By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

"Since Christ wishes us to strive all our days, the man who fails half-way to victory loses his honour, even though he may have begun bravely." [7] There is no place for half-hearted attempts or half-finished races in the kingdom of God. It is not that God demands of us an impossible task. For what He demands of us, He also enables us - with divine grace.
Posted by Melanie Jean Juneau on 4 August 2014 at 8:03 a.m.
"There is no place for half-hearted attempts or half-finished races in the Kingdom of God." In God's presence, examine yourself to see whether there are such abandoned works for the Lord. Turn your reflection into prayer. Discuss the danger of chasing after the latest fads and fashions for a church. How can this produce an addiction to "religious theme park rides" that go nowhere and contribute to the lack of walking with the Lord in a real journey or race?
"There is no place for half-hearted attempts or half-finished races in the Kingdom of God." In God's presence, examine yourself to see whether there are such abandoned works for the Lord.
The Disciplined Athlete [1]
To summarise, Paul deploys the metaphor of the athlete who has the right motive of an all-out desire to win, the right habits of self-disciplined training, and the right value system with regards to God's laws. This indeed is a high standard, without which one only attains mediocrity. And mediocre Christians are not very useful to Christ. As John Calvin reiterates: "Since Christ wishes us to strive all our days, the man who fails half-way to victory loses his honour, even though he may have begun bravely." [7] There is no place for half-hearted attempts or half-finished races in the kingdom of God. It is not that God demands of us an impossible task. For what He demands of us, He also enables us - with divine grace. [1]

PHOTO: No place for mediocre Christians
Since Christ wishes us to strive all our days, the man who fails half-way to victory loses his honour, even though he may have begun bravely. There is no place for half-hearted attempts or half-finished races in the kingdom of God.
Picture posted by updated on 28 July 2015, Mike O'Hearn, a athlete
Lack of obedience - We struggling to finish in such a way that the end does not glorifies God. [2]
We would like God to just accept the fact that we’re running. We want Him to give us the blue ribbon no matter how we end up crossing the finish line. But God is a trainer and coach who won’t settle for less than His image stamped into our character. In God’s program, finishing well is the goal, no matter how long it takes to get there. The race is not to the swift but to the obedient. We need to be obedient to submit to the exacting demands imposed by the coach. We need to pursue life in a manner that is pleasurable to the Lord.
PHOTO: Lack of obedience - We struggling to finish in such a way that the end does not glorifies God
Obedience - Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart Be acceptable in Your sight
As an athletic we need to be obedient to submit to the exacting demands imposed by the coach. We need to pursue life in a manner that is pleasurable to the Lord.
Posted by John Setra (On Vacation), taken on 27 December 2012, Walking meditation on year end reflection
Lack of trust or faith in God's plan [2]
In order to finish well, I need trust or faith in God's training plan until He accomplishes what He wants, not until I think I’ve had enough. The Author and Finisher is the One Who pushes me toward the high goal of beautiful perfection. He is the Author because it is His plan. He is the Finisher because He led the way – and He lifts, encourages, teaches, trains and manages me as I follow Him. When the course gets really rough, when I falter and stumble, I know He won’t quit on me. He has the end in mind. So must I. We need the unswerving faithfulness and clear focus in the work assigned by the Lord.
PHOTO: Lack of trust or faith in God's plan
Let Go and Let God. We have been struggling with giving complete control over to the Lord. Mainly this issue has been coming up because we are having trouble trusting Him wholeheartedly. We still try to control things that should be held in His hands. The Author and Finisher is the One Who pushes me toward the high goal of beautiful perfection.
Posted by Rachel on 15 May 2015
Lack of endurance or perseverance till the end [2]
We live like a shooting star that has a momentary spectacular burst of light as it streaks across the heavens and captures the attention of everyone for a moment, but soon it is gone, disappearing into the blackness of the night. Even in the midst of the amazing miracles and wondrous works of God, the hedonistic pleasures of the world pull us away. We are to persist with the energy and strength that Christ provided, do not hold back, but offer ourselves as cleansed instrument and channel of God's redemptive power. The Christian life is not a race to see who comes in first, but an endurance run to see who finishes till the end. We are judged by what we finish, not by what we start.
