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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Get in shape by following 'The 1% Rule'

My Paper, Tuesday, March 27, 2012, Page A13, Viewpoints
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/cnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2012-03-27
Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/News/Mailbox/Story/A1Story20120327-335961.html
By Geoff Tan, my paper, Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012

PHOTO: It takes just 1 per cent of your time to keep yourself in tip-top shape.

PHOTO: Geoff Tan
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.
My Paper, Tuesday, March 27, 2012, Page A13, Viewpoints

I used to dish out a barrage of "lame" excuses to friends who regularly encouraged me to do some form of exercise to stay fit and, for the record, I am not proud to have successfully staved off these promptings for the longest time.

It was only a year ago that the balance was tilted, and I started indulging in both cardiovascular and strength training three times a week.

Having learnt the hard way what it takes to get healthy, I feel a compelling need to share with one and all the principle of sparing your body just a fraction of your time each week to work out.

It's called "The 1 per cent Rule", because it takes just 1 per cent of your time to keep yourself in tip-top shape.

I learnt this from Mike Geary, author of The Truth About Six Pack Abs, who put it this way: "If you dedicate only 25 minutes per day, four days per week to a good exercise routine, that's only 100 minutes in total per week... You have 1,440 minutes in each day which, multiplied by seven days, equals 10,080 minutes per week of time in total.

"Now look at those 100 minutes per week dedicated to exercise and (compare that to) the 10,080-minute total that you have in a week, and that represents approximately 1 per cent of your total time in any given week."

I am pretty sure you have not looked at the picture this way before, and if you can still say after reading what's above that you cannot spare the time, it probably confirms that you have consciously decided to not do anything about the situation.

If you want to look for excuses - and I used to do it all the time - they are aplenty and include:
  • I'm in horrible shape - well, if you don't want to do anything about it, it won't get any better. I don't like to exercise - I don't like a lot of things, like brushing my teeth, waking up early, paying my bills, but I still do them.
  • I'm too tired - trust me, you will feel more energised after you exercise than if you skip it altogether. An endorphin high after a good workout is really something to be experienced.
  • I'm too busy - I guarantee you that someone busier than you is working out right now.
  • I've got better things to do - isn't keeping healthy and fit something worth spending time on? Exercise is an activity you can get used to.

My health "awakening" came a little late, but I figure that it is better late than never. I used to weigh 78kg, but now weigh 66kg. I used to wear size 36 pants, but now fit into size 31.

My total-cholesterol reading - formerly 250 - is now 180; LDL used to be 160, now 100; total cholesterol/HDL ratio used to be 3.5, now 2.8.

All because I chose to give my body 1 per cent of my time!

By Geoff Tan, my paper, Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.

PHOTO: The modern damsel engage in a new method of exercise: innovative pole workouts that’d make any fairytale princess blush. The feminine side stretch, flex, and twirl from flab to abs with pole classes.

我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn

Lame: 无说服力的 - wú shuō fú lì de
Tip-top: 极佳的 - jí jiā de
Spare the time: 抽空 - chōu kòng
Endorphin: 内啡肽 - nèi fēi tài

Endorphins are chemicals produced in the brain in response to a variety of stimuli, and they may be nature's cure for high levels of stress. In addition to decreased feelings of pain, secretion of endorphins leads to a feeling of euphoria, modulation of appetite, release of sex hormones, and enhancement of the immune response.

With high endorphin levels, we feel less pain and fewer negative effects of stress.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Too old to get hired, too young to retire

Today, Monday, March 26, 2012, Page 13, Comment and Analysis
From http://imcmsimages.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/PDF/20120326/2603CAC013.pdf
Source Website: http://www.todayonline.com/Commentary/EDC120326-0000013/Too-old-to-get-hired,-too-young-to-retire
By Michael Kinsley, BLOOMBERG, 04:45 AM Mar 26, 2012

PHOTO: Michael Kinsley, BLOOMBERG
Photographer: Brandon Schulman/Gallery Stock

A friend of mine had his name in the paper the other day.

It was an article speculating about who might inherit a prestigious post in the literary world when the current grandee retires. The article said that my friend would have led the list 10 years ago.

Ouch! The obvious, though unstated, implication is that now he's too old. He recently turned 60. He said he already has his dream job and didn't mind the idea that, because he is 60, some career opportunities have moved beyond his reach. But I mind.

Another friend of mine, whom we'll call "Nick" (because that's his name), is doing something about it: He's suing.

Nick went to Stanford, where he graduated with honours and won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. After Oxford, Nick went to Stanford Law School, where he was managing editor of the law review. He clerked for the Supreme Court, won election and re-election as Attorney-General of North Dakota, served for eight years, then lost a race for Governor, went on to practice law and served as chief legal officer of several Fortune 500 companies. Then he decided that he wanted to teach.

