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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Reflection - Christian's modes of ministry

Source (book): "Faithful to the end", Chapter 10, Question 3, Page 148.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Christian's modes of ministry
PHOTO: Christian's modes of ministry refer to the methods of spreading the gospel (the Word) as in 2 Timothy 4:2, "preach the word". The ultimate goal is to do the Great Commission, to go into the world and make disciples for our Lord. God not only want us to be saved from our sins but also to be part of His family. To prepare us for that we need to be exposed to the three functions of the Word; "correct, rebuke and encourage". Whatever the mode employed, it must be able to "minister to the mind, will and heart by convincing, rebuking and encouraging in a balanced and holistic way" in order to succeed. This means that the modes of ministry  involves teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness as indicated in 2 Timothy 3:16.
Picture posted by Christian Motorcyclists (Pinterest)

Reflect on the modes of ministry in 2 Timothy 4:2. Which of these do you find easy and which are difficult? Is there a mode of ministry that needs strengthening in your service for the Lord? How would you go about it?

Reflect on the modes of ministry in 2 Timothy 4:2.

The Modes of Ministry [1]
Timothy's ministry of the Word must find expression in a spectrum of ministry modes. Paul used the words: "correct, rebuke and encourage" (
2 Timothy 4:2). This is because of the variety of ways in which the Word of God is useful to us. As Paul had earlier indicated in 2 Timothy 3:16, the Word is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. The ministry of the Word produces a range of effects in the listeners. It can bring comfort as well as disturb and cut to the heart.

God's Word Guides Us

PHOTO: God's Word Guides Us
As Paul had earlier indicated in
2 Timothy 3:16, the Word is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
All Scripture (the Bible) is given by inspiration of God and is profitable (helpful or useful) for doctrine (teaching Christian truth), for reproof (rebuking, telling us when we are wrong), for correction (showing us how to correct our mistakes), and training in righteousness (teaching us how to obey God).
Picture posted by Grace Point @ Eagle Heights

In a congregation, there would be people of all kinds and at various stages of holiness and maturity. It is amazing how a single sermon can have varying effects on different members of the congregation. God can use different portions of the scriptural text to meet the needs of His children. The sermon can comfort those who are too disturbed and disturb those who are too comfortable. Whatever the text may be, a sermon is preached not for the enjoyment of the people but for their spiritual edification. They should not tell the preacher on the way out of the sanctuary how much they enjoyed the sermon; it is better to say how it corrected, rebuked, or encouraged them. In one sense, how spiritually useful a sermon is depends on how listeners appropriate it. John Chrysostom described how a sermon can have different effects in a congregation, according to the needs of the hearers: "For the Word is spoken to everyone and is offered as a general remedy to anyone who needs it. But each individual hearer must accept the remedy that is appropriate for his own ailments." [2]

In a congregation

PHOTO: In a congregation, there would be people of all kinds and at various stages of holiness and maturity. The sermon can comfort those who are too disturbed and disturb those who are too comfortable. Whatever the text may be, a sermon is preached not for the enjoyment of the people but for their spiritual edification. ". . . each individual hearer must accept the remedy that is appropriate for his own ailments." [2]
Painting by Jan Styka - Peter Preaching in the Catacombs
Picture posted by Jared Schumacher, The Theological Anthropology Blog on 17 November 2015

http://static1.squarespace.com/static/50b90b3de4b05b20d2d9658c/t/564af7f7e4b0721902a71866/1447753721302/ - (1447753721302.jpg)

The words "correct, rebuke and encourage" are rendered as "convince, rebuke, exhort" in the New King James Version translation, and as "point out errors, warn people, and encourage" in the God's Word translation. There are three ways in which the Word is used in ministry: it can convince those who are in doubt; it can convert those who are in the wrong; and it can comfort those who are suffering. A good sermon would normally serve all three functions. It will minister to the mind, will and heart by convincing, rebuking and encouraging respectively. When this is not done in a balanced and holistic way, the preacher can end up as an angry person, preaching from his neurotic anger, and always scolding his flock. Or his sermons may be reduced to nothing more than a form of spiritual massage, lulling his congregation to sleep instead of taking any urgent action against sin and being obedient and useful to the Lord.

