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Monday, April 30, 2012

走着,走着,就老了 zǒu zhe, zǒu zhe, jiù lǎo liǎo - Walk, Walk, Old already

Source Website:
http://blog.dzwww.com/?uid-2406-action-viewspace-itemid-463650 - (Photo)

作者 zuò ​zhě (Author):未知 wèi​ zhī (Unknown)
来源 lái​ yuán (Source):整理 zhěng ​lǐ (Sorting out)
更新时间 gēng ​xīn shí​ jiān (Updated):31st Jan 2011, 上午 shàng ​wǔ (Morning) 07:30:35

走着,走着,就老了 zǒu zhe, zǒu zhe, jiù lǎo liǎo Walk, Walk, Old already
PHOTO: 走着,走着,就老了 zǒu zhe, zǒu zhe, jiù lǎo liǎo
Walk, Walk, Old already
Posted by zaozhuanghy on 5th Jan 2012, 17:01:31 (Text)

Walk, walk, old already ...... life is so helpless!

Do not review that has been in the memories. Such things are the most tantalizing with the promise of something unobtainable but causing silent pain.

Walk, walk, old already. Our face is something that is most likely to betray the human being. Don't only go away unsympathetically, but also retain your sanity. Always remember: do not blame the old face or our age. We have accepted too many gifts from God, which is now taken away from us. Actually God makes better judgments than human beings!

PHOTO: 走着,走着,就老了。 zǒu zhe, zǒu zhe, jiù lǎo liǎo
Walk, walk, old already.
Our face is something that is most likely to betray the human being. .....

Look at the baby. Everyday looking forward to him quickly grow up. In their infancy, we thought of how happy it will be if he could walk. When he is stable walking, we hope he could communicate with us. When he is able to argue with us, we look forward to him being independant!

When he becomes independant and need not bother us, we suddenly discover that it is too quiet. The naughty baby who in the past used to be afraid of the dark, is gone; And then notice that the hairs on our head has turned snow white, pale and desolate. The skin of our face has shriveled, dried and deformed. The once fit and handsome person, is unknowingly converted by the process of aging.

PHOTO: 看看宝贝吧。.......
Look at the baby. ......

We watch umpteen times the moon being round, turn smaller and smaller, then round again. Winter came and go. Too late to properly scrutinize ourselves, time passes and patch of our freckles transforms, solidifies and become permanently embedded. Until we become the spitting image of the old mulberry tree, then we realise that it is time for the autum leaves to fall.

PHOTO: 月亮圆了、缺了;缺了、圆了;......
We watch umpteen times the moon being round, turn smaller and smaller, then round again .....

While about to meet our destiny, we have those sentimental realisation: Unable to regret the wrongs but can treat it as a lesson learned. But there is no way back. With constant reviews and considerations, we come to term with those matters that used to upset us.

People are very strange species. We are repeatedly not concern of what is current, but those of the past. It is understandable that the current matters are not so popular, but why remember the sad past. That action can only make us feel haggard, prehaps serene at most.

PHOTO: 到了叶落归根的时候,我们又善感的回想:.....
While about to meet our destiny, we have those sentimental realisation: .....

Walk, walk, old already ...... While a long way away from the "falling leaf" stage of life, we were still young and needed to cherish life. To grasp the good times is the most beautiful moment in life. Once that is missed, it become a bitter memory. Understand and empathise each other feelings is important for bonding.

Upon reaching a pitiful stage of uninteresting life, other problem will arise. Actually life only has few important milestones. Marriage is one of them. The phrase "An united family is a happy family" is a harmonise and happy family. Whether in their own or the next generation's, an united family plays an important role to the happiness of every member.

Handling matters cannot be too one-sided or complain too much. Nobody is perfect. Who dare to proclaim being a perfect person without any drawbacks, treating others arrogantly with an air of overbearing superiority ......

PHOTO: 走着,走着,就老了。在离叶归之遥的长路上,......
Walk, walk, old already ...... While a long way away from the "falling leaf" stage of life, ......

Walk, walk, old already ...... Thinking over, life is only a fleeting moment, why go to the extend of demanding everthing to be perfect? Is there fixed standards? Saying imperfect is the most perfect thing to say. Just like this current life, who is able to keep a life with no ending?

