Tuesday, July 24, 2012

黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn) - 不要再回头 (bù​ yào zài huí ​tóu) - Do not return again

Source Website:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy2vyNMnwBU - (Youtube video)
http://www.ktvc8.com/article/article_95940_1.html - (简谱 jiǎn pǔ)

这样唯心留下我 (zhè ​yàng wěi xīn liú​ xià wǒ),- Such hard-hearted leaving me, 还说无奈何 (hái shuō wú ​nài hé)。- and still said it is inevitable.
PHOTO: 这样唯心留下我 (zhè ​yàng wěi xīn liú​ xià wǒ),- Such hard-hearted leaving me,

歌曲(gē qǔ) Song不要再回头 (bù​ yào zài huí ​tóu) - Do not return again
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn)
提供者(tí​ gōng​ zhě) Provider:-
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer, Music:-
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics:-


,- Since I couldn't keep you,
jì​ rán bù ​néng liú​ zhù nǐ

要走你就走。- if you want to leave, leave.
yào zǒu nǐ jiù zǒu

这样唯心留下我,- Such hard-hearted leaving me,
zhè ​yàng wěi xīn liú​ xià wǒ

还说无奈何。- and still said it is inevitable.
hái shuō wú ​nài hé

给我欢乐有几多,- Give me how much joy,
gěi wǒ huān ​lè yǒu jǐ duō

相思还更多。- lovesickness is even more.
xiāng sī hái gèng duō

你你你 你你去吧,- you.... go,
nǐ nǐ nǐ nǐ nǐ qù ba

你你你 你你去吧。
- you.... go.
nǐ nǐ nǐ nǐ nǐ qù ba

不要再说,- Do not say again,
bù​ yào zài shuō

也不要再回头。- and do not return again.
yě bù​ yào zài huí ​tóu


给我欢乐有几多 (gěi wǒ huān ​lè yǒu jǐ duō),- Give me how much joy, 相思还更多 (xiāng sī hái gèng duō)。- lovesickness is even more.
PHOTO: 给我欢乐有几多 (gěi wǒ huān ​lè yǒu jǐ duō),- Give me how much joy,

既然不能留住你,- Since I couldn't keep you,
jì​ rán bù ​néng liú​ zhù nǐ

要去你就去。- if you want to leave, leave.
yào qù nǐ jiù qù

这样无情抛弃我,- Such heartless abandon me,
zhè ​yàng wú​ qíng​ pāo​ qì wǒ

还说我的错。- and still say I am in the wrong
hái shuō wǒ dí cuò

- Causing me to suffer torment since then,
shǐ wǒ cóng​ cǐ shòu zhé ​mó

几乎害了我。- and I practically harmed.
jī​ hū hài liǎo wǒ

你你你 你你去吧,

你你你 你你去吧。


Translated by MDBG Ch
inese-English Dictionary and Google Translate

既然不能留住你 (jì​ rán bù ​néng liú​ zhù nǐ),- Since I couldn't keep you, 要去你就去 (yào qù nǐ jiù qù)。- if you want to leave, leave.
PHOTO: 杨玉环因出轨遭唐玄宗休妻 - Yang Yuhuan disowned by the Emperor's repudiation (rejection)
2011-10-10 19:55:18| 分类: 今古杂谈 |字号 订阅
既然不能留住你 (jì​ rán bù ​néng liú​ zhù nǐ),- Since I couldn't keep you,

黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn) - 不要再回头 (bù​ yào zài huí ​tóu) - Do not return again
不要再回头 by 黄晓君 Huang Xiao Jun & The Stylers

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy2vyNMnwBU

黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn) - 一首情歌 (yī shǒu qíng​ gē) - A Love Song
一首情歌 A Love Song - 黃曉君 Wong Shiau Chuen ♥ 情人節快樂 Happy Valentine's Day ♥

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAH-D7AZ91Y&feature=related

黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn) - 爱情如水向东流 (ài​ qíng rú shuǐ xiàng​ dōng liú) - Love is like water flowing towards the east
爱情如水向东流 by 黄晓君 Huang Xiao Jun & The Stylers

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=rUr7794whH4&NR=1

黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn) - 独木桥 (dú ​mù ​qiáo) - Lone bridge

独木桥 by 黄晓君 Huang Xiao Jun & The Stylers

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdDJt1jwDN0&feature=related

爱慧娜 (ài huì nà) - 独木桥 (dú ​mù ​qiáo) - Lone bridge

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YljR_enPfio&feature=related

甄妮 (Zhēn nī) - 独木桥 (dú ​mù ​qiáo) - Lone bridge
独木桥 by 甄妮 Jenny Tseng

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_x-6qnfQec&feature=related

黄晓君 (huáng xiǎo jūn) - 不要再回头 (bù​ yào zài huí ​tóu) 简谱 (jiǎn pǔ) - Numbered musical Notation  - Do not return again
PHOTO: 黄晓君 (huáng xiǎo jūn) - 不要再回头 (bù​ yào zài huí ​tóu) 简谱 (jiǎn pǔ) - Numbered musical Notation - Do not return again

这样无情抛弃我 (zhè ​yàng wú​ qíng​ pāo​ qì wǒ),- Such heartless abandon me, 还说我的错 (hái shuō wǒ dí cuò)。- and still say I am in the wrong
PHOTO: 扶桑女郎的阳光青春 - The sunny youth
这样无情抛弃我 (zhè ​yàng wú​ qíng​ pāo​ qì wǒ),- Such heartless abandon me,

使我从此受折磨 (shǐ wǒ cóng​ cǐ shòu zhé ​mó),- Causing me to suffer torment since then, 几乎害了我 (jī​ hū hài liǎo wǒ)。- and I practically harmed.
PHOTO: 使我从此受折磨 (shǐ wǒ cóng​ cǐ shòu zhé ​mó),- Causing me to suffer torment since then,

不要再说 (bù​ yào zài shuō),- Do not say again, 也不要再回头 (yě bù​ yào zài huí ​tóu)。- and do not return again.
PHOTO: 你你你 你你去吧 (nǐ nǐ nǐ nǐ nǐ qù ba)。- you.... go.
不要再说 (bù​ yào zài shuō),- Do not say again,

其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。- In fact, I have been behind you all the time, what is lacking is your back-glance.
PHOTO: 其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。- In fact, I have been behind you all the time, what is lacking is your back-glance.

可不可以不要再说让我找自己的幸福去。不要再把我推给别人。我也会痛苦不堪。只要我能爱你,就足够了。 Please don't say that you are giving me opportunity to find my own happiness. Do not push me to others. I will also feel painful. So long as I can love you, that would be sufficient.
PHOTO: 可不可以不要再说让我找自己的幸福去。不要再把我推给别人。我也会痛苦不堪。只要我能爱你,就足够了。
Please don't say that you are giving me opportunity to find my own happiness. Do not push me to others. I will also feel painful. So long as I can love you, that would be sufficient.