A good sermon will minister to the mind

PHOTO: A good sermon will minister to the mind, will and heart by convincing, rebuking and encouraging done in a balanced and holistic way. Urgent action must be taken against sin, and being obedient and useful to the Lord.
Picture posted by Stephie Haynes @CrooklynMMA on 27 November 2014 at 10:30am


Who can live up to this high calling? Adam Clarke reminds us that only those called, trained, and enabled by Christ can fulfill such a noble calling.

"Who is capable of these things? Is it such a person as has not intellect sufficient for a common trade or calling? No. A preacher of the Gospel should be a man of the soundest sense, the most cultivated mind, the most extensive experience, one who is deeply taught of God, and who has deeply studied man; one who has prayed much, and studied much; one who takes up his work as from God, does it as before God, and refers all to the glory of God; one who abides under the inspiration of the Almighty, and who has hidden the word of God in his heart, that he might not sin against him. No minister formed by man can ever be such as is required here. The school of Christ, and that alone, can ever form such a preacher." [3]

Who can live up to this high calling?

PHOTO: Who can live up to this high calling? Adam Clarke reminds us that only those called, trained, and enabled by Christ can fulfill such a noble calling. "No minister formed by man can ever be such as is required here. The school of Christ, and that alone, can ever form such a preacher." [3]
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)
Esther stands out as one of God's chosen ones. She was a sweet, winsome, courageous person. For the sake of her people, she took her life in her hands and went before the king.
"All the kings officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king." (Esther 4:11)
She said, "If I perish, I perish." (Esther 4:15-17) The great lesson from Esther is: Do what is right and leave the result to God.
Painting by Pino (Italian artist) - "Esther", Canvas Giclee
Picture posted by John Manderscheid on 12 October 2015 at 7:00 PM


Which of these (modes of ministry) do you find easy and which are difficult?
Christian's modes of ministry refers to the methods of spreading the gospel (the Word) as in
2 Timothy 4:2, "preach the word". The ultimate goal is to do the Great Commission, to go into the world and make disciples for our Lord. God not only want us to be saved from our sins but also to be part of His family. To prepare us for that we need to be exposed to the three functions of the Word; "correct, rebuke and encourage". Whatever the mode employed, it must be able to "minister to the mind, will and heart by convincing, rebuking and encouraging in a balanced and holistic way" in order to succeed. This means that the modes of ministry  involves teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness as indicated in 2 Timothy 3:16. The following are the various modes of ministry ranging from the preaching mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:2 to online ministry. The level of difficulty is based solely on my understanding of the methods used.

Whatever the mode employed

PHOTO: Whatever the mode employed, it must be able to "minister to the mind, will and heart by convincing, rebuking and encouraging in a balanced and holistic way" in order to succeed. This means that the modes of ministry  involves teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness as indicated in 2 Timothy 3:16.
Picture posted by jvn2k07 on 15 June 2016


2 Timothy 4:2 (NIV)
"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction."

In season
Preaching could be conveniently done; when all things were favorable, and when there were no obstructions or hindrances. It may include the "stated and regular" seasons for public worship, but is not confined to them. This mode is similar to giving sermon in sunday gathering at the churches. [4] It appears easy but no preacher of the Gospel can meet the requirement except from the school of Christ. [3] Level of difficulty is High.

'In season'

PHOTO: 'In season' include the "stated and regular" seasons for public worship, but is not confined to them. This mode is similar to giving sermon in sunday gathering at the churches.
Picture posted by Daniella Brancatelli on 4 February 2016

Out of season
The minister is to seek opportunities to preach the gospel even at such periods as might be inconvenient to himself, or when there might be hindrances and embarrassments, or when there was no stated appointment for preaching. He is not to confine himself to the appointed times of worship, or to preach only when it will be perfectly convenient for himself, but he is to have such an interest and earnestness in the work, that it will lead him to do it in the face of embarrassments and discouragements, and whenever he can find an opportunity. . . .
He should preach in his private conversation, and in the intervals of his public labours, at the side of the sick bed, and wherever there is a prospect of doing good to any one. [4] Level of difficulty is Extremely High.

