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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Where the cows are more than happy to moove (Switzerland, Appenzellerland)

My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-04-30
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/lifestyle/where-cows-are-more-happy-moove-20140430
By Yip Wai Yee, The Sunday Times, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 30, 2014

PHOTO: BOVINE PARADE: Farmers leading their cows down from the top of the mountain to the valleys to avoid the freezing winter in an annual procession known as the alpine cattle's descent.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

IT TOOK two whole days in Appenzellerland before I noticed the calming silence.

"How come the cows here don't moo?" I finally asked my guide Alfonso Llopert in the lush, beautiful, hilly region in north-east Switzerland.

"Because the cows have no complaints. They're all very happy here," he replied.

He is joking, of course, but it is not implausible.

Cow culture in Appenzellerland is big and the more than 15,000 cows in the region are pampered like kings. With around 15,700 people living there, the ratio of cow to person is almost one to one.

Local farmers have been said to give their cows two massages a day, rubbing them down with a special blend of Swiss herb oil. There is more than enough grass on the rolling hills for the cattle to graze on all summer.

But it is the annual procession known as the alpine cattle's descent in which the cows really take centre stage as they parade down the hills like stars.

Throughout autumn every year - typically from late August to early September - farmers lead their cattle down from the top of the mountain to the valleys below to keep the animals out of the freezing winter that will arrive in the high pastures.

PHOTO: BOVINE PARADE: Farmers leading their cows down from the top of the mountain to the valleys to avoid the freezing winter in an annual procession known as the alpine cattle's descent.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

Though this is a common practice among cattle farmers in many mountainous regions, it is rarely as joyous an occasion as it is with the Appenzeller people. These folks have been treating the activity as a festive ceremony for hundreds of years. Although no one is certain when it all began, some estimates date it back to mediaeval times.

Ditching their usual grubby attire, the farmers appear alongside the cows in fancy traditional dress - cheery outfits of red vests, canary-yellow trousers, felt hats and cow-hide suspenders decorated with brass fittings.

As the farmers walk, they happily sing and yodel, all in perfect harmony with the deep tones of the heavy cow bells strapped to their prized animals.

The art of alpine yodelling, which dates back to the 16th century, is a wordless form of singing where the singer rapidly switches pitches between the low chest voice and the high-pitched falsetto.

Given that the people there still practise folk customs such as these, it is little wonder that Appenzellerland is often regarded as Switzerland's most traditional region.

Aescher Hotel / Appenzellerland, Switzerland
PHOTO: Aescher Hotel / Appenzellerland, Switzerland
Hostel Switzerland blue clouds forests

Even in the modern day, annual voting for local leaders in the region is not done through a ballot system, but simply by a show of hands in a large town square, a tradition that dates back to the 14th century.

But back to the cattle-loving festivities. The celebratory atmosphere of the cattle descent is contagious for any onlooker.

Unfortunately for tourists, the dates for such processions are never fixed, which means one has to check with Appenzellerland's tourist information office (www.appenzell.info/en) beforehand. Farmers give notice only a day before their descents, so it depends on your luck if you want to see a parade.

I was fortunate enough to catch one by chance towards the end of my trip, while strolling through the town of Appenzell, whose picturesque, colourful buildings look straight out of a children's storybook. Being the region's main town, it is situated right in the midst of stunning highland mounds.

Sprightly children, also decked out in bright traditional costumes, skipped along happily beside their farmer parents, while a handful of white goats native to Appenzellerland led the cow herd - a deliriously happy scene.

Apart from parades, visitors can soak up cow culture in other ways. For foodies, that means having a taste of the famously pungent Appenzeller cheese.

PHOTO: LOCAL FAVOURITE: The dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese served with apple sauce and Swiss white beef sausage.

Dubbed the "spiciest" in Switzerland, this cheese gets its uniquely intense and aromatic flavour from the way it is made.

