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Monday, October 12, 2015

Another operation for lift accident victim today

My Paper, Monday, October 12, 2015, Page A4, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/epc/en/2015-10-12/
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/another-operation-lift-accident-victim-today-20151012
By Oliva Ho, mypaper, oliviaho@sph.com.sg, Published on Oct 12, 2015

PHOTO: FAITHFUL: Madam Khoo's dog waiting for its owner by the door. Her son, Mr Lee, said it has been doing this every night since the accident.

THE elderly widow who lost her hand in a Jurong lift accident on Friday is in a stable condition, but had to have operations on not just her hand, but her left leg as well.

Khoo Bee Hua's left hand was severed when the 85-year-old tried to stop the lift door from closing. Doctors at the National University Hospital (NUH), where she is now warded, failed to reattach the hand after a four-hour operation.

Khoo Bee Hua's left hand was severed when the 85-year-old tried to stop the lift door from closing.
PHOTO: Khoo Bee Hua's left hand was severed when the 85-year-old tried to stop the lift door from closing. Doctors at the National University Hospital (NUH), where she is now warded, failed to reattach the hand after a four-hour operation.
Photo: Lianhe Zaobao

Her 59-year-old son, who gave his name as Mr Lee, said that the fall Madam Khoo suffered during the accident had misaligned a metal plate in her left knee and caused a bone fracture.

"The bone twisted and cracked, and the whole plate tilted up to touch the skin."

Madam Khoo underwent surgery during Friday night's operation to set the plate straight to reduce her pain, and will have another one today to treat the fracture.

The incident occurred on Friday morning as Madam Khoo was returning with her dog to her flat at Block 322, Tah Ching Road, where she lives alone.

Elderly woman's hand severed by lift doors at Block 322, Tah Ching Road
PHOTO: Elderly woman's hand severed by lift doors at Block 322, Tah Ching Road
Photo Source: Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily News

The Straits Times understands that the lift doors somehow shut on her hand, leaving the dog outside and Madam Khoo trapped within the lift. Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) rescuers had to prise open the lift doors to free her.

Her family has asked to view closed-circuit television footage of the incident. Mr Lee, who declined to give his occupation, said: "I want to settle the facts. If somebody is responsible, they must be held responsible. If no action is taken, I will take action."

Use of the 19-year-old lift has been suspended while investigations are carried out, the Building and Construction Authority said on Friday.

Mr Lee, who lives in the opposite block of flats, recalled that he had been on his way to work that morning when he saw the scene.

"I saw an ambulance, a Red Rhino, and thought there must be some kind of fire. Then I saw (SCDF officers) looking for something. I asked what they were looking for. They said it was a broken palm.

"It was only when I walked farther on and saw my mother lying there that I realised it was her palm they were searching for."

The woman's severed hand, which had fallen into the lift well, was later retrieved and placed into a bag with ice.
PHOTO: The woman's severed hand, which had fallen into the lift well, was later retrieved and placed into a bag with ice.

He said his mother is conscious but tired. "She is now on painkillers, so she is very drowsy. On and off, she will speak one or two words, then go back to sleep."

The severed hand is being preserved at NUH. Mr Lee said: "I have to seek my mother's opinion on how to deal with it. I cannot just dispose of it or burn it."

He added that his family is now caring for his mother's dog, a small mixed-breed stray she had adopted, for the time being.

During the accident, the dog's leash was caught between the lift doors and it was dragged up, leaving it dangling at the top of the doors. A neighbour had to cut its leash before it choked.

The dog is now living with Mr Lee's family, and he takes it with him when he stays at his mother's flat overnight to keep an eye on it.

"It's very attached to my mum," he said. "Every night, it sits by the door, waiting for her to come back."

By Oliva Ho, mypaper, oliviaho@sph.com.sg, Published on Oct 12, 2015

The dog is now living with Mr Lee's family, and he takes it with him when he stays at his mother's flat overnight to keep an eye on it.
PHOTO: The dog is now living with Mr Lee's family, and he takes it with him when he stays at his mother's flat overnight to keep an eye on it.
"It's very attached to my mum," Mr. Lee said. "Every night, it sits by the door, waiting for her to come back."
Picture posted by StasoSphere.com, "The Chronicles Of A Garden: Its Pets And Its Pleasures", by Miss Henrietta Wilson

自从相见直到如今 - Since the time we met until now
Zì cóng xiāng jiàn zhí dào rú jīn

把你当做我知音 - Consider you as my companion
bǎ nǐ dàng zuò wǒ zhī yīn

烦恼的时候有你在一起 - When there is trouble you are with me
fán nǎo dí
shí hòu yǒu nǐ zài yī qǐ

我就变了一个人 - I became a different person
wǒ jiù biàn liǎo yī gè rén

你的每个故事我都当成真 - Your every story I take it as real
nǐ dí měi gè gù shì wǒ dū dàng chéng zhēn

啊.....就算你是故意安慰我 - Ah ..... even if you are deliberately comforting me
a..... Jiù suàn nǐ shì gù yì ān wèi wǒ

也会醉了我的心 - Also can melt my heart
yě huì zuì liǎo wǒ dí xīn

不知不觉对你的感情 - Unconsciously my feelings for you
Bù zhī bù jué duì nǐ dí gǎn qíng

已经不知多么深 - already do not know developed how strong
yǐ jīng bù zhī duō me shēn

这个世界上只有你才是 - This world only you
zhè ge shì jiè shàng zhǐ yǒu nǐ cái shì

对我最关心 - Are most concern about me
duì wǒ zuì guān xīn

我们在彼此间只有爱存在 - Only love exist between us
wǒ men zài bǐ cǐ jiān zhǐ yǒu ài cún zài

从来也不知道什么叫做恨 - Never know what is hate
cóng lái yě bù zhī dào shén me jiào zuò hèn

依依分手昨日黄昏 - Secretly separated yesterday evening
Yī yī fēn shǒu zuó rì huáng hūn
今天见不到 - Never thought today will be unable to see you
zài yě méi xiǎng dào
jīn tiān jiàn dào nǐ

啊.....只要告别一声再见 - Ah ..... As long as there is a leaving farewell
a..... Zhǐ yào gào bié yī shēng zài jiàn

也会醉了我的心 - Also can melt my heart
yě huì zuì liǎo wǒ dí xīn