'Out of season'

PHOTO: 'Out of season' is not to confine himself to the appointed times of worship, or to preach only when it will be perfectly convenient for himself, but he is to have such an interest and earnestness in the work, that it will lead him to do it in the face of embarrassments and discouragements, and whenever he can find an opportunity.
Picture posted by Daskaleioy


Longsuffering or patience
The success of the Gospel ministry should be patiently waited for. Instruct in meekness, gently rebuke, and every exhortation should provide comfort and not stress. [5] That is, with a patient and persevering spirit [4] Level of difficulty is High.

'Longsuffering or patience'

PHOTO: 'Longsuffering or patience' instructs in meekness, gently rebuke, and every exhortation should provide comfort and not stress. [5] That is, with a patient and persevering spirit [4].
Jesus grants a healing miracle to the daughter of a Canaanite woman, a Gentile.
Painting by Harold Copping - The Faith of the Canaanite Woman
Picture posted by tranquang on 16 August 2014 - The Canaanite Woman (Jesus and the Bleeding Woman)


With a patient and persevering spirit instructs in meekness, gently rebuke.

PHOTO: With a patient and persevering spirit instructs in meekness, gently rebuke.
Jesus and the Bleeding Woman, by the touch of His garment's hem, she was healed. Through her Faith she was healed.
"Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." (Mark 5:30-34)
Picture posted by Slaite (Pinterest) - The Faith of the Canaanite Woman

Careful Instruction, Doctrine
Teaching, or patient instruction. Conducted in a way that is instructive, and in agreement with the doctrine of the Scriptures. [4] [5] No flattering, fawning, unfaithful preaching, and vent their own passion, rather than pursue the reformation of souls. [6] Level of difficulty is moderate.

Careful Instruction, Doctrine

PHOTO: Careful Instruction, Doctrine
Teaching, or patient instruction. Conducted in a way that is instructive, and in agreement with the doctrine of the Scriptures. [4] [5] No flattering, fawning, unfaithful preaching, and vent their own passion, rather than pursue the reformation of souls. [6]
Picture posted by Resources For Catechesis - BIBLE TEXT: Mark 6: 1-6

Be Prepared, Be instant
Be earnest and diligent. This reflects upon a cold and perfunctory preaching. God bid Isaiah to cry aloud, lift up his voice like a trumpet (Isaiah 58:1). Sinners are like deaf adders (a small venomous Eurasian snake). No preacher of the Gospel can meet the requirement except from the school of Christ. [3] A kind of intrusion into others privacy and can offend easily. Level of difficulty is High.

Be Prepared, Be instant

PHOTO: Be Prepared, Be instant
Be earnest and diligent. This reflects upon a cold and perfunctory preaching. God bid Isaiah to cry aloud, lift up his voice like a trumpet (Isaiah 58:1).
"Shout it aloud, do not hold back.
Raise your voice like a trumpet.
Declare to my people their rebellion
and to the descendants of Jacob their sins.
Picture posted by Romel Reinoso on 22 August 2014


Correct, Reprove
Or "convince;" The meaning is to use those argument points that would "convince" men of the truth of religion, and of their own need of it. Strong debating skills required. [4] Level of difficulty is High.

Correct, Reprove, 'convince' men of the truth of religion

PHOTO: Correct, Reprove, "convince" men of the truth of religion
It is very difficult for a constructive dialogue to take place if there is no common ground of understanding between the two parties. Before engaging in a conversation, educate yourself on the basics of the beliefs.
Picture posted by wikiHows


As in rebuking offenders. In the New Testament the word is used to express a judgment of what is wrong or contrary to one's will, and hence, to admonish or reprove. It implies our conviction that there is something evil, or some fault in him who is rebuked. The word here rendered rebuke, implies authority or superiority, and means merely that we may say that a thing is wrong, and administer a rebuke for it, as if there were no doubt that it was wrong. The propriety of the rebuke rests on our authority for doing it, not on the arguments which we present. This is based on the presumption that men often Know that they are doing wrong, and need no arguments to convince them of it. The idea is, that the minister is not merely to reason about sin, and convince men that it is wrong, but he may solemnly admonish them not to do it, and warn them of the consequences.[4]  (See, for instance, Matthew 17:18, "And Jesus rebuked the devil.") [7] Level of difficulty is Very High.