PHOTO: 走着,走着,就老了。想想,人生只是瞬间即逝的一种生命过程,.....
Walk, walk, old already ...... Thinking over, life is only a fleeting moment, .....

Walk, walk, old already ...... Walk, walk, you will no longer be there. Walk, walk, become scattered.

Translated by Google Translate & MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary,

走着,走着,就老了 zǒu zhe, zǒu zhe, jiù lǎo liǎo Walk, Walk, Old already
PHOTO: 走着,走着,就老了 zǒu zhe, zǒu zhe, jiù lǎo liǎo
Walk, Walk, Old already

PHOTO: While about to meet our destiny, we have those sentimental realisation: Unable to regret the wrongs but can treat it as a lesson learned.

PHOTO: 走着走着就慢了,活着活着就老了!
Walk, walk, slow already. Live, live, old already!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

问世间,情为何物?(Wèn shì jiān qíng wèi hé wù) - Ask the world Love is meant for who?

Source Website: http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/

PHOTO: 问世间,情为何物?只叫人生死相许!知道吗?思念你的心依然在潜行。
Missing someone causes miserable feelings.

问世间情为何物,只教生死相许? Ask the world Love is meant for who, when it is only concern about life and death?
Wèn shì jiān qíng wèi hé wù, zhǐ jiāo shēng sǐ xiāng xǔ

PHOTO: 天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑
"Love birds" making round trips, their wings beaten by the merciless hotness and coldness.


天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑。 A pair of "Love birds" living so far apart, with only old wings to weather the merciless hotness and coldness.
Tiān nán dì běi shuāng fēi kè, lǎo chì jǐ huí hán shǔ 。

PHOTO: 欢乐趣,离别苦,情深意浓。
Delightful together but torturous separation arrives. Emotion runs deep.

欢乐趣,离别苦,就中更有痴儿女。The joy when together is delighting, but the parting is bitter, and yet there are even more hopelessly lovelorn people.
Huān lè qù, lí bié kǔ,jiù zhōng gèng yǒu chī ér nǚ

PHOTO: 君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?
The gentleman's voice is so soft, across the large span and vast layer of cloud, along with thousands of mountain covered with snow in the sunset, which way shall the “Shadow” (voice) go?

君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?The gentleman may have something to say, but the voice is so small, across the large span and vast layer of cloud, along with thousands of mountain covered with snow in the sunset, which way shall the “Shadow” (voice) go?
Jūn yīng yǒu yǔ ,miǎo wàn lǐ céng yún, qiān shān mù xuě,zhǐ yǐng Xiàng shéi (shuí) qù?

PHOTO: 情花毒。人總是這樣,明明知道相思苦,卻常會奮不顧身的望痛苦裏去,堅持的想去愛。
Love flowers poison. Although knew of the painful and miserable feeling, but yet habour the desperate hope to overcome the inevitable.
Posted by 暱稱:小笨蛋鬼,性別:男,來自:馬來西亞,州:馬六甲,前任機身: Canon 500D,現任機身: Canon 5D,僅有的鏡頭: Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM,Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II

横汾路,寂寞当年箫鼓,荒烟依旧平楚。The long, harsh and rough “Fen” road, with the loneliness of the early years’ bellow music from the bamboo flute and drum, and the wild desolate smoke is still filled full with the same suffering and distress.
Héng fén lù,jì mò dāng nián xiāo gǔ,huāng yī jiù ping chǔ。

PHOTO: 我只能問人間,情是何物? I can only ask the world, what is love?

招魂楚些何嗟及,山鬼暗谛风雨。Summon the spirit of the dead to clear the regretful moments, mountain devils and dark side of trials and hardships.
Zhāo hún chǔ xiē hé jiē jí,shān guǐ àn dì fēng yǔ。

PHOTO: 天也妒。 Heaven is jealous too.

天也妒,未信与,莺儿燕儿俱黄土。Heaven is jealous too, with such unbelievable phenomenon that even causes the entire warblers and swallows to be reduced to powder (loess).
Tiān yě dù,wèi xìn yǔ,yīng ér yān r jù huáng tǔ。

PHOTO: 伤感浪漫的古代情诗。 Sad and romantic ancient poems.

