoke of bondage.

PHOTO: Jesus' yoke is not  a yoke of bondage. His yoke gives us true liberation. It is also a yoke of bonding - of entering a loving relationship with the God who created us, died for us, and loves us eternally. . When we refuse to take up this yoke, it is to our own detriment: without it, our souls will remain restless.
Picture posted by Awesome FREE to use Clipart and Icons

The Seduction of Sin [1]
The second big reason why people refuse to submit to Christ is the seduction of sin. Temporary pleasures are too strong for many to resist; like drug addicts, they want more and more of it, even though its “pleasant” effects are only transient. As a result, often without realising it, they end up trapped in sin.

The Seduction of Sin
PHOTO: The Seduction of Sin
Temporary pleasures are too strong for many to resist; like drug addicts, they want more and more of it, even though its “pleasant” effects are only transient. As a result, often without realising it, they end up trapped in sin.
Photo by Michael Herb Photography - Eve and the forbidden fruit

American radio personality Paul Harvey described how an Eskimo kills a wolf in a sobering lesson on the addictive and destructive effects of sin:

First, the Eskimo coats his knife blade with animal blood and allows it to freeze. Then he adds another layer of blood, and another, until the blade is completely concealed by frozen blood. Next, the hunter fixes his knife in the ground with the blade up. When a wolf follows his sensitive nose to the source of the scent nd discovers the bait, he licks it, tasting the fresh frozen blood. He begins to lick faster, more and more vigorously, lapping the blade until the keen edge is bare. Feverishly now, harder and harder the wolf licks the blade in the arctic night. So great becomes his craving for blood that the wolf does not notice the razor-sharp sting of the naked blade on his own tongue, nor does he recognize the instant at which his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his OWN warm blood. His carnivorous appetite just craves more – until the dawn finds him dead in the snow! [20]

How an Eskimo kills a wolf described by Paul Harvey

PHOTO: How an Eskimo kills a wolf described by Paul Harvey
When a wolf follows his sensitive nose to the source of the scent nd discovers the bait, he licks it, tasting the fresh frozen blood. He begins to lick faster, more and more vigorously, lapping the blade until the keen edge is bare. The wolf does not notice the razor-sharp sting of the naked blade on his own tongue, nor does he recognize the instant at which his insatiable thirst is being satisfied by his OWN warm blood. His carnivorous appetite just craves more – until the dawn finds him dead in the snow.
Picture posted by Kevin Alfred Strom on 28 March 2015

All yokes except that of Christ are potentially oppressive and harmful. Many people suffer under the yoke of their own sinful desires, unable to break free. Sadly, when Christ offers them a yoke that brings true freedom and satisfaction, they reject it, seeing their oppression as freedom, and true freedom as oppression.

The Fear of Suffering [1]
The third reason for not submitting to Christ is the fear of suffering. Many believe that taking up His yoke will cost them dearly; that it will mean giving up their favourite possessions, pastimes, habits, and relationships. They may also have seen how those who commit to following Christ suffer severe setbacks and persecution. So they keep a safe distance, like the way Peter followed Jesus from afar after He was arrested (Luke 22:54). Fear of being implicated kept him from identifying with his Master.

Jesus did indeed teach that persecution was inevitable for those who followed Him. But He urged them to rejoice, because they would be rewarded in heaven (Matthew 5:10-12). It is safer to remain with Christ, under His yoke, for there is no real safety without Him.

The Fear of Suffering

PHOTO: The Fear of Suffering
Many believe that taking up His yoke will cost them dearly; that it will mean giving up their favourite possessions, pastimes, habits, and relationships. They may also have seen how those who commit to following Christ suffer severe setbacks and persecution. So they keep a safe distance. Indeed there will be persecution but we would be rewarded in heaven
Picture posted by Leslie Belknap, Ethos3 on 15 October 2015

Ask yourself: How can you overcome these obstacles? How can you apply these lessons in your life?
How to overcome the Enthronement of the Self in our life [2]
Self represents who we are as human beings. It’s our ego, our old nature, and our flesh.