PHOTO: Lack of endurance or perseverance till the end
We live like a shooting star that has a momentary spectacular burst of light as it streaks across the heavens and captures the attention of everyone for a moment, but soon it is gone, disappearing into the blackness of the night. Even in the midst of the amazing miracles and wondrous works of God, the hedonistic pleasures of the world pull us away.
Artwork by Jeff Wack on 01 September 2012, Greek goddess of the night, Nyx
Governed by the flesh instead of by the Spirit [2]
To finish well there can be no compromise with the flesh. It must be reckoned crucified, dead and powerless to exercise control over my emotions, mind and will. We cannot allow the flesh to keep our thoughts, words, actions, emotions, will, and heart enslaved to sin. There is a daily conflict between the spirit and the flesh regarding how our natural will, emotions and desires will be exercised in determining the things we think, say and do. It is never God’s purpose to improve the flesh, to educate it or tame it, let alone Christianize it. It has always been God’s purpose for the flesh-condemned, sentenced, and crucified with Jesus Christ - might be left buried in the tomb and replaced with the resurrection Life of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The risen Christ must exercise control in our mind, our emotions, and in our will, expressing Himself through our personality and our entire being (Ephesians 3:16,17). Then we can truly say like Paul: “For me to live is Christ” and “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." We must allow Christ to live His life through us. Christ is to now live on this earth through the born again Christian.
PHOTO: Governed by the flesh instead of by the Spirit
To finish well there can be no compromise with the flesh. It must be reckoned crucified, dead and powerless to exercise control over my emotions, mind and will. We cannot allow the flesh to keep our thoughts, words, actions, emotions, will, and heart enslaved to sin. There is a daily conflict between the spirit and the flesh regarding how our natural will, emotions and desires will be exercised in determining the things we think, say and do.
Picture from Maverick filmmaker Paul Morrissey’s Flesh for Frankenstein (1973)
Lack of action (to spread the gospel)
To finish well we must live for another kingdom. The believers in Acts were common people like us, but wherever they went, things happened. They turned the world upside down. They were revolutionaries who had heard the call of God. The Lord Jesus was a revolutionary. Wherever he went nothing remained the same. We must be different than the world. The advice of Solomon in this case is most seasonable: “Whatever your hand finds to do—do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.”(Ecclesiastes 9:10).
PHOTO: Lack of action (to spread the gospel)
The advice of Solomon in this case is most seasonable: “Whatever your hand finds to do—do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.”(Ecclesiastes 9:10).
Posted by admin101 on 11 July 2014
Unable to say: “It has been accomplished” [2]
When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” (John 19:30), and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. “It is finished.”, the goal, the end, the completion. Jesus accomplished his purpose for living. we translate this word as, “It has been accomplished.” It is not about the end of his life. It is about the new beginning of everything. This is the summary word of the plan of God. It is the word that redeems Mankind, restores the creation and fulfills God’s intention. When we utter our last, summary word, will we be able to say with Him, “It has been accomplished”?
PHOTO: Unable to say: “It has been accomplished”
Literally translated the Greek word tetelestai means, "It is finished." The word "finished" occurs in John 19:28 and 19:30 and these are the only two places in the New Testament where it occurs.
The word tetelestai was also written on business documents or receipts in New Testament times to show that a bill had been paid in full.
Jesus, who probably spoke Aramaic, may very well have spoken the Greek word "Tetelestai" which would have clearly been understood by all present, Jews, Gentiles, Romans, and others REGARDLESS of their native tongue. Tetelestai is a word we should learn similar to the "Paid In Full" message we see stamped on bills today....
Posted by Resurrection Lutheran Church on 26 March 2015 at 12:32:59 PM
These are the only two alternatives to how we finish our life. [2]
We either are overcome with evil or overcome evil with good.
We are either governed by the flesh in which there is no good thing or the spirit.
To finish well we must live for another kingdom.
We cannot live for ourselves anymore. We can make a difference in turning a generation from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. It is time. We must finish well. The result of such commitment, self-discipline, and persevering diligence is a rich harvest that is given by grace of God.
PHOTO: Archangel Michael tramples Satan
We can make a difference in turning a generation from the power of Satan to God.
Painting (in the Capuchin church of Santa Maria della Concezione, Rome, 1636) by Guido Reni
Turn your reflection into prayer. [2]
Yes, Lord, we pray to be obedient, to trust and have faith in Your plan for us.