Jesus heals a Boy With Seizures by rebuking the demon, and it came out of the boy (Matthew 17:18).

PHOTO: Jesus heals a Boy With Seizures by rebuking the demon, and it came out of the boy (Matthew 17:18).
As in rebuking offenders. In the New Testament the word is used to express a judgment of what is wrong or contrary to one's will, and hence, to admonish or reprove. It implies our conviction that there is something evil, or some fault in him who is rebuked. This is based on the presumption that men often Know that they are doing wrong, and need no arguments to convince them of it.
Painting by James Tissot - The Possessed Boy at the Foot of Mount Tabor
Picture posted by Maria Valtorta


Encourage, Exhort
Not only is the minister to remember ceaselessly to watch over the flock, and to correct and rebuke the erring and sinners, but also with no less diligence to speak comfortable words of encouragement and hope to all, especially to the dispirited and sad-hearted. [7] Level of difficulty is High.

Encourage, Exhort

PHOTO: Encourage, Exhort
Not only is the minister to remember ceaselessly to watch over the flock, and to correct and rebuke the erring and sinners, but also with no less diligence to speak comfortable words of encouragement and hope to all, especially to the dispirited and sad-hearted. [7]
Picture posted by Daum on 9 August 2015 at 14:05 - Mary Magdalene, weeping at the tomb


New modes of ministry [8] Level of difficulty is High.
Langdon Cassidy is a local minister in the Houston area, with a calling and a passion for outreach and ministering to the homeless. Every weekend he, his wife and staff, travel throughout the Houston area with their refrigerated box truck, ministering to the homeless, provide a word from Jesus, along with a hot meal and clothes. Many of the homeless stand in line for prayer or to be baptized as well.

Why Have You Betrayed Me?

PHOTO: Why Have You Betrayed Me?
"There's the world where I can't go and tell my secrets to.
In this world I am locked out with all my worries and my fears.
Now its dark and I'm alone, but I won't be afraid.
I lie awake and pray, do my crying and laugh at yesterday.

- Modified version of The Beach Boys IN MY ROOM, by Brian Wilson and Gary Usher, http://www.avakov.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=140631&sid=d2283ce71af19d695035dbbdeeea2610

Ministering to the homeless is a calling, and a passion to reach those who are out of reached.
Picture posted by nevsepic.com (Ukraine), 3568 on 15 November 2013


The well known Francis Chan, left the pulpit of a "mega church" for the streets of San Francisco. If you know Francis, then you know that he has a heart for discipleship. He and his staff gather on Sunday mornings for prayer just before they hit the streets to feed, pray, and disciple people to Jesus.

Internet, blogs, video, podcasting and social media, the gospel can travel further and faster than ever before. Digital technology to be both a tool and a resource to minister has created a whole new teaching opportunity. With so many people turning to online ministry to connect and enhance their lives spiritually, it has become a vast new mission field and a tool to provide resources for both spiritual growth and ministry leadership development.
As one writer put it, The pulpit has been moved.
Ministry is no longer one dimensional. People are no longer willing to just sit in pews. They have a calling and in this day and age the Lord has provided new modes and various venues for these callings and ministries to be expressed.

Internet, blogs, video, podcasting and social media, the gospel can travel further and faster than ever before.

PHOTO: Internet, blogs, video, podcasting and social media, the gospel can travel further and faster than ever before. Digital technology to be both a tool and a resource to minister has created a whole new teaching opportunity.
Picture posted by Meredith Gould, Digital Communications Consultant


Is there a mode of ministry that needs strengthening in your service for the Lord?

Yes, using social media (blogging) as a resource to minister.

If we search the scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, we can see the Lord making changes. Of course, His laws never change. His love and concern for us never changes. His will in our lives never changes. However, His methods to get us where He needs us to be does (Isaiah 43:19).

If we search the scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, we can see the Lord making changes.

PHOTO: If we search the scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, we can see the Lord making changes. Of course, His laws never change. His love and concern for us never changes. His will in our lives never changes. However, His methods to get us where He needs us to be does (Isaiah 43:19).
Picture posted by Dr. J's Apothecary Shoppe on 10 August 2016

How would you go about it?
How we use social media well for something we're passionate about [9]
1. Pray
Pray for the broken-hearted, the victims, the widow and orphan, the refugee, and the impoverished. Pray for the oppressors, the enemies, and the perpetrators. Pray for the governments and organizations mobilizing to act. Pray if we should take action and is social media the right tool.

