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Sunday, December 4, 2011

A tall order

Today on Sunday, Sunday, December 04, 2011, Page 11, Speakeasy, Columns
From http://imcmsimages.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/PDF/20111204/0412FFW010.pdf
Source Website: http://www.todayonline.com/Columns/Speakeasy/EDC111204-0000003/A-tall-order
By Georgina Chang, todayonsunday@mediacorp.com.sg, 04:45 AM Dec 04, 2011

PHOTO: A survey by Lunch Actually on singles in Singapore revealed that 70 per cent of women would not date a shorter man.
Art by Yen Yok, Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd
Today on Sunday, Sunday, December 04, 2011, Page 11, Speakeasy, Columns

I'm not shy to admit that I'm instantly attracted to tall and hunky men.

Yes, yes, qualities like honesty, integrity, courage and conviction matter, of course. But we're talking about first impressions here. And I'm not alone.

According to a recent survey by Lunch Actually on singles in Singapore,. Even though I'm one of these height-ist people, I'm quite astonished at the overwhelming percentage.

I've met several guys who prefer tall and thin women who tower over them in their heels. It's got something to do with looking like you're dating a supermodel trophy girlfriend, I've been told. So for that to happen, there must be many tall ladies who are happy to have shorter boyfriends.

PHOTO: Had so much power that they would just topple over the idea.

Then again, I realise most Singaporean women are like me. As I'm only 5 foot 3 (1.6002 m, when stretched to my full capacity), I don't think it's a tall order to ask for a man who is taller than I am. Especially since I like wearing 3-inch heels. So generally, we're not asking for a 6-foot hunk (though nobody would complain). He just needs to be at least 5 foot 10 (1.77698 m). Note that 1 foot = 0.3048 meters.

It does seem shallow and superficial to use height as a yardstick to decide if someone can be your partner. However, there are scientific reasons why women prefer taller men. It's all wired in our brains to ensure survival. For starters, the taller and hopefully stronger man is more intimidating to potential enemies.

So in choosing a mate, naturally as the weaker sex, we want someone to protect us. If some sleazy guy is perving at you in a club or at the mall, there's nothing like having your big brutish boyfriend saunter (walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort) up and chase the perve away simply with a glare. I've experienced this before and, despite my fiercely independent spirit, it really makes me feel safe and secure.

Men prefer to date younger women, preferably with hourglass curves.
PHOTO: Men prefer to date younger women, preferably with hourglass curves.

Height represents health and vitality, and the propensity (tendency) to breed children. Men prefer to date younger women, preferably with hourglass curves, for this same reason. She's perceived to be healthier and more fertile. In the same way, women want their offspring to have good dominant genes. We want tall strapping children bursting with vigour, instead of sickly and weak ones who get bullied in school.

PHOTO: Men prefer to date younger women

Taller people are also judged to have better education and have more wealth. A 2004 American study found that, for every inch of height you have, you get a salary increase of about US$789 per year (the study controlled for gender, weight and age). An Australian study corroborated similar findings. So the 6-foot-tall guy earns US$5,525 more annually than the 5-foot-6 fella.

And this goes back to the woman's survival instinct. She wants her children to grow up with the best food, medicine, education, vacations and lifestyle. Surely you can't blame a woman for preferring to live in a nice house compared to a shabby one.

PHOTO: The world's tallest model Amazon Eve is living the high life - travelling the globe showing off her giant frame. Eve, 31, stands at 6 feet 8 inches in her bare feet and completely dwarfs all other models. Amazon is now an actress and model - but she also wrestles men for $400 an hour.

Tall men are generally considered to be more astute and make better leaders. Princeton economists conclude from a study that tall people are actually smarter since they generally choose better paying jobs that require more intelligence. Meanwhile, most American Presidents and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are tall, hovering close to 6 feet. All our Singapore Prime Ministers have been tall men with a commanding presence.

There are also frivolous reasons why we like tall men, like the reassurance that he can easily carry you when your heels have broken and you can't walk barefoot on the pavement, or over the threshold on that special day.

PHOTO: Tall men provides the reassurance that he can easily carry you when your heels have broken and you can't walk barefoot on the pavement.

The tall guy can reach for things on the topmost shelf without having to get a chair. He can look across a crowded room and find you easily. Likewise, I can spot him quickly at a crowded mall. And since tall people can get away with eating more, I reckon the tall guy can keep pace with me at the dinner table.

However, in this survey, most women still ranked confidence, character and a sense of humour over a guy's looks. I would be more attracted to a smart, witty, shorter man, than a tall, dull and insipid one. It actually all comes down to how you make her feel, with the qualities you have been blessed with.
By Georgina Chang, todayonsunday@mediacorp.com.sg, 04:45 AM Dec 04, 2011

Georgina Chang is senior creative director of 987FM and Lush 99.5.

PHOTO: Taller people are also judged to have better education and have more wealth.