We pray that we are useful to the Lord by spreading the gospel.
We pray for help to lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race till the end and able to say: “It has been accomplished”.
Help us to look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Help us consider Jesus who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that we may not grow weary or fainthearted.
We pray that we should be concerned with giving significance and value to all our years and not letting them end in shame and disgrace. Help us to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness, and to pursue life in a manner that is pleasurable to You.
Let Your will be done, Lord.
Amen, Lord.
PHOTO: We pray that we should be concerned with giving significance and value to all our years and not letting them end in shame and disgrace. Help us to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness, and to pursue life in a manner that is pleasurable to the Lord (tramples Satan).
Posted by Truth Be Told on Monday, 24 December 2012
Discuss the danger of chasing after the latest fads (temporary fashions) and fashions for a church.
Biblical Jesus and Fad Jesus [3]
We have created our own Jesus. He takes many different forms but he is what we call fad Jesus. Fad can be defined as, “a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc. esp. one followed enthusiastically by a group.”
PHOTO: Biblical Jesus and Fad Jesus (Jeezus)
We have created our own Jesus. He takes many different forms but he is what we call fad Jesus.
Posted by Nsaney on Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at 8:52 PM, "Real" Jesus vs Republican Jesus
Jesus is not a popular guy, nor is that His desire. In John 6, verse 2 we see that the crowds were following him, even still in verse 25 they are going to great lengths to find him and seek after him, but after they hear his teachings and get more acquainted with who Jesus really is in verse 66 we see that the masses leave. That is because Jesus is not a fad.
PHOTO: Biblical Jesus
In John 6, verse 2 we see that the crowds were following him, even still in verse 25 they are going to great lengths to find him and seek after him, but after they hear his teachings and get more acquainted with who Jesus really is in verse 66 we see that the masses leave. That is because Jesus is not a fad.
Picture posted ny Dr. Tim S. Smith, State Missionary Sunday School
There is only one biblical Jesus but there are different versions of fad Jesus; Superhero Jesus, South Park Jesus, Homeboy Jesus, and Cool Jesus.
Superhero Jesus v. Biblical Jesus [3]
In recent years Superhero Jesus has gained many followers. Perhaps it comes from the doctrine of His omnipotence; “the fact that He is all-powerful” and that He can work miracles. Of course because Jesus is all-powerful (which he really is) then that means that He is the best at everything (which He is). So doesn’t that mean that Jesus is an amazing football player? Certainly he would be a great coach too.
PHOTO: Jesus is an amazing football player? Certainly he would be a great coach too.
Picture found on, Jesus saves
This idea of Superhero Jesus has been around since a little after the time of Jesus. We can find in writings from the Gnostics (a heretical group), known as the infancy gospels, that the boy Jesus had many cool superhero qualities.
PHOTO: Superhero Jesus
Superhero Jesus has gained many followers. His omnipotence; all-powerful (which he really is), can work miracles and is the best at everything (which He is).
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 22 January 2014 at 21:04:44
These stories or this “fad Jesus” has in common is the idea that Jesus does miracles to please people, to have fun, or to display his coolness. We can see in John 6 that in some way the people view Jesus this way. They view him in a way that asks, “What are you going to do to entertain us”? What will you do to please us? What type of miracle are you going to do for us today Jesus? We see this when the people asked Jesus to show them a sign that they might believe.
PHOTO: These stories or this “fad Jesus” has in common is the idea that Jesus does miracles to please people, to have fun, or to display his coolness. But God has purpose behind all that He does; the redeeming of sinful mankind.
Posted by HackNScript on 12 April 2015
We see in verse 5 that one of the reasons for the biblical Jesus’ miracle of feeding the multitude was His compassion. He saw them; he knew they were hungry so he desired to feed them. It arose from his compassion, not a desire to do some sort of magic trick so that the people might be impressed. We see in the gospels, especially the gospel of John, that all of Jesus’ miracles and works have a purpose: to testify that Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who has come to take away the sins of the world and usher in the Kingdom of God. As Jesus himself said in v38-40, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believe in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”
PHOTO: Biblical Jesus' miracle of feeding the multitude was His compassion
He saw them; he knew they were hungry so he desired to feed them. It arose from his compassion, not a desire to do some sort of magic trick so that the people might be impressed. We see in the gospels, especially the gospel of John, that all of Jesus’ miracles and works have a purpose: to testify that Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who has come to take away the sins of the world and usher in the Kingdom of God.