PHOTO: Michael Kinsley is an editor and columnist at Bloomberg View. His column appears on Fridays. For many years he was the editor of the New Republic and a columnist for the Washington Post. He was the founding Editor of Slate.
Photographer: Brandon Schulman/Gallery Stock


If you want to become a law professor, one of the things you have to do is submit your resume (plus a fee) to the Association of American Law Schools. Every fall, the group holds a conference to recruit faculty, at which law schools interview candidates they are interested in. Just about every accredited American law school participates. Two years ago, of 172 law schools, only two offered Nick an interview.

He had no job offers. Good heavens, why not? Was he Attorney-General of too small a state? Did the competition have even more Fortune 500 companies under its belt? Was it that lost race for Governor - the only blemish of failure on his record of success?

Nick suspects otherwise and I suspect he's right: It's age discrimination. He was 60 at the time. Now he's 62. Law schools just do not hire people in their 60s as tenured or tenure-track professors, except for the occasional "adjunct" (temporary) professor moving up or a lateral transfer from another law school faculty.

Imagine how infuriating this must be to an ambitious guy like Nick. Three or four decades ago, law schools were beating down his door. Now they won't even give him an interview.

Of course, every law school will have reasons for a decision not to hire a particular candidate. But 172 law schools and not one job offer? It seems beyond reasonable dispute that age discrimination must be involved.

Not everyone will agree about how big an injustice this is.

You may be thinking: "This guy's a jerk. He's won life's lottery again and again. Instead of filing legal documents all about how his credentials are better than everybody else's, he should be gracious, stand aside, and give some other people a chance at acquiring a bauble or two for their resumes."

PHOTO: My career has stalled, and I feel too old to start over.
Corporate recruiters and human resource departments are carefully trained to talk in code, saying that they're looking for "fresh thinking" or "energy, dedication and willingness to work long hours". You know what they really mean.

SOME QUALMS (uneasiness)

Well, Nick has been a friend of mine for many years, and he's not a jerk. But I do have qualms about his lonely legal campaign.

I don't raise this topic easily or happily. I am one year younger than Nick. Of all the forms of discrimination that the law forbids - racial, gender, sexual orientation in some states - age discrimination is the one that nevertheless goes on most brazenly.

Corporate recruiters and human resource departments are carefully trained to talk in code, saying that they're looking for "fresh thinking" or "energy, dedication and willingness to work long hours". You know what they really mean.

Hiring or promotion to top positions in government and private corporations doesn't even pay lip service to equal opportunity for people over age 60 or so.

Is this necessarily wrong? The United States' Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 begins with a "finding" of "rising productivity and affluence". These are different times.

In today's zero-sum world, someone who sits on a tenured chair or other sinecure is denying a place to someone else, probably younger. Was the law ever intended to protect baby boomers in no particular financial distress looking for a suitable capstone to a successful career?

Of course, Mr Nick Spaeth is entitled to whatever the law entitles him to, irrespective of my qualms or the unusual specifics of his case. But he's much better off than the blue-collar and white-collar workers whose jobs are actually disappearing. The most severe staff reductions among white-collar workers have come in my own industry, the media.

My literary friend, who apparently is 10 years too old for a job now held by an octogenarian, may well be telling the truth when he says it wouldn't interest him anyway.

But remaining gracious as the generations shift is harder than I would have expected. Fortunately, we all get a chance to be victimised by this shift - if we're lucky.
By Michael Kinsley, BLOOMBERG, 04:45 AM Mar 26, 2012

Michael Kinsley is a Bloomberg View columnist.

PHOTO: Even at 50 plus, she is still looking good. Age is just a number?


Monday, March 26, 2012

It's all in the name of charity

Today, Monday, March 26, 2012, Page 4, Hot News
From http://imcmsimages.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/PDF/20120326/2603HNP004.pdf
Source Website: http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC120326-0000068/Its-all-in-the-name-of-charity
Photo by Wee Teck Hian, 04:45 AM Mar 26, 2012

MediaCorp female artist performing belly dancing at Thye Hua Kwan Charity Show 2012.
PHOTO: MediaCorp female artist performing belly dancing at Thye Hua Kwan Charity Show 2012.
By Wee Teck Hian
Today, Monday, March 26, 2012, Page 4, Hot News

The Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society raised S$5.1 million at its fifth charity show, titled ‘Love All’, yesterday evening. Its target was S$3.8 million. Regional artistes, including well-known Taiwanese rocker Wu Bai and Hong Kong singer Jenny Tseng, belted out hits Linkduring the live three-hour show over MediaCorp’s Channel 8.

Homegrown artistes also chipped in with an array of performances.

Established in 1978, the non-profit voluntary organisation has provided community-based services in social, health, emotional and financial support to the needy.

Last year, the charitable organisation had an annual budget of S$43 million to manage and operate more than 50 charity homes, centres and services, including the Ang Mo Kio-Thye Hua Kwan Hospital. Despite increasing overheads and manpower shortage, the Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society has managed to expand its services.

Recently, it launched three projects, including the Senior Group Homes to help the elderly live independently.

The public can still call donation lines to make their contributions till April 8.
Photo by Wee Teck Hian, 04:45 AM Mar 26, 2012

Source Website: http://tools.ntnews.com.au/archives/archive_list.php?date=1305295200
By NICK CALACOURAS | May 14th, 2011

WOMEN, your bras are wanted! And it's all in the name of charity.