According to the Scriptures, all humans are born in corruption. We’re born with a sinful nature that dwells in our bodies, which was passed to us through the first man on earth, Adam (Romans 5:12).

The Bible describes our human nature as evil, and hopeless to be restored to order, apart from the divine intervention of God through Jesus Christ (Romans 3:10-18).

Since the first man, Adam, all humans are born in corruption.
PHOTO: Since the first man, Adam, all humans are born in corruption. We're born with a sinful nature that dwells in our bodies (
Romans 5:12). Our human nature is evil, and hopeless to be restored to order, apart from the divine intervention of God through Jesus Christ (Romans 3:10-18).
Picture posted by Zeltmacher - Banishment after the Fall

The good news is that if we find ourselves going in the wrong direction, all we have to do is repent, turn around, and go the opposite direction.

We have at least three tools that help us succeed:
1.  We have the mercy of God that grants us forgiveness.

2.  We have God walking along with us on our journey, helping us every step of the way.

3.  Last but not least, we have the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live for God.

How to obtain the tools? Pray for it. Pray for divine help. Pray for a life filled with the Spirit. It is the key to living a selfless, and Christ-centered life. We must choose each day to do so. The Bible says in Galatians 5:16-17, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.” Live in the Spirit and Die to Self.

Live in the Spirit and Die to Self

PHOTO: Live in the Spirit and Die to Self
The Bible says in Galatians 5:16-17, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.Pray for divine help. Pray for a life filled with the Spirit. It is the key to living a selfless, and Christ-centered life.
Picture posted by on 01 April 2015

How to overcome the Seduction of Sin in our life [3]
Understand the Nature of Sin and Grace
Define sin
In a broad sense, "sin" refers to anything that falls short of the holiness of God. The easiest to spot are usually actions, but sins can also include thoughts and attitudes. [11]
Certain actions are considered sins, but the desire to perform those actions is sinful, as well. For instance, wanting to commit adultery is a sin just as actually committing adultery is.
Temptation is not a sin, though. If you're put in a compromising situation with someone you find physically attractive, you may feel tempted to act on that attraction. Actually acting on that attraction and committing adultery as a result, or imagining the act of committing adultery even without doing it, is the sin. Simply feeling tempted to do so is not.

Define sin

PHOTO: Define sin
"sin" refers to anything that falls short of the holiness of God. The easiest to spot are usually actions, but sins can also include thoughts and attitudes.
Picture posted by Marco Everett

Accept the sinful nature of humanity

In Romans 6:18, the Apostle Paul writes, "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness" (NIV). The concept of being free from sin can be a confusing one since all humans fall short of perfection and inevitably commit sins. Being free from sin doesn't mean that we'll physically never sin again, but it does mean that our soul can be free of the captivity sin that would otherwise hold it in.

Accept the sinful nature of humanity

PHOTO: Accept the sinful nature of humanity
In Romans 6:18, the Apostle Paul writes, "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness" (NIV). Being free from sin doesn't mean that we'll physically never sin again, but it does mean that our soul can be free of the captivity sin that would otherwise hold it in.
Picture posted by  UB David & I'll B Jonathan, Inc.

Understand the significance of Christ's sacrifice
When Jesus died on the cross, He carried the sins of humanity with Him. Christ's sacrifice canceled out the debt of original sin.
In the Old Testament, animal sacrifices were used as a way to repent for the sins of flesh. Even these sacrifices were imperfect, though, so the stain of original sin still remained. As both Son of God and Son of Man, Jesus became the "perfect sacrifice," capable of freeing the human soul from the chains and punishment of original sin.