During the ageing process, which lasts at least three months, a herbal brine is regularly kneaded into the cheese. The fiercely guarded recipe for the brine is kept in a local bank vault.

Reportedly, the dairies across Appenzellerland have been making this hard cheese using the same method for more than 700 years. It costs around 11 Swiss francs (S$16) for a 500g slab of Appenzeller cheese.

Other than eating it on its own, you can get a whiff of it from the popular dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese. Served with a dollop of apple sauce and siedwurst, or Swiss white beef sausage, it is nutty, savoury and slightly sweet all at once.

Local favourite: The dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese served with a dollop of apple sauce and siedwurst, or Swiss white beef sausage.

PHOTO: Local favourite: The dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese served with a dollop of apple sauce and siedwurst, or Swiss white beef sausage.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

Order the dish (42.50 Swiss francs) at the Mountain Inn restaurant (9108 Jakobsbad, tel: +41-71-794-12-89, www.kronberg.ch) on the top of the Kronberg mountain.

Situated at 1,663m above sea level, the restaurant also has spectacular views of the Swiss valleys below. It is easily accessible via a picturesque cable-car ride (31 Swiss francs for a return trip) that lifts off from the town of Jakobsbad (www.kronberg.ch).

Tourists who cannot stomach the strong cheese can peek instead at how local artisans craft the leather belts and suspenders that the farmers wear for the alpine descents.

The best place to do this is in Appenzell. Head over to the leather shop (Kaustrasse 2, tel: +41-71-787-18-42) owned by seventh-generation craftsman Hampi Fassler to get a demonstration on how to fashion various leather pieces. Visitors can try their hand at making their own leather keyrings, complete with a choice of different intricate brass fitting designs to decorate a unique piece to take home.

Picture perfect:
PHOTO: Picture perfect: The town of Appenzell has picturesque buildings dating back to the 16th century.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

Even if cows are not your thing, a leisurely walk through the lovely town should be enough to make for an enjoyable day out.

The buildings date back to the 16th century, all beautifully hand-painted and decorated with pretty flower-dressed windows.

Pop into local brewery Brauerei Locher AG (Brauereiplatz 1, 9050 Appenzell, www.appenzellerbier.ch, tel: +41-71-788-01-40) - a traditional brewery which has been run by the Locher family since 1886 - to see how the prized Appenzeller beer is made using pure Swiss alpine spring water.

Of course, that means taking a few swigs too. I can vouch that its best-selling product, the Quollfrisch naturtrub (1.8 Swiss francs for a 500ml bottle), is one of the most delicious beers I have ever tasted - it is fruity, fresh and crisp, and would pair well with soft cheeses or a light chicken salad.

For a sweet snack, visit the bakery-cum-cafe at Hotel Adler (Weissbadstrasse 2, 9050 Appenzell, www.adlerhotel.ch, tel: +41-71-787-13-89) to try some biberli, a local delicacy made up of layers of gingerbread filled with marzipan.

Visitors can book ahead with the cafe to arrange for biberli-making demonstrations with their pastry chefs before baking some of their own to take home.

Other yummy eats at the bakery include the birnbrot, a pastry with pear and fig fillings, and the chasflade, a savoury cheese tart baked with anise.

After the extensive walking, head to Hotel Hof Weissbad (Im Park 1, 9057 www.hofweissbad.ch, tel: +41-71-798-80-80) to rest your feet.

The four-star property is located in Weissbad, just 4km (or two train stops away) from the town of Appenzell and is known throughout the country for its spa and health centre that offers everything from acupuncture to relaxation treatments using Swiss herbs.

Prices range from 65 Swiss francs for a 20-minute herbal bath with sea salt to 195 Swiss francs for a 100-minute full-body massage. Hotel lodging fees start from 290 Swiss francs a person a night.

Finish off with a gourmet dinner at the hotel's award-winning restaurant led by chef Kathi Fassler, who was named Chef of the Year by influential French restaurant guide Gault Millau.

