Monday, July 2, 2012

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 小贝壳之恋 (xiǎo bèi​ ké zhī liàn) - Little seashell's love

Source Website: - (Youtube Video) - (Lyrics and Music Notation)
Uploaded by swancta1 on Apr 25, 2010

PHOTO: 小贝壳之恋 (xiǎo bèi​ ké zhī liàn) - Little seashell's love

歌曲(gē qǔ) Song小贝壳之恋 (xiǎo bèi​ ké zhī liàn) - Little seashell's love
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - Anna Lin Shu Rong
提供者(tí​ gōng​ zhě) Provider:-
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer, Music:-
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics:-

你留下一个小贝壳 - You left behind a little seashell
nǐ liú xià ​yī​ ge xiǎo bèi​ ké

就匆匆离开了我 - then left me in a hurry
jiù cōng cōng lí ​kāi liǎo wǒ

要我把它来当作你 - You wanted me to treat it as you
yào wǒ bǎ tā lái dàng​ zuò nǐ

早晚相亲不寂寞 - and stay together with it morning and night, without feeling lonely
zǎo​ wǎn xiāng ​qīn bù jì ​mò

到如今春去秋来冬又过 - Until now spring gone by, autumn came and winter also has passed
dào rú ​jīn chūn qù qiū lái dōng yòu guò

到如今花开花谢人未到 - Until now flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived
dào rú ​jīn huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào

问一声小贝壳 - Ask the little seashell
wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké

你要怎样来安慰我 - how you could comfort me
nǐ yào zěn ​yàng lái ān​ wèi wǒ

问一声小贝壳 (wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké) - Ask the little seashell 你要怎样来安慰我 (nǐ yào zěn ​yàng lái ān​ wèi wǒ) - how you could comfort me
PHOTO: 问一声小贝壳 (wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké) - Ask the little seashell
你要怎样来安慰我 (nǐ yào zěn ​yàng lái ān​ wèi wǒ) - how you could comfort me

你留下一个小贝壳 - You left behind a little seashell
nǐ liú xià ​yī​ ge xiǎo bèi​ ké

就匆匆离开了我 - then left me in a hurry
jiù cōng cōng lí ​kāi liǎo wǒ

我对小贝壳情意多 - I have a lot of love affections for the little seashell
wǒ duì xiǎo bèi​ ké qíng ​yì duō

朝夕相亲不离手 - spent all the time together, without leaving each other
zhāo ​xī xiāng ​qīn bù lí shǒu

谁知道花开花谢人未到 - who knows that flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived
shéi​ zhī​ dào huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào

谁知道春去秋来空等候 - who knows spring gone by and autumn came, but still waiting in vain
shéi​ zhī​ dào chūn qù qiū lái kōng děng ​hòu

问一声小贝壳 - Ask the little seashell
wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké

你要怎样来安慰我 - how you could comfort me
nǐ yào zěn ​yàng lái ān​ wèi wǒ

谁知道花开花谢人未到 (shéi​ zhī​ dào huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào) - who knows that flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived 谁知道春去秋来空等候 (shéi​ zhī​ dào chūn qù qiū lái kōng děng ​hòu) - who knows spring gone by and autumn came, but still waiting in vain
PHOTO: 谁知道花开花谢人未到 (shéi​ zhī​ dào huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào) - who knows that flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived
谁知道春去秋来空等候 (shéi​ zhī​ dào chūn qù qiū lái kōng děng ​hòu) - who knows spring gone by and autumn came, but still waiting in vain

---------- END -----------

Translated by MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary and Google Translate

PHOTO: 林淑容 (Lín shū róng) -恋歌心曲 (liàn gē xīn qǔ) - Anna Lim's Love and Heart feelings songs

小贝壳之恋 ~ 林淑容 Little seashell's love by Lin Shu Rong


小贝壳之恋 苦情花 为君愁 可爱的负心人 by 谢采妘 Michelle Xie


林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 小贝壳之恋 (xiǎo bèi​ ké zhī liàn) 简谱 (jiǎn pǔ) - Numbered musical Notation  - Little seashell's love
PHOTO: 林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 小贝壳之恋 (xiǎo bèi​ ké zhī liàn) 简谱 (jiǎn pǔ) - Numbered musical Notation - Little seashell's love

你留下一个小贝壳 (nǐ liú xià ​yī​ ge xiǎo bèi​ ké) - You left behind a little seashell 就匆匆离开了我 (jiù cōng cōng lí ​kāi liǎo wǒ) - then left me in a hurry
PHOTO: 你留下一个小贝壳 (nǐ liú xià ​yī​ ge xiǎo bèi​ ké) - You left behind a little seashell