Understand the significance of Christ's sacrifice

PHOTO: Understand the significance of Christ's sacrifice
When Jesus died on the cross, He carried the sins of humanity with Him. Christ's sacrifice canceled out the debt of original sin.
Picture posted by UB David & I'll B Jonathan, Inc.

Know what it means to be "free from sin"
Our soul can be free from sin even though our mortal body still sins. Being free from sin on a soul level should mean that we also seek freedom from sin on a physical level, though, even though it can never be permanently reached.

When we place our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, all of our sins are forgiven. That includes past, present, and future, big or small. Believers do not have to keep asking for forgiveness or repenting in order to have their sins forgiven. Jesus died to pay the penalty for all of our sins, and when they are forgiven, they are all forgiven (Colossians 1:14; Acts 10:43). [6]

When we sin, we offend God and grieve His Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). While God has ultimately forgiven us of the sins we commit, they still result in a blocking or hindrance in our relationship with God. A young boy who sins against his father is not cast out of the family. A godly father will forgive his children unconditionally. At the same time, a good relationship between father and son cannot be achieved until the relationship is restored. This can only occur when a child confesses his mistakes to his father and apologizes. That is why we confess our sins to God—not to maintain our salvation, but to bring ourselves back into close fellowship with the God who loves us and has already forgiven us. [6]

Know what it means to be 'free from sin'

PHOTO: Know what it means to be "free from sin"
Our soul can be free from sin even though our mortal body still sins. Being free from sin on a soul level should mean that we also seek freedom from sin on a physical level. We are free from sin but it doesn't free us to sin. As Christians, all of us continue to sin to some degree, not because we have to, but because we are still in the process of renewing our minds (Romans 6:12).
Paul made a very clear statement that the reason this sin shall not have dominion over us is because we are not under Law but under grace (Romans 6:14). When we aren't condemned and feeling separated from God because of our sins, we are free to run to God for help instead of away from God in fear. [5]
Picture posted by Paul Fakunle on 01 June 2017

Address Our Sinful Nature
Turn to Christ

As previously noted, Jesus saved the soul from the consequences of sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross. We must make a conscious decision to accept the offer of salvation before our soul can truly be free, however if we haven't done so already, ask Christ to come into our life, forgive our sins, and set us (our soul) free.
This is a crucial first step. Without relying on Christ to free us from original sin, we'll still be captive to sin in all its forms.

Turn to Christ

PHOTO: Turn to Christ
Jesus saved the soul from the consequences of sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross. We must make a conscious decision to accept the offer of salvation before our soul can truly be free.
Picture posted by Chaplain Alfred McGowen on 22 July 2017

Love God more than we love sin [12]
Doing the right thing out of a sense of duty is legalism, and it isn't what God wants. God wants our love. If we come to love God more than we love our sins and the temporary pleasures those sins bring, we will naturally begin to shift away from our sinful nature.
Focus on doing good works - the works of the Spirit - before worrying about avoiding wicked works of the flesh. When we fix our eyes on that which is good, we are less likely to be drawn toward that which is evil.
When addressing a specific sin or temptation, overcome that evil with something good. For instance, do something nice for someone we love instead of simply telling ourself to stop stewing in anger toward someone else. Acting on the impulse to do something good can distract us from an otherwise bad impulse to do bad more effectively than doing nothing would.

Love God more than we love sin

PHOTO: Love God more than we love sin
God wants our love and not just doing the right thing out of a sense of duty. If we come to love God more than we love our sins and the temporary pleasures those sins bring, we will naturally begin to shift away from our sinful nature. When we fix our eyes on that which is good, we are less likely to be drawn toward that which is evil.
Picture posted by Cru Near Me,P402x.png.pagespeed.ce.h6yKBan9Q9.png

Recognize the seriousness of our own sin [13]
Habitual sins embed themselves into a person's life in a way that makes them difficult to acknowledge. We may tell ourself that a particular sin is nothing more than a "bad habit" and, as such, isn't that serious. Breaking free from that sin and a lifestyle of sin can only happen once we acknowledge just how serious our own sins are.
All sin is evil and falls short of God's holiness. This includes both the littlest lie and the most gruesome murder.
Addiction support groups usually ask their members to begin by admitting to the addiction. A person cannot fix a problem until he or she admits to having it. In the same way, we can only break away from sin by admitting to the sins we've committed.