Picture posted by Dr. Tim S. Smith, State Missionary Sunday School
What is the danger of this “fad Jesus” and what is the beauty of the biblical Jesus?
One of the dangers is clearly spelled out in the gospel of John. John throughout his gospel continuously contrasts “signs-faith” with biblical saving faith. In most instances whenever a person “comes to Jesus” because of some sort of sign or miracle that faith does not last. The reason is because, as Jesus said in verse 26, you aren’t looking for me. You do not want to love Jesus, you want a band-aid. You want a superhero to come in and solve all of your problems. You want someone to make you good at football, or singing, or skateboarding, or to make you attractive to others.
PHOTO: The danger of this Super Hero Jesus Christ is that faith does not last
Jesus said in verse 26, you aren’t looking for me. You do not want to love Jesus, you want a band-aid. You want a superhero to come in and solve all of your problems. You want someone to make you good at football, or singing, or skateboarding, or to make you attractive to others.
DeviantART posted by RosValeera, Digital Art / Vector / Other, ©2010-2015 RosValeera
And this is where it is dangerous - God is all powerful. God can do all things, and this is in no way to negate how awesome God is. But the point is to show that God has purpose behind all that He does. His ultimate purpose is to be glorified through the redeeming of sinful mankind and through our enjoyment of Him. One of God’s major purposes is for our joy, our joy in Him. If it were Jesus’ goal to come down and show off his muscles and be on a Super Bowl winning team and through this to win the people’s approval then He wouldn’t have withdrew in verse 15, he would have allowed them to make Him king.
PHOTO: One of God’s major purposes is for our joy, our joy in Him and not to come down and show off his muscles.
Posted by Friends with Aspergers on Monday, 31 March 2014
But Jesus is much greater than that. Jesus has a much greater purpose for our life than just filling our temporary needs. As He was showing the crowd in John 6, “I have something much better to offer you. Food that lasts!” C.S. Lewis echoed what Jesus is saying here when he said, “If we consider the unblushing promises in the Gospel, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us”. And that is why Superhero Jesus is dangerous, because it rips us off. It allows us to settle on a miracle-worker that shows us cool tricks but that we have no part in, He’s a football player that we watch, rather than the person that we love and enjoy. He is the superhero that we like rather than the God whom we worship. [3]
PHOTO: Jesus has a much greater purpose for our life than just filling our temporary needs. As He was showing the crowd in John 6, “I have something much better to offer you. Food that lasts!”
Picture posted by Farnoosh, the founder of Prolific Living
PHOTO: "We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us”. God is the superhero that we like rather than the God whom we worship.
Picture posted by Farnoosh, the founder of Prolific Living
Cool Jesus v. Biblical Jesus [3]
Cool Jesus is much like Homeboy Jesus that we will see later, the only difference is this one is driven by the need to be liked and the constant changes of popular culture while Homeboy Jesus just wants to be one of the guys. Cool Jesus is the disco-dancing, handsome, tattoo-sporting, rave-loving fellow. “Cool Jesus” might even be the product of the church. For years now the church has tried to make Jesus “cool” or relevant; especially to teenagers. For years, youth ministry has been based around “what will get teens to come to church”? “What will make Jesus cool, to these teenagers”? Churches have spent millions of dollars to make Jesus cool and relevant - congratulations we have succeeded.
PHOTO: Cool Jesus is driven by the need to be liked, and the constant changes of popular culture
Cool Jesus is the disco-dancing, handsome, tattoo-sporting, rave-loving fellow.
Published by Szymon Rostek
We have asked for this blasphemous character of Jesus because we have ourselves sold out to modern culture. In our attempt to become “all things to all people” as the apostle Paul we have in essence become irreverent (disrespectful), blasphemous, and unbelieving in our quest to win people for a Jesus that we really do not see as sufficient. Otherwise we would not find a need to go through all these troubles to “make Jesus” relevant, we would know that the gospel itself is relevant for all ages and has the power in and of itself to convert! Cool Jesus, is driven by popular culture and the need to be liked.
