By Ariel Pang,, AsiaOne, 12 June 2017

Alone girl with Teddy in bad love wallpaper
Picture posted by Love Wallpaper
It is often said that love is blind, and comes in many forms.
Last Christmas, a woman from San Diego, California, celebrated her first-year wedding anniversary with a train station.
According to Daily Mail, 45-year-old Carol Santa Fe said she fell in love with the Santa Fe train station when she was 9 years old, and they tied the knot in 2015.
Before she wedded the train station, Carol was in a relationship with a man for 18 months, "but it didn't work out". The train station promised "she would never leave me", said Carol, who travels 45 minutes by bus every day to visit her spouse.
Carol identifies herself as objectum sexual, which means she is sexually attracted to inanimate objects and structures. While strange, her marriage to the train station is just one of several marriages between humans and inanimate objects.
Carol Santa Fe says being attracted to inanimate objects "is just like being bis£xual or lesbian" and insists she isn't crazy.
"When I'm touching her, I feel as though it actually holds me and kisses me. I do have s£x with Daidra in my mind when I stand there.I especially like when I hear the trains rev up their engines - it turns me on. I love her so much, she is so romantic.
We first consummated our love a few years ago when I felt the wall behind me, and I felt this energy. I came close to an orgasm and I was scared I'd get caught by the station staff. I don't ever want the security guards to find out - I am a closeted objectum s£xual. But I only hide my s£xual attraction to the station because I simply don't want people to find out and ban me from seeing her.
It's not at all because I am ashamed. Erica Eiffel got banned from the Eiffel Tower for kissing it and straddling it - so I don't want to get banned like she did. I don't like to publicly show anything between me and Daidra as I have more respect than that." Credit:mirrorUK
Posted by Spilled News [2]
1. Wedded to the Eiffel Tower
A former soldier from San Francisco claimed she fell in love with the Eiffel Tower. So, in 2008, she made it official and went so far as to change her name to Erika La Tour Eiffel. She was also once in a long term relationship with a bow and cares deeply for a fence she keeps at home, but her wedded commitment is to the Eiffel Tower. [3]
Picture posted by Kathy Landin
Erika La Tour Eiffel wedded the Eiffel Tower in 2008 in an intimate ceremony, four years after their first meeting.
Erika, a former soldier turned competitive archer, also identifies as objectum sexual, and has had infatuations with various other objects before, reported Telegraph. According to her, the relationship she shared with her bow (and also beau), Lance, helped her become a world-class archer. She also attested to being fond of the Berlin Wall.
Erika is also the founder of OS Internationale, an organisation for those who identify themselves as objectum sexuals.
2. Wedded to a body pillow
Picture posted by Ariel Pang, AsiaOneon 12 June 2017
A Korean man fell in love with his 'dakimakura' - a body pillow with a picture of an anime character printed in it - and decided to take it as his wife.
Lee Jin-gyu's pillow has an image of a 'magical girl' from anime series Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. He married it in a special ceremony complete with wedding dress for the bride and the ceremony was overseen by a local priest.
"He is completely obsessed with this pillow and takes it everywhere," said one friend, according to Metro. "They go out to the park or the funfair where it will go on all the rides with him. Then when he goes out to eat he takes it with him and it gets its own seat and its own meal."
3. Wedded to the Berlin Wall
Picture posted by Ariel Pang, AsiaOneon 12 June 2017
Swedish woman Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer claimed to have tied the knot with the Berlin Wall in 1979.
According to her, she fell in love with the Wall when she first saw it on television in her childhood, and would go on to amass a collection of photographs of the Wall over the years.
She was devastated when the Wall was largely torn down in 1989, reported Telegraph.
"What they did was awful. They mutilated my husband," she said.
4. Relationship with life-sized dolls (Mannequin) [4]
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
Picture posted by Anthony Rivas on 09 September 2014 at 04:16 PM
Davecat, a man who’s developed both sexual and emotional relationships with life-sized dolls. In an interview with The Atlantic, he speaks about times that he’s had difficulty developing relationships with women.
“Our relationship started out alright, but several months into it, whenever I’d attempt to get together after work with her, she'd always have something come up,” he said. “I was beating myself up over it when I realized: Why am I wasting my time trying to get her to hang out and be romantically involved with me, when I have a Doll who is in love with me at home?” Though we can’t conclude that Davecat has social anxiety disorder, it’s likely that the problems he faced pushed him toward deeper relationships with his dolls.
Picture posted by Raka on Saturday, 04 February 2012 at 21:29 pm
The current study found that people with weaker social ties were more likely to see doll faces, or pseudo-doll faces, as real. In their first experiment, they asked 30 college students to look at images of faces and to decide which ones were animate or inanimate. The faces were computerized to show images ranging from that of a doll to a human, and pseudo-faces in-between. The exercise was then followed by a personality test, looking at how much they desired social interactions; participants were asked to rate their agreement with statements like “I want other people to accept me.”
Indeed, they found a link between a desire for social connections and a tendency to consider faces further on the doll-side of the spectrum as human.
5. Wedded to a robot
Picture posted by Ariel Pang, AsiaOneon 12 June 2017
A Chinese engineer who was frustrated that he had no luck in love decided to marry a robot he had built in April this year.
Currently, she is able to speak in simple sentences and recognise Chinese characters and images. However, her husband, Zheng Jiajia, hopes to make her walk and be able to help him with the household chores.
6. Wedded to a cardboard cutout… of himself
Picture posted by Ariel Pang, AsiaOneon 12 June 2017
Liu Ye from China's Zhuhai City married a cardboard cutout of himself after growing "dissatisfied with reality" in 2007.
At the wedding, Liu Ye the groom wedded Liu Ye the cardboard bride in front of 100 guests.
According to Chinese media reports, he denied he was gay but admitted that he was "a little narcissistic".
After reading about all these unusual marriages, one thing's for sure: love knows no boundaries. Given a choice, I might want to marry my bed, too.
[2] MirrorUK, Spilled News, This is 'Crazy Runs Deep'! Woman 'Marries & Kisses' Train Station She's Loved for 36-years & Even "Had S£x With Mentally",
[3] Kathy Landin, 15 of the World’s Weirdest Marriages, ‘I Now Pronounce You… What?!’,
[4] Anthony Rivas, Lonely Planet: Relationships With Inanimate Objects Develop When People Can't Find Human Connection, posted on 09 September 2014 at 04:16 PM,