Pray if we should take action and is social media the right tool

PHOTO: Pray if we should take action and is social media the right tool
Like any tool, it has both noble and vulgar applications. We rant and rave pre-empted (occupied) by name-calling and character-smearing, forgetting to pray that we "may lead a calm and peaceful life in all godliness and sanctity". Maybe one way is to insert a "praying hands" emoticon in our post.
Picture posted by Cynthia Long on 5 August 2016

PHOTO: The beauty of prayers for "mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation . . . " become offline-and-forgotten, if we do not remember to pray.
Picture posted by nevsepic.com (Ukraine), 3568 on 15 November 2013


2. Inform ourself
There's a learning curve to begin using the media. We have to put in the time and effort to educate ourself before we are able to use it. Our education goes a million miles to changing hearts when we can be trusted as knowledgeable.

We have to put in the time and effort to educate ourself before we are able to use the social media as a tool.

PHOTO: We have to put in the time and effort to educate ourself before we are able to use the social media as a tool. Our education goes a million miles to changing hearts when we can be trusted as knowledgeable.
Picture posted by emaze

3. Not all opinions need to be shared
Filling our Facebook feed, tweeting up a storm or commenting on posts with strong opinions about everything and anything is a sure-fire way to lose credibility with our friends and followers.
Imagine speaking to one person sitting in front of us. Why are we sharing this with that person? Is our opinion coming from a knowledgeable place? How do we phrase our words with God's grace, wisdom and love?
The church isn't the building. Its the people!

Have articles that are short and sweet.
PHOTO: Have articles that are short and sweet. Look for something that is 'short and sweet'.- Marilyn A. Hudson [10]
Not all opinions need to be shared. commenting on posts with strong opinions about everything and anything is a sure-fire way to lose credibility with our friends and followers.
Imagine speaking to one person sitting in front of us. Phrase our words with God's grace, wisdom and love.
The church isn't the building. Its the people!
Picture posted by United Methodist Communications


Social media etiquette

PHOTO: Social media etiquette - "Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God." - John Wesley [10]
Picture posted by Eric Seiberling


4. Acknowledge that we can't care about everything.
Compassion fatigue is a real thing. And more importantly, we can't actually solve all the world's problems. Pick one or two and dig deep. Make tangible efforts to support it. Give ourself time, money or services, and then become a social media advocate (supporter).

Acknowledge that we can’t care about everything.

PHOTO: Acknowledge that we can't care about everything.
Compassion fatigue is a real thing, we can't actually solve all the world's problems. Pick one or two and Make tangible efforts to support it.
There will be people who will make you feel  that you are not good enough and that you are the reason for all of their problems. As time goes on we will feel that we are a mistake, unloved, and unwanted leading to depression and severe anxiety. Made the decision not to involve in everything, but to try something that we can find sanity, peace within ourself, feel content, relaxed, empowered, and happy of our little accomplishment.
Posted by Kelly Holmes - People Who Feel Like Theyre Not Good Enough

5. Don't be an alarmist.
Speak intelligently, not angrily. Speak with passion, not with vitriol (bitter criticism or malice). Speak with compassion, not hatred. Point people to accurate information to support our passion.

Don't be an alarmist.

PHOTO: Don't be an alarmist.
Speak intelligently, not angrily. Speak with passion, not with vitriol (bitter criticism or malice). Speak with compassion, not hatred.
Point people to accurate information to support our passion.
Always have a small group of independent meteorologists to help keep an eye towards the heavens. - by Ray Ryan on 17 January 2015
Posted by Joel Goobich on 16 January 2015

6. Share our story.
Chances are there's a real and personal reason why we care so deeply about this cause. Tell people why. Be humanly vulnerable. Connect hearts not just heads.

