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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

More than 300 reindeer killed by lightning in Norway

Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/news/world/more-300-reindeer-killed-lightning-norway
By Agence France-Presse, AFP, Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Tragedy as 300 reindeer drop dead after ENORMOUS mass lightning strike
PHOTO: Tragedy as 300 reindeer drop dead after ENORMOUS mass lightning strike
Picture posted by Katie Mansfield on Monday, 29 August 2016 at 15:37

Oslo - More than 300 wild reindeer have been killed by lightning in southern Norway, Norwegian officials said on Monday, in the largest such incident known to date. 

The 323 reindeer, including 70 young, were found on Friday by a gamekeeper on the Hardangervidda plateau, a national park where Europe's largest herd of some 10,000 wild reindeer roam freely.

Television footage showed the animals' dead bodies lying close together on the ground.

"There were very strong storms in the area on Friday. The animals stay close together in bad weather and these ones were hit by lightning," an official from the Norwegian Environment Agency, Kjartan Knutsen, told AFP.

There were very strong storms in the area on Friday.
PHOTO: There were very strong storms in the area on Friday. The animals stay close together in bad weather and these ones were hit by lightning.
Picture posted by Mary Bowerman, USA TODAY Network, WFMY on 29 August 2016 at 1:14 PM. EST

Reindeer are social creatures and usually move in packs.

"It's unusual. We've never seen anything like this on this scale," Knutsen said.  Norwegian authorities have yet to decide what to do with the animals.  "We're going to decide soon whether to let nature run its own course or whether we will do something," he said. 

Of the 323 reindeer killed, five had to be put down due to their injuries. 

There are some 25,000 wild tundra reindeer in Norway, located in the southern mountain ranges, according to experts.

By Agence France-Presse, AFP, Tuesday, 30 August 2016

There are some 25,000 wild tundra reindeer in Norway, located in the southern mountain ranges, according to experts.
PHOTO: Reindeer is that they're are of the species Rangifer tarandus. Which is the exact same as... Caribou. So essencially there is no difference between reindeer and caribou.
Caribou cows and bulls both grow distinctive antlers and bull antlers can reach 4 feet in width! A Caribou calf can run for 90 minutes. It must do this to keep up with the rest of the migration herds. - Daisy Diaries: It's All About the Reindeer
Posted by Dez on Saturday, 18 December 2010 at 12:35 PM

Fairy tale's Reindeer
PHOTO: Reindeer, or caribou, can outperform all other land animals in their energy efficiency - so are a fitting choice as the legendary Christmas sleigh-pullers! They're more usually seen on their mammoth annual migration to the Arctic during which the North American herds might travel for more than 5,000km - an extraordinary feat that takes them further than any other land animals.
Picture posted by save-image.com

Girl in fairy dress and reindeer in the forest
PHOTO: Forest fairy photo shoot
Photo by Darien, CT portrait photographer


Monday, August 29, 2016

More Zika cases expected to emerge: Health Minister Gan Kim Yong

Posted by Linette Lim, CNA/mz on 28 August 2016 at 19:10

More local Zika cases are expected to emerge over time, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong on Sunday (28 August 2016).
PHOTO: More local Zika cases are expected to emerge over time, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong on Sunday (28 August 2016). This will be partly due to the fact that active testing is being carried out in affected areas, as well as the possible emergence of new imported cases.
Picture posted by Zika News ‏@Zika_News on 27 August 2016


SINGAPORE: More local Zika cases are expected to emerge over time, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong on Sunday (28 August 2016). This will be partly due to the fact that active testing is being carried out in affected areas, as well as the possible emergence of new imported cases, he added.

Mr Gan was speaking to the media after the Ministry of Health confirmed 41 cases of locally-transmitted Zika virus infection at a press conference.

Singapore has a very high volume of international travel, therefore imported cases are almost inevitable,” said Mr Gan, explaining that as many Zika cases are asymptomatic, there is a “very high likelihood” of the virus being imported to Singapore.