要我把它来当作你 (yào wǒ bǎ tā lái dàng​ zuò nǐ) - You wanted me to treat it as you 早晚相亲不寂寞 (zǎo​ wǎn xiāng ​qīn bù jì ​mò) - and stay together with it morning and night, without feeling lonely
PHOTO: 要我把它来当作你 (yào wǒ bǎ tā lái dàng​ zuò nǐ) - You wanted me to treat it as you

到如今春去秋来冬又过 (dào rú ​jīn chūn qù qiū lái dōng yòu guò) - Until now spring gone by, autumn came and winter also has passed 到如今花开花谢人未到 (dào rú ​jīn huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào) - Until now flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived
PHOTO: 到如今春去秋来冬又过 (dào rú ​jīn chūn qù qiū lái dōng yòu guò) - Until now spring gone by, autumn came and winter also has passed
到如今花开花谢人未到 (dào rú ​jīn huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào) - Until now flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived

问一声小贝壳 (wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké) - Ask the little seashell 你要怎样来安慰我 (nǐ yào zěn ​yàng lái ān​ wèi wǒ) - how you could comfort me
PHOTO: 问一声小贝壳 (wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké) - Ask the little seashell

我对小贝壳情意多 (wǒ duì xiǎo bèi​ ké qíng ​yì duō) - I have a lot of love affections for the little seashell 朝夕相亲不离手(zhāo ​xī xiāng ​qīn bù lí shǒu) - spent all the time together, without leaving each other
PHOTO: 我对小贝壳情意多 (wǒ duì xiǎo bèi​ ké qíng ​yì duō) - I have a lot of love affections for the little seashell

谁知道花开花谢人未到 (shéi​ zhī​ dào huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào) - who knows that flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived 谁知道春去秋来空等候 (shéi​ zhī​ dào chūn qù qiū lái kōng děng ​hòu) - who knows spring gone by and autumn came, but still waiting in vain
PHOTO: 谁知道花开花谢人未到 (shéi​ zhī​ dào huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào) - who knows that flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived

每个女人都可以是一片独特的风景,春去秋来,花开花谢,有心的女人一直在等待着,等待一个真正欣赏这片风景的男人出现并成为这片风景中不可缺少的一部分。 Every woman has a unique
PHOTO: 每个女人都可以是一片独特的风景,春去秋来,花开花谢,有心的女人一直在等待着,等待一个真正欣赏这片风景的男人出现并成为这片风景中不可缺少的一部分。
Every woman has a unique "landscape". from spring goes to autumn, flowers bloomed and withered, but determined woman has been waiting, waiting for the coming of a real man to appreciate her landscape and become an indispensable part of the piece of scenery.
问一声小贝壳 (wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké) - Ask the little seashell

愿天下所有女人都成为一片独特的风景,并遇到那个欣赏这片风景的男人。 May all women of the world have the unique landscape and able to meet that men who appreciate and enjoy the landscape together.
PHOTO: 愿天下所有女人都成为一片独特的风景,并遇到那个欣赏这片风景的男人。

夜雾烹煮成茶不饮,相思倾斜成箫不吹。 Night brewed tea not appreciated and love flute not used.
PHOTO: 夜雾烹煮成茶不饮,相思倾斜成箫不吹。

湖边上小座,湖面被两岸的霓虹灯映照得泛起微微银光,淡淡的月光也被忽略了,岸边都有是散步的人们,大家尽情沐浴这皎洁而繁华热闹的光亮里。 Small seat by the lake, the neon light on both sides of the lake thrown slight silvery reflection. The faint moonlight was ignored.  Many people were strolling by the lake enjoying the bright and bustling light.
PHOTO: 湖边上小座,湖面被两岸的霓虹灯映照得泛起微微银光,淡淡的月光也被忽略了,岸边都有是散步的人们,大家尽情沐浴这皎洁而繁华热闹的光亮里。
Small seat by the lake, the neon light on both sides of the lake thrown slight silvery reflection. The faint moonlight was ignored. Many people were strolling by the lake enjoying the bright and bustling light.

到如今花开花谢人未到 (dào rú ​jīn huā kāi​ huā xiè rén wèi dào) - Until now flowers have bloomed and withered but you still have not yet arrived
问一声小贝壳 (wèn yī​ shēng xiǎo bèi​ ké) - Ask the little seashell
你要怎样来安慰我 (nǐ yào zěn ​yàng lái ān​ wèi wǒ) - how you could comfort me