Loneliness and Suicidal

PHOTO: Loneliness and Suicidal
The days are bright but filled with pain. Share our story. Chances are there's a real and personal reason why we care so deeply about this cause. Tell people why.
Picture posted by Ronald Ziga on 19 November 2015 - VISITAR A COSTA RICA

Painful present

PHOTO: Painful present
The sea are fields that never die. Share our story. Be humanly vulnerable. Connect hearts not just heads.
Picture posted by Haha on Monday, 14 May 2012 at 00:57

7. Before hitting Send, pray AGAIN.
We have an opportunity to use social media to share God's heart for His creation. The next time we want to speak up for a cause, pray, dig a little deeper by using the tools that we have to affect change.

Before hitting 'Send' pray AGAIN

PHOTO:  Before hitting 'Send' pray AGAIN
Share God's heart for His creation by using the tools that we have to affect change.
Picture posted by Pastor Carlos Camacho Miranda, New Testament Church of Ponce


Dear Lord, we pray that we are able to use the modes of ministry to spread the gospel and to perform the Great Commission, to go into the world and make disciples for our Lord. Whatever the mode employed, it must be able to minister to the mind, will and heart by convincing, rebuking and encouraging in a balanced and holistic way. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we pray that we are able to use the modes of ministry to spread the gospel and to perform the Great Commission, to go into the world and make disciples for our Lord. Whatever the mode employed, it must be able to minister to the mind, will and heart by convincing, rebuking and encouraging in a balanced and holistic way. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by David JM on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 at 15:06

Reflection - Christian's modes of ministry
Question from the book "Faithful to the end" by  Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

[1] From "Faithful to the end" A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, Copyright  2014 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-241-0, PART THREE: UNLIKE THE WORLD, Chapter 10 "Christian Ministry in a Terrible World" (2 Timothy 4:1-5), Page 143-144.

[2] John Chrysostom, Homily (sermon: intended primarily for spiritual edification rather than doctrinal instruction) 23 on John, quoted in Day by day with the Early Church Fathers, ed. Christopher D. Hudson, J. Alan Sharrer and Lindsay Vankar (Peabody, MA.: Hendrickson Publishers, 1999), 188.

[3] Adam Clarke, Commentary on the Bible, 2 Timothy 3:17, http://www.studylight.org/com/acc/view.cgi?bk=54&ch=3.

[4] Barnes' Notes on the Bible, (2 Timothy 4:2), http://biblehub.com/commentaries/2_timothy/4-2.htm

[5] Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible, (
2 Timothy 4:2), http://biblehub.com/commentaries/2_timothy/4-2.htm

[6] Matthew Poole's Commentary, (
2 Timothy 4:2), http://biblehub.com/commentaries/2_timothy/4-2.htm

[7] Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, (
2 Timothy 4:2), http://biblehub.com/commentaries/2_timothy/4-2.htm

[8] Ministry: New modes of expressing it and ministry leaders doing it, posted by Frederick Anderson (iTEACH Ministry) on 12 April 2016, http://www.iteachministry.com/2016/04/ministry-new-modes-of-expressing-it-and.html

[9] How to Be an Effective Social Media Slacktivist, posted by Eryn Carman, http://blog.compassion.com/how-to-be-an-effective-social-media-slacktivist/

[10] 3 simple rules of social media, By Eric Seiberling, http://www.umcom.org/learn/3-simple-rules-of-social-media. Retired United Methodist Bishop Rueben P. Job uses John Wesley's three general rules to give Christians a guide for living a faithful life. The rules from Wesley, the founder of Methodism, are simple: "Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God." The book is published by the United Methodist Publishing House.

NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

2 Timothy 2:15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+2%3A15&version=NIV

2 Timothy 3:16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+3%3A16&version=NIV

2 Timothy 3:17 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+3%3A17&version=NIV

2 Timothy 4:1-5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+4%3A1-5&version=NIV

2 Timothy 4:2 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+4%3A2&version=NIV

Esther 4:11 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=+Esther+4%3A11&version=NIV

Esther 4:15-17 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=+Esther+4%3A15-17&version=NIV

Isaiah 43:19 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+43%3A19&version=NIV

Isaiah 58:1 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+58%3A1&version=NIV

Mark 5:30-34 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+5%3A30-34+&version=NIV

Mark 6:1-6 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+6%3A1-6&version=NIV

Matthew 17:18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+17%3A18&version=NIV