PHOTO: Cool Jesus - You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one (John 8:15)
Christian Art by Stephen Sawyer Sunday, posted on 02 October 2011 (Chuck Norris)
The people were asking how to get their temporary needs met. How can I feel good? How can I be fed? How can I get better clothes? A nicer house? A car? A smokin’ hot girlfriend? Will Jesus help me with this? Cool Jesus is to be thanked for giving someone a “smokin’ hot girlfriend”. But biblical Jesus is saying - you are not seeking eternal life? You are not seeking me, the life-giving Son of God, you are seeking a band-aid, a pill, a McDonald’s happy meal! You’re seeking the next best thing, and something just to throw in with all your other neat little treasures.
PHOTO: Cool Jesus - Hobo Boxer
Will Jesus help me feel good, get better clothes, get a smokin’ hot girlfriend and a nicer house?
But biblical Jesus is saying - you are not seeking eternal life?
Posted by ink5000 (DeviantArt, Jesus Christ hobo boxer), Cartoons & Comics / Traditional Media / Cartoons / drawings, ©2012-2015 ink5000.
Copyright 2012 skizo fa2hq / scott cattanach
What about the biblical Jesus? Was he driven by a need to be liked? I mean isn’t that our goal in evangelism, to get people to like Jesus? Who is going to like a guy who lived 2,000 years ago in a culture totally different than ours? Don’t we need to modernize Jesus? Isn’t that our goal? We see that the biblical Jesus is none of this. Was Jesus concerned with belief? Yes. Did Jesus want to create follower and worshippers? Yes. But we can see the difference between cool Jesus and the biblical Jesus in verse 15 of John 6.
PHOTO: Biblical Jesus is not concerned with empty worship, he will take a back seat to our other affections
2,000 years ago the culture is totally different but God do not need a modernized cool Jesus and is not driven by a need to be liked. He is the same, then and now.
Published by Endedhaivam on 02 June 2014
The people desired to make Jesus their king, and they were even going to do it by force if necessary. If Jesus’ passion had been for public approval and to set up an earthly kingdom then this would have been his chance. He had a captive audience, a people who desired for him to be king, but what did he do? He withdrew. Why did Jesus do that? Because Jesus is not concerned with empty worship, he will take a back seat to our other affections. We have learned from v26 that their desire was not for Jesus himself.
PHOTO: The people desired to make Jesus their king, and they were even going to do it by force if necessary. But they had no desire to worship Jesus, they only wanted what he had to offer.
Picture from Bible Illustrations Art, Let us gather Manna (Genesis 16:19-36)
They had no desire to worship Jesus, they only wanted what he had to offer and thought He could deliver them from Roman persecution. Biblical Jesus is not all that concerned with whether or not you think He is cool. In fact the Bible almost seems to paint a much different picture. Jesus seems to teach in the gospels that the world will hate Him, and will hate His followers. Hate is a strong word. It means to be repulsed by something. The simple truth is that Jesus, even though He is the only source to eternal life is often rejected. Jesus Christ and his cross are offensive and we cannot get around that nor should we try to.
PHOTO: They had no desire to worship Jesus, they only wanted what he had to offer. The simple truth is that Jesus, even though He is the only source to eternal life is often rejected. Jesus seems to teach in the gospels that the world will hate Him, and His followers.
Posted by God, truth, and love on Thursday, 11 December 2014 at 10:00 AM, The Manna
What is the danger of “Cool Jesus” and what is the beauty of biblical Jesus?
Cool Jesus is a fad. If you are only following “cool Jesus” as soon as he stops being cool, and believe me he will, then you are going to turn your back on him. That is what the people in John 6 did. They were following Him while he was popular. When they only had a surface understanding of who Jesus was, when they viewed Him as the miracle-worker, when he was just that guy who turned a few loaves of bread and a couple fish into a huge banquet, then they followed him. However, once Jesus started talking about commitment, once Jesus spoke in difficult terms the people started backing out. And that is what happens when you are only following Cool Jesus, or Superhero Jesus for that matter.