千秋万古,为留待骚人,— Requires forever, throughout the ages (for a thousand autumns), in order to wait for the poet, writer.
Qiān qiū wàn gǔ, wèi liú dài sāo rén,

PHOTO: 总有一些美丽会感动你 - Will have something beautiful to fascinate you.
绿野清风 (Green Breeze), 发表于 2012-3-10 9:09:02.

狂歌痛饮,来访雁丘处。Sing with wild joy and drink to one's heart content, during visiting the wild goose's grave.
Kuáng gē tòng yǐn,lái fǎng yàn qiū chù。

竹林双鸟图片。A pair of birds in the bamboo.
PHOTO: 竹林双鸟图片。A pair of birds in the bamboo.


Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008

PHOTO: 如果可以,还想问一句:我是那个让你想携手一生的(女子)吗?
If possible, I would like to ask whether I am that person you would like to join hands for lifetime?

君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?—   The gentleman may have something to say, but the voice is so small, across the large span and vast layer of cloud, along with thousands of mountain covered with snow in the sunset, which way shall the 'Shadow' (voice) go?

PHOTO: 君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去? The gentleman may have something to say, but the voice is so small, across the large span and vast layer of cloud, along with thousands of mountain covered with snow in the sunset, which way shall the “Shadow” (voice) go?

天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑。 —   A pair of 'Love birds' living so far apart, with only old wings to  weather the merciless hotness and coldness.

PHOTO: 天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑。 A pair of "Love birds" living so far apart, with only old wings to weather the merciless hotness and coldness.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

The happy gene that makes you a smiley, more positive person

Source Website: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2035716/The-happy-gene-makes-smiley-positive-person.html
By Tamara Cohen, UPDATED: 01:41 GMT, 10 September 2011

PHOTO: Glass half-full: Happiness is in the genes, scientists say

If you are a cheery soul whose glass always seems half full, you can thank your parents.

You will probably be pleased to learn some of us are born optimists who have inherited a 'happy gene'.

The finding may help to explain why some people are always miserable while others tend to look on the bright side.

PHOTO: Some of us are born optimists who have inherited a 'happy gene'.
By Christine Hughey, Choices

Professor Elaine Fox at Essex University showed more than 100 people positive and negative pictures on a computer screen, such as growling dogs and smiling children.

Using a revolutionary computer based therapy, she was able to measure which ones they concentrated on.

Volunteers supplied a sample of their DNA and they were tested to see which version they carried of the 5-HTTLPR gene which affects levels of the 'feel-good' chemical serotonin.

We inherit either two 'short' versions, a long and a short versions or two 'long' versions of the gene.

PHOTO: Naturally happy: Scientists say you have the right DNA you will be a cheery soul

Those with two short versions of the gene managed to focus on the positive images and avoid getting upset by the negative ones, according to the research published online in Biological Psychiatry.

Strangely this 'short' version of the gene is the same one which has been associated with making people feel anxious and depressed and it suggests these people have a 'very emotional' response to their environment.

Professor Fox said: 'When times are really good, it is those with the highly reactive short genotype who really benefit.

PHOTO: Those with highly reactive short genotype, can also go under, and will be particularly devastated by a traumatic experience.

'They were very response to positive images which suggests they will thrive in a supportive environment, but previous research shows they can also go under, and will be particularly devastated by a traumatic experience.

'It suggests these people are very susceptible to emotional aspects of their environment.

Those with the long version are less reactive which means that they often fare best in fairly benign (favourable) conditions but they perhaps would not gain as much from a good experience.'

The researchers described the finding as a mechanism which seems to explain our levels of resilience (an ability to recover from or adjust) to life's general stress.

PHOTO: The results ('short' or 'long' version of the gene) could be used to determine appropriate therapy for people recovering from traumatic situations.

The results could be used to determine appropriate therapy for people recovering from traumatic situations.

Professor Fox added: 'If a person's genotype is identified, the correct therapy can make all the difference to recovery.'

By Tamara Cohen, UPDATED: 01:41 GMT, 10 September 2011

PHOTO: Be Happy by Marshall Hughey
Those with the long version are less reactive.

Make lists of things for which you’re grateful in your life, practice random acts of kindness, forgive your enemies, notice life’s small pleasures, take care of your health, practice positive thinking, and invest time and energy into friendships and family.
By Robin Lloyd, Special to LiveScience, May 18, 2007
