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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Follow these 7 tips to a healthier life

My Paper, Tuesday, April 17, 2012, Page A14, Viewpoints
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/cnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2012-04-17
Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/News/Mailbox/Story/A1Story20120417-340216.html
By Geoff Tan, my paper, Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012

PHOTO: Medical doctor, writer and TV personality Drauzio Varella, recommends seven things that we must do if we do not want to fall ill.

PHOTO: Geoff Tan
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.
My Paper, Tuesday, April 17, 2012, Page A14, Viewpoints

This article is inspired by a slide presentation - entitled The Art Of Being Well - by medical doctor, writer and TV personality Drauzio Varella, who recommends seven things that we must do if we do not want to fall ill.

I'll share with you his headers and offer my take on what these seven mean to me.

PHOTO: First monkey sees and second monkey listens, and understand. The third monkey uses its mouth to conveys feelings and thoughts to the outer world.
Speak your feelings and lower the stress level.


If you don't want to fall ill, speak your feelings.

There's nothing like letting out all your pent-up feelings from deep within. Bottling them up will just raise your stress levels and cause all forms of internal imbalances, possibly resulting in ulcers, gastritis, backaches and, sometimes, even cancer.

Make the decisions to take this diet, which is high in vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish, garlic, nuts, olive oil, and soy products, helps you to attain good cholesterol levels, maintains healthy blood pressure, promotes weight loss, and prevents spikes in insulin, which can cause artery-damaging inflammation.
PHOTO: Make the decisions to take this diet, which is high in vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish, garlic, nuts, olive oil, and soy products, helps you to attain good cholesterol levels, maintains healthy blood pressure, promotes weight loss, and prevents spikes in insulin, which can cause artery-damaging inflammation.

If you don't want to be ill, make decisions.

When you are undecided about things, anxiety and doubt creep in. This could result in unnecessary trauma, worries and - many a time - relationship problems.

More often than not, procrastination will result in less-than-healthy outcomes.

PHOTO: Be positive and actively look for answers. Make decisions.
Answer to love starts with the first kisses. To be Home Alone, choose one that already has a DIY security system in place.

If you don't want to be ill, find solutions.

Be positive and actively look for answers. Nip a small matter in the bud so that it will not have a chance to grow into an unmanageable animal.

PHOTO: Don't live by appearances.
We live in a world where physical appearance seems to be of great importance and this pressure can break down even the toughest people as being uncomfortable in your own skin is one of the worst feelings you could have. Unfortunately most people don't take a good look in the mirror to observe that beauty is not related to your weight and it is something beyond physical appearance.

The people who fall as prey to this terrifying diseases suffer from a visual distortion of they body. They see themselves much more overweight than they really are, triggering a sense of self consciousness, guilt and disgust. The need for acceptance is great and people tend to fall for this terrifying methods that cause them to develop bulimia and anorexia.

If you don't want to be ill, don't live by appearances.

I am not referring to what we wear physically, but to any pseudo image we adopt that is far from our true selves.

Being positive and true to oneself is the way to go.

As for the rest, in Dr Varella's words, "their destiny is the pharmacy, the hospital and pain".

Style and Sustenance -  accepting ourselves can we boost self-esteem and eradicate all forms of negativity. There is so much to benefit from by just being one with ourselves.
PHOTO: Style and Sustenance - accepting ourselves can we boost self-esteem and eradicate all forms of negativity. There is so much to benefit from by just being one with ourselves.

If you don't want to be ill, accept.

Only by accepting ourselves can we boost self-esteem and eradicate all forms of negativity, such as jealousy, arrogance and envy. There is so much to benefit from by just being one with ourselves.

PHOTO: Trust the one who can see the sorrow behind your smile, the love behind your anger and the reason behind your silence.

If you don't want to be ill, trust.

Without trust, there can be no true friendships. Your relationships will tend to be shallow and peripheral, and you would always be on your guard, your defences always up - but your resistance to ailments can only go down.

Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Honest.
PHOTO: Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Honest.
Image source (http://firstrung.co.uk/dbimgs/knife%20thrower.jpg)

If you don't want to be ill, do not live life sad.

Someone once said: "Good humour saves us from the hands of the doctor." How true this is.

Take every opportunity to joke, laugh and be happy. These traits are highly contagious and, the more we spread these positive "viruses", the more folk around us cannot help but contract good health and peace of mind as well.

Do not live life sad. 瘦身减肥的美女 - Happy, healthy and slim beauty.
PHOTO: Do not live life sad. 瘦身减肥的美女 - Happy, healthy and slim beauty.

Live your life with some or all of the above in mind and you can expect to be rewarded with a positive spirit, a healthy mind, a vibrant aura and a holistic healthy disposition.

By Geoff Tan, my paper, Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings' marketing division.

Live your life with some or all of the above and you can expect to be rewarded  with a vibrant aura and a holistic healthy disposition.
Live your life with some or all of the above and you can expect to be rewarded  with a vibrant aura and a holistic healthy disposition.
Live your life with some or all of the above and you can expect to be rewarded with a vibrant aura and a holistic healthy disposition.


我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn

Pent-up: 压抑的 - yā yì de
Procrastination: 拖延 - tuō yán
Negativity: 消极 - xiāo jí
Shallow: 肤浅 - fū qiǎn