If our affection is not powerful enough to live for Him then it will not be enough to die for Him. Might the Spirit of God change our hearts and stir our affections. [3]
PHOTO: Cool Jesus is a fad. If we are only following “cool Jesus” as soon as he stops being cool, then we are going to turn our back on him. That is what the people in John 6 did. They were following Him while he was popular. Once Jesus started talking about commitment and spoke in difficult terms the people started backing out.
Picture posted by Ramon Gonzalez on 22 July 2015
Homeboy Jesus [4]
Homeboy Jesus has gained much popularity in recent years. People such as Ashton Kutcher have even been seen wearing shirts that say Jesus is My Homeboy. Now granted some who wear these shirts mean no offense, others probably such as Ashton Kutcher intend it to be a joke. What is meant by Homeboy Jesus? I believe what is meant is that Jesus is common, just like us, and easily attainable.
PHOTO: Homeboy Jesus means a Jesus that is common, just like us, and easily attainable. Homeboy Jesus has gained much popularity in recent years. Some who wear these shirts mean no offense, others probably such as Ashton Kutcher intend it to be a joke.
Posted by Samuel Lam on 07 November 2013
This idea of Jesus as our Homeboy more than likely comes from a misunderstanding of what Jesus means by saying we are His friends. Instead of understanding Jesus to mean that He is bridging the gap between sinful humanity and a holy God so that now we have become “friends”: whereas the enmity, which has now been removed. But the problem with Homeboy Jesus is that it takes our friendship with Jesus too far into the realm of irreverence (disrespectful). We must understand that God did indeed become one of us but He also still remained to be God.
PHOTO: Jesus meant that He is bridging the gap between sinful humanity and a holy God so that now we have become “friends” and the enmity is removed. But the problem with Homeboy Jesus is that it takes our friendship with Jesus too far into the realm of irreverence (disrespectful). We must understand that God did indeed become one of us but He also still remained to be God.
Pamela Anderson wearing “Jesus is my Homeboy” T-shirt.
Posted by The Jesus Question on 25 June 2011
We see the roots of Homeboy Jesus in John 6:42 when the grumbling Jews, say “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does he now say, “I have come down from heaven”? Their great mistake is that they think that Jesus is common and just like them. “We know your parents Jesus” so how can you say that you are eternal?
The gospel of Jesus Christ says this, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him”. Homeboy Jesus is easily accessible but the biblical Jesus - no man will find appealing or come to unless the Father draws him.
PHOTO: The roots of Homeboy Jesus in John 6:42 when the grumbling Jews, say: “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does he now say, 'I have come down from heaven?'"
Jesus Christ says this, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him”.
Picture posted by aaron on 19 December 2011, Mormon Beliefs: Christian Values
In John 6:53 Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you”. That is another way of saying that if we are not in union with Jesus Christ then we have nothing of eternal life in us. The gospel is utterly opposed to human righteousness. Because there is no such thing - it is a deception of Satan. The gospel tells us that we are utterly fallen and that we have forsaken God and turned to our idols. We have no claim upon God, yet He is might to save us from our fallen condition if we trust in His righteousness instead of our own.
PHOTO: Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53). If we are not in union with Jesus Christ then we have nothing of eternal life in us.
Posted by Biblical Roots of the Catholic Mass on Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 9:26
One of the great dangers of Homeboy Jesus is that it makes us think that Jesus isn’t really much different than us. It makes us think that He is easily attainable. Therefore, we never attain Him. We do not treat Him as He is, the Lord of our lives. Homeboy Jesus is not Lord Jesus. We don’t bow our knees to our Homeboy. We don’t submit our lives to our Homeboys. So therefore, people keep Jesus, the biblical Jesus, the Lord Jesus, they keep Him at a distance.
PHOTO: Homeboy Jesus is not Lord Jesus. We don’t bow our knees to our Homeboy. We don’t submit our lives to our Homeboys. We do not treat Him as He is, the Lord of our lives.
Posted by © 2014 Shop Jeen, TURNT JESUS IPHONE CASE
And this distancing and rejection of Christ, only further proves Scripture and exposes the problems of the people in John 6. They were thinking that Jesus was just like them. It was because they only saw Joseph and Mary’s little baby boy. They figured that they could get to Jesus through their human ability, and through their own righteousness. [4]
PHOTO: Distancing and rejection of Christ, only further proves Scripture and exposes the problems of the people in John 6. They figured that they could get to Jesus through their human ability, and through their own righteousness.