She and her team cook using vegetables grown in their garden at the back of the hotel. As one would expect of the region, all of their beef dishes are excellent, whether it is sirloin with asparagus salad or veal fillet drizzled with cheese sauce (mains cost 29 to 48 Swiss francs).

Vegetarians will hate me for saying this, but those Appenzeller cattle farmers sure did well.

By Yip Wai Yee, The Sunday Times, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 30, 2014
The writer's trip was sponsored by Switzerland Tourism.

The town of Appenzell has picturesque buildings dating back to the 16th century.
PHOTO: Switzerland - Old fountain in a picturesque village of the vineyards of Lavaux
Epesses, Canton de Vaud - Switzerland
Posted by mujepa (Jean-Paul) on Flickr on August 25, 2009
Pinned by Kara Goodrick on February 2014


The Lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake

PHOTO: 'The Lady of the Lake'– Picture this beautiful sculpture between France (on the left) and Switzerland (on the right) at sunset on lake Geneva from Montreux, Switzerland; by Pear Biter. Our tips for 25 fun things to do in Switzerland: www.europealacart…
Posted by Beautiful Destinations on October 5th, 2013



Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Can looks help you climb ladder?

My Paper, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Page A5, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-04-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/can-looks-help-you-climb-ladder-20140429
By Carol Arolyn Khew, kcarolyn@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014

PHOTO: LOOKS SELL: Dr Lee demonstrating the use of Botox. A member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine, she presented the survey findings yesterday.

IT HAS always been whispered around offices, but a local study now claims there is evidence to show that good looks can help you snag that job or that promotion.

One caveat
(warning): The survey was conducted by the Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Singapore) and sponsored by Allergan, the maker of Botox, who can hardly claim to be uninterested parties.

It found that roughly eight out of 10 respondents felt that physically attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted. Almost seven out of 10 know of someone who was hired or promoted because of their good looks.

Eight out of 10 respondents felt that physically attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted. Almost seven out of 10 know of someone who was hired or promoted because of their good looks.
PHOTO: Eight out of 10 respondents felt that physically attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted. Almost seven out of 10 know of someone who was hired or promoted because of their good looks.

An overwhelming nine out of 10 also felt that good-looking people are more likely to be called for job interviews based on photographs in resumes.

The online survey conducted last month polled 500 employees between 30 and 60 years old. Most of those surveyed were women (eight out of 10) and all participants earned over $3,000 a month.

Interestingly, despite the identity of the parties behind the survey, psychologists and recruitment firms did not dismiss the findings, even though they pointed out that being physically attractive and looking presentable were two different things.

Still struggling
PHOTO: Still struggling
Psychologists and recruitment firms did not dismiss the findings, but pointed out that being physically attractive and looking presentable were two different things.
Posted by  Rona-Keller on Wed Aug 18, 2010, 10:52 AM, Journals / Personal, ©2010-2014 Rona-Keller

David Leong, managing director of recruitment firm PeopleWorldwide, said that the "face factor" plays a part in selection for client-facing roles, such as in guest relations and sales and marketing.

"The face factor for client-facing roles has a higher weightage... since the candidate must make an agreeable first impression," added Mr Leong. "So for (those roles), the interviewer will demand that they must have an agreeable look, with a charming personality."

Dr Joel Yang, from UniSIM's School of Human Development and Social Services, said research studies have shown that good looks "confer real advantages at work". They make a person more persuasive, able to secure the cooperation of colleagues, attract customers and sell products.

Attractiveness is a source of inequality that impacts wages, job advancement and even how others perceive a person's competence. Good looks are a significant factor in the hiring, compensation, promotion, and perceived competence of staff.
PHOTO: Attractiveness is a source of inequality that impacts wages, job advancement and even how others perceive a person's competence. Good looks are a significant factor in the hiring, compensation, promotion, and perceived competence of staff.