PHOTO: Bras support a good cause
Demolition derby driver Ray Tebeck is calling for women to donate their bras to decorate his race car ahead of tonight's meet in Alice Springs. His wife Sam Tebeck is the first to strip off to raise awareness of breast cancer.

Julie Thomsen and the group from Ray Tebeck Auto Electrics want the bras to cover one of their three cars in Sunday's Demolition Derby at Arunga Park in Alice Springs.

The idea came from Anne Twohig, the wife of long-time Demolition Derby competitor Gene Gilby, after Julie put out a call on Facebook for suggestions.

The bra car's driver and builder, Ray Tebeck, said the result of their social network brainstorming "just came out of nowhere, like all great ideas".

The 1996 EF Ford Falcon Wagon will get a coat of pink paint before being covered from head to foot in bras.

The group is hoping to win the "best dressed" category, with proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Julie is the mother of Junior Sedan driver Jack Thomsen, who recently raised more than $4000 in the World's Greatest Shave.

She recently lost a family member to cancer and said the bra idea was just another way to help a great cause.

If Derby favourite Tebeck wins tonight he will donate the $1000 prize money to the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Petticoat Lane lingerie shop owner Clarice Kimlin is offering women who donate to the cause a 25 per cent discount on their next bra purchase at her Todd Mall shop.

Participating bras can be dropped off at Ray Tebeck Auto Electrics or at Battery City in George Crescent before Sunday morning.

Source Website: http://blogs.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/girlsbehavingstylishly/2009/09/index.html?page=2
By Emma Johnson on Sep 24, 09 11:15 AM

Amanda Holden gets heely cheeky with sexy photoshoot in her knickers

Amanda Holden gets heely cheeky with sexy photoshoot in her knickers
PHOTO: Amanda Holden gets heely cheeky with sexy photoshoot in her knickers
By Emma Johnson on Sep 24, 09 11:15 AM

We wouldn't recommend wearing your stilettos as a bra but here's Britain's Got Talent judge Amanda Holden stripped down to her knickers for Fabulous Magazine.

It's okay though it's all in the name of charity. Amanda was snapped nearly naked to launch the magazine's Heels that Heal campaign in association with women's health charity Wellbeing of Women (WoW).

She joins the likes of Kylie Minogue, Cheryl Cole and the Prime Minister's wife Sarah Brown who will all be auctioning shoes on eBay.

People will also be able to bid for a series of exciting experiences including afternoon tea with Rachel Stevens or a shopping trip with Miss Holden.

The auction hopes to raise £500,000 to help young women dealing with chronic gynaecological issues such as PMS endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome.

As well as the stars shoes, women can bid for a shopping trip with Amanda Holden or afternoon tea with Rachel Stevens.

Mind you I think plenty of men would get the cash out for that one.

Source Website: http://blogs.voanews.com/china-wangre/tag/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC%E7%B4%AB%E8%8D%86%E4%BE%A0/
By China Wangre (中国网热), Monday, 26 March 2012

Superheroes Spotted in Beijing

Female 'superhero' helps Beijing's homeless
PHOTO: Female 'superhero' helps Beijing's homeless
AsiaOne, Friday, Jan 06, 2012

Masks and costumes are usually reserved for the movies or parties. but recently, “superheros” have taken to the streets of the Beijing to donate to the poor.

One superhero is a woman, going by the name of Chinese Redbud Woman (北京紫荆侠), was inspired by a Hong Kong version. She wears revealing tight clothes and a blue mask.

The Sina microblog home of the website dooo.cc talked about the obvious flashiness of the “superhero”:

Why does the Chinese Redbud Woman need to wear revealing clothes when she is doing charitable things?

This kind of self-promotion, can be seen as sex charity. However, compared to charity organizations that are corrupt, it’s not harming anyone.

Bauhunia Heroine 紫荊俠 (zǐ jīng xiá), Chinese Redbud Woman
PHOTO: Bauhunia Heroine 紫荊俠 (zǐ jīng xiá), Chinese Redbud Woman
Actress: Chrissie Chow Sau-Na 周秀娜 (zhōu xiù nà)


Bauhunia Heroine 紫荊俠 (zǐ jīng xiá), Chinese Redbud Woman. Actress: Chrissie Chow Sau-Na 周秀娜 (zhōu xiù nà)
PHOTO: Bauhunia Heroine 紫荊俠 (zǐ jīng xiá), Chinese Redbud Woman
Actress: Chrissie Chow Sau-Na 周秀娜
(zhōu xiù nà)

 Bauhunia Heroine 紫荊俠 (zǐ jīng xiá), Chinese Redbud Woman. Actress: Chrissie Chow Sau-Na 周秀娜 (zhōu xiù nà)
PHOTO: Bauhunia Heroine 紫荊俠 (zǐ jīng xiá), Chinese Redbud Woman
Actress: Chrissie Chow Sau-Na 周秀娜 (zhōu xiù nà)