Posted by Laura on Sunday, 24 April 2011, Easter
South Park Jesus [4]
Few people are passionate followers of South Park Jesus. Perhaps it is because deep down many view Jesus the same way that the creators of South Park, the Simpson’s, and Family Guy do, as weak and impotent, with feelings that are easy to hurt. Popular culture has begun to view Jesus as weak and impotent with feelings easy to hurt is because that is what the church itself has come to believe. Of course we would never say those words but our prayers, our life style, our evangelism, and our preaching exposes us.
PHOTO: South Park Jesus is weak and impotent, with feelings that are easy to hurt. Few people are passionate followers of South Park Jesus.
Posted by 小泰 Xiǎo tài on 28 December 2014, Why Christians do not celebrate Christmas?
The difference between the biblical Jesus and the weak impotent Jesus of South Park is in the power of these words of Jesus in John 6: v.37, “All that the Father gives me will come to me”. There is no options. If you have been given to Jesus Christ then you will indeed come.
How do I know if the Father has given me to Jesus? And Christ is giving you an answer in the latter part of verse 37, “And whoever comes to me I will never cast out”. If you come to Jesus Christ he will not drive you away. It is not as if this verse is saying, “Unless you are belong to Jesus, God is going to reject you even if you try to come”. Jesus is not weak, impotent and waiting. He is powerful to come and save, He is powerful to draw and save all those that are His.
PHOTO: Biblical Jesus is powerful to draw and save all those that are His. In John 6: v.37, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away”. There is no options. Jesus is not weak, impotent and waiting. He is powerful to come and save.
Posted by Jennifer, Colorado School of Mines
More of the power of Jesus Christ. v.39, “And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day”. Jesus is not only powerful to save. He is also powerful to keep. When He saves us He also keeps us. The Holy Spirit works in us to make us holy. We will stay with Jesus because he will stay with us!
PHOTO: Jesus Christ. v.39, “And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day”. Jesus is not only powerful to save. He is also powerful to keep. When He saves us He also keeps us.
Picture posted by Paul D. Berube, Living Free
Christ promises eternal life, a weak and impotent South Park Jesus cannot promise eternal life. It seems like South Park Jesus is more of an inviting, “Check Yes or No” type of Jesus while the biblical Jesus is a promise maker with power to come through. Jesus says I give eternal life and that is a promise. We can count on that. The truth of Jesus is not that He is weak and impotent and that He has feelings that are easy to be hurt. The truth of Jesus Christ is that He is intimidating, powerful, and able to accomplish His purposes.
PHOTO: Christ promises eternal life, a weak and impotent South Park Jesus cannot promise eternal life. The truth of Jesus is not that He is weak and impotent and that He has feelings that are easy to be hurt. The truth of Jesus Christ is that He is intimidating, powerful, and able to accomplish His purposes.
Posted by creammag on 27 October 2011
Perhaps God has opened up the eyes of our heart and we now see that Jesus is neither weak nor impotent. And we have to come to realize that we are not the center but He is. We see that Jesus refuses empty worship and that he will not take a back seat to our affections, and that is we now want to give Him. Perhaps now we confess with Peter, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”
PHOTO: “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”
Posted by The life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth on Thursday, 27 June 2013
God has done a work on our heart, and the Father is drawing us to see the preciousness of Jesus Christ. Jesus says “whoever comes to me I will never cast out”. If we come, no matter who we are or what we have done, if we come to Jesus He says I will not cast you away. I will not reject you. Though the world has, though others have, I will not. Come to me! [4]
PHOTO: The miracle of turning the water to wine demonstrates that Christ has power to alter substance. Jesus is neither weak nor impotent. We have to come to realize that we are not the center but He is.
Robert Barrett, 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Posted by Blair G. Van Dyke, "Miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John"
How can this (chasing after the latest fads and fashions) produce an addiction to "religious theme park rides" that go nowhere and contribute to the lack of walking with the Lord in a real journey or race?
Contemporary worship of fad Jesus is a deliberate attempt to appeal to people who found liturgical services stuffy and dull. This is how chasing after the latest fads and fashions for a church produces an addiction to "religious theme park rides". It’s been so successful that many Christians have never experienced any other kind of service. [5]
PHOTO: Holy Holy Land!