He added that for these imported cases, the likelihood of local transmission “is also very high“. This is why the Health Ministry is also working with doctors to be on the lookout for Zika cases, in order to identify clusters and carry out vector control.

Aedes mosquito is present in Singapore, and it is very likely for this disease to be transmitted locally. Vectors are organisms that transmit diseases.
PHOTO: Aedes mosquito is present in Singapore, and it is very likely for this disease to be transmitted locally. Vectors are organisms that transmit diseases.
Picture posted by Zika News ‏@Zika_News on 29 August 2016 at 22:00


Mr Gan also said that vector control is the most effective way to protect against zika - not just for residents in affected areas but for people living in all locations. “This is because the Aedes mosquito is present in Singapore, and it is very likely for this disease to be transmitted locally.Vectors are organisms that transmit diseases.

On Saturday, a 47-year-old Malaysian woman living in Aljunied Crescent was confirmed as Singapore's first reported case of locally-transmitted Zika virus infection.

A 47-year-old Malaysian woman living in Aljunied Crescent was confirmed as Singapore's first reported case of locally-transmitted Zika virus infection.
PHOTO: A 47-year-old Malaysian woman living in Aljunied Crescent was confirmed as Singapore's first reported case of locally-transmitted Zika virus infection.
Picture posted by Zika News ‏@Zika_News on 27 August 2016


After tests results came in overnight, the Health Ministry confirmed on Sunday that there are 41 cases of locally transmitted Zika virus infection. Of these, 34 people have fully recovered.

Mr Gan said that part of the reason for the jump in numbers is that after the first locally transmitted case was reported, the Health Ministry looked back into cases where people were seen by doctors but were not suspected to have Zika. These cases were initially not suspected for Zika as the patients had no travel history, said Mr Gan.

Zika cases in the Sims Drive area
PHOTO: Zika cases in the Sims Drive area
These cases were initially not suspected for Zika as the patients had no travel history, said Mr Gan.
Picture posted by Zika News ‏@Zika_News on 28 August 2016


Now that we know that there’s a case in the Sims Drive area, we have therefore gone back.... to all these cases that were surfaced before, and checked their blood tests and so on. And this is why we discovered more cases, as a result of the first case,” he said.

It was not a case whereby we did not know, and there’s sudden emergence of these cases. Out of 41 cases, 36 were (detected) due to this active testing.

Origin of Zika virus and how it spread globally
PHOTO: Origin of Zika virus and how it spread globally
Picture posted by Zika News ‏@Zika_News on 26 August 2016


Posted by Linette Lim, CNA/mz on 28 August 2016 at 19:10


'I slept with a relative and now I can't end the affair'

Source Website: http://women.asiaone.com/women/relationships/i-slept-relative-and-now-i-cant-end-affair
By Thelma, The Star/ANNSunday, Aug 28, 2016

An affair with Y two and a half years ago when boyfriend P was overseas.
PHOTO: An affair with Y two and a half years ago when boyfriend P was overseas. P came back later, but Y did not want to end the relationship.
Photo: The Star/ Asia News Network

"Dear Thelma" is a relationship advice column that appears in The Star, a publication that is part of the Asia News Network.

Dear Thelma,
I had an affair with Y two and a half years ago. Y is a distant relative and he is much older than me.

At that time, my boyfriend P was overseas and did not know about the affair. It started off as chats over the phone and we ended up going on vacation together. Two months after my vacation with Y, my boyfriend P broke up with me, citing distance as the reason.

The problem is, I can't get over P because he is a wonderful guy and I know he is right for me. Y and I share amazing sexual chemistry, but that's about all.

A couple of months later when P and I met again, we decided to give our relationship another shot. We have not looked back since and we are very happy together. Meanwhile, Y who was stationed overseas, is back in the country for good. We get to meet occasionally.

After I got back together with P, I told Y that I wanted to end the affair because I am in a relationship. But Y uses emotional blackmail to keep a hold on me. He said I had used him and did not keep my promise to be with him.

He claimed I am more than a sleeping partner to him; I'm someone he can talk to and connect with.