Recognize the seriousness of our own sin

PHOTO: Recognize the seriousness of our own sin
Habitual sins embed themselves into a person's life in a way that makes them difficult to acknowledge. Breaking free from that sin and a lifestyle of sin can only happen once we acknowledge just how serious our own sins are. A person cannot fix a problem until he or she admits to having it. In the same way, we can only break away from sin by admitting to the sins we've committed.
Picture posted by Albert Kents in Inspiring Stories on 20 February 2017*yILVj4iuW99qjQtsCpwKPw.jpeg

Vow to resist sin in our heart
Promise God that we will intentionally avoid sin and seek good. We will inevitably mess up sometimes, but the intention to stay on the right path must be firm and true.
If we are unable to make this vow, we may need to do some soul-searching. If our desire to resist sin still isn't sincere and that lack of sincerity is causing us to hesitate, pray to God, asking Him to give us the right heart and mind to abandon our sinful lifestyle and turn to a life in the Spirit.

Vow to resist sin in our heart

PHOTO: Vow to resist sin in our heart
Promise God that we will intentionally avoid sin and seek good. If we are unable to make this vow, we may need to do some soul-searching. pray to God, asking Him to give us the right heart and mind to abandon our sinful lifestyle and turn to a life in the Spirit.
Picture posted by PrayerCentric Media

Embed the Word of God in our mind
One of the biggest powers we have against sin in our life is the Word of God. Study the Scriptures regularly. Our goal should be purity of understanding rather than mere memorization.
A thorough understanding of God's Word can help us identify sin more readily and prepare for the temptations and traps that could lead us there.
 Moreover, regular Bible study can also strengthen our faith and make us more aware of God's promises. As our understanding of God's love increases, our desire to love the things that God loves will increase, too, making it easier to resist that which is wicked.

Embed the Word of God in our mind

PHOTO: Embed the Word of God in our mind
A thorough understanding of God's Word can help us identify sin more readily and prepare for the temptations and traps that could lead us there. Regular Bible study can also strengthen our faith and make us more aware of God's promises. As our understanding of God's love increases, our desire to love the things that God loves will increase, too, making it easier to resist that which is wicked.
Picture posted by SpiritualRay, owned, developed, and operated by, Inc.

Pray with sincerity and devotion
Ask God to guide our steps and help us avoid sin. Pray in this manner continually, regardless of whether or not we are actively facing a present temptation.
Prayer of all kind is a useful tool in the fight against sin, even when we don't specifically pray for strength against temptation. Through prayer, we can communicate with God, which allows us to grow in our relationship with Him. As our love for God deepens, our interest in sin will usually fade away more effectively.

Pray with sincerity and devotion

PHOTO: Pray with sincerity and devotion
Through prayer, we can communicate with God, which allows us to grow in our relationship with Him. Pray to God to guide our steps and help us avoid sin and  temptation. As our love for God deepens, our interest in sin will usually fade away more effectively.
Picture posted by Wijzeuil on 28 August 2013

Deal with Everyday Sin
Watch for the movement of sin in our life
Every person has his or her own weak points, and those weak points may vary from person to person. Identify our own by looking for signs of sin in our own actions and thoughts.
Habitual sins are often the hardest to identify, even though they're the ones we are most familiar with. That being said, we can usually spot them by looking for thoughts and actions that drive a wedge between us and God.