A long tunnel to walk through the semi-Eden Tierra Santa, the Jesus Park, that covers the Old Testament… Creation, Creation of Man and Woman, Abraham, Moses, the Prophets, Mary, Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem… Contemporary worship of fad Jesus is a deliberate attempt to appeal to people who found liturgical services stuffy and dull. This is how chasing after the latest fads and fashions for a church produces an addiction to "religious theme park rides".
Posted by SaltShaker on Tuesday, 03 February 2009
Some ideas for Religious Theme Park rides; The Holy Roller Coaster and the Parting of the Red Sea water park, the Pharoh's Wheel, the Mother Mary go-round, The Holy Ghost Ride, The Jesus Train, The Ferris wheel, The Spiritual Uplift, and the Ring of Fire and Brimstone. [6]
And a booth where you can use sling shots to shoot stones at replicates of Goliath...knock him down and you get a new loin cloth.
And a booth where you can throw stones at replicates of "loose women" and win a free ride on the Mother Mary Go-Round...
And a cave with a huge stone in front of it...If you can roll the stone aside you get two tickets to ride the Holy Roller Coaster.
Shaker's elevator of chastity. You slowly go up to the top of a woman, and when you are about to meet the lips of the woman the elevator plunges down.
Why not have a 'Jesus on the cross' in the style of one of those tanks where you sit and people throw things at a target to dunk you in the water. It would be holy water of course!
Watch the non-believers burn as you ride through The "Heretics in H-E-double-toothpicks Haunted House."
"Whack a Demon!" Using our patented Bible on a Stick, you can call upon the spirit of the Lord to smite those pesky evil demons as they pop-up and spit at you!
"The Apocalypse" in all it's bloodthirsty glory!! Watch what's going to happen to the world from the comforts of your very own heavenly cloud!! [6]
The Holy Land Experience, which are theme parks built to inspire Christian piety. [8]
PHOTO: The Holy Land Experience, theme parks built to inspire Christian piety
It’s been so successful that many Christians have never experienced any other kind of service.
Posted by Ben Hider on 19 February 2015
Fad Jesus offers attractive "religious theme park rides" so that we can become cool. We've all endured pastors who try to use a pop culture reference in a sermon but reveals just how out of touch they are. We weren't called to be cool or to pursue cool. That, goes nowhere and contribute to the lack of walking with the Lord in a real journey or race. Our addiction is sucking us dry of meaning, depth, and future relevance. Church isn’t cool, especially when it is trying to be. The Church needs to sober its addiction to such services. [5]
PHOTO: We pray that God might use His Word and His servant to expose the Fad Jesus and point us to the biblical Jesus.
If our affection is not powerful enough to live and die for Him, may the Spirit of God change our hearts and stir our affections.
We pray that we do not live just for ourselves but to make a difference in turning a generation from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God.
Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart Be acceptable in Your sight.
We confess with Peter, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”
Posted by TreSacriCuori on Saturday, 15 October 2011 at 14:59
Reflection - Walking with the Lord, by Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[2] Tim Rowe, Goodness of God Ministries, How Will You Cross the Finish Line? A Biblical Study in the Importance of Finishing Strong, Posted on 18 January 2014,
[3] Mike Leake, Friday, 26 January 2007 at 1:02 PM, Fad Jesus (selected from uncut Sermon Text), Fad Jesus vs. Biblical Jesus, Case #1,
[4] Mike Leake, Thursday, 01 February 2007, Fad Jesus #2 (Selected from uncut Sermon Text), Case #2 (Homeboy Jesus and South Park Jesus),
[5] Matthew Paul Turner’s 38 Theses, Posted on 13 August 2014,
[6] Exceedingly Happy Gopher, Boopsie, joezen777, Bearded One; Some ideas for rides for my Religious Theme Park Rides, Posted on 2008,
[7] Calvin, The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians and the Epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon, 307.
[8] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Amusement park, Educational theme parks,
NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
2 Timothy 2:1-13 -
Ephesians 3:16,17 -
Ecclesiastes 9:10 -
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John 6:2 -
John 6:5 -
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John 6:37 -
John 6:38-40 -
John 6:39 -
John 6:42 -
John 6:53 -
John 6:66 -
John 8:15 -
John 19:28 -
John 19:30 -