"Attractiveness is a source of inequality that impacts wages, job advancement and even how others perceive a person's competence," said Dr Yang. "So it seems that good looks are a significant factor in the hiring, compensation, promotion, and perceived competence of staff, as much as we would like to think they aren't."

Dr Georgia Lee, a member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Singapore), who presented the survey findings to the media yesterday, said: "Most professionals, executives and management personnel that I know do not mind looking experienced but they usually do not want to look tired."

Ms Wendy Chow, 33, who started looking for a job a month ago, agreed that it is important to look presentable when showing up for job interviews. "If you look good, you'll feel good. I believe you'll perform better when you're feeling more confident," said the former project manager.
By Carol Arolyn Khew, kcarolyn@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014

Serina Wee
PHOTO: Serina Wee
Dr Georgia Lee, a member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Singapore), who presented the survey findings to the media yesterday, said: "Most professionals, executives and management personnel that I know do not mind looking experienced but they usually do not want to look tired."
Posted by Force 136 on 26-03-2014, 11:58 PM


Greying, lonely and addicted to arcades

My Paper, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Page A2, News, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-04-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/greying-lonely-and-addicted-arcades-20140429
By Jalelah Abu Baker and Goh Wei Hao, jalmsab@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014

PHOTO: COLOURFUL AND ADDICTIVE: Arcades, most commonly thought of as teenage hangouts, now crawl with elderly addicts. Some of them are there from the time the arcades open in the morning till closing time at midnight.
My Paper, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Page A2, News, Top Stories

CALL it the cheaper alternative to a casino. The arcade, most commonly thought of as a teenage hangout, now crawls with elderly addicts.

Take a regular who looks like the average grandmother, but with a touch more make-up and a sharp dress sense.

But not for her those high-tea receptions or spending time with grandchildren.

She is usually at Virtualand, a sprawling arcade at the basement of Bugis Junction shopping centre.

The woman in her 60s did not want to be named, but she told My Paper that she was addicted to a fishing game that can be found at most arcades here.

Points are accumulated by "catching" fish.

"It's like gambling. I want to chase the win, feel the thrill of winning the points," she said.

Before this, she was a gambling addict. She used to go on cruise ships to gamble.

But each time she touched a jackpot machine, it cost her $1,500 an hour. Here, each hour costs her just $5 to $10.

The arcade addiction, however, is kept a secret from her family.

Her two grown-up sons do not know where she is when she is "out with her friends".

In fact, she plays the game all alone, and has never made a friend in the three years that she has been playing the game.

"I didn't tell them because if they knew, they would stop giving me money," she told My Paper.

She spends about $50 each time she goes to the arcade, making it a total of about $200 a week.

She even switched arcades from the one at Jurong Point shopping centre to the one at Bugis Junction because she said it is "easier to catch fish" at the latter.

Virtualand cashier Shirley Lim said that she sees more elderly people in the arcade now, with some of them at the arcade even before it opens at 10am.

"Sometimes they will come, play, have their lunch, and come back again," she told My Paper.

She said that they frequent the mahjong and soccer machines at the arcade.

Some of them are there from the time it opens till closing time at midnight.

One of them is a woman in her 40s who works at a dispensary. She did not want to be named.

On the days she is off, she spends the whole day playing the fishing game. Her reason? To de-stress.

A doctor who specialises in geriatric psychiatry, Seng Kok Han, said that a lot of the times elderly players could get addicted out of loneliness.

"It's a bit like gambling because there are rewards," he told My Paper.

There is a sense of excitement and achievement, he said.

But he added that it is important for the elderly to engage in meaningful activities.

Being addicted to arcade games may be unhealthy because they are sitting down the whole day, he said.