I told him I did not want to continue the affair as it was driving me crazy. I can only ignore him for a while. Then he will turn to emotional blackmail again. So far, I have pacified him by pretending that the affair is still on.

I have tried countless times to end it, but we only end up quarrelling. How do I handle this? I really want to end this affair with Y but I don't know how to do it. Talking doesn't help as Y can be very manipulative. I'm still studying and I don't want this to distract me from my studies. Please help me. - Going Mental

The source of your mental stress is this dishonesty.
PHOTO: The source of your mental stress is this dishonesty. Being dishonest with both P and Y.
You lead P to believe that you are faithful to him. And you lead Y to believe that you are true to him.
Picture posted by zionlutheran on 4 March 2010

Dear Going Mental,
Two and a half years is a long time. The crux of your problem lies in the fact that there is a lot of secrecy. This secrecy gives Y power over you.

You entered into this relationship with Y while you were still with P. Though it was a long distance relationship, it sounds like there was an agreement that it was an exclusive relationship and yet you pursued a relationship with Y in secrecy.

When P broke off with you, technically it was no longer an affair as you were single. This is true unless Y was in a relationship with someone else. However, it will be assumed that Y is not attached as you made no mention of it.

Then P comes back into the picture. You are happy because P is a great guy and is loving to boot. Yet, the relationship with Y continued because at this point, Y says that it is more than just a sexual affair. As far as he is concerned, it is a legitimate relationship.

You say Y uses emotional blackmail whenever you try to end your relationship with him. What does he do? Does he make you feel bad? Does he threaten to hurt himself? Or, does he threaten to tell others about your relationship?

It is difficult to ascertain why it is so difficult for you to leave Y. What is the worst that can happen? It seems that the worst thing that can happen is that Y may show up at your home or at P's home, and comes clean about the affair. Therein lies the crux of the problem for you - your bubble will burst.

The truth is that it is not what Y is making you do or not do. It is what you don't want to do. And that is to come clean about the actual situation. You are being dishonest with both P and Y. You lead P to believe that you are faithful to him. And you lead Y to believe that you are true to him.

The source of your mental stress is this dishonesty. The only way out is to be honest and just come out with the truth about you and Y. Tell P about it. He has the right to know.

Right now, he is basing his relationship with you on a lie. He should be able to make a decision about his future based on the truth of the situation. P may leave you, or he may not. You will have to face that reality.

Tell Y that it is truly over and face the consequences of whatever may happen after that. He may be hurt. He may feel cheated. He may retaliate. But then again, if he knows how you really feel, he may just accept it.

Until and unless you face up to this, you will continue to let Y have this power over you. As long as you are silent, he knows he has the advantage.

What can happen? He may bombard you with calls. You can choose not to pick up his calls. You can bar his number. You can hang up on him. You can choose not to reply to his messages.

He can show up at your house and inform your parents about what is happening. In that case, you will just have to face the consequences of them knowing. There will be repercussions. You cannot get out of this unscarred.

You may have been careless and made a mistake. You may not have thought things through. Whatever the case, you would have to bear the consequences of your actions. You cannot escape that.

Honesty is more than just a virtue. One has to live honesty. There is no grey area - you are either honest, or you are not. It is hard being honest. Being dishonest has its share of difficulties. People get hurt when there is dishonesty.

It is never too late to be honest. You can start right now if you want. - Thelma

 Honesty is more than just a virtue.

PHOTO: Every one of us, from Adam and Eve to you and I, chooses to be honest or dishonest on a daily basis.
Lying to hurt someone else really hurts YOU. Haman’s perfidious plot backfired on him. (Esther 3-5; 7)
You can lie so much you forget what matters. Treacherous Judas forgot, or deceived himself, about what matters most. (Matthew 26; 27)
Texts posted by zionlutheran on 4 March 2010, https://sundaynightliveatzion.wordpress.com/2010/03/04/march-honesty/
Picture posted by Glitter Magazine

By Thelma, The Star/ANNSunday, Aug 28, 2016


NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Esther 3-5; 7 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther+3-5%3B+7&version=NIV

Matthew 26; 27 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+26%3B+27&version=NIV