Watch for the movement of sin in our life

PHOTO: Watch for the movement of sin in our life
Identify our own weak points by looking for signs of sin in our own actions and thoughts. Habitual sins are often the hardest to identify, even though they're the ones we are most familiar with. We can usually spot them by looking for thoughts and actions that drive a wedge between us and God.
Picture posted by Pretty Girl Science

Flee from temptation
Don't test our faith by intentionally putting our soul in harm's way. When we see temptation lying ahead of us, avoid it instead of confronting it.
Ultimately, the goal is to avoid sinning, so any steps we can take to reach that goal are good steps to take. To that end, it is wiser to avoid the temptation to sin altogether when doing so is possible since confronting temptation only increases our risk of caving in.
For instance, if we were preparing for a major exam and accidentally found a copy of the instructor's answer sheet, holding onto that answer sheet for the duration of that exam will make us more likely to use it. Disposing of it or returning it to the instructor removes the temptation of cheating from us, thereby guaranteeing that we won't do it.

Flee from temptation

PHOTO: Flee from temptation
When we see temptation lying ahead of us, avoid it instead of confronting it. It is wiser to avoid the temptation to sin altogether when doing so is possible since confronting temptation only increases our risk of caving in.
Picture posted by Daily Devotion, on 29 August 2016 - Joseph flee from sexual temptation (blogspot, Genesis 39: 7- 10 tells us how Potiphar's wife)

Walk alone and walk with others

Our commitment to a life free of sin must be a personal one. Mingling with people who can help us stay committed can be beneficial, but we also need to be prepared to walk apart from the crowd.
Following the crowd constantly will get is into trouble, even if the crowd seems to be made of religious or well-meaning people. Everyone is flawed. We need to be able to see and follow the path that God has put in front of us regardless of whether or not anyone else is following it.
On the other hand, spending time with people who share our beliefs can be a good thing because they can help keep us accountable. We can also use these human relationships to enhance our understanding of God through discussion and acts of love. [14]

Walk alone and walk with others

PHOTO: Walk alone and walk with others
Mingling with people who can help us stay committed can be beneficial, but we also need to be prepared to walk apart from the crowd.  Everyone is flawed. We need to be able to see and follow the path that God has put in front of us regardless of whether or not anyone else is following it. However, we can also use these human relationships to enhance our understanding of God through discussion and acts of love.
Picture posted by Tom Clark

Repent immediately
When we do sin, repent immediately and with sincerity. Don't delay or waste time trying to justify our actions. Excuses to ourself and God, will hinder our improvement.
Even though our soul has already been freed from the chains of original sin, we can only release our spirit and conscience of our own sins by taking them to God and asking for forgiveness. In the midst of our repentance, we should also ask for the strength to turn away from the same sin in the future.

Repent immediately

PHOTO: Repent immediately
We can only release our spirit and conscience of our own sins by taking them to God and asking for forgiveness. Don't delay or waste time trying to justify our actions. Excuses to ourself and God, will hinder our improvement.
Picture posted by

Refuse to give up
No matter how many times we fall, we need to pick ourself back up and keep trying. The struggle against sin in our life is not a "one time" issue. It's something we'll need to face throughout our entire life.
The good news is that it's a struggle we don't have to face alone. God has freed our soul from sin and will not abandon us in our efforts to resist sin in the flesh. The final victory belongs to God, and as long as we cling to Him, we'll experience the benefit of that victory.
Remind ourself of the reward waiting for us by regularly meditating on the promise of salvation that God has made to us. Sin can seem like a very appealing source of immediate satisfaction, so thinking only of the present moment can make it difficult to resist sin. Shift our focus to the even greater source of satisfaction waiting for us in the future. [15]

Refuse to give up

PHOTO: Refuse to give up
The struggle against sin in our life is not a "one time" issue. It's something we'll need to face throughout our entire life. Shift our focus to the even greater source of satisfaction waiting for us in the future.
Picture posted by Vance K Jackson on 13 November 2017

How to overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life [4]
Seek divine help
Love is not always easy and often times may demand great sacrifice and courage on our part.  We need to be ready and willing to embrace the crosses of love in our life.  Furthermore, we are to be willing to walk with others, encouraging them along the way, when they, too, are called to embrace the crosses of life. Seek strength and wisdom this day and strive to live by the divine perspective in all things, especially suffering.

Overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life

PHOTO: Overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life
Love is not always easy and often times may demand great sacrifice and courage on our part. Seek strength and wisdom this day and strive to live by the divine perspective in all things, especially suffering. Seek divine help.
Picture posted by - Forgiven By Prisoneronearth On Deviantart*fIl2GN%7C7Id8KqvePv3dlLKIcBrTpWGUShXfBXkU/

"Lord, I love You and pray that I may always love You in a sacrificial way. May I never fear the crosses I have been given and may I never dissuade others from following in Your steps of selfless sacrifice. Jesus, I trust in  You."

Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome successfully the Enthronement of the Self in our life. Only your divine intervention can restore our evil human nature back to perfection. We need your divine tools to successfully repent and move along the correct direction to dethrone our enthroned self.<br>Through Jesus' death sacrifice on the cross our soul can be free from the captivity of sin. Although our soul can be free from sin, our physical body still sins. We need your help while we also seek freedom from sin for our physical body, and overcome the Seduction of Sin.<br>We also need to seek your divine help for strength and wisdom to overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life. Although persecution is inevitable help us to look beyond the sufferings, and rejoice because we will be rewarded in heaven.<br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome successfully the Enthronement of the Self in our life. Only your divine intervention can restore our evil human nature back to perfection. We need your divine tools to successfully repent and move along the correct direction to dethrone our enthroned self.
Through Jesus' death sacrifice on the cross our soul can be free from the captivity of sin. Although our soul can be free from sin, our physical body still sins. We need your help while we also seek freedom from sin for our physical body, and overcome the Seduction of Sin.
We also need to seek your divine help for strength and wisdom to overcome the Fear of Suffering in our life. Although persecution is inevitable help us to look beyond the sufferings, and rejoice because we will be rewarded in heaven.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by John Lockett on 31 March 2016

Reflection - Submission and Obedience Needed - Challenges of Submission
Question from Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Five, Question 1, Page 92.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

[1] From "Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Part II: Take My Yoke, Chapter Five "Christ's Yoke: Submission and Obedience Needed", Page 79-83.

[2] Paster David, How to Get Rid of Selfishness the Christian Way,

[3] wikiHow, How to Be Free from Sin,

[4] My Catholic Life! Inc., Catholic Daily Reflections on the Gospel for Meditation and Prayer, Overcoming the Fear of Suffering,

[5] Paul Fakunle, We Are Free From Sin Not Free To Sin - Romans 6:14, posted on 01 June 2017,

[6] Got Questions Ministries, Do Christians have to keep asking for forgiveness for their sins?,

[11] Got Questions Ministries, What does it mean to be free from sin?,

[12] Great Bible, Spiritual warfare: Breaking the power of sin,

[13] Grace to You, Breaking Free from Sin, posted on 07 April 1993,

[14] Grace Communion International, How to Resist Temptation,

[15] Amazing Facts Inc., Tips For Resisting Temptation,

[18] Paul Louis Metzer, Consuming Jesus: Beyond Race and Class Division in a Consumer Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007), 80.

[19] Henri Nouwen, The Wounded Healer (New York, Doubleday, 1979).

[20] Chris T. Zwingelberg, "Consumed by Their Own Lust", Bible org, 2 February 2009,

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Exodus 32:9 -

Galatians 5:16-17 -

Genesis 39: 7- 10 -

Isaiah 14:13-14 -

Judges 21:25 -

Revelation 12:7-9 -

Luke 22:54 -

Matthew 5:10-12 -

Matthew 11:28-29 -

Romans 3:10-18 -

Romans 5:12 -

Romans 6:12 -

Romans 6:14 -

Romans 6:18 -