Addictions specialist Munidasa Winslow said that anything that gives a thrill and distracts the elderly is good as they get older.
By Jalelah Abu Baker and Goh Wei Hao, jalmsab@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Learning Lessons of Loneliness

Source Website: http://woodeene.blogspot.sg/2012/01/learning-lessons-of-loneliness.html
Posted by Woodeene on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 11:42 AM

Going out to eat alone, seeing a movie alone, going to the theater, shopping, walking, traveling alone.
PHOTO: Going out to eat alone, seeing a movie alone, going to the theater, shopping, walking, traveling alone.
Picture by Paul Hudson on May 28, 2013 - 11:24am

I've never felt lonely.  Growing up as an only child in the country in Montana, I suppose I could have felt alone, but I never did.  I never felt lonely, even after my divorce and my son's going away to college.  I never minded going out to eat alone, seeing a movie alone, going to the theater, shopping, walking, traveling alone.

I was continually aware that I was alone.  Day and night. Every day and every night.
PHOTO: I was continually aware that I was alone.  Day and night. Every day and every night.
Posted by Woodeene on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 11:42 AM

But in this past year, my year of debridement, I became acutely and painfully lonely. The spectre didn't just knock on the door.  It broke the door down, tossed its bags on the floor and camped out. I was continually aware that I was alone.  Day and night. Every day and every night.

And, concomitant with loneliness, came its conjoined twin--fear.  Things I'd never thought about before became frightening.  For instance, going up in the attic. Should I have an accident, I might not be discovered for days, even weeks.  Making sure I had my cell phone with me at all times suddenly became paramount. 

At least I could call 911!

For thousands of years, across all cultures, living as a family unit has been the building block of society. In the past, food, shelter and safety depended on interconnectedness. Exile was considered the most severe form of punishment, second only to death. As our culture has become increasingly individualistic, living alone has become a desirable luxury for singletons.
PHOTO: For thousands of years, across all cultures, living as a family unit has been the building block of society. In the past, food, shelter and safety depended on interconnectedness. Exile was considered the most severe form of punishment, second only to death. As our culture has become increasingly individualistic, living alone has become a desirable luxury for singletons.
By Simone Paget, Special to QMI Agency on Friday, October 25, 2013 7:00:00 EDT AM

Loneliness penetrated other areas as well. It became painful instead of pleasurable to go to a movie and sit in the dark by myself. Same for going out to eat or shopping.  And a hike alone in the wilderness held no appeal.  Even going to church brought no comfort.  I would go Sunday after Sunday and not have one single soul speak to me.  Eventually, it became easier to just leave early rather than be constantly reminded of just how alone I was.

I have done all the "right" things to combat loneliness--become involved in activities, reach other to others, make connections, plan ahead.  But underneath it all is still the constant awareness that I am alone...and lonely.

No. 1 Valentine's Day singles party, no gifts necessary. It is already painful enough because there is no comfort for you.
PHOTO: The default position is to be lonely. It is already painful enough because there is no comfort for you.
Posted by AnitaCreation (Un_moment_de_paix), Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Emotional, ©2012-2014 AnitaCreation

Now this is the place where I'm supposed to tell you about some incredible turn of events, perhaps talk about how I realized that I was never alone in the presence of God. How I was overcome by the light. Blah Blah Blah. The fact is: No  miracle has occurred.  I'm not suddenly dancing in the joy of the presence of the Lord. For the first time in my life, my default position is to be lonely.

However, what has happened is that I am willing to sit and observe the loneliness. Recognize her for what she is.  Let her simply be a part of my life. Give her a name. Let her sit on my chair and drink my tea. Ask her why she has come. Listen for her answer.

Apparently there are still some lessons I need to learn...and loneliness is one of my teachers. I just hope and pray that I can learn her lesson and incorporate her wisdom into my life soon.
Posted by Woodeene on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 11:42 AM

Being single and alone on Valentine's Day is like sentenced to death. A minimum of 24 hours of severe punishnment per year for being a Single.
PHOTO: There are still some lessons we need to learn...and loneliness is one of our teachers.
Posted by lugubrum (In Loving Memory), Